Allgemeine Informationen zur Musikschule auf der folgenden Seite
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Informationen über aktuelle Veranstaltungen der Musikschule sind hier aufzurufen
Fachverkauf für Streicher - Musikinstrumente, Zubehör, Noten
Rätselfrage zu einem Kanon - wer weiß die Antwort?
A happy new year 2012/2013? And 2013? And 2014? And 2015? And 2016? And 2017? And 2018? And 2019? And 2020? And the new year 2021? And the new year 2022? And the new year 2023? year 2024? year 2025?
Help to stop the shaking of bloody hands in Damascus and Moscow (and across the world)
to end their actions known since many years and to reach that less people are facing an unhappy new year.
Crises: Economy, politics, wars, natural disasters - exposition of countries since 2011 in Africa, in Latin, South and North America, in the United States of Americas, in the Antarctica, Arctic, in central, East, Southeast, and southern Asia, in Western Asia (the 'Middle East'), including Syria, in Australia and in Oceania
EU member states A - I (first segment of 27 states), democratic elections and human rights (webpage since June 2011) - EU member states L - U (second segment of 27 states), in this part also including potential and future EU enlargement e.g. Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and more - European Union - Member states, and potential, future EU enlargement - EU Parliament elections by year, 2025 elections in Europe - 2025 elections in the European Union
List of elections in_2025 - 2025 national electoral calendar, listed by month - 2025 elections by continent - 2025 local electoral calendar listed by month
Since 2011: Daily updated timeline of war crimes in Syria committed by Assad, Iranian, Hezbollah and Russian forces since 2011, in June/July 2018, as soccer mob roared 'goal' in Novichok-Putin's Russia, and later
Zur Medienwirklichkeit (August 2001, Brief an das ZDF)
Das ZDF, der Irak und die Demokratie - Faxbrief am 6. April 2003 an das ZDF
Nachrichten aus einem "wunderbaren Land", dem Hitler-General 'GFM-Rommel'-Land (17. April 2007)
Die Opfer des Krieges des Hamas-Regimes in Gaza im Mai 2021 gegen Israel (Artikel vom 23. Mai 2021
Demokratische Grundrechte, NRW und ein Kulturfrühstück der FDP in Bielefeld (9. März 2008)
Die Freunde der Menschenvergaser, die Medien-Kachelmannschaft (Nazi J. Rakers etc.) und ein Gütersloher Spaßgericht (9.06.2010) s. deutsche Parteien
Langenberger "Happy Kadaver" Theologie (8. Juni 2008, Nachtrag vom 9. März 2010)
Diebstahl des Musikschulschildes in Langenberg - 1. Kapitel (23. Juli 2007)
Deutsche Renommierunternehmen in Aktion: Z.B. die Zumwinkel-Post (14. Februar 2009)
Fazit im August 2009 nach 8 (bzw. 95) Jahren: Unter der Schminke die Fratze eines
Generals Eduard Wagner und der SS
Copyright by Langenberger Musikschule Schmidt - 33449 Langenberg Hauptstraße 52
26 July 2009 (15:45 CET) last amendment concerning "Das ZDF, der Irak und die Demokratie" (Faxbrief vom 6. April 2003) and the BBC (Bloody Battery Corporation)
Apart from that last update provided on 5 March 2025