
Americas - Geography of North America - Geography of South America
For thousands of years Indigenous peoples of the Americas - Indigenous languages of the Americas - Indigenous culture of the Americas - Genocide of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Genocide of indigenous peoples
2011 spear points found in Texas dial back arrival of humans: 24 March 2011: Spear points found in Texas dial back arrival of humans in America
2016 sinkhole discovery suggests humans were in Florida 14,500 years ago: 14 May 2016: Sinkhole discovery suggests humans were in Florida 14,500 years ago
July 2020 Indigenous Americans and Polynesians bridged vast expanses of open ocean around the year 1200 and mingled: 8 July 2020: Indigenous Americans and Polynesians bridged vast expanses of open ocean around the year 1200 and mingled, leaving incontrovertible proof of their encounter in the DNA of present-day populations, new studies have revealed
Since 15th century Spanish colonization of the Americas - Spanish Empire (15th century to the 1970s) - Spanish missions in the Americas are Christian missions established by the Spanish Empire during the 15th to 19th centuries, responsible for religious conversions of the indigenous residents, who have been enslaved and partly extinguished by the 'believers', the professional warriors 'conquistadores', using European tactics, firearms, and cavalry in the name of religion - Portuguese colonization of the Americas - Indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in Latin America - History of the Jews in Latin America and the Caribbean - Languages of South America
January 2019: 31 January 2019: New study by scientists at University College London 'Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492'
European colonization of the Americas - Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Languages of North America
27 July 2021 indigenous Americans demand a reckoning with brutal colonial history: 27 July 2021: Indigenous Americans demand a reckoning with brutal colonial history, as in the 21st century - from Canada to Colombia - new protests erupt against legacies of violence, exploitation and cultural erasure
Since 16th century Atlantic slave trade and slavery in the Americas - Afro-American peoples of the Americas - Afro-Latin American - African-American culture
1775–1783 American Revolutionary War, the war of independence between the Kingdom of Great Britain and 13 of its former North American colonies, which had declared themselves the independent United States of America - 1808-1833 Spanish American wars of independence - 1822-1824 war of independence of Brazil and first, second Brazilian republic and 1988 Constitution

Economy of the Americas comprises more than 953 million people in 35 different countries and 18 territories, the difference in wealth across the Americas can be seen roughly between the economies of North America and South America
Economy of Central America, the sixth largest economy in Latin America, behind Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia - Economy of Central America by country
Since 1980s: Since 1980s, for some countries starting in the 1970s, Latin American debt crisis was a financial crisis that originated, often known as the 'lost decade', when Latin American countries reached a point where their foreign debt exceeded their earning power and they were not able to repay it
Economy of North America comprises more than 565 million people, 8% of the world population, in its 23 sovereign states and 15 dependent territories, and marked by a sharp division between the predominantly English speaking countries of Canada and the USA, which are among the wealthiest nations in the world, and countries of Central America and the Caribbean in the former Latin America
Economy of South America comprises approximately 382 million people living in twelve nations and three territories and encompasses 6% of the world's population
Since 1980s: Since 1980s, for some countries starting in the 1970s, Latin American debt crisis was a financial crisis that originated, often known as the 'lost decade', when Latin American countries reached a point where their foreign debt exceeded their earning power and they were not able to repay it
December 2020 Latin America's new 'lost decade' due to covid-19: 21 décembre 2020: La pandémie provoquée par le coronavirus a détruit en 2020 une grande partie de ce que l’Amérique latine était parvenue à réaliser au cours d’années de réformes et d’investissements, la pauvreté a explosé, le chômage a augmenté, et la région doit désormais faire face au spectre d’une nouvelle 'décennie perdue'

North American society - North American society by country - Demographics of North America - Human rights in North America
Social issues in North America: Social issues in North America - Social class in North America - Poverty in North America - Social change in North America - Social movements in North America
Crime in North America: Crime in North America - Violence in North America

South and Latin American society - South American society by country
Demographics of and human rights in Latin and South America: Demographics of South America - Human rights in South America - Human rights in Latin America
Social issues in South America: Social issues in South America - Social class in South America - Poverty in South America - Social change in South America - Movements in South America
Education in Latin and South America: Education in Latin America - Education in South America
Education in Latin America by country, history: Education in Latin America by country - History of education in South America
November 2021 only half of children in Latin America and the Caribbean back in the classroom: 18 November 2021: Only half of children in Latin America and the Caribbean are back in the classroom, as Unicef and partners try to promote the return to school for every child
25 January 2022 covid-19 disrupted education worldwide, challenges particularly acute in Latin America: 25 January 2022: Covid-19 pandemic disrupted education systems worldwide, but the challenges in Latin America have been particularly acute. Policy choices across the region led to the longest average school closures of anywhere in the world. But when classrooms finally reopened, parents’ mistrust of government stopped many from sending their children back.
Health in South America: Health in South America - Health in South America by country
Health disasters in South America: Health disasters in South America and by country
Since 1980s HIV/AIDS in Latin and South America: Since 1980s HIV/AIDS in Latin America due to a remaining prevalence of the disease, as in 2018 an estimated 2.2 million people had HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean - HIV/AIDS in South America by country
2009 flu pandemic in South America: 2009 flu pandemic in South America, part of a global epidemic in 2009 of a new strain of influenza A virus subtype H1N1, as of 9 June 2009 the virus had afflicted at least 2,000 people in South America with at least 4 confirmed death spreading throughout the continent since May, and as later the most affected country has been Brazil with more than 1m estimated cases and 1,205 deaths
Since February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in South America: Since February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in South America when Brazil confirmed a case in São Paulo, as by 3 April all countries and territories in South America had recorded at least one case
Covid-19 pandemic in South America by country and territory: Since February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in South America by country and territory
19 September 2020 covid-19 warnings ring out as Latin America bids to return to normality: 19 September 2020: Covid-19 warnings ring out as Latin America bids to return to normality, as the region has seen some of the longest lockdowns in the world but experts are urging countries not to reopen too soon
21 December 2020 Latin America's new 'lost decade' due to covid-19: 21 décembre 2020: La pandémie provoquée par le coronavirus a détruit en 2020 une grande partie de ce que l’Amérique latine était parvenue à réaliser au cours d’années de réformes et d’investissements, la pauvreté a explosé, le chômage a augmenté, et la région doit désormais faire face au spectre d’une nouvelle 'décennie perdue'
25 January 2022 covid-19 disrupted education worldwide, challenges particularly acute in Latin America: 25 January 2022: Covid-19 pandemic disrupted education systems worldwide, but the challenges in Latin America have been particularly acute. Policy choices across the region led to the longest average school closures of anywhere in the world. But when classrooms finally reopened, parents’ mistrust of government stopped many from sending their children back.
Healthcare and hospitals in South America: Healthcare and hospitals in South America - Medical and health organizations based in South America
Hospitals in South America by country: Hospitals in South America by country - Lists of hospitals in South America by country
Since 1967 Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information: Since 1967 Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information founded in São Paulo as the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina, a specialized center of the Pan-American Health Organization / World Health Organization WHO
Since December 2008 South American Council of Health: Since December 2008 South American Council of Health, a permanent council composed of ministers from member countries of Unasur to constitute a space of integration concerning health, incorporating the efforts and improvements from other mechanisms of regional integration
Since 2011 South American Institute of Government in Health: Since 2011 South American Institute of Government in Health, a public intergovernamental institution of UNASUR whose main goal is to promote exchange, critical thinking, knowledge management and generate innovation in policy and governance for health, thus offering South American Health Ministries the best available practices and evidences on health management, created by the governments of UNASUR after a proposal of the South American Council of Health gathered in Cuenca, Ecuador, in April 2010
2019 Latin American protests against austerity measures, political corruption in the region and climate change: 2019 Latin American protests, a series of escalating examples of civil disobedience in various countries across Latin America protesting against austerity measures and political corruption in the region
April 2017 French Guiana protests: 2 avril 2017: Les mouvements protestataires en Guyane ont réclamé un nouveau statut pour ce territoire français d'Amérique du Sud qui connaît depuis deux semaines un vaste mouvement social
2017–2019 Peruvian political crisis: 2017–2019 Peruvian political crisis, an ongoing period of political instability in the Republic of Peru during the government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and since 7 July 2018 under the government of Martín Vizcarra
2018–2019 Haitian economic and anti-corruption protests: 2018–2019 Haitian protests throughout Haiti that began on 7 July 2018, in response to increased fuel prices, evolving into demands for the resignation of Jovenel Moïse and demanding to create a transitional government to provide social programs and to prosecute allegedly corrupt officials
2018–2019 Nicaraguan protests against poverty, authoritarianism and police brutality: 2018–2019 Nicaraguan protests began on 18 April 2018, when demonstrators in several cities of Nicaragua began protests against the social security reforms, later against authoritarianism and police brutality of the Ortega regime
May-October 2019 protests against Brazil's Bolsonaro regime and climate change: Maio, agosto, setembro e outubro de 2019 protestos estudantis no Brasil em 2019, também chamados de Dia Nacional em Defesa da Educação, ocorreram nos dias 15 de maio, 30 de maio, e 13 de agosto sendo o primeiro grande protesto contrário ao Governo Jair Bolsonaro - Greve geral no Brasil em junho de 2019 - 20—27 de setembro de 2019 no Brasil, nomeadamente em Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Maceió, Recife, São Luís e Salvador, diversas manifestações ocorreram, onde as pessoas protestaram contra os incêndios na Amazônia, contra as indústrias poluentes (termoelétricas), contra as mudanças climáticas e para que todos ajudem a 'salvar o planeta'
October 2019 Ecuadorian anti-austerity protests: October 2019 Ecuadorian protests, a series of protests and riots against austerity measures including the cancellation of fuel subsidies, adopted by Lenín Moreno's administration
October-November 2019 Bolivian protests: October-November 2019 Bolivian protests and marches in response to claims of electoral fraud in the 2019 general election
2019 Chilean protests for reforms in education, healthcare and pension systems, better wages, minimum wage increase, and new constitution: 2019 Chilean protests, ongoing civil protests throughout Chile in response to a raise in the Santiago Metro's subway fare, the increased cost of living, privatisation and inequality prevalent in the country
Since November 2019 Colombian protests against austerity and corruption and in support of the Colombian peace process: Since November 2019 Colombian protests, as hundreds of thousands of Colombians demonstrated in support of the Colombian peace process and against the government of Iván Duque Márquez
2019 ongoing Venezuelan pro-democracy protests: 2019 Venezuelan protests since 11 January, a coordinated effort to remove Nicolás Maduro from the presidency following Maduro's controversial second inauguration
27 July 2020 protest against French colonialism in Martinique: 27 juillet 2020: Deux statues de Joséphine de Beauharnais, épouse de Napoléon 1er qui rétablit l’esclavage, et de Pierre Belain d’Esnambuc, qui avait mené l’installation de la colonie française en Martinique, ont été mises à terre dimanche par des militants anticolonialistes - History of Martinique
Crime and violence in South and Latin America: Crime in Latin America - Crime in South America - Crime and violence in Latin America - Violence in South America
April 2018: 26 April 2018: Latin America has suffered more than 2.5m murders since the start of this century and is facing an acute public security crisis that demands urgent and innovative solutions, a new Brazil-based report warns
Racism and Antisemitism in South America: Racism in South America - Antisemitism in South America - White supremacy in South America
August 2018: 28 August 2018: BDS activists protest Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra concerts in South America
Fascism and Neo-Nazism in South America: Fascism in South America, an assortment of political parties and movements modelled on fascism, although originating and primarily associated with Europe, the ideology crossed the Atlantic Ocean between the world wars and had an influence on South American politics - Neo-Nazism in South America
Environment of North America: Environment of North America - Environment of North America by country - Natural history of North America - Climate of North America
Landforms and ecoregions of North America: Landforms of North America - Ecoregions of North America - List of ecoregions in North America CEC - Climate and vegetation in North America
North American inland temperate rainforest: North American inland temperate rainforest
Water in North America: Water in North America
Environmental disasters in North America: Environmental disasters in North America
Climate change in North America: Climate change in Canada - Climate change in the USA
6 February 2023 extremes of heat and cold hit South and North America: 6 February 2023: Unrelenting and record-breaking heat is expected to continue across parts of South America this week, as temperatures are forecast to reach the mid-to-high 30s celsius for Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay, with maximum temperatures possibly hitting 40C across northern Argentina, temperatures at least 5-10C above the climatological average, as a severe cold snap affected Canada and north-eastern parts of the USA with temperatures at the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire falling to -44C on 4 February and an extraordinarily low wind chill temperature of -78C making it the coldest recorded in the continental USA
Natural disasters in North America: Natural disasters in North America
11 August 2023 huge coral bleaching unfolding across the Americas prompts fears of global tragedy: 11 August 2023: Corals across several countries are bleaching and dying en masse from unprecedented levels of heat stress, prompting fears that an unfolding tragedy in Central America, North America and the Caribbean could become a global event. USA government scientists have confirmed reefs in Panama, Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Mexico and six countries in the Caribbean, including the Bahamas and Cuba, are suffering significant bleaching, alongside corals in Florida that began turning white almost a month ago.
Weather events in North America: Weather events in North America
Heat waves in North America: Heat waves in North America
7 July 2021 North America endured hottest June on record: 7 July 2021: North America endured hottest June on record, as satellite data shows temperature peaks are lasting longer and rising higher
26 July 2021 'record-shattering' heatwaves even worse than in 2021 are set to become much more likely in future scientists say: 26 July 2021: 'Record-shattering' heatwaves, even worse than the one that recently hit north-west America, are set to become much more likely in future, according to research, as E.M. Fischer's, S. Sippel's and R. Knutti's study 'Increasing probability of record-shattering climate extremes' is a stark new warning on the rapidly escalating risks the climate emergency poses to lives
Droughts in North America: Droughts in North America
Wildfires in North America: Wildfires in North America
2021 North American wildfires: 2021 North American wildfires
Environment of South America: Environment of South America - Environment of South America by country - Natural history of South America - Geology of South America - Volcanism of South America - Climate of South America
Natural- and ecoregions of South America: Natural regions of South America - Ecoregions of South America - Ecoregions of the Andes - List of freshwater ecoregions of Latin America and the Caribbean - Amazon rainforest - Amazon biome
Water in South America: Water in South America - Bodies of water of South America - Rivers of South America - List of rivers of South America
Environmental issues and disasters in South America: Environmental disasters in South America - Sustainability in South America
Climate change in South America, Brazil: Climate change and impacts on South America - Climate change in Brazil is mainly the climate of Brazil getting hotter and drier, as the greenhouse effect of excess carbon dioxide and methane emissions makes the Amazon rainforest hotter and drier, resulting in more wildfires in Brazil, and as parts of the rainforest risk becoming savanna
6 August 2021 'mega-drought’ leaves many Andes mountains without snow cover: 6 August 2021: ‘Mega-drought’ leaves many Andes mountains without snow cover, as satellite images confirm snow decrease spurred by climate crisis as glaciers recede and communities reliant on mountain water face shortages
6 February 2023 extremes of heat and cold hit South and North America: 6 February 2023: Unrelenting and record-breaking heat is expected to continue across parts of South America this week, as temperatures are forecast to reach the mid-to-high 30s celsius for Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay, with maximum temperatures possibly hitting 40C across northern Argentina, temperatures at least 5-10C above the climatological average, as a severe cold snap affected Canada and north-eastern parts of the USA with temperatures at the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire falling to -44C on 4 February and an extraordinarily low wind chill temperature of -78C making it the coldest recorded in the continental USA
Deforestation in Brazil and history: Deforestation in Brazil, as Brazil once had the highest deforestation rate in the world and in 2005 still had the largest area of forest removed annually, as since 1970, over 700,000 square kilometres of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed., and as in 2012, the Amazon was approximately 5,400,000 square kilometres, which is only 87% of the Amazon's original size
Natural disasters in South and Latin America: Natural disasters in South America - Weather events in South America
Natural Disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Natural Disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2000-2019
Earthquakes in South America: Earthquakes in South America
Cyclones in South America: Cyclones in South America
November 2020 storm Eta leaves many dozens dead across Central America: November 2020 hurricane Eta over the western Caribbean Sea after becoming the second strongest November hurricane on record - 5 November 2020: Storm Eta has unleashed torrential rains, and catastrophic landslides and flooding in Central America, killing scores of people, displacing more than 300,000, and turning city streets into raging torrents, as at least 50 people died in Guatemala, including 25 who were killed in a landslide in the village of Quejá - 7 November 2020: The death toll from the calamitous Storm Eta in Central America has soared after the Guatemalan military reached a remote mountainous village where torrential rains had triggered devastating mudslides, killing about 100 people and adding to dozens of other deaths in the region
13 November 2020 Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala worst affected by November hurricanes: 13 November 2020: Central America braces for new storms in wake of Hurricane Eta, as Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala worst affected with scores dead and more than 200,000 people evacuated from their homes
15 November 2020 scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis: 15 November 2020: Scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis, as evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall
November 2020 Hurricane Iota: November 2020 Hurricane Iota, a Category 5 Atlantic major hurricane impacting Central America, mainly Nicaragua just two weeks after Hurricane Eta devastated the region
3 November 2022 two November hurricanes pose rare threat at end of 2022 Atlantic season: 3 November 2022: Two November hurricanes have simultaneously formed in the Atlantic Ocean for only the third time since records began. Hurricanes Lisa - that made landfall on Wednesday, hitting the Belize coast - and Martin have brought an unusual amount of activity for this time of year, when hurricane season is usually nearly over. A third system in the Caribbean is also developing. - 3 November 2022: Tropical depression Lisa reaches Mexico after landfall in Belize, loosing some momentum after whipping through Belize, but experts warn of heavy rains in Mexico
Floods in South America: Floods in South America
Droughts in South America: Droughts in South America
Wildfires in South America: Wildfires in South America
January-August 2019 Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay wildfires: 2019 Brazil wildfires, revealed by the National Institute for Space Research INPE, releasing the information that at least 75,336 wildfires occurred in the country from January to 25 August 2019, as neighboring countries of Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay have also reported wildfire activity - 27 August 2019: As fires continue to rage in Brazil, nearly a million hectares of farmland and unique dry forest have been destroyed by weeks of blazes across the border in Bolivia, where the flames have now reached the country’s Amazon region
2020/2021 Brazil rainforest wildfires: Since January 2020 - present Brazil rainforest wildfires

International organizations of the Americas since Decolonization of the British, French and the Spanish America

Since 1973: Since 1973 Caribbean Community - Member states of the Caribbean Community - 4 July 1973 Treaty of Chaguaramas - Caribbean Community's Single Market and Economy since 2001
Since 1991: Since 1991 Mercosur
2011: 21 December 2011: South America bloc bans Falklands ships
2012: 29 juin 2012: Le Mercosur suspend le Paraguay et va intégrer le Venezuela
2013: 11 July 2013: Angry Latin America wants answers on allegations of USA spying - 13 July 2013: South American leaders sent a tough message to the USA over allegations of USA spying and to defend their right to offer asylum to Edward Snowden
Since 2008: Since 2008 Union of South American Nations Unasur
2012/2013: 18 March 2012: Grouping of South American nations UNASUR reject British oil exploration in the disputed Falkland Islands - 20. März 2012: Britische Fregatte darf Peru nicht besuchen - Lima bekundet Solidarität mit Argentinien im Streit um die Falkland-Inseln - 2 avril 2012: Trente ans après la guerre des Malouines, les tensions restent vives - 5 July 2013: South America's leaders rallied to support Morales over the rerouting of his presidential plane, saying they are not colonies any more and claiming respect - 8 November 2013: The 12-member Union of South American Nations plans to prevent USA spying
Since 2010: Since 2010 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Celac
2011: 3 December 2011: New Latin America bloc ends first meeting in Caracas - leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean have approved the creation of a new regional bloc that excludes the USA and Canada
Since August 2017: 8 de agosto de 2017 Declaración de Lima adoptada por Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay y Perú reunidos en la ciudad de Lima para abordar la crítica situación en Venezuela y explorar formas de contribuir a la restauración de la democracia - 9 August 2017: In a joint declaration released after a meeting in Lima, 12 American countries including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru collectively condemned the 'breakdown of democratic order' in Venezuela and said they would not recognize any action taken by its 'illegitimate' new constituent assembly

Since 1948 'Organization of American States' and 'Summits of the Americas': Since 1948 Organization of American States - Summits of the Americas
April 2012 6th Summit of the Americas in Colombia: April 2012 6th Summit of the Americas in Colombia - 15 April 2012: Despite pressure at Americas summit, USA president remains firm against legalising drugs or engaging with Cuba - 15 April 2012: The USA and Canada opposing demands to invite Cuba to the next 'Summit of the Americas' to be held in Panama in 2015 the meeting 2012 ends without a joint declaration - 18 August 2012: USA facing embarrassment in the OAS over Assange on Friday
April 2015 7th Summit of the Americas in Panama: April 2015 7th Summit of the Americas in Panama - 11 April 2015: Discussion between Cuba's Castro and USA's Obama set to take place today
2016: 13-15 June 2016 46th regular session of the OAS general assembly in Santo Domingo
June 2017 47th regular session of the OAS general assembly in Cancun: 19-21 June 2017 47th regular session of the OAS general assembly in Cancun
6-10 June 2022 'Ninth Summit of the Americas' in Los Angeles: 6-10 June 2022 'Ninth Summit of the Americas' is to be held in Los Angeles, USA, as its theme is 'Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future' - 7 June 2022: Thousands of migrants are headed to the USA-Mexican border in a caravan timed to coincide with a meeting of Western Hemisphere leaders in Los Angeles, as some 6,000 people, including many from Venezuela and Central America, have begun walking from the southern tip of Mexico north as part of a caravan, and as migration is among the top issues on the agenda at the Summit of the Americas

Since 2008 Union of South American Nations: Since 2008 Union of South American Nations, abbreviated in Spanish as UNASUR and in Portuguese as UNASUL, an intergovernmental regional organization set up by Hugo Chavez to counteract the influence of the USA
7–9 December 2004 South American Summit in Peru: 7–9 December 2004 South American Summit – the third of its kind, after earlier events in Brasília (September 2000) and Guayaquil (July 2002) – was held in Cuzco and Ayacucho, Peru. Officially it constituted the Extraordinary Meeting of the Andean Presidential Council and was also billed as the Third Meeting of Presidents of South America
23 May 2008 UNASUR Constitutive Treaty: 23 May 2008 UNASUR Constitutive Treaty, officially the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations, signed during the extraordinary summit of heads of state and government of the Union of South American Nations held in Brasília, officially establishing the Union of all twelve South American nations
26 November 2010 South American summit in Guyana: 26 November 2010 South American summit in Georgetown, Guyana. Eight heads of state and four foreign ministers of the Union of South American Nations attended the summit. During the summit, the leaders signed an additional protocol to the Constitutive Treaty, adding a democratic clause to the charter of the organization.
30 May 2023 South American summit in Brazil: 30 May 2023 South American summit, organized and hosted by the government of Brazil 'to deal with the importance of seeking collective solutions in the name of a common destiny and to reposition the region as an important actor on the global stage'

Since 1951 (2008): Trade Union Confederation of the Americas since 1951 (2008) - Trade unions in North America - Trade unions in South America - List of federations of trade unions Central, North and South America and Oceania - Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin America, the Latin American regional organizations of the World Federation of Trade Unions

Antilles - List of Caribbean islands
Caribbean: The Caribbean region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands (some surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and some bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean), and the surrounding coasts - Geography, geology, and climate in the Caribbean region
Demographics, history and economy of the Caribbean: Demographics of the Caribbean - The Taíno at the time of European contact in the late 15th century were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (presently Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico in the Greater Antilles, the northern Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas, where they were known as the Lucayans - The Island Caribs at the time of Spanish contact were one of the dominant groups in the Caribbean living throughout the Windward Islands, Dominica, and possibly the southern Leeward Islands - The Ciboney, a Taíno people of Cuba at the time of Spanish colonization the most populous group in Cuba, living in central Cuba during the 15th and 16th centuries - Spanish colonization of the Americas since 1492 - History of the Caribbean since the 15th century
14 June 2021 slave cemetery discovered on Caribbean island and former Dutch colony: 14 June 2021: Slave cemetery discovered on Caribbean island, as former Dutch colony was once an important center for the slave trade in the Caribbean, as 53 skeletons have already been uncovered and as first analyses show that they are people of African origin, probably the first generation of enslaved people who were brought to the island, and as many descendants are searching for their roots, like Sherees Timber
Economy of the Caribbean: Economy of the Caribbean
Politics of the Caribbean by country: Politics of the Caribbean - Politics of the Caribbean by country - Foreign relations of the Caribbean and by country - Caribbean regional relations with China, which is defined as the P.R. China (Beijing regime) or the Republic of China 'Taiwan', mostly based on trade, credits, and investments, which have increased significantly since the 1990s, as for many Caribbean nations, the increasing ties with China have been used as a way to decrease long time over-dependence on the USA
Caribbean society by country: Caribbean society by country - Ethnic groups in the Caribbean by country - Ethnic groups in the Caribbean
Education in the Caribbean: Education in the Caribbean - Education in the Caribbean by country
Schools in the Caribbean by country: Schools in the Caribbean by country
Universities and colleges in the Caribbean: Universities and colleges in the Caribbean
Health in the Caribbean: Health in the Caribbean - Health in the Caribbean by country - Health in the Caribbean by dependent territory including 'Overseas France'
Health disasters in the Caribbean: Health disasters in the Caribbean - Man-made disasters in the Caribbean - Man-made disasters in the Caribbean by country
Since 1492 influx of disease in the Caribbean caused by Europe's colonization: Influx of disease in the Caribbean, following first European contact in 1492 starting an influx of disease into the Caribbean, as diseases originating in Europe and Africa came to North America for the first time, resulting in demographic and sociopolitical changes, as enslaved Africans were brought to replace the dwindling indigenous population, solidifying the position of disease in triangular trade
Since 1492 Malaria in the Caribbean: Malaria has had a significant impact on the history of the Caribbean, due to its effects on the colonization of the islands and the corresponding impact on society and economy, as Malaria was not found in the Americas prior to the colonization by Europeans
2013–2014 chikungunya outbreak: 2013–2014 chikungunya outbreak represented the first recorded outbreak of the disease outside of tropical Africa and Asia, as the first locally transmitted case of chikungunya in the Americas was detected in Saint Martin, beginning to spread rapidly throughout the Caribbean region, first to Martinique and Guadeloupe, with suspected cases also in Saint Barthélemy
Since 2020 covid-19 pandemic in the Caribbean: Since 2020 covid-19 pandemic in the Caribbean
8 April 2020 confirmed Caribbean covid-19 pandemic cases: 8 April 2020: Confirmed Caribbean covid-19 pandemic cases listed number of cases as of today, including the Dominican Republic with 2,111 cases, 108 deaths, 36 recovered, Puerto Rico with 620 cases, 24 deaths, Cuba with 457 cases, 12 deaths, 27 recovered, Martinique with 152 cases, 4 deaths, 50 recovered, and Guadeloupe with 141 cases, 8 deaths, 43 recovered
Healthcare in the Caribbean: Healthcare and medical schools in the Caribbean
Crime in the Caribbean: Crime in the Caribbean - Crime in the Caribbean by country
February 2012 Caribbean's high crime rate hindering development according to UNDP: 17 February 2012: Caribbean's high crime rate is hindering development, according to UNDP reports, saying violent crime, police corruption and failings in justice system are having a detrimental effect on business and investment, and could be blocking development - Crime is damaging Caribbean development
15 December 2020 China suspected of spying via Caribbean phone networks: 15 December 2020: China's Beijing regime appears to have used mobile phone networks in the Caribbean to surveil USA mobile phone subscribers as part of its espionage campaign against citizens, according to a mobile network security expert who has analysed sensitive signals data
Natural disasters in the Caribbean: Natural disasters in the Caribbean
Earthquakes in the Caribbean: Earthquakes in the Caribbean - List of earthquakes in Haiti
Hurricanes in the Caribbean: Hurricanes in the Caribbean - Hurricanes in Antigua and Barbuda - Hurricanes in the Bahamas - Hurricanes in Bermuda - Hurricanes in Cuba - Hurricanes in the Dominican Republic - Hurricanes in Haiti - Hurricanes in Jamaica - Hurricanes in the Leeward Islands - Hurricanes in Puerto Rico - Hurricanes in the Windward Islands
Lists of deadliest and costliest Atlantic hurricanes: List of deadliest Atlantic hurricanes - List of costliest Atlantic hurricanes
September 2004: September 2004 Hurricane Ivan and its effects in the Greater Antilles
September 2004: September 2004 Hurricane Jeanne
August 2005: August 2005 Hurricane Katrina
October 2005: October 2005 Hurricane Wilma
September 2008: September 2008 Hurricane Ike
October/November 2012: October/November 2012 Hurricane Sandy
September/October 2016: September/October 2016 Hurricane Matthew
September 2017: September 2017 Hurricane Irma - 6 September 2017: Hurricane Irma, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded over Atlantic Ocean, batters Barbuda and heads to Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico - 7 September 2017: Islands suffer huge damage as Hurricane Irma heads for Haiti and Dominican Republic - 8 September 2017: Irma's destruction, island by island - 12 September 2017: Unicef appeals for international help for Caribbean islands devastated by Hurricane Irma
September 2017: September 2017 Hurricane Jose - 9 September 2017: Hurricane Jose nearly 'category five' as it follows Irma's destructive path - September 2017 Hurricane Maria - 18 September 2017: Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico and the British and USA Virgin Islands brace for impact of Hurricane Maria less than two weeks after Irma hammered the region - 19 September 2017: Caribbean faces fresh devastation as Hurricane Maria hits islands - September 2017 Hurricane Maria - 20 September 2017: After leaving island of Dominica devastated, Hurricane Maria hits Puerto Rico

Greater Antilles: The Greater Antilles, the larger islands in the Caribbean Sea including Cuba, Hispaniola (containing Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands, constituting over 80% of the land mass of the entire West Indies and over 90% of its population

Lesser Antilles: The Lesser Antilles, group of islands in the Caribbean Sea forming a long, partly volcanic island arc between the Greater Antilles to the north-west and the continent of South America - Geography of the Lesser Antilles
Sovereign states of the Lesser Antilles: Sovereign states of the Lesser Antilles
Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua and Barbuda, consisting of two major inhabited islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and a number of smaller islands in the middle of the Leeward Islands, part of the Lesser Antilles
History, society and economy of Antigua and Barbuda - Natural disasters and hurricanes in Antigua and Barbuda
21 March 2018 Antiguan general election
27 December 2017 after Hurricane Irma Barbuda fears land rights loss in bid to spread tourism from Antigua: 27 December 2017: Nearly four months after Hurricane Irma devastated the tiny Caribbean island of Barbuda, residents fear the central government on neighbouring Antigua is poised to revoke a centuries-old system of communal land rights in what activists have described as “disaster capitalism” at work
December 2020 land grab and wetland destruction in Barbuda: December 2020: 21st century land grab, wetland destruction in Barbuda and legal cases
14 December 2020 Barbudans 'fight for survival' as USA resort project threatens islanders' way of life: 14 December 2020: Barbudans 'fight for survival' as resort project threatens islanders' way of life, as as supporters argue the USA $2bn luxury resort project on the peninsula of Palmetto Point is a vital economic stimulus while critics say it will destroy natural habitat as well as traditions and cultures
Barbados: Barbados sovereign island country is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic and 100 kilometres east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea
History of Barbados inhabited by its indigenous peoples prior to colonization: History of Barbados, as Barbados was inhabited by its indigenous peoples – Arawaks and Caribs – prior to the European and British colonization of the Americas since the 16th century, and as Barbados was briefly claimed by the Portuguese Empire from 1532 to 1620, then occupied by English colonialists and later a British colony from 1625 until 1966 - Timeline of Barbadian history
Economy of Barbados: Economy of Barbados, as main industries include sugar, light manufacturing, component assembly for export, and tourism
Since November 1966 post-independence economy of Barbados: Since November 1966 post-independence economy of Barbados
Labour in Barbados: Labour in Barbados
Politics of Barbados: Politics of Barbados, still within a framework of constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary government, as democratic traditions since 1966 independance include freedom of speech, press, worship, movement, and association - Since 1966 Constitution of Barbados
Republicanism in Barbados: Republicanism in Barbados
Political parties in Barbados: List of political parties in Barbados
Elections and politics in Barbados: Elections in Barbados
May 2018 Barbadian general election: 24 May 2018 Barbadian general election
September 2020 Labour Party government announced Barbados would become a republic by November 2021: In September 2020 the Barbados Labour Party government of PM Mia Mottley announced in its speech that Barbados would become a republic by November 2021, as the Barbados Labour Party holds a two-thirds majority in both houses of the Barbadian parliament (including all but one lower house seat), enough to approve a constitutional amendment
November 2020 St George North by-election: 11 November 2020 St George North by-election
September/October 2021 parliament of Barbados passed 'Constitution Amendment Bill': September/October 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill, passed by the parliament of Barbados on 20 September 2021
29 November 2021 Barbados is set to become a republic: 29 November 2021: Barbados is set to become a republic in the 21st century, replacing Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state and severing centuries-old ties with the British crown on the 55th anniversary of the Caribbean nation’s independence from the UK, as queen's son Charles arrived in Barbados late on Sunday as the country prepared to replace the Queen with Sandra Mason, a former governor-general who also will now serve as the island’s first president
Foreign relations of Barbados: Foreign relations of Barbados
Bilateral relations of Barbados: Bilateral relations of Barbados
Barbados/Israel relations: Barbados/Israel relations, as countries established their diplomatic relations a year after the island gained independence from the UK, and in 2014, the manual two countries maintain a lively trade of over 2 million USA Dollars
History of the Jews in Latin America and the Caribbean: History of the Jews in Latin America and the Caribbean
Barbados/Kenya relations: Barbados/Kenya relations
Barbados/Nigeria relations: Barbados/Nigeria relations
Barbados/United Kingdom relations beginning 1627 with slavery: Barbados/'United Kingdom' relations, dating back to the 17th century as on a voyage from Brazil British captain John Powell claimed Barbados in the name of England in 1625, and as on a second voyage in 1627 then led by Henry Powell a group of 80 English colonialists - along with 12 African slaves captured from the Spanish-at sea - established the first permanent European settlement on the island of Barbados at present-day town of Holetown, Saint James, and Barbados was transformed into a 'proprietary colony'
17th-20th century Barbados became one of the richest of UK's colonies in the world: With the early introduction of sugar cane, Barbados became one of the richest of England's colonies in the world, and the far eastern location of Barbados made the colony a major port and commercial centre for Trans-Atlantic trade especially with the British city of Bristol
Barbadian British people: Barbadian British people, citizens or residents of the United Kingdom whose ethnic origins lie fully or partially in the Caribbean island of Barbados
Since World War II 'Windrush generation' to fill shortages in UK's labour market: Since World War II 'Windrush generation', as resulting of the losses during the war, the British government began to encourage mass immigration from the former countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth to fill shortages in UK's and especially England's labour market - Demography of British Caribbean population
Since 2017/2018 'Windrush scandal' concerning British subjects particularly from Caribbean countries: Since 2017/2018 'Windrush scandal', a British political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and, in at least 83 cases, wrongly deported from the UK by the Home Office, as many of those affected had been born British subjects and had arrived in the UK before 1973, particularly from Caribbean countries as members of the 'Windrush generation', so named after the Empire Windrush, the ship that brought one of the first groups of West Indian migrants to the UK in 1948
Since April 2018 legal Windrush battle against Tory government: 16 April 2018: Barbados' High Commissioner Guy Hewitt said the 'Windrush Kids' who went to schools in Britain and paid their taxes are 'being treated as illegal immigrants' and 'being shut out of the system' with some deported or sent to detention centres, also advising people not to approach the Home Office unless they first notified their representative or lawyer, as too many people doing so had been detained - 8 June 2018: Winning the legal Windrush battle against Tory government
16 September 2020 Barbados revives plan to remove Queen as head of state and become a republic: 16 September 2020: Barbados has decided to press ahead with long-running plans to remove the Queen as head of state, saying 'Barbadians want a Barbadian head of state’ and aims to achieve goal by November 2021, prompting speculation that other Caribbean islands may follow suit in the wake of the Windrush scandal and the Black Lives Matter Movement - 22 September 2020: Long live Barbados as a republic, soon to be free of tarnished 'global Britain'
8 October 2020 the injustice of slavery is not over: 8 October 2020: The injustice of slavery is not over, the graves of the enslaved are still being desecrated, as - brutalised in life, debased in death - the horrors are ongoing and that’s why Black history matters, journalist Afua Hirsch says, after transatlantic slave trade by European empires transported between 10 million and 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th century in the second of three stages of the so-called triangular trade, in which arms, textiles, and wine were shipped from Europe to Africa, slaves from Africa to the Americas, and sugar and coffee from the Americas to Europe
12 December 2020 UK's Tory MP facing demands to pay reparations for his family’s part in the Caribbean slave trade: 12 December 2020: Wealthy UK's Tory MP Richard Drax urged to pay up for his family’s slave trade past, as the Conservative MP for South Dorset has inherited the Drax Hall plantation in Barbados after his father’s death in 2017, and after the Observer revealed that he now controls the plantation where his ancestors created the first slave-worked sugar plantation in the British empire almost 400 years ago, and as leading figures in the Caribbean Community’s Reparations Commission described the Drax Hall plantation as a 'killing field' and a 'crime scene' from the tens of thousands of African slaves who died there in terrible conditions between 1640 and 1836, and as the Draxes also owned a slave plantation in Jamaica which they sold in the 18th century
Cayman Islands self-governing British Overseas Territory: Cayman Islands, a self-governing British Overseas Territory in the western Caribbean Sea, comprising the three islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, which are located to the south of Cuba and northeast of Honduras, between Jamaica and Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, as the capital city is George Town on Grand Cayman, which is the most populous of the three islands
History of the Caribbean: History of the Caribbean, revealing the significant role the region played in the colonial struggles of the European powers since the 15th century.
History of the Cayman Islands: History of the Cayman Islands, under various European governments since 1503, as arriving Columbus first named them 'Las Tortugas' after the numerous sea turtles seen swimming in the surrounding waters and after he had found two more islands, but 1530 and later they were known as the 'Caymanes' after the Carib word 'caimán'
Demographics of the Cayman Islands: Demographics of the Cayman Islands, ethnic groups and languages, as an estimated population of 64,174 citizens in 2018 includes mixed groups with 40% of the total, black citizens 20%, white citizens with 20%, expatriates of various ethnic groups with 20% of all citizens
Economy and offshore banking of the Cayman Islands: Economy and offshore banking of the Cayman Islands, as there are just under 600 banks and trust companies in the Grand Cayman, including 43 of the 50 largest banks in the world, and as this large financial presence on the island, banking, investments, and insurance drive the economy
Labour and workforce of the Cayman Islands: Labour and workforce of the Cayman Islands, with a population of 68,076 citizens in 2019, as work permits may, therefore, be granted to foreigners, and as on average, there have been more than 21,000 foreigners holding valid work permits
Politics, government and constitution of the Cayman Islands: Politics of the Cayman Islands - Government of the Cayman Islands - Constitution of the Cayman Islands since 1959 and some amendments
Since 2020 Cayman Islands Regiment: Since 2020 Cayman Islands Regiment of the British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands, a single territorial infantry and engineer battalion of the British Armed Forces, and its history since 2019
April 2021 Caymanian general election and new government: 14 April 2021 Caymanian general election, as 'People's Progressive Movement' of Cayman Islands became opposition party with 19.60% of the vote, and 7 of 19 seats, as the 'Independants' won 79.14% of the vote and 12 seats, and as Caymanian attorney Wayne Panton became premier of the Cayman Islands, ahead of British elections in May
Dominica: Dominica, officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, is an island country in the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean Sea, south-southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique -Geography of Dominica - History of Dominica - Economy of Dominica - main industries include soap, coconut oil, tourism, copra, furniture, cement blocks, shoes - Agriculture in Dominica accounts for about 20% of GDP and employs about 40% of the labor force - main crop is bananas, output had fallen as a result of Hurricane David in 1979, and suffered a further blow from Hurricane Allen in August 1980
Politics of Dominica: Politics of Dominica - House of Assembly of Dominica
December 2019 Dominican general election: 6 December 2019 Dominican general election
Society, demographics, culture and law in Dominica: Dominica society - Demographics of Dominica - Ethnic groups in Dominica - Indigenous peoples in Dominica - Dominica is the only Eastern Caribbean island that still has a population of pre-Columbian native Caribs (Kalinago), who were exterminated or driven from neighbouring islands, according to the 2001 census there were only 2,001 Caribs remaining (2.9% of the total population), living in eight villages in a 'Special Carib Territory' granted by the British Crown in 1903, the present number of Kalinago is estimated at 4% more than 3,000 - Afro-Dominican, Dominicans of Black African descent are the most of the Dominica´s population, making up 86.8% of the population, while mixed 8.9%, according to the 2001 census - according to the 2014 census the majority of Dominicans of African descent making up 75%, the mixed population 19% and a small European origin minority 0.8% (descendants of French, British, and Irish colonists)
Culture of Dominica - Languages of Dominica - Education in Dominica - Dominica law
Natural disasters in Dominica: Natural disasters in Dominica - Hurricanes in Dominica - August/September 1979 Hurricane David
2015: August 2015 Tropical Storm Erika - 29 August: After storm Erika caused a trail of destruction that included at least 20 deaths and 31 people being reported missing, Dominica’s PM Skerrit says that the island has been set back 20 years in the damage inflicted by the storm
2017: September 2017 Hurricane Irma - September 2017 Hurricane Maria - 19 September 2017: 'We have lost all' says Dominica PM Skerrit, describing the destruction of Hurricane Maria
Dutch Caribbean and Caribbean Netherlands: The Dutch Caribbean refers to territories, colonies, and countries, both former and current, of the Dutch Empire and Kingdom of the Netherlands that are located in the Lesser Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea - Caribbean Netherlands
Aruba island: Aruba island, a small island with 116,576 citizens in 2019 and a constituent country of the 'Kingdom of the Netherlands' in the mid-south of the Caribbean Sea, about 29 kilometres north of the Venezuelan peninsula of Paraguaná and 80 kilometres northwest of Curaçaoa, as Curaçao and Aruba form the ABC islands. Collectively, and as Aruba is one of the four countries that form the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along with the Netherlands, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten, as the citizens of these countries are all Dutch nationals, and as Aruba's capital is Oranjestad
History of Aruba: History of Aruba, showing human presence from as early as circa 2000 BC, as Aruba's first proven inhabitants were the Caquetio Indians from the Arawak tribe, who migrated there from Venezuela to escape attacks by the Caribs, as fragments of the earliest known Indian settlements date back to about 1000 years, and as in 1636, Aruba was acquired by the Netherlands and remained under their control, only interrupted for some years during the Napoleonic wars
Demographics and ethnic groups in Aruba: Demographics and ethnic groups in Aruba, as its population is estimated to be 75% mixed European/Amerindian/African, 15% Black and 10% other ethnicities, and as the most used language is the Papiamento (Portuguese-based creole) language, spoken in the Dutch Caribbean
List of cities in Aruba: List of cities in Aruba
Economy of Aruba including oil production: Economy of Aruba, as exports include live animals and animal products, art and collectibles, machinery and electrical equipment, and transport equipment, and as gold, aloe, oil and tourism industries with a labour force of 51,610 workers in 2007 produced a GDP of $3.369 billion in 2019 ($4.377 billion PPP in 2019)
19 June 2021 a review on history of fishing in Aruba: 19 June 2021: History of fishing in Aruba, as fishing has been a family tradition for ages in Aruba
Timeline and 20th-21st centuries history of Aruba: 20th-21st centuries history of Aruba and timeline
Since 1924 Lago Oil and Transport Co. Ltd and Aruba: Since 1924 Lago Oil and Transport Co. Ltd., a shipping company carrying crude oil from Lake Maracaibo to its transshipment facility on the island of Aruba, and 1941-1945 wartime during WWII
1941-1945 Battle of the Caribbean by NSDAP-ruled German empire's U-boats and Italian submarines: 1941-1945 Battle of the Caribbean, referring to a naval campaign waged during World War II that was part of the Battle of the Atlantic, as NSDAP-ruled German empire's U-boats and Italian submarines attempted to disrupt the Allied supply of oil and other material, sank shipping in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico and attacked coastal targets in the Antilles, as later improved Allied anti-submarine warfare eventually drove the Axis submarines out of the Caribbean region
Since 1985 steps for increasing autonomy, remaining promised: In March 1983, Aruba reached an official agreement within the Kingdom for its independence, to be developed in a series of steps as the Crown granted increasing autonomy, and in August 1985, Aruba drafted a constitution that was unanimously approved, but complete independence was rescinded in 1995
25 June 2021 Aruban general election: 25 June 2021 Aruban general election to elect all 21 members of Parliament - 19 June 2021: Aruba Election 2021, as following Aruba’s 2017 elections, the governing coalition was led until March by the social democratic People’s Electoral Movement (MEP) party together with political parties POR and RED
Environment of the Dutch Caribbean: Environment of the Dutch Caribbean
Grenada island: Grenada island country consisting of Grenada itself and six smaller islands at the southern end of the Grenadines in the southeastern Caribbean Sea, located northwest of Trinidad and Tobago
History of Grenada: History of Grenada in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles group of islands, covering a period from the earliest human settlements by indigenous peoples, later inhabited by the Caribs, as British colonists killed most of the Caribs on the island establishing plantations on the island, eventually importing African slaves to work on the sugar plantations for profit and the expanding British empire, as - in the 18th century - the control of the island was disputed by Great Britain and France, with the British ultimately prevailing. In 1795 Fédon's Rebellion, inspired by the Haitian Revolution, very nearly succeeded, taking significant military intervention to quell, as slavery was abolished in 1833 following early 19th-century Latin American revolutions and revolutionary wars against European colonial rule (called 'Spanish American wars of independence by the interested British), and in 1885, the island's capital, St. George's, became the capital of the British Windward Islands, as Grenada finally achieved independence from the 'UK' in 1974, as then - following a political and social change by the 'Marxist New Jewel Movement' in 1979 - the island was invaded by the equally interested - namely experienced in the precipitation of emancipatory movements in Latin America - USA troops, and the government was overthrown in a tricky but violent way - Lateinamerika als 'Hinterhof' der USA seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, mit dem sich ausbildenden Gegensatz zwischen dem Unabhängigkeitsstreben lateinamerikanischer Staaten und der Einflußnahme der politisch mächtig gewordenen USA, nun ebenfalls zunehmend wirtschaflich stark auch auf Kosten anderer, politisch weniger mächtiger Länder, bis ins 21. Jahrhundert, zuletzt mit der Trump-Administration 2016-2020 und ihrer Parole 'Make America Great Again', in der Nachfolge von dem 'America First' Slogan von Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Donald Trump u.a.
Economy of Grenada: Economy of Grenada, as main industries include nutmeg, bananas, cocoa, fruit and vegetables, clothing, mace, as main export goods include nutmeg, bananas, cocoa, fruit and vegetables, clothing, mace, and as main export partners include Nigeria 44.7%, St. Lucia 10.8%, Antigua and Barbuda 7.3%, St. Kitts and Nevis 6.6%, Dominica 6.6%, USA 5.8% in 2012, and with a total GDP of $1.401 billion in 2015
Politics of Grenada: Politics of Grenada, in a framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, whereby the PM is the head of government, as Grenada is an independent 'Commonwealth' realm, today governed under a multi-party parliamentary system - List of political parties in Grenada
Politics and elections in Grenada: Politics and elections in Grenada
13 March 2018 Grenadian general election: 13 March 2018 Grenadian general election, as the New National Party won 33,792 votes 58.91% of the entire vote and 15 seats, as the National Democratic Congress won 23,249 votes, 40.53% of the entire vote but no seats, posing serious questions about the the rights of minorities also in a small commity - PM Keith Claudius Issac Mitchell, a Grenadian NNP politician and the longest-serving PM in Grenadian history, holding the office for almost 19 years, who formerly worked as a statistician at 'Applied Management Sciences', providing statistical support to the 'USA Energy Information Administration', as in 1984, Mitchell gave up his professional activities to return home to Grenada after the USA invasion und Ronald Reagan. In the December 1984 general election, he was elected to a seat in the House of Representatives from St. George North West constituency and he has held the seat in each subsequent election
November 2019 Caribbean officials linked to diplomatic passport sale in Dominica and Grenada: 27 November 2019: Caribbean officials linked to diplomatic passport sale, as 'Al Jazeera' exposes politicians in Dominica and Grenada willing to accept money in return for diplomatic passports, reporting about a Grenada investment scheme, also reporting about Dominica's PM Skerrit and an Iranian businessman named Alireza Monfared, linked by hundreds of thousands of dollars and an exchange for an ambassadorship for Dominica to Malaysia
Foreign relations of Grenada: Foreign relations of Grenada
Treaties of Grenada: Treaties of Grenada
Wars involving Grenada and 1983 USA's invasion of Grenada: Wars involving Grenada - October 1983 USA's invasion of Grenada, when the USA's Reagan administration, its military and a coalition of six Caribbean nations invaded the island nation of Grenada, 160 km north of Venezuela, resulting in military occupation within a few days
Grenada and the United Nations: Grenada and the United Nations
Grenada/United Kingdom relations: Grenada/United Kingdom relations
Grenada/USA relations: Grenada/USA relations, bilateral relations between Grenada and the USA, recognizing Grenada on in February 1974, the same day as Grenada got independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and as nations formally established diplomatic relations on 29 November 1974
1983 USA's invasion of Grenada: Wars involving Grenada - October 1983 USA's invasion of Grenada, when the USA's Reagan administration, its military and a coalition of six Caribbean nations invaded the island nation of Grenada, 160 km north of Venezuela, resulting in military occupation within a few days
October 1983 UN says USA's invasion of Grenada 'a flagrant violation of international law': The UN Security Council had not authorized USA's invasion, because the UN Charter prohibits the use of force by member states except in cases of self-defense or when specifically authorized by the UN Security Council, and similarly, the UN General Assembly adopted General Assembly Resolution 38/7 by a vote of 108 to 9 with 27 abstentions, which 'deeply deplores the armed intervention in Grenada, which constitutes a flagrant violation of international law'. A similar resolution in the UN Security Council received widespread support but was vetoed by the USA
October 2003 following USA's and UK's Iraq invasion San Francisco professor Stephen Zunes' review of USA's 1983 Grenada invasion: October 2003: This 1983 invasion of Grenada was 'an easy victory for the United States eight years after its defeat in the Vietnam War and just two days after the deadly attack against U.S. forces in Lebanon. It established the precedent for 'regime change' by U.S. military intervention and served as an ominous warning to the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration could go beyond simply arming a proxy army like the Contras and actually invade their country outright. It also led to a sudden rise in President Reagan's popularity, according to public opinion polls. Despite the fact that the invasion was a clear violation of international law, there was widespread bipartisan support for the invasion, including such Democratic Party leaders as Walter Mondale, who would be Reagan's Democratic challenger for the presidency the following year, Review by Stephen Zunes, an associate professor of politics and chair of the Peace&Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, and serves as the Middle East editor for the 'Foreign Policy in Focus Project'
Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis located in the Leeward Islands chain of the Lesser Antilles, it is the smallest sovereign state in the Americas, in both area and population
Saint Lucia: Saint Lucia sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines island country in the Lesser Antilles Island arc, in the southern part of the Windward Islands
Demographics of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Demographics of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, as estimated its population of 2018 is 110,211 citizens, including groups of African citizens with 66%, Mixed with 19%, East Indian with 6%, and European with 4% of the total population
Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
History of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: History of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
18th century French and British colonisation and the Carib Wars: 18th century French and British colonisation and the Carib Wars
Since 1979 self-rule and independence of St. Vincent: Since 1969/1979 self-rule and independence of St. Vincent, first granted associate statehood status and then giving it complete control over its internal affairs, as - following a referendum in 1979 - St. Vincent and the Grenadines became the last of the Windward Islands to gain independence
9 April 2021 explosive eruption of La Soufrière volcano: Eruptive history of Soufrière Saint Vincent, an active volcano on the island of Saint Vincent, as an explosive eruption occurred on 9 April 2021 - 9 April 2021: The Caribbean island of St Vincent has been rocked by an explosive eruption of La Soufrière volcano, a day after the island declared a red alert and issued an evacuation order
11 April 2021 eruption and crisis continue: 11 avril 2021: Une nouvelle éruption a été signalée dimanche matin sur l’île caribéenne de Saint-Vincent, déjà recouverte d’un épais tapis de cendres et qui connaissait d’importantes coupures d’électricité, après - endormi depuis plus de 42 ans - le volcan de la Soufrière s’est réveillé vendredi, provoquant l’évacuation d’environ 16’000 habitants
Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago twin island country off the northern edge of South America, lying just off the coast of northeastern Venezuela and south of Grenada in the Lesser Antilles, is part of South America as it lies on the continental shelf
Lucayan Archipelago: Lucayan Archipelago, also known as the Bahama Archipelago, is an island group comprising the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the British Overseas Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands - Turks and Caicos Islands, consisting of the larger Caicos Islands and smaller Turks Islands, two groups of tropical islands in the Lucayan Archipelago
February 2021 Turks and Caicos Islands general election: 19 February 2021 Turks and Caicos Islands general election

Argentina - Geography of Argentina - Pre-Columbian era - Indigenous peoples in Argentina - Colonial Argentina since 1502 - Viceroyalty of Peru 1542-1824 - Argentine War of Independence 1810-1818 - History of Argentina since 1816 - Demographics of Argentina
Economy of Argentina: Economy of Argentina - main industrie include steel and aluminum, machinery, motor vehicles and auto parts, appliances and electronics, petrochemicals and biodiesel, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, glass and cement, furniture, textiles, leather, food processing and beverages, tobacco products, publishing - Economic history of Argentina - Companies of Argentina by industry
Manufacturing companies of Argentina - Motor vehicle manufacturers of Argentina - Aircraft manufacturers of Argentina
Mining in Argentina - Silver mines in Argentina
Energy in Argentina: Energy in Argentina - Fossil fuels in Argentina - Natural gas in Argentina - Oil and gas companies of Argentina - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales YPF - Petrobras Argentina - Americas Petrogas - Transportadora de Gas del Sur
Nuclear energy in Argentina: Nuclear energy in Argentina, about 10% of the electricity in Argentina comes from 3 operational nuclear reactors
2015: 2 December 2015: Outgoing Argentine President Cristina Fernandez on 1 December inaugurated a uranium enrichment plant to manufacture fuel for Argentina's nuclear plants, located in Pilcaniyeu in the southern Rio Negro province
Renewable energy in Argentina: Renewable energy in Argentina
Electricity sector in Argentina: Electricity sector in Argentina
Agriculture in Argentina: Agriculture in Argentina - products are beef, citrus fruit, grapes, honey, maize, sorghum, soybeans, squash, sunflower seeds, wheat, yerba mate agricultural and goods earn over half of Argentina's foreign exchange, an estimated 10-15% of Argentine farmland is foreign owned - Argentine wine - Tobacco industry in Argentina
Use of toxic agrochemicals in Argentina:
2013: 20 October 2013: Agrochemicals linked to health problems in Argentina - 10 December 2013: The use of pesticides increased 858% in the last 22 years in Argentina, but as there is a great business for the global poison industry, led by Monsanto and Bayer, and as its products are sprayed over areas of intense monoculture, where more than 12 million people live, the public health is faced with great problems, according to the Network of Physicians working in crop-sprayed towns
2015: 11 November 2015: Glyphosate has devastating, dramatic effects on the health of people living in very close contact with it, Argentinian photographer Pablo Ernesto Piovano's report on the conditions of people living and working close to GM soy crops, where massive amounts of herbicide are used, reveals
2017: 21 February 2017: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay farm transgenic seeds glyphosate resistant, but there is an association between cancer and environmental exposure to Glyphosate - 11 May 2017: According to official reports, 60% of the food that arrives in the Central Market of Buenos Aires has agrochemical residues
Argentine beef: Argentine beef - Argentina has the world's second-highest consumption rate of beef, in 2006 livestock farmers kept between 50 and 55 million head of cattle, mostly in the fertile pastures of the Pampas, and the country is currently the third-largest beef exporter in the world after Brazil and Australia
Forestry in Argentina: Forestry in Argentina
Water in Argentina: Water in Argentina - Bodies of water of Argentina
Rivers of Argentina: Rivers of Argentina
Tourism in Argentina: Tourism in Argentina - Visitor attractions in Argentina
Banking in Argentina: Banking in Argentina - Banks of Argentina
Central Bank of Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
August 2018: 30 August 2018: Argentina has hiked interest rates to 60% as it takes dramatic steps to restore confidence in its plunging currency,in the latest sign of turmoil among emerging market economies this year
22 May 2023 Argentina unveils new banknote as currency plummets with inflation on course to 130%: 22 May 2023: Argentina’s new 2,000-peso bill, the country’s largest-denomination note, went into circulation on Monday, though due to fast depreciation of the currency it is worth only $8.50 at the official exchange rate and just over $4 in commonly used parallel markets. The peso has shed about a quarter of its value against the dollar this year despite strict capital controls that slow its fall. Most Argentinians buy dollars in unofficial markets where they trade at over 480 pesos versus the official rate of 235. The South American nation is also battling inflation at 109%, one of the highest in the world, which a central bank poll estimates could hit nearly 130% by the end of the year. The interest rate has been hiked to an eye-watering 97%.
Foreign trade of Argentina: Foreign trade of Argentina
Economic history and economic cycles of Argentina: Economic history of Argentina - Economic crises in Argentina
1998-2002 Argentine great depression: 1998–2002 Argentine great depression during which its economy shrank 28 percent
Since 2005 Argentine debt restructuring: Argentine debt restructuring since 2005
Since 2008 Great Recession in South America and Argentin: Since 2008 Great Recession in South America and Argentin
July/August 2014 Argentina accuses USA of judicial malpractice for triggering needless default: 31 July 2014: Argentina accuses USA of judicial malpractice for triggering needless default - 7 August: Argentina files legal action against the USA at The Hague over debt default
August/September 2018 call for emergency release amid financial crisis: 29 August 2018: Argentina seeks emergency release of $50bn in IMF funds amid financial crisis - 27 September 2018: Argentina gets biggest loan in IMF's history at $57bn, as strict restrictions on funds include commitment to zero deficit for 2019 and limits on central bank actions
Since March 2020 economic impact of the 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Argentina: Since March 2020 socio-economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic in Argentina since 2019/2020
August 2020 Argentina-IMF negotiation over debt: 27 août 2020: L’Argentine a débuté mercredi des discussions formelles avec le Fonds monétaire international pour négocier un nouveau programme de financement de dette, qui doit remplacer l’emprunt de 57 milliards de dollars contracté en 2018
Labor in Argentina: Labor in Argentina - Trade unions in Argentina - Labour disputes in Argentina
Taxation in Argentina: Taxation in Argentina
2012 fiscal austerity in Argentina: 2012 fiscal austerity in Argentina
Military of Argentina: Military of Argentina - Argentine Army
Coups d'état in Argentina: Coups d'état in Argentina
March 1976 Argentine coup d'état: March 1976 Argentine coup d'état planned by Argentine Armed Forces and installing a military junta, which was headed by General Jorge Rafael Videla, Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera and Brigadier-General Orlando Ramón Agosti, and remained in power until 10 December 1983
Argentina and weapons of mass destruction: During the military dictatorship Argentina started to develop weapons of mass destruction, beginning a nuclear weapons program in the early 1980s, but this was abolished when democracy was restored in 1983
Politics of Argentina: Politics of Argentina - Constitution of Argentina - Legal history of Argentina
Political parties in Argentina: Political parties in Argentina
Trade unions in Argentina: Trade unions in Argentina - List of trade unions in Argentina
Elections and politics in Argentina: Elections in Argentina
2008: 2008 Argentine government conflict with the agricultural sector
October 2013 Argentine legislative election : Argentine legislative election 27 October 2013 - 28 octobre 2013: La coalition présidentielle de Cristina Kirchner conserve sa majorité absolue au parlement à l'issue des législatives partielles
September 2014 Argentine law restructuring government debt: 12 September 2014: Argentina enacts law restructuring government debt
2015 suspected murder of prosecutor Alberto Nisman: 13 February 2015: Weeks after mysterious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who had prepared criminal complaint, Argentina's president formally charged over alleged terrorist attack cover-up - 26 February: As Argentina's Congress votes to dissolve intelligence agency after Alberto Nisman's death and replace it with a new one, an Argentine judge dismisses accusation that President Cristina Fernandez conspired to cover up Iran's alleged role in deadly 1994 bombing - 10 August 2015: Argentines vote in primaries in prelude to president Cristina Kirchner succession
October 2015 Argentine general election: 25 October 2015 Argentine general election - 26 October: Argentina's presidential election headed for second round after no clear winner
November 2015 general election second round: 22 novembre 2015: Les Argentins votent appelés aux urnes pour le second tour de leur présidentielle - 23 November: When many Argentines are concerned about inflation, slowing growth and crime, the former chief executive of a football club Macri winning 51% is ahead of Daniel Scioli of the Peronist Victory Front who wins nearly 49% with 98.87% of the vote counted
18 October 2017 protester Santiago Maldonado went missing: 18/20 October 2017: Major parties running in Argentina’s midterm congressional election on Sunday have suspended their campaigns after a body, thought to be that of protester Santiago Maldonado who went missing during a raid by the gendarmerie on a protest camp set up by indigenous rights activists more than two months ago, was found in a river
22 October 2017 Argentine legislative election as Macri confirms power: 22 October 2017 Argentine legislative election - 23 octobre 2017: En remportant les législatives, le président argentin Macri consolide le pouvoir de la coalition gouvernementale Cambiemos au Parlement
August 2018 abortion law controversy: 9 August 2018: Argentina’s senate has rejected a bill to legalise abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, but abortion remains legal in the cases of rape and danger to the life of the woman - 29 August 2018: Argentina’s president Mauricio Macri has asked the International Monetary Fund for an early release of funds from a $50bn deal to ease concerns that the country will not be able to meet its debt obligations for 2019
September 2018 new austerity measures: 3 September 2018: Argentina's president Macri has announced sweeping new austerity measures including raising export taxes and slashing spending in an attempt to stem the country's unfolding currency crisis, prior to receiving $50bn of funding from the IMF
November/December 2018 expensive G20 summit: 28 Noviembre 2018: El Gobierno utilizó USD 112 millones para la organización de la cumbre mundial, equivale a la construcción de 44 escuelas por ejemplo - Für den 2018 G20-Gipfel in Buenos Aires hat die argentinische Regierung einen Betrag von 112 Millionen US-Dollar zu Lasten der argentinischen Steuerzahler veranschlagt, u.a. für das Catering, das Gala-Dinner im Teatro Colón, die Gastgeschenke an die Delegationen inklusive die Mörder aus Rußland und Saudi-Arabien, und nicht eingerechnet 'Zusatzausgaben' an Material für die Sicherheit wie 12 Kleinflugzeuge Beechcraft TC6 Texan II von den USA für 160 Millionen US-Dollar, vier Artillerieboote von Israel für 49 Millionen USD sowie fünf Kampfflugzeuge Super Etendard von Frankreich für 12,5 Millionen USD
August 2019 austerity measures and low growth: 12 August 2019: Facing widespread discontent over austerity measures and low growth, Argentine president Macri was snubbed by voters who appeared to hand a resounding primary victory to rival Fernandez and to a ticket with his controversial predecessor Cristina Kirchner
October 2019 Argentine general election and issues: 27 October 2019 Argentine general election - Candidates of the October 2019 Argentine general election - Opinion polling for the 2019 Argentine general election
28 October 2019 Fernandez wins presidential election, comeback for Cristina Kirchner despite scandals: 28 October 2019: Peronist challenger Fernandez wins Argentine presidential election, as win caps remarkable political comeback for his running mate, ex-president Cristina Kirchner, who is accused of corruption and obstructing probe into AMIA Jewish center bombing - October 2019 electoral performance brougt 48.24% of the vote for president Alberto Fernández, 45.26% for 'Frente de Todos' coalition in the Chamber of Deputies, and 46.30% of the vote for the coalition in the Senate
5 November 2021 polls ahead of the November 14 vote: 5 November 2021: Argentina's Peronists are likely to suffer a major blow in midterm legislative elections, polls ahead of the November 14 vote show, as majority of surveys show the party of president Fernandez trailing by over 8 points behind the conservative opposition coalition
14 November 2021 Argentine legislative election: 14 November 2021 Argentine legislative election, as half of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies and a third of the seats in the Senate will be renewed
15 November 2021 Argentina’s Peronists set to lose control of Congress: 15 November 2021: Argentina’s Peronists set to lose control of Congress, as initial results show president Albert Fernandez’s party on track to lose its majority in the Congress after almost 40 years
3 July 2022 Argentina’s economy minister Guzman, the architect of a debt deal with the IMF, has resigned: 3 July 2022: Argentina’s economy minister Martin Guzman, the architect of a recent debt deal with the IMF, has resigned, coming amid deep splits in the ruling coalition about how to handle Argentina’s mounting economic crisis
11 August 2022 Argentina’s annual inflation surged past 70% last month, one of the fastest rates in the world: 11 August 2022: Argentina’s annual inflation surged past 70% last month, one of the fastest rates in the world, after renewed political turmoil fueled price spikes and a currency rout, as consumer prices rose 71% in July from a year ago, the highest level in about 30 years, and as on a monthly basis, the inflation rate spiked to 7.4%, accelerating at the fastest pace in two decades and slightly above economists’ average expectations for 7.3%
1 September 2022 attempted assassination against Argentine vice president Kirchner: 1 September 2022 attempted assassination against Argentine vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner by Fernando André Sabag Montiel, attempting to shoot her with a jamming pistol and no shots. Montiel was arrested at the scene, as local police said the suspect he is a Brazilian-born man who has lived in Argentina since 1993, the year after the 17 March 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, followed by the AMIA bombing on 18 July 1994 in Buenos Aires, according to 'Wikipedia', reporting with updates.
22 October 2023 Argentine general election: 22 October 2023 Argentine general election, to elect the president, vice president, members of the national congress, and the governors of most provinces. A run-off election to elect the president and vice president will take place on 19 November 2023. after Sergio Massa of the ruling Union for the Homeland unexpectedly came in first place, winning 36% of the vote, against Javier Milei of the Liberty Advances, who came in second place, with 30% of the vote.
19 November 2023 Argentine general elections: 19 November 2023 Argentine general elections run-off
Social movements and protests in Argentina: Protests in Argentina
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Argentina: Argentine society - Human rights in Argentina
Timeline of Buenos Aires: Timeline of Buenos Aires
1620 capital of Buenos Aires Province: 1620 Buenos Aires becomes capital of Buenos Aires Province
1821 University of Buenos Aires: Since 1821 University of Buenos Aires
Since 1897 modern port of Buenos Aires: Since 1897 modern port of Buenos Aires
17 March 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires: 17 March 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
History of the Jews in Argentina: History of the Jews in Argentina
Science and technology in Argentina: Science and technology in ArgentinaScientific organisations based in Argentina> - Research institutes in Argentina
Research vessels of Argentina: Research vessels of Argentina
Natural history museums in Argentina: Natural history museums in Argentina
Health in Argentina: Health in Argentina
Medical outbreaks in Argentina: Medical outbreaks in Argentina
Since March 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Argentina: Since March 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Argentina
Health care in Argentina: Health care in Argentina
Hospitals in Argentina: Hospitals in Argentina
Football hooliganism and riots in Argentina: Football hooliganism and riots in Argentina
Argentine media: Argentine media
Freedom of speech and press in Argentina: Freedom of speech and press in Argentina
Newspapers in Argentina: Newspapers in Argentina
Internet in Argentine: Internet in Argentine
1985 Trial of the Juntas and aftermath: 1985 Trial of the Juntas and aftermath
Racism and antisemitism in Argentina: Racism in Argentina - Antisemitism in Argentina - Fascism in Argentina
1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires: 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
Terrorism in Argentina: Terrorism in Argentina
1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires: 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires
January 2015 death of prosecutor Nisman: January 2015 Death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman - 19 January 2015: Prosecutor Alberto Nisman in Argentina Jewish center bombing 1994 found shot dead before hearing on Iran deal - 22 January: New findings raise questions over death of Alberto Nisman - 23 January: Argentine president’s office says Nisman was likely killed by rogue Argentinian intelligence agents - 25 January: Journalist Damian Pachter credited with being the first to report the gunshot death of prosecutor Nisman said to have fled to Israel because of fear for his safety in Argentina - 27 January: Argentina to draft bill dissolving domestic intelligence agency 'Secretaría de Inteligencia' - 29 January: Nisman was wary of own bodyguards before death, fearing also for the safety of his daughters, assistant says
Since September 2017 assassination report: 24 September 2017: According to an official report, 1994 AMIA Jewish center bombing special prosecutor Alberto Nisman was assassinated by two people, who drugged and beat him and then manipulated the crime scene to make it look like a suicide in 2015 - 6 November 2017: Listing key evidence that wasn’t mentioned in previous reports, new border police agency report says prosecutor Nisman who accused president of obstructing probe into bombing was beaten, drugged and shot by two men, after alleging AMIA cover-up - 8 November 2017: Argentine prosecutor Taiano calls to investigate Alberto Nisman's death as a murder also identifying suspect Lagomarsino - 27 December 2017: Argentine special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was found dead in 2015 after accusing the former president of covering up Iran's role in the 1994 Jewish community center bombing, was murdered, federal judge Julian Ercolini ruled Tuesday, saying there was enough evidence to support foul play in the death of Nisman
12 April 2024 Argentina court blames Iran for deadly 1994 bombing of Jewish center carried out by Hezbollah: 12 April 2024: A new ruling by Argentina’s highest criminal court has blamed Iran for the fatal 1994 attack against a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, declaring it a 'crime against humanity' in a decision that paves the way for victims to seek justice. That huge blast at the Argentinian Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), was blamed on a suicide bomber driving a stolen van loaded with explosives. It killed 85 people, wounded 300 and devastated Latin America’s biggest Jewish community. In their ruling late on Thursday, the judges ruled that the bombing was carried out by the Shia militant organization Hezbollah and responded to a 'political and strategic design' by Iran. The court said the attack came in retaliation for Argentina reneging on a nuclear cooperation deal with Tehran. Representatives from Argentina’s Jewish community said the court ruling was “historic” and “unique” because it opened the door for the victims’ relatives to bring lawsuits against the Islamic Republic.
Corruption in Argentina: Corruption in Argentina
1976-1983 military dictatorship and corruption: 1976-1983 military dictatorship and corruption
2016/2017 Transparency International's Argentina reports: Transparency International's Latin America and Argentina reports
Corruption in Argentine Law Enforcement: Corruption in Argentine Law Enforcement
List of cases of police brutality in Argentina: List of cases of police brutality in Argentina - Police misconduct in Argentina
Coups d'état in Argentina: Coups d'état in Argentina
Attempted coups in Argentina: Attempted coups in Argentina
Organized crime in Argentina: Organized crime in Argentina - Gangs in Argentina
Human trafficking in Argentina: Human trafficking in Argentina
Violence against women and domestic violence in Argentina: Violence against women in Argentina - Domestic violence in Argentina
Disasters in Argentina: Disasters in Argentina
28 February 2019 AMIA bombing cover-up trial: 28 February 2019: After no one has ever been convicted over the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, former president Carlos Menem, his intelligence chief and the judge in charge of the initial probe face prison if found guilty of staging a cover-up, among 13 defendants who could be incarcerated for a slew of corruption and obstruction of justice charges when a court in Buenos Aires hands down its verdict after a four-year trial - 28 February 2019: Former Argentine judge Juan Jose Galeano, who led the probe into the deadly 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires, was jailed for six years for his role in a cover-up, former intel chief also ordered to prison among other defendants convicted over corruption and obstruction of justice
Argentine Federal Police: Argentine Federal Police
List of cases of police brutality in Argentina: List of cases of police brutality in Argentina - Police misconduct in Argentina
Foreign relations of Argentina: Foreign relations of Argentina
Treaties of Argentina: Treaties of Argentina
1960 and 1982 UN Security Council resolutions concerning Argentina: 1960 and 1982 United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning Argentina
Bilateral relations of Argentina: Bilateral relations of Argentina
Since 1997 GasAndes Pipeline
Argentina/Germany relations: Argentina/Germany relations
Argentina/Iran relations: Argentina/Iran relations - 28 January 2013: Argentina and Iran create independent commission to investigate 1994 bombing at a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires that killed 85 - 14 February: Argentina's foreign minister insists that a judge will question Iranian suspects over the deadly 1994 bombing of a Jewish charities building after Iranian denial
12 April 2024 Argentina court blames Iran for deadly 1994 bombing of Jewish center carried out by Hezbollah: 12 April 2024: A new ruling by Argentina’s highest criminal court has blamed Iran for the fatal 1994 attack against a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, declaring it a 'crime against humanity' in a decision that paves the way for victims to seek justice. That huge blast at the Argentinian Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), was blamed on a suicide bomber driving a stolen van loaded with explosives. It killed 85 people, wounded 300 and devastated Latin America’s biggest Jewish community. In their ruling late on Thursday, the judges ruled that the bombing was carried out by the Shia militant organization Hezbollah and responded to a 'political and strategic design' by Iran. The court said the attack came in retaliation for Argentina reneging on a nuclear cooperation deal with Tehran. Representatives from Argentina’s Jewish community said the court ruling was “historic” and “unique” because it opened the door for the victims’ relatives to bring lawsuits against the Islamic Republic.
Argentina/Israel relations: Argentina/Israel relations
1960 Argentine's complaint over captured Eichmann and UN and CDU-ruled Germany' reaction: In June 1960, after a complaint that the transfer of Adolf Eichmann to Israel from Argentina constituted a violation of the latter's sovereignty, UN Security Council declared in its resolution 138, approved by eight votes, that such acts could endanger international peace and security and requested that Israel make the appropriate reparation in accordance with the UN Charter, but Israel held the view that the matter was beyond the Council's competence and should instead be settled via direct bilateral negotiations, as the capture of Eichmann caused alarm at the USA's CIA and West German Bundesnachrichtendienst, which had known for at least two years that Eichmann was hiding in Argentina, but did not act, fearing what Eichmann might say in his testimony about West German national security advisor CDU Hans Globke, who had coauthored several antisemitic Nazi laws, according to documents declassified in 2006, also revealing that both agencies had used some of Eichmann's former Nazi colleagues to spy on European countries
2015 January 2015 prosecutor Nisman in Argentina Jewish center bombing 1994 found shot dead: 19 January 2015: Prosecutor Alberto Nisman in Argentina Jewish center bombing 1994 found shot dead before hearing on Iran deal
16 March 2021 more Argentine Jews made the move to Israel in 2020 despite the pandemic: 16 March 2021: More Argentine Jews made the move to Israel in 2020 despite the pandemic
Argentina/Italy relations: Argentina/Italy relations
Argentina/Lebanon relations: Argentina/Lebanon relations
Argentina/Paraguay relations: Argentina/Paraguay relations
Argentina/Switzerland relations: Argentina/Switzerland relations
Argentina/Uruguay relations: Argentina/Uruguay relations - Cruz del Sur pipeline
Argentina/United Kingdom relations: Argentina/United Kingdom relations
Climate of Argentina: Climate of Argentina
Environmental issues and environmentalism in Argentina: Environmental issues in Argentina - Environmentalism in Argentina
Forestry and deforestation in Argentina: Forestry in Argentina
Use of toxic agrochemicals in Argentina:
Natural disasters in Argentina: Natural disasters in Argentina
Weather events and floods in Argentina: Floods in Argentina - Weather events in Argentina - Tornadoes in Argentina
Fires and wildfires in Argentina: Fires in Argentina
30 July 2020 Argentina's delta fires rage out of control: 30 July 2020: Argentina's delta fires rage out of control

The Bahamas - Geography of The Bahamas - Pre-Columbian period - Lucayans, the original inhabitants of the Bahamas before the arrival of Europeans 1492, were seized by the Spanish as slaves and they had all been removed from the Bahamas by 1520 - History of The Bahamas - Since 1775 and the USA War of Independence loyalists, slaves and Black Seminoles, escaped from Florida, resettled in the Bahamas, practising American human rights - Demographics of the Bahamas - 85% of the Bahamian population identifies as being primarily of African heritage
Ports and harbours in the Bahamas: Ports and harbours in the Bahamas
Bahamas Securities Exchange: Bahamas Securities Exchange
Economic history of the Bahamas: Economic history of the Bahamas
Since September 2019 effects of Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas: August/September 2019 Effects of Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas
Labor and labor relations in the Bahamas: Trade unions in the Bahamas
Customs Service and taxation in the Bahamas: Bahamas Customs Service
Elections and politics in the Bahamas: Elections in the Bahamas
2012 Bahamian general election: Bahamian general election May 2012
May 2017 Bahamian general election: 10 May 2017 Bahamian general election
Society, demographics, culture and human rights of The Bahamas: Bahamian society - Human rights in the Bahamas
Cities in the Bahamas: List of cities in the Bahamas
Economy of Grand Bahama: Economy of Grand Bahama
Demographics and ethnic groups in the Bahamas: Demographics of the Bahamas - Ethnic groups in the Bahamas
Health and healthcare in the Bahamas: Health in the Bahamas - Hospitals in Bahamas
Communications in the Bahamas: Communications in the Bahamas
Media in the Bahamas: Media in the Bahamas
Crime in the Bahamas: Crime in the Bahamas
White-collar crime and corruption in the Bahamas:
Human trafficking in the Bahamas: Human trafficking in the Bahamas
Law and law enforcement in the Bahamas: Law of the Bahamas - Law enforcement in the Bahamas
Judiciary of the Bahamas: Judiciary of the Bahamas
Foreign relations of The Bahamas: Foreign relations of The Bahamas
Bahamas/Cuba relations: Bahamas/Cuba relations
Bahamas/Haiti relations: Bahamas/Haiti relations
Bahamas/USA relations: Bahamas/USA relations
Water in the Bahamas: Water in the Bahamas
Natural disasters in the Bahamas: Natural disasters in the Bahamas
Hurricanes in the Bahamas: Hurricanes in the Bahamas
August 1992 Effects of Hurricane Andrew in The Bahamas: August 1992 Effects of Hurricane Andrew in The Bahamas

Belize - Geography of Belize - Pre-Columbian Belize - Maya civilization - Spanish conquest of Yucatán 16th century - History of Belize - Demographics of Belize
Agriculture in Belize: Agriculture in Belize
Banana production in Belize: Banana production in Belize
Taxation in Belize: Tax policy in Belize
Politics of Belize: Politics of Belize - Political parties in Belize - Trade unions in Belize
Constituencies of Belize: Constituencies of Belize
Elections and politics in Belize: Elections in Belize
November 2020 Belizean general election: 11 November 2020 Belizean general election
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Belize: Belizean society - Human rights in Belize - Belizean law
Garifuna people: Garifuna people
Culture and languages of Belize: Culture of Belize - Languages of Belize
Education in Belize: Education in Belize
Healthcare in Belize: Healthcare in Belize
Crime in Belize: Crime in Belize
Belizean law: Belizean law
Law enforcement in Belize: Law enforcement in Belize
Foreign relations of Belize: Foreign relations of Belize
Treaties of Belize: Treaties of Belize
Multilateral membership of BelizeMultilateral membership of Belize
Belize and the United Nations: Belize and the United Nations
Bilateral relations of Belize: Bilateral relations of Belize
Belize/D.R. China relations: Belize/D.R. China relations relations
November 2019 Beijing regime arrests Belizean citizen over meddling in Hong Kong affairs: 30 November 2019: Chinese Beijing regime arrests Belizean citizen over meddling in Hong Kong affairs
Belize/Guatemala relations: Belize/Guatemala relations
Since 1821 Belizean-Guatemalan territorial dispute: Since 1821 Belizean-Guatemalan territorial dispute
Since 2010 Belize–Guatemala Partial Scope Agreement: Since 2010 Belize–Guatemala Partial Scope Agreement preferential trade agreement
Belize/Israel relations: Belize/Israel relations
Belize/Taiwan relations: Belize/Taiwan relations
November 2019 Beijing regime arrests Belizean citizen over meddling in Hong Kong affairs: 30 November 2019: Chinese Beijing regime arrests Belizean citizen over meddling in Hong Kong affairs
Belize/USA relations: Belize/USA relations - Belizean American
Ecoregions in Belize: List of ecoregions in Belize
List of protected areas of Belize: List of protected areas of Belize
Natural disasters in Belize: Natural disasters in Belize
Hurricanes in Belize: Hurricanes in Belize
August 2016 Hurricane Earl: August 2016 Hurricane Earl

Bermuda - Geography of Bermuda - List of islands of Bermuda
Politics of Bermuda: Politics of Bermuda
Political parties in Bermuda: Political parties in Bermuda
Elections in Bermuda: Elections in Bermuda
December 2012 Bermudian general election: 17 December 2012 Bermudian general election
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Bermuda: Bermudian society - Law of Bermuda
Demographics and ethnic groups in Bermuda: Demographics of Bermuda - Ethnic groups in Bermuda
Culture of Bermuda: Culture of Bermuda
Islands and landforms of Bermuda: Islands of Bermuda - Landforms of Bermuda
Water and bodies of water of Bermuda: Water in Bermuda - Bodies of water of Bermuda
Natural disasters in Bermuda: Natural disasters in Bermuda
October 2014 Hurricane Gonzalo: October 2014 Hurricane Gonzalo
October 2016 Hurricane Nicole: October 2016 Hurricane Nicole
Tornadoes in Bermuda: Tornadoes in Bermuda

Bolivia - Geography of Bolivia - Geology of Bolivia - Pre-Columbian Bolivia was part of the culture of Andean South America with agriculture starting about 3000 B.C. and production of metal, especially copper, 1,500 years later - Conquest of Bolivia by Spain since 1524 - Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire 1524–1572 - Viceroyalty of Peru 1542-1824 - Real Audiencia of Charcas (Sucre) since 1559 - Bolivian War of Independence 1809-1825 - History of Bolivia (named Bolivia in honour of Simón Bolívar) - History of Bolivia 1809–1920 - History of Bolivia 1982–present - Demographics of Bolivia
Coffee production in Bolivia: Coffee production in Bolivia
Bolivia maize varieties: Bolivia maize varieties
Land reform in Bolivia: Land reform in Bolivia
Irrigation in Bolivia: Irrigation in Bolivia
Transport in Bolivia: Transport in Bolivia
Rail transport in Bolivia: Rail transport in Bolivia
Road transport in Bolivia: Road transport in Bolivia
Economic history of Bolivia and economic cycles: Economic history of Bolivia
Inequality in Bolivia: Inequality in Bolivia
Armed Forces of Bolivia: Armed Forces of Bolivia - Bolivian Army
Military history of Bolivia: Military history of Bolivia
Taxation in Bolivia : Taxation in Bolivia
Indigenous organisations in Bolivia: Indigenous organisations in Bolivia
Trade unions in Bolivia: Trade unions in Bolivia
January 2013 Bolivian special municipal election: Bolivian special municipal election 13 January 2013
Social movements and protests in Bolivia: Protests in Bolivia
2011/2012 Bolivian protests: 2011/2012 Bolivian protests
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Bolivia: Bolivian society - Human rights in Bolivia
9 departments, 12 provinces and 337 municipalities of Bolivia: 9 departments of Bolivia, as departments are the primary subdivisions of Bolivia, and possess certain rights under the Constitution. Each department is represented in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly - a bicameral legislature consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Each department is represented by four Senators, while Deputies are awarded to each department in proportion to their total population. Out of the nine departments, La Paz was originally the most populous, with 2,706,351 inhabitants as of 2012 but the far eastern department of Santa Cruz has since surpassed it by 2020. Santa Cruz also claims the title as the largest, encompassing 370,621 square kilometres. Pando is the least populated, with a population of 110,436 inhabitants. The smallest in area is Tarija, encompassing 37,623 square kilometres. - 112 provinces of Bolivia, as each department is divided into provinces. The country's provinces are further divided into 337 municipalities which are administered by an alcalde and municipal council
Geography and rivers of Santa Cruz Department: Geography and rivers of Santa Cruz Department, covering a wide and diverse area. In the west lies a series of temperate Sub-Andean ranges and valleys while to the north and south lies two different lowlands areas; the Beni and Chaco lowlands respectively. To the northeast lies the flat Llanos Chiquitanos areas and beyond these the Serranías Chiquitanas ranges. In the far east the departments have small parts of the huge Pantanal wetland. The rivers of Santa Cruz are part of any of two basins: the Amazon Basin (north) and the Plate Basin (south). The main rivers in the norther basin are river Iténez (making the border with Brazil), Río Grande, river Piraí and river Itonomas. In the southern basin, the main rivers are river Paraguay and its tributaries, including river Negro. The main lakes are lake Mandioré, Uberaba, lake La Gaiba, Laguna de Marfil, Concepción and lake San Jorge.
15 provinces of the department of Santa Cruz: 15 provinces of the department of Santa Cruz
Economy of the department of Santa Cruz: Economy of the department of Santa Cruz
Moxo, Chané, Chiquitano and Ayoreo people: Moxo people - Chané people - Chiquitano people - Ayoreo people
History of the Jews in Bolivia: History of the Jews in Bolivia
Schools in Bolivia: Schools in Bolivia
Universities in Bolivia: Universities in Bolivia
Health in Bolivia: Health in Bolivia
Medical outbreaks and health disasters in Bolivia: Medical outbreaks in Bolivia - Health disasters in Bolivia
2009 Bolivian dengue fever epidemic: 2009 Bolivian dengue fever epidemic
Newspapers in Bolivia: Newspapers in Bolivia
Radio y televisión en Bolivia: Radio y televisión en Bolivia - Television in Bolivia
Internet en Bolivia: Internet en Bolivia
Crime in Bolivia: Crime in Bolivia
Violence in Bolivia:
Masacres en Bolivia: Masacres en Bolivia
Domestic violence in Bolivia: Domestic violence in Bolivia
Corruption in Bolivia: Corruption in Bolivia
Human rights abuses of UMOPAR: Human rights abuses of UMOPAR
Human trafficking in Bolivia: Human trafficking in Bolivia
Judiciary of Bolivia: Judiciary of Bolivia
Law enforcement in Bolivia: Law enforcement in Bolivia
Foreign relations of Bolivia: Foreign relations of Bolivia
Treaties of Bolivia: Treaties of Bolivia
Foreign aid to Bolivia: Foreign aid to Bolivia
Since 1948 Organization of American States: Since 1948 Organization of American States
Immigration to Bolivia: Immigration to Bolivia
Bilateral relations of Bolivia: Bilateral relations of Bolivia
Bolivia/Argentina relations: Bolivia/Argentina relations
Bolivia/Austria relations: Bolivia/Austria relations
Bolivia/Brazil relations: Bolivia/Brazil relations
Bolivia/Chile relations: Bolivia/Chile relations
Bolivia/Colombia relations: Bolivia/Colombia relations
Bolivia/Europe relations: Dispute with Europe over Immigration
Bolivia/Iran relations: Bolivia/Iran relations
Bolivia/Mexico relations: Bolivia/Mexico relations
Bolivian/Mexican trade relations: Bolivian/Mexican trade relations
Bolivia/Peru relations: Bolivia/Peru relations
Bolivia/Paraguay relations: Bolivia/Paraguay relations
Bolivia/Ukraine relations: Bolivia/Ukraine relations
Bolivia/Holy See-Vatican relations: Bolivia/Holy See-Vatican relations
Environment of Bolivia: Environment of Bolivia
Natural disasters in Bolivia: Natural disasters in Bolivia
Earthquakes in Bolivia: Earthquakes in Bolivia
Wildfires in Bolivia:
August 2010 Bolivia forest fires: August 2010 Bolivia forest fires
January-October 2019 Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay wildfires: 2019 Brazil wildfires, revealed by the National Institute for Space Research INPE, releasing the information that at least 75,336 wildfires occurred in the country from January to 25 August 2019, as neighboring countries of Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay have also reported wildfire activity - 23 août 2019: La Bolivie et le Paraguay sont, outre le Brésil, aussi confrontés à d'importants feux de forêt, et ils se sont engagés à combattre ensemble les flammes qui ont déjà causé à la flore et la faune des dommages «irréversibles», selon des défenseurs de l'environnement - 25 août 2019: Les incendies se multiplient en Amazonie - 27 August 2019: As fires continue to rage in Brazil, nearly a million hectares of farmland and unique dry forest have been destroyed by weeks of blazes across the border in Bolivia, where the flames have now reached the country’s Amazon region

Brazil - Geography of Brazil - Indigenous peoples in Brazil - Colony of Portugal 1500–1815 - History of Brazil - Slavery in Brazil - Economic history of Brazil - Casa grande (sugar plantation) - Demographics of Brazil
Mines in Brazil: Mines in Brazil
January 2019 Brumadinho dam disaster: 25 January 2019 Brumadinho dam disaster, when a tailings dam in Brumadinho, owned by Vale, the same company which was involved in the 2015 Bento Rodrigues dam disaster, suffered a catastrophic failure - 25 janvier 2019: La rupture d'un barrage du géant minier Vale a fait 'plusieurs morts' et environ 200 disparus à Brumadinho située à 60 km au sud-ouest de Belo Horizonte dans l'Etat de Minais Gerais, région où un drame similaire avait provoqué en 2015 la pire tragédie environnementale du pays - 25 January 2019: As many as 200 people are missing after three dams operated by the mining giant Vale collapsed in Minas Gerais state, releasing a wave of red mining waste and prompting fears of widespread contamination - 29 January 2019: 3 employees of the Brazilian mining company Vale SA and 2 other engineers working on behalf of the company have been arrested, Minas Gerais and São Paulo state prosecutors say
Energy and energy policy of Brazil: Energy in Brazil - Energy policy of Brazil
Electricity sector in Brazil: Electricity sector in Brazil
Coal mining in Brazil: Coal mining in Brazil
Nuclear power in Brazil: Nuclear power in Brazil
Agriculture companies of Brazil: Agriculture companies of Brazil - Copersucar
Coffee production in Brazil: Coffee production in Brazil
Soybean production in Brazil: Soybean production
Cattle and beef production, meat companies of Brazil: Brazilian beef production - Meat companies of Brazil
Irrigation in Brazil: Irrigation in Brazil
Water management in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo: Water management in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
Banking and banks in Brazil: Banking in Brazil - Banks of Brazil
Financial services and financial services companies of Brazil: Financial services companies of Brazil
Economic history, economic cycles, income inequality and unemployment in Brazil: Economic history of Brazil since 1981 - Economic crises in Brazil
2007-2010 recession in South America and Brazil: 2007-2010 recession in South America
March 2012 Brazil has become the sixth-biggest economy in the world: 6 March 2012: Brazil has become the sixth-biggest economy in the world
Unemployment in Brazil: Unemployment in Brazil
Income inequality in Brazil: Income inequality in Brazil
Since 1930 Military coups in Brazil: Since 1930 Military coups in Brazil
1964-1985 Brazilian military government: Brazilian military government 1964-1985 - Human rights in Brazil
December 2014 Brazil’s National Truth Commission's report on the 1964-1985 military dictatorship: 10 December 2014: Brazil’s National Truth Commission delivers a damning report on the killings, disappearances and torture committed by government agents during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship, calling for those responsible to face prosecution - 10 December 2014: The International Center for Transitional Justice ICTJ welcomes the release of the final report of Brazil’s National Truth Commission after two and a half years of work to unveil the truth about serious human rights violations 1946-1988, especially during the military dictatorship 1964-1985, saying the report is a historic contribution to truth and justice in a country where serious crimes have remained unaddressed for decades and calling on the Brazilian judiciary to disregard the Amnesty Law
Taxation and budget in Brazil: Taxation in Brazil
Political parties, trade unions and workers' movement in Brazil: Political parties in Brazil - Trade unions in Brazil - Landless Workers' Movement, MST founded in January 1984
1946-1964 Second Brazilian Republic: 1946-1964 Second Brazilian Republic
1964-1985 Brazilian military regime: 1964-1985 Brazilian military regime
Elections and politics in Brazil: Elections in Brazil
April 1993 Brazilian constitutional referendum: 21 April 1993 Brazilian constitutional referendum
April/May 2016: Impeachment process against Dilma Rousseff, the charges against Rousseff include administrative misconduct and disregarding the federal budget, as well as suspected acts of corruption in Petrobras - 18 April: Brazilian congress votes to impeach president Dilma Rousseff - 19 April: President Dilma Rousseff vows long battle against impeachment - 21 April: Brazil president's chief accuser Eduardo Cunha faces investigations over alleged perjury, money laundering and bribes of his own - 6 mai: La justice suspend le président de l'Assemblée Cunha, instigateur de la destitution de Dilma Rousseff, accusé d'entrave à la justice dans le scandale Petrobas - 9 May 2016: Rousseff impeachment vote annulled - 10 mai: Le président de l'Assemblée Maranhao a fait volte-face et décidé de maintenir le processus de destitution de Dilma Rousseff - 12 mai: Le Sénat brésilien a approuvé jeudi par 55 voix contre 22 l'ouverture d'un procès en destitution de la présidente Dilma Rousseff - 23 May: The credibility of Brazil’s interim government rocked when planning minister Romero Jucá was forced to step aside amid further revelations about plot to impeach president Dilma Rousseff, as Jucá was recorded saying 'We have to change the government’ as the only means to stop a sweeping corruption investigation
September 2018: 1 September 2018: Brazilian court bars Lula from presidential election - 6 September 2018: A month before vote, candidates for Workers’ party and PDSB accused of illegal campaign donations in earlier races, as Transparency International Brasil backs Brazilian authorities' investigation and prosecution of 'this systemic behavior' - 7 September 2018: PSL's presidential candidate and former military officer Bolsonaro, who praises for Brazil’s 1964-85 military dictatorship, which tortured thousands of its opponents and executed hundreds more, and who faces trial before the supreme court for speech inciting hate and rape, stabbed at campaign rally - 12 septembre 2018: En prison pour corruption, Lula sera remplacé comme candidat du PT à la présidence par son colistier Fernando Haddad - 15 septembre 2018: Le nombre de candidats issus de l'armée à la présidentielle et à l'élection des gouverneurs a presque doublé au Brésil et suscite des inquiétudes - 21 September 2018: Brazilian women mobilise against Bolsonaro, who they believe represents 'an enormous setback for Brazil' - 23 septembre 2018: Les favelas oubliées de la présidentielle mettent la pression sur les candidats à l'approche des élections pour stopper les violences - 30 September 2018: Brazil sees black female candidates surge after assassination of Marielle Franco on 14 March 2018
1 November 2019 president's son suggests using dictatorship-era tactics: 1 November 2019: Brazilian president's son suggests using dictatorship-era tactics on leftist foes
15 May 2020 Brazil loses second health minister as covid-19 deaths rise: 15 May 2020: Brazil loses second health minister in less than a month as covid-19 deaths rise
7 June 2020 Bolsonaro hides Brazil's covid-19 death toll: 7 June 2020: Bolsonaro hides Brazil's covid-19 death toll and case totals
18 January 2021 Bolsonaro rival hails covid-19 vaccinations as 'triumph of science against denialists': 18 January 2021: Bolsonaro rival hails covid-19 vaccinations as 'triumph of science against denialists'
25 March 2021 Brazilians lament covid-19 devastation as critics decry Bolsonaro: 25 March 2021: Brazilians lament covid-19 devastation as critics decry Bolsonaro
22 July 2021 covid piles further misery on Brazil’s vulnerable: 22 July 2021: Covid piles further misery on Brazil’s vulnerable, as 'hunger has returned’
8 June 2022 Pelé joins fight for the preservation of the Amazon, that belongs to all of us: 8 June 2022: A host of Brazilian celebrities, led by the three-time World Cup winner Pelé, have joined sports, culture and media figures in calling for action over Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira and for authorities to intensify their search for British journalist and Brazilian Indigenous advocate missing in the Amazon rainforest, as Pelé, considered one of the greatest players of all time, retweeted a video made by Phillips’s wife appealing for more urgency in the search for her husband and Bruno Pereira, saying 'the fight for the preservation of the Amazon forest and of the Indigenous groups belongs to all of us', as authorities in the Brazilian Amazon have arrested a man in connection with the disappearance of the British journalist and an Indigenous advocate amid increasing calls swift action in the case that has shocked the media and environmental worlds
Social movements, criticism and protests in Brazil: Protests in Brazil
Since 1997 Homeless Workers' Movement: Since 1997 Homeless Workers' Movement
October 2011: Brazil Amazon campaigners occupy Belo Monte dam: 28 October 2011: Brazil Amazon campaigners occupy Belo Monte dam
2013 protests in Brazil: 2013 protests in Brazil
June 2013 Brazilian protests against transport costs, corruption and new stadiums spending: 18 June 2013: Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of major Brazilian cities as protests spread against higher public transport costs, corruption and the billions of dollars being spent on new stadiums for the 2014 World Cup - 19 June: Protesters kept up the pressure with new demonstrations against growing cost of living on Tuesday in the country’s biggest cities, even as President Dilma Rousseff praises protest - 19 June: Brazil protests win fans among national football team - 20 June: As more than one million people have pledged via social media networks to march in 80 cities across Brazil, new protests kick off in Salvador - 21 June: At least one million people rallied across Brazil on Thursday in escalating mass demonstrations over the quality of public services and the high cost of staging the World Cup - 22 juin: Dilma Rousseff se dit à l'écoute de la rue et promet des réformes et combattre la corruption - 23 juin: Selon le premier sondage de l'institut Ibope, 75% des Brésiliens appuient le mouvement de protestation et les manifestations - 23 June: Latest Brazil protests bring 250,000 into streets demanding concrete steps and denouncing legislation that limits prosecution of corruption - 24 June: A tent camp set up by protesters outside the Rio de Janeiro governor's residence in this well-heeled seaside neighborhood provides a window onto the turmoil that has rocked Brazil - 24 juin: Dilma Rousseff propose un plan d'investissement de 19 milliards d'euros dans les transports publics et une assemblée constituante pour élaborer des réformes politiques pour sortir de la crise - 27 June: Brazilian police fired tear gas to disperse protesters near the football stadium in Belo Horizonte hosting a semi-final, with tens of thousands of people venting their anger
September 2013 anti-graft protests mark Brazil independence day: 8 September 2013: Anti-graft protests mark Brazil independence day
May-July 2014: 16 May: Protesters and police clashed in Sao Paulo, as demonstrations against the billions spent to host the World Cup and rallies calling for improved public services erupted in several Brazilian cities - 7 June: Police in Sao Paulo use batons and tear gas to disperse protesters on the second day of a metro strike - 9 June: Subway staff extend strike in Sao Paulo in defiance of a court ruling, seeking a pay rise of almost twice the annual inflation rate - 10 June: Despite two-day suspension of strike teargas fired by police at transport workers in Sao Paulo as mood about hosting the soccer World Cup remains sour among many - 11 June: 'We don't have hospitals, we don't have schools, but we have stadiums', residents of the Copa do Povo flash camp say - 12 June: As some airport workers have announced a twenty-four hour walkout in Rio de Janeiro, metro workers vote not to restart strike in Sao Paulo - 12 June: Anti-World Cup protests in Brazilian cities mark first day - 14 June: Despite police raids on activists' homes, protesters are gaining wide audiences with their calls for change in Brazil and beyond - 18 June: Police criticised after several people injured in eviction of tent community at site of proposed construction project in World Cup host city Recife - 29 June: Police fire tear gas to break up hundreds of protesters outside Rio de Janeiro's Maracana Stadium - 15 July: Fifteen reporters covering the final protest against the World Cup in Brazil were injured by police, according to the journalists' union in Rio de Janeiro
2016: 13 March 2016: Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians joined rallies across the country on Sunday against the government, struggling with an impeachment challenge, the worst recession in a century and the biggest corruption scandal in Brazil’s history - 28 June 2016: Rio police protest financial disaster ahead of Olympics - 4 August 2016: Brazilian police use tear gas and pepper spray to disperse protesters gathered along of the Olympic torch relay route near Rio de Janeiro, protesting against salary delays of public workers in Rio state - 5 septembre 2016: Des dizaines de milliers de Brésiliens soutenant l'ancienne présidente Dilma Rousseff destituée mercredi, ont défilé dans les rues de Sao Paulo contre son successeur Michel Temer - 17 November 2016: Brazil police use tear gas and pepper spray at austerity protest outside Rio parliament, where legislators proposed ways to cope with post-Olympics fiscal crisis that delayed payment to state workers, as the federal government says it won’t bail the state out, fearing that a cascade of states could ask for help, instead sending hundreds of military police against public workers kept from being paid - 5 décembre 2016: Au moins 20'000 personnes ont manifesté dans plusieurs villes du Brésil contre la corruption et scandaient également des slogans soutenant l'enquête autour du vaste scandale politique Petrobras
March-May 2017: 16 March 2017: Brazilian civil servants, rural workers and labor unions staged nationwide demonstrations against president Temer's pension reform plan - 29 April 2017: Brazilian unions have ratcheted up the pressure on president Temer with a nationwide general strike to protest austerity measures and corrupt politicians, that closed schools, disrupted transport networks and led to clashes with public security in several cities - 18 May 2017: Street protests and calls for impeachment of president Michel Temer as prosecutors are handed tapes of discussions about hush-money payments to jailed associate and powerbroker Eduardo Cunha - 25 May 2017: Protesters demanding the resignation of president Temer staged running battles with police and set fire to a ministry building in Brasilia, prompting the scandal-hit Temer to order the army onto the streets
25 March 2021 Brazilians lament covid-19 devastation as critics decry Bolsonaro: 25 March 2021: Brazilians lament covid-19 devastation as critics decry Bolsonaro
12 August 2022 Brazilians take to the streets demanding fair elections in some of Brazil’s biggest cities: 12 August 2022: Brazilians take to the streets – demanding fair elections - in some of Brazil’s biggest cities against the current Bolsonaro administration, worried that upcoming elections won’t be fair. Brazilians will be choosing their next president in less than two months, now demanding that the current administration of Jair Bolsonaro accept the results of the October vote. The protests follow Bolsonaro’s latest calls to diplomats raising concerns about the country’s voting system and his now-famous quote from last year’s Independence Day in Brazil, saying 'only God will remove me from power'. For many Brazilians, the fears echo worries in the USA, namely that Bolsonaro might be following in Donald Trump’s footsteps, contesting votes even before elections have happened. The Brazilian president has also openly received praise from Trump supporters, and it’s safe to say that tensions are running higher every day.
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Brazil: Brazilian society - Human rights in Brazil
Largest cities in Brazil: List of largest cities in Brazil
Amazon rainforest: Amazon rainforest
September 2020 Amazon 'condemned to destruction' amid fires: 2 September 2020: Amazon 'condemned to destruction' as fires proliferate across Brazil
24 January 2021 hospitals in Amazonas state overwhelmed after surge in infections linked to new coronavirus variant: 24 January 2021: Hospitals in Amazonas state overwhelmed after surge in infections linked to new coronavirus variant, leaving many without even the most basic supplies
7 June 2022 family of British journalist missing in Amazon urges action: 7 June 2022: The family of veteran British journalist Dom Phillips is urging more action be taken to find him after he went missing in the Brazilian Amazon, after he disappeared along with Brazilian indigenous expert Bruno Araújo Pereira in a remote rainforest area while researching a book. The two had received threats days before vanishing on Sunday morning, as Mr Phillips has written extensively about the threats facing the Amazon, including how cattle farming is fuelling an environmental crisis and how illegal gold miners encroach on indigenous territory. - 7 June 2022: Missing British journalist’s wife Alessandr Sampaio, whose husband Dom Phillips was last seen in the Amazon on Sunday, pleads with Brazil to find ‘love of my life’, making appeal in tearful video message
5–15 June 2022 murder of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips in Atalaia do Norte: 5–15 June 2022 murder of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips in Atalaia do Norte, Amazonas (wikipdedia article)
26 June 2022 murdered journalist Phillips laid to rest as Sian Phillips said my brother was killed telling the truth: 26 June 2022: The British journalist Dom Phillips has been laid to rest in Brazil, exactly three weeks after he was gunned down while journeying through the Amazon with the Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira. Their killings have sparked international outrage and highlighted the historic assault on Indigenous communities and the environment that has unfolded under Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro. The men’s bodies were recovered from the rainforest on 15 June, after a local fisher confessed to their murders, and returned to their families on Thursday. Scores of mourners gathered at a cemetery in Niterói, a city near Rio de Janeiro, on Sunday to pay their respects to Phillips, who had spent the past 15 years reporting on his adoptive South American home
Economy and since 1957/1960 'Free Economic Zone of Manaus': Economy and 'Free Economic Zone' of Manaus since 1957/1960
Timeline of Manaus: Timeline of Manaus since 1669
1669 Colonial Brazil's Portuguese 'Fort of São José da Barra do Rio Negro': 1669 Colonial Brazil's Portuguese 'Fort of São José da Barra do Rio Negro' built
Since January 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires: Since January 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires
Pará state: Pará state of Brazil, located in northern Brazil and traversed by the lower Amazon River. It borders the Brazilian states of Amapá, Maranhão, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Roraima. To the northwest are the borders of Guyana and Suriname, to the northeast of Pará is the Atlantic Ocean. The capital and largest city is Belém, which is located at the mouth of the Amazon. The state has a population of over 8.6 million, being the ninth-most populous state in Brazil. It is the second-largest state of Brazil in area, second only to Amazonas upriver. Its most famous icons are the Amazon River and the Amazon Rainforest. Pará produces rubber (extracted from natural rubber tree groves), cassava, açaí, pineapple, cocoa, black pepper, coconut, banana, tropical hardwoods such as mahogany, and minerals such as iron ore and bauxite. A new commodity crop is soy, cultivated in the region of Santarém. Parà state is responsible for just 2.2% of the Brazilian GDP.
Bahia state: Bahia state of Brazil, located in the northeastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast and the 4th-largest Brazilian state by population and the 5th-largest by area. The state is crossed from west to east by many rivers, but the most important is the São Francisco, which starts in Minas Gerais and runs through western Bahia before emptying into the Atlantic between Sergipe and Alagoas. Formerly plied by paddlewheel steamers, the river is only navigable to small modern craft but is still vital to the arid west since it continuously supplies water during seasons when many other smaller rivers dry out. The Sobradinho Dam created one of the largest reservoirs in the world; other major hydroelectric projects along its length include the Paulo Afonso Hydroelectric Complex and the Itaparica or Luiz Gonzaga Dam
18 November 2021 murder cases rising 11% in Bahia state in 2021: 18.11.2021: Homicídios aumentaram 11% na Bahia em 2021, aponta Monitor da Violência
The 20 largest cities or towns in Bahia state: The 20 largest cities or towns in Bahia state
Salvador port city, a center of Afro-Brazilian culture: Salvador city, the capital of the state of Bahia. With 2.9 million people in 2020, it is the largest city proper in the Northeast Region and the 4th largest city proper in the country, after São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília. Founded by the Portuguese in 1549 as the first capital of Brazil, Salvador is one of the oldest colonial cities in the Americas. The city's cathedral is the see of the primate of Brazil, as Salvador was one of the first slave ports in the Americas and the African influence of the slaves' descendants makes it a center of Afro-Brazilian culture. Salvador also forms the heart of the Recôncavo, Bahia's rich agricultural and industrial maritime district, and continues to be a major Brazilian port. Its metropolitan area, housing 3,899,533 people in 2018 forms the wealthiest one in Brazil's Northeast Region in 2015
Timeline of Brasília since 20th century: Timeline of Brasília since 20th century
Since 1962 University of Brasília: Since 1962 University of Brasília
Economy of Minas Gerais: Economy of Minas Gerais
Timeline of Rio de Janeiro: Timeline of Rio de Janeiro since 1565 CE
25 April 2020 Rio's favelas count the cost of deadly covid-19: 25 April 2020: Rio's favelas count the cost as deadly spread of covid-19 hits city's poor
26 June 2022 murdered journalist Phillips laid to rest as Sian Phillips said my brother was killed telling the truth: 26 June 2022: The British journalist Dom Phillips has been laid to rest in Brazil, exactly three weeks after he was gunned down while journeying through the Amazon with the Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira. Their killings have sparked international outrage and highlighted the historic assault on Indigenous communities and the environment that has unfolded under Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro. The men’s bodies were recovered from the rainforest on 15 June, after a local fisher confessed to their murders, and returned to their families on Thursday. Scores of mourners gathered at a cemetery in Niterói, a city near Rio de Janeiro, on Sunday to pay their respects to Phillips, who had spent the past 15 years reporting on his adoptive South American home - 5–15 June 2022 murder of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips in Atalaia do Norte, Amazonas (wikipdedia article)
Timeline of São Paulo since 16th century: Timeline of São Paulo since 16th century
Economy of Curitiba city: Economy of Curitiba city
Timeline of Curitiba since 17th century: Timeline of Curitiba since 17th century
Economy of Porto Alegre: Economy of Porto Alegre
Timeline of Porto Alegre since 18th century: Timeline of Porto Alegre since 18th century
Demographics and ethnic groups in Brazil: Demographics of Brazil - Ethnic groups in Brazil
Genocide of indigenous peoples in Brazil: Genocide of indigenous peoples in Brazil
Indigenous Territories: Indigenous Territories
Afro-Brazilian culture: Afro-Brazilian culture
Asian Brazilian: Asian Brazilian
Immigration to Brazil: Immigration to Brazil
Women and women's rights in Brazil: Women in Brazil - Women's rights in Brazil
Children and children’s rights in Brazil: Children of Brazil - Children’s rights in Brazil
Education and education policy in Brazil: Education in Brazil - Education policy in Brazil
Education in Brazil by state and by city: Education in Brazil by state - Education in Brazil by city
Schools in Brasília: Schools in Brasília
Schools in Rio de Janeiro: Schools in Rio de Janeiro
Schools in São Paulo: Schools in São Paulo
Health in Brazil: Health in Brazil
Medical outbreaks in Brazil: Medical outbreaks in Brazil
Since April 2009 swine flu pandemic in Brazil: Since April 2009 swine flu pandemic in Brazil
12 April 2020 Brazil reports 12,660 confirmed covid-19 cases and 1,223 deaths: 12 de abril de 2020: Brasil tem 1.223 mortes e 12.669 casos confirmados de coronavírus 'SARS-CoV-2', diz ministério
24 January 2021 hospitals in Amazonas state overwhelmed after surge in infections linked to new coronavirus variant: 24 January 2021: Hospitals in Amazonas state overwhelmed after surge in infections linked to new coronavirus variant, leaving many without even the most basic supplies
Sport in Brazil: Sport in Brazil
August 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro: August 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro
June-August 2016: 18 June 2016: 49 days before the opening of the Olympics, the governor of Rio de Janeiro has declared a state of financial emergency and begged for federal support to avoid a 'total collapse in public security, health, education, transport and environmental management' - 21 June 2016: Rio's financial crisis reveals the moral bankruptcy of the Olympics - 25 July 2016: Olympic officials admit more than half of Athletes Village unfinished as Australian team is refusing to use the Athletes Village until leaks and other problems are resolved - 28 July 2016: Olympic organisers have put deadlines ahead of lives, resulting in the deaths of eleven construction workers, according to Rio de Janeiro’s chief inspector of labour conditions Raul Vital Brasil - 1 August 2016: Olympic sailing ramp in Rio de Janeiro collapses - 4 August: As Olympic flame arrives, local students and teachers reportedly take part in a demonstration, protesting against the heavy expenses Brazil had incurred while organizing the Summer Olympics - 4 August 2016: Wada-commissioned lawyer Richard McLaren accuses IOC of misrepresenting his doping report and findings, which were never designed to prove individual doping cases, but is about state-sponsored systemic doping over a period of four years across the majority of Olympic sports, manipulation of results, swapping of samples, preparation of wash-up schemes
Since 5 August 2016: 5/6 August 2016: After a turbulent seven-year build-up dogged by recession, double-digit unemployment, drugs scandals, crime, a public health crisis caused by the Zika virus and infrastructure stumbles, a glittering Rio Olympics opening ceremony party also includes the applause of dozens of more or less cynical or criminal persons in power of a planet in crisis and war, hosted near the Providência favela, which is home of one of the most powerful drug cartels in Rio, for boxers hit by corruption allegations, for Russians involved in the biggest-ever doping scandal, and amid Assad regime's, Russian and Iranian war crimes against the Syrian people, now in the 6th year - Syrian Assad regime at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics - Russian Putin regime at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics - Iranian regime at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics - Refugee Olympic Team serving as a fig leaf at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics consisting of 10 competitors including 2 Syrian - 6 August 2016: In the wake of the publication of Professor Richard McLaren’s report that revealed jaw-dropping details of systemic doping in Russia, the IPC provisionally suspended Russia from the Paralympics - 10 août 2016: Le Comité organisateur des JO a reçu une décision judiciaire d'un juge fédéral 'qui interdit au comité organisateur de contrôler les manifestations à caractère politique sur les sites olympiques' - 18 August 2016: The President of European Olympic Committees and Olympic Committee of Ireland Patrick Hickey arrested for illegal tickets sale in Rio de Janeiro, at least six more persons could be involved in the plot
September 2016 Summer Paralympics: September 2016 Summer Paralympics
Brazilian journalism: Brazilian journalism
Killed journalists in Brazil: Killed journalists in Brazil
Newspapers in Brazil: List of newspapers in Brazil
Television in Brazil: Television in Brazil
Internet in Brazil: Internet in Brazil
Crime in Brazil: Crime in Brazil
Since 16th century Portuguese colonization and enslavement of Indigenous peoples: Portuguese colonization and enslavement of Indigenous peoples since 16th century
20th and 21th century antisemitism in Brazil: 20th century antisemitism in Brazil
1964-1985 Brazilian military government and aftermath: Brazilian military government 1964-1985 - Since 1964 'Departamento de Operações de Informações', the Brazilian intelligence and repression agency during the military government, starting in March 1964 with the removal of the civilian government by military forces, responsible for suppressing internal dissent against the regime and acting as a political police, using torture and other counter-insurgency methods - 13 December 1968 'Institucional Número Cinco' (Institutional Act Number Five), the fifth of seventeen major decrees issued by the military dictatorship following the 1964 coup d'état in Brazil, resulting in the forfeiture of mandates, in ordered interventions in municipalities and states and also in the suspension of any constitutional guarantees which eventually resulted in the institutionalization of the torture commonly used as a tool by the state
Forced disappearances in Brazil: Forced disappearances in Brazil
10 December 2021 boys tortured, killed by Rio's drug faction revealing 'a society that has succumbed to barbarism': 10 December 2021: Nearly a year after three young boys vanished near their homes in Rio de Janeiro’s rundown northern sprawl, police have accused members of the city’s largest drug faction 'Red Command' of murdering the children in reprisal for stealing an ornamental bird, as the boys Lucas, Alexandre and Fernando aged 9, 11 and 12, disappeared on the afternoon of 27 December 2020 after leaving their homes in the Morro do Castelar favela to play, last seen in serie security footage showing them walking towards a local street market. Police claim one local trafficker, Ana Paula da Rosa Costa or 'Auntie Paula', had arranged for the children’s corpses to be smuggled out of the favela, dismembered and thrown in a river. Flávia Oliveira, a prominent political and social commentator, told the GloboNews TV network that the killings, and their brutal aftermath, revealed 'a society that has succumbed to barbarism'.
Killed environmentalists and human rights activists in Brazil:
Since 1988 list of massacres in Brazil: List of massacres in Brazil since 1988
1992/2013: Carandiru massacre 2 october 1992 - 21 April 2013: Twenty-three Brazilian police officers were sentenced to 156 years in jail each for their role in the killing of 111 inmates during Brazil's deadliest prison uprising in 1992
January 2013 Kiss nightclub fire - 28 January 2013: A fast-moving fire in a windowless nightclub in Santa Maria, filling the air in seconds with flames and a toxic smoke, killed more than 230 panicked partygoers
Police brutality in Brazil: Police brutality in Brazil
Corruption in Brazil: Corruption in Brazil
Since 2004 Mensalão scandal: Since 2004 Mensalão scandal
2012: 2 February 2012: Brazilian minister Negromonte resigns over 'corruption' - 25. Juli 2012: Unter den Angeklagten im Prozess zum Mensalão-Skandal frühere Parteifunktionäre, Abgeordnete, Unternehmer sowie der Kabinettschef des damaligen Präsidenten Lula da Silva - 3 August: Brazil's highest-profile corruption scandal trial has begun with dozens of former officials facing vote-buying charges - 30. August 2012: Erste Schuldsprüche im Prozess zum Mensalão-Skandal u.a. gegen João Paulo Cunha - 2. Oktober 2012: Weitere zwölf Politiker aus der Regierungszeit des früheren Präsidenten Lula da Silva der Bestechlichkeit schuldig gesprochen - 4 October: Brazil Mensalao trial - Lula aide 'led corruption scheme' - 10 October: Three aides of former president Lula convicted of fraud in relation to a vote-buying scheme in Congress - 25 November: President Dilma Rousseff has dismissed a number of senior officials accused of involvement in the latest corruption scandal to hit the government - 4 December: Dozens of Rio policemen held over drug lords' bribes
2015: 7 March 2015: Politicians face investigation in Brazil's biggest ever corruption scandal after court approved inquiry over kickbacks from the state-owned oil company Petrobras - 28 March: Dozens of Brazilian firms, including industrial companies and banks, are under investigation amid allegations they paid US$5.9 bln in bribes to tax officials, police says - 16 April: Brazil Workers' Party treasurer arrested in Petrobras corruption investigation - 6 August 2015: Two former executives of Brazilian construction giant OAS Pinheiro and Medeiros sentenced to 16 years in jail for corruption, money laundering and conspiracy to commit crimes - 18 August 2015: Nestor Cervero, former international chief of state-run oil firm Petrobras, sentenced to just over 12 years in prison for corruption and money laundering related to a bribe allegedly paid to the speaker of Brazil’s lower house of congress - 26 November 2015: As part of Petrobras corruption scandal and investigation, Brazilian police arrest the ruling party’s leader in the senate Amaral, who runs the senate’s economic affairs committee, and the head of Latin America’s biggest independent investment bank Esteves
2016: 4 March 2016: Brazilian police detain former president Lula in Petrobas corruption inquiry - 4 April 2016: Politicians from seven parties in Brazil were named as clients of Panama-based Mossack Fonseca law firm at the center of 'Panama Papers' massive data leak over possible tax evasion and white-collar crimes, but no politicians from Rousseff's Workers' Party were mentioned in the leaks, although it included at least 57 people or companies that had already been under investigation in Brazil for alleged involvement in the far-reaching graft scheme at state-run oil firm Petrobas - 26 août 2016: L'ancien président Lula, qui trempe dans des affaires de corruption et de blanchiment d'argent, a été officiellement inculpé - 21 September 2016: Brazil's ex-president Lula to stand trial for corruption in bribery scandal
2017: 30 janvier 2017: L'ex-homme le plus riche du Brésil Eike Batista, considéré comme fugitif, recherché dans le cadre du scandale de corruption Petrobras, affirme qu'il va se livrer à la justice - 11 February 2017: Brazil’s corruption scandal spreads across South America, as the workings of a secret 'bribery department' at the Brazilian construction conglomerate Odebrecht that suborned government officials around the world for years are being exposed by investigators - 17 février 2017: Les procureurs généraux de 11 pays se sont engagés jeudi à créer des équipes de travail communes pour coordonner leurs enquêtes sur le scandale de corruption d'Odebrecht, le groupe de BTP brésilien - 12 avril 2017: La Cour suprême du Brésil a donné son feu vert aux enquêtes pour corruption visant entre autres neuf ministres du gouvernement Temer - 23 May 2017: Tadeu Filippelli, a former vice-governor of the capital, cabinet adviser and close aide of president Temer in World Cup scheme, was among three senior politicians detained in Brazil’s latest corruption scandal - 21 June 2017: Brazil’s federal police has said that investigators have found evidence the president Temer received bribes to help businesses - 12 July 2017: Brazil's ex-president Lula sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison after being found guilty on corruption and money-laundering charges, linked to oil giant Petrobras scandal
Sport and corruption in Brazil:
2014 World Cup in Brazil and international FIFA corruption crisis: 2014 World Cup in Brazil and international FIFA corruption crisis -
Drugs and illegal drug trade in Brazil: Drugs in Brazil - Illegal drug trade in Brazil
Organized crime in Brazil: Organized crime in Brazil
Human trafficking in Brazil: Human trafficking in Brazil
International child abduction in Brazil: International child abduction in Brazil
Domestic violence in Brazil: Domestic violence in Brazil
Violence against women in Brazil: Violence against women in Brazil
Man-made disasters in Brazil: Man-made disasters in Brazil - Disasters in Brazil
January 2012 collapse of Rio de Janeiro buildings: 25 January 2012 collapse of Rio de Janeiro buildings
November 2015 Bento Rodrigues dam disaster: 5 November 2015 Bento Rodrigues dam disaster
Illegal mining and environmental impact of mining in Brazil: Environmental impact of mining in Brazil
Arson in Brazil and fires in the rainforest: Arson in Brazil
Judiciary of Brazil: Judiciary of Brazil
Courts system in Brazil: Courts system in Brazil
Prisons in Brazil: Prisons in Brazil
Treaties of Brazil: Treaties of Brazil
Brazilian participation in international organizations: Brazilian participation in international organizations
Brazil/United Nations relations: Brazil and the United Nations
Since 1986 South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone: South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone since 1986
Bilateral relations of Brazil: Bilateral relations of Brazil
Brazil/Argentina relations: Brazil/Argentina relations
Brazil/Australia relations: Brazil/Australia relations
Brazil/Chile relations: Brazil/Chile relations
Brazil/China relations: Brazil/China relations
Brazil/Ecuador relations: Brazil/Ecuador relations
Brazil/Equatorial Guinea relations: Relações entre Brasil e Guiné Equatorial
Brazil/European Union relations: Brazil/European Union relations
Brazil/France relations: Brazil/France relations
Brazil-France economic relations: France-Brazil economic relations
Brazil/Germany relations: Brazil/Germany relations
Brazil/Guyana relations: Brazil/Guyana relations:
Brazil/Israel relations: Brazil/Israel relations
Since 16th century history of the Jews in Brazil: Since 16th century history of the Jews in Brazil
1939-1945 Brazilian support for the Jewish people: 1939-1945 Brazilian support for the Jewish people during World War II
1978 Israeli extradition request for war criminal Wagner rejected: Late 1930s—1945 Austrian member of the SS Gustav Franz Wagner, a starter deputy commander of the Sobibór extermination camp in German-occupied Poland, where more than 200,000 Jews were gassed during Operation Reinhard, known as 'The Beast' due to his brutality, sentenced to death in absentia after the war, but escaped with Franz Stangl to Brazil where he lived undisturbed until he was exposed by Simon Wiesenthal and arrested on 30 May 1978, but extradition requests from Israel, Austria, and Poland were rejected by Brazil's Attorney General Henrique Fonseca de Araújo, father of the current Brazilian chancellor Ernesto Araújo who was appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro in January 2019, the BBC interviewed Wagner in 1979
October 2013 Israel to join Brazilian Jews’ aid program in Africa: 26 October 2013: Israel to join Brazilian Jews’ aid program in Africa
Brazil-Israel economic relations: Brazil-Israel economic relations
Brazil/Lebanon relations: Brazil/Lebanon relations
Brazil/Mozambique relations: Brazil/Mozambique relations
Trade and investment relations: Mozambique/Brazil trade and investment relations
Brazil/Paraguay relations: Brazil/Paraguay relations
Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin: Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin
Brazil/Poland relations: Brazil/Poland relations
1978 Poland's extradition request for war criminal Wagner rejected: Late 1930s—1945 Austrian member of the SS Gustav Franz Wagner, a starter deputy commander of the Sobibór extermination camp in German-occupied Poland, where more than 200,000 Jews were gassed during Operation Reinhard, known as 'The Beast' due to his brutality, sentenced to death in absentia after the war, but escaped with Franz Stangl to Brazil where he lived undisturbed until he was exposed by Simon Wiesenthal and arrested on 30 May 1978, but extradition requests from Israel, Austria, and Poland were rejected by Brazil's Attorney General Henrique Fonseca de Araújo, father of the current Brazilian chancellor Ernesto Araújo who was appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro in January 2019, the BBC interviewed Wagner in 1979
1815-1825 'United Kingdom' of Portugal and Brazil: 1815-1825 United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves
Brazil/South Africa relations: Brazil/South Africa relations
Brazil/Spain relations: Brazil/Spain relations
Brazil/Switzerland relations: Brazil/Switzerland relations
2014 World Cup in Brazil and international FIFA corruption crisis: 2014 World Cup in Brazil and international FIFA corruption crisis -
Brazil/Turkey relations: Brazil/Turkey relations
Brazil/Ukraine relations: Brazil/Ukraine relations
History of Brazil-Ukraine relations: Brazil-Ukraine relations
Brazil/United Kingdom relations: Brazil/United Kingdom relations
Brazil/USA relations: Brazil/USA relations
2013: 10 April 2013: Brazil's Dilma Rousseff tells Barack Obama of currency worries - 11 July 2013: Angry Latin America wants answers on allegations of US spying - 16 July: Brazil calls USA explanation of its alleged spying 'insufficient' - 7 August: Brazil-based Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald said that he had received more than 15,000 secret USA government documents from intelligence leaker Edward Snowden - 2 September: Brazil summons USA ambassador over spying allegations - 3 September: The Brazilian government condemned USA spy program that reportedly targeted the nation's leader, labeled it an unacceptable invasion of sovereignty - 6 September: President Obama has promised his Brazilian and Mexican counterparts that the US would cooperate with their governments to address concerns over alleged USA spying - 17/18 September 2013: Brazilian president postpones Washington visit over NSA spying - 24 September: Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff speaking at the UN general assembly accused the NSA of violating international law by its indiscriminate collection of personal information of Brazilian citizens and economic espionage - 7 November: Brazil and Germany call for UN action on spying amid a backlash against USA spying on its allies - 13 novembre: L’offensive anti-NSA du Brésil - 18 December: Brazil reportedly will not grant Edward Snowden asylum
November 2015 Bento Rodrigues dam disaster: 5 November 2015 Bento Rodrigues dam disaster, when an iron ore tailings dam in Bento Rodrigues, a property of joint-venture Samarco between Vale S.A. and BHP Billiton, suffered a catastrophic failure, causing flooding and several deaths - 4 novembre 2017: 2 ans après la tragédie minière, rien n'a changé - 1 March 2018: Six months before the dam containing millions of litres of mining waste collapsed, killing 19 people in Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, the joint venture between the Brazilian Vale and the Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton operating the mine accurately predicted the potential impact of such a disaster in a worst-case risk assessment, but failed to take actions that they say could have prevented the disaster, as prosecutors say the company focused on cutting costs and increasing production
August 2019 fires in the Amazon: 21 August 2019: Trying to deflect growing international criticism of his failure to protect the world’s biggest rainforest, following a surge of fires in several Amazonian states this month amid reports that farmers were feeling emboldened to clear land for crop fields and cattle ranches because the new Brazilian government was keen to open up the region to economic activity, president Bolsonaro has accused environmental groups of setting fires in the Amazon providing no evidence - 22 August 2019: Large swathes of the Amazon rainforest are burning - 23 August 2019: International pressure may be the only way to stop the Brazilian government from taking a 'suicide' path in the Amazon, one of the country’s most respected scientists has said, as the world’s biggest rainforest continues to be ravaged by thousands of deliberate fires - 23 août 2019: Cri d'alarme des scientifiques, de pompiers ou encore de Brésiliens qui subissent terrifiés l'avancée du feu en Amazonie, en disant 'des animaux brûlent vifs dans la jungle' - 25 août 2019: Les incendies se multiplient en Amazonie
Natural disasters in Brazil: Natural disasters in Brazil
Cyclones and storms in Brazil: Cyclones and storms in Brazil
March 2004 Cyclone Catarina: March 2004 Cyclone Catarina
January 2020 Subtropical Storm Kurumí, October 2020 Subtropical Storm Mani: January 2020 Subtropical Storm Kurumí, October 2020 Subtropical Storm Mani
Floods and landslides in Brazil: Floods in Brazil - Landslides in Brazil
Droughts in Brazil:
Wildfires and man-made disasters in Brazil: Wildfires in Brazil
Since January 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires: Since January 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires
September 2020 Amazon 'condemned to destruction' amid fires: 2 September 2020: Amazon 'condemned to destruction' as fires proliferate across Brazil

Canada - Settlement of the Americas - Aboriginal peoples in Canada - Former colonies and territories in Canada - History of Canada
Uranium mining in Canada: Uranium mining in Canada
Energy and energy policy of Canada: Energy and energy policy of Canada
Nuclear industry in Canada: Nuclear industry in Canada
Since 2013 Trans Mountain Pipeline System Expansion Project: Since 2013 Trans Mountain Pipeline System Expansion Project
Renewable energy in Canada: Renewable energy in Canada
Forestry in Canada: Forestry in Canada - Forests of Canada
Fishing and fishing industry in Canada: Fishing and fishing industry in Canada
Aquaculture in Canada: Aquaculture in Canada
Water in Canada: Water in Canada
Transport in Canada: Transportation in Canada
Banking in Canada: Banking in Canada
List of banks and credit unions in Canada: List of banks and credit unions in Canada
Since 1990s economic and GDP history: Economic history in recent years in GDP history
Since 2008 effects of the 2008–2010 automotive industry crisis on Canada: Effects of the 2008–2010 automotive industry crisis on Canada
Labour in Canada: Labour in Canada - Labour relations in Canada - Trade unions in Canada - Timeline of labour issues and events in Canada
Minimum wage in Canada: Minimum wage in Canada
Poverty in Canada: Poverty in Canada - Homelessness in Canada - Out of the Cold
Unemployment in Canada: Unemployment in Canada
2 May 2011 Canadian federal election: Canadian federal election 2 May 2011
Social movements and protests in Canada: Protests in Canada
January/February 2017: 21 January 2017 Women's March in cities around the world, including Balfour, Bowen Island, Calgary, Castlegar, Charlottetown, Courtenay, Edmonton, Fredericton, Gabriola Island, Grand Forks, Halifax, Hamilton, Kamloops, Kelowna, Kimberly, Kingston, Kootenay Bay, Lethbridge, London, Montréal, Nanaimo, North West River, Orangedale, Ottawa, Prince George, Revelstoke, Roberts Creek, St. Catharines, Saint John, Salmon Arm, Salt Spring Island, Saskatoon, St. John's, Sutton, Sydney, Tofino, Toronto, Victoria, Winnipeg, and Yellowknife, to promote women's rights and to address racial inequities, workers' issues, and environmental issues - 31 January 2017: Canadians across the country hold vigils for Quebec mosque shooting victims - 3 February 2017: Hundreds across Canada, many of them belonging to local synagogues, churches and temples, gathered around mosques to form protective barriers, described as 'human shields' and 'rings of peace', as Muslims in the country marked their first Friday prayers since a gunman shot dead six men who were praying at a Quebec mosque
Canadian society, demographics, culture and human rights: Canadian society - Canadian society by province or territory - Social history of Canada
Economy of British Columbia: Economy of British Columbia, with service-producing industries accounting for the largest portion of the province's GDP. The province is the terminus of two transcontinental railways, and the site of 27 major marine cargo and passenger terminals. Though less than 5% of its vast 944,735 square kilometres land is arable, the province is agriculturally rich (particularly in the Fraser and Okanagan valleys), because of milder weather near the coast and in certain sheltered southern valleys, as its economic mainstay has long been resource extraction, principally logging, farming, and mining. Vancouver, the province's largest city, serves as the headquarters of many western-based natural resource companies. In 2017, British Columbia had the fourth-largest GDP in Canada, with a GDP of CA$282 billion and a GDP per capita of $57,335.
Politics of British Columbia and history: Politics of British Columbia and history
Since 23 November 2020 42nd Parliament of British Columbia: Since 23 November 2020 42nd Parliament of British Columbia
Timeline of Vancouver history listed by 'Wikipedia', since 18th century: Timeline of Vancouver history listed by 'Wikipedia', since 18th century
November 2021 British Columbia floods: November 2021 British Columbia and Washington floods, a series of floods that affected parts of British Columbia iin Canada and neighboring USA's Washington State, caused by an atmospheric river which brought heavy rain - 17 November 2021: Canada’s largest port was cut off by flood waters, as emergency crews in British Columbia, as at least one person has been killed and several more are feared dead after a huge storm hit the Pacific north-west, destroying highways and leaving tens of thousands of people in Canada and the USA without power - 17 November 2021: Canada floods cut rail link to Vancouver port, after it was earlier cut off by flood waters, destroying highways - 17 November 2021: BC alert system criticized for ‘sitting silent’ as heavy rainfall hits western seaboard of Canada and USA, 'The Guardian' reports live
19th century - present modern history and timeline of Victoria city: Since 19th century - present modern history and timeline of Victoria city
History and timeline of Ontario province: History of Ontario
June 2014 Ontario general election: 12 June 2014 Ontario general election
June 2018 Ontario general election: 7 June 2018 Ontario general election
October 2018 Ontario municipal elections: 22 October 2018 Ontario municipal elections
Environment of Ontario: Environment of Ontario - Energy in Ontario
Economy of Toronto: Economy of Toronto
Since 1450/1610 timeline of Toronto: Timeline of Toronto history since 1450/1610
October 2018 Toronto municipal and mayoral election: 22 October 2018 Toronto municipal election - 22 October 2018 Toronto mayoral election
Crime in Toronto: Crime in Toronto
Rail transport in Windsor city, Ontario province, and in Canada: Rail transport in Windsor city - Rail transport in Ontario - Rail transport in Canada
Water transport in Ontario: Water transport in Ontario
Environment of Ontario: Environment of Ontario - Energy in Ontario
20th, 21st century timeline and history of Windsor city: 20th, 21st century timeline and history of Windsor city
April 2014 Quebec general election: 7 April 2014 Quebec general election
October 2018 Quebec general election: 1 October 2018 Quebec general election
Timeline of Quebec history since 16th century: Timeline of Quebec history since 16th century
20th century timeline of Quebec history: 20th century timeline of Quebec history
Since 1982 timeline of Quebec history: Since 1982 timeline of Quebec history
Disasters in Quebec: Disasters in Quebec
Education in Montreal: Education in Montreal
Politics and list of mayors of Montreal: Politics and list of mayors of Montreal
Timeline of Montreal history: Timeline of Montreal history
Pre-European period of Montreal region: Pre-European period of Montreal region, as the area known today as Montreal had been inhabited by Algonquin, Huron, and Iroquois for some 2,000 years, while the oldest known artifact found in Montreal proper is about 2,000 years old, as in the earliest oral history, the Algonquin migrated from the Atlantic coast, arriving together with other Anicinàpek, at the 'First Stopping Place' (Montréal), founding a 'turtle-shaped island' marked by miigis (cowrie) shells, as the Iroquois, or Haudenosaunee, were centred, from at least 1000 CE, in northern New York, and their influence extended into what is now southern Ontario and the Montreal area of modern Quebec, as in 1142 the Iroquois Confederacy - according to oral tradition - is said to have been formed in 1142 CE, as in the modern Iroquois language, Montréal is called Tiohtià, and as the St. Lawrence Iroquoians established the village of Hochelaga at the foot of Mount Roya
21st century timeline of Montreal: 21st century timeline of Montreal
Demographics, ethnic origins of people and immigration to Canada: Demographics of Canada - History of immigration to Canada - Immigration to Canada
History of Black people in Canada: History of Black people in Canada
Since 1988 Canadian Multiculturalism Act: Canadian Multiculturalism Act since 1988
Canadian culture by province or territory: Canadian culture by province or territory
Language demographics of Quebec: Language demographics of Quebec
List of endangered languages in Canada: List of endangered languages in Canada
Indigenous child displacement in Canada: Indigenous child displacement in Canada
Violence against Indigenous women in Canada: Violence against Indigenous women in Canada
Natural scientific research in Canada: Natural scientific research in Canada
Lists of museums in Canada: List of museums in Canada
Medical outbreaks and health disasters in Canada: Medical outbreaks in Canada - Health disasters in Canada
2002–2004 SARS outbreak among healthcare workers: 2002–2004 SARS outbreak among healthcare workers in Canada
2008 Canada listeriosis outbreak: 2008 Canada listeriosis outbreak
2009 flu pandemic in Canada: 2009 flu pandemic in Canada
Since January 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Canada: Since January 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Canada
Since January 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Ontario: Since January 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Ontario
Health, healthccare and hospitals in Quebec: List of hospitals in Quebec City
Since February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Quebec: Since February 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Quebec
Medical and health organizations based in Canada: Medical and health organizations based in Canada
Internet in Canada: Internet in Canada
Freedom of speech in Canada: Freedom of speech in Canada - Censorship in Canada
Crime in Canada: Crime in Canada
Racism in Canada: Racism in Canada
Anti-Indigenous racism in Canada: Anti-Indigenous racism in Canada
Slavery of Aboriginals in Canada and Black Canadians: Slavery of Aboriginals in Canada and Black Canadians
Violence against Indigenous people in Canada: Violence against Indigenous people in Canada
Violence against Indigenous women in Canada: Violence against Indigenous women in Canada
Indigenous child displacement in Canada: Indigenous child displacement in Canada
Anti-black racism in Canada: Anti-black racism in Canada
Anti-Asian sentiment in Canada: Anti-Asian sentiment in Canada
2017 Quebec City mosque shooting: January 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting
Murder in Canada: Murder in Canada
January 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting: 29 January 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting - 30 January 2017: Canadian PM Trudeau condemns Quebec City shooting that saw gunmen open fire at a mosque, killing at least six people, saying that 'we condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a center of worship and refuge' - 31 January 2017: Amid pressure from the Canadian PM Trudeau, Fox News has apologized for a tweet that inaccurately identified the French Canadian suspect in Sunday night's Quebec mosque terror attack as a man of Moroccan origin - 31 January 2017: Quebec City mosque attack suspect known in the city’s activist circles as an online troll who was inspired by extreme right-wing French nationalists, stood up for USA President Donald Trump and was against immigration to Quebec, especially by Muslims
Corruption in Canada: Corruption in Canada
Human trafficking in Canada: Human trafficking in Canada
Catholic sexual abuse cases in Canada: Catholic sexual abuse cases in Canada
2018 decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada: 2018 decisions (reasons) of the Supreme Court of Canada
Law enforcement in Canada: Law enforcement in Canada
Law enforcement agencies in Canada: List of law enforcement agencies in Canada
Foreign relations of Canada: Foreign relations of Canada
Treaties of Canada: Treaties of Canada
18 June 2020 Canada’s failed UN security council bid exposes Trudeau’s 'dilettante' foreign policy: 18 June 2020: Canada’s failed UN security council bid exposes Trudeau’s 'dilettante' foreign policy
Bilateral relations of Canada: Bilateral relations of Canada
Canada/Afghanistan relations: Canada/Afghanistan relations
Canada/Africa relations: Canada/Africa relations
Canada/P.R. of China relations: Canada/P.R. of China relations
Canada/Burma (Myanmar) relations: Canada/Burma (Myanmar) relations
18 February 2021 Canada imposes sanctions on Myanmar military officials in response to coup d’état: 18 February 2021: Canada imposes sanctions on Myanmar military officials in response to coup d’état
7 March 2021 consulting firm, Dickens and Madson Canada hired by Myanmar’s generals: 7 March 2021: Myanmar military hires PR agent to explain 'real situation' to west, as Ari Ben-Menashe, a Tehran-born, Israeli-Canadian lobbyist, former arms dealer, and former Israeli spy says generals have been ‘misunderstood’ as police continue to fire on protesters, also saying his political consulting firm, Dickens and Madson Canada, had been hired by Myanmar’s generals, claiming he is being paid 'a big amount' and will receive a bonus if military sanctions against Myanmar military leaders are lifted - 7 March 2021: Tens of thousands turn out for Sunday protests despite overnight raids, as demonstrations held in more than half a dozen cities after soldiers and police moved in on several districts in Yangon
Canada/El Salvador relations: Canada/El Salvador relations
Canada/Eritrea relations: Canada/Eritrea relations
Canada/European Union relations: Canada/European Union relations
Canada/France relations: Canada/France relations
Canada/Germany relations: Canada/Germany relations
Canada/Greece relations: Canada/Greece relations
Canada/Honduras relations: Canada/Honduras relations
Canada/India relations: Canada/India relations
Canada/Iran relations: Canada/Iran relations
Canada/Israel relations: Canada/Israel relations
Canada/Jamaica relations: Canada/Jamaica relations
Canadian mining in Latin America and the Caribbean: Canadian mining in Latin America and the Caribbean
Canada/Mali relations: Canada/Mali relations
Canada/Mexico relations: Canada/Mexico relations
Canada/Pakistan relations: Canada/Pakistan relations
Canada/Philippines relations: Canada/Philippines relations
Canada/Romania relations: Canada/Romania relations
Canada/Romania trade relations: Canada/Romania trade relations
Canada/Russia relations: Canada/Russia relations - Uranium One
2014/2015: 17 September 2014: Canada announces more sanctions against Russia for military aggression in Ukraine - 10 February 2015: After meeting with Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel Canada's PM Stephen Harper says Russia's Putin should halt fighting in Ukraine by Russian-backed militants and that he won’t rule out sending lethal weapons for Ukraine - 18 February 2015: Canada hits Russian regime with more sanctions over Ukraine - 12 May 2015: Canada calls on Russia to leave occupied territory of Ukraine - 13 May 2015: Canadian FM Rob Nicholson says Russian regime has proved it cannot be trusted - 4 June 2015: Canada's PM Stephen Harper says Russia can't rejoin G-7 with Putin in power - 17 November 2015: Canadian PM Trudeau slams Russian regime for invading Ukraine, saying 'that Russia's interference in Ukraine must cease'
Canada/Saudi-Arabia relations: Canada/Saudi-Arabia relations
Canada/Switzerland relations: Canada/Switzerland relations
Canada/Syria relations: Canada/Syria relations
Canada/Tanzania relations: Canada/Tanzania relations
Canada/Ukraine relations: Canada/Ukraine relations
Canada/United Kingdom relations: Canada/United Kingdom relations
Since 18th century Canadian territories in the British Empire: Since 18th century Canadian territories in the British Empire
Canada/Vatican relations: Canada/Vatican relations
Environmental issues in Canada: Environmental issues in Canada - Pollution in Canada - Air pollution in Canada - Canada and the Kyoto Protocol - Great Bear Rainforest
Forests and wildlife of Canada: Forests of Canada - Wildlife of Canada
Waste and waste management in Canada: Waste in Canada - Waste management in Canada
Disasters in Canada: Disasters in Canada
Disasters in Quebec: Disasters in Quebec
July 2013 runaway oil train's explosive derailment in Quebec: 6 July 2013 Lac-Mégantic rail disaster and environmental and polical impact
Natural disasters in Canada: Natural disasters in Canada
Heat waves in Canada: Heat waves in Canada
Wildfires in Canada: Wildfires in Canada
18 August 2023 evacuation of the northern Canadian city of Yellowknife continuing as wildfires bear down: 18 August 2023: The evacuation of the northern Canadian city of Yellowknife is continuing as wildfires bear down, the 'BBC' reports with live updates
Storms and hurricanes in Canada: Hurricanes in Canada -
October 2016 Typhoon Songda: October 2016 Typhoon Songda
September 2019 hurricane Dorian: September 2019 hurricane Dorian
Floods in Canada: Floods in Canada
21st century floods with quantity and force of flooding events increasing in Canada: 21st century floods in Canada with quantity and force of flooding events increasing
Blizzards and cold waves in Canada: Blizzards in Canada
January 2014 North American polar vortex: January 2014 North American polar vortex

Chile - Geography of Chile - Geology of Chile - Indigenous peoples in Chile - European conquest and colonization 1540–1810 - History of Chile - Demographics of Chile
2013: 27 July 2013: Human rights lawyer Eduardo Contreras wants charges brought against the father of the centre-right presidential candidate Evelyn Matthei for the murder of the father of centre-left candidate Michelle Bachelet, whose father General Bachelet was tortured to death in 1974 in a military facility directed by the father of candidate Evelyn Matthei General Matthei - 5 September 2013: Chile's judges made an unprecedented apology to victims of state abuse during the regime of dictator Pinochet - 9 septembre: Manifestations pour l'anniversaire du coup d'État de 1973 - 10 septembre 2013: Quarante ans après le coup d'État qui a renversé et tué Salvador Allende, le Chili reste divisé sur la dictature de Pinochet en raison de l’impunité - 23 December 2013: A judge has found eight former members of the military guilty of murdering political opponents during the rule of Pinochet
2015: 4 March 2015: Chile’s top prosecutor has filed tax fraud, money laundering and bribery charges against senior former officials and financiers of a political party created to perpetuate the economic legacy of dictator Augusto Pinochet - 23 July 2015: A Chilean judge has ordered the arrest of seven army officers for questioning over an attack on two democracy activists who were doused with petrol by soldiers and set on fire in 1986 - 14 August 2015: Former Pinochet general Rurange has died in an apparent suicide days after a court sentenced him to 20 years for planning the murder of Eugenio Berrios to obstruct investigations, whose body was found in 1995 - 2 November 2015: For nearly three decades after Veronica de Negri's 19-year-old son Rodrigo Rojas was burned to death by Chilean soldiers during the Pinochet dictatorship, her hunt for justice had been fruitless but in 2015, since Supreme Court' decisions and among hundreds of cases sent to prosecutors, seven former military officers charged for burning de Negri's son alive while he was photographing a political protest in 1986 - 12 December 2015: Former conscript in the Chilean army Reyes charged with murder after confessing on a live radio phone-in to participating in the deaths of 18 opponents of the late military dictator Augusto Pinochet
Foreign trade of Chile: Foreign trade of Chile
Economic history of Chile since 1914 and economic cycles: Economic history of Chile since 1914 - History of mining in Chile
1968-1969 Great Drought in Chile: Great Drought of 1968–69 in Chile
Military of Chile: Military of Chile
Military history of Chile: Military history of Chile
Trade unions in Chile: Trade unions in Chile
October 2019 state of emergency: 19 October 2019: A state of emergency, that grants the government additional powers to restrict citizens’ freedom of movement and their right to assembly, has been declared in the Chilean capital after simmering protests against a rise in metro fares spilled out into violence fuelled by rising cost-of-living pressures - 20 October 2019: Chilean president Piñera announced that he would reverse public transport fare hikes which had caused widespread protests in the country, saying in a national broadcast that he had listened 'with humility' to 'the voice of my compatriots' and to discontent over the cost of living in one of Latin America’s wealthiest yet most unequal nations, also announcing a working group to address their concerns - 22 octobre 2019: Face à la détermination des manifestants réprimés dans le sang, le président chilien veut dialoguer avec les partis politiques pour tenter de trouver une issue à la violente crise sociale
24 October 2019 UN to investigate human rights abuses: 24 October 2019: UN to investigate claims of human rights abuses after 18 deaths
Since 1st January 2021 contesting parties and coalitions for the Constitutional Convention: Since 1st January 2021 contesting parties and coalitions for the Constitutional Convention
Since August 2021 opinion polling for the 2021 Chilean presidential election: Since August 2021 opinion polling for the 2021 Chilean presidential election
20 December 2021 Boric will oversee an inclusive government to attack poverty and inequality: 20 December 2021: With nearly 97% of the vote counted Gabriel Boric claimed 55.8% to take a 12 percentage point lead, saying 'we are a generation that emerged in public life demanding our rights be respected as rights and not treated like consumer goods or a business', 'we no longer will permit that the poor keep paying the price of Chile’s inequality', after he has vowed that he will oversee a youth-led form of inclusive government to attack nagging poverty and inequality, which he has pinned on the free market economic model that was imposed during the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship since 11 September 1973, ending a civilian rule with Chilean coup d'état supported by the USA - 20 December 2021: In front of citizens in Santiago Gabriel Boric vowed to unite Chile, highlighting the progressive positions of his party's campaign, including a promise to fight the climate crisis
4 September 2022 millions of Chileans voting in a referendum to approve or reject new constitution: 4 September 2022: Millions of Chileans are voting in a referendum to approve or reject a new constitution drafted earlier this year, in what could be a defining moment for the country of 19 million people. The proposed constitution – which took a year to prepare – includes more rights for women, indigenous people, and working-class citizens, after student-led protests in October 2019 broke out over hikes in transportation fares, months of demonstrations expanded to include broader demands for greater social protection and equality in the South American nation. Dozens were killed and thousands were injured in the ensuing state crackdown. One of the key demands to emerge from the protests was to replace the constitution that many deem outdated and illegal as it was passed under the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet between 11 September 1973 and 11 March 1990
Social movements and protests in Chile: Protests in Chile - Student protests in Chile since 2006
2011: 2011 Magallanes protests - 2011-2012 student protests in Chile - 30. Juli 2011: In Chile drängen Streiks und Proteste die Regierung Pinera in die Defensive - 4 August: In Santiago new protests of students calling for reforms - police use tear gas, water and detain 235 students - 10 August: Chile police clash with protesters during student march - 24 August: Violent start of two-day nationwide strike demanding reforms - constitution, labour law, education, tax and pension system - 26 August 2011: Tens of thousands rally on the second day of the general strike - a teenage boy shot on Thursday night - 30 August: 5 police officers dismissed after police admitted that the teenage boy was killed by a police weapon on 25 August - NZZ 31. August: Mehrzahl der Bergarbeiter von Copiapó - die Helden von Chile und damaligen Medienstars - hält sich ein Jahr nach Rettung mit Gelegenheitsjobs über Wasser - 11 September 2011: Chile remembers its 9/11 - thousands march to remember more than 3000 people killed during Pinochet dictatorship - 18 October 2011: Ongoing education protests turn violent
2019–2020 Chilean protests: 2019–2020 Chilean protests
15/16 February 2020 protests amid constitutional debate: 16 février 2020: Manifestations autour de la nouvelle Constitution
2020 Chilean protests since arrival of covid-19 pandemic: 2020 Chilean protests since arrival of covid-19 pandemic
12 September 2020 people arrested in clashes marking 47th anniversary of the coup d'etat against elected Chilean president: 12 September 2020: More than 100 people were arrested after clashes marking the 47th anniversary of the coup d'etat that overthrew the government of Chilean president Salvador Allende
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Chile: Chilean society - Human rights in Chile
Since 1930 Chile's copper era: Since 1930 Chile's copper era
19th century Chilean silver rush: 19th century Chilean silver rush
Provinces and communes of Valparaíso Region: Provinces and communes of Valparaíso Region
Economy of Valparaíso city: Economy of Valparaíso city
Economy of Santiago Metropolitan Region: Economy of Santiago Metropolitan Region
Demographics of Santiago in the 21st century: Demographics of Santiago in the 21st century
Media and internet in Santiago/Chile: Media in Santiago - Internet en Chile - Internet in Chile
Timeline of Santiago de Chile: Timeline of Santiago de Chile
Since 1813 Biblioteca Nacional and newly formed Republic of Chile: Since 1813 Biblioteca Nacional, together with the Instituto Nacional and a small number of institutions, one of the first institutions created by the newly formed Republic of Chile in the Patria Vieja period. In the newspaper El Monitor Araucano, a Proclama de Fundación ("Proclamation of Foundation") of the Biblioteca Nacional was published on August 19, 1813. With this vision, a call was made to all the citizens to submit their books for the formation of one great public library. As with other republican institutions, the library was closed after the Disaster of Rancagua, in which the national troops were defeated by the army of the realistas. With the victorious Battle of Chacabuco, it was reopened and supported by the government
Timeline of Santiago in the 21st century: History and timeline of Santiago in the 21st century
Demographics of Concepción city: Demographics of Concepción city
Education of Concepción city: Education of Concepción city
Economy of Concepción city: Economy of Concepción city
Araucanía Region and Mapuche conflict: Araucanía Region, comprising the two provinces Malleco in the north and Cautín in the south, as Chile did not incorporate the lands of the Araucanía Region until the 1880s, when it occupied the area to end resistance by the indigenous Mapuche by both military and political means, opening up the area for Chilean and European immigration and settlement and becoming one of the principal agricultural districts of Chile, as in the 21st century, Araucanía is Chile's poorest region in terms of GDP per capita, as about a third of the region's population is ethnic Mapuche, the highest proportion of any Chilean region, and therefore the main location of the confrontations of the ongoing Mapuche conflict, after the Mapuche have pressed their land claims against the central government, and as region's capital and largest city is Temuco (other important cities include Angol and Villarrica) - Mapuche, group of indigenous inhabitants of present-day south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina, and with significant populations in Chile with 1,745,147 people in 2017, and in Argentina with 205,009 people in 2010
Since 12,000 B.P.–1543 history of Valdivia: History of Valdivia since Prehispanic times 12,000 B.P.–1543
Demographics and ethnic groups in Chile: Demographics of Chile - Ethnic groups in Chile
Indigenous peoples in Chile: Indigenous peoples in Chile - Languages of Chile
September 2020 Chile’s Indigenous group Mapuche sees opportunity in a new constitution: September 2020: Chile’s Indigenous group Mapuche sees opportunity in a new constitution
Culture and languages of Chile: Culture of Chile- Languages of Chile
Schools in Chile: Schools in Chile
Universities in Chile: Universities in Chile
Science, technology and astronomy in Chile: Science and technology in Chile - Astronomy in Chile
Libraries and museums in Chile: Libraries in Chile - Museums in Chile
Health in Chile: Health in Chile
Health disasters and disease outbreaks in Chile: Health disasters and disease outbreaks in Chile
Timeline of covid-19 pandemic in Chile: Timeline of covid-19 pandemic in Chile
Water supply and sanitation in Chile: Water supply and sanitation in Chile
Censorship in Chile: Censorship in Chile
Newspapers in Chile: List of newspapers in Chile
Broadcasting in Chile: Broadcasting in Chile
Internet in Chile: Internet in Chile
Crime in Chile: Crime in Chile
List of Chilean coups d'état: List of Chilean coups d'état
Corruption in Chile: Corruption in Chile
Domestic violence in Chile: Domestic violence in Chile
Legal history since 1811/1822 and constitutions of Chile: Legal history of Chile - Constitutions of Chile - Since 1811 history of the Constitution of Chile - Chilean law by year since 1822 - 25 October 2020 Chilean national plebiscite, scheduled to determine whether a new constitution will be drafted, and whether it will be drafted by a constitutional convention, made up by members elected directly for this convention, or a mixed constitutional convention, made up in halves by currently-sitting members of Parliament and directly elected citizens, as a second vote, which will be held alongside municipal and gubernatorial elections on 11 April 2021, would elect the members of the constitutional convention, and a third vote, which is expected to occur in 2022, would accept or reject the new constitution after it is drafted
Judiciary of Chile: Judiciary of Chile
Foreign relations of Chile: Foreign relations of Chile
Chile/Australia relations: Chile/Australia relations
Chile/Bolivia relations: Chile/Bolivia relations
Chile/Brazil relations: Chile/Brazil relations
Chile/Germany relations: Chile/Germany relations
Chile/Haiti relations: Chile/Haiti relations
Chile/New Zealand relations: Chile/New Zealand relations
New Zealand people of Chilean descent: New Zealand people of Chilean descent
Chile/Israel relations: Chile/Israeö relations
17 September 2022 Chile postponed meeting with Israeli envoy following IDF killing of Palestinian boy: 17 September 2022: Chilean President Boric postponed meeting with Israeli envoy following Israeli army killing of Palestinian boy on the same day
Chile/USA relations: Chile/USA relations
Chile/Vatican relations: Chile/Vatican relations
Chile/Venezuela relations: Chile/Venezuela relations
Climate of Chile: Climate of Chile
Climate change in Chile: Climate change in Chile
Environmental issues in Chile: Environmental issues in Chile include deforestation, water scarcity, pollution, soil erosion, climate change, and biodiversity loss, especially in its industry-heavy 'sacrifice zones'. The country of Chile is a virtual continental island that spans over 4,200 kilometers. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Andes Mountains on the east, and the Atacama Desert in the north, and is home to several important Eco-regions, such as the Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests, a biodiversity hot-spot that harbors richly endemic flora and fauna, and the Tropical Andes, which stretches into northern Chile. The country has a wide variety of climates due to its large size and extreme geographical features including glaciers, volcanoes, rain forests, and deserts. Chile faces many environmental issues that impact both its people and economy.
Natural disasters in Chile: Natural disasters in Chile
Weather events in Chile: Weather events in Chile
Floods in Chile:
Landslides in Chile: Landslides in Chile
Drought in Chile: Drought in Chile
Since 2010 Chilean water crisis: Since 2010 Chilean water crisis
Wildfires in Chile: Wildfires in Chile
2010: 2010 Chile earthquake - April 2014 Iquique earthquake - 2 April 2014: At least 5 people dead as magnitude-8.2 earthquake hits northern Chile, setting off a small tsunami that forced evacuations along the country's Pacific coast - 3 April: 7.8-magnitude aftershock shakes Chile's north coast, new evacuations
Tsunamis in Chile: Tsunamis in Chile

Colombia - Geography of Colombia - Indigenous peoples in Colombia - Spanish conquest of the Chibchan Nations - Immigration to Colombia - History of Colombia - Demographics of Colombia
Mining and energy in Colombia: Mining and energy in Colombia
Mineral industry of Colombia: Mineral industry of Colombia
Energy in Colombia: Energy in Colombia
Fossil fuels in Colombia: Fossil fuels in Colombia
Oil fields of Colombia: Oil fields of Colombia
Renewable energy in Colombia: Renewable energy in Colombia
Hydroelectric power in Colombia: Hydroelectric power in Colombia
Foreign investment in Colombia: Foreign investment in Colombia
Coffee production in Colombia: Coffee production in Colombia
Coca production in Colombia: Coca production in Colombia
Transport in Colombia: Transport in Colombia
Rail transport in Colombia: Rail transport in Colombia
Water transport in Colombia: Water transport in Colombia
Ports and harbours of Colombia: Ports and harbours of Colombia
Foreign trade of Colombia: Foreign trade of Colombia
Economic history of Colombia and economic cycles: Economic history of Colombia
1999-present economic history of Colombia: 1999-present economic history of Colombia
Poverty and social class in Colombia: Poverty in Colombia - Social class in Colombia
Taxation in Colombia: Taxation in Colombia
Political parties and trade unions in Colombia: List of political parties in Colombia - Trade unions in Colombia
October 2015 Colombian regional and municipal elections: 25 October 2015 Colombian regional and municipal elections
18 January 2022 Colombia's Ingrid Betancourt announces presidential run in May: 18 January 2022: Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt - who was held as a hostage for six years by the Farc guerrilla group - says she will be running for her country’s presidency two decades after her kidnapping by the Farc group, in 2002 campaigning for the country’s top office for the Green Oxygen Party, a movement she founded while she was a congresswoman, now in 2022 saying 'today I am here to finish off what I started with many of you in 2002', announced her candidacy with the statement 'I am here to claim the rights of 51 million Colombians who are not finding justice, because we live in a system designed to reward criminals'. Betancourt will be once again running as a candidate for the 'Green Oxygen party', which is now part of a coalition of centrist political movements that will hold a primary in March.
19 June 2022 Colombian presidential election second round: 19 June 2022 Colombian presidential election second round
Protests in Colombia: Protests in Colombia
14 August 2021 Colombia’s protesters accuse authorities of using arrests, prosecutions to weaken the push for change: 14 August 2021: Colombia’s Primera Linea protesters accuse authorities of using arrests, prosecutions to weaken the push for change
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Colombia: Colombian society - Social class in Colombia
Human rights in Colombia: Human rights in Colombia