Are Europeans and Americans defenders of democracy and hence democrats? 'We Syrians are losing our faith in the international community' (20 October 2015)

'While we still demand a political solution that removes Assad from power, the world must act now to stop the slaughter of civilians by his regime and Russia'

We, a group of Syrian civil society organisations and actors, both men and women, from multiple sects and ethnic and minority backgrounds, write this following Russia’s recent airstrikes (Russia sends in bombers and raises stakes in Syria, 1 October). It has become eminently clear that the international community has little political will to stop the bloodshed in Syria. Indeed, the international community’s collective failure to help end the conflict created the vacuum for the de facto occupation of our country by Iran and now Russia. While the United Nations has repeatedly expressed “deep concern” and “regret” at the tremendous loss of life and the mass displacement of Syrians, the international community has done next to nothing to deter the main perpetrator of the conflict in Syria: the Assad regime.

The dire situation in Syria is no mystery. After four years of conflict, half the country has been killed, displaced or exiled. Indeed, airstrikes by the Syrian regime are the foremost driver of the Syrian refugee crisis and the leading cause of death in Syria (66% of civilian deaths by May 2015); 95% of all deaths caused by regime airstrikes are civilians – not members of Isis or armed opposition groups. While UN resolution after resolution has condemned the use of indiscriminate weapons against civilians, there has been no international action to stop regime aerial attacks. And now Russia has joined in the slaughter of Syrians with nothing more than feigned concern by the international community.

Since Russia began its aerial assaults, it has already attacked locations in Homs, Hama, Idlib, Deraa, Latakia and Aleppo. Russia has bombed civilian homes, a field hospital in rural Hama, Al Yamadiya refugee camp and a refugee camp in Nuqayib in Idlib province, Free Syrian Army bases in rural Idlib and rural Latakia, and an archaeological site in rural Idlib. In its operations, Russia has killed over 100 civilians including at least 25 children and three brave 'White Helmet' civil defence workers, Issam al-Saleh, Abdul-Latif al-Duheik, and Muhammad Abdo Barquomi.

Despite launching hundreds of missiles, Russia has largely failed to target Isis locations. Rather, it is clearly attacking opposition fighters and civilians living in non-regime areas. It is with tremendous irony that it took the United States three years to search for a moderate opposition to train and equip, yet Russia found and bombed that opposition within 24 hours.

While many of us rose up in 2011 seeking democratic reforms, we have only been met with bullets, tanks, bombs and missiles. Yet our message remains unchanged: the Assad regime and its allies are the root cause of the problems currently facing Syrians. Without dealing with the root, there is no hope for dealing with the consequences, including Isis, millions of refugees and now a broader international conflict that may result in the partition of Syria.

Despite Russia’s recent military involvement, we continue to demand a political solution that not only removes Assad from power but also maintains Syria’s unity as a single heterogeneous country. In the meantime, there must be serious action to stop Russia and the Assad regime from their aerial assaults on civilians and civilian infrastructure through a no-fly or no-bomb zone. Only through such measures can we truly protect civilians and develop sustainable civil administration. And only then might the Assad regime, and now Russia, feel sufficient pressure to enter into a genuine political negotiation as the least worst option for them.

Our cries have fallen on deaf ears for far too long, and the list of our dead continues to grow. While our faith in the international community has all but disappeared, we continue to speak out for the millions killed, arbitrarily detained and displaced, in the hope that our collective dream of living in a democratic country where all Syrians are guaranteed equal rights and freedoms is realised.

Yahia Nanaa Former president of the Aleppo provincial council, Arab Gulsin Mohamad Founding member of the Sawa organisation, Qamishli, Kurdish Hefa Jaja Organisation for the Protection of Human Rights, Hasakah, Kurdish Ahed Nofal Lawyer, Organisation for Equal Citizenship, Druze Shiyar Khaleal Kurdish journalist/activist, former political prisoner Dr Abdulkarim Hariri Deraa local council, Arab and 19 other Syrian civil society actors based in Tartus, Latakia, Damascus, Jaramana, Sweida, Deraa, Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, Idlib, Hasaka, Qamishli and Homs, of Kurdish, Circassian, Arab Bedouin, Assyrian, Alawite, Sunni, Shia, Christian and Druze backgrounds

70 Jahre nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und der bestialischen Ermordung von Millionen von Menschen durch Deutsche, Japaner und weitere Verbündete schauen viele Europäer, Amerikaner und andere mehr oder weniger teilnahmslos zu, wie in Syrien seit Anfang 2011 Menschen, die es gewagt haben und wagen, Demokratie in ihrem Land gegenüber einem brutalen Diktator zu fordern, verfolgt, grausam und bestialisch gefoltert, hingerichtet und in Massakern durch Bodentruppen, in Luftangriffen, mit unterschiedslos tötenden sogenannten Faßbomben und mit Giftgas zu Hunderttausenden ermordet werden.

Die sich selbst beständig rühmenden europäischen und amerikanischen Staaten, sie seien Vorkämpfer der Demokratie, haben aus der von ihnen selbst mitzuverantwortenden Entwicklung hin zum Zweiten Weltkrieg kaum gelernt. 1936-1939 wurde die spanische Demokratie von einer nationalsozialistischen und faschistischen Militärallianz grausam ermordet mit hunderttausenden von Toten. Sehr eigennützige Unterstützung der spanischen Republik in nennenswertem Umfang kam nur von der Sowjetunion, die dann zum Untergang der Republik auch wegen verstärkter innerer Gegensätze beitrug. Der Faschismus und vor allem der NSDAP-Staat triumphierte und hatte Appetit bekommen. Er hatte gelernt, daß Brutalität zum Erfolg führt.

Seit 2011 entfalten Außenminister, Diplomaten, Vertreter der Vereinten Nationen etc., in den Jahren nach dem arabischen Frühling 2010/2011 also, eine rege Reisetätigkeit, schütteln nach erfolgten Kriegsverbrechen blutige Hände, ohne sehen zu wollen, wie auch ihre Hände blutig werden indem sie die Täter als gleichberechtigte Verhandlungspartner aufwerten und zu weiteren Verbrechen ermutigen. Den Tätern wird bedeutet, daß ihre begangenen Verbrechen nicht davon abhalten, sie zu umwerben und damit zugleich gesagt, daß eine Strafverfolgung wegen begangener und entsprechend zukünftiger Verbrechen von der Seite der Umwerbenden nicht zu befürchten ist. Eine Ausnahme wurde bekannt: Am 10. Mai 2015 wurde Putin vor laufenden Kameras eines Verbrechens gegen das internationale Recht bezichtigt. 'We achieved cooperation between NATO and Russia', Merkel said, 'due to the criminal and illegal, under international law, annexation of Crimea and the military conflicts in eastern Ukraine, this cooperation has suffered a serious setback.'

Der hauptsächliche seit 2011 und immer wieder ausgelegte Köder der iranischen, russischen und syrischen Kriegsverbrecher Ali Khamenei, Putin und Assad ist, daß angedeutet wird, in weiteren Verhandlungen könne es ein Entgegenkommen geben. Der Köder, ebenso immer wieder aufgegriffen, hat es den Reisediplomaten erlaubt ihre Geschäftigkeit lautstark fortzusetzen, zumeist mit Besorgnis garniert, um ihr Händeschütteln als Schritt zur Lösung des Konflikts zu präsentieren, und um den Medien Stoff für eine Berichterstattung zu liefern, die die wirklichen Entwicklungen und Ereignisse gegenüber Scheinaktivitäten häufig und interessiert ausgeblendet hat wie z.B. in Deutschland.

Daß der Servilismus gegenüber Assad, Putin und Ali Khamenei bis in deutsche Redaktionsstuben insbesondere der Fernsehanstalten (mit Quasi-Staatsfernsehen nach Finanzreform und ARD/ZDF-Steuer) hineinreicht, ist bei näherem Zusehen und angesichts der Verkommenheit der deutschen Sozialdemokratie seit 1914, begonnen mit ihrer Unterstützung des deutschen Angriffskrieges, nicht verwunderlich.

Die internationale Flüchtlingskrise 2014/2015 mit tausenden ertrunkenen Flüchtlingen im Mittelmeer und der Fluchtmarsch durch etliche Länder von hunderttausenden von verzweifelten Menschen um ihr Überleben, von Müttern, Kindern, Verletzten, Hungernden, Frierenden in Europa selbst nun wieder mit Stacheldraht, schießenden Soldaten und Polizisten schreckt einen Teilkontinent auf, der auf der einen Seite viele engagierte und helfende Menschen hat und auf der anderen Seite etliche gewissenlose Politiker wie z.B. Ungarns Putinbewunderer Orban und Profiteure der Europäischen Union. Die vielen sind die Träger und Verteidiger der Demokratie.

Den beteiligten Politikern, Profiteuren, Medienleuten, den Gleichgültigen, Ignoranten, Gewissenlosen und Zynikern in der gegenwärtigen globalen Krise sei gesagt, daß es keine Ausflucht gibt. Ein Versagen in dieser Krise wird bedeuten, daß den Falschspielern und Verrätern im Namen der Demokratie jeglicher Rekurs auf den Begriff der Demokratie in Zukunft versperrt sein wird.

Eine Mobilisierung in sozialen Netzwerken, die z.B. bereits vorbildlich in der Organisation praktischer Unterstützung für Flüchtlinge in Deutschland aktiv sind, kann über Erreichtes hinaus Druck auf politische und sonstige Organisationen, Parteien und auch Regierungen aufbauen, um auf allen Ebenen eine Unterstützung der syrischen Demokratie zu erreichen. Das nächstliegende zentrale Ziel ist, die Lähmung der Vereinten Nationen, der wichtigsten Errungenschaft in der Folge der Weltkriege, zu überwinden. Es kann nicht sein, daß eine Schar von grausamen Verbrechern in Moskau, Damaskus, Teheran im Bündnis mit dem chinesischen Regime die Vereinten Nationen in ihren wichtigsten Handlungsmöglichkeiten zur Wiederherstellung und Sicherung von Frieden lahmlegt mit der Folge, daß gegenwärtig verantwortliche Repräsentanten dieser Vereinten Nationen und von Staaten dann wie gebannt auf jeden Wimpernschlag eines Assad, Putin und Ali Khamenei starren, damit ihnen die Andeutung eines Entgegenkommens nicht entgeht. Assad, Putin und Ali Khamenei sind nicht resozialisierbar sondern Fälle für die internationale Gerichtsbarkeit.

October 2015: 6 October 2015: Iranian General Qassem Soleimani's July visit to Moscow reportedly the first step in planning for a Russian military intervention in Syria, reshaping Assad's war against the Syrian people and opposition forces without an air force, and also forging a new Iranian-Russian alliance in support of Assad, after Iran lobbied in the summer 2015 for a Russian campaign in Syria, following the encouragement of the Iranian regime by a group of states including the permanent members of the UN Security Council China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Germany and the European Union in the 2015 'Iran nuclear deal framework' - 2 April 2015: Framework agreement on Iran's nuclear program - 12 January 2019: In an interview IDF's chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot confirms details of Israeli efforts against Iran’s Quds Force in Syria, after Israel 'noticed a significant change in Iran’s strategy' some years ago

June 2016: 24 June 2016: UN's Stephen O’Brien says that the use of barrel bombs in the Syrian conflict 'constitutes indiscriminate attacks' against civilians, adding that their sole purpose is 'to terrorize and punish the civilian population', denouncing the international community’s silence over crimes committed by the Assad regime and terrorist groups in Syria for over five years - 24 June 2016: 12 civilians were killed and dozens more injured in Aleppo in airstrikes by Russian jets, using internationally banned weapons, most notably incendiary and cluster munitions

July 2016: 18/19 July 2016: Syrian Coalition's Maktabi says that the USA continues to ignore the terror practiced by the Russians in cooperation with the Iranians and the Assad regime in Syria, criticizing the absence of the international will to hold the Assad regime accountable for the war crimes and the inability of the international community to stop those crimes - 19 July 2016: HNC expresses its surprise at the state of ambiguity of the Russian-USA deal on Syria, calling for greater transparency and credibility - 19 juillet 2016: Près de 60 civils, dont 11 enfants, morts et des dizaines de blessés mardi dans des raids de la coalition menée par les Etats-Unis près du village d'al-Toukhar tenu par Daech dans la province d'Alep, selon l'OSDH - 19 July 2016: As at least 500 civilians were killed in aerial attacks by the Assad regime and Russia forces on Aleppo and its countryside between 11-19 July mainly directed on the rebel-held areas, Syrian Coalition's Yahya says that the Syrian people lost confidence in the international community as more get killed every day

August 2016: 11 August 2016: Facing an attack on a medical facility every 17 hours, 15 of the last 35 doctors in rebel-held eastern Aleppo have written a letter to USA's Obama with an urgent plea for intervention to stop the bombardment of hospitals in the besieged city by the Russian-backed Syrian air force, saying 'we do not need tears or sympathy or even prayers, we desperately need a zone free from bombing over eastern Aleppo to stop the attacks', as some doctors refused to sign the letter because they had no wish to make any more appeals to the west

September 2016: 3 September 2016: Annual report, co-produced by Handicap International and the Cluster Munition Coalition, on cluster munitions reveals Russia’s 'intense and repeated' use of cluster munitions in Syria, especially in the provinces of Aleppo, Homs and Idlib - 3 September 2016: At least 50 civilians were killed and many more injured when Assad regime jets hit a convoy carrying civilians fleeing the town of Souran in northern rural Hama, as activists say that a total of 108 civilians were killed across Syria on Thursday, including 19 children and 13 women - 3 September 2016: Warplanes bombed areas in the city of Khan Shaykhun south of Idlib province, where the raids targeted the medical point in the city, which got it out of service damaging and destroying the medical point’s equipment and tools - 4 September 2016: Russian-backed Syrian regime sees siege tactics pay off as measures like burning farmland and denying entry to medical aid has led to surrender of key holdout areas of Daraya and Moadamiyeh, once hubs of the Syrian uprising

September 2016: 20 September 2016: 'Present in this Hall today are representatives of governments that have ignored, facilitated, funded, participated in or even planned and carried out atrocities inflicted by all sides of the Syria conflict against Syrian civilians', 'many groups have killed many innocents – but none more so than the Government of Syria, which continues to barrel bomb neighbourhoods and systematically torture thousands of detainees', 'powerful patrons that keep feeding the war machine also have blood on their hands', Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says addressing to the UN General Assembly - 21 September 2016: Russian planes dropped bombs that destroyed UN aid convoy and killed at least 20 people in opposition-controlled Urem al-Kubra in Syria, according to USA officials also saying two Russian Sukhoi SU-24 warplanes were in the sky above the aid convoy at the precise time it was struck

October 2016: 5 October 2016: How did the world remain silent during the Holocaust? Exactly the way it’s doing in Aleppo, Israeli News Company's Nitzan Horowitz says, adding that President Obama, at the end of his term, must enforce a no-fly zone if the massacre is to end

15 November 2016: 15 November 2016: Six days after USA elections and one day after Putin-Trump phone call, Russian regime launches major Syria offensive from aircraft carrier, renewing murderous bombardment on Aleppo after failed attempts to negotiate humanitarian aid into the besieged city
16 November 2016: 16 November 2016: Hezbollah staged a military parade in the Syrian town of Qusayr, which it retook from Syrian rebels in 2013 in its first major victory after it intervened in support of Assad’s regime, showing its advanced Russian and USA weaponry including tanks, armored vehicles and anti-aircraft batteries, as USA's Obama administration supplies equipment to Lebanon’s army saying that the USA would be 'gravely concerned' if it ended up in Hezbollah’s hands - 16 November 2016: Terror group Hezbollah shows off USA weapons including USA tanks and light-tanks
18/19 November: 18 November 2016: The only children’s hospital in besieged Aleppo is out of action after being bombed reportedly by Assad forces using a vacuum missile, as it treated victims of a chlorine gas attack, forcing staff to evacuate babies in incubators and other patients injured over days of fierce bombardment, as SOHR says that 18 different neighbourhoods of Aleppo were hit dozens of times and at least four people had been killed - 19 November 2016: 'Destruction of infrastructure essential to life leaves the besieged, resolute people, including all children and elderly men and women, without any health facilities offering life-saving treatment ... leaving them to die', Aleppo's health directorate says - 19 November 2016: Syrian Coalition’s Bassam Abdullah says that the international community has a political, legal and moral responsibility to force the Assad regime and Russia to stop the horrific massacres they are committing in Syria
22 November 2016: 22 November 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Homs and in Rif Damashq province, in Idlib, Damascus and in Hama province, and in Aleppo province and city amid aerial bombardments including barrel bombs and amid reports of hundreds of murdered civilians in the last weeks while the international community remains silent
24 November 2016: 24 November 2016: Russia and terror organization Hezbollah have begun 'official' military coordination in Syria at the behest of Russian regime, establishing 'continual' communication and shared channels between the two sides over what’s happening on the battlefield, as Russia is especially interested in coordinating with Hezbollah’s infantry on the ground in Aleppo

Heute, am 25. November 2016 und mehr als ein Jahr nach Stellung der als Überschrift dieses Artikels gewählten Frage, ob die Europäer und Nordamerikaner Verteidiger der Demokratie und daher Demokraten seien, hat eine weltweit wachsende Gesetzlosigkeit eine schreckliche Qualität erreicht.

Der Verfasser dieses Artikels wünschte, die gegebene Analyse vom Oktober 2015 und der Ausblick hätte sich als nicht stichhaltig erwiesen und er hätte sich geirrt.

Sechs Jahre nach Beginn des arabischen Frühlings in Tunesien, und in seiner Folge des Erwachens und Wiedererwachens demokratischer Bewegungen in Nordafrika und im von Europäern so genannten Mittleren Osten, droht in Syrien die Demokratie vollends der Barbarei zu unterliegen. Fast sechs Jahre lang hieß es auf der Seite angeblich demokratischer Politiker und Parteien in Europa und Nordamerika (von Obama bis Steinmeier, Trump und François Fillon etc.), man müsse - immer mit zur Schau gestellter Besorgnis - mit den Vertretern von Assads Diktatur, Folter, Terror und mit den Kriegsverbrechern zu seinem Machterhalt im Gespräch und Dialog bleiben, da es keine militärische sondern nur eine politische Lösung geben könne. Sie haben mit ihrem Verrat an der Demokratie, mit ihrem Verrat an hundertausenden ermorderten syrischen Menschen, mit geduldeter und sogar politisch und militärisch unterstützter Gesetzlosigkeit (s. zum Beispiel USA Waffen für die terroristische Hezbollah) mit herbeigeführt, daß sich zum Jahreswechsel 2016/2017 die militärische Lösung Assads, Putins, Ali Khameneis, der Hezbollah und der Triumph der seit Monaten eskalierenden Barbarei abzeichnet.

9.02.2018: Die Verbrechen Assads, Putins, Ali Khameneis und der Hezbollah haben eine Brutalität, ein Ausmaß und entsprechende Folgen erreicht, daß ihnen aus ihrer Sicht nur eine fortgeführte militärische Lösung bleibt um der unvermeidlichen und früher oder später erfolgreichen Strafverfolgung zu entgehen. Dieser wäre nämlich durch eine politische Lösung der Weg eröffnet. Die Geschichte hat ihr Urteil längst gesprochen, auch über die Komplizen, Untersützer, politisch verantwortlichen Zuschauer und Dulder der Verbrechen an der syrischen Bevölkerung. Erbarmungslos wird ihr keine Zeit gelassen für ein juristisches Urteil, welches den Opfern später nicht mehr hilft.

December 2016: 7 December 2016: 'People ... have lost trust in everyone - in world leaders, in the international organisations that are watching them being killed, they lost faith in the United Nations, and they just count the days to their death' says Syria Relief's Dr Mounir Hakimi, the chairman of one of the last NGOs on the ground in Aleppo, as a joint statement by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA contains no commitments to new action and the USA ambassador to the UN Samantha Power tells AP that diplomatic efforts appeared to have failed, saying 'diplomacy has not delivered for the people of Aleppo, it is not us that walked away from diplomacy' - 8 December 2016: Western diplomats have conceded that there are no technical obstacles to a plan to deliver airdrops of food and medicine to Aleppo using a GPS-guided parachute system, but the scheme has been stalled in the face of reluctance among military commanders and an absence of political will

7 December 2016: 7 December 2016: 72 hours of bombardment escalation by warplanes of the regimes of Putin and Assad on Idlib province kills 121 civilians and wounds tens of others - 7 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia province, in Hama and in Homs province, in Rif Damashq province, in Damascus province, again in Idlib and in Rif Damashq province, in Daraa province, again in Hama province, and in Aleppo, as dozens of corpses are still in the streets from Shaar neighborhood, because the ambulances and rescue teams are not able to pull the corpses due to the murderous Russian and Assad's military operations - 7 December 2016: At least 135 civilians killed and hundreds more injured in Russian and Assad airstrikes and barrel bomb attacks on Idlib province over the past three days, as the bombardment targeted mainly public markets and residential buildings in a grave escalation in parallel with the ongoing brutal onslaught on Aleppo
8 December 2016: 8 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province and city, in Lattakia province, in Hama province, in Daraa province, in Homs province, in Damascus and in Idlib province - 8 December 2016: Humanitarian aid organization Doctors without Borders' Carlos Francisco says that the besieged eastern parts of Aleppo lack medicines and operational hospitals capable of treating the sick and the injured
9 December 2016: 9 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province and city, in Hama and in Rif Damashq province, in Damascus and in Homs province - 9 December: Russia has not halted military operations in besieged eastern Aleppo despite Russia’s claims of a pause, as 'Doctors of the World’ slams international silence over ongoing atrocities against Syrian civilians
10 December 2016: 10 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province and city, in Hama and in al-Quneitra province, and in Daraa province - 10 December 2016: Russian warplanes targeted Benech city in Idlib countryside leading to the death of 7 people including a rebel militant
11 December 2016: 11 December 2016: Assad regime forces shell Aleppo and clashes continue in the area, where 'streets are full of people under the rubble (and) are dying because we can’t get them out', according to Civil Service - 11 December 2016: Assad regime accused of dropping chlorine bombs as it closes in on Aleppo - 11 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Damascus province, in Homs province, where Russian warplanes continue intense and violent bombing - 11 December 2016: Despite their claims to fight against terrorists, Assad's armed forces pulled out of the desert city of Palmyra inviting Islamic State terrorists to recapture Palmyra on Sunday, also seizing again oil and gas fields
12 December 2016: 12 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province and city amid aerial bombardments, in Daraa province, in Rif Damashq province, in Damascus and in Hama province
13 December 2016: 13 December 2016: Assad regime forces continue their attempts to take over the rest of the eastern Aleppo, and kill tens of civilians, fighters and their families in the neighborhoods they advanced to - 13 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo amid aerial bombardments, as the documented number of murdered people in Aleppo by aerial bombardment, barrel bombs, shells, clashes, and missiles rose to 1,134 since the 15th of November until the 12th of December 2016, in Daraa and in Rif Damashq province, supported by Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists, and in Aleppo province - 13 December 2016: OPCW seriously concerned about claims that at least 105 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed by a gas attack in central Syria when airstrikes hit a cluster of five villages, as up to 300 people were injured as a result of the intense airstrikes and attacks by Sarin nerve agent by Assad regime and Russian air forces on several villages in eastern rural Hama - 13 December 2016: At least 82 civilians, including 11 women and 13 children, in four different neighborhoods of eastern Aleppo have been killed by Assad regime troops and allied Iraqi militia, 'being shot in the street trying to flee and shot in their homes', UN says - 13 December 2016: Interior Minister Aryeh Deri says that he had asked PM Netanyahu to officially request an emergency UN Security Council session on the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria, asserting that, 'as Jews, we cannot ignore these atrocities'
14 December 2016: 14 December 2016: Residents still await evacuation of east Aleppo, which the UN said had endured a brutal 'meltdown of humanity' as forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad rampaged through newly reclaimed districts reportedly carrying out extrajudicial killings - 14 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and in Homs province, and in Idlib province - 14 December 2016: Iranian regime claims a military victory in Aleppo boasting that dictator Assad’s forces would have been unable to retake the besieged city without support from Tehran, and Iran’s Rouhani phones Bashar Assad to congratulate him on the impending defeat of rebel forces as a planned ceasefire to allow civilians to leave last rebel-held pocket of Aleppo collapsed, leaving tens of thousands of civilians stranded in the besieged city under heavy bombardment - 14 December 2016: As tens of thousands of desperate civilians trapped without food, water or medicine under a hail of artillery and airstrikes found themselves once again pawns in a geopolitical struggle, with Iranian-backed militia spearheading the ground assault on eastern Aleppo and carrying out execution-style shootings of civilians, residents say 'we will always remember and never forget how the criminals of the world forced Aleppo’s people to choose between two options, collective death or collective forced displacement'
24 December 2016: 24 December 2016: Rejecting UN Security Council's resolution which describes the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall as occupied territory and condemns Israel's settlement policy, Israel's PM Netanyahu says with the necessary clarity, that 'half a million Syrians are being slaughtered in Syria, tens of thousands are butchered in Sudan, the Middle East is up in flames, yet the Obama administration and the UN Security Council choose to set upon the only democracy in the Middle East', but forgets to mention his own recent meetings with war criminal Putin in Moscow, also encouraging the Russians, Iranians and Hezbollah to commit more war crimes - 24 December 2016: Confusing the council with a delayed committee of the murderous Roman Empire, UN Security Council condemns Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, destroying the last remainder of UN's credibility, completely incapable to deal with enemies of mankind and proceeding war crimes against the Syrian people since 6 years

January 2017: 1 January 2017: SOHR documented death of 3,117 persons in December 2016, including 1,116 civilians and 247 children - 4 January 2017: At least 86 journalist and media activists were killed and 123 others injured in Syria in 2016, according to SNHR rights group, adding that Assad regime forces were responsible for the overwhelming majority of the deaths, and that 11 journalists were killed and 31 wounded in Russian attacks across Syria in 2016 - 5 January 2017: Destruction in Aleppo unimaginable, 400,000 civilians are displaced inside, according to UNHCR's Sajjad Malik - 9 January 2017: Rights group SNHR recorded at least 1,373 attacks on vital civilian facilities across Syria in 2016, saying that Assad regime forces and their allies were responsible for the overwhelming majority of attacks - 11 January 2017: Over 13,000 barrel bombs hit rebel-held areas across Syria in 2016, claiming the lives of hundreds of civilians, SNHR says

February 2017: 1 February 2017: SOHR documented since the 24th of August 2016, the date of the entry of Turkish forces into Syria, the death of 3,231 Syrian civilians by Russian, Assad and Turkish airstrikes, including 784 children and 436 citizen women - 5 February 2017: 11 attacks on vital medical and civil defense facilities in January 2017, SNHR says - 8 February 2017: No less than 21 massacres in January 2017, including 11 massacres at the hands of the Russian and Syrian regime, SNHR says - 9 February 2017: Despite the ceasefire agreement, barrel bombs are being dropped at the same rates as prior to the agreement, SNHR says - 10 February 2017: At least 162 rescue workers have so far lost their lives while performing their humanitarian duty in search and rescue operations among the rubble of buildings destroyed by the Assad regime and Russian forces in 2016, according to the Syrian Civil Defense's 3rd Annual Conference - 11 February 2017: 620 civilians at least lost their lives within 6 weeks of the clinically dead truce of the Caesar and Sultan, SOHR says - 11 February 2017: Despite Ankara ceasefire agreement, 79 vital civilian facilities were attacked in January 2017, 62 at the hands of the Syrian-Russian regime, SNHR says

March 2017: 14 March 2017: Assad's air force deliberately bombed water sources in December 2016, a war crime that cut off water for 5.5 million people in and around the capital Damascus, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria says, adding that the attack was one of several war crimes including the use of lethal chlorine gas and the bombing of shools and medical facilities committed by Assad's forces - 15 March 2017: The 'weaponisation' of healthcare in Syria, involving the targeted destruction of medical facilities and the killing of hundreds of healthcare workers, including torture and executions, is unprecedented and has profound and dangerous implications for medical neutrality in conflict zones, according to a Lancet study, also criticising UN agencies and the international community for failing to hold the aggressors, who are breaking international conventions, to account - 3 April 2017: A total of 1,134 civilians were killed in Syria in March 2017 despite the December 'ceasefire', according to SNHR - 14 April 2017: A total of 114 vital civilian facilities and civilian structures across Syria were targeted by attacks during March 2017, as regime forces were responsible for 47 attacks, while Russian forces were responsible for 39 more, according to SOHR

April 2017 and Khan Shaykhun chemical attack: 3 April 2017: Fighter jets, believed to be Russian, bombed the National Hospital, the main hospital in the town of Maaret Alnouman in rural Idlib on Sunday, putting the hospital out of service and injuring at least ten people - April 2017 Khan Shaykhun chemical attack - 5 April 2017: Warplanes thought to be Russian carried out heavy and concentrated airstrikes on rescue centers and medical facilities which were treating victims of the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Civil Defense in Idlib countryside says - 8 April 2017: Russian regime sends another murderous warship armed with cruise missiles to battlegroup off Syrian coast, as the tragedy of a father who lost more than 20 family members in Khan Sheikhun chemical attack is reported - 10 April 2017: Russian airstrikes targeted the main hospital of Dael in southern Daraa, killing and wounding medics and patients and forcing services to stop, local activists say - 10 April 2017: At least 21 civilians were killed when Russian jets struck the northern Idlib province with cluster bombs, as Russia’s jets also hit towns of Maerherma and Basamis with white phosphorous - 10/11 April 2017: Russian air force have intensified bombing raids on towns and villages in the provinces of Hama and Idlib in revenge attacks, causing dozens of civilian casualties and using internationally banned weapons - 15 April 2017: Syrian Coalition says that Russia once again chose to side with a mass murderer and to stand by the Assad regime after it committed the horrific crime against civilians using chemical weapons in the town of Khan Sheikhoun - 18/20 April 2017: Russia’s truce violations outnumber those of Assad's regime in last two days, as Putin's murderous regime has intensified its bombing raids on rebel-held areas in the provinces of Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib over the past two days using internationally prohibited weapons, such as the white phosphorous, cluster bombs, and napalm - 25 April 2017: Civilians reported dead and wounded after central market in Khan Sheikhoun, the site of this month's chemical attack, is struck by warplanes thought to be Russian - 26 April 2017: French intelligence has concluded that Assad forces carried out the sarin nerve gas attack on 4 April in northern Syria and that Assad or members of his inner circle ordered the strike - 26 April 2017: Assad regime or Russian warplanes kill 12 people wounding others in Kafr Takharim in the rebel-held Idleb countryside after striking a hospital with a number of air raids, victims include doctors and nurses, alongside a number of patients receiving treatment at the time of the raids - 26 April 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province dropping barrel bombs, amid aerial bombardements and as warplanes believed to be Russian carried out another massacre - 27 April 2017: 4 warplanes believed to be Russian carried out 4 consecutive raids at the dawn of today on the Hospital of the Syrian Medical University at the outskirts of Deir Sharqi in Idlib province, killing 6 citizens including 2 children - 27 April 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Damascus and in Homs province, in Aleppo and again in Homs province, in Idlib province, where warplanes carried out several raids and helicopters dropped explosive barrels on areas at the outskirts of Khan Shaykhun city, in Hama province, again in Damascus and in Daraa province

May 2017: 1 May 2017 Human Rights Watch documentation: Death by Chemicals - The Syrian Government’s Widespread and Systematic Use of Chemical Weapons - 1 May 2017: New evidence shows pattern of nerve-agent use by the Syrian Assad regime, according to Human Rights Watch - 1 May 2017: Assad’s air force, backed by Russian forces, committed a brutal massacre when helicopters of the Assad regime dropped around 15 barrel bombs on residential neighborhoods in Dara’a city on Sunday, killing dozens of civilians, mostly children and women - 3 May 2017: Syrian Coalition condemns the bombing that targeted the headquarters of the Syrian interim government in Azaz in northern Aleppo province, killing at least five civilians and wounding many more - 4 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 5 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and in Homs province, also dropping barrel bombs, and in Deir Ezzor province - 6 May 2017: Assad regime forces shell the towns of Kafr Zita and Latamneh and fighter jets fire at the rebel-held village of al-Zalakiyat and nearby positions in the Hama countryside, following a so-called 'safe zones' agreement by Russia, Turkey and Iran, announced to go into effect at midnight on Friday, which evidentially exists only on paper - 6 May 2017: Violations continue after 17 hours of the start of the Astana 'ceasefire' agreement, and the major escalation has been documented in the countryside of Hama, as warplanes carried out raids and barrel bombs were dropped - 7 May 2017: Violations of the Astana 'ceasefire' with rockets and barrel bombs in most of the 'de-escalation zones', killing one child, the largest escalation reported in the countryside of Hama - 8 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province amid aerial bombardements and dropping of barrel bombs, in Deir Ezzor province, in Daraa and in Rif Damashq province, and in Damascus province, also launching missiles - 8 May 2017: Bombardment and military operations by regime forces backed by Iranian militias and the Russian air force continue unabated in many rebel-held areas across Syria, as the Russian air force carried out a horrific massacre in eastern rural Aleppo claiming the lives of 12 civilians on Sunday - 10 May 2017: 23 medical workers killed in Russian and Assad regime strikes in April, as over 280 medical centers were destroyed and 150 staff members killed in 2016, according to Syrian interim government report - 10 May 2017: The fourth day of the ceasefire witnesses continued violations in several areas of the 'de-escalation zones', in Damascus, in Daraa, in Hama, in Homs and in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardements - 10 May 2017: The targeting of medical facilities by the Assad regime and Russian air forces, sometimes with banned weapons, aims to displace local residents, according to SNHR - 12 May 2017: It rose to at least 15 at least, including 5 children and women, the number of persons who were killed in the airstrikes that targeted places in the areas of Bier al-Hasheem and the Gas Factory al-Raqqah province by warplanes believed to belong to the International Coalition - 12 May 2017: The ceasefire completes its 6th day with renewed violations in the 'de-escalation areas' from north to south of Syria, in Daraa, Hama, Homs and in Rif Damashq province - 12 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, killing two civilians and a person from al-Lajat area under torture inside Assad's detention camps - 13 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 13 May 2017: A child was killed while 7 other persons were injured due to bombing by warplanes on areas in al-Hawiqah neighborhood in Deir Ezzor amid more aerial bombardements in the countryside - 14 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Homs province, in Rif Damashq province, also dropping barrel bombs, and in Hama province, amid aerial bombardements - 15 May 2017: Assad’s victims given voice in haunting new film by former BBC producers Sara Afshar and Nicola Cutcher, methodically documenting the brutality of the Assad government, its crackdown on democratic protests sinc 2011 and its jailing of activists including gripping firsthand testimony from some of the victims - 15 May 2017: There are fears of a looming disaster in Syria's last opposition stronghold of Idlib, with up to 2 million civilians trapped in the region vulnerable to attack from Russian and Assad forces, at the mercy of a jihadist group arresting FSA fighters, as Turkey has officially closed its border so unless civilians are able to pay a bribe - 16 May 2017: The Assad regime has constructed and is using a crematorium at its notorious Sednaya military prison near Damascus to clandestinely dispose of the bodies of prisoners it continues to execute inside the facility, according to the USA State Department - 17 May 2017: Six civilians were killed and a number of others wounded on Tuesday in a regime bombardment of towns in the Eastern Ghouta - 17 May 2017: Ghouta lifelines closed as regime tightens grip on opposition areas - 17 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, killing 24 persons at least in the eastern countryside, in Daraa province, again in Hama province - 18 May 2017: Assad regime bombards Kafr Laha in Homs province with vacuum bombs, killing a woman and injuring others, opposition website reports - 18/19 May 2017: USA jets have attacked a convoy of Iranian-backed militiamen in the first clash between the USA military and forces loyal to the Iranian regime, in south-eastern Syria where Syrian opposition forces backed by the USA have been under recent attack by Assad and Russian jets, near al-Tanf and the main road linking Damascus to Baghdad, destroying Russian-made heavy weapons, killing six of the pro-Assad militiamen and wounding 25 - 19 May 2017: Eyewitness supports claims of detainee executions by Assad regime's intelligence, saying bodies of prisoners were buried under security headquarters after being tortured to death - 19 May 2017: Assad regime forces on Wednesday arrested about 1,100 people, around 600 men and 500 women, fleeing Qaboun, north of Damascus, despite an agreement reached Sunday to evacuate the opposition-held district - 19 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and in Idlib province, in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs, in Hama and in Homs province - 30 May 2017: Russian warplanes kill about 30 Syrian civilians in the 20th month of their airstrikes in Syria - 30 May 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province

June 2017: 1 June 2017: UN's Guterres calls for referring Syrian file to the International Criminal Court, accusing the Syrian regime of hampering the access of civilians to humanitarian aid - 1 June 2017: Despite the truce, the month of May has seen the violent death of about 980 civilians including 87 persons killed in the 'de-escalation zones' - 2 June 2017: More barrel bombs were dropped by regime forces in Daraa province - 3 June 2017: Syria’s dictator Bashar Al-Assad personally ordered the development and production of nerve gas in order to use it against his own people in early 2009, two years before his war against the Syrian people began, the French investigative website Mediapart has revealed - 3 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and in Idlib province - 4 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardements, in Hama province, again in Daraa province, dropping barrel bombs, again in Daraa city with more than 160 raids, air and ground strikes in 24 hours - 5 June 2017: A total of eight medical and rescue workers were killed in attacks on their centers across Syria in May 2017, also at least six attacks on vital civilian facilities across Syria recorded, according to SNHR - 5 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, dropping barrel bombs on areas in Qlyb al-Thor and Salamiyah, in Daraa province, also killing 2 men from Al-Sheikh Meskin and Tassel under torture in Assad's prisons and launching about 275 missiles and artillery shells on Daraa city, and in Rif Damashq province - 6 June 2017: Assad's forces set fire to farmlands in northwestern rural Hama after the villagers refused to pay a fine to regime forces - 6 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial, bombardements - 7 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province - 8 June 2017: At least 17 people including civilians and children were killed over 24 hours in Daraa province as regime forces and allied militias waged a major offensive including airstrikes targeting the southern border town and its countryside - 12 June 2017: The Assad regime is using internationally banned weapons in its onslaught on the city of Dara’a, causing civilian casualties and widespread destruction in their military campaign, targeting populated areas with more than 20 napalm-filled barrel bombs, mainly targeting residential buildings and vital civilian facilities - 13 June 2017: Iran attempts to expand control through Syria as Islamic State terrorists near defeat - 19/20 June 2017: USA's shooting down of Syrian Assad regime's jet seen as 'act of aggression’ by the Russian regime, which will track coalition warplanes west of the Euphrates, as Syria Democratic Forces get ahead of the regime forces in controlling the 1st village north of al-Resafa city in the southern countryside of Al-Raqqah, and as shells target areas controlled by Syria Democratic Forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 20 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Damascus province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama and in Homs province, in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs amid aerial bombardments - 20/21 June 2017: USA shoots down second Iran-made armed drone over Syria in 12 days, as it approached outpost near borders of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, displaying hostile intent and advancing on coalition forces - 21 June 2017: Despite the truce, warplanes of al-Assad’s regime kill 72 civilians at least in month of airstrikes on Syrian areas, as SOHR documents more than 2,346 raids and barrel bombs at least - 21 June 2017: A massacre in Khasham town kills 13 persons including a man, his children and grandchildren, killed by warplanes that were not known whether they were Russian or Assad's - 21 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 22 June 2017: About 20 casualties in 2 massacres in Deir Ezzor city and its countryside carried out by warplanes in 2 consecutive days - 23 June 2017: Turkey sends reinforcements into northern Syria to fight Kurds, rebel allies - 23 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, and in Daraa province - 23 June 2017: Regime army resumes air strikes in Syrian city of Daraa - 24 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, also dropping more barrel bombs, in Daraa province, in Damascus province, and in Homs province - 25 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa, in Hama and in al-Quneitra province, in Damascus and in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Aleppo province - 26 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Homs province, in Hama province, in Lattakia province, and in Daraa province - 27 June 2017: Dozens of civilians reportedly killed and wounded during Russian and international coalition airstrikes on the cities and countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, Raqqa and Hassakeh - 27 June 2017: Heavy armored Assad units fail to break rebels in the Eastern Ghouta suburb Ain Termeh following over a week and a half of heavy clashes - 27 June 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province

July 2017: 1 July 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and in Homs province, in Damascus and in Rif Damashq province, and in Hama province - 1 July 2017: Up to 13,000 detainees, including 161 children and 41 women, have died under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime since 2011, according to SNHR - 2 July 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, also dropping more barrel bombs - 3 July 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Homs province - in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs, in Damascus and in Rif Damashq province - 3 July 2017: FSA groups operating in rural Damascus said that the Assad regime forces have used the toxic chlorine gas four times in attacks on the towns of Zamalka and Ayn Tarma in eastern Ghouta over the past 24 hours - 3 July 2017: At least 108 people were killed under torture in Syria in the first half of 2017, including 26 people who died under torture in June, according to SNHR - 4 July 2017: At least 16 civilians reportedly killed in southern Suweida province when Russian warplanes struck a village on the border with Jordan - 4 July 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs - 25 July 2017: International investigators urge accountability for war crimes in Syria, as UN commission member Carla Del Ponte says that the violations in Syria are by far the worst she has ever come across, 'but nothing happens, only words, words, and more words' - 29 July 2017: A joint investigation by Syrian rights groups has revealed new information on the systematic targeting of health facilities in Idlib province by the Assad regime and Russian forces during the month of April 2017 - 30 July 2017: 85 civilian casualties in a month raise to more than 5,300 the number of Syrian civilians who were killed in 22 months of Russian airstrikes, according to SOHR - 31 July 2017: Assad and Russian forces step up bombing on Eastern Ghouta despite cease-fire, reportedly violating the truce 98 times

August 2017: 2 August 2017: Assad regime forces continue their shelling and carry out a massacre in Ein Tarma in Rif Damashq province, causing about 17 casualties and injuries - 2 August 2017: A total of 814 civilians were killed across Syria in July, which saw a 11% rise in the percentage of the casualties among women and children, according to SNHR - 14 August 2017: Enough evidence to convict Assad of war crimes, according to del Ponte, saying that 'the preparatory work has been done', but 'there is no prosecutor and no court' - 14 August 2017: Assad regime carried out five chemical attacks in Damascus and its countryside after Khan Sheikoun masacre, according to SNHR - 22 August 2017: Two shipments of North Korean chemical weapons bound for Syria's Assad regime and part of a Damascus-Pyongyang arms deal have reportedly been intercepted by UN member states in the past six months, as activities between Assad and North Korean regime under investigation includes Scud missile programs and surface-to-air missiles systems - 27 August 2017: 90,000 Russian airstrikes since September 2015 allowed Syria’s Assad regime to quadruple its territory, Russian regime's military says

September 2017: 28 September 2017: Assad regime and Russian airstrikes knock out health facilities across Syria - 28 September 2017: Russian and Assad regime’s war crimes against Syrian people continue unabated - 29 September 2017: 10 days of bombing by warplanes of Russian and the regime kill and injure about 570 civilians in about 1,400 raids on the provinces of Idlib and Hama, according to SOHR

October 2017: 23 October 2017: One-month-old Sahar, her ribs protruding under translucent skin, breathed her last on Sunday in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, where a crushing regime siege has pushed hundreds of children to the brink of starvation - 23 October 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and in Hama province, including aerial bombardments in Hama province, in Rif Damashq province, amid escalation of aerial bombardment by Russian warplanes and regime’s warplanes in Deir Ezzor province - 26/27 October 2017: Syria’s Assad forces are responsible for the deadly sarin gas attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun that killed scores of people in April, UN expert panel’s report says, as USA reaffirms Assad’s rule must end - 30 October 2017: Dozens of Syrian children were forced to flee a kindergarten after it was allegedly bombed by Assad regime forces, highlighting the suffering of civilians in areas besieged by Assad and the rampant abuses in his six-year war - 31 October 2017: At least five civilians were killed in addition to dozens being wounded in the city of Hamouriyah, when Assad regime forces heavily bombed a popular market in the city with artillery fire - 31 October 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and in Homs province, as two citizens from Aqraba town in Daraa province were killed under torture in regime’s security detentions after about 5 years of being arrested

November 2017: 24 November 2017: Children starve in siege of Syria's former breadbasket Rif Damashq province, as the siege by Assad forces of eastern Ghouta, which also suffered in the deadly 2013 sarin gas attack, has continued for years with conditions getting steadily worse - 24 November 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, and in Daraa province - 25 November 2017: The World Health Organization WHO said that health officials in eastern Ghouta have reported that 84 people have been killed and another 659 injured in intensified bombardments by Assad regime forces on the rebel-held area during a 4-day period alone from 14 to 17 November - 26 November 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Daraa and in Idlib province - 27 November 2017: At least 53 civilians, including 21 children, perished early Sunday morning when Russian air strikes reportedly hit the village of Al-Shafah in Deir Ezzor province in eastern Syria - 27 November 2017: Warplanes carried out massacres on Sunday, killing 25 citizens including 5 children and 3 women in Eastern Ghouta, while the number of the casualties who were killed by raids targeting areas in Mdira town has increased to 7 persons including two children and two citizen women, and while two citizens were killed by shelling by the regime forces by missiles on areas in Douma city - 27 November 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Deir Ezzor province, also dropping barrel bombs - 28 November 2017: SNHR says it had recorded at least 14 massacres and 53 attacks by the Assad regime and its Russian ally on vital civilian centers in eastern Ghouta, including seven medical facilities since 22 July 2017

December 2017: 1 December 2017: International rights group says that the Assad regime has used internationally banned cluster munitions in attacks on the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta, accusing it of committing war crimes on 'an epic scale', as UN seeks urgent medical evacuations from besieged East Ghouta - 1 December 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and in Homs province, in Rif Damashq province, and in Aleppo province, amid aerial bombardments - 3/4 December 2017: The Eastern Ghouta witnesses the highest daily civilian death toll in 20 consecutive days of aerial and ground escalation on its cities and towns, as rights group SNHR records 20% increase in civilian deaths caused by Assad regime and Russian forces in November - 4 December 2017: Assad’s warplanes continue massacres in Eastern Ghouta as opposition slams international silence - 30 December 2017: Dozens of people were killed and wounded in the intensifying bombing campaign by the Russian and Assad regime forces on towns and villages of rural Idlib - 30 December 2017: In 2017 rights groups have documented the deaths of thousands of Syrian children by the Assad regime during military operations against the liberated areas through its indiscriminate use of internationally banned weapons and chemical weapons as well as other tactics such as besiegement and starvation of the civilian population, as Unicef calls 2017 one of the worst years for children caught in conflicts

January 2018: 2 January 2018: A total of 10,204 civilians were killed in Syria in 2017, including 569 in December, according to SNHR - 2 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province
3 January 2018: 3 January 2018: At least 232 people were killed under torture in Syria in 2017, of those 211 died in Assad's prisons, including a child and two women, according to SNHR - 3 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Homs province, and in Rif Damashq province

February 2018: 9 February 2018: The death toll mounted steadily throughout Thursday in Eastern Ghouta, which has been besieged since 2013, with the SOHR tallying 75 civilians dead by the evening, as the death toll from a four-day Assad regime assault on the rebel enclave on the outskirts of Damascus soaring past 220, and as UN appeal for ceasefire goes unheeded, after the Russian regime of mass murderers and war criminals dismissed the proposal as 'unrealistic' - 9 February 2018: At least six people, including children, were killed on Thursday in fresh Russian/Assad regime airstrikes targeting two schools in the northern province of Idlib, also killing ten civilians and wounding dozens more in heavy aerial bombing on the town of Maarrat al-Numan, according to the Civil Defense - 19 February 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, with the participation of helicopters for the first time in the skies of Ghouta with the warplanes, killing and injuring dozens of citizens, in Daraa and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama and in Homs province, again in Daraa and Hama province, raising the number of civilian casualties in the besieged Ghouta, including many children and women, and documented by the SOHR - 19/20 February 2018: The number of civilian causalities is still increasing in Afrin area as a result of ongoing shelling by the Turkish forces on villages and places, as Turkish advance stumbles - 20 February 2018: Bombs still fall on Syria's Ghouta after heaviest toll in years, as Assad regime uses barrel bombs, attacks hospitals, as a doctor in eastern Ghouta says 'we are standing before the massacre of the 21st century', and as Assad's shelling also hit Douma, where attacked toddlers were brought to hospital covered in dust

March 2018: 26 March 2018: Syrian Coalition's Mohammed Yahya Maktabi said that the mass forced displacement taking place in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta is a 'war crime' as he condemned Russian’s major role in these crimes, adding that regime forces, the Iranian militias, and Russian air force are killing civilians, targeting popular markets, residential areas and public facilities and bombing hospitals, medical centers, and rescue workers - 26 March 2018: The UN has come under fire for sharing the coordinates of hospitals in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta with Russia, only for one of them to be bombed days later, according to 'The Telegraph' - 26 March 2018: 871 civilians killed in eastern Ghouta since adoption of UN-security council resolution 2401, according to SNHR - 27 March 2018: As more than half million people killed in seven years of brutal ground and aerial bombing by the Assad regime and its allies, and as Syrian children have taken the biggest share in the horrible death toll, the unstoppable roar of Russia's warplanes has caused a heart attack for Lojain Said, taking the life of the schoolgirl who lived in the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour, the Civil Defense rescue group says - 26 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama and Lattakia province, in Daraa and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, again in Hama province - 27 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments

April 2018: On 7 April 2018 a chemical weapon attack carried out by Assad regime's army on the city of Douma reportedly killed at least 70 people, as opposition forces and medics on the ground claimed the chemical agents to be chlorine gas and sarin - 8 April 2018: Russian-backed Assad regime killed dozens in a chemical attack in Douma and a series of airstrikes over the weekend, according to rescuers and medics - 8 April 2018: Aid workers and local medics have described apocalyptic scenes in the besieged city of Douma, the site of a chemical attack that has killed at least 42 people, as they scrambled to save the survivors of the latest atrocity in Syria, as Haaretz' Anshel Pfeffer describes how the West failed to prevent one Syrian chemical attack after another, saying that in the history of war, no war crime has been so well documented and so predictable to those who had it in their power to prevent it from recurring - 8 April 2018: 'What’s happening in Syria is genocide of women and children in its cruelest form, using weapons of mass destruction', Israeli chief rabbi Yitzhak Yosef says in a statement, adding that 'we have a moral obligation not to keep quiet and to try and stop this massacre' - 8 April 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Homs and al-Quneitra province, amid aerial bombardments - 10 April 2018: The chairman of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum, Avner Shalev, condemns an alleged chemical strike on a Syrian rebel-held town by Assad’s regime, calling it a 'wild attack on civilians' and charging that international organizations established after World War II to prevent a second Holocaust have failed - 14 April 2018: Following UN's failure since 2011 to stop and to take action against Assad's, Iranin and Russian war crimes, France, United Kingdom and USA take part in strikes on targets associated with chemical weapons in the wake of gas attack on Douma - 14 April 2018 allied military strikes, involving manned aircraft and ship-based missiles, against multiple Assad regime sites in Syria - 14 April 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Homs province, and in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 15 April 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Daraa province

May 2018: 3 May 2018: SNHR said that 35 people have died under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime since the beginning of 2018 - 4 May 2018: As many as 538 journalists and media activists have been killed in attacks by the Assad regime forces since 2011, SNHR says - 9 May 2018: At rate of 28 barrel bombs per day, Assad regime presses on with mass forced displacement, SNHR says - 15 May 2018: More than 70 attacks on hospitals and health facilities in Syria were verified during the first three months of 2018, denying children and families vital health services, over 300 education facilities have been attacked since the beginning of the conflict, some 5.3 million children have been internally displaced or became refugees, and nearly 850,000 children continue to live in besieged or hard-to-reach areas, according to Unicef, stating that attacks on children in conflict have continued unabated during the first four months of the year - 22 May 2018: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees UNRWA says that the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus lies today in ruins, with hardly a single building that has not been destroyed or damaged, as remaining people dig up bodies from under the rubble of bombed houses - 29 May 2018: Following several confirmed ferocious chemical attacks by the Assad regime by the Assad since 2013, OPCW's Ahmet Uzumcu admits in May 2018 that attacks involving chlorine barrel bombs and deadly nerve agent sarin in Syria have continued despite an 'agreement' that won the group a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013

May 2018: 22 May 2018: In an open letter to the Russian people families of the victims in downing of MH17 hold the Russian regime as ultimately responsible for the deaths of their family members, expressing confidence in the thoroughness and impartiality of the work conducted by the Joint Investigation Team, and condemning reports on MH17 coming out of the Russian regime and state media, asking 'do Russian people really want to live in a country where the truth has ceased to exist'

May 2018: 21 May 2018: Rights group SNHR slams Russia’s hosting of 2018 World Cup and lists Russian regime's crimes in Syria

Mehr als sieben Jahre nachdem Assad unterstützt von Putin, Ali Khamenei und der Hezbollah seinen mörderischen Krieg gegen die syrische Bevölkerung begonnen hat, bereiten sich 32 Länder vor zu einem angeblich unpolitischen Sportereignis - der Fußball WM Juni/Juli 2018 - in das Rußland des mörderischen Putin-Regimes zu reisen. Das Putin-Regime, hauptverantwortlich für die politischen Krisen unserer Zeit und für hunderttausende von Opfern von Luftangriffen unter Verwendung geächteter Waffen einschließlich Chemiewaffen, von Folter und brutaler Gewalt auf allen Ebenen, braucht das Sportereignis, um von seinen Verbrechen auf internationaler Bühne abzulenken. Seit 2015 hat Putins Mörderbande mit ihren Kriegsflugzeugen syrische Dörfer, Städte, Marktplätze, Wohnsiedlungen, Schulen und Krankenhäuser bombardiert und den Diktator Assad zurück an die Macht gebracht. Man braucht keine militärischen Fachkenntnisse um zu sehen, daß weitgehend schutzlose Menschen dieser Brutalität nicht standhalten können. Geeignete Verteidigungsmittel wie z.B. moderne Flugabwehr haben die USA und europäische Staaten der syrischen Bevölkerung vorenthalten.

Ein gewichtiger Teil der Staaten dieser Welt mit ihren Medien, insbesondere der finanziell interessierten Fernsehgesellschaften, werden sich zu Putins Handlanger in dieser Inszenierung 'Fifa World Cup 2018' machen lassen. Sie sind, mit mehr oder weniger Macht und Handlungsmöglichkeiten, Ali Khameneis, Assads und Putins Handlanger durch Unterstützung und Duldung, mangelnden Mut 'Nein' zu sagen und mangelnden Mut zum gegebenen Wort zu stehen, mit Verschweigen, der Duldung von Lüge, selbst produzierten Halbwahrheiten und Falschmeldungen, schon lange gewesen.

Sie werden zu einem erheblichen Teil das keineswegs nur zuschauende sondern das überaus aktive und die Verbrechen ermutigende, fördernde, mitleidslose und gewissenlose Gesindel in ideologischen Giftmüllfabriken sein, die Millionen von Menschen dazu bringen wegzuschauen und 'Tor' zu grölen, während das Putin-Regime andernorts Menschen qualvoll ermordet.

Während die Menschenrechte auf im Dunkeln gelassenen und andererseits hell ausgeleuchteten Schauplätzen mit Füßen getreten werden, sorgen Medien dafür daß der britische, deutsche, französiche, iranische, katarische, russische, schweizerische etc. Fußballpöbel seinen Spaß hat. Es wird gewollt, daß sich das Elend von Kriegen und des Mordens der jemenitischen, syrischen, ukrainischen Bevölkerung fortsetzt, an dem sich mehrfach gut verdienen läßt.

Das Leben eines Menschen zählt nichts, sondern nur der Profit der Mafia-Ökonomie in Rußland und andernorts, der Machtanspruch und die Politik im Dienste dieser Mafia-Ökonomie und die Propagandamaschinerie in gleichen Diensten. Die Staaten der Welt huldigen Putin im Jahr 2018 wie sie Hitler im Jahr 1936 gehuldigt haben, mit dem Unterschied, daß der deutsche Luftangriff auf die spanische Stadt Guernica mit Kampfflugzeugen der 'Legion Condor' unter Beteiligung des italienischen 'Corpo Truppe Volontarie' in Verbereitung des Weltkriegs erst im April 1937 erfolgte, während im Juni 2018 Putins Kampfflugzeuge syrische Städte bereits seit Jahren bombardiert haben und zeitgleich mit der Propagandaveranstaltung in Rußland Putins militärische Handlanger verzweifelte und hilflose Menschen in Syrien in Fortsetzung begangener Verbrechen weiterhin brutal ermorden. Die Medienleute in einigen entscheidenden Staaten hätten unter Nutzung vorhandener Kontakte mit etwas Koordination seit dem Novichok-Mordversuch in Salisbury im März 2018 und den Berichten des internationalen Ermittlerteams zum MH17-Abschuss Putins Inszenierung im Sommer 2018 in Rußland verhindern können. Sie haben sich ausdrücklich für Putin und gegen die Menschen entschieden. Hieß es bislang bei Putins Handlangern, daß mit diesem Massenmörder im Gespräch zu bleiben sei, heißt es jetzt diesem Massenmörder zu huldigen.

Menschen werden hingemordet, die Welt wird getäuscht und verhöhnt, aber der erhobene Stein wird früher oder später auf die Füße derjenigen fallen, die ihn erhoben haben.

June-July 2018 'World Cup' and Russian war against the Syrian people: 2 June 2018: As many as 132 civilians were killed in attacks by the Assad regime and its Russian ally last May, according to SNHR, saying that these attacks amounted to war crimes as the Assad regime violated international law which protects civilians' right to life - 3 June 2018: Dozens drown and rescuers save at least 60 lives after vessel with about 180 people onboard sank off Tunisia coast - 5 June 2018: Iranian terrorist groups have returned to southern Syria under cover by the Assad regime, with reports about the arrival of Assad regime military reinforcements in the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra - 5 June 2018: 3,766 Palestinian-Syrians have been killed in Syria since March 2011, including 477 women, AGPS says - 6 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 7 June 2018: At least 10 civilians reportedly killed and dozen more wounded in an Assad regime airstrike in Idlib province, targeting a crowd of people waiting for food rations at the main aid center in Arhia - 7 June 2018: The Assad regime and Russian forces attacked three healthcare centers in Syria in May, according to SNHR, saying that such attacks have been 'deliberate and systematic' - 8 June 2018: Air strikes likely by Russia on the village of Zardana in northern rural Idlib killed at least 44 people overnight including 11 women and six children, inflicting the highest death toll in a single attack on the region this yearaccording to SOHR - 8 June 2018: Syrian Civil Defense mourned volunteer Ali Hassan Baradei who was killed in the line of duty when Russian airstrikes hit the town of Zardana in rural Idlib on Thursday - 8 June 2018: As attacks by the Assad regime forces and its Russian ally continue to target rebel-held areas across Syria, SNHR said that it had recorded no fewer than 11 massacres in Syria in May 2018 - 10 June 2018: After less than 72 hours of Zardana massacre, the warplanes kill and injure 18 citizens at least in a city and a town near it and near al-Fu’ah and Kafriya towns in the countryside of Idlib - 10 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province - 12 June 2018: At least 10 civilians, including four women and children, were killed and dozens more wounded in Assad regime's airstrikes on the Al-Nour Children’s Hospital in Taftanaz in Idlib province, according to Civil Defense - 12 June 2018: Binnish in rural Idlib came under Assad's heavy aerial bombardment, killing two people and injuring more than 20 others as well as causing massive destruction to medical and educational facilities - 12 June 2018: Assad regime prevented UN aid workers from accompanying aid convoy into Douma - 13 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province - 13 June 2018: Unicef said that the seven-year long war in Syria has forced 2.1 million children out of school, one day after it said that nine children were killed in an attack on the town of Zardana in rural Idlib on June 7 - 13 June 2018: SNHR said that it had recorded hundreds of violations and dozens of massacres claiming the lives of over a thousand people, including children and women, in Idlib province since the 'de-escalation zones' agreement took effect nearly a year ago - 13 June 2018: In a report based on separate witness testimony, epidemiological analysis and environmental samples, OPCW confirms use of Sarin and Chlorine in Syria's Al-Lataminah town on 24 and 25 March 2017 - 14 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, also targeting Al-Lataminah town, in Daraa province, and in Aleppo province, amid aerial bombardments - 15 June 2018: According to SOHR, Assad regime's army and its allies bombarded and shelled the towns of Kafr Shams and al-Harah near the border with the Golan Heights region in the southwestern Deraa region on Friday, killing at least six people, the highest death toll from bombing since a 'de-escalation zone' was agreed in by the regime’s ally Russia, along with Jordan and the USA, as soccer fans roar 'goal' in Moscow - 15 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, amid aerial bombardments - 19 June 2018: Warplanes believed to be Russian carrying out more raids on places in al-Meskiyyeh area in al-Lajat area, accompanied by an intensification of shelling by the regime forces on places in the villages and towns of al-Meskiyyeh, Bosr al-Harir, Asim, Nahte, Western al-Gharya, al-Hara, and Om Walad in al-Lajat area and the eastern countryside of Daraa - 20 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia and in Hama province, in Daraa province, again in Hama province, targeting Al-Lataminah town, Al-Zakah village and M’aarkaba town, again in Daraa province, targeting towns and villages, in Aleppo and again in Hama province, and again in Lattakia province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 22 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments, causing civilian casualties, and in Hama province - 22 June 2018: Assad's military helicopters dropped more than 12 barrel bombs on rebel-held territory northeast of Daraa on Friday, amid deadly aerial bombardments for the first time in a year, escalating an assault that has so far included artillery, according to SOHR - 22 June 2018: Russian and Assad regime air force and Iranian terrorist militias have intensified aerial bombardment and ground offensive against the liberated areas in southern Syria for the fourth consecutive day, prompting the UN to express 'deep concern' about the safety hundreds of thousands of civilians there, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 23 June 2018: Assad regime forces using artillery, airstrikes and barrel bombs to intensify pressure on opposition-held areas bordering Israel - 23 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments, in Aleppo province, and again in Daraa province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 24 June 2018: Russian regime bombed rebel-held parts of southern Syria late Saturday as intense airstrikes targeted areas near Daraa in an assault to take over strategic region bordering Israel and Jordan, ending ceasefire agreed by Jordan, Russian regime and the USA last year, and killing many civilians, according to SOHR - 24 June 2018: Russian jets strike Busra al-Harir town in Daraa province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 25 June 2018: About 155 Russian raids and explosive barrels as well as hundreds of shells target the east of Daraa in 24 hours and the violent clashes continue between the regime and the factions - 25 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and al-Quneitra province, in Aleppo province, and in Daraa province, where dozens of raids and barrel bombs target towns and villages east of Daraa and Daraa city, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 25/26 June 2018: On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Syrian regime’s detentions witness the killing of more than 60,000 detainees and the torture of tens of thousands of others, according to SOHR - 26 June 2018: After hundreds of Russian airstrikes, Assad regime forces and terrorist militiamen loyal to them control Bosr al-Harir - 26 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on several towns and areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters, causing a large number of casualties, and in Hama province - 27 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, in Daraa province, where the aerial and artillery shelling by the regime forces and their helicopters and by Russian warplanes, including attacks on hospitals and service centers, raise the death toll to more than 120 victims, and again in Hama province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 27 June 2018: Assad regime and Russian air forces have bombed most of the healthcare facilities and field hospitals in Dara’a province, putting them out of service, in repeat of the war crimes the Assad regime and its allies committed earlier in their bombing campaigns on eastern Ghouta and Aleppo, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 28 June 2018: The massacre of Al-Tayba town raises the number of casualties to 24 civilian casualties of those who were killed today out of more than 70 casualties due to Assad's and Russian aerial and ground shelling in 9 successive days of escalation - 28 June 2018: The military campaign launched by Assad's regime against the opposition in the south continues for a fourth day, with Russian air support and intense shelling in the towns and villages of the eastern countryside of Daraa - 28 June 2018: About 55 Assad and Russian raids target 4 towns and villages in the countryside of Daraa with renewed shelling ground and barrel bombs drop amid continuous attempts by the regime to control al-Hrak town - 28 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 28 June 2018: The regime forces carry out raids, arrests and thefts in Douma city and in the eastern neighborhoods of the capital Damascus - 28 June 2018: Intensive aerial bombardment by the Assad regime and Russian air forces has knocked five more hospitals in the province of Dara’a as part of the fierce onslaught being launched in the province and which began a few days ago, as civil defense centers in the towns of Musaifra and Nawa were also put out of service, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 29 June 2018: Assad regime sends lists confirming deaths of hundreds under torture, claiming that the detainees died of heart attacks, despite the bodies showing signs of torture, according to Alsouria Net - 29 June 2018: Ground shelling on Daraa city and air raids on a town east of it break Daraa province’s calm, according to SOHR - 29 June 2018: Assad regime forces target Kafr Hamrah town north-west of Aleppo city - 29 June 2018: Despite the continued negotiations about Daraa and the towns of its eastern countryside Assad's and Russian aerial and artillery shelling renews targeting the city and its countryside - 29 June 2018: As tens of thousands of Syrians are fleeing the offensive in neighboring Daraa province by Assad’s forces and the Russian military, IDF sends aid to Syrians fleeing Daraa in overnight 'Good Neighbor’ operation - 29 June 2018: Assad regime sends lists confirming deaths of hundreds under torture, claiming that the detainees died of heart attacks, despite the bodies showing signs of torture, according to Alsouria Net - 29 June 2018: Ground shelling on Daraa city and air raids on a town east of it break Daraa province’s calm, according to SOHR - 29 June 2018: Assad regime forces target Kafr Hamrah town north-west of Aleppo city - 29 June 2018: Despite the continued negotiations about Daraa and the towns of its eastern countryside Assad's and Russian aerial and artillery shelling renews targeting the city and its countryside - 29 June 2018: Assad and Russian airstrikes pounded rebel-held areas in southwestern Syria on Thursday, killing at least 17 civilians in an underground shelter and driving thousands more from their homes, as displaced people protest near the Israeli border demanding international protection, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 29 June 2018: Russian jets hit a house in rural Dara’a in which several families were hiding to escape the bombardment, killing nine people, mostly children and women, as Assad regime and Russian air forces have further intensified the bombing campaign which targeted new towns and villages - 29 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Hama and in Idlib province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 30 June 2018: Warplanes bombard towns in the western and eastern countryside of Daraa with more than 30 air raids accompanied by ground shelling, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 30 June 2018: Dozens of civilians, including women and children, reportedly killed and dozens more were wounded in barrel bomb attacks by the Assad regime in Daraa province on Friday, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia
1 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters, which caused a massacre claiming the lives of 10 citizens half of whom are children and resulting in the injury and missing of others, in Aleppo and Hama province, again in Daraa province, where tens of air raids and shells target Tafas town, raising the number of casualties, again in Hama and in Idlib province, leaving at least 8 casualties, as democracy is bombed to death across Syria, and as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 2 July 2018: How a severely wounded 10-year-old Syrian girl, who was the victim of an aerial bombing raid by Assad's warplanes in Daraa province and whose sister was killed in the raid, made her way to an Israeli hospital, as democracy is bombed to death across Syria, and as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 2 July 2018: As if killing and displacing them are not enough, the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them loot the property of Syrians east of Daraa - 2 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Aleppo province, again in Hama and in Idlib province - 3 July 2018: 200,000 Syrians flee their homes to the Jordanian and Israeli borders, and at least 214 civilians have been killed so far in the Assad regime's offensive to recapture the province of Daraa, according to Alsouria, as Daraa’s displaced people reaches the number of about 300,000 persons, according to SOHR, and as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 3 July 2018: Syrian Civil Defense Corps in Idlib said that no fewer than 127 civilians were killed and hundreds more injured, mostly women and children, in bombings by the Assad regime and Russian forces in Idlib province in June, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 4 July 2018: SNHR reports that June saw an upturn in the number of civilians killed, due to Assad's and Russian offensive in Daraa - 4 July 2018: SNHR said that the Assad regime is committing war crimes against detainees as at least 133 people were under torture in its prisons in the first half of 2018 and 84 people died under torture in June - 4 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, in Aleppo province, injuring one citizen woman at least, in Idlib and Lattakia province, in Hama province, and again in Daraa province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 4/5 July 2018: Fears are mounting about the safety of more than 270,000 civilians who have fled recent Russian-backed offensive in southern Syria, with aid groups and local doctors issuing urgent appeals for people stranded in the desert without shelter, also worrying about insects and scorpions that come at night - 5 July 2018: SOHR's pictures show the destruction caused by the missile and aerial bombardment by the regime and Russia against al-Naimah town east of Daraa city - 5 July 2018: Waves of air strikes pounded southern Syria on Thursday as Russian-backed regime forces with hundreds of missiles and barrel bombs launched their most intensive murderous bombing campaign yet in the two-week-old offensive, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 5 July 2018: As UN's Security Council as a whole — except Russia — has shown a 'strong unity' to denounce the ongoing military offensive in southwest Syria and its humanitarian consequences, Russian regime blocks Council statement, after there has been a fruitless push to persuade the regime to accept a declaration based on the need to deliver humanitarian aid - 5 July 2018: Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah is helping to lead Russian-backed offensive in southern Syria which has left over 250,000 people displaced - 5 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 5/6 July 2018: Held in parallel with relentless Russian airstrikes on the town of Saida in eastern rural Dara’a resulting in the death of civilians including children, UN Security Council once again failed to stop the carnage civilians in Syria by the Assad regime forces and their allies, according to Syrian Coalition's Badr Jamous, saying that the indifference being shown by the international would remain a dark stain on humanity's conscience - 6 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Idlib province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 6 July 2018: The Assad regime and Russian forces have further ramped up the bombing campaign in southern Syria as over 74 barrel bombs and 30 airstrikes hit the area in less than 24 hours, according to local activists, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 7 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Hama and in Idlib province, again in Idlib and in Lattakia province, again in Hama province, and again in Idlib province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 8 July 2018: An interim report released by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW said that chlorine may have been deployed by the Syrian regime as around 40 people choked to death in an April 7 attack on the then rebel-held town of Douma, which provoked Western air strikes on Syrian military installations - 8 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Aleppo and Idlib province, and again in Idlib province - 8 July 2018: Two days after the shelling stopped in Daraa province, warplanes and helicopters bomb Om Elmiathin, Daraa city and cause casualties, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 9 July 2018: Assad's army and allied troops laid siege to the rebel-held enclave in Daraa and were poised to gain complete control of the city, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 9 July 2018: As many as 180,000 children have been forced to flee their homes in Dara’a province since the start of the onslaught the Assad regime forces and Iranian terrorist militias launched to recapture rebel-held areas in the province with Russian aerial support, the UN children’s agency Unicef said - 10 July 2018: SNHR documented 453 attacks on civilian centers in Syria in the first half of 2018, including 38 in June, committed by Assad regime forces its ally Russia, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 10 July 2018: The number of Palestinian-Syrians who have been killed under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime since 2011 has risen to 520, with the majority of the victims from refugee camps in Damascus and its suburbs, according AGPS - 11 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, and in Lattakia province - 11 July 2018: At least five civilians were killed and 35 others were injured after Assad regime bombed the towns and villages of rural Idlib despite international warnings, as Idlib province is home to some three million people, the majority of whom were forcibly displaced from other parts of Syria, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 12 July 2018: A booby-trapped motorbike exploded in rebel-held territory in northern Aleppo province on Sunday, killing three civilians, including a child, and wounding ten more people, according local activists - 12 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, targeting al-Lataminah town, in al-Quneitra province, targeting the countryside by rocket shells, in Lattakia province, as regime’s helicopters drop explosive barrels on Jabal Al-Akrad, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 13 July 2018: More casualties raise to at least 4 the number of people, including a woman and 2 children, reportedly killed in the aerial bombardment on the countryside of Jisr al-Shughur west of Idlib - 13 July 2018: About 30 civilian casualties reported in a new massacre by the International Coalition warplanes in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor - 13 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 13 July 2018: Russian forces have killed 71 civilians, including 20 children and nine women since the start of the World Cup on 10 June, committing at least eight massacres, attacking 14 vital civilian centers, including five healthcare facilities, and displacing 270,000 people along with allies, according to SNHR - 13 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 14 July 2018: Dozens of people were killed and wounded in artillery and rocket shelling by the Assad regime on Idlib and Hama countryside on Friday, as WHO seeks access to Syrians displaced in the South - 15 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia and al-Quneitra province, in Hama province, again in Lattakia province, and again in Hama province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 16 July 2018: Assad’s forces and militias backed by Iran have been carrying out a heavy bombardment campaign since Sunday morning in the Quneitra province in southern Syria, amid reports of an attempt to take control of the first towns in the province close to Israel - 16 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 16 July 2018: Causing civilian casualties, Assad regime's and Russian air forces pummeled northwestern rural Dara’a on Monday, stepping up the use of barrel bombs and cluster munitions to force rebel fighters to surrender, as Russian airstrikes killed three civilians and injured many others in the village of Aqraba, carrying out about 75 airstrikes on Tal al-Harra in the past 24 hours - 16 July 2018: Assad regime’s and allies' onslaught on Daraa caused biggest displacement wave since 2011 - 17 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Idlib and Lattakia province, in Daraa and al-Quneitra province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters - 17/18 July 2018: A Russian airstrike hit a school in the town of Ayn al-Tineh, which was hosting tens of displaced families who fled the bombing on the southern Daraa province, as 30 more civilians were wounded in the Russian attack - 17 July 2018: Syrian refugees fled toward the Israeli border as a Russian airstrike on a nearby school being used as a shelter killed at least 10 civilians, according to a search and rescue team - 18 July 2018: Causing tens of casualties and wounded, Assad regime forces targeted by more than 350 missiles and more than 40 explosive barrels and airstrikes areas in Nawa city and its vicinity as well as the area of Tell Al-Jabiyyah and Tal Al-Jumou’, in a sudden escalation on the last city which is beyond the regime’s control and which has the largest population in Daraa province, also rendering sole hospital non-operational - 18 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, again in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by helicopters as warplanes believed to be Russian kill 2 citizens including a child in Tasil town, and again in Idlib province - 19 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by helicopters and warplanes, and in Hama province - 19 July 2018: Russian forces have killed more than 6,000 Syrian civilians since the beginning of its direct military intervention in Syria in 2015, also committing dozens of massacres in the areas covered by the ‘de-escalation zones’ agreement which was reached in May 2017, according to SNHR - 20 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by helicopters and Russian warplanes, targeting the towns of Tasil, Sahm al-Golan, Jellin, Adwan, and other places in Yarmouk Basin - 21 July 2018: After massacres of 26 civilian casualties, including 11 children, Russian warplanes continue to destroy and incinerate Yarmouk Basin area in Daraa province - 22 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments by Russian warplanes with more than 130 air raids, in Aleppo province, and in Hama province - 22 July 2018: Israel transported several hundred Syrian civil defense workers and their families from southwest Syria to Jordan overnight Saturday, saying it had engaged in 'a humanitarian effort' at the request of the USA and EU, after many powerful countries and the United Nations - including a lot of subsidiary organs, organizations, and an Assad supporting Guterres - failed to prevent even one of Assad's, Russian and Iranian war crimes since 2011 - 22 July 2018: Convoys of displaced people from Quneitra and Daraa did not reach their destinations as Assad regime's gunmen stop them in Homs - 22/23 July 2018: Iranian militia in Homs held 55 evacuation buses heading towards Idlib for seven hours - 23 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 24 July 2018: Squadrons of Russian warplanes continue to destroy Yarmouk Basin and target the area by more than 80 raids in 8 hours, as fled Syrian volunteers who rescued civilians from under the rubble of destroyed buildings say they suffered systematic attacks by regime forces, and that surrender deals negotiated with local rebels did not allow for the evacuation of humanitarian workers - 24 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and target villages and towns in the countryside of Hama, such as al-Lataminah, KafrZitta, Hasraya, al-Zakat, al-Janabera, al-Bana, M’aarkbeh, al-Sayyad, and other areas in this countryside - 24 July 2018: Prominent peaceful activist Yahya Sharbaji dies under torture in Assad’s prisons - 25 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid intensified aerial bombardments, in Lattakia province, and in Hama province - 26 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 26 July 2018: The death toll rose to 246 at least, as 135 civilians, including 34 children and women, and 111 armed men the majority of them were gunmen from the countryside of al-Suwaidaa province, who took up arms to repel the attack of the 'Islamic State' organization, were killed - 27 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, as aerial bombardments continue to target Yarmouk Basin in Daraa province - 28 July 2018: Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, told the UN Security Council that the first quarter of 2018 saw a 348% increase in killing and maiming of children in Syria compared to the previous quarter, also saying that over 100 attacks on hospitals and medical facilities or personnel have been verified since the beginning of 2018, as Guterres supports Assad's regime and therefore Assad's, Russian and Iranian war crimes - 28 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments, in Aleppo and Idlib province, in Hama province, again in Daraa province, and again in Idlib province - 29 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama province, in Idlib province, and in Lattakia province - 30 July 2018: The Assad regime has begun updating the records of tens of thousands of activists who disappeared during the early stages of its seven-year war against the Syrian people, as families who have spent years awaiting answers over loved ones are now streaming into civil registry offices to collect the final official recognition of an estimated 13,000 deaths in detention - 30 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Aleppo province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 31 July 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 1 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama province, in Aleppo province, as security chaos continues in Idlib countryside by more targeting operations - 2 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, in Aleppo province, and again in Hama province - 3 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Lattakia province - 3 August 2018: At least 542 people have been killed under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime since the beginning of 2018, according to SNHR - 3 August 2018: Assad's regime launches large-scale arrest campaign in Daraa province - 4 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Lattakia province, and again in Hama province - 4 August 2018: Assad regime forces recruit more than 600 young men in Damascus and Rif Dimashq, raising the number of conscripts in the newly-controlled areas to more than 19,000 in 4 months - 5 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and al-Suwaidaa province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama province, and in Idlib province - 6 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, and in Hama province - 6 August 2018: SNHR said that it has recorded the arrest of 647 people in July, mostly by Assad forces, aimed at the intimidation of civilians and denying them their basic rights - 7 August 2018: Syrian Civil Defense extinguishes fire blazes caused by Syrian regime bombardment with missiles carrying flammable substances on Idlib province - 7 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, and in Hama province - 7 August 2018: Attacks by the Assad regime and its allies, including Russian forces, killed and wounded more than 1,000 people in July in Idlib province, mostly children and women, according to the Syrian Civil Defense - 8 August 2018: Health agencies warn that Idlib offensive, where an influx of displaced people has roughly doubled the population to around 2.5 million, could uproot hundreds of thousands - 8 August 2018: SNHR said in a report that there were 4,360 incidents of attacks hitting 1,356 schools in Syria since 2011, which caused about half of them to go out of service, documenting the deaths of 528 civilians as a result of attacks on schools and educational institutions, as the Assad regime attacked 996 schools, the Russian forces are responsible for attacking 169 schools and the international coalition forces are responsible for attaching 87 schools - 8 August 2018: Assad’s forces and its allied militias continued for a fourth day in a row their campaign of raids accompanied by widespread arrests in the city of Lajat in the northeastern Daraa countryside in southern Syria - 9 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, again in Hama province, in Aleppo province, again in Idlib province, again in Hama province, and again in Aleppo province - 10 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Lattakia province, again in Hama province, and in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 11 August 2018: A massacre took place in Urum al-Kubrah in the western countryside of Aleppo, where tens were killed, injured and missed, as a result of successive strikes carried out by warplanes, coinciding with bombardment escalation on southern Idlib province and northern Hama province - 11 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, in Lattakia province, in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters, again in Lattakia province, as the number of casualties of the Urem al-Kubra massacre raises to 34 including 12 children and women - 11 août 2018: Au moins 53 civils, dont 28 enfants, ont été tués en Syrie dans les raids aériens ayant visé vendredi soir plusieurs territoires rebelles du nord du pays, selon OSDH - 12 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia province, in Hama province, again in Lattakia province, as the Sarmada massacre in Idlib province claims the lives of 39 casualties including 21 children and women, and the search for people under the rubble continues - 13 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Lattakia province, again in Hama province, and in Idlib province - 13 August 2018: Assad's bombings were renewed on Monday morning, killing a girl and two women and wounding six other civilians - 14 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, and again in Hama province - 15 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 15 August 2018: Civilian casualties on the rise as Assad regime barrel bombs southern rural Idlib - 16 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 17 August 2018: Assad's artillery killed a child and wounded dozens in northern Idleb province as regime forces stepped up its aerial and ground offensive on northwestern Syria, according to local activists, as 67 civilians killed in Idlib province since Friday and Russian and regime warplanes have been carrying out many airstrikes - 18 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, and again in Hama province - 18 August 2018: In a joint letter to the UN signed by Qatar and Liechtenstein on behalf of 41 countries, including the USA, the UK, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Morocco, Mexico, Austria, Italy, Turkey, France, Canada, and the Netherlands, about the Assad regime’s recent issuance of thousands of death notices for detainees who died under torture in its prisons, condemning the Assad regime's systematic violations, torture and execution of detainee - 18 August 2018: Syrian Civil Defense's Raed Al-Saleh said that Russia must stop lying about the situation in Syria, stressing that jets of the Assad regime and Russia were targeting civilians as well as healthcare facilities and other vital civilian centers - 19 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, including aerial, artillery and rocket shelling - 19 August 2018: Humanitarian disaster looms over Idlib as raids escalate, including Russian airstrikes - 20 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 21 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, and in Daraa province, amid aerial bombardments - 22 August 2018: SNHR recorded 221 incidents in which chemical weapons were used by the Assad regime and the Islamic State, of which the regime was responsible for 216, and of which 183 happened after the infamous and 'red line' August 2013 Ghouta attack, as USA, UK, France once again vow to punish Syria for chemical attacks in a statement coming on the fifth anniversary of the 2013 sarin nerve agent attack - 22 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, and in Daraa province - 22 August 2018: Russian regime's military have been key to propping up Syrian Assad regime and helping him reclaim key ground, as Russian ministry said Wednesday that over 63,000 Russian troops, including 434 generals, have fought in Syria and about 90% of Russian combat pilots have flown in Syria, using the operation to test some of its most advanced weapons, including the latest jets and cruise missiles, helping turn the tide of war in Assad’s favor and the Assad regime in August 2018 five years after the Ghouta chemical attack controls nearly two thirds of the country, compared to just one third back in 2014 - 22 August 2018: Assad regime forces carry out a campaign of searching and raids on the houses of citizens in Yarmouk Basin in Daraa province, under the pretext of searching for weapons and former members in the civil defense and the Russian military police have entered Al-Shajara town, according to SOHR - 24 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 25 August 2018: 3 Russian warships passed through the Bosporus on their way to the Syrian port of Tartus for the start of the offensive to take Idlib, as Hezbollah reportedly decided to stop obeying Iranian regime’s orders for sending its fighters into the brutal Syrian warfront - 26 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 27 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province amid ongoing preparations by Assad regime forces in Hama, Lattakia and Idlib provinces for the battle of Idlib, as the regime forces continue carrying out more arrests against residents of Daraa province - 28 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Aleppo province, and again in Hama province - 29 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, and again in Hama province - 30 August 2018: About 8,000 civilians including 3,123 children and woman are among more than 18,000 people killed by the Russian strikes in 35 months of military operations in Syria, according to SOHR, as in seven years, the casualties of Russian and Iranian backed war have grown from the first handful of protesters shot by Assad's forces to hundreds of thousands of dead - 30 August 2018: Assad's regime has moved armed helicopters closer to the rebel stronghold of Idlib in the last few weeks, according to USA defense officials, as Russian regime said that militants there must be liquidated and regime's Lavrov described them as 'a festering abscess' - 31 August 2018: Syrian Network for Human Rights said that it had documented at least 95,056 people who were still forcibly disappeared in Syria, most of them by the Bashar al-Assad regime - 31 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama province and in Lattakia province - 31 August 2018: Assad regime’s forces behave just like gangs of bandits as checkpoints deployed across Daraa province extort money from civilians traveling around the province, residents say - 1 September 2018: In the crowded towns of Idlib province in Syria’s north-west, up to 3 million people are bracing for imminent attack by Russian forces, as the displaced of Assad’s seven-year war have nowhere left to run - 1 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 2 September 2018: 'Home – Drawings by Syrian Children' is a book filled with the truest international language that we big people need to listen to closely and seriously, documenting journeys of escape, fleeing unimaginable horror, murderous men and the end of their homeland - 2 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib, and in Lattakia province, and again in Hama province - 3 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 3 September 2018: At least 198 people died as a result of torture in Syria in August 2018, all but four of whom were killed by Assad regime forces, according to SNHR - 4 September 2018: Russian regime resumes Idlib air strikes targeting areas including the large town of Jisr al-Shughur and the town of Ariha held by Turkish-backed rebels, amid warnings - 5 September 2018: Erdogan decries Assad regime's assault on Syria's Idlib as 'a serious massacre', saying a ‘very merciless process’ is unfolding in Idlib, as Russian regime confirms that its war planes are bombing targets in Syria's Idlib province - 5 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Idlib province, and in Lattakia province - 5 September 2018: Education officials suspend schools in western rural Idlib because of the renewed bombing campaign by Assad regime's and Russian air forces, that reportedly killed at least 14 people and wounded 31 others so far - 6 September 2018: Several civilians reportedly killed and others injured by Assad regime's forces in Idlib countryside, after Russian warplanes committed a massacre in Jisr Al-Shughur, killing 5 children and injuring 13 others - 6 September 2018: The Assad regime and its Russian ally killed two media activists in August 2018 with the aim of concealing their crimes, as many as 22 media activists have been killed since the beginning of 2018, mostly by the Assad regime and its Russian ally, and the number of killed media activists and journalists in Syria since March 2011 was brought to 669, according to SNHR - 6 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardements, again in Idlib and in Lattakia province - 7 September 2018: Civilians trapped in Idlib are terrified, fearing barrages of bombing, as world leaders respond with meek platitudes, an Islamic Relief worker in Idlib writes - 7 September 2018: Air strikes hit Idlib as summit of murderous regimes begins in Tehran, usurping to decide the fate, the life and death of millions of innocent people without any shelter - 8 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, amid aerial bombardements - 8 September 2018: Russian and Syrian regimes' warplanes pounded towns in Syria’s Idlib province on Saturday, a day after a summit of Turkey, Iran and Russia failed to agree on a ceasefire, as witnesses and rescuers said at least a dozen air strikes hit a string of villages and towns in southern Idlib and the town of Latamneh in northern Hama, killing civilians, and Assad's helicopters dropped so-called barrel bombs on civilian homes - 9 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardements - 9 September 2018: Assad regime and allied Russian forces resume airstrikes on Idlib province on Sunday, after bombardment in the past two days has prompted thousands to flee in the northern countryside and north-western areas - 10 September 2018: Syrian dictator Assad reportedly authorized his forces to use chlorine gas in the assault on Idlib province, as regime's and Russian aircraft are pounding the province - 10 September 2018: The Assad regime and Russian air forces have further intensified the bombing campaign in Idlib and Hama provinces, killing more than 30 people, including women and children, as a number of towns and villages are declared disaster areas as a result of the widespread destruction - 10 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments and shelling by warplanes and helicopters, also dropping about 20 barrel bombs targeting areas in the villages of Abdeen, al-Hbit and Lahaya in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 11 September 2018: As Hama countrysides are subjected to Assad's and Russian military campaign including artillery and aerial bombardments, using guided missiles and barrel bombs, killing and wounding residents and destroying homes, large numbers are fleeing seeking protection near Turkish observation points - 11 September 2018: Turkish military vehicles transport more materiel and equipment to the Syrian territory within the processes of strengthening their military posts and increasing their protection - 12 September 2018: Assad's forces fired chlorine, a banned chemical weapon, on a rebel-held Damascus suburb and on Idlib province this year, in attacks that constitute war crimes, bringing to 39 the number of chemical attacks which the Commission of Inquiry on Syria has documented since 2013, UN human rights investigators said on Wednesday - 12 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 12 September 2018: More than 80% of the people of the town of Habeet in southern rural Idlib fled their homes to escape the intensified bombing campaign the Assad regime and Russia forces, killing dozens of civilians and prompting local officials to declare several towns and villages 'disaster areas' - 12 September 2018: Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in the wake of the continued mobilizations of the regime and Iranian forces in the northern countryside - 13 September 2018: UN's Independent International Commission of Inquiry said yesterday that internal displacement has reached an unprecedented level this year in Syria, not seen since the war was opendend by Assad in 2011 - 14 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 15 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 15 September 2018: Assad and Russian regime launching unlawful attacks on Idlib using internationally banned weapons, rights group says - 16 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 17 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, and again in Idlib province - 18 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 19 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 19 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 20 September 2018: Civil defense volunteers in Aleppo and Idlib provinces held sit-in protests to condemn the repeated attacks by the Assad regime and Russia on the civil defense centers, calling on UN to hold accountable those responsible for the direct targeting of civilians, public markets and vital civilian centers - 20 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, as 39 people were killed including 29 citizens and a child in several Syrian areas - 21 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 21 September 2018: News agency says that at least 22 Iranian-backed foreign terrorist groups are surrounding Idlib’s de-escalation zone from three directions, coming from 232 different locations across Syria, as Syrian Coalition stresses the need for all these militias to withdraw from Syria and to hold Iranian regime accountable for all the war crimes its militias have committed against Syrian civilians over the past eight years - 21 September 2018: UN judge Catherine Marchi-Uhel responsible for preparing war crimes charges against individuals over the Syrian conflict said her office plans to open at least two cases by year's end - 21 September 2018: Assad regime forces breach the truce once again targeting a village north of Hama - 22 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Idlib and in Hama province - 23 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Lattakia province - 24 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 24 September 2018: Assad regime’s intelligence continues to carry out arrests in the vicinity of the capital Damascus and its Ghouta and arrests citizen women in Arbin city - 24 September 2018: Assad regime arrests a former leader of an opposition rebel division in Daraa province, taking him to an unknown destination, after he carried out a 'reconciliation' with the regime earlier - 24 September 2018: Regime forces detain women in Eastern Ghouta as civilians in Homs and Hama suffer increasing harassment by Assad’s forces - 25 September 2018: In Al-Hasakah province, a citizen was killed under torture in Assad's detention centers after he was arrested years ago - 25 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Lattakia province, again in Aleppo province - 26 September 2018: In its latest report, Syrian Network for Human rights SNHR has said that over 222,000 civilians have died since March 2011, with Assad forces being responsible for almost 90% of them, and the number of victims of Russian operations reached 6,239, or 2.81% - 26 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, and in Aleppo province - 27 September 2018: Intensive artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces stationed in the Zahra neighborhood of Aleppo on the town of Kafarhamra in northern rural Aleppo killed Al-Nahda club’s goalkeeper Nour Dwalibi and injured five other civilians - 27 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 28 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, amid calls and preparations for demonstrations in opposition held areas in Syria - 29 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 30 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 30 September 2018: More than 18,000 people, nearly half of them civilians, have been killed in Russian air strikes on Syria since Putin regime began its assault three years ago, according to SOHR - 1 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Idlib province, as SOHR documented the death of 1,059 people in September 2018 - 2 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 2 October 2018: Over 8 million people in Syria exposed to explosive hazards, according to UN - 2 October 2018: Assad regime imposes more punitive measures against civilians in Daraa province - 2 October 2018: Russian forces have killed no fewer than 6,239 civilians since the start of its direct military intervention in Syria on 30 September 2015, according to SNHR, citing testimonies and eyewitness accounts confirming that Russia committed war crimes alongside the Assad regime forces, also saying that since the conflict began in 2011, Russia has used its veto power 12 times on the UN Security Council, including six times to block draft resolutions on the use of chemical weapons - 3 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Hama and Idlib province - 4 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 5 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 5 October 2018: No fewer than 31 attacks on vital civilian centers in Syria in September 2018, 16 of which were carried out by the Assad regime and Russia forces, according to SNHR - 6 October 2018: Russian airstrike killed five children in Idlib in September, SNHR says - 6 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 7 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Lattakia province, and in Idlib province - 8 October 2018: Syrian Assad regime dopped 98 barrel bombs in September, according to SNHR, revealing that regime forces had used 26,577 barrel bombs since the start of the Russian intervention on 30 September 2015 - 9 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 10 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 10 October 2018: 14,244 people have been killed under torture in Syria since March 2011, the overwhelming majority of whom were killed at the hands of the Assad regime forces, according to SNHR - 11 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Lattakia province - 11 October 2018: USA's State Department's report confirms that over the past 8 years Iranian regime has spent some $16 billion to prop up the Assad regime and support terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen - 12 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, as Assad's intelligence raid Damascus suburbs - 12 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 13 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, as no aid reaches al-Rokban camp in the desert near the Jordanian/Syrian border and its shortage claims the lives of 3 victims out of hunger and sickness, after Assad regime has imposed a blockade on the camp for over two weeks leading to the death of 14 people, including four children - 14 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 15 October 2018: A BBC investigation shows for the first time the extent to which chemical weapons have been crucial to Assad's war-winning strategy, saying there is enough evidence to be confident that at least 106 chemical attacks have taken place in Syria since September 2013, when Assad signed the international Chemical Weapons Convention and agreed to destroy the country's chemical weapons stockpile following the Ghouta chemical attack - 15 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 16 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 17 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 18 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 19 October 2018: Assad forces shell Idlib with artillery in new breach of Idlib agreement - 20 October 2018: Warplanes of the USA-led international anti-ISIS coalition committed four massacres in eastern rural Deir Ezzor claiming the lives of dozens of civilians in less than 24 hours - 20 October 2018: 55 people were killed yesterday in Syria including a member of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them and 46 other people - 20 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 20 October 2018: Assad regime forces target Hayyan town north of Aleppo - 21 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Aleppo province - 22 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 22 October 2018: Assad regime's forces putting increasing pressure on civilians in the areas under their control as they continue to detain and interrogate people returning to their homes from northern Syria - 22 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 24 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Idlib province - 25 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 25 October 2018: Assad regime forces renewed attacks on several areas in breach of agreements, as provinces of Aleppo, Hama, Lattakia and Dara’a witnessed renewed shelling by heavy artillery and rockets, resulting in the death of a child and several injuries among civilians - 26 October 2018: Assad appoints two generals in military intelligence, one war criminal accused of organising the massacre of hundreds of Syrian and Palestinian detainees - 27 October 2018: After the biggest massacre, resulting in the death of 7 citizens at least including 3 children and 3 women, in the Syrian North since the truce agreement, regime forces renew their violations to the truce in both Aleppo and Idlib province - 27 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 27 October 2018: Assad forces intensify shelling on Idlib amid renewed push for reinvigoration of political process - 28 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia province, and in Hama and Idlib province - 29 October 2018: SNHR called on the UN Security Council to put forward a recommendation to the UN General Assembly to suspend the membership of the Assad regime in response to the atrocious crimes and violations it has been committing against the Syrian people over the past seven years - 29 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, and in Lattakia province - 30 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 30 October 2018: Assad regime forces and their allied Iranian terrorist militias renewed shelling on rural Aleppo, killing one civilian and injuring many others - 31 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 31 October 2018: Syrian-led human rights group said Wednesday it has documented more than 1,400 incidents in which Russian forces indiscriminately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure in the three years since Putin regime intervened in Assad's war against the Syrian people, adding that the visual documentation is essential for 'advancing justice' - 1 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 1 November 2018: Two children were killed in an explosion of a landmine left by the Assad regime in northern rural Hama, the fourth such incident in around a month - 2 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 2 November 2018: Assad regime attacks reportedly escalate in eastern Idlib province, killing and wounding a number of civilians and displacing residents - 3 November 2018: Anti-regime demonstrations swept across northern Syria in a Friday that activists dubbed 'No Safe Environment under Assad Regime' - 4 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 5 November 2018: Lebanese minister Mouin Merehbi said that about 20 Syrian refugees who had returned from Lebanon to Syria had since been killed by regime forces - 5 November 2018: Assad regime’s intelligence arrests 26 citizens men and women from the Eastern Ghouta - 5 November 2018: 17 attacks on civilian infrastructure in Syria in October, according to SNHR - 5 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 6 November 2018: SNHR had compiled a list of 306 names of people who were arbitrarily detained by the Assad regime in October, also noting that the Assad regime have pursued policies of repression and enforced disappearance since March 2011, which constituted war crimes under international law - 6 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 7 November 2018: Iranian forces in Syria may present a threat to the USA and in Iraq the Iranian threat is increasing, according to a new report from the USA Department of Defense - 7 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 8 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 9 novembre 2018: Les forces du régime syrien ont tué vendredi avant l'aube 22 rebelles près de la province d'Idleb, dans une zone appelée à être 'démilitarisée' dans le cadre d'un accord russo-turc, selon OSDH - 9 November 2018: Detainees in the Assad regime’s Hama Central Prison issued an appeal to international human rights organizations to take urgent action to save them from death following the Assad regime’s recent issuance of death sentences against them for taking part in peaceful demonstrations - 10 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 11 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 12 November 2018: Many civilians were injured in continued heavy artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces on southern and eastern rural Idlib - 12 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 November 2018: Assad regime prevents residents of Yarmouk camp from returning - 13 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 14 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 14 November 2018: Assad's forces stepped up heavy artillery shelling on rural Aleppo and Latakia, targeting villages and towns - 15 November 2018: HRW said that 'facing Bashar Al-Assad alliance’s use of incendiary weapons cannot be postponed' as it called on the UN to address the flaws in its conventions on the use of these lethal weapons - 16 November 2018: The Assad regime forces are continuing to violate the Idlib agreement as they have further intensified shelling on towns and villages in the province - 17 November 2018: At least 40 people, mostly women and children, reportedly killed Saturday by USA-led airstrikes on the last pocket held by Islamic State militants in eastern Syria - 18 November 2018: Shelling renews by the Assad regime forces on the areas of the truce between the Russians and the Turks in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia provinces - 18 November 2018: L'ex-procureure de l'ONU au TPIY, au TPI pour le Rwanda et enquêtrice pour la Syrie, Carla Del Ponte dresse un tableau sans concession de l'organisation des Nations unies et même de la justice internationale, déclarant 'Nous sommes tombés très bas. Les droits de l'homme ne s'appliquent plus' - 19 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 20 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 21 November 2018: SNHR has documented the deaths of at least 28,226 children in Syria since 2011, most of them at the hands of the Assad regime and Russia, and including 196 children who were killed with chemical weapons - 21 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 22 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 23 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 24 November 2018: Assad regime forces renew the violations again in the demilitarized area and areas of the Russian-Turkish truce by targeting areas in Idlib, Hama, and Lattakia province - 25 November 2018: Assad regime's shelling of a rebel-held area in Idlib province killed at least seven civilians, as rebels deflect blame after dozens said hurt in Syria gas attack, saying that opposition fighters don’t have chemical weapons or the means to lob them, accusing the regime of staging the attack to frame the rebels - 25 novembre 2018: La Russie bombarde des zones rebelles en Syrie - 25 November 2018: Hours after a massacre claimed the lives of 9 children and citizen women, Assad regime forces kill a child girl by renewed shelling in Hama and Idlib province, raising to 116 the number of those who have been killed since the disarmament deal - 26 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia province, amid aerial bombardments - 26 November 2018: Syrian Interim Government condemned the Assad regime’s shelling of the town of Jarjanaz in rural Idlib while schoolchildren were leaving their school, after many children were killed and injured in the rocket shelling - 27 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 28 November 2018: Assad regime forces shell 9 areas in Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia, violating the Russian-Turkish 'truce' once again - 29 November 2018: Computer engineer Laila Shweikani was killed under torture in Assad's prisons, according to Syrian Coalition, calling on the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria to hold those responsible to account - 30 November 2018: UN's Staffan de Mistura announced that the latest round of negotiations in Astana had failed, saying that they did not achieve any tangible progress in forming a constitutional committee - 30 November 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 1 December 2018: UN said that it continued to receive 'disturbing reports' of airstrikes targeting the civilian population, medical facilities and civilian infrastructure in the province of Deir Ezzor - 2 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 3 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 4 December 2018: Assad regime forces continue their violations south Idlib, north Hama, and the areas surrounding them through renewed targeting of several cities, towns, and villages, causing civilian casualties and damage to civilian property - 4 December 2018: Since Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad began gassing his people half a decade ago, his regime and its Russian enablers have tried to persuade credulous observers that the rebels were doing it to themselves, but there is new evidence that, last month, the Syrian regime did exactly what it accuses the rebels of doing - 5 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 6 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 6 December 2018: SNHR said it had documented 18 attacks on vital civilian centers in Syria in November, most of which were carried out by the Assad regime and its Russian ally - 7 December 2018: Residents reportedly complain of no public services or electricity in Eastern Ghouta, after Assad regime offensive to retake eastern Ghouta killed 1,700 civilians killed also causing extensive damage to infrastructure - 7 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib and Lattakia province - 8 December 2018: After years in jail without trial or hope, Syria’s hunger strikers fight for justice, as political prisoners forgotten by the world also protest on behalf of hundreds of thousands detained or ‘disappeared’ - 8 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib and Lattakia province, as more Iranian forces arrive in the northern countryside of Hama to strengthen their spread in the area - 9 December 2018: Violations renew through targeting by the Assad regime forces to 8 places in the demilitarized zone and its vicinity in both Hama and Idlib countryside - 10 December 2018: As the Syrian regime arrests hundreds of young men in the eastern and southern suburbs of Damascus, despite the reconciliation deal reached in April, regime intelligence services have been arresting, torturing and raping the women of Ghouta, with the aim of humiliating them and their families, activists told Zaman al-Wasl - 10 December 2018: In about 93 months, about 560 thousand were killed in Syria since the day of claiming rights to the international human rights day, according to SOHR - 11 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 11 December 2018: Assad regime forces target both Hama and Idlib countryside within the ongoing violations to 'Erdogan-Putin' truce - 12 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 December 2018: Assad regime renewed its random arrests of civilians in the areas under its control in rural Deir Ezzor as it rounded up military-aged men to take them into forced military service - 14 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province targeting towns and villages - 14 December 2018: Kurdish-led fighters have captured the last Syrian town of Hajin held by 'Islamic State' terrorists, following days of intense battles near the Iraqi border in eastern Syria, according to activists - 14 December 2018: Two babies died in Rukban IDP camp under blockade by Assad regime, according to Unicef - 15 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 16 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 17 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 17 December 2018: Regime’s intelligence continues arresting residents of areas they control who chose to 'settle their situation' despite false Russian guarantees - 17 December 2018: Assad regime detaining Palestinians returning to Syria - 18 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 19 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 20 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 21 December 2018: Assad regime forces continue their shelling on the demilitarized zone in Hama countryside in the frame of the ongoing violations to the truce between the Russians and the Turks - 21 December 2018: Dozens of people took to the streets of the city of Dara’a, raising the flag of the Syrian revolution and chanting slogans against the Assad regime and its forces - 22 December 2018: Assad regime forces continue to target the areas of Putin/Erdogan deal and the areas of the Russian/Turkish truce in the 4 provinces - 23 December 2018: Violations by the regime forces expand within the Putin-Erdogan agreement areas and the provinces where the truce of the Turks and Russians is underway - 24 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 24 December 2018: Assad regime forces send new military reinforcements to the west of Euphrates River to increase its forces on the most important strategic road for Iran - 25 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib, and in Lattakia province - 26 December 2018: Assad regime forces continue to target the areas of Putin/Erdogan deal and the areas of the Russian/Turkish truce in the 4 provinces - 27 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Idlib, and Hama province - 28 December 2018: Following Trump’s decision to pull USA military out of Syria, Kurdish fighters in the face of the imminent threat of attack by Turkey appeal to Assad's regime for help and regime's military arrives at the frontline of the flashpoint town of Manbij - 28 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib, and in Lattakia province - 29 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province - 30 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, escalating their violations in the Russian/Turkish 'truce' i.e. the chumminess of Assad's, Iranian, Russian and Turkish criminals, also targeting areas in Idlib countryside - 31 December 2018: For the first time warplanes breach Putin–Erdogan agreement within Idlib through targeting to the western countryside of Jisr Al-Shughur city west of the province - 31 December 2018: Artillery shelling, exchange of targeting and aerial bombardment in about 24 hours target about 20 areas in Lattakia, Hama and Idlib provinces - 1 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, causing more casualties, and in Aleppo, Lattakia and again in Idlib and Hama province, escalating violations of a so-called truce by targeting many areas - 2 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, and in Aleppo and Lattakia province - 2 January 2019: SNHR compiled a list of the names of 6,964 civilians who had been killed in Syria in 2018, the majority of whom were killed by the Assad regime and its allied Iranian militias - 2 January 2019: Association of Syrian Lawyers published a list of individuals and entities involved in war crimes in Syria, with Bashar al-Assad on top of the list followed by hundreds of senior army officers and officials - 3 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, as in the face of the heavy rain the Syrian north camps live a catastrophic situation - 3 January 2019: At least 82 Palestinian-Syrians were killed under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime in 2018, according to AGPS - 4 January 2019: Russia reportedly sent more than 68,000 soldiers to Syria to participate in operations backing Assad - 4 January 2019: Warplanes carry out the third round of strikes during Putin-Erdogan 'truce', targeting the southern sector of Idlib and leaving several injuries - 5 January 2019: The Assad regime and Russia are responsible for the majority of the recorded 223 massacres that took place across Syria in 2018, according to SNHR - 5 January 2019: The Russian warplanes carry out a new round of aerial bombardment and of their first targeting to the western countryside of Aleppo leaving 16 citizens dead and wounded including children - 5 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province - 6 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 7 January 2019: Assad regime forces reportedly violate the truce between the Russians and the Turks by targeting 4 areas within Hama and Idlib sectors, as impacts of regime’s air raids and the barrel bombs dropped on Aleppo city cause the killing of a whole family in al-Salhin neighborhood - 7 January 2019: SNHR recorded the deaths of 91 medical workers and civil defense volunteers in around 198 attacks on their facilities across Syria in 2018, mostly by Assad regime forces - 8 January 2019: Despite 'settlement and reconciliation' Assad regime’s intelligence and security services continue their breaches in Daraa and carry out new raids and arrests - 8 January 2019: The SDF continue their attacks in Deir Ezzor province aiming to end the presence of Islamic State terrorists completely in their last enclave at the eastern banks of the Euphrates River - 9 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 10 January 2019: Syrian refugee found dead after flooding hits Lebanon and after UN has said that 50,000 people at risk - 10 January 2019: Assad continues to use internationally banned weapons and indiscriminate bombings to secure his grip on the country even further, according to SNRH - 10 January 2019: Russian forces stabilize new posts in Hama countryside and the regime forces bring more reinforcements to Idlib province - 10 January 2019: Russian forces stabilize new posts in Hama countryside and the regime forces bring more reinforcements to Idlib province - 10 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 11 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, escalating ground shelling along with expanding the scope of their targeting - 12 January 2019: Assad regime forces shelled a school in Idlib province with a large high-explosive Russian-made projectile in November, killing six children, a teacher, and a student’s mother, according to Human Rights Watch - 12 January 2019: Assad regime forces violate the 'truce' between the Russians and the Turks once again through ground shelling on Idlib and Hama - 12 January 2019: A girl was killed and her mother was injured in aerial bombardment by the Assad regime forces on Latamina in northern rural Hama on Friday - 13 January 2019: Assad regime forces escalate their violations in the Turkish/Russian 'truce' agreement and shell 10 villages, towns, and areas in the 4 provinces, renewing their shelling in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 14 January 2019: Assad regime forces renew their violations to the Russian/Turkish 'truce' through targeting to areas in Idlib and Hama province - 15 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib province - 16 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib province, and again in Hama and Idlib province - 17 January 2019: While Trump administration claims Islamic State terrorist group is defeated in Syria, front lines and deadly attack tell different story - 17 January 2019: Assad regime forces target the eastern part of Idlib countryside as part of the renewed breaches of the collapsed Russian/Turkish truce - 18 January 2019: Assad regime forces renew their shelling on Hama countryside after a round of shelling that left a casualty and other injuries Putin/Erdogan 'demilitarized zone' - 19 January 2019: Assad regime forces renew the shelling on areas of the agreement of both presidents and the Russian/Turkish 'truce' - 19 January 2019: A woman and a girl were killed and many others were injured in Assad regime artillery shelling on Morek in northern rural Hama - 19 January 2019: Eight detainees die in Assad’s prisons in Swaida - 20 January 2019: Believed Russian warplanes target Jisr al-Shughur countryside and east of Idlib causing more casualties, as northern sector of Hama countryside witnesses shelling by the regime forces - 21 January 2019: Assad regime forces renew their ground shelling targeting Lattakia Mountains and both Idlib and Hama in a new violation of a so-called 'truce' - 22 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib province, targeting about 15 towns and villages - 22 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib province, including the flight of a reconnaissance plane over Idlib countryside - 23 January 2019: Renewed security chaos in Idlib and its surroundings raises to 447, the number of assassinated people including about 115 civilians who have been liquidated by active cells in the area - 23 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 24 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 25 January 2019: Assad regime forces continue their heavy shelling on both Idlib and Hama countryside and clashes renew in areas in the southern countryside of Aleppo - 26 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 26 January 2019: Schools in Kafarzeita north of Hama suspended after 10 of 13 schools were completely destroyed by the Russian airstrikes and regime artillery shelling and two primary schools and one secondary school are damaged - 27 January 2019: Escalated shelling by the regime forces targets areas in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, as atttacks in the 4 provinces continue targeting 13 towns and villages, most of which were shelled by the regime forces in the truce areas - 28 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 29 January 2019: Assad regime forces continue their violations to 'Putin–Erdogan de-escalation deal' and target areas in both Aleppo and Hama countryside - 29 January 2019: A child was killed and five other civilians were injured in rocket and artillery shelling by the Assad regime and its Russian ally on the town of Kafranbel in rural Idlib as well as villages in northern rural Hama and southern rural Idlib - 30 January 2019: Russian warplanes return to kill Syrians and raise to more than 18,100 the number of casualties of the Russian bombardment in 40 continuous months - 30 January 2019: Renewed artillery shelling by Assad regime forces violates the 'Turkish/Russian truce' in Idlib and Hama - 31 January 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 1 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 1 February 2019: Cold reportedly kills 29 children fleeing Deir ez-Zor - 2 February 2019: After increased shelling in several places in the truce areas, in particular in Idlib and Hama sectors, where the regime forces shelled places, cautious calm - 2 February 2019: At least 197 civilians were killed in Syria in January, mostly at the hands of the Assad regime and its allies, SNHR says - 3 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 4 February 2019: Assad regime forces shells 8 towns, villages, and areas in Hama and Idlib sectors of the Russian/Turkish 'truce' areas - 4 February 2019: The killing of a displaced person from Homs province under torture by the 'military police' in Jarabulus ignites resentment among inhabitants of the area and the people displaced to it - 4 February 2019: Two civilians were killed and many others wounded in violent shelling by the Assad regime forces on the town of Al-Tih in southern rural Idlib - 5 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 5 February 2019: Renewed ground shelling by the regime forces targets the areas of the Russian/Turkish 'truce' - 6 February 2019: Iran defies international opposition and expands its Tehran–Beirut road after reportedly adding about 1300 Syrians to its ranks - 7 February 2019: SOHR monitored shelling by Assad regime forces targeting several villages and towns in the countryside of Idlib and Hama - 8 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 9 February 2019: 4 civilians, including a woman, were wounded in rocket and artillery shelling by the Assad regime on the villages of Tal Minnis and Ma'arshammarin south of Idlib, and 8 civilians were killed and many others reportedly wounded in explosions of previously dropped cluster bombs by the Assad regime and Russian air forces in eastern rural Hama - 9 February 2019: Assad regime forces targeted by a large number of missiles areas in Khan Shaykhun city, al-Khwyn town, Talmanas town and Deir el-Sharqi village in Idlib province, killing citizens including children - 9 February 2019: Assad regime forces targeted areas in Idlib, Hama province, and Latakia mountains - 9 February 2019: Assad regime forces detain civilians including 5 women in Ruhayba near Damascus - 9 February 2019: Khan Shaykhun massacre kills a woman and several of her sons and grandchildren, and raises the death toll to 222 during Putin/Erdogan 'truce' - 10 February 2019: Amid battle, thousands of civilians trapped in Islamic State's last remaining pocket in Syria - 11 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces carry out attacks on areas in Hama and Idlib province, raising the number of casualties - 11 February 2019: Assad regime allows Iranian companies to confiscate Syrian homes, as for many Syrians who have lost their homes, rebuilding is a cost they cannot afford and securing the permit for construction is not an option for them - 12 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 February 2019: Schools in southern rural Idlib suspended due to intensified Assad regime shelling - 14 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 15 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 16 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, targeting targeted places in Kafr Zita, Al-Sakhr, Qalaat al-Madiq, Al-Huwayz and Sharia in Hama province, Khan Shaykhun city and other places in Idlib province, leaving more casualties - 16 February 2019: Assad regime forces committed a horrific massacre claiming the lives of nine civilians, mostly children and women in the town of Khan Sheikhoun - 17 February 2019: New report shows there were at least 336 chemical attacks over the course of Assad's war in Syria, with 98% of them carried out by Bashar Assad’s regime, the remaining 2% attributed to the Islamic State terrorist group, and with approximately 90% of all confirmed attacks occurring after the infamous 'red line' war crime of August 2013, according to the 'Global Public Policy Institute', calling on the international community to target the military formations responsible for attacks including regime’s helicopter fleet, to prevent delivery of chemical munitions - 17 February 2019: Assad regime forces continue their heavy shelling within the demilitarized zone and target the sectors of Aleppo, Hama and Idlib using shells and missiles - 17 February 2019: Assad's rocket shelling continues leaving more human losses and raising the number of civilian casualties including children and women - 18 February 2019: Assad regime forces continue to escalate the ground shelling and target the southern sector of Idlib, Latakia mountains, and Jisr al-Shughur countryside - 18 February 2018: Intensified regime artillery shelling causing further civilian casualties and exodus of civilians in Hama province - 18 February 2019: Assad regime forces continue to target areas in Sahl Al-Ghab and Idlib countryside - 19 February 2019: Double bombing in Idlib kills 15 people and injures dozens - 20 February 2019: Assad regime forces carry out a new round of rocket shelling targeting towns in both northern and north-western countryside of Hama - 21 February 2019: Assad regime forces target more than 11 towns in both Hama and Idlib countryside by shells leaving a woman dead and others wounded - 21 February 2019: Assad regime’s intensified shelling on towns and villages in northern Syria has killed no fewer than 35 civilians in the past ten days, including 11 women and 13 children, according to Syrian Civil Defense - 22 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 23 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 23 February 2019: 5 children and a woman were killed and many others were wounded in relentless rocket and artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces on rural Idlib on Friday - 24 February 2019: Assad regime forces continue their shelling within 'Putin/Erdogan demilitarized area' after a massacre carried out yesterday that killed 7 civilians in Khan Shaykhun - 25 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, causing further casualties - 25 February 2019: Six children were killed in Maarrat al-Nu’man when the Assad regime forces hit the northern town with cluster bombs, according to the Idlib Media Center - 25 February 2019: Russia and the Assad regime have further tightened the blockade on al-Rukban IDPs camp near the Jordanian border as they continue to block the delivery of humanitarian aid with the aim of 'breaking the will of those trapped inside, displace them once again, and make them face an unknown fate', according to Syrian Coalition's Mustafa - 26 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 26 February 2019: Private and public schools and institutes in Saraqib in southern rural Idlib will be suspended for five days because of the Assad regime’s targeting of residential neighborhoods with aerial bombardment, artillery and rocket shelling - 27 February 2019: Assad regime escalates attacks on Khan Sheikhoun, forcing over 30,000 people to flee their homes - 27 February 2019: Renewed shelling after a series of massacres and murders carried out by Assad regime forces and warplanes in Idlib countryside areas - 27 February 2019: Assad forces continue to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, rights group says - 28 February 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 1 March 2019: Daraa told by Assad's regime to 'forget' prisoners taken before 2014 - 1 March 2019: SNHR said that no fewer than 108 civilians, including 31 children and 17 women, were killed and hundreds more injured in the intensifying bombing campaign by the Assad regime on rural Idlib and rural Hamas in February - 1 March 2019: As a part of the aerial escalation, warplanes return to bomb Idlib and target major cities and towns along with ground shelling on several areas in the countryside of the province and Sahl Al-Ghab - 1 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas Hama and Idlib province, also targeting Khan Shaykhun city - 2 March 2019: OPCW investigators say 'toxic chemical’ used in deadly attack on Syrian rebel town of Douma blamed on Assad regime in long-awaited final report by its fact finding mission that investigated the 7 April 2018 attack, as medical workers said at the time that the attack killed more than 40 people and opposition gave up the town days after the attack - 2 March 2019: Chlorine was used in attack on Syrian town of Douma, according to watchdog - 2 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas Hama and Lattakia province - 3 March 2019: Ground shelling by the regime forces targets areas in Sahl Al-Ghab and the south of both Idlib and Aleppo, again in Idlib and in Hama province - 4 March 2019: Assad regime forces continue their rocket shelling within the demilitarized zone and target more than 12 towns and villages in the countryside of Aleppo, Hama and Idlib - 4 March 2019: Syrian Coalition demands accountability for chemical weapons attack launched against civilians in eastern Ghouta's Douma in the spring of 2018 - 4 March 2019: Assad regime and Russia’s relentless bombing campaign on towns and villages in Hama and Idlib provinces forces tens of thousands to flee - 4 March 2019: Russian regime seeking to force people trapped in Rukban camp to return to regime-held areas as blockade continues - 5 March 2019: Russia threatens to starve Syrian refugee camp and force men into Assad's army - 5 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 6 March 2019: Guernica Centre for International Justice says that the Syrian regime has used bombardments and torture to forcibly displace civilians, submitting a motion to the public prosecution in the ICC calling for it to review the crimes - 6 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 7 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, as warplanes target Saraqib town east of Idlib - 7 March 2019: Eight years into Syria's Civil War, Russia is the big victor in Syria and will remain for a long time to come, 'Haaretz' says, stating: 'What a difference can 50 fighter jets make. In the summer of 2015 Syrian President Bashar Assad thought his regime was facing collapse' - 7 March 2019: Renewed airstrikes target the east of Idlib and ground shelling raise the death toll to 380 including more than 160 civilians - 8 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 8 March 2019: Assad regime forces target by more than 220 shells this evening sectors of Hama, Idlib, and Lattakia province - 9 March 2019: Families of female Palestinian prisoners in Syrian jails have said that their daughters were repeatedly raped and severely tortured, but their plight is being ignored - 9 March 2019: SNHR said that the Assad regime forces and its allied militias have killed more than 21,609 women, including 9,901 children since March 2011, noting that the figure represents about 78% of the total number of deaths among women - 9 March 2019: Renewed violations by the Assad regime and its allies in rural Idlib and rural Hama have so far killed more than 100 civilians, including many women and children as well forced thousands to flee towards camps near the Turkish border, according to Emergency Response Coordinators - 10 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, also targeting hospitals and a civil defense center - 11 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 12 March 2019: Russian airstrikes hit Syria’s Idlib, as Civil Defense reported that at least two people died, including a rescue worker, following a double tap bombing on al-Muntar - 12 March 2019: Warplanes target the eastern sector of Idlib countryside in conjunction with regime forces’ continuous targeting of places in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 13 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province - 13 March 2019: 13,983 people had died under torture in the Assad regime’s prisons since March 2011, according to SNHR - 14 March 2019: Russian and Assad regime airstrikes intensify after Russia has sent in aircraft to attack the Syrian province of Idlib in its first major assault for months, as foreign ministers gathered in Brussels to pledge as much $5bn to support countries like Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, where many Syrians have sought refuge - 14 March 2019: Regime and Iranian forces reportedly carried out two attacks in Idlib using shells containing white phosphorus, an internationally banned weapon - 14 March 2019: The bombardment on Idlib city causes a large massacre, killing and injuring about 75 citizens, according to SOHR - 15 March 2019: More than 570 thousand people were killed on the Syrian territory within 8 years of demands for freedom, democracy, justice, and equality, answered by Assad's, Iranian and Russian war, according to SOHR - 15 March 2019: Assad regime forces shelled areas in al-Lataminah town and the villages of al-Janabera and Tal Osman in the northern countryside of Hama, in conjunction with artillery and missile shelling by the regime forces targeting areas in the towns and villages of Tremla, Naqir, Sheikh Mustafa, KafrSajneh, and Maarrat Herma in southern Idlib province - 15 March 2019: Ground shelling by the regime forces targets areas in the Syrian North and Sahl Al-Ghab (Al-Ghab Plain) as a part of the continued violations to the so-called Russian-Turkish truce - 16 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province - 17 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, as ground shelling by the regime forces leaves more human losses - 18 March 2019: On the 8th anniversary of the Syrian conflict, France, Germany, UK and USA have reiterated their condemnation of the Assad regime and attacks on civilians - 18 March 2019: Ground shelling by the regime forces target areas in Sahl al-Ghab and Idlib countryside in a continuation of the escalation, also targeting places in Hama province, according to SOHR - 18 March 2019: The regime forces target about 10 towns and villages in Idlib, Aleppo and Hama province - 19 March 2019: Defected officer Ibrahim Obaid reportedly tortured to death after signing settlement - 19 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, causing more casualties - 20 March 2019: Assad regime's ground shelling targets 11 areas in Hama and its administrative borders with Idlib province as part of the continuous escalation in the 'truce areas' - 21 March 2019: Renewed ground shelling by Assad's regime targets Sahl Al-Ghab, the north of Hama and the province’s border with Idlib, rising the number of civilian casualties - 22 March 2019: Assad regime forces’ violations renew through shelling targeted the north of Hama, and other areas on its border with Idlib - 23 March 2019: Relative cautious calm prevails the 4 provinces of the 'truce' after the ground and air escalation by regime forces killed and wounded tens of people in the last 24 hours, according to SOHR - 23 March 2019: Russian airstrikes killed at least 15 people, including four children and two women, and injured 27 others in at least 11 attacks on residential areas in rural Idlib including the town of Kfariya - 24 March 2019: Areas of the Russian-Turkish 'truce' in the 4 provinces and 'demilitarized areas' witness renewed escalation through shelling by Assad regime forces, amid the flight of warplanes - 24 March 2019: Turkish authorities continue to enter their columns into Syria in conjunction with the escalation by the Russians and the Assad regime in the northern provinces - 24 March 2019: Despite the announcement of victory in the battle of Baghuz Fawqani by SDF, Islamic State terrorist group continues to be present in an enclave about 40% the size of Lebanon, with acceptance and silence from the Assad regime, Russians, and Iranians and in the form of sleeper and active cells, SOHR says - 25 March 2019: Fall of rocket shells launched by the regime forces on places in al-Sakhr village in the northern sector of Hama countryside monitored by SOHR - 25 March 2019: Renewed ground shelling by the regime forces escalates targeting areas in the north of Hama, Idlib countryside and the south of Aleppo - 26 March 2019: Broken regime promises and a continuing deterioration of living conditions in the southern province of Daraa reportedly pushed people to protest - 27 March 2019: Assad forces reportedly targeted a school in the village of al-Sheikh Idriss, east of Idlib, killing two students and wounding five others - 27 March 2019: The shelling and targeting operations, including rocket shelling, by the Assad regime forces are continuing in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province - 28 March 2019: A school, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure in Syria’s rebel-held Idlib province have been targeted by Assad forces in a wave of attacks in the last month, according to rights group's report - 28 March 2019: Ground shelling by Assad regime forces targeted areas in Janabera village in the northern countryside of Hama - 29 March 2019: After a series of intensive ground shelling by Assad regime forces in the 4 provinces of Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Lattakia, cautious calm returns - 30 March 2019: As many as 44 Syrian rights organizations and groups representing the victims announce support for memo submitted to ICC demanding Assad regime be held to account for war crimes against Syrian civilians, including torture and forcible displacements - 30 March 2019: The camps at the border with Iskenderun in the northern sector of Idlib countryside continue to witness tragic and catastrophic situation in various aspects of life - 30 March 2019: Assad regime forces targeted al-Lataminah and other areas north of Hama, in Idlib and in Lattakia province - 31 March 2019: 'Truce' interrupted by artillery shelling by the regime forces, targeting areas in the outskirts of Al-Lataminah town in the northern sector of Hama countryside - 31 March 2019: 48 hours of heavy rains and deteriorating weather conditions, overflowing and uprooting tents, cause a new disaster to thousands of displaced people in the Syrian North’s camps - 31 March 2019: After a series of explosions in Afrin, the Turkish forces target Syrian villages in the northern countryside of Aleppo by more than 100 artillery shells - 1 April 2019: After intense escalation by the Assad regime forces and after Russian warplanes killed and injured tens of people, relative calm returns in northern Syria - 1 April 2019: Assad regime forces’ ground shelling escalates targeting areas in Sahl Al-Ghab and Idlib countryside - 1 April 2019: Three civilians were killed and 26 others were wounded in artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces on Hwayez in northwestern rural Hama in the last weeks, also forcing thousands of civilians to flee their homes - 2 April 2019: Death cases continue in al-Hool camp for displaced people, as death of 13 children in raises to 207 the number of children who have died in al-Hool in about 4 months - 2 April 2019: Assad army launches conscription campaign in Eastern Ghouta, which was the first area in the capital to protest against Assad's regime - 2 April 2019: Assad regime and its allies continue to commit war crimes against civilians, as SNHR in monthly report has documented hundreds of deaths, arbitrary arrests and brutal torture against civilians - 3 April 2019: Successive raids by regime warplanes target Idlib countryside after about 12 days of the last raids that targeted the demilitarized areas - 3 April 2019: No fewer than 16 violations against journalists and media workers in Syria in March recorded by the Syrian Center for Journalistic Freedoms, saying that media worker Mahmoud Abdel-Al was killed in a Russian airstrike on the town of Jisr al-Shughour west of Idlib and two others were injured, bringing to 447 the number of media workers who where killed in Syria since mid-March 2011 - 4 April 2019: Shelling by Assad regime forces of rebel-held areas in the northwest of the country has killed 17 civilians in the past 24 hours, according to war monitoring group SOHR, saying the shelling was in different locations and that more than half the dead were under the age of 18 - 4 April 2019: More human casualties raised the death toll to about 40 casualties and wounded in a massacre carried out by Assad regime forces by targeting a market area in Kafr Nabl town - 5 April 2019: After killing about 25 people within 48 hours by the regime forces, the Russian warplanes target outskirts of Khan Shaykhun and the rocket shelling operations continue within the Russian-Turkish 'truce' areas - 6 April 2019: Ground shelling by Assad regime forces targets the areas of the Russian-Turkish 'truce' leaving more injuries in both sectors of Hama and Idlib - 7 April 2019: Assad regime forces renewed ground shelling targeting 'truce' areas - 7 April 2019: About 50 civilians were killed in the past hours raising the death toll to 45 in 5 days of ground shelling on the broken truce and agreement areas, according to SOHR - 8 April 2019: More human casualties raise to 12 the number of people killed by regime forces’ shells yesterday on east of Idlib - 8/9 April 2019: Suspected Russian long-range missiles hit the town of Jisr al-Shughour in rural Idlib, according to Syrian Civil Defense, as local observatory reported that the source of the missiles is the Russian warships stationed in the Mediterranean, wounding 12 civilians, including 10 children and a woman, and destroying a large amount of civilian property and infrastructure - 9 April 2019: The ongoing bombing campaign by the Assad regime and Russia has so far killed no fewer than 244 civilians since February 2, according to aid group - 9 April 2019: Assad regime forces continue the rocket shelling escalation in Hama countryside - 10 April 2019: Assad regime forces’ shelling continues on both Hama and Idlib countryside within the demilitarized zone, as regime’s intelligence continues its arbitrary arrests in Daraa countryside, and a child dies after the explosion of a landmine in Daraa city - 11 April 2019: After targeting the countrysides of Idlib and Hama by more than 120 shells and missiles during the evening hours, the regime forces continue the shelling within the Russian-Turkish 'truce' areas - 11 April 2019: Over 6,000 regime attacks in de-escalation zone in a single month, killing 135 civilians and forcing over 150,000 people to flee their homes, according to Alsouria Net - 12 April 2019: Assad regime forces target Al-Taman’aa town in Idlib province by about 350 rocket and artillery shells in 3 days - 13 April 2019: Assad regime forces continued the targeting by tens of shells of areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, including rocket and artillery shells - 14 April 2019: Assad regime forces shell again 7 areas in the countryside of Hama and Idlib after a series of raids targeted 'truce' areas - 15 April 2019: A major escalation by Assad regime forces targets al-Tamanah town with simultaneous shelling targeting south of Idlib and north of Hama - 15 April 2019: Death continues to reap lives of children in al-Hol Camp in al-Hasaka province, within the continuous tragic conditions in it, where SOHR documented the death of 12 new children as a result of poor health and living conditions - 15 April 2019: Assad regime and Russian forces have continued their bombing campaign in many areas of northern Syria and the demilitarized zone for more than two months, causing hundreds of civilian casualties and the displacement of thousands, according the Emergency Response Coordinators Team - 16 April 2019: More targeting by Assad regime forces by tens of rocket shells to both Idlib and Hama countryside - 16 April 2019: Rights group says Assad still detains thousands of Palestinian-Syrians, including infants - 17 April 2019: Assad regime forces continue shelling Sahl al-Ghab and south of Idlib within the supposed truce areas and rocket shells target al-Sqylbiyyeh town this morning - 17 April 2019: SNHR said that it had documented nearly 457 attacks in Syria by the Assad and Russian forces using cluster munitions, 24 of which occurred following the Sochi Agreement in September 2018 - 17 April 2019: Number of homeless children in Syria reportedly on the rise - 17 April 2019: Assad regime is suspected of killing activist Majid al-Asmi, who worked for Syrian revolutionary magazines and highlighted the plight of children - 18 April 2019: Continuous shelling by Assad's forces targets areas of the countryside of Idlib and Hama - 18 April 2019: Targeting a village and an adjacent camp for the internally displaced in Idlib’s southeastern countryside, Assad regime shelling killed at least seven civilians including two women and three children, wounding another 30 people, according to SOHR - 19 April 2019: Assad regime shelling kills 10 people in Idlib as children injured in landmine explosions in Daraa - 19 April 2019: After a few hours of calm, Assad regime forces shell again the Russian-Turkish 'truce' areas and target the countryside of Hama and Idlib - 19 April 2019: Assad regime forces escalate the shelling in the truce areas and target by tens of shells the countryside of Idlib and Hama - 20 April 2019: Assad regime forces target areas of the alleged truce by tens of shells and missiles - 20 April 2019: Turkish forces renew their shelling on positions of the Kurdish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 21 April 2019: Assad regime forces continued their shelling on areas in Hama and Idlib countryside - 21 April 2019: Arbitrary arrests of 5 people including a woman by regime’s intelligence in al-Tal city north of the capital Damascus - 22 April 2019: Renewed shelling by Assad forces on Idlib and Hama countryside, as shell from the Syrian war’s remnants explodes killing a man and injuring his wife and children in the Eastern Ghouta - 22 April 2019: Assad regime forces continue their shelling, targeting areas in Saraqib town in the eastern countryside of Idlib, and the villages of Mansoura, Kherbet al-Naqous and Tal Wasit in the northwestern countryside of Hama, and Huraytan town in the northern countryside of Aleppo, and other places in the areas of Jabal al-Akrad and al-Teffahiyyeh area in the northeastern countryside of Latakia, killing and injuring more than 10 people - 23 April 2019: The Assad regime reportedly fired rockets equipped with cluster bombs at a popular market in the city of Saraqeb, killing and wounding civilians - 23 April 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime and allied forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments by Russian warplanes - 24 April 2019: A woman and her child died and several other people were injured in an Assad regime forces’ rocket shelling on the countryside of Hama, as also areas in Jabal al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia and places in al-Tamanah town south of Idlib were under rocket shelling by the regime forces - 24 April 2019: More casualties increase to 15 including 3 children and female citizens, the number of people killed in the violent explosion that hit Jisr al-Shughur city this morning - 25 April 2019: Three children were killed and dozens more were wounded, including seven children and a woman, in artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces in rural Idlib and Hama - 25 April 2019: Assad regime forces escalate their shelling within the 'truce' areas and target by about 40 rocket shells Khan Shaykhun city south of Idlib - 26 April 2019: Russian warplanes renew their airstrikes today evening on Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Shashabo leaving wounded and people stuck under the rubble in Al-Amqiyyah village - 27 April 2019: Warplanes and helicopters carried out a new round of shelling, as Russian warplanes reportedly killed 15 civilians in the countryside of Idlib and Hama - 27 April 2019: After killing 15 civilians, the Russian warplanes continue their escalation within 'Putin-Erdogan' areas and carry out more raids, as Assad regime forces continue shelling targeting southern countryside of Idlib, southern countryside of Aleppo and Hama province - 28 April 2019: More human casualties raise to 20 including 8 children and women, the number of citizens who were killed in the Russian airstrikes within 48 hours - 28 April 2019: It rose to 3 at least, the number of air raids carried out by the Russian warplanes on areas in Hama province, in conjunction with renewed intensive rocket shelling by the regime forces and as warplanes carried out raids on areas in the western countryside of Idlib - 28 April 2019: Shop owners in Saraqib in rural Idlib were forced to close their shops for fear of the relentless shelling by the Assad regime forces targeting vital civilian centers and residential areas in the region - 29 April 2019: Regime’s warplanes participate with the Russian warplanes in the escalation of shelling of areas in Hama, Idlib and Lattakia province, as the ground targeting continues within the demilitarized area - 29 April 2019: Russian jets on Sunday bombed civilian homes in the town of Qal'at al-Madiq in northwestern rural Hama, killing seven civilians and injuring many others - 29 April 2019: Russia using siege and starvation to force out residents of al-Rukban, according to OCHA - 30 April 2019: Months after the last targeting of this kind, Assad's helicopters drop more than 10 barrel bombs on Hama countryside in conjunction with the heavy raids by the Russian and the regime’s warplanes - 30 April 2019: The intensifying airstrikes by the Russian air force knocked out two hospitals in the town of Latamina in northern rural Hama in the past 24 hours, local activists said - 1 May 2019: About 640 people in Syria, almost half of them civilians, were killed in April 2019, documented by SOHR - 1 May 2019: On the 2nd day of the aerial escalation, about 35 Russian and regime’s airstrikes, raids and barrel bombs target the countryside of Hama and Idlib - 1 May 2019: Pictures by SOHR show the destruction in al-Tamanah town south of Idlib, due to the aerial and ground shelling by the regime forces and the Russian guarantor, and in Abdeen village - 1 May 2019: Turkish Forces continue their revenge for the death of one of their soldiers in the 2nd consecutive day of shelling against areas of deployment of Kurdish Forces north of Aleppo - 2 May 2019: The 3rd day of the heaviest escalation begins with more than 20 airstrikes, as Russian warplanes kill a whole family in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 2 May 2019: Assad’s forces use barrel bombs for first time since Sochi agreement - 2 May 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters target by about 55 barrel bombs the 'truce areas since this morning causing more casualties and injuries - 3 May 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters drop about 70 barrel bombs on several areas of Idlib and Hama countryside since the morning of the 4th day of violent escalation - 4 May 2019: 720 airstrikes and hundreds of strikes killed about 65 civilians and military personnel in the 4 days of the regime's escalation, as Russian warplanes begin the 5th day with intense strikes - 4 May 2019: Russian and regime’s warplanes target northern Syria with 75 airstrikes since this morning - 4 May 2019: After arresting him 4 years ago, regime’s security branches reportedly kill a man from Daraa province under torture in their detentions - 5 May 2019: The aerial and ground escalation is still continuing on both Hama and Idlib countryside, where Russian and regime's warplanes and helicopters are continuing their violent and heavy bombardment in conjunction with the dropping of more explosive barrels - 6 May 2019: Russian and Assad's air raids and barrel bombs force more than 300,000 civilians to displace in 6 days, according to SOHR - 6 May 2019: Warplanes of the regime and the Russians start the 7th day of the most violent escalation by about 55 airstrikes on Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib provinces causing casualties and wounded - 6 May 2019: Aerial bombardment by the Assad regime and Russian forces targeting large areas of the provinces of Idlib and Hama knocked out four hospitals on Sunday, killing a nurse and a civilian in one of these hospitals - 7 May 2019: Assad regime forces and Russia bombarding 12 medical sites over 10 days in the Hama and Idlib provinces in central and northern Syria, according to SNHR - 7 May 2019: Assad regime forces and militias belonging to the regime reportedly launched attacks on a number of different fronts across Idlib and Hama provinces, with Russian and regime air support - 7 May 2019: Russian and regime's aerial and ground shelling continue on the 8th day of their escalation - 8 May 2019: Described as an 'unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe', renewed bombardment in north-west Syria that has displaced 200,000 people and destroyed 12 healthcare centres could have been sparked by Russia and Turkish moves to entrench their zones of influence and landgrab - 8 May 2019: Assad regime and Russia killed ten civilians in the Idleb and Hama provinces in a bombardment which occurred on Tuesday - 8 May 2019: Regime’s helicopters and warplanes continue to carry out raids and drop barrel bombs on places in the southern sector of Idlib countryside - 8 May 2019: UN said that the Assad regime's attacks on the ‘de-escalation zone’ in Idlib province have been the most intense in 15 months - 9 May 2019: After Assad's and Russian airstrikes reportedly killed 188 people in two weeks, destroying at least 10 schools and hitting at least 12 health centres and hospitals, medics, lacking resources and equipment, move operations underground, as wounded children die in their arms - 9 May 2019: The regime forces, warplanes, and helicopters target by about 150 air and ground strikes Khan Shaykhun and al-Hbit as part of their continuous escalation - 10 May 2019: Assad regime and Russian air forces bombed 44 Schools in Idlib since early 2019, documented by aid group - 10 May 2019: Russia and Assad regime committing war crimes in Idlib amid international silence, SNHR says - 10 May 2019: Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs, while the Russian warplanes carried out several raids in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 May 2019: After killing 10 civilians yesterday, the Russian and regime’s warplanes begin the 12th day of the heaviest escalation with intense airstrikes accompanied by heavy ground shelling - 11 May 2019: 7750 air and ground strikes displaced more than 300 thousand civilians, killed about 265 people, and the regime advances in 7 towns, villages, and a hill in the past days, according to SOHR - 12 May 2019: After the aerial bombardment stopped for more than 12 hours, Assad regime’s helicopters renew their bombardment and target Jabal Al-Akrad by barrel bombs - 12 May 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters drop more barrel bombs on Jabal Al-Akrad in conjunction with ground shelling by the regime forces on both Hama and Idlib countryside - 12 May 2019: More than 10 mostly children were killed and injured due to rocket shells that targeted Al-Suqaylabiyah and the warplanes of the Russian 'guarantor' return to target the 'de-escalation' area - 12 May 2019: More casualties raise to 5 children and one woman, the number of people who were killed in a massacre carried out by the factions through their shelling on Al-Suqaylabiyah town west of Hama - 13 May 2019: Tens of barrel bombs and hundreds of shells and missiles target Jabal al-Akrad within 24 hours, and 35 people were killed by the regime forces and the Jihadi groups in clashes of Kabana area - 13 May 2019: Assad regime and Russian forces targeted no fewer than nine mosques in the provinces of Idlib and Hama in the first week of Ramadan, according to SNHR, saying that the ongoing bombing campaign is mainly targeting populated areas - 14 May 2019: More barrel bombs dropped by helicopters in northern Latakia and southern Idlib province, while the Russian and regime's warplanes carried out several raids amid continued artillery shelling by the regime forces also on areas in Hama province - 14 May 2019: Just like the Syrian south, Iran continues converting to 'Shiism' operations west of Euphrates River and raise to more than 1,700 the number of the newly recruited, exploiting the poor living conditions - 15 May 2019: The heaviest escalation by Assad and Russian forces begins its 16th day with the death of 16 people, and kabana area witnesses ground and aerial escalation for the 4th consecutive day - 15 May 2019: Russia has further stepped up support for the Assad regime in its war against the Syrian people, using the liberated areas in Syria as a test ground for its most advanced weaponry - 16 May 2019: Backed by Russia, regime forces carried out a massacre in Jisr al-Shaghour, killing five civilians and injuring 20 others, according to Alsouria Net - 16 May 2019: Assad and Russian warplanes carried out more than 8000 air and ground strikes in the first 10 days of Ramadan, killing with the violent clashes 345 people, according to SOHR - 17 May 2019: As Assad regime and Russia attacks on Idleb intensified, hundreds of thousands of families have been forced to seek safety near the Turkish border, reports Alsouria Net - 18 May 2019: At least six civilians were killed and 15 others injured Friday in attacks by the Assad regime in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, said local sources - 18 May 2019: After the death of 7 civilians mostly children and women on the evening of the 18th day, the 19th day of Russian and Assad's offensive witnesses cautious calm - 19 May 2019: Assad regime forces continue their intensive ground shelling targeting areas in Kafr Zita town and the villages of Tal al-Sakhr and al-Zakat in the northern countryside of Hama - 19 May 2019: After 49 healthcare facilities have been affected in last three weeks in bombardment by Russian-backed government forces, Syrian war-wounded struggle for treatment amid hospital devastation - 20 May 2019: After hundreds of air and ground strikes relative calm in northwestern Syria - 20 May 2019: Palestinian rights group says Iranian militias bombed Al-Nayrab camp near Aleppo - 20 May 2019: Nine civilians killed in Assad's and Russian airstrikes on Kifranbel as death toll reportedly nears 500 since February 2 - 21 May 2019: Assad regime forces enforce their positions within the 16 areas to which they advanced - 22 May 2019: Regime's air strikes kill 15 civilians, 12 of them in a market, as fierce fighting rages in Syria's northwest, according to SOHR - 22 May 2019: Russian warplanes carried out a massacre in Maarat Al-Nu’man city in southern Idlib, where these warplanes targeted places in the area of the local market, resulting in the death of at least 12 citizens as well as the injury of 18 others, according to SOHR - 22 May 2019: USA suspects Syria's Assad regime carried out new chemical attack during its offensive in Idlib, threatens reprisal, as State Department says it will respond ‘quickly and appropriately’ to alleged strike, also denouncing Russian regime for support of Assad - 23 May 2019: More than 800 air and ground strikes are the outcome of the 23rd day of the violent escalation in northwestern Syria - 23 May 2019: The Free Syrian Army along with other military factions have launched counter-attacks against the regime's forces on the northwestern Hama front, taking control of the town of Kafr Nabudah, causing a number of casualties and destroying heavy weapons - 23 May 2019: Hundreds of civilians have been arrested in Dara’a province and 11 civilians serving on local councils and former fighters have been killed or attacked there since the Assad regime retook the area, UN says - 23 May 2019: The Assad regime and Russia have further stepped up bombardment on Idlib and rural Hama, exacting revenge on civilians in response to the heavy losses they are suffering at the hands of the Free Syrian Army - 23 May 2019: More barrel bombs and raids by the Russian and Syrian warplanes and helicopters - 24 May 2019: Eight civilians were killed and others were wounded in heavy bombardments, as Assad regime and their Russian and Iranian allies continue their assault on Idleb and the Hama countryside - 25 May 2019: Assad regime’s warplanes and helicopters continue to fly within the 'de-escalation' area and carry out tens of strikes as the heaviest escalation enters its 26th day, resulting in hundreds of civilian casualties including children and women killed in Russian aerial bombardments on the countryside of Idlib and Hama, by barrel bombs and by regime’s warplanes - 26 May 2019: Assad regime forces are continuing their attempts to retake the control of Kafr Nabudah town in the northern sector of Hama countryside, through renewed attacks using warplanes and helicopters - 27 May 2019: Warplanes of the Assad regime and Russia begin the 28th day of their escalation with more than 115 airstrikes targeting the southern countryside of Idlib - 27 May 2019: Syrian Coalition said that the Assad regime and its allies are using 'all that tactics and weapons that are prohibited under international law against civilians in Idlib and rural Hama', calling upon active members of the UN to take action - 27 May 2019: SNHR confirmed that the Assad regime used chemical weapons once again in the bombing of the Kubina village in rural Lattakia on May 19 - 28 May 2019: Regime’s warplanes and ground forces start the 29th day of their escalation with more than 325 air and ground strikes mainly targeting the southern countryside of Idlib - 28 mai 2019: Depuis dimanche, les frappes du régime et de l'allié russe ainsi que les tirs d'artillerie sur les provinces d'Idleb et d'Alep ont tué une cinquantaine de civils dont de nombreux enfants, selon l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme et les bilans meurtriers se succèdent quasi-quotidiennement, alors que plusieurs hôpitaux ou écoles ont été mis hors-service par les bombardements - 29 May 2019: SNHR issued a new report detailing attacks by the Assad regime and Russian forces on healthcare facilities in northwestern Syria, as Syrian Coalition said that these attacks are aimed at putting more pressure on civilians and forcing them to flee - 29 May 2019: As Assad regime and Russian forces have further escalated the bombing campaign against towns and villages in Idlib, Aleppo and Hama provinces, targeting mainly populated areas, public markets and hospitals, UN warns more Idlib military action will overwhelm aid needs - 29 May 2019: Assad's continued assault on Idleb has killed a further 18 people in Idleb, including women and children, according to Alsouria Net, as SOHR documented about 500 air and ground strikes during the 30th day of Assad's and Russian escalation - 29 May 2019: Syrian civil defense on Tuesday said that Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately bombing agricultural land as part of their fierce onslaught on northwestern Syria - 30 May 2019: Assad regime and their Russian backers reportedly destroyed over 20 hospitals in an assault that has killed at least 265 civilians in the past weeks - 30 May 2019: Assad's and Russian aerial bombardment continues causing more casualties in a massacre by regime’s warplanes in Maarrat al-Nu’man - 31 May 2019: After the first month of the heaviest escalation kills 950 people third of them are civilians, the regime and the Russians carried out about 22500 air and ground strikes caused massacres, humanitarian catastrophes, and forced more than 300000 civilians to displace, amid shameful Turkish and international silence, more than 200 airstrikes and rocket shells at the end of the 31st day of the campaign of the fiercest escalation targeted the de-escalation zones - 1 June 2019: About 50 air raids carried out by Assad regime’s warplanes since morning targeting more than 20 areas in Aleppo, Hama, Latakia and Idlib countryside - 2 June 2019: Dozens of prominent doctors have called for urgent action to halt the bombing campaign by Syrian and Russian planes that has targeted more than 20 hospitals in Syria’s north-west, putting many out of action and leaving millions of people without proper healthcare, after coordinates for many of those hit had been shared with the regime and its Russian backers by the UN - 2 June 2019: Israeli shelling targets positions of Hezbollah and the Iranians near the capital Damascus - 3 June 2019: During their assault on Idlib, the Assad regime has been using internationally banned weapons against civilians, including incendiary and cluster rockets - 3 June 2019: In a quick response by the regime forces to the Israeli targeting to the east of Homs, Assad regime forces target Kafr Sajna town by 100 missiles filled up with incendiary bombs - 3 June 2019: About 240 air and ground strikes by the Assad regime and Russian forces, also targeting Jabal al-Akrad - 3 June 2019: More casualties raise to about 20, the number of people killed in the violent bombing that hit Azaz city - 4 June 2019: A number of civilians are thought to have died and a number of building were destroyed by fire when rockets containing phosphorus was used in Idlib in airstrikes carried out by regime warplanes, while the Lattakia countryside reportedly saw heavy raids by Russian and regime warplanes, coinciding with clashes on the ground - 4 June 2019: On the first day of Eid al-Fitr in areas of the factions, regime’s warplanes and helicopters intensify the bombardment and kill and injure civilians - 5 June 2019: Assad regime’s warplanes carry out a new massacre in Idlib countryside, kill and injure more than 15 civilians in Kafar Aweed - 5 June 2019: Assad regime’s ground forces shell the southern countryside of Idlib province by the incendiary phosphorus in conjunction with the continued targeting by the regime’s warplanes and helicopters, causing more civilian casualties - 6 June 2019: Conflict over Syrian ports between Russia and Iran - 7 June 2019: Damascus International Airport has reportedly been offered to Russian investors - 7 June 2019: With a heavy air and ground support, Assad regime forces carry out a counterattack and desperately fight with the Russians to restore the areas controlled by rebels north of Hama - 8 June 2019: To recapture rebel-held Idlib, Assad's forces 'target everything: bakeries, hospitals, markets. The aim is to stop all services to civilians. Everything,' says a surgeon whose hospital was blasted by strikes - 8 June 2019: More than 1,500 air and ground strikes carried out by Assad regime's forces and Russian warplanes target the countryside of Hama and Idlib, as rebel factions shell Hama airbase with tens of rocket shells - 8 June 2019: With Russian support, Assad regime forces try to regain control of a strategic village northwest of Hama, as number of casualties raises - 9 June 2019: Despite the intensity of the aerial bombardment by the Russians and the regime, rebel groups advance again into the north-west of Hama, igniting new fronts in the north-eastern countryside of Lattakia - 9 June 2019: Assad regime forces backed by Russian regime manage to regain the control of Al-Jalmah north-west of Hama, in conjunction with ongoing battles in the coastline - 9 June 2019: Assad regime’s intelligence carries out a campaign of raids and arrests in Da’el town in the middle countryside of Daraa - 10 June 2019: About 65 casualties and injuries on Monday by tens of airstrikes by warplanes of the Russians and the regime on northwestern Syria - 10 June 2019: The Assad regime and Russian bombing campaign in Idlib and Hama provinces killed around 700 people, including 203 children and displaced tens of thousands more over the past month, aid group says - 10 June 2019: SNHR confirmed that the Assad regime has further stepped up its military operations during the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, killing around 19,000 people and destroying hundreds of mosques during the months of Ramadan over the past nine years - 10 June 2019: Regime’s warplanes carry out a horrific massacre in the southern countryside of Idlib and raise the death toll of today to 19 civilians - 11 June 2019: About 390 civilians including 175 children and women were killed in air and ground strikes in 41 days of the heaviest escalation, SOHR says - 11 June 2019: Wild fires ravage vital wheat crops as Syrian Coalition says that the burning of the vital wheat crops in the countryside of Qamishli in northeastern Syria constitute a war crime calling on the international community to intervene immediately to help contain these fires and ensure that they are not repeated - 11/12 June 2019: At least 12 civilians, including five children and three women were killed and two others were injured in deadly airstrikes by the Assad regime and Russian forces in the village of Jabala in southern rural Idlib, according to rescuing groups - 13 June 2019: Warplanes return and shell Idlib and Hama countryside on Thursday morning, a few hours after the Russians declared a 'comprehensive' truce in the area - 13 June 2019: Russian regime said that its planes had carried out four air strikes against militants in Syria's Idlib region, as Turkey's observation point was shelled from Assad regime forces - 13 June 2019: Assad stronghold of Lattakia has witnessed protests, with people calling for the downfall of the regime and praising the deceased opposition fighter Abdelbasset al-Sarou - 14 June 2019: Casualties raise to more than 1,560, as Assad's aerial and ground bombardment continue on serval areas of the countryside of Idlib and Hama, where helicopters dropped barrel bombs on areas in Kafr Zita town in the northern countryside of Hama, and where regime’s warplanes carried out more raids targeting places in Khan Shaykhun city in the southern countryside of Idlib, Kafr Zita and al-Lataminah towns in the northern countryside of Hama, amid renewed rocket shelling by the regime forces on places in the area, while SOHR documented the death of a person and the injury of others in air raids carried out by regime’s warplanes on an area of a camp for the displaced people near Tal Hadaya town in the southern countryside of Aleppo - 15 June 2019: Deadly violence returns to areas northwest Hama in a new attack by the regime forces after intense shelling by about 500 air and ground strikes since dawn of today - 15 juin 2019: 'Les frappes aériennes menées par les aviations syrienne et russe ainsi que les combats dans le nord de la province de Hama ont tué depuis l'aube au moins 26 combattants du régime et de ses alliés et neuf combattants des groupes rebelles et djihadistes', selon OSDH - 16 June 2019: Assad regime’s warplanes return to the 'de-escalation' area and carry out about 20 airstrikes on Idlib and Hama countryside - 16 June 2019: Turkish post in Syria's Idlib hit by shelling from Assad-controlled Tall Bazan area, as Turkey says attack was deliberate, adding its forces retaliated immediately - 17 June 2019: Assad cnstructs new airstrip for helicopters, which will be used by Iran and Hezbollah, near Lebanon - 17 June 2019: Turkish Forces carry out missile shelling on areas of the Kurdish Forces north of Aleppo - 18 June 2019: Assad regime and Russian warplanes carried out more raids targeting the 'de-escalation' area, as deadly clashes continue - 18 June 2019: Assad regime and Russia’s brutal bombing campaign has killed hundreds of civilians and forced hundreds of thousands more out of their homes in northwestern Syria, according to the Syrian Coalition, saying that Russia bears primary responsibility for the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in northwestern Syria - 19 June 2019: Murderous warplanes of the Russians and the regime renewed the shelling on Idlib and Hama countryside - 20 June 2019: Media activist Amjad Bakir from Saraqeb in the Idlib countryside, who was well known as a photographer, was killed while covering the ongoing fighting in the northern Hama countryside - 20 June 2019: The 52nd day of Assad's and Putin's escalation begins with about 35 airstrikes by warplanes of the regime and the Russians in conjunction with violent clashes northwest of Hama, also causing civilian casualties by airstrikes - 20 June 2019: The Assad regime forces carried out a deadly attack in the village of Benin in southern rural Idlib claiming the lives of 12 people, including three children, and wounding six others, including two children and a woman - 21 June 2019: Regime warplanes continued their onslaught in northern Syria, striking a number of towns and villages, including an ambulance reports, according to Smart News, saying 33 civilians were killed or wounded during a bombardment by Assad's warplanes on cities, towns and villages south of Idleb city - 22 June 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters drop barrel bombs on the southern countryside of Idlib in conjunction with more than 20 raids by the Russian and regime’s warplanes, when warplanes of the murderous Russian regime also targeted the villages of al-Jabin and Tal Meleh at the northwestern countryside of Hama, as SOHR until the 21st of June 2019 documented the death of hundreds of civilians including women and children by aerial and ground bombardments since the 30th of April 2019 - 22 June 2019: Assad and Russian regime's bombardment is mainly targeting residential areas and vital civilian centers, according to SNHR, saying that on Thursday 20 civilians were killed and 44 others, including women and children, were injured in airstrikes in rural Idlib - 23 June 2019: Bombardment by the regime’s warplanes on a village in Jabal Al-Zawiya leaves 13 casualties and wounded including several children, and tens of airstrikes target Jabal Al-Akrad north of Lattakia, as more casualties raise to 512 including 130 children, the number of citizens who have been killed since the start of Assad's and Russian escalation, according to SOHR - 23 June 2019: Assad regime forces shell the southern countryside of Idlib by missiles loaded with the internationally banned phosphorus in conjunction with airstrikes by Russian warplanes targeting the same area - 24 June 2019: After an air raid by Russian warplanes that struck his home on Saturday evening, Khaled Mohamed al-Dani, a child from the town of Saraqeb in Idlib province, lost his life along with his mother and his siblings Duha, Mohamed and Hamza al-Dani, a day after recognition for excellence from his school - 24 June 2019: About 400 air and ground strikes target northern and northwest of Hama - 24 June 2019: Rocket shelling by Assad regime forces targets Zammar village in the southern countryside of Aleppo leaving 7 casualties and wounded…in conjunction with renewed airstrikes by Russian warplanes on areas in both Hama and Idlib countryside - 24 June 2019: Syrian opposition says that the Assad regime continues to detain and execute detainees in its prisons - 25 June 2019: Assad regime and Russian bombing campaign has killed no fewer than 833 civilians, including 236 children, in the ‘de-escalation zone’ in northwestern Syria since the beginning of February, aid group says - 26 June 2019: Assad regime forces and warplanes start the 58th day of Assad's and Russian deadly escalation by more than 325 air and ground strikes on the countryside of Hama and Idlib - 27 June 2019: At least 63 schools were hit by Assad's and Russian murderous regime's bombardment in the province of Idlib in the first half of 2019, as their bombing campaign in northwestern Syria have knocked out dozens of healthcare and educational facilities, destroying the infrastructure in the province, killing hundreds of unarmed civilians and forcing hundreds of thousands more out of their homes - 27 June 2019: Two member of the Civil Defense were killed and others were wounded during an airstrike that hit the team in the city of Khan Sheikhoun in the Idleb countryside, as 'Double Tap' strikes, hitting the same target twice, has been a common tactic of the regime and Russia, which aims to increase causalities - 27 June 2019: Iran-backed militias reportedly loot antiquities from the historic cities of Aleppo and Palmyra - 27 June 2019: SNHR said that tens of thousands of detainees including children have been killed under torture in Syria since the start of the Syrian revolution in 2011, the majority of whom died while in the custody of the Assad regime - 28 June 2019: Assad regime forces desperately attack al-Jabin and Tal Meleh villages northwest of Hama, despite losing more than 50 members since dawn - 29 June 2019: In 13 hours, more than 1,200 air and ground strikes along with violent clashes kill more than 95 members of the regime forces, the factions, and the Jihadis in the areas of Tal Meleh and al-Jabin - 29 June 2019: About 80 airstrikes by regime’s warplanes and helicopters target 25 areas in Idlib and Hama countryside in 3 hours - 30 June 2019: Assad regime forces and the factions exchange shelling with tens of shells and missiles in Hama countryside - 1 July 2019: Iranian militias are continuing to expand their influence in the southern and eastern Aleppo countrysides, and are purchasing land and property around their bases after blocking their owners from accessing them - 1 July 2019: More than 550 air and ground strikes carried out today by the regime’s and Russian warplanes in northwestern Syria - 1 July 2019: Over the last three days, Assad’s forces have failed to advance on the villages of Tel Malah and al-Jabin in the northern Hama countryside - 2 July 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several airstrikes on villages and towsn in Hama province, and regime’s warplanes carried out air raids on villages in the southern countryside of Idlib, while villages in the northern and northwestern countryside of Hama were under rocket shelling by regime forces - 2 July 2019: People in France, Turkey, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium went on hunger strike, to protest against the crimes of the Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian partners - 2 July 2019: Six civilians reportedly killed and many others were wounded in airstrikes by the Assad regime and Russian forces in Idlib province, directly targeting populated areas - 3 July 2019: After the death of 35 people yesterday, more than 170 Assad and Russian air and ground strikes target areas in northwestern Syria, as more casualties raise to about 545 the number of civilian casualties since the beginning of escalation - 4 July 2019: Assad regime and Russian air forces continue to bomb populated areas in northwestern Syria, especially in rural Idlib, resulting in the death of dozens of civilians, including children and women - 5 July 2019: Russian warplanes carried out after midnight of yesterday several raids, while the regime forces shelled areas in the southern countryside of Idlib and northwest of Hama - 5 July 2019: At least five civilians were killed and 15 others injured, including a civil defense volunteer, as a result of the Assad regime and Russian bombardment of many towns and villages in northwestern Syria on Thursday using internationally prohibited weapons - 6 July 2019: Assad's warplanes and helicopters late Friday reportedly carried out air strikes on Mahambel village in Idlib province, killing 13 civilians including the seven children, as a woman was also killed early Saturday in regime rocket fire on the outskirts of the town of Khan Sheikhun - 6 July 2019: Aerial bombardment renews through tens of airstrikes by regime’s warplanes on the countryside of Idlib and Hama - 6 July 2019: Assad regime and Russian forces continue to bomb towns and villages in northwestern Syria, mainly targeting the infrastructure, healthcare facilities, educational facilities, and services institutions - 7 July 2019: At least 544 civilians have been killed and over 2,000 people injured since a Russian-led assault on the last rebel bastion in northwestern Syria began two months ago, rights groups and rescuers said on Saturday - 8 July 2019: At least 130 children were among the 544 people killed in a Russian-led assault on northwestern Syria over the last two months - 8 July 2019: 12 citizens including women and children were killed in the past day by Assad regime forces and warplanes in Hama and Idlib province - 8 July 2019: Assad regime forces renewed their ground strikes on Monday morning and targeted Kafr Zita, Tal al-Meleh, al-Jabin, and al-Arba’in in the northern and northwestern countryside of Hama - 9 July 2019: Warplanes of the Russian 'guarantor' target this morning Hama and Idlib countryside, once again violating 'Putin-Erdogan' deal - 9 July 2019: Iranian militias and Hezbollah have been transferred north, from the south, to bolster the fronts for an expected further escalation - 10 July 2019: More than 20 casualties and wounded in a new massacre by Assad regime’s warplanes after their direct bombardment on the hospital of Jisr Al-Shughur city west of Idlib - 10 July 2019: The Syrian war’s remnants continue to claim the lives of civilians raising to 115 persons mostly women and children, the number of those who were killed due to the explosions of ordnance and mines in less than 5 months, according to SOHR - 11 July 2019: With a heavy air and ground support, Assad regime forces regain control of sites they lost to the factions yesterday evening northwest of Hama, and more than 55 were killed of both parties in less than 12 hours, SOHR says - 11 July 2019: Syrians are watching their crops burn, as the Syrian Assad regime and others are accused for the use of hunger as a weapon - 12 July 2019: Over 100 fighters were killed in clashes Thursday between regime and militant-led forces in northwest Syria despite a September truce deal, as UN had shared coordinates of the hospital in Maarat al Numan with the warring parties and following airstrikes against hospitals, including an ambulance center, a clinic and two hospitals in Maarat al Numan, were strongly condemned by a UN Secretary-General, who supported Assad's regime - 12 July 2019: Assad and Russian forces have escalated their airstrikes in northwestern Syria, especially in Idlib and its countryside, killing and injuring dozens of civilians including children as well as knocking out six vital civilian centers since Thursday morning - 13 July 2019: After they killed 2 families, the Russian warplanes renew their bombardment on the countryside of Hama and Idlib, and bombardment by the regime’s warplanes on a village east of Idlib leaves about 11 casualties and wounded - 13 July 2019: It rose to 14, the number of casualties documented by SOHR following a massacre carried out by Russian warplanes targeting agricultural lands in the vicinity of Khan Shaykhun, as aerial and ground bombardment by regime’s forces south of Aleppo continues - 13 July 2019: Two months of intensive airstrikes by Syrian government forces and their Russian allies, coupled with a fierce ground assault on rebel-controlled Idlib province, have killed hundreds of people and caused massive displacement while achieving little to no gain for Assad's and Putin's murderous regime - 14 July 2019: Russian warplanes renewed their airstrikes on the Hama countryside, where they carried out more raids also targeting Maarrat al-Nu’man water pumping station and water reservoir as part of the systematic policy by the Russians and Assad regime to target vital and public facilities - 14 July 2019: One child is killed and others were injured in rocket shelling carried out by the regime forces in Kafr Hamra town northwest Aleppo - 14 July 2019: More casualties in the missile strikes by the regime forces on the northwestern outskirts of Aleppo - 15 July 2019: Russian warplanes carry out more airstrikes targeting the northern and northwestern countryside of Hama, while regime’s warplanes carry out raids in the northern countryside of Hama, also targeting by missiles and artillery more areas in Hams, Aleppo and Lattakia province - 16 July 2019: Russian and Assad regime's warplanes escalate their bombing and carry out more than 50 airstrikes on areas in the countryside of Hama and Idlib leaving casualties and wounded, documented by SOHR - 16 July 2019: About 10 civilians, including 3 children, were killed in a new massacre carried out by Assad regime’s warplanes by bombing Marshourin village in Maarrat al-Nu’man countryside in Idlib province - 16 July 2019: Assad regime and Russian air forces have targeted dozens of medical facilities and vital civilian centers, including 31 civil defense centers, as part of the ongoing bombing campaign in northwestern Syria - 16 July 2019: Assad airstrikes on village market kill at least 12 people - 17 July 2019: Assad regime’s warplanes escalate their bombardment on new towns and villages north-west of Hama amid mass displacement in the area - 17 July 2019: Airstrikes by the Assad regime and Russian air forces killed 11 civilians and wounded more than 15 others in Idlib province - 18 July 2019: Jisr al-Shughour devastated by Assad regime and Russian bombings using thermobaric bombs, resulting in the death of a civilian and the injury of many others - 18 July 2019: So far, thirteen bodies reportedly pulled from the rubble after a heavy bombardment campaign by the regime army on the town of Maarshorin - 18 July 2019: Renewed ground strikes in Hama countryside - 18 July 2019: Russia has sent special forces in recent days to fight alongside Syrian army troops in northwestern Syria where they have been struggling for more than two months to seize the last opposition bastion, senior rebel commanders and Syrian Coalition's Okab Yahya said - 19 July 2019: Squadron of Russian and Assad's warplanes and helicopter carry out tens of airstrikes on areas in the countryside of Hama and Idlib - 20 July 2019: Two journalists were killed across Syria in June while three others were killed in the months of February, March and April, as Assad regime came at the top of the list of those responsible for the death of journalists in 2019, with the Russian forces coming second, according a report by Syrian journalists - 20 July 2019: n upsurge in aerial bombardment by the Assad regime and Russian air forces on the town of Jisr al-Shughour in rural Idlib has caused a mass exodus of civilians towards the border with Turkey in the past 48 hours - 20 July 2019: Russian and Assad regime's warplanes escalate their airstrikes and target by about 70 strikes and barrel bombs the 'de-escalation' area - 20 July 2019: For the second day in a row, hundreds of ground and airstrikes target Khan Shaykhun city south of Idlib causing massive destruction in the city - 21 July 2019: Assad's helicopters dropped about 20 barrel bombs on areas in Ma’aret Hurmah and other places in Idlib countryside, while the Russian warplanes bombed other areas - 22 July 2019: Assad/Russian air strikes on a popular market and residential neighbourhoods killed at least 20 people and wounded dozens on Monday in an attack on Maarat al-Numan, a densely populated opposition-held city in southern Idlib province, rescuers and residents said - 22 July 2019: It rose to at least 23 (19 citizens including 2 children, a woman and a member of the Civil Defense, and 4 unidentified people), the number of casualties who were killed as a result of airstrikes carried out by Russian warplanes on a local market in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city - 23 July 2019: 59 people were killed by air and ground bombardments and shelling by the regime, its Russian ally, and shelling of factions within the 'de-escalation' area, while it rose to 44, the number of raids carried out by the Russian warplanes areas in Idlib and Hama province in addition to barrel bombs dropped by Assad's helicopters - 24 July 2019: At least 2 civilians (a woman and a child) killed as Assad regime warplanes fired several missiles on Ariha city in Idlib governorate - 24 July 2019: An explosion at offices belonging to the Qaterji Group in Aleppo, linked to Iranian regime’s militias, that controls a large part of commercial and industrial work in Aleppo, killed more than seven people and set fires in the areas, reportedly an action by businessmen loyal to Russian militias, and part of the Iranian-Russian competition in Aleppo through proxies - 24 July 2019: Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces Assad supporters out of checkpoint in Deir Ezzor - 24 July 2019: Former opposition fighters, who agreed to settlements with the regime, have been subjected to arrests in the towns south of Damascus reports Sowt Al-Asma - 24 July 2019: The death of a civilian due to torture in a Syrian regime’s detention center in Damascus city on 20 July confirmed - 25 July 2019: Assad regime and Russia continue their brutal assault against Idleb province, and the death toll for civilians, including a killed woman and two children, continues to rise, according to Zaman Al Wasl - 25 July 2019: Russian and Assad warplanes begin the 87th day of their escalation with intensive airstrikes on Hama countryside and mountains of the coast - 26 July 2019: Showing the horrific impact of Russian and Assad's war on children, a video has emerged of a young Syrian girl trying to save her baby sister as she lies trapped under rubble after an airstrike on their home town - 26 July 2019: More than 570 air and ground strikes carried out by the Syrian regime and the Russians during the 88th day of the fiercest escalation campaign, including rocket shelling targeting areas in the countrysides of Idlib, of Hama and Aleppo - 27 July 2019: Again deadly air and ground strikes, as Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs in the countryside of Hama, and Russian warplanes bombed areas in the countryside of Hama - 27 July 2019: The regime’s warplanes commit a massacre by bombing Ariha city south of Idlib leaving about 40 casualties and injuries, including children - 28 July 2019: At least 13 civilians including five children have been killed in air strikes in Idlib province, coming just a day after UN's Michelle Bachelet warned that those responsible for the latest wave of killings in Assad's and Russian offensive could be charged with war crimes - 28 July 2019: More casualties raise to about 35, the number of people killed and injured in the air and ground strikes by Assad's and Russian warplanes in Idlib province - 29 July 2019: Assad regime keeps up deadly bombardment of rebel-held Idlib town - 29 July 2019: Assad regime and Russian aircraft step up their airstrikes on the 'de-escalation' zone today morning leaving casualties, injuries and missing people, according to SOHR - 30 July 2019: About 19 persons were killed and injured in bombardment by Assad's warplanes on a local market in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city south of Idlib, as 4 people including a woman and a member of the Civil Defense were killed due to bombardment by Russian warplanes on Kafr Zita town in the northern countryside of Hama, and 4 persons including a citizen, his wife and their daughter as well as another woman were killed by Russian warplanes that targeted them at the outskirts of Al-Lataminah town - 30 July 2019: More than 450 Assad and Russian air and ground strikes during this day until noon leaving about 15 civilian casualties, documented by SOHR - 31 July 2019: Assad regime killed a girl and a baby from the same family in Idlib province on 31 July, as regime warplanes fired missiles on Kafr Ziba village west of Ariha city, according to SNHR - 31 July 2019: Assad regime reportedly used incendiary weapons in Kafr Zita city in Hama on 30 July, causing fires in the city - 31 July 2019: In 3 months of their escalation, Assad regime and Russians carried out about 65,000 air and ground strikes, which, along with the battles, killed about 2,800 people and forced more than half a million civilians to displace, according to SOHR - 31 July 2019: 46 months of Russian military operations on the Syrian territory kill through its warplanes about 18,715 people including 8,208 civilians including about 1,985 children, according to SOHR - 1 August 2019: In the highest monthly civilian death toll since the beginning of the year, more than 500 civilians were killed on the Syrian soil in July 2019, according to SOHR - 2 August 2019: SNHR has said that the Syrian Assad regime is responsible for 26 massacres and 433 killed civilians during July, while Russian warplanes had carried out seven massacres, four in Idleb and three in Hama - 2 August 2019: Syrian opposition changes course and confirms attendance at Astana talks - 2 August 2019: Observers welcome 'cautious calm' without Russian and Assad's warplanes flying over Idlib province, but locals report continued artillery activity, after a conditional cease-fire was announced - 2 August 2019: General calm prevails in truce area amid renewed breaches by shells targeting areas north of Hama - 2 August 2019: Bombing and shelling by the Assad regime and Russia on the provinces of Idlib and Hama in the past three months have forced more than 450,000 people to flee their homes for the Turkish borders, MSF says, adding that the aggression has led left hundreds dead and thousands injured - 3 August 2019: Exchange of shells breaks the cautious calm in 'Putin – Erdogan' area amid the flight of reconnaissance drones over the area, according to SOHR - 3 August 2019: The Turkish-backed factions of the 'Olive Branch' continue their violations against the Kurds in Afrin through more actions of kidnapping and causing citizens to disappear inside their prisons - 4 August 2019: Renewed ground targeting by Assad regime forces, as children die from injuries due to air and ground shelling in Hama and Idlib province a few days ago - 4 August 2019: Assad regime forces violate the ceasefire again by targeting several shells missiles to towns and villages in the northern countryside of Hama causing injuries - 4 August 2019: Assad regime forces shell a Bidama town west of Idlib Province and kill the first civilian, injuring five, since the start of the ceasefire agreement in 'Putin – Erdogan' area about 65 hours ago - 5 August 2019: After being halted for about 3 days the aerial bombardment renews on 'Putin – Erdogan' area through airstrikes by Assad regime’s warplanes that targeted the south of Idlib - 5 August 2019: SNHR recorded no fewer than 589 arbitrary arrests across Syria in July, including 387 cases of enforced disappearance - 6 August 2019: With the regime warplanes carrying out airstrikes around the city of Khan Sheikhoun, the ceasefire agreed at the latest round of Astana talks has already collapsed - 6 August 2019: Russian warplanes renew the airstrikes on the northern countryside of Hama - 6 August 2019: Assad regime and Russian forces carried out dozens of airstrikes in various areas in northwestern Syria on Tuesday, mainly targeting civilian homes and vital civilian facilities - 6 August 2019: Local media outlets said that two people were killed under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime and the PYD militia - 7 August 2019: With intense air and ground support, Assad regime forces advance again in Hama countryside and become on the outskirts of Kafr Zita - 7 August 2019: Assad regime forces continue advancing in the northern countryside of Hama approaching al-Lataminah town - 8 August 2019: Assad regime forces advance at the administrative border of Idlib Province with intensive land and also Russian air support, targeting Hama and Idlib countrysides, approaching al-Hbit town, as death toll of today’s violent clashes is 25 of both parties, according to SOHR - 8 August 2019: The humanitarian adviser Najat Rochdi to UN Special Envoy for Syria on Thursday regretted the collapse of a ceasefire in the northwest, saying that fresh violence threatens the lives of millions after more than 500 civilians were killed since late April, as UN's Panos Moumtzis said thr offensive had triggered 'total panic', adding 'these people don't know where to go' - 8 August 2019: Bullets of the Turkish Jandarma continue to target Syrians and injure a displaced child from Deir Ezzor at the border with Iskenderun - 9 August 2019: Assad regime and Russian warplanes intensify their strikes on Hama and Idlib province through more than 100 raids and barrel bombs, in addition to attacks on the coast’s mountains and the southern countryside of Aleppo - 9 August 2019: Assad regime's and Russian bombings and shelling were concentrated on the town of Khan Sheikhoun in rural Idlib, reportedly killing a civilian and wounding one another in Khan Sheikhoun which was hit with cluster bombs - 10 August 2019: Assad and Russian regime intensely escalate their strikes through more than 675 air and ground strikes within hours - 10 August 2019: With an intense ground and air support, the regime forces continue to take more areas and advance in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 August 2019: Air and ground bombardments continue at an increasing and violent pace by Russian and Assad regime’s warplanes and helicopters, as it rose to 139 the number of raids and barrel bombs dropped in Idlib and Hama province - 12 August 2019: Russian and Assad regime warplanes continue their intense escalation within 'Putin – Erdogan' area by carrying out and dropping about 120 raids and barrel bombs on the countryside of Hama and Idlib - 12 August 2019: Airstrikes by regime’s warplanes kill and injure civilians in the southern countryside of Idlib - 13 August 2019: Since the ceasefire was announced 25 civilians reportedly killed as Assad regime advances in Hama and Idlib - 14 August 2019: Assad regime forces are just a few kilometers from Khan Sheikhoun, where a 2017 sarin gas attack killed dozens of Syrians, building on their Russian-backed gains since their breaking of a ceasefire this month - 14 August 2019: Regime airstrikes continue in Idlib - 14 August 2019: Regime airstrikes continue in Idlib - 14 August 2019: Violent battles continue in the eastern side of Khan Shaykhun city in conjunction with the continuation of the aerial and ground bombardment at an escalating pace on the area - 14 August 2019: Idlib hospital workers accuse Russia, Syria after air raids - 14 August 2019: Syrian war’s remnants continue to claim the lives of citizens and kill and injure 5 children in Housh Hajju village in the northern countryside of Homs - 15 August 2019: Iranian militias are taking part in battles in northern Hama, southern Idlib and eastern Latakia in the northwestern regions of Syria, according to Syrian opposition sources - 15 August 2019: About 700 Russian and Assad regime's air and ground strikes target the countryside of Hama, Idlib, and Latakia mountains in 12 hours as violent clashes continue east of Khan Shaykhun city - 15 August 2019: Syrian Response Coordination Team has called for concerted efforts to open up camps and shelters to those recently displaced by the regime's attacks - 15 August 2019: Russian double tap airstrike kills Civil Defense volunteer while trying to rescue a civilian near the village of Basika on Wednesday, after the Assad regime and Russian air forces bombed at least 29 healthcare facilities in the provinces of Idlib and Hama, causing dozens of civilian casualties - 16 August 2019: Russian airstrikes targeted an ambulance center in the town of Ma’aret Hurmeh in Idlib province, killing 3 medical workers 'as they were trying to rescue civilians wounded in the ongoing aerial bombardment', according to the Syrian American Medical Society, as at least seven people were killed in attacks on Idlib, according to SOHR - 16 August 2019: Assad regime forces begin an intensive ground and air operation on towns and villages south of Idlib, also dropping barrel bombs by helicopters - 16 August 2019: Russian and Assad regime’s recent military campaign had killed 1,221 civilians, including 332 children, as more than 853,000 people were displaced, according to Syrian Response Coordination Team - 17 August 2019: A suspected Russian airstrike hit a displaced people's gathering in the town of Hass south of Idlib province on Friday, killing at least 13 people, including at least four children, activists and war monitor SOHR said - 17 August 2019: Assad regime’s warplanes escalate their strikes on Idlib countryside through more than 25 airstrikes in 2 hours, killing a woman and 6 of her children in bombing Deir Sharqi village, according to SOHR, saying their father survived because he was not home at the time of the bombing - 18 August 2019: SOHR documented the death of 4 civilians in airstrikes by Russian and Assad's warplanes on Idlib countryside, as a child was killed by Russian warplanes Sunday morning, as a young man was killed in Assad's bombing of al-Hamdiyyeh village, as a citizen died affected by wounds he had in Russian airstrikes targeting Ma’aret Hurmah, and as another citizen was killed in Russian airstrikes on Khan Shaykhun city - 19 August 2019: Assad regime's air strike on a Turkish military convoy in northwest Syria killed three civilians and wounded 12, as Khan Sheikhoun's residents said warplanes pounded the town and nearby villages during the night on Monday, and as Assad's troops advanced on rebels in Khan Sheikhoun that was bombed with sarin gas in 2017, according to Turkey, which hosts some 3.6 million Syrian refugees, fearing the onslaught in Idlib could cause a new influx, saying the attack violated its agreements with the Russian regime, which had been informed in advance about the convoy - 20 August 2019: Assd's and Russian warplanes escalate their bombing targeting by about 100 raids and barrel bombs Latakia mountains and Idlib countryside - 20 August 2019: Squadrons of warplanes and helicopters continue their intense strikes on Idlib countryside raising to about 850 the number of air and ground strikes - 20 August 2019: Russian statistics have revealed that there are currently 140,000 Syrian soldier under the control of Russian forces reports Al-Modon - 20 August 2019: After a number of advances by the Syrian Assad regime, Turkey reportedly sent personnel and material reinforcements to the Idleb countryside - 20 August 2019: SOHR documented more civilian casualties as a result of the Russian airstrikes on the countryside of Idlib on Tuesday - 20 August 2019: About 14 people including children were killed and injured due to barrel bombs dropped by helicopters and Russian bombardment on areas south-east of Idlib - 21 August 2019: For first time, Russian regime acknowledges the presence of Russian soldiers fighting 'on the ground in the Syrian province of Idleb' - 21 August 2019: Assad's and Russian airstrikes hit the Rahma hospital in the opposition forces-held Tel Mannas village in northwestern Syria, striking it four times, knocking it out of service early on Wednesday, and causing many casualties - 21 August 2019: Tens of thousands flee Russian-led onslaught on Maarat al-Numan, a main city in Idlib province, amid intensifying bombardment and shelling by Assad's and Russian forces on Idlib and rural Hama - 22 August 2019: About 100 airstrikes carried out by Assad's and Russian warplanes mostly on the eastern countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man, killing and injuring more than 15 civilians, while helicopters dropped barrel bombs on towns and villages in Idlib and Lattakia province - 22 August 2019: Rebels thwart regime attack in Lattakia - 22 August 2019: Following the capture of Khan Sheikhoun by regime forces, Turkey is questioning the future of its observation posts, established as part of an agreement between Turkey and Russian regime - 22 August 2019: More than 80,000 civilians forced by the ground and air strikes of the Russians and the regime to displace from the eastern countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man within 72 hours, including tens of thousands of displaced people of Hama and Idlib countryside - 23 August 2019: Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in northern Syria by the military campaign led by the Russian and Assad regime and by the fighting in Idlib and Hama, but the many are not receiving the aid they need - 23 August 2019: About 950 Russian and Assad regime air and ground strikes target northern Syria this day - 24 August 2019: Three million caught in crossfire as Assad vows to capture every inch of Syria - 24 August 2019: As they wait in Idlib for the regime to strike, war widow Noor al-Dein al-Dimashqi tells of her family’s long-running nightmare including torture, imprisonment, siege, starvation, multiple displacements, and murder by Russian and Assad's airstrikes against civilians - 24 August 2019: The violent escalations continue by regime’s warplanes, helicopters, and Russian warplanes, as well as ground shelling, targeting mainly villages of Maarrat al-Nu’man countryside in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 August 2019: Assad regime and Russian warplanes continue their targeting to the area between the cities of Khan Shaykhun and Maarrat Al-Nu’man, as part of the preliminary heavy bombardment before the ground attack - 25 August 2019: More human losses raise to 130 persons including 95 children and women, the number of citizens who were killed by the remnants of Assad's war against the Syrian people in 6 months - 26 August 2019: Assad regime’s forces resumed its aerial and ground bombardments, using internationally prohibited phosphorus bombs, striking areas near the town of Badama in the western Jisr al-Shughur countryside, also targeting the Kabana Mountain area in the northern countryside of Lattakia, reportedly accompanied by an escalation of Russian airstrikes - 26 August 2019: Nine civilians were killed and 20 others injured by the Assad regime and Russia amid overnight airstrikes in Idlib province, according to the civil defense - 26 August 2019: 13 people killed in Assad regime and Russia's bombings in past 24 hours - 27 August 2019: Warplanes of the regime and the Russians resume the heavy aerial bombardment on Maarrat al-Nu’man countryside after the factions withdrew from the areas they advanced to east of Khan Shaykhun - 28 August 2019: Tens of Russian and Assad's air and ground strikes target the eastern countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man and casualties and injuries in bombing and clashes in Sahl al-Ghab - 29 August 2019: More human losses raise to 7 including 2 children, the number of people who were killed by Assad regime’s warplanes on the countryside of Maarrat Al-Nu’man city - 29 août 2019: Seize civils ont été tués mercredi par des frappes aériennes russes et du régime d'Assad, rapporte l'OSDH - 29 August 2019: Russian jets bombed the Miyassar Al-Hamdo Hospital in Al-Ghadfa in rural Idlib, wounding several civilians and destroying the facility, one week after Russian airstrikes destroyed Al-Rahma Hospital in Tal Minnes in southern rural Idlib - 29 August 2019: Stressing the need for the world to put an end to the disaster the Assad regime and its allies are inflicting on the Syrian people, the Syrian National Coalition condemned the continued brutal onslaught the Assad regime and its allies have launched against northern rural Hama and various parts of Idlib province for months, saying the United Nations and the international community, most notably the group of major actors, are capable and have an obligation to put an immediate end to these attacks and crimes - 29 August 2019: 35 people were killed as about 900 Russian and Assad ground and airstrikes target northern Syria - 30 August 2019: Continuous bombardments on Idleb as Assad regime advances in southern Idleb - 30 August 2019: 'Entire towns and villages have been razed to the ground' in northwestern Syria, according to satellite imagery presented by UN's Mark Lowcock in his briefing to the UN Security Council, saying that 'there can be no reason, rationale, excuse or justification for the destruction of civilian areas on the scale seen in Idleb today' - 31 August 2019: Following heavy air strikes, calm in Syria's Idlib after seconnd cease-fire declared this month in the embattled region, the first of which collapsed after three days as Russian-backed army pressed its offensive - 31 August 2019: After more than 4,100 casualties in 4 months, cautious calm in Idlib province, according to SOHR, as regime forces bring military reinforcements to the western and southwestern suburbs of Aleppo - 31 August 2019: Assad regime’s ground forces disturb the relative calm and shell areas in Idlib countryside - 31 August 2019: Assad regime’s attack targeting civilian homes in Ma'aret al-Nu'man town in Idlib province, which resulted in the death of many women and children, 'flagrantly violates international law', the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and SNHR said in a joint statement - 1 September 2019: Assad regime's missile shelling killed a civilian in Kafranbel city in Idlib, documented by SOHR, the first casualty after about 12 hours of the ceasefire - 1 September 2019: Assad regime shelled a mosque in Kafranbel city in Idlib on 31 August, the first day of the truce declared by Russian forces - 1 September 2019: Assad regime forces violate the ceasefire agreement and shell the 'de-escalation' zone by tens of rocket and artillery shells - 2 September 2019: Syrian refugees deported by Lebanon already being arrested by Assad regime, HRW says - 2 September 2019: Assad regime forces execute elderly woman in Khan Sheikhoun for resisting pillage of her home amid bombardment and shelling by Assad regime and Russian forces - 2 September 2019: 267 civilians killed in Syria in August, mostly in Idlib - 2 September 2019: Exchange of shelling in Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 3 September 2019: More than 569 arbitrary arrests in Syria over the month of August, including 362 cases that turned into forced disappearances, according to SNHR - 3 September 2019: 2 years after the world saw heartbreaking images of Abdel Hamid al-Yousef cradling the lifeless bodies of his babies, Syrian father who lost twins to poison gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun in April 2017 uprooted again, now saying 'I want to send a message to Western countries to shoulder their responsibility and protect the lives of remaining civilians' - 4 September 2019: Opposition factions repelled a Russian forces infiltration attempt into Ajaz in the southern of Idlib countryside - 4 September 2019: As the international silence continues concerning the tragedy and humanitarian disaster in the 'death mini-state', about 410 children have died since the beginning of 2019 in al-Hol camp - 5 September 2019: Assad regime forces targeted by several rocket shells places in the al-Tah and Deir Sharqi in the countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man and Kabani area in Latakia, as more ceasefire breaches reported by SOHR - 6 September 2019: SOHR monitored rocket shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on areas in Idlib and Latakia province - 7 September 2019: Assad regime forces renew their breaches to the ceasefire agreement through targeting areas south of Idlib by rocket shells - 7 September 2019: 'The Economist' highlights the 'legacy of Assad’s ruthlessness', citing his release of hundreds of jihadists from prison in 2011 with the hope they would taint the once-peaceful uprising which involved the various segments of the Syrian society, as 'now the regime is bombing them, along with civilians and hospitals ... [and bloody Idlib] offensive will take time' - 8 September 2019: One civilian killed due to Russian/Assad regime shelling that targeted Kafernbul town south of Idlib countryside - 8 September 2019: FSA leader calls to cooperate with SDF to attack Assad - 8 September 2019: SOHR documented during this day more than 160 rocket shells which targeted different cities and towns in northen Syria - 9 September 2019: Turkish border guards have killed a women and injured two others with stray bullets, amidst reports of people trying to cross into Turkey being shot at and tortured - 9 September 2019: The air forces of the Assad regime and Russia resumed the bombardment of towns and villages in Idlib province on Sunday in yet new violation of the ceasefire in place, causing civilian casualties - 10 September 2019: Russian air strikes target northwest Syria, first in 10 days, as planes had carried out raids despite 'truce' in the strategic Jabal al-Akrad mountain range near the western Latakia coast, according to SOHR - 10 September 2019: Violations of truce continue through renewed rocket shelling by the regime forces on both southern and south-eastern countryside of Idlib - 10 September 2019: Russian warplanes violate ceasefire agreement and target several areas northwest of Idlib - 11 September 2019: One civilian died following a Russian air strike west of Idlib, according to SOHR - 11 September 2019: Jets believed to be Russian bombed rebel-held areas in northwest Syria on Wednesday amid increased shelling of towns by Assad's army, aided by Iran-backed militias pounding several towns in southern Idlib - 11 September 2019: Two brothers from Eastern Ghouta killed under torture in Assad regime prisons - 11 September 2019: Assad regime forces renew their violations to the ceasefire agreement and shell areas in both Idlib and Aleppo countryside - 12 September 2019: Assad regime reportedly amassing for renewed Idlib offensive - 12 September 2019: UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said that the Assad regime forces backed by Russian warplanes may have committed war crimes in a report issued on Wednesday - 13 September 2019: Warplanes of the Russian 'guarantor of the truce' continue raids in Idlib once again, bombarding areas in its western countryside - 14 September 2019: Assad regime and Russian forces kill and injure about 10 civilians including children in northwestern Syria’s Idlib province despite truce - 15 September 2019: Assad's artillery fire battered Maarat al-Numan town and nearby villages in the south Idlib countryside over the past two days, after warplanes struck there on Thursday, according to rescuers and residents in the area where a ceasefire had halted a fierce army offensive two weeks ago - 15 September 2019: Assad regime forces continue their ground shelling in northwestern Syria leaving more casualties and wounded - 15 September 2019: In conjunction with the continuation of ground strikes by the regime forces on different areas in both Idlib and Hama countryside, unknown rocket shells target Khan Shaykhun city - 16 September 2019: Assad regime forces target the vicinity of the Turkish point south of Maarrat al-Nu’man in conjunction with continuous ground shelling on 'Putin–Erdogan' area, according to SOHR - 17 September 2019: Assad regime forces intensively shell areas in Jabal al-Akrad, Sahl al-Ghab, and Idlib countryside - 17 September 2019: SNHR has obtained satellite images showing the extent of the massive destruction inflicted on the town of Khan Sheikhoun in southern rural Idlib, noting that the goal of the Russian-Syrian alliance is 'to implement the Grozny and Eastern Ghouta model and to destroy as many buildings as possible to punish Syrian society' - 18 September 2019: Assad regime forces continue to shell northwestern Syria - 18 September 2019: Assad's barrel bombs target Latakia countryside in conjunction with the continued ground shelling - 19 September 2019: Assad regime forces shelled after midnight of yesterday and this morning areas in Idlib and Lattakia province - 19 September 2019: SOHR monitored shelling by Assad regime forces by several rocket shells targeting the towns of Hazarin, Maarrat Hurmah and Tal Tuqan in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Kabana in the northern countryside of Latakia - 20 September 2019: Assad regime forces instigated a campaign of mass arrests after ant-regime slogans were found on a wall in the town of Zabadani - 20 September 2019: Assad regime forces renew their violations to the ceasefire and shell areas in both Aleppo and Idlib countryside by rocket shells - 21 September 2019: Assad regime forces target the countrysides of Hama and Idlib by rocket shells - 22 September 2019: Assad regime forces target by tens of ground strikes towns and villages in the southern countryside of Idlib - 22 September 2019: Areas in Idlib and Hama countryside witness exchange of shelling and targeting between Assad regime forces and factions as several shells fall on Jabal al-Akrad - 23 September 2019: Assad regime forces target the countrysides of Hama and Idlib by missile shelling - 23 September 2019: Assad regime forces continue to commit war crimes in Idlib province as renewed shelling and attacks on civilian areas in northwestern Syria killed a civilian and wounded three others - 24 September 2019: More clashes north of Khan Shaykhun - 25 September 2019: Rocket shelling by the regime forces, exchange of shelling and targeting south of Idlib between regime forces and the factions in conjunction with the flight of drones over the area - 25 September 2019: Assad regime and Iran’s cells operate in the SDF-held areas of Deir Ezzor countryside - 25 September 2019: Iran’s expanding influence in Daraa province opposed - 25 September 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters renew their targeting by barrel bombs to the area of Kabana in Jabal Al-Akrad north of Latakia - 26 September 2019: The Assad regime used chlorine as a chemical weapon in May 2019, marking the first confirmed violation of the ban on chemical weapons since Donald Trump authorized airstrikes in 2018 over Syria’s use of poison gas, according to the USA, saying 'regime is responsible for innumerable atrocities some of which rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity' - 27 September 2019: Assad regime’s ground forces continue to violate the ceasefire agreement through rocket shelling targets areas in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib, in conjunction with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drone over south of Idlib - 28 September 2019: Areas in Jabal al-Akrad are being targeted by Assad's aerial barrel bombs for the 6th day in a row - 29 September 2019: Assad regime forces resume their shelling on the 'de-escalation' zone through targeting different areas in Idlib countryside - 29 September 2019: In conjunction with renewed rocket shelling by the regime forces on both Idlib and Aleppo countryside, the factions shell positions of the regime forces in Hama countryside - 30 September 2019: About 13,645 civilians including more than 3,150 children were killed during the 59th months of airstrike escalations by warplanes of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, SOHR says - 30 September 2019: Shells launched by the Assad regime on the countryside of Hama, Idlib, and Latakia - 30 September 2019: The Syrian regime is pressuring powerful cronies, including Samer Foz and Mohammad Hamsho to force them to pay millions of dollars, Brocar Press writes - 30 September 2019: Syrian NGO launches a reference book on the major Assad regime perpetrators in Washington - 1 October 2019: Russia is responsible for the death of thousands of Syrian civilians, a human rights organization is saying - 1 October 2019: Regime’s helicopters continue dropping barrel bombs on Jabal al-Akrad for the 9th day in a row as Russian warplanes fly over the 'de-escalation' area - 2 October 2019: SOHR monitored exchange of shelling in areas at Hama countryside, where the regime forces shelled places in al-Hawash and Hawijah in Sahl al-Ghab and Shahranaz village in Jabal Shashabo, also targeting more areas - 3 October 2019: Assad regime forces target the perimeter of a health center in Maarrat al-Nu’man city leaving injuries of civilians and medical staff - 3 October 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters fly again over Jabal al-Akrad and target Kabani area with barrel bombs - 3 October 2019: Assad's helicopters target the area of Kabani north of Latakia by barrel bombs in conjunction with the overflight of a Russian reconnaissance plane in Idlib province - 3 October 2019: Assad regime forces resume their rocket shelling on areas in the countryside of Idlib, Hama and Latakia - 4 October 2019: In conjunction with the continued ground bombardment on the countryside of Idlib, Assad regime’s helicopters target Jabal al-Akrad with barrel bombs - 4 October 2019: Assad regime forces shell Ma’aret Hurmah and Maarzita towns with more than 65 shells and target al-Eis town near the Turkish point south Aleppo - 4 October 2019: Assad regime and its backers continue to target vital civilian centers in northwestern Syria, using internationally prohibited weapons, rights group says - 5 October 2019: Turkish Air Force shoots down a secret Russian UAV, the same type also used in Donbas - 5 October 2019: Airstrikes by Russian warplanes on Saturday morning, targeting al-Blisiyyeh village and Tal al-Aghar on the contact lines near abandoned battalion area in the eastern countryside of Idlib, monitored by SOHR - 5 October 2019: Assad regime forces target by more than 100 rocket shells towns and villages south of Idlib in conjunction with renewed airstrikes by regime’s helicopters on Latakia Mountains - 6 October 2019: A child dies and other people injured in rocket shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on a village in Jisr al-Shughur countryside west of Idlib - 6 October 2019: Russian forces patrol the area from the Shirawa Township to Tal Rifaat north of Aleppo city - 6 October 2019: Turkish forces bring military reinforcements to the Turkish/Syrian border, amid ongoing mobilization by the SDF and military councils east of the Euphrates - 6 October 2019: Denouncing and condemning the Turkish threats in launching a military operation against east Euphrates area, thousands of people carry out a demonstration in Ras al-Ayn, declaring their support for 'SDF and the Military Councils' - 7 October 2019: Assad regime forces shelled Monday morning areas in the northern countryside of Latakia, using high explosive missiles, also shelling the towns of Hazarin, Kafrsajna, and Rakaya in the southern countryside of Idlib, in conjunction with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the area - 7 October 2019: Civilians on the border with Turkey reportedly started to flee their homes ahead of an anticipated attack by Turkish forces east of the Euphrates - 7 October 2019: Continuous Iranian and Russian struggle over influence in exchange of money and temptations - 7 October 2019: Assad regime forces target using high-explosive missiles areas in the northern countryside of Latakia - 8 October 2019: An explosion at an ammunition depot in Hama province reportedly killed 20 Russian and regime soldiers and destroyed a number of buildings - 8 October 2019: A column of the Turkish forces enters Jarabulus and deployed in the area - 8 October 2019: In conjunction with ground shelling that targeted towns in Idlib countryside, Assad regime forces deploy guided-rocket launchpads in Sahl Al-Ghab and tear the area apart - 9 October 2019: Using heat-seeker missiles, Assad regime forces target a pickup carrying workers of olive picking, killing and injuring 6 of them in the far western countryside of Idlib - 9 October 2019: Turkish troops begin crossing into Syria after USA stands aside - 9 October 2019: Military councils of 'Al-Jazeera' say that Turkey is trying to annihilate our revolution, and we’re going to use our right to defend ourselves until the last breath - 9 October 2019: Assad regime stays silent about Turkish military operation in Syria - 9 October 2019: With the USA withdrawal, Iran is looking to make good on its Syrian investments and secure the resources present in northeastern Syria - 9 October 2019: Assad's forces arrested 12 women in Damascus suburbs over contacting relatives and husbands in the rebel-held northern Syria, local activists say - 9 October 2019: Assad's helicopters target Latakia mountains again with barrel bombs - 10 October 2019: Assad's helicopters renew their bombardment on Latakia countryside - 10 October 2019: Assad regime forces violate the 'ceasefire' by ground shelling targeting Latakia Mountains and Idlib countryside, also dropping barrel bombs since Wednesday morning - 10 October 2019: Two civilians were killed when Assad forces targeted a vehicle carrying civilians with a heat-guided missile in Al-Bernas near Jisr Al-Shughour in Idlib province - 10 October 2019: Despite the intense ground shelling, Turkish forces fail to achieve any advancement east Euphrates and continue their shelling on Tal Abyad and Ras Al-Ayn - 11 October 2019: Assad regime forces clash with jihadi groups within 'Putin-Erdogan' area and shell villages south of Idlib city - 11 October 2019: Turkish forces shell areas of control of the Kurdish Forces north of Aleppo in conjunction with exchange of shelling and targeting in areas west of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) - 11 October 2019: The SDF regain control of a village in Tal Abyad area and kill 7 members of the Turkish forces and Syrian factions loyal to them - 11 October 2019: Turkey control 10 villages, SDF regain control on two villages, and the displaced rise to 75 thousand while the death toll rises to 41 of SDF, 34 of Turkish forces - 11 October 2019: As Turkey continues its assault on northern Syria, the UNHCR has highlighted the number of children who are displaced, saying tens of thousands of civilians in Syria are on the move to escape the fighting and seek safety - 11 October 2019: Russian warplanes target the vicinity of Kafr Nubl city south of Idlib, while helicopters took turns in dropping barrel bombs on Kabana area in the northern countryside of Latakia, followed by rocket shelling carried out by the regime forces on Kabani area and other areas in the vicinity of Hish in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 October 2019: Turkish forces kill 7 civilians as they try to escape their fire, and continue their attacks on Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn with heavy land and air support - 12 October 2019: With an intense ground shelling, the Turkish Forces and loyal factions attack Ras al-Ayn city from 3 sides and Turkish warplanes target medical point in the city’s countryside - 12 October 2019: Casualties and injuries among Turkey-loyal factions in clashes against 'Manbij Military Council' in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo - 12 October 2019: Child dies in artillery shelling on Idlib countryside in conjunction with renewed barrel bombs bombing on Latakia countryside, according to SOHR - 13 October 2019: Russian regime's warplanes target Idlib countryside once again amid renewed rocket shelling by Assad regime forces on the area - 13 October 2019: Turkish-backed proxies leading Erdogan's ground offensive on Kurdish towns in north-eastern Syria have executed nine civilians including Kurdish politician Hevrin Khalaf and her driver, SOHR reported, as SDF said in a statement 'this is a clear evidence that the Turkish state is continuing its criminal policy towards unarmed civilians' - 13 October 2019: Syria Democratic Forces regain the control of Ras Al-Ayn city almost completely after a counter attack in which 17 members of the pro-Turkey factions were killed - 13 October 2019: Turkish forces and factions loyal to them achieve a new advancement in Al-Raqqah countryside and take the control of large spaces of Sluk town under a cover of heavy firepower - 14 October 2019: Russian warplanes continue their airstrikes on areas south of Idlib city in conjunction with ground shelling by Assad regime forces, also renewing their helicopter bombardments by barrel bombs - 14 October 2019: Turkish forces and factions fail to achieve any advancement in Ras al-Ayn amid continuous clashes against SDF south Tal Abyad - 14 October 2019: Syrian dictator Assad's troops have begun sweeping into Kurdish-held territory on a collision course with Turkish forces and their allies, a day after the beleaguered Kurds agreed to hand over key cities to Assad regime in exchange for protection - 14 October 2019: Assad regime's cluster-bombs kill a woman and her child in Jabal al-Zawiyah in conjunction with renewed Russian airstrikes targeting south of Idlib - 15 October 2019: The Russian air force used cluster bombs to hit the village of al-Bara south of Idleb city, killing a mother and her child, reports Zaman Al Wasl, after two civilians were killed and four others injured when Assad regime forces carried out surface-to-surface missiles attack on Birnas village - 15 October 2019: In conjunction with the flight of reconnaissance drones, Assad regime forces shell countryside of Aleppo and Idlib - 15 October 2019: Assad's helicopters take turns in bombarding Latakia countryside by barrel bombs - 15 October 2019: Assad regime forces begin to enter Manbij city northeast of Aleppo in conjunction with the continued withdrawal of Coalition forces from the city - 16 October 2019: Russian warplanes target Latakia Mountains and south Idlib - 16 October 2019: Assad regime stepped up its air and land bombardment of the southern Idleb countryside, while rebel units responded by shelling regime positions in the Hama countryside - 16 October 2019: Turkish military operation east Euphrates kills more than 70 civilians so far and forces nearly 300 thousand people to displace from their areas - 16 October 2019: Despite tens of air and ground strikes, the Turkish Forces and and allied factions fail to advance in Ras al-Ayn (Sari Kani) city - 16 October 2019: Video shows the moment the Turkish warplanes targeted a humanitarian support convoy in Ras al-Ayn 3 days ago, killing 19 people and injuring tens of others - 16 October 2019: Russian warplanes target for the 3rd time Idlib countryside in conjunction with barrel bombs on Latakia countryside, clashes in several places and with military reinforcements of the regime forces in Latakia countryside - 16 October 2019: Turkish forces and their loyal factions carryout a new attack in Ras Al-Ayn city under a cover of heavy and violent aerial and ground bombardment - 17 October 2019: Humanitarian groups in northeastern Syria are scrambling to provide aid to hundreds of thousands of people, as rapidly shifting battle lines make it increasingly difficult to reach them, and as Save the Children says 'we have to leave', because Turkish onslaught displaces people, forcing them to flee to makeshift refugee camps - 17 October 2019: Renewed Russian and Assad regime's airstrikes on Idlib province, targeting the southern countryside - 17 October 2019: SOHR documented the death of 2 citizens after Assad regime forces targeted their car by a guided missile in Kura village, as helicopters bombarded Kabani area in the northern countryside of Latakia by barrel bombs - 18 October 2019: Journalists witnessed continued fighting Friday morning in Kurdish-held northeast Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn at the center of the fight between Turkey and Kurdish forces, despite a USA-brokered ceasefire that went into effect hours earlier, and as Kurds say town besieged and shelled by Turkey despite cease-fire - 18 October 2019: Turkish and allied forces attack SDF in Ras al-Ayn (Sari Kani) city in conjunction with targeting the medical convoys, including Kurdish Red Crescent convoy and an American humanitarian organization, that try to enter the city to evacuate the wounded and injured - 18 octobre 2019: Au moins cinq civils ont été tués vendredi dans le nord de la Syrie dans un raid aérien de la Turquie visant un village près de la localité frontalière de Ras al-Aïn - 18 October 2019: Assad regime forces shelled the liberated areas in Idlib and Aleppo provinces, causing civilian casualties as attacks have increased in the past few days - 19 October 2019: Russian warplanes carry out raids on positions in Jabal al-Akrad and the southern countryside of Idlib, and dozens of raids on the countrysides of Hama, Idlib, and Latakia - 19 October 2019: Turkish invaders push military and logistical reinforcements towards the Turkish checkpoints in the 'de-escalation' area - 19 October 2019: Violent clashes in areas at Ras al-Ayn and Darbasiyah countryside in a continuous attack by the Turkey-loyal factions against SDF positions - 19 October 2019: Assad's barrel bombs target the northern countryside of Latakia, as about 44 airstrikes were carried out by the Russian jets on 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 20 October 2019: Russian warplanes target 'Putin-Erdogan' area again, amid ground shelling in Latakia and Idlib countryside - 20 October 2019: Turkish border guards kill a Syrian citizen as he tries to cross border from western countryside of Idlib - 20 October 2019: Ras al-Ayn (Sari Kani) city under Turkish siege amid catastrophic humanitarian conditions, as 28 civilians lost their lives during the past 5 days in the city, as shelling and attacks by Erdogan-loyal factions continue, and as a new medical convoy is expected to enter and evacuate victims of Erdogan's agression - 21 October 2019: Russian warplanes target al-Rakaya town in the southern countryside of Idlib with several raids - 21 October 2019: Hours after SDF withdrew from Ras al-Ayn city, Turkey-loyal factions with tanks and artillery advance to southeast of Abu Rasin area - 21 October 2019: Turkey-loyal factions continue looting and stealing property of citizens east of Euphrates as kidnappings for 'ransom' escalate - 22 October 2019: Assad's helicopters dropped again barrel bombs Tuesday morning on Kabani area in the northern countryside of Latakia, while regime forces launched shells of heavy artillery on places in the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib and the northwestern countryside of Hama - 21 October 2019: Turkish-backed factions continue to violate the ceasefire and commit violations against citizens in areas under their control, as the death toll among the SDF, the Assad regime, Turkish forces and factions loyal to it rises to 477, according to SOHR - 22 October 2019: Residents of Ayn al-Arab city (Kobani) carrying out a mass demonstration denouncing the Turkish military operation, the USA agreement and international silence - 23 October 2019: Assad's barrel bombs and air raids by Russian warplanes target Latakia countryside in conjunction with ground shelling on the southern countryside of Aleppo and Russian aerial bombardments of Idlib countryside - 23 October 2019: In conjunction with the flight of Turkish warplanes, cautious calm prevails the 'East Euphrates' in anticipation of recent Russian-Turkish Sochi war plans, interrupted with night shelling and clashes in areas including the northern countryside of Aleppo, according to SOHR - 23 October 2019: Syrian Assad regime inflicts 72 forms of torture on prisoners, report finds - 23 October 2019: Turkish forces target positions of the Kurdish forces in Maraanaz front in the northern countryside of Aleppo by artillery shells - 24 October 2019: Russian warplanes bomb the 'de-escalation' areas in conjunction with ground shelling and violent clashes in Latakia and Hama countryside - 24 October 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters and Russian warplanes target Kabani hills by barrel bombs and air raids - 24 October 2019: A Turkish bomb that struck a Kurdish community in northern Syria, left eight-year-old Sara with serious injuries, and her right leg was so badly damaged that it had to be amputated, as Sara's older brother, Hammoudi, was killed in the bombardment - 24 October 2019: The northern sector of Aleppo countryside witnesses renewed clashes between the Turkey-loyal factions and the Kurdish Forces, according to SOHR - 25 October 2019: Clashes continued between the Turkey-backed invasion forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces in the Ras al-Ayn area north of Hassakeh in northeastern Syria, despite an agreement between war criminals Turkey and Russia - 25 October 2019: More violent clashes between the Turkey-loyal factions after they disagree on smuggling crossings northeast of Aleppo - 25 October 2019: Clashes rage on the fronts of Ayn Issa, Ras al-Ayn, Tal Tamr, and Tal Abyad, raising to about 490 the number of casualties of Erdogan's 'Peace Spring' - 25 October 2019: Russian warplanes renewed the bombardment on Idlib countryside targeting Maarzita and the vicinity of Kansafra, in conjunction with Assad's helicopters dropping more barrel bombs in the northern countryside of Latakia - 25 October 2019: Russia says it sent hundreds of additional troops to Syria including forces to patrol areas along the border with Turkey and oversee the pullout of Syrian Kurdish fighters - 25 October 2019: Turkish forces and their allies attacked Assad regime troops in northeastern Syria on Thursday, killing some of them, and they also clashed with Kurdish-led fighters, the state news agency in Damascus and a war monitoring group said - 26 October 2019: Assad regime forces continue their attacks on positions of jihadi groups in Kabani hills for the third day in a row, with ground and air cover by Russian warplanes and the regime’s helicopters in addition to hundreds of missile shells, and about 35 people have been killed of both parties in the past 48 hours - 26 October 2019: SOHR reveals medical reports confirming Turkey’s use of internationally prohibited weapons in northern Syria, calling on the international community to investigate and hold officials accountable - 26 October 2019: Despite announcement of a ceasefire in northeastern Syria, the practical reality confirms that Turkish Forces and their loyal factions did not stop firing for a moment, they even besieged Ras al-Ayn city and prevented SDF from withdrawing from it, and prevented the evacuation of the injured and the evacuation of bodies - 27 October 2019: Clashes between Turkish invaders and Syrian Army in North Syria including the countryside around Ras al-Ayn, as forces reportedly struggle for new positions in northeast Syria - 27 October 2019: Assad regime’s ground strikes kill a displaced child west of Idlib city as Russian warplanes bomb Idlib province again causing more casualties, according to SOHR - 27 October 2019: More than 50 casualties of the Assad regime forces and the jihadi groups in 72 hours of shelling and violent clashes in Latakia Mountains - 27 October 2019: The Human Rights organization in Afrin holds Turkey responsible for war crimes in the Syrian north and call on the International organizations to intervene - 28 October 2019: Violation continues in the ceasefire between Assad regime forces and the Syria Democratic Forces against the Turkey-loyal factions, continuous clashes in areas between Tal Tamr and Ras al-Ayn - 28 October 2019: USA forces return to bases north and northeast of Syria from which they withdrew in the past few days by Trump’s decision, SOHR says - 29 October 2019: Russian warplanes resume their bombardment on the 'de-escalation' zone through raids that targeted positions in the southern countryside of Idlib - 29 October 2019: Syria Rebels thwart Russian regime's incursion south of Idleb - 29 October 2019: After the killing and injury of 20 members of them, Assad regime forces clash against the Turkish forces in the south of Ras Al-Ayn city in the first direct confrontation between the both parties - 29 octobre 2019: Tirs d'artillerie des forces turques ont visé les troupes du régime syrien - 29 October 2019: SDF anounces death of Baghdadi’s right-hand man near Jarablus - 30 October 2019: Russian warplanes renew the airstrikes on towns and villages of Idlib Province - 30 October 2019: More than 20 Russian raids targets Idlib Province since morning, and the regime forces continue their attacks in Latakia Mountains for the sixth day in a row - 30 October 2019: With intense and violent ground shelling, the Turkish forces and their loyal factions carry out new attacks on villages at Abu Rasin area as more than 400 families displace - 31 October 2019: Russian warplanes bomb Latakia countryside in conjunction with artillery shelling targeting Idlib countryside - 31 October 2019: Russian warplanes renewed their raids, increasing the number of raids to 25, targeting Kabani area in Latakia province, and Sfuhen, Kafr Nubl, Hass, al-Ftirah, al-Brisa, Rakaya, and Hazarin in the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib, causing casualties and injuries - 31 October 2019: More than 350 air and ground strikes by Assad's and Russian forces targeted northern Syria during this day, in conjunction with shelling by the factions that targeted positions of the regime forces - 31 October 2019: Assad regime's forces backed by Russia have continued their attacks in southern Idlib, but their attempts reportedly thwarted - 1 November 2019: Russian warplanes used vacuum bombs to hit the city of Kafr Nabl, and the towns of Hass and al-Fatterah resulting in the deaths of 9 civilians, including one child - 1 November 2019: About 980 people were killed in October and 70% of them killed by Erdogan's operation 'Peace Spring', according to SOHR - 1 November 2019: Erdogan factions carry out a new offensive against Abu Rasin area with support of the Turkish shelling - 2 November 2019: Despite hundreds of Assad's and Russian air and ground strikes, Latakia Mountains claim about 90 members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them in 8 days - 2 November 2019: 70-year-old man who lost 3 of his sons and a wife in Assad's war forced to live in catastrophic humanitarian conditions in 'Darkush' camps - 2 November 2019: Despite the joint Russian-Turkish patrol, clashes continue in Abu Rasin area and Syria Democratic Forces regain control of 7 villages in the area - 3 November 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters take turns targeting Jabal al-Akrad with barrel bombs, in conjunction with using rocket shells, as Russian airstrikes renew south of Idlib - 3 November 2019: Assad regime’s cellars continue to claim more Syrian lives, 2 citizens of Rif Dimashq die in prisons, as SOHR’s statistics show the rise of the number of casualties who were killed under torture by the regime - 3 November 2019: Turkish attacks against Kurdish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 3 November 2019: Syria Democratic Forces regained control over 8 new villages, including Al-Daoudiyah, Al-Said, Rayhanah, Al-Suwaidiyah, Kanbahar, Abboush, Um Sha’ifah and Faysaliyah - 3 November 2019: 'Turkey is responsible for civilian casualties in the region it controls', says SDF-spokesman, after a car bomb killed at least 13 people in Turkish-held northeast Syria border town Tal Abyad, one of several once Kurdish-controlled towns seized by Turkey's occupation forces in its deadly cross-border offensive, as thousands of Kurds in the wider region protested against the Turkish occupation - 4 November 2019: For the first time in 52 days, Assad regime’s warplanes bomb again 'Putin-Erdogan' area through raids targeting areas in Sahl al-Ghab and the western countryside of Idlib - 4 November 2019: 7 casualties and injuries of one family including 4 women killed in bombing by regime’s warplanes on the southern outskirts of Jesr al-Shughur city - 4 November 2019: Security chaos continues to reign in the southern province in Daraa, with assassinations, kidnappings and regime arrests commonplace - 4 November 2019: Fierce clashes between SDF and the Turkey-loyal factions after an attack of the latter on villages in the vicinity of Ayn Issa - 4 November 2019: Kurdish commander Mazloum Abdi has expressed his distrust of both Russia and the Syrian regime, but has agreed to continue to search for peace - 5 November 2019: Russian warplanes bombard Idlib countryside along with more than 55 airstrikes that targeted the 'de-escalation' zone - 5 November 2019: Russian airstrikes target south of Idlib and the regime forces shell the countryside of Hama, Latakia, and Idlib - 5 November 2019: After carrying out about 25 raids yesterday, regime’s warplanes re-bomb the 'de-escalation' area for second day - 6 November 2019: Russian regime's airstrikes on Idlib countryside kill 3 children of the same family, who displaced from Al-Lataminah city in Hama countryside a month ago, due to bombardment by the Russian warplanes on the residential neighborhoods in Al-Dar al-Kabirah village in the southern countryside of Idlib - 6 November 2019: Russian warplanes bombard Idlib countryside along with tens of ground strikes that targeted the eastern countryside of Idlib - 6 November 2019: As airstrikes return to escalate in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, the murderous Russian warplanes target children’s hospital in Jabal al-Zawiyah and leave casualties of the medical staff - 6 November 2019: Casualty and 7 injuries in airstrikes by Assad regime’s warplanes on Jisr al-Shughur city - 6 November 2019: Pelted with stones and shoes, Turkish-Russian military launched a cross-border incursion against Syria near Kobani, liberated by Kurdish forces defeating Islamic State terrorists in one of the fiercest battles in 2014/2015 - 6 November 2019: Due to Erdogan's illegal invasion, a number of Islamic State terrorist attacks across Deir ez-Zor has left 15 pro-Syrian regime and Kurdish fighters dead - 7 November 2019: Assad's helicopters take turns in targeting Latakia countryside by barrel bombs in conjunction with about 70 airstrikes targeting 'Putin–Erdogan' area, as SOHR documented the death of 6 persons including 2 women caused by Russian warplanes - 7 November 2019: About 75 airstrikes target 'Putin–Erdogan' area in conjunction with clashes in Aleppo countryside - 7 November 2019: Assad's barrel bombs target Latakia countryside in conjunction with about 40 deadly airstrikes on 'Putin–Erdogan' area, as Russian warplanes bombarded several areas south of Idlib - 7 November 2019: Turkish Forces shell positions of the Kurdish Forces and areas north Aleppo with missiles - 8 November 2019: Turkey’s occupied territories in Syria await Assad, as a patchwork quilt of governments and organizations are running the 'show' in northern Syria where Turkey has asserted itself against the Kurds, while Russian-backed constitution talks in Geneva are going nowhere fast - 9 November 2019: As Russian warplanes renewed their bombardment on Idlib province, where they carried out several raids, SOHR documented the death of a child in bombing by the Russian warplanes on Tarnabeh camp area - 9 November 2019: Assad's helicopters take turns in targeting Jabal al-Akrad with barrel bombs as Russian warplanes continue to bomb the 'de-escalation' area - 9 November 2019: With the intensive support from the Turkish artillery, Erdogan's factions carry out new attacks in areas between Tal Tamr and Abu Rasin - 9 November 2019: Fierce clashes reportedly erupted between Syrian regime forces and Turkish forces in the border town of Ras al-Ain in northeast Syria - 10 November 2019: Clashes and ground shelling in the western Aleppo countryside, including artillery shelling by the regime forces that targeted the perimeter of Khan al-Asal, Kafarnaha and al-Shamico area west of Aleppo - 10 November 2019: Kurdish medics hit by shrapnel and injured in an attack on ambulance on its way to rescue people wounded in a Turkish airstrike, in the latest of what Kurdish groups say is a pattern of attacks against medical staff in north-eastern Syria, as ambulance with red markings indicating it was a medical vehicle was heading to villages north of the town of Tal Tamr - 10 November 2019: Turkish bases shell Kurdish positions north of Aleppo with artillery shells - 10 November 2019: Former Islamic State members of the Turkish-backed 'al-Hamzat Division' kidnapped citizens and threatened them after their release - 11 November 2019: Russian warplanes bombard Latakia countryside in conjunction with shelling by ground-to-ground missiles targeted towns in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 November 2019: More casualties raise to 7 including 3 children, the number of people killed by the Russian guarantor’s warplanes in their third massacre in new offensive - 11 November 2019: Turkish drone reportedly attacked al-Dardara village in the Ras al-Ayn countryside, as Erdogan’s mercenaries detained residents of the village trying to extract confessions by force, as a Turkish landmine in al-Asadiya village detonated, leaving a number of civilians in the village injured - 11 November 2019: Pro-Turkey factions detonate a booby-trapped vehicle in Hammam Al-Turkman town amid ambiguity and secrecy surrounding the incident - 11 November 2019: Turkish Intelligence arrests Syrian commanders and members of a military formation - 12 November 2019: Russian warplanes begin Tuesday with raids on a town south of Idlib while Assad regime forces shelled places in the southern countryside of Idlib - 12 November 2019: Erdogan-loyal factions reportedly advance again in areas of Abu Rasin–Tal Tamr with intensive air and land support - 12 November 2019: A correspondent in Qamishli said that three blasts, including two car bombs, struck the city center, with civilians who were waiting for taxis, caught and injured in the chaos - 13 November 2019: Russian warplanes renew the bombing on Idlib countryside, while Assad regime’s warplanes carried out several raids in Lattakia province - 13 November 2019: Turkish forces bring more military and logistical reinforcements to their 'observation' points, as Turkey's military intervention into Syria is increasingly straining relations with its regional allies and neighbors - 14 November 2019: Russia has begun setting up a helicopter base at a former civilian airport in the north-eastern Syrian city of Qamishli, showing footage of helicopter gunships arriving there - 14 November 2019: Assad'*s barrel bombs target Latakia countryside in conjunction with 90 airstrikes on Idlib and Latakia countryside, as warplanes target Kabani area in jabal Al-Akrad with 13 airstrikes - 14 November 2019: 3 brothers killed in Idlib countryside in conjunction with more than 40 explosive barrels and navy mines dropped by Assad's helicopters on the same countryside as regime’s ground forces shelled areas in more countrysides - 14 November 2019: Tel Tamr and Abou Rasin have witnessed clashes between the Turkish backed SNA and Kurdish forces, as Turkish artillery rocked the sites and as at least 198 SNA soldiers have been killed for Erdogan since October - 14 November 2019: 2 children die and others injured in Russian airstrikes on civilian homes in Idlib countryside - 14 November 2019: Civilians displace southeast of Idlib in conjunction with regime forces’ escalation on the area - 15 November 2019: About 500 Russian and Assad air and ground strikes target large spaces within the 'de-escalation' zone and the today’s military operations leave 28 casualties until now - 15 November 2019: Casualties, injuries, and missing, including women and children, under the rubble due to Russian raids and regime’s shelling on the southern and western countryside of Idlib - 16 November 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters target towns and villages south of Idlib by barrel bombs. while the Russian warplanes carried out more raids on the countryside of Idlib - 16 November 2019: Russian warplanes continue to target the southern countryside of Idlib with deadly attacks - 16 November 2019: Kurdish women, who fought on the frontlines against ISIS terrorists, now are the No. 1 target in Syria - 17 November 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several raids on Sunday morning targeting Jabal al-Akrad while the regime forces shelled the countrysides of Idlib and Hama - 17 November 2019: Assad's/Russian airstrikes on the village of Mallaja in Idlib province killed five people, as Syrian Civil Defense and SOHR said three women were among the victims - 17 November 2019: Russian warplanes carried out raids on al-Ftirah and the outskirts of Arinbeh in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Kafr Nubl and Bsaqla south of Idlib city - 17 November 2019: SOHR reveals the identity of a former member of ISIS and the Turkish-backed 'National Army' accused of carrying out the terrorist attack in al-Bab yesterday morning, killing 19 people including at least 13 civilians - 17 November 2019: 12 people, including women and children, die since morning by Russian airstrikes on Idlib countryside, bombing al-Malaja village south of Idlib city - 18 October 2019: As part of the continuous harassment of Afrin’s, Turkey-loyal faction kidnap more than 10 people and take them to jail - 19 November 2019: Russian warplanes continue their bombardment on towns in Idlib countryside - 19 November 2019: Russian warplanes renew bombardment and carry out 10 raids on Kafr Nubl south of Idlib - 19 November 2019: Despite the reconciliations, dozens of people have been arrested by Assad regime's forces and have now ended up in the notorious Sednaya prison - 19 November 2019: Russian-Turkish patrol pelted with Molotov cocktails in Syria, as videos appeared showing young people hurling rocks at passing armored vehicles near the Syrian border town of Kobani, also setting a Russian-flagged Typhoon mine-resistant vehicle on fire with the makeshift explosive - 19 November 2019: International and local media turn a blind eye to killers of the Civil Defense members in Afrin - 19 November 2019: Assyrian Christians, who escaped the occupation by Islamic State terrorists in 2015 and did not choose to emigrate, now anxiously watch the advance of Turkish forces towards their villages in the south of Hasakeh province, fearing being ‘pushed into exile’ once again since 100 years - 20 November 2019: With intensive support from the Russian warplanes and ground shelling, Assad regime forces control a strategic village southeast of Idlib, as hundreds of air and ground strikes target villages in the southeastern countryside - 20 November 2019: Russian mercenaries ‘beat and beheaded Syrian man’ in leaked video, which dates to 2017 but was only released in full on Russian social media site VK last week - 20 November 2019: Bombing by Assad and Russian regime forces of the last opposition-held pockets of Syria has killed 1,300 people and displaced almost 1 million more since April, according to monitors - 21 November 2019: 16 civilians mostly children and women are victims of regime’s massacre committed by targeting a camp at the border with Iskenderun - 21 November 2019: Assad's barrel bombs and raids target the 'de-escalation' zone in conjunction with intensive ground shelling on both Idlib and Aleppo countryside - 21 November 2019: At least 22 civilians have died after the Assad regime shelled a displacement camp and hospital, rescue workers and residents have said, as regime continues to pound the last pocket of opposition-held territory in the country - 22 November 2019: At least six civilians, including children, were killed and a dozen more were wounded in Russian airstrikes that hit the northern province of Idleb, rescuing workers said - 22 November 2019: SOHR documented the death of 52 civilians including 20 children and 10 citizens killed in Russian air strikes, and dozens of Syrians including 12 children and 9 citizens killed in airstrikes and ground shelling by the regime forces from the 2nd of November 2019 until now - 23 November 2019: Russian warplanes begin new round of aerial bombardment on Idlib Province and leave more casualties - 23 November 2019: Turkey-loyal factions continue their violent offensive near Ayn Issa and force civilians to flee the area - 24 November 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters dropped about 22 barrel bombs Sunday morning on the vicinity of Hazarin, Kafr Nubl and its surroundings, outskirts of Bsaqla, Ma’arrat al-Sin, Hass, and the surroundings of Kafruma, while the Russian warplanes carried out more raids on Idlib province - 24 November 2019: Demographic change continues in the Syrian north by transferring new batches from Idlib province to Ras al-Ayn, and Turkish-loyal factions continue their efforts to deport the original people - 25 November 2019: Russian warplanes bombard a hospital in Jabal Al-Zawiya, as more than 80 raids and barrel bombs target Idlib countryside - 25 November 2019: With intensive support from Russian warplanes, Assad regime forces continue to advance southeast of Idlib and control new villages and locations in the area - 25 November 2019: Exchange of shelling and clashes renew in north of Aleppo between the Turkey-loyal factions and the Kurdish Forces deployed in the area - 26 November 2019: Assad's helicopters dropped at least 23 barrel bombs on the places in Kafr Nubl and other places in the southern countryside of Idlib, while the Russian warplanes renewed their raids on Idlib province - 26 November 2019: Raising the number of today’s raids, Russian warplanes kill a doctor and 2 citizens work in olive harvesting in the southern countryside of Idlib, while the citizens were going back after olive picking on areas in Karsaa town - 26 November 2019: SOHR documented the death of a citizen from Al-Shajra town in Daraa province, under torture in the regime’s security basements after being detained for nearly a year - 27 November 2019: Russian forces killed two civilians in Karsa’a village in Idlib, on November 26 - 27 November 2019: Assad regime bombed a mosque in Kfarrouma village in Idlib, on November 26 - 27 November 2019: Dr. Osama Amr al-Khalid, who was arrested by Assad regime twice for helping protestors and healing people injured during regime bombardments, reportedly dies under torture - 27 November 2019: More casualties raise to about 65, the number of civilians and fighters killed and injured in a booby-trapped explosion in Tal Halaf town west of Ras al-Ayn - 28 November 2019: Attacks by Assad regime and Russia has forced medical centers to cease work in the southern Idleb countryside - 28 November 2019: 11 bombings hit areas of Erdogan's operation 'Peace Spring' in less than a month, killing and wounding about 180 civilians and fighters - 28 November 2019: Newly released drone footage shows the destruction caused to towns and cities during Assad's nearly 9-year civil war, provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and showing the extent of the damage to buildings, homes and streets in Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and rural Damascus - 29 November 2019: Assad's forces, back by Russia and Iranian militias, are pushing their assault on Idleb, reportedly killing a number of people in a missile attack on Jisr al-Shughour, as two more civilians were killed in Russian airstrikes on the towns of Kafr Nabl and Kafar Roma Tuesday night - 29 November 2019: Russian warplanes take turns in deadly bombarding the outskirts of Jisr Al-Shughur, also bombarding Kabani area and Kafr Nubl town, raising the number of their raids, as regime’s helicopters dropped barrel bombs - 30 November 2019: 50 months of the Russian intervention in Syria resulting in thousands of dead, political and military measures to return more than two-thirds of the country to the control of a cruel dictator, and Northern Syria delivered to Assad's, Russian and Turkish regime, as Iranian regime waits - 30 November 2019: Fierce clashes renew between the Kurdish forces and pro-Ankara factions in the north of Aleppo in conjunction with intense exchange of shelling - 1 December 2019: In November 2019, 805 casualties fell in the Syrian territory including 230 civilians, according to SOHR - 1 December 2019: With intensive support from the Russian warplanes, Assad regime forces carry out counterattacks to recover what they lost yesterday in the southeastern countryside of Idlib, causing more casualties documented by SOHR - 1 December 2019: Fierce clashes erupted between Assad regime forces against factions in the western countryside of Aleppo, in conjunction with the fall of shells on several neighborhoods, as Russian warplanes carried out raids and helicopters dropped barrel bombs - 1 December 2019: War remnants and cluster bombs kill or injure 4 children in less than 48 hours - 2 December 2019: Two-day death toll in Syria’s Idlib nears 100 in the devastating Russia-backed regime offensive, according to SOHR - 2 December 2019: Monday’s airstrike on the market in Maaret al-Numan kills 10 Syrians wounding dozens, according to rights group and media center - 2 December 2019: Within 48 hours hundreds of air and ground strikes southeast of Idlib, as death toll rises - 3 December 2019: With intense support by Russian warplanes, Assad regime forces regain control of a village east of Maarrat Al-Nu’man and continue their attacks to recover more villages in the area - 3 December 2019: At least 12 children killed in Syria in one day in Assad regime's and Turkish attacks, as regime airstrike on busy market described as ‘massacre’ by rescue workers attempting to pull bodies from rubble - 3 December 2019: Nearly 10 citizens killed or injured in shelling by the Kurdish forces on Azaz city north of Aleppo in conjunction with Turkish artillery shelling on Shirawa Township - 3 December 2019: Daraa witnesses a demonstration and writings on walls demanding the release of detainees and exit of Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists and Iranians from the area - 3 December 2019: Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs targeting towns in Idlib countryside, while regime’s warplanes bombed places in Idlib and Lattakia province - 4 December 2019: Russian, Assad regime's air raids on Idlib province - 4 December 2019: Continued bombardments by Assad's regime and its Russian ally reportedly force thousands of families to flee their homes in the southern Idleb countryside - 5 December 2019: The ongoing assault by the Assad regime and Russia has forced a number of schools in Idleb province to close, for fear of children being killed or injured - 5 December 2019: More than 70 Russian and Assad's airstrikes target both Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 6 December 2019: Warplanes of the Russian 'guarantor' renew their bombardment in northern Syria, targeting Aleppo and Idlib province, as Assad regime ground forces shell the eastern parts of Idlib province - 7 December 2019: 4 casualties including a child in bombardment by Russian warplanes on Al-Bara town in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Assad's helicopters alternated dropped barrel bombs on Kafr Nubl town - 7 December 2019: Murderous Assad regime and Russian warplanes target Idlib province with tens of airstrikes since morning leaving a number of citizens dead and wounded and others trapped under debris - 7/8 December 2019: A woman was killed due to dropping barrel bombs by Assad regime’s helicopters on Tell Mannas town in Idlib, while SOHR has documented hours ago, the death of a man, as well as the injury of 4 others in the same bombardment, and as it rose to 21 including 8 children, the number of civilians who were killed today in Assad's and Russian bombardment - 9 December 2019: Russian warplanes resumed their bombardment of 'Putin–Erdogan' area, targeting today places in the northern countryside of Latakia, as Assad regime forces shelled the southern countryside of Idlib and the countryside of Aleppo - 10 December 2019: SOHR monitored today the rotation of Assad's helicopters targeting the area of Kabani in Jabal Al-Akrad north of Latakia with barrel bombs, and rocket shelling carried out by Assad regime forces in Idlib province - 11 December 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the area of Kabani in Lattakia province, while his forces shelled places west of Idlib, leaving civilian injuries - 12 December 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several raids, amid continued rocket shelling by the regime forces in Idlib province - 13 December 2019: Leaving dozens killed and wounded, Syrian armed opposition thwarted a major attack by Assad regime forces and pro-Iran militias in the eastern countryside of Idleb province, in retaliation to a surprise rebel attack that left 22 troops dead - 13 December 2019: 7 children killed or injured in a landmine explosion of the Syrian war remnants in Nasib town east of Daraa - 13 December 2019: Russian aircrafts kill nearly 90 civilians, one third of them children, with more than 930 airstrikes targeting 'Putin-Erdogan' area in 40 days, as war criminal Putin continues to claim his regime only aims 'terrorists' - 14 December 2019: For the purpose of conscription, Assad regime’s armed forces carry out a new campaign of raids and arrests in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus - 15 December 2019: 7 civilians from the same family were killed and injured in barrel bombs dropped by Assad regime’s helicopters on Maar-shorin town, raising to 834, including 223 civilians, including 64 children and 44 women killed by Assad and Russian regime's aircrafts, as well as ground bombardments and targets - 16 December 2019: Russian warplanes carry out raids on Idlib countryside with more than 75 air and ground strikes - 16 December 2019: Russian warplanes and Assad regime helicopters target the eastern countryside of Marat al-Numan with about 30 raids and barrel bombs led to deaths and injuries - 16 December 2019: 10 fighters from the Kurdish-led SDF have been killed in a Turkish artillery bombardment near Azaz - 17 December 2019: Assad and Russian regime's warplanes intensified aerial bombardments on the northern province of Idleb, killing two children and wounding five people, as Assad's helicopters carried out raids on an array of villages in the countryside of Maarat al-Nu’man - 17 December 2019: SOHR documented the death of a citizen in air strikes carried out by Assad regime’s warplanes on Babilla village in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Russian and Assad's warplanes started a new round of intensive aerial bombardment on Idlib countryside - 17 December 2019: For the first time, Russian–Turkish joint patrol roams in villages in the countryside of Kobani, liberated by Kurdish fighters against IS terrorists - 18 December 2019: 24 civilians were killed by Russian and Assad regime's air strikes and artillery fire in the opposition-held Syrian province of Idlib on Tuesday, as 9 people, including three children, died when warplanes bombed the town of Talmenes, as the wife and three children of a Civil Defense volunteer were among 6 members of a family killed when shells hit Badama village, and as an air strike on Maasaran reportedly killed another six people - 18 December 2019: The civilian death toll continues to rise with Russian and Assad regime's attacks on towns and villages and a convoy of displaced people being hit on the Aleppo-Damascus highway - 18 December 2019: As a part of the mounting aerial bombardment on Idlib, about 40 barrel bombs and air strikes target Marrat Al-Nu’man and Idlib province since morning, witnessing heavy aerial bombardment by Russian and Assad's warplanes - 18 December 2019: 3 civilians were shot dead by Turkish border guards while trying to cross the Syrian-Turkish border - 18 December 2019: SOHR monitored heavy shelling by the Turkish forces today morning on positions of Syria Democratic Forces in the vicinity of Shirkirak area north of Al-Raqqah city, for years Islamic State's capital - 18/19 December 2019: Assad forces bombard northwest Syria, killing 23 civilians, monitor says - 19 December 2019: Assad regime forces hit an emergency center run by the Violet organisation, which was providing emergency medical treatment to civilians, also killing two civilians when regime forces dropped barrel bombs on the town of Maarat al-Nu’man - 19 December 2019: Warplanes of the Assad regime and Russian 'guarantor' expand scope of their intensive bombardment on Idlib leaving more civilian casualties - 20 December 2019: 24 hours of Russian and Assad's military aggression in Idlib with more than 462 air and ground strikes leave 72 persons killed and the humanitarian catastrophe aggravated as more people displaced - 21 December 2019: Nearly 50 citizens including women and children killed or injured today in tens of air strikes on Idlib by Assad's and Russian murder gangs - 21 December 2019: 7 citizens including women killed and more than 20 injuries in a massacre carried out by Assad regime warplanes on Saraqib town in Idlib province - 21 December 2019: Tens of thousands of civilians flee renewed Syria violence as Assad regime and ally Russia bombard Idlib region, fueling humanitarian crisis and killing over 80 people - 22 December 2019: Russian and Syrian jets have stepped up strikes on villages and towns around Maarat al-Numan, from which thousands of people have fled to a fallacious safety of the Turkish border, as Russian jets reportedly hit a convoy of civilian cars fleeing the city, killing at least eight people including three women and two children, after Russian jets hit a busy marketplace in Saraqeb city on Saturday, leaving at least eight dead and scores injured - 22 December 2019: SOHR documented the death of two men in a Russian air strike on Telmans town - 22 December 2019: Assad regime forces try to reach the largest town in Maarrat Al-Nu’man countryside, as more than 80,000 people have been displaced since early this month, called 'Advent', backed by Assad and Russian regime's intensive aerial and ground bombardment, as 26 casualties were documented in less than 12 hours - 22 December 2019: Backed by the International Coalition aircraft, SDF arrest several people suspected of belonging to IS terrorists after storming two towns east of Deir Ezzor - 23 December 2019: SOHR has documented a new massacre committed by the Russian warplanes in Ma’saran town, documenting the death of six citizens including four brothers, raising the number of civilian casualties to 15, while Assad regime forces are trying to advance on Ma’rata’s frontline east of Telmans town - 23 December 2019: Turkish aid group says 120,000 citizens fleeing attacks in Syria's Idlib, as Assad's and Russian forces have intensified their bombardment of the province, which dictator Assad has vowed to recapture - 24 December 2019: At least 8 people, including 5 children, were killed Tuesday in Russian air strikes on a school in northwest Syria's Jubas village at the outskirts of Saraqib east of Idlib sheltering displaced civilians, according to SOHR - 24 December 2019: With dozens of intensive air and ground strikes, Assad regime forces try to reach Damascus-Aleppo international highway amid bombing on the area by Russian warplanes - 24 December 2019: Assad regime intelligence raided Sayda and Al-Gharya Al-Sharqiyah towns in Daraa countryside, arresting a number of people after storming their houses, according to SOHR - 24 December 2019: Residents of northwest Syria flee new murderous Russian and Assad regime offensive, as troops push toward rebel-held town Maaret al-Numan and strategic road it controls, civilians escape toward Turkish border and UN warns, again since 2011, of another looming humanitarian crisis, after mendacious UN's Guterres became an Assad regime supporter in 2018 - 25 December 2019: Russian warplanes continue targeting the M5 and Maarrat Al-Nu’man countryside, before heavy rainfall protects civilians from Assad regime and Russian aircraft, and Assad regime forces target places in Maarshourin, Tal Mannas and Al-Ghadfah in Maarrat Al-Nu’man countryside with missiles - 25 December 2019: Turkish forces shell SDF positions in vicinity of Ain Issa north of Al-Raqqah, and Turkey-backed factions continue their attempts to force Afrin’s remaining locals leave - 26 December 2019: Assad regime forces unleash new attack on Bernan and Farawan renewing the fierce battles in both eastern and south-eastern countryside of Idlib, later advancing again raising the number of areas captured against forces without warplanes, helicopters and tanks - 26 December 2019: Hezbollah terrorists and regime services raid Assal Al-Ward in the Western Qalamoun against backdrop of killing member of regime intelligence - 26 December 2019: Russian forces have taken the International Coalition former base in Tal Samn area, between Ain Issa town and Al-Raqqah city, to be their new military base in the area - 26 décembre 2019: Le président des Etats-Unis a exhorté la Russie, la Syrie et l'Iran à cesser de tuer des civils et à stopper le 'carnage' dans la province d'Idleb en Syrie qui a fait près de 80 victimes civiles en dix jours - 27 December 2019: More than 235,000 people have fled Idlib region in Syria, says UN, as displacements follow two weeks of criminal Assad's and Russian regime's air and ground assaults on opposition stronghold - 27 December 2019: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Maarrshourin, Maarshamsheh, Tal Mannas and the vicinity of Maarrat Al-Nu’man - 28 December 2019: Putin's drones dropped cluster bombs on the outskirts of Qastun town in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Idlib countryside, as his murderous warplanes renewed bombardment on residential neighborhoods in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and Khan Al-Sabil town, as Assad's warplanes targeted the M4 and Babilla village and his murderous helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Tal Mannas and Al-Hamidyah - 28 December 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several air strikes on areas in Maarrat Al-Nu’man and Maasaran south of Idlib, and Maarshorin, Deir Sharqi and frontline areas in the south-eastern countryside of Idlib, as other countrysides came under intensive rocket shelling by the regime forces - 28 December 2019: Tens of thousands of displaced Syrians in their own country suffer from deteriorating humanitarian conditions amid bad weather in Idlib - 28 December 2019: Russian warplanes consecutively bombard Saraqib with high-explosive missiles, as 40 casualties documented among regime and factions in Idlib and Latakia battles - 29 December 2019: Assad regime warplanes renew bombardment on rural Maarat al-Numan, also targeting places in Ma’ar shorin town and its outskirts - 30 December 2019: Russian warplanes resume their intensive bombardment on Aleppo and Idlib along with reinforcement brought by the Assad regime to Aleppo countryside, as regime's warplanes also targeted places in the south-eastern countryside of Idlib - 30 December 2019: SOHR has documented the death of a civil defense member as a result of air strikes by Assad's warplanes on Maarrat Al-Nu’man countryside, that also left injuries, as regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Maarshourin, Deir Gharbi, Tal Mannas and Maarrat Al-Nu’man city, and as Russian warplanes renewed their aerial bombardment on towns and villages in the southern countryside of Aleppo - 30 December 2019: Health sector in Idlib, under hammer of the Russian bombing - 31 December 2019: In Idlib province, a child and a civil defense member were murdered in aerial bombardment by regime helicopters on Maarrat Al-Nu’man city, as SOHR has documented the death of 13 civilians from different areas, under torture in Assad's detention centers and prisons - 31 December 2019: Russian and Assad regime’s warplanes and their murderous crews were not only content to kill, injure and displace hundreds of thousands of civilians, but they also target infrastructure, as Putin's warplanes take 11 hospitals and medical facilities out of service in the latest flare-up of violence in Idlib - 1 January 2020: Murderous Russian warplanes targeted the vicinity of Idlib city with more than 22 air strikes after midnight, where the area includes the Central Prison of Idlib, which has been hit before by Russian air strikes, the human toll of these air strikes is not yet clear, while Assad regime forces shelled areas in villages located in rural Maarat al-Numan - 1 January 2020: Assad regime forces shelled the opposition-held village of Sarmin in the country's northwest, hitting a school and killing at least six people, including a female teacher and four students, as SOHR documented Assad's new year's massacre - 2 January 2020: Assad regime shelling on Maarrat Al-Nu’man kills a civilian, Russian warplanes resume aerial operations on Idlib and carried out several raids on Babulin town in the southern sector of Idlib countryside - 2 January 2020: Maarat al-Nu’Man has become a ghost city after over 100 people have been killed, tens of thousands have been forced to flee, with little or none of their belongings, and as Assad regime's assault continues - 3 January 2020: Russian murderous warplanes renew their bombardment on Idlib and Latakia, targeting places near Maraand in the western countryside of Jisr Al-Shugur, and other places in the northern countryside of Latakia, as Assad regime forces shelled areas in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and villages in the countryside - 3 January 2020: 45 persons were killed yesterday across Syria, including several civilians - 4 January 2020: Five children and four adults have been killed by a missile that hit a school and a camp for displaced people in Syria’s Idlib region, and 19 people were injured, including a teacher who is in a critical condition, the latest attack on civilian infrastructure in opposition held areas, as spokesman for the civil defence office in the town of Sarmin Mustafa Al Rashid said 'fortunately, most students had left only 10 minutes before the bombing, but there were some still playing in front of the school' - 4 January 2020: SOHR documented young man's death injured by murderous Russian warplanes on Khan Al-Sabil, as regime's ground shelling continues on Maarrat Al-Nu’man - 4 January 2020: Maar shorin, Maar shamsheh, Talmens, Maarat al-Numan, Babila, Khan al-Subul and the surroundings of Maar dibseh were subjected to rocket fire carried out by Assad regime forces - 5 January 2020: Assad regime forces kill and injure nine civilians south of Aleppo in aerial bombardments, as factions bring more military reinforcement to Idlib frontlines - 5 January 2020: SOHR has monitored a spike in the death toll in Ariha massacre, bringing it to 9 civilians, of whom people displaced from Maarshourin, as the number of dead is expected to increase due to the presence of more than 19 injuries some of whom are in serious conditions - 5 January 2020: SOHR sources confirm the killing of 19 civilians in Al-Sabkha Desert which is under control of the regime forces - 6 January 2020: The Assad regime continues its brutal assault in Idleb, bombarding the town of Ariha, killing several civilians and wounding dozens more - 6 January 2020: Ariha’s death toll reached 14 civilians, including one woman and 3 children, as new Russian air strikes target the outskirts of the village of Deir Sharqi in rural Maarat al-Numan with air raids - 6 January 2020: Assad regime's brutal 'security' agencies arrested 56 Palestinian children in the town of Yelda south of Damascus after a picture of dictator Assad was torn up during classes at al-Jermaq School - 6 January 2020: 14 people were slaughtered with knives at the hands of unidentified assailants in the Maadan area in the northern Raqqa countryside, which is under the control of Awssad regime forces and allied militias - 6 January 2020: 'Iran’s Revolutionary Guard' continues to seize civilian homes in Al-Mayadeen city - 6/7 January 2020: After Russian warplanes resumed aerial operations on Idlib and Assad regime forces attacked the countryside, attacks decreased due to bad, but advantageous for Syrian civilians and children, weather in the area at the start of the tenth year of Assad's, Iranian and Russian war crimes against the Syrian people - 7 January 2020: Assad airstrikes continue to pound northern Syria, with one killing a family that was fleeing from the rebel-held city of Ariha, as at least 17 people have been killed in regime and Russian airstrikes since Sunday - 7 January 2020: The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria has documented the death of 616 Palestinian refugees under torture in Assad regime's prisons since the outburst of his bloody warfare - 7 January 2020: 3 children, who were earning a living at a garbage dump in Idleb city, were killed when a truck dumped garbage on them - 7 January 2020: 360 ground strikes hit rural Idlib as Assad regime forces bring military reinforcement to Aleppo - 8 Januar 2020: Assad regime forces raid a town northern rural Homs and arrest 12 civilians - 9 January 2020: Russian warplanes intensively bombard Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and countryside, coming after a meeting between the Russian regime's Putin and his Turkish counterpart Erdogan - 9 January 2020: A humanitarian conference has called on the UN to act in Idleb and secure the safety of those who are fleeing Russian and regime bombardment - 9 January 2020: Assad regime security services arrest young people in Al-Mayadin city to be sent for conscription to join Russian, Iranian and Assad's crimes - 9 January 2020: The education sector continues to be most damaged from Assad's and Russian shelling and displacement, where the children make up the largest group of hundreds of thousands of the displaced people in Idlib province, and now they either skip school or suffer badly in order to pursue education - 10 January 2020: Russian regime’s veto denies millions of Syrian civilians essential aid amid humanitarian disaster in Idlib - 11 January 2020: Assad regime warplanes carried out air strikes with several vacuum missiles targeting a popular outdoors market in Bannish city east of Idlib province, which caused a new massacre leaving 7 civilians dead including four females and three children, also injuring 15 others - 11 January 2020: Assad's warplanes carried out several raids targeting the vicinity of the Cultural Center in Idlib city center, which killed 2 civilians and injured 10 others - 11 January 2020: Assad's forces target a Turkish observation post in Aleppo and the Turks respond - 11 January 2020: Assad regime and Russian forces in Tal Tamr countryside prevented USA armored vehicles from continuing their way towards the M4 which leads to Alyah Silos in the north-western countryside of Al-Raqqah - 11 January 2020: Warplanes bombard the 'de-escalation' area again and 18 civilians killed in the aerial bombardment on Idlib - 11 janvier 2020: Parmi les 18 civils tués samedi dans des frappes du régime syrien sur la province d'Idleb, trois enfants ont été tués à Benniche, deux à Al-Nayrab et un à Idleb, selon l'OSDH - 12 January 2020: Assad regime forces violate ceasefire several times in past nine hours in Idlib - 12 January 2020: Assad regime ground forces shell Maarrat Al-Nu’man - 12 January 2020: More than 20 members reportedly defect from the Iranian-backed 'Liwaa Al-Quds' - 13 January 2020: Assad regime forces shell Maarrat Al-Numan, also renewing their violations to a 'ceasefire agreement' by firing rocked shells on areas in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city, Tal Mannas town and Al-Deir Al-Gharbi village, as Russian warplanes fly over rural Idlib - 13 January 2020: Clashes take place between regime forces and jihadist groups in both rural Latakia and Idlib - 14 January 2020: Assad regime forces continue to violate the ceasefire by firing missiles intermittently on Ma’rat al-Numan area and rural in particular, according to SOHR - 14 January 2020: Assad's forces, with support from the Iranian militias, have conducted a campaign of arrests, following protests and demonstrations reports Deir Ezzor 24 - 14 January 2020: Popular anger is rising in Deir ez-Zor, with residents taking to the streets to demand that the Iranian militias and regime forces leave the area reports Al-Modon - 15 January 2020: Russian warplanes violate the new ceasefire for the first time targeting rural Idlib, bombarding the vicinity of Khan Al-Sabil, as Assad regime forces attack towns and villages of in Aleppo and Idlib province - 15 January 2020: Russian warplanes carried out several raids on areas in Ma’ar shorin and Masaran in rural Maarat al-Numan south-east of Idlib- 15 January 2020: At least 18 civilians are reported to have died in air strikes that hit a market and an industrial zone in the city of Idlib carried out by Russian and Syrian regime planes, according to SOHR, saying children and rescue workers among the casualties, and as Step News Agency said other areas in Idlib province were also targeted - 15 January 2020: Civilian casualties in regime warplanes massacre rise to 50 persons in Idlib city, in Putin's 'ceasefire' - 16 January 2020: 40 people killed in clashes between regime forces and rebel factions, refusing to be killed by Putin's warplanes - 17 January 2020: Assad and Russian regime’s intensive bombardment triggers new wave of displacement in rural Aleppo, as regime forces continue to escalate ground bombardment on rural Aleppo, increasing displacement from towns and villages in western rural Aleppo towards the far rural and the northern rural Idlib - 17 January 2020: 1,200 ground and air strikes in 48 hours kill and injured over 100 people, while ongoing battles in rural Idlib leave 61 dead - 18 January 2020: At least 18 people have been killed and 15 others were wounded in airstrikes by the Syrian regime and Russia in the western countryside of Aleppo on Saturday, SOHR reported - 18 January 2020: SOHR sources reported that a new massacre carried out by Russian warplanes targeted Bala village of Anjara area in western rural Aleppo, a man, his wife and their two children were killed in the bombardment that took place on Saturday morning - 18 January 2020: Russian warplanes carry out raids since morning on areas in the western countryside of Aleppo, targeting places in Kafr Naha, Al-Muhandiseen, Shamiko, Al-Zerbah, Al-Mansurah and Kafr Jum, killing and injuring civilians - 19 January 2020: As Russian jets execute 36 raids during this day, targeting Kafrnaha, Rif al-Mohandesin al-Awwal, Shamiko, al-Zerba, al-Mansoura, Kafrjoum, and other areas in Aleppo countryside, and Marshashmeh, Talmenes, Marshourin, and the countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man and Saraqib in the eastern sector of Idlib, opposition factions repel regime attempts to advance in rural Idlib - 20 January 2020: Russian airstrikes kill four displaced people in Aleppo, as Assad regime forces are bombing areas in Khan al-Asal, al-Mansoura, Kafrnaha and al-Rashidin in western rural Aleppo, and other areas - 20 January 2020: Nearly 25 civilians killed or injured in Russian aerial bombardment on Aleppo and Idlib, according to SOHR - 21 January 2020: Russian Putin regime's air strikes on several locations in northern Syria on Tuesday killed at least 12 civilians, including seven children, according to SOHR - 21 January 2020: 25 Russian airstrikes on both Idlib and Aleppo leave three civilians dead, including a child - 22 January 2020: Russian jets renew bombardment on rural Aleppo, killing two women, as one civilian was killed by a rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces - 22 January 2020: Nearly 3,900 air and ground strikes in a week of Assad's and Putin's military escalation in Idlib and Aleppo kill and injure 259 civilians, as SOHR activists have monitored that the regime warplanes resumed their bombardment this morning - 23 January 2020: 3 children among a family of five killed in a massacre by Russian jets on Saraqib, as regime forces carry out intensive raids since morning also using helicopters and barrel bombs - 23 January 2020: Russian jets renew deadly bombardment in Jabal al-Zawiya - 23 January 2020: HRW has accused the Syrian Assad regime of using banned cluster munitions in a missile attack that hit a school and killed five children - 23 January 2020: Aleppo countryside has been rocked by a relentless barrage of regime and Russian airstrikes that have caused widespread damage across the province - 23 January 2020: 208 people from Daraa killed in 2019, as the southern province saw multiple assassination and arrests of former opposition fighters, despite the settlement agreements - 23 January 2020: Russian fascists hide their crimes against Syrians civilians by releasing false statistics, also underestimating regime losses - 24 January 2020: Russian terrorist air strikes in Syria’s northwestern region of Idlib on Thursday killed eight civilians, including five children, according to SOHR - 24 January 2020: New round of Russian aerial bombardment hits Aleppo as Assad regime jets target the M5 - 24 January 2020: Squadron of Russian and Assad's jets and helicopters hit rural Aleppo and Idlib with dozens of barrel-bombs and airstrikes - 24 January 2020: Civilian exodus as nearly 85,000 forced to flee from west Aleppo countryside in nine days due to regime and Russian military operations - 25 January 2020: 120 Russian and Assad regime's airstrikes pound the 'de-escalation' zone as clashes continue on several frontlines in Aleppo and Idlib, as number of today’s Russian airstrikes rose to 46 and Assad's helicopters dropped 'de-escalation' barrel bombs - 25 January 2020: Assad regime forces continue their violent offensives in rural Aleppo and Idlib - 26 January 2020: Assad regime forces advance into Maarrat Al-Numan, while opposition factions repel regime attempts to advance further into rural Aleppo, as Russian jets execute raids targeting Al-Eman Hospital in Serjeh area in Jabal Al-Zawiya south of Idlib, also targeting Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and other areas west of Aleppo - 26 January 2020: Four civilians killed in regime airstrikes on rural Idlib - 27 January 2020: Civilian casualities in Russian airstrikes on a village south of Idlib, as Assad regime forces continue their attempts to reach Ma’rat al-Numan city and approach Saraqeb town, and as Russian jets carried out intensive raids on several areas in Aleppo and Idlib province - 28 January 2020: Assad regime forces fail to encircle Maarrat Al-Nu’man despite intense aerial bombardment, also in Aleppo province by Russian and regime forces, as SOHR documented the killing of a member of the Civil Defense and the injury of four others, targeted by heavy machineguns of regime jets while trying to hospitalize people injured in aerial bombardment on Serjeh town in the southern countryside of Idlib - 29 January 2020: Russian forces killed civilians from the same family in Sarja village in Idlib on 27 January, the day of Liberation of Auschwitz, 75 years on - 29 January 2020: Russian forces reportedly killed a girl in Einjara village in Aleppo on 28 January - 29 January 2020: Syrian Assad regime bombed Ali al Khatib Primary School in al Maghara village in Idlib on 28 January 28, dropping barrel bomb - 29 January 2020: Assad regime forces bomb south and west of Aleppo with hundreds of missiles and rockets as battles continue in the city’s western outskirts, as regime forces tried to advance after midnight in Tall Mostif in east Idlib countryside, repelled by opposition forces - 29 January 2020: Syria's Maaret al-Numan was a protest hub, before increased regime bombardment reduced it - without air defense - to a graffiti-daubed ghost town - 29 January 2020: Nearly 75,000 flee rural Idlib in less than five days as regime and Russia intensify military operations - 29 January 2020: News agency close to the Iranian military has revealed that its police were involved in the repression of Syrian protesters who went out in 2011 as part of the revolution against the Syrian regime, in a report coming days after the Syrian Assad regime confirmed that the Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani was involved in the first battle against rebels in Homs city - 30 January 2020: Air strikes by Russia's Putin regime hit near a bakery and a medical clinic in the town of Ariha in Syria’s opposition-held Idlib region early on Thursday, killing 10 civilians including at least five women, bringing the total number of civilians killed by Putin's air strikes in Idlib over the past 24 hours to 21, war monitor SOHR said, reporting that the wailing of women and children rang out as rescue workers searched for corpses beneath the rubble, as Russian warplanes also bombarded towns and villages in Idlib countryside, in the northwestern countryside of Hama, and Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the southern countryside of Aleppo - 30 January 2020: Accompanied with intensive airstrikes by Assad regime’s helicopters and jets as well as Russian jets, along with intensive ground bombardment, 6 fighters killed among pro-Iranian foreign militias in the international highway M5’s battles - 31 January 2020: Fierce clashes continue on Aleppo and Idlib frontlines - 31 January 2020: Northern Syria has been battered with 200 Russian regime's and Assad's airstrikes in the past three days in an assault that has pushed 700,000 civilians to flee towards the Turkish border, sparking fears of an impending international crisis - 1 February 2020: Accompanied by intensive Russian airstrikes on the frontlines, places in Khan al-Asal, al-Mansoura and Kafrhamra, Khan Touman, and other areas, Assad regime forces fail to approach Saraqeb town as opposition factions repel more than six attempts to advance into the area - 1 February 2020: Turkish-backed Syrian rebels attacked Assad regime-held positions northeast of Aleppo, rebel sources and a war monitor said, opening a new front against Assad's and allied Russian and Iranian forces, that have made advances in nearby Idlib over the last week, and now lowering Russian flag after capturing one of the points - 2 February 2020: Russian jets bombard Turkish-controlled areas in Al-Bab city - 2 February 2020: With Russian air support, Assad regime forces capture 47 areas in rural Idlib in eight days, as Russian jets also targeted areas in the western countryside of Aleppo and Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Sarmen town, along with ground rocket shelling on areas in Idlib province - 2 February 2020: Large Turkish military column enters Syria heading to the area of changing 'Putin-Erdogan' relations, as tensions rise amid escalating Russian airstrikes on Syria, murdering at least nine civilians in the northwestern region on Sunday - 3 February 2020: Over 220 regime and Russian airstrikes pound Aleppo and Idlib countryside since early morning, as SOHR documented a spike in the number of civilians who were killed today as a result of aerial bombardment on Aleppo countryside, and as 4 children and 3 females among 9 civilians were killed after targeting by regime jets to a vehicle carrying displaced people in Jam’eyyat Al-Rahal - 3 February 2020: Turkish, Assad regime troops killed as regimne forces face off in Idlib, and as Erdogan says initial information shows some 30 Assad regime soldiers 'neutralized in operation' involving F-16 warplanes on some 40 targets in Hama, Latakia and Idlib province - 3 February 2020: Turkish soldiers killed as battle for control of Idlib escalates, amid Russian airstrikes, which have already driven 700,000 civilians to the Turkish border - 4 February 2020: Assad regime and Russian jets continue to escalate bombardment on 'de-escalation’ zone, targeting rural Aleppo and Idlib with more than 135 airstrikes, amid continued heavy ground bombardment - 4 February 2020: Growing fears of largest mass exodus from one of the biggest residential community in North Syria - 5 February 2020: Russian jets consecutively carried out intensive raids since Wednesday morning in Idlib and Aleppo province, also bombed by Assad regime forces, encircling Saraqeb - 5 February 2020: Escalation of Assad regime and Russian operations in both Idlib and Aleppo in 20 days resulting in 1,133 persons killed and nearly 400,000 civilians displaced, according to SOHR - 5 February 2020: Assad regime forces capture a village hosting Turkish military post east of Saraqeb - 6 February 2020: The number of civilians who have been killed in Russian and Assad's aerial and ground bombardment on Idlib and Aleppo, documented by SOHR since yesterday, rose to 13, including children and women - 6 February 2020: Assad regime jets bombarded Taftanaz military airbase east of Idlib, targeting Turkish troops just hours after installing a new military post there, also executing several raids targeting other areas of Idlib and in Aleppo countryside, as regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs - 6 February 2020: With intensive Turkish artillery support, factions carried out a violent attack on Al-Nayrab town, which was recently brought under Assad regime forces control in eastern rural Idlib, as Turkish troops set up a new post at Taftanaz military airbase, east of Idlib - 7 February 2020: Turkish artillery fire hit Assad regime outposts near Saraqeb as eyewitnesses confirmed that the Russian-led forces entered the strategic town in northwestern Idleb province - 7 February 2020: Turkish forces reportedly install new military post east of Idlib city - 7 February 2020: Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes early on Thursday near Damascus, according to SOHR, saying the strikes targeted army positions as well as Iran-backed fighters, killing many militants - 8 February 2020: Assad regime forces advance further into south Aleppo countryside capturing nine new areas in 24 hours - 8 February 2020: Turkey continue sending large military reinforcement to northern Syrian territory - 9 February 2020: Russian jets continue bombing rural Aleppo leaving casualties, as Putin's bombardment on Kafr Nuran killed a man and his wife and left many others injured, and as the towns and villages of Miznaz, Maarrat Al-Na’san and Kafr Nuran saw growing displacement of civilians from their areas - 9 February 2020: Assad regime gangsters continue desecrating cemeteries and extracting remains of the dead within areas recently captured in Idlib - 9 February 2020: SOHR documented today a massacre of 9 citizens including a woman, as the Russian warplanes bombed Kafr Noran town in the western countryside of Aleppo, also documenting the death of at least 3 people in Russian airstrikes targeting Orem al-Soghra area, also documenting the death of 4 citizens including a child by barrel bombs on al-Atareb in the countryside of Aleppo, while two citizens were killed in Sheikh Ali village in Aleppo countryside by the Russian murderous warplanes, as Assad regime killed two citizens by bombing and groundshelling in Idlib province - 10 February 2020: Russian air strikes Monday killed at least five civilians in the last major opposition bastion in northwestern Syria - 10 February 2020: Death toll of Russian jets’ massacre rises to 9 in Abyan, west of Aleppo, including 6 children, 2 women and a man, including displaced persons, while Russian raids left at least 20 people injured, including 7 children and 2 women - 10 February 2020: With full Turkish support, Turkish-backed factions and Turkish troops begin intensive rocket attack on Assad regime forces positions, east of Idlib, as Turkish forces also targeted with heavy artillery Jab al-Ramlah airstrip in Hama countryside, and as intensive aerial bombardment continued by Assad's and Russian jets and helicopters in western and southwestern rural Aleppo - 11 February 2020: Russian jets bombard Idlib and Aleppo intensively, while regime forces attempt to advance further into north-east Idlib - 11 February 2020: Assad regime and Russian murderous forces escalate air and ground bombardment on Aleppo and Idlib forcing civilians to flee - 11 February 2020: Turkey-backed rebels downed an Assad regime helicopter in northwest Syria's Nairab, Turkey's state broadcaster reports, as on Monday Turkish forces hit 115 Assad regime targets and destroyed 101 of them in retaliation for an attack that killed five Turkish soldiers in Syria's rebel-held northwest, the Turkish Defense Ministry said - 11 February 2020: Syrians scramble for refuge against harsh winter as Russian and Assad's attacks on Idlib fuel crisis and almost half of the 700,000 uprooted since December are children, according to UN - 11 February 2020: Turkey sends new military reinforcement to Syria - 12 February 2020: Russian murderous jets continue heavy bombardment on rural Aleppo, leaving more casualties, many missing and trapped under the rubble, amid intensive rocket fire - 12 February 2020: Over 70,000 civilians forced by Russian and regime's military operations to flee western rural Aleppo in the past 24 hours amid worsening humanitarian crisis - 12 February 2020: UN records the biggest movement of displaced people since the start of Assad's war in 2011, as his regime airstrike on Idleb kills 12 civilians including 7 children - 13 Februar 2020: Humanitarian catastrophe caused by Russian and regime military operations worsens, as over 100,000 displaced persons flee western rural Aleppo in the past 48 hours - 13 February 2020: Turkish rockets target regime positions in Saraqeb and west Aleppo countryside, as Russian jets carry out several airstrikes targeting areas west of Aleppo, amid subsiding clashes west of M5, SOHR reports - 14 February 2020: Russian warplanes carry out 88 raids mostly targeting the fight areas, towns, and villages in the western countryside of Aleppo, as Assad regime forces meet Turkish forces in the 46th Regiment in rural Aleppo - 14 February 2020: Russia has been conscripting Syrian men to fight on their behalf in Libya, tempting them with large salaries writes Baladi News - 14 Febuary 2020: British Guardian asks is anyone paying attention as hundreds of thousands of civilians are fleeing a renewed assault by the Syrian Assad regime in desperate circumstances - 15 February 2020: Amid Assad's and Russian deadly attacks against northern Syria, claiming the lives of 8 civilians on Friday, another terrorist helicopter successfully shot down - 15 February 2020: Russian jets bomb the western countryside of Aleppo, launching intensive airstrikes on the vicinity of Atareb, Tqad, Jam’eyyat Al-Sallum, Jam’eyyat Al-Rahal, Al-Saharah - 15 February 2020: Assad's and Russian regime's offensive on opposition-controlled region of northwestern Syria has created one of the worst catastrophes for civilians in Assad's long-running war, sending hundreds of thousands of people fleeing, many of them sleeping in open fields and under trees in freezing temperatures, causing deaths, as French Macron in Munich defends closer dialogue with Russia, allied with Russian war criminal Putin also in Haftar's Libyan war against the UN-recognised government - 15 February 2020: Four people were killed and a civil defense volunteer was injured in a Russian airstrike that hit the town of Sahara in western rural Aleppo on Saturday, according to civil defense corps - 16 February 2020: Assad regime attempts to encircle major towns in north Aleppo - 16 February 2020: Russian forces deploy along M5 highway in Idlib - 16 February 2020: Children dying in 'catastrophic' freezing Syrian conditions - 16 February 2020: Hundreds of thousands of civilians, many of them women and children, are stranded with little food or shelter in sub-zero temperatures in north-western Syria, forced from their homes by a Russian-backed military offensive that has often targeted hospitals and other civilian infrastructure - 17 February 2020: Russian jets continue intensive raids, as Assad's jets renew airstrikes on Aleppo and forces advance further west of Aleppo, capturing six new areas since morning - 17 February 2020: Russian murderous support and regional 'agreements' bring 216 areas in Idlib and Aleppo under Syrian regime control in three weeks - 17 February 2020: A father carried his daughter from their camp, in freezing temperatures, to a hospital in Afrin, but she perished before they arrived, as British 'Guardian' reports 3-year-old Australian girl in Syria's al-Hawl camp may lose fingers to frostbite - 18 February 2020: Russian jets renewed intensive bombardment on areas of Atarib city and Darat Izza town in west Aleppo countryside - Tens of Russian jets executed several raids on Ariha, Jabal Al-Arba’in and the vicinity of Sarmin, south and east of Idlib city, along with more ongoing intensive Russian airstrikes, putting tens of thousands of residents and refugees in west Aleppo and north-west of Idlib in firing range and at risk - 18 February 2020: Russian mercenaries military base blown up in Syria, also welcomed by Ukraine's Colonel Anatoly Stefan, as Syrian rebels managed to capture a Russian T-90 tank in a recent battle - 19 February 2020: Russian jets intensify airstrikes on rural Aleppo and Idlib - 19 February 2020: Iranian militant killed in Aleppo, as civilians continue to be forced from their homes - 19 February 2020: Russian Wagner paramilitary organization has been recruiting Syrians since last January to fight alongside warlord Haftar in Libya, with promises of settlements and large salaries - 20 February 2020: Russian jets renew intensive airstrikes on several areas in rural Aleppo and Idlib, as intensive rocket fire by Assad's forces continued on areas in the provinces - 20 February 2020: Assad forces renew intensive ground shelling on rural Aleppo and Idlib - 20 February 2020: Assad's army and allied Shabiha loot properties of civilians in areas captured recently in Aleppo city and suburbs - 20 February 2020: One civilian from rural Daraa killed under torture in Assad regime's prison - 21 February 2020: Russian murderous jets renew airstrikes on Idlib and Aleppo, as Assad regime and Turkish forces exchange fire east of Idlib - 22 February 2020: SOHR documented the killing of a little girl in Russian airstrikes on Juzif village in Jabal Al-Zawiya, as Assad regime and Russian jets continue intensive bombardment on Idlib province bringing the number of today’s airstrikes to 60, as the same areas were intensively shelled by rockets - 22 February 2020: Assad regime and Turkish forces exchange fire in Al-Nayrab amid intensive Russian airstrikes on Jabal Al-Zawiya - 22 February 2020: Tensions in north-west Syria continued to escalate on Saturday after another Turkish soldier was killed in a bomb attack by Russian-backed regime forces, and as Erdogan announces meeting to discuss Idlib crisis - 23 February 2020: Russian jets have executed several airstrikes on places around the Al-Mastumah camp where Turkish troops are stationed, south of Idlib city, also bombarding several more areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, as other areas were shelled by Assad regime ground forces with rockets - 23 February 2020: Assad regime political intelligence arrests several civilians from Al-Tal city in western Rif-Dimashq - 24 February 2020: Assad regime and Russian jets target Turkish post south of Idlib, killing and injuring ten soldiers, as the number of raids carried out by regime and Russian jets on Monday rose to 120, and as civil defense center in Balion put out of service after being directly targeted by Russian jets - 24 February 2020: SOHR documented the killing of five civilians in Russian aerial bombardment on Kawkaba and Faterah in Jabal Al-Zawiya, amid ongoing bombardment by regime and Russian jets on towns and villages - 24 February 2020: Assad's Military Police reportedly rounded up a number of men in Aleppo, including university students with exemptions, to send to fight on the frontlines in northern Syria - 25 February 2020: Airstrikes carried out today by regime and Russian jets rose to more than 150 raids, as SOHR documented more civilian fatalities as a result of rocket attacks on several schools in Idlib city - 25 February 2020: SOHR documented the death of two schoolgirls and a teacher as a result of cluster rocket attacks targeted a school in Idlib city, as Russian and regime jets continue their bombardment on Idlib countryside - 25 February 2020: Assad regime forces attempt to recapture Al-Nayrab from rebels, and Turkish artillery responds to regime fire - 25 February 2020: Advancing Assad regime forces have conducted summary executions of civilians that refused to leave their homes, reports Zaman Al Wasl - 25 February 2020: A Syrian man who was displaced with his family has offered to sell his kidney, in exchange for enough money to buy a tent - 26 February 2020: 6 schools and 2 nurseries reported targets of airstrikes by Assad regime and Russia, murdering 21 people in total according to Civil Defense - 26 February 2020: Russian Putin regime's aerial bombardment leaves three civilians dead in rural Idlib, as Assad's ground forces are continuing intensive rocket fire on several areas - 26 February 2020: Regime and Russian jets bombard Idlib countryside intensively amid regime advances - 26 February 2020: Syrian rebels backed by the Turkish military have seized the town of Nairab in northwest Syria's Idlib province, the first area to be taken back from advancing Assad regime forces, as Erdogan says Turkey will drive Assad forces back from Idlib posts this week - 27 February 2020: Assad regime forces carry out rocket attack on Idlib city, leaving a family, including two children dead, after SOHR documented the death of four civilians, including a woman as a result of Russian airstrikes on Arnabeh village south of Idlib city - 27 February 2020: Turkey-backed Syrian forces say they regained key Syrian town of Saraqeb from 'Assad's gangs', as allied Russian regime's source denied the claim that rebels retook the strategic town, which the opposition lost in a Russian- and Iranian-backed offensive, displacing a million Syrians, but SOHR confirms that Saraqeb city is completely regained - 27 February 2020: Syrian civil defence service has released footage showing the rescue operation after airstrikes by the Syrian and Russian war criminals on Tuesday, as 8 school facilities were bombed in Idlib province, killing more than 20 people - 28 February 2020: Dozens of Turkish soldiers have been killed in an airstrike in Idlib province after Turkish convoy and soldiers had taken cover in Balioun, basing themselves in the local council building, in a dramatic escalation of Assad's and Russian offensive for control of Syria's last opposition stronghold, as several sources in Idlib and unverified footage of the nighttime strike suggested it had been carried out by Russian regime's air force, as USA condemns attack and NATO holds emergency meeting at the request of Turkey - 28 February 2020: SOHR documented the death of a man, his wife and two of their children as a result of an airstrike carried out by Russian jets on Billion in Jabal al-Zawiya on Friday morning, as Russian and Assad's jets carried out raids on other areas, and as despite Russian airpower Turkish forces impede Assad regime advance in Saraqeb with intensive rocket fire in heavy and violent battles on Saraqeb frontline - 28 February 2020: 4 persons from Daraa killed under torture in Assad's prisons - 29 February 2020: Turkish strikes on Friday killed nine Hezbollah members and wounded 30 others, according to the Iran-backed terrorists, saying that Turkish strikes targeted Hezbollah headquarters near Saraqeb in Idlib, using smart missiles and drones - 29 February 2020: As Russian and Assad regime's warplanes continue air strikes on Saturday on the strategic city of Saraqeb, Turkish ground and air strikes on regime's forces and their allies in Idlib province have killed 48 regime's soldiers in the past 24 hours, according to SOHR - 29 February 2020: While Russian airstrikes renew on Aleppo and Idlib, Assad regime and Turkish forces exchange fire - 29 février 2020: La Turquie affirme avoir annihilé une 'installation d'armes chimiques' au sud d'Alep, ainsi que d'autres cibles du régime - 29 February 2020: Idlib and Aleppo countryside under ongoing Turkish fire as Erdogan’s deadline on Idlib ends - 1 March 2020: Turkish news agency reported an Assad regime plane has been downed in Idlib Sunday morning, as dictator Assad declared the airspace over northwest Syria closed to planes and drones, pledging to down any aircraft that violates it - 1 March 2020: Turkey says military operation against Syrian regime underway - 1 March 2020: Assad regime forces renew attacks on Saraqeb amid normal Turkish shelling on rural Idlib - 1 March 2020: Fierce clashes erupt in Al-Sanamayn in Daraa province as Assad regime forces storm the city using heavy weapons - 1 March 2020: 8,622 civilians among nearly 20,000 persons killed by Russian jets since the start of Russia’s military operation in Syria - 1 March 2020: Turkish president Erdogan said he had asked Putin for Russia to stand aside in Syria and let Turkey fight Assad regime forces alone, after 34 Turkish soldiers were killed this week - 2 March 2020: Turkey had destroyed air defense systems, more than 100 tanks and downed two planes belonging to Assad's army as part of an operation it launched after an air strike killed dozens of its soldiers last week - 2 March 2020: Opposition factions capture more areas in south Idlib as regime forces advance into Saraqeb - 2 March 2020: Assad regime forces have tried to advance in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Shahshabo, as clashes accompanied by intensive aerial bombardment carried out by regime and Russian jets - 2 March 2020: Turkish forces bring in new military column to their positions in rural Idlib - 2 March 2020: Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report, as Putin regime also blamed for indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas without 'a specific military objective', also documenting 'unprecedented levels of displacement and dire conditions for civilians' in Syria - 3 March 2020: Turkey says third Assad regime's warplane succesfully shot down in Idlib, also targeting and disabling Assad's Nayrab military airport in the northern province of Aleppo - 3 March 2020: SOHR that opposition forces found the body of the pilot whose jet was shot down by a Turkish jet over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the south of Idlib, killed while committing Assad's, Iranian and Russian regime's crimes - 3 March 2020: Violent explosions hit Idlib, leaving 25 people including civilians and children dead or injured and battles renew north of Saraqib, according to SOHR - 3 March 2020: Opposition fighters hit Assad bastions in Daraa, launching coordinated attacks - 3 March 2020: Former fighters arrive in North Syria after rejecting reconciliation with Syrian regime in Daraa - 4 March 2020: At least 10 civilians were killed on Monday in Russian airstrikes on northern Idleb province, targeting the village of al-Fuaa and the town of Binnish - 4 March 2020: Turkey said that two more of its soldiers were killed and six wounded Wednesday in an Assad regime attack in northwestern Syria, as steady clashes between the two armies continued to rack up casualties - 4 March 2020: Turkish forces resume bombarding regime positions, while regime forces attempt to advance further northwest of Saraqeb, while Turkish forces expand attacks targeting regime's positions in Al-Derbasiya countryside, also renewing rocket attacks on Shirawa area, northwest of Aleppo - 5 March 2020: 15 civilians killed in Russian aerial bombardment on assembly of internal displaced people in rural Idlib - 5 March 2020: Russian jets target consentrations of displaced persons near Ma’rat Misrin in Idlib countryside, leaving more than 25 civilians dead or injured, as Russian jets carried out more raids on the vicinity of Idlib city - 5 March 2020: Clashes renew between Turkey-backed factions and Kurdish forces, north of Aleppo - 6 March 2020: Villages and towns in the 'de-escalation' zone come under fire just few minutes before new ceasefire comes into effect, as Assad's artillery and rocket launchers shelled the villages of Al-Ziyyarah, Qastun, Al-Sarmaniyah, Tal Waset, Al-Ankawi, Al-Duqmaq and Al-Mashyak in the north-western countryside of Hama, and as clashes continue, according to SOHR, after 50 murderous days - 7 March 2020: Russian murderous jets fly over Aleppo and Idlib as tense calm prevails in the 'de-escalation' zone, interrupted by clashes between regime forces and jihadi groups, in Al-Mashari’ area in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama, with many in the ranks of both sides confirmed dead or wounded, SOHR says - 8 March 2020: 2.2 millions displaced and the documented killing of 8,149 people in the 'de-escalation' zone, including 1,770 civilians, including 465 children and 311 women all killed by Russian airstrikes, regime and factions’ rocket shelling, the heavy price of capturing M5 Highway by Russian and Assad regime forces - 8 March 2020: Rebels’ intensive shelling force regime forces to retreat from positions gained earlier near Kafr Nabl, after regime forces fired shells on the 'de-escalation' zone and advanced into rural Idlib - 9 March 2020: SOHR sources reported that more Turkish military columns entered Syria yesterday, after SOHR documented yesterday the death of a young man whose body was found by rescue teams under the rubble of his home in Sarmin, weeks after he was killed in an airstrike by Russian jets - 9 March 2020: Assad regime missiles break tense calm in Idlib and Aleppo - 10 March 2020: Russian drones fly over Idlib as tense calm continues in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 10 March 2020: Deadly Chinese coronavirus spreads in Syrian provinces with Assad regime’s complete secrecy, mainly in the governorates of Damascus, Tartus, Latakia and Homs, as many coronavirus cases have been recorded, some of whom have died and some have been quarantined - 11 March 2020: 4 children were injured due to indiscriminate gunfire by Assad regime soldiers in Al-Keswa city, according to SOHR - 11 March 2020: Turkey's Erdogan said his country will not shy away from even stronger military action in Syria's Idlib region if last week's truce is broken, as Russian delegation arrived in Ankara for talks on details of the two sides' agreement, while the ceasefire meets Turkey's most pressing concern to stop further influx of refugees from Idlib, but cements recent Assad regime advances and allows Russian regime to move further north than they have been able to before - 11 March 2020: Turkey wants to rebuild Syria with the country's oil income, Erdogan says - 11 March 2020: Syrian regime has been holding 110 Palestinian women in secret detention throughout its vast prison network, with 34 of them tortured to death, a human rights organisation has found - 11 March 2020: Assad regime intelligence launch new security campaigns in Eastern Ghouta arresting 20 young people - 11 March 2020: German court of Koblenz announced world’s first criminal torture trial by suspected agents of Assad’s regime will begin on 23 April, saying it will apply the principle of universal jurisdiction, in a move that is sending an important signal to survivors and those affected by Assad regime’s system of mass oppression of citizens - 12 March 2020: Cautious calm prevails in north-western Syria, as airstrikes hit positions of Iranian-backed 'Popular Mobilization' militias near Iraq border, following Katyusha rocket attacks leaving USA and UK soldiers dead - 12 March 2020: Dozens of workers from Syrian relief organizations participated in a solidarity rally north of Idleb, offering condolences for colleagues killed over the past few weeks in the bombing campaigns by Russia, Iran and Assad in Idleb and Aleppo provinces - 12/13 March 2020: Assad regime forces shell rural Latakia as seventh day of new ceasefire comes to an end, and more violations are limited to sporadic rocket attacks by regime forces on areas in Idlib and Hama - 14 March 2020: Turkey sends new reinforcement to Idlib, heading to its positions in Idlib province, a day before scheduled joint patrol with the Russian regime forces, as ceasefire was interrupted by sporadic exchange of fire between Assad regime forces and opposition factions on Saraqeb frontlines - 14 March 2020: 'SOHR camera' captures the humanitarian crisis in refugee camps, north of Sarmada in Idlib countryside - 15 March 2020: Syrian Revolution nine years on, 586,100 persons killed and millions of Syrians displaced and injured, SOHR reports - 15 March 2020: Assad regime forces shell Idlib and Hama countryside after Russian and Turkish forces failed to run their first M4 joint patrol - 16 March 2020: Iran and Hezbollah continue their conversion to Shiite) and recruitment operations in west Euphrates region and southern Syria, bringing the number of volunteers to nearly 9,000 - 17 March 2020: Assad regime rocket attacks on southern Idlib interrupt calm in the 'de-escalation zone' - 17 March 2020: SOHR camera in Al-Nayrab town east of Idlib captures the destruction caused by earlier Russian and Assad aerial and ground bombardment - 17 March 2020: USA forces intercept Russian patrol on M4 in Al-Hasakah - 17 March 2020: Assad regime forces abuse civilians who remained behind in areas retaken in Idlib, Human Rights Watch says, providing images that regime forces shot at civilians and despoiled their bodies in occupied towns - 18 March 2020: Russian forces withdraw from Ayn Eissa to Tabqa in Raqqa - 18 March 2020: Family of Abdu Saqar said the he was tortured to death by Assad's forces, despite having undergone a security settlement with the regime - 18 March 2020: Medical alerts and intensified measures in Idleb to confront Chinese coronavirus pandemic, exported in the Middleeast by the Iranian regime and military - 19 March 2020: Many Assad regime soldiers and jihadists dead or wounded in fierce clashes in Jabal Al-Zawiyah as the new ceasefire enters its 14th day, according to SOHR - 19 March 2020: SOHR sources confirmed that Turkish forces set up a new military post in Al-Jinah village in the western countryside of Aleppo, as more troops were stationed yesterday in Ram Hamadan village in the northern countryside of Idlib - 19/20 March 2020: 8 civilians, including 3 children, killed in Assad regime shelling on Jelin in Dara’a province, injuring many others, as Assad's crimes return to the cradle of the Syrian revolution - 20 March 2020: SOHR documented the death of three brothers from Abtaa town in Daraa province, after being tortured in regime’s prisons, as ten persons were killed across Syria yesterday including five civilians - 20 March 2020: Assad regime forces shell a village in southern Idlib - 20 March 2020: UN condemns killing of a humanitarian worker, for the second time in a month in Syria's Daraa region, as employees of the charity Oxfam were attacked - 20 March 2020: Syrian Coalition's Anas Abdah sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General regarding tens of thousands of detainees in the prisons of the Assad regime and the danger of the coronavirus Covid19 to their lives - 21 March 2020: 'SOHR camera' captures the inhumane situation in a makeshift camp in Batabu area in Idlib countryside - 21 March 2020: SOHR activists have documented the killing of two little brothers in the explosion of an old landmine in Khesham village in Deir Ezzor - 22 March 2020: SOHR sources reported yesterday that Assad regime forces fired several rockets targeting places in Al-Ftera and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, and Al-Haddaddah and Al-Khhudur in the northern countryside of Latakia - 22 March 2020: Assad regime soldier shot dead civilian in Hama over personal disagreement - 23 March 2020: Assad regime forces shell areas in rural Hama and Idlib, as SOHR monitored the flight of Russian reconnaissance planes over the 'Putin-Erdogan' area and Assad regime forces shelled Al-Fatira village with several artillery shells - 23 March 2020: Russian and Turkish troops conduct short joint patrol between Saraqeb and Tarnaba, as Turkish forces set up new military posts south of M4, and as Turkish-backed factions, operating in Afrin and countryside in north-west Aleppo, continue their arbitrary arrests against the area’s residents who have refused to be displaced, as part of the ongoing violations against them - 24 March 2020: Assad regime’s forces launched an attack on the villages of al-Ftira and Sfuhon south of Idlib, but were reportedly stopped by Turkish backed forces - 24 March 2020: Iranian-backed militias boost their positions and deploy in areas of the 'de-escalation zone' - 24 March 2020: Assad regime forces and Hezbollah terrorists have sent military reinforcement of heavy gears and Syrian and non-Syrian soldiers to frontlines in Saraqeb city, as Russian reconnaissance drones are flying over areas from the southern countryside of Idlib to Idlib city and surrounding areas - 25 March 2020: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade fire in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 25 March 2020: Displaced people who fled earlier military operations by Russian and regime forces still live inhumane situation because of bad weather, as heavy rain and strong winds uproot many tents in refugee camps on border with Iskenderun region - 26 March 2020: 'Murek' refugee camp in north-western Idlib near the border with Iskenderun region suffers from inhumane situations, having no well-functioning sewers like many refugee camps in northern Syria - 26 March 2020: Iranian regime militants set up new command center in Aleppo, as joint command room includes top commanders of the IRG, Hezbollah terrorists and their Iraqi and Afghan mercenaries - 26 March 2020: Turkish rocket fire on Tal Rifaat north of Aleppo leaves many civilians injured - 27 March 2020: Turkish forces run eighth patrol alone on M4 in a few days, after over 1,825 Turkish military vehicles entered NW Syria in three weeks - 27 March 2020: SNHR's report says that Russian forces committed a massacre of IDPs in Ma’aret Misreen town in Idlib region prior to announcing ceasefire agreement, noting that the double-tap airstrike policy used to kill paramedics and civilians - 28 March 2020: Assad regime forces shell and attack positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as regime forces and opposition factions trade fire in southern Idlib - 28 March 2020: Assad regime forces and Iranian-backed militias brought in new military reinforcement, including Syrian and non-Syrian fighters, to their positions in Idlib province - 28 March 2020: SOHR monitored artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces in Kensabba, targeting the vicinity of the Turkish point in al-Najeya town west of Idlib - 29 March 2020: Kurdish and Turkish forces trade fire in north Aleppo countryside - 30 March 2020: Tense calm prevails in the 'de-escalation zone', as two deaths confirmed in Daraa due to COVID-19, as regime announced a total ban on all travel between governorates, and as shops looted by suspected regime soldiers or allied forces during curfew imposed in Hama city, in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city, surrounding villages in its countryside, Kafr Nubl town and Aleppo province - 31 March 2020: 27 civilians killed by Russian jets in March, despite ceasefire in the 'de-escalation zone' - 31 March 2020: SNHR said that it had registered the names of 387 civilians, including 104 children and 62 women who were killed in attacks by the Assad regime and Russian forces in Idlib from January 12 to March 27, 2020 - 31 March 2020: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired several rockets targeting places in Afes village in Saraqeb countryside, east of Idlib, and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 1 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling and rocket fire in southern Idlib, targeting areas in Kansafra, Kafr Oweid and other areas - 1 April 2020: SNHR issued a report detailing the Assad regime forces and their allied militias’ large-scale looting of the towns and villages they captured in northwestern Syria over the past year - 2 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling areas in the 'de-escalation zone', targeting the outskirts of Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Kafr Oweid in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 2 April 2020: Nearly ten regime soldiers and officers reportedly killed or injured in Turkish rocket attacks on rural Tal Tamr - 2 April 2020: Turkish forces reportedly fire several rockets on Kurdish-held areas north-west of Aleppo - 3 April 2020: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade fire on Sfuhen and Fulayfel frontlines in Jabal Shashabo, and rockets hit positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as Assad regime army defector died under torture in regime prisons, and as number of civilians killed in regime prisons has risen to 16,170 including women and even children documented by SOHR, out of 104,000 SOHR had learnt that they died inside regime prisons - 4 April 2020: Assad regime forces and rebels trade rocket fire south of Idlib as 'ceasefire' enters its 30th day, after regime forces yesterday shelled Kansafra, Al-Ftera, Sfuhen and Kafr Oweid in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside - 4 April 2020: Several members of the same family killed or injured as difficult humanitarian conditions continue to worsen in the camps in north-eastern Syria, as 4 children were killed and 4 others were injured, displaced from the city of Ras al-Ain - 4 April 2020: Child killed in explosion of old landmine in Hama’s Sallamiyah, following the death of hundreds including women and children by mines and IED explosions since 2019 - 5 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah and attack positions west of Aleppo - 5 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell areas in Saraqeb countryside and Turkish shelling pounds regime positions in rural Aleppo - 6 April 2020: Russian jets fly over the 'de-escalation zone' amid shelling and clashes between Assad regime forces and rebels south of Idlib, coinciding with exchange of shelling and attacks and reported casualties - 6 April 2020: A child killed and another wounded in explosion of old landmine in rural Ain Issa - 6 April 2020: Syrian refugee living in Lebanon has set himself on fire, so that he didn’t have to face a life of hunger and poverty reports Brocar Press - 6 April 2020: UN’s chemical weapons watchdog is expected to release its first report explicitly blaming Bashar al-Assad for sarin and chlorine gas attacks on civilians in Syria as efforts to establish accountability for the use of chemical agents in the nine-year-old conflict gain momentum - 7 April 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks, targeting different areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and in Idlib countryside, also shelling the perimeter of the Turkish observation post in Sarmin town - 7 April 2020: UN inquiry stops short of directly blaming Russia over Idlib attacks, as report says 'government of Syria and/or its allies’ carried out strikes on hospitals and school - 8 April 2020: Assad's Air Force pilots flying Sukhoi Su-22 military planes and a helicopter dropped bombs containing poisonous chlorine and sarin nerve gas on a village in the country's western Hama region in March 2017, a new team at the global chemical weapons watchdog has concluded in its first report, as until now the OPCW had only been authorised to say whether chemical attacks occurred, not who perpetrated them - 8 April 2020: Former UN Ambassador Samantha Power on Tuesday accused the UN of helping to conceal Russia’s role in a bombing campaign during the Syrian civil war that targeted sites including schools and hospitals - 8 April 2020: Assad regime forces and its allies fired several rockets targeting Saferah, Sfuhen, Al-Fterah and Al-Barah in southern Idlib, the vicinity of Sarmin in eastern Idlib, Al-Haddadah hill in the northern countryside of Latakia, and Atareb city in the western countryside of Aleppo, coinciding with heavy overflight of Russian and Turkish reconnaissance drones - 9 April 2020: Assad regime rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah interrupts tense calm prevailing the 'de-escalation zone' - 10 April 2020: As covid-19 pandemic spread around the world, the Idleb Educational Complex has been closed and classes suspended in fear that the virus would reach the liberated areas in northern Syria, after Assad regime forces yesterday shelled Kansafra towns and areas in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern countryside of Idlib with artillery, coinciding with flight of reconnaissance drones over the area - 11 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks as 'ceasefire' enters its 37th day, targeting areas in the southern countryside of Idlib and coinciding with flight of Russian reconnaissance drones - 11 April 2020: Assad regime forces fire rockets, targeting positions in Latakia countryside and Al-Bara town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 12 March 2020: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Ftera in Jabal Al-Zawiyah with artillery, as Russian reconnaissance drones were flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 13 April 2020: Assad regime forces attack rebels’ positions on Kafr Nbul frontline, south of Idlib - 14 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib province - 14 April 2020: Two children killed in explosion of old landmine in Palmyra - 14 April 2020: A single machine at Mohamad Shahim Makki's medical center in Idlib province is the only alarm that will sound when covid-19 strikes a population of millions of the world's most vulnerable people - 15 April 2020: Assad regime rocket attacks on southern Idlib kill NLF commander and opposition fighter, as several places northern Syria experience daily ceasefire violations by Assad's forces, especially in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and in the southern countryside of Idlib - 15 April 2020: Assad regime forces send new military reinforcement of the '4th and 25th Divisions' to Jurin Camp in rural Hama - 16 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell positions in rural Idlib, amid flight of Russian reconnaissance drone over Idlib city - 17 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell village in east Idlib countryside, targeting Al-Salihyah village, after a civilian was killed as a result of artillery shelling by regime forces and 3 women were injured while working on agricultural land yesterday - 18 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Turkish reconnaissance drones fly over Idlib - 19 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell east and south Idlib countryside, as 'ceasefire' enters its 45th day - 20 avril 2020: Assad régime accusé de tortures et d'exécutions - 20 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah and eastern Idlib, as 'ceasefire' enters its 46th day - 20 April 2020: Iranian forces move headquarters of Iraqi Hezbollah and Al-Haydariyoun from Al-Mayadin to Al-Mazare - 20 April 2020: Syrian regime killed 1,523 civilians, including 362 children and 221 women, while Russian forces killed 567 civilians, among them 159 children and 109 women since April 2019, SNHR reports - 20 April 2020: Russia tests new tank on Syria battlefield - 21 April 2020: This week Wassim Mukdad, who fled Syria fearing for his life, will come face-to-face with the man accused of running a regime detention center where Mukdad and thousands of others were tortured during the early months of the uprising against dictator Assad, as dozen witnesses will testify in trial in Koblenz - 21 April 2020: Clashes among Turkish-backed factions leave casualties in Ras al-Ain - 21 April 2020: Syria's Kurds set up dedicated hospital following first covid-19 death, as 120-bed facility near Hasakah is built in a region that is home to several overcrowded displacement camps - 22 April 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks on Wednesday morning, targeting areas in Kansfra, Al-Bara and Al-Ftera in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as opposition factions responded to the regime shelling with artillery fire, targeting regime positions in Kafr Mus, and as Russian reconnaissance drones flying over areas - 23 April 2020: Assad regime fired several rockets in the early hours of Thursday morning, targeting Al-Ftera area in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, amid exchange of fire with machineguns between regime forces and opposition factions south of Idlib, accompanied by Russian reconnaissance drones - 23 April 2020: SOHR documented the death of a young man from Latakia under torture in Saidnaya prison - 24 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling 'de-escalation zone', while reconnaissance drones flying over southern Idlib - 25 April 2020: Assad regime forces shell rural areas of Lattakia province - 25 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew intensive shelling on positions in Hama and Idlib, as area of 'Putin – Erdogan' experiences daily ceasefire violations - 25 April 2020: Russian forces remove signs of Iranian presence and replace them with own flags and Putin pictures in Al-Mayadeen - 26 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew attacks on positions in rural Idlib and Aleppo as 'ceasefire' enters its 52nd day - 26 April 2020: Assad regime rocket fire pounds positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 26 April 2020: SNHR reports how mercenaries of Wagner Russian forces disfigure a victim in a way similar acts of ISIS, after Muhammad Taha al Ismail, who opposed conscription and tried to flee, was arrested and tortured - 26 April 2020: Main defendant Anwar Raslan in the first trial on regime-sponsored torture in Syria has sought police protection in Germany on the grounds of feeling threatened by Bashar Assad’s intelligence services for having switched sides, a German court was told on Friday, now in the docks charged with overseeing the murder of 58 people and the torture of 4,000 others while in charge of the Al-Khatib detention center in Damascus, after in January 2011 Assad's soldiers began carrying out arbitrary arrests - 27 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling and rocket attacks on places of Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Safohn and Fleifel south of Idlib, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over Sahl Al-Ghab - 28 April 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets this morning, targeting places in Kansafra and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 28 April 2020: SOHR documented the death of a young man from Harasta city under torture in Assad regime’s prisons, arrested three years ago at a checkpoint in the capital Damascus - 28 April 2020: Car-bomb explodes in Afrin city leaving many casualties - 29 April 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Idlib and Aleppo provinces as 'ceasefire' enters its 55th day - 29 April 2020: Prisoner from eastern Ghouta dies under torture in Assad's Sednaya prison, according to SOHR - 30 April 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets this morning, targeting Kansafra, Al-Bara and Quqafin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 1 May 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets in the early hours of Friday morning, targeting Kansafra and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 1 May 2020: SOHR documented the death of 314 people in April 2020, as the fatalities include civilian death toll of 136 persons, including 11 children under the age of 18, and 18 women over the age of 18 - 1 May 2020: Assad regime forces target the villages of Sfohin and Al-Fatira in Jabal al-Zawiya in Idlib countryside, accompanied with flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the area - 2 May 2020: Assad regime shelling interrupts calm, firing rockets on places in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 3 May 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling Sahl Al-Ghab and southern Idlib, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over the area - 4 May 2020: Assad regime forces shell rural Idlib, targeting the perimeter of Kansafra town and the villages of Sofohin and Al-Fatira - 5 May 2020: Assad regime shelling on areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 5 May 2020: Clashes renew between Kurdish forces and Turkish-backed factions in the northern countryside of Aleppo, accompanied by exchange of attacks and shelling - 6 May 2020: Assad regime and rebels trade fire in eastern Idlib - 6 May 2020: Two years after he was arrested and detained in Sednaya prison, Aref Muhammad Barghala from Douma was dumped in front of his house, bleeding and showing clear signs of torture reports Jesr - 9 May 2020: Fierce clashes erupt between Assad regime and rebels in southern and eastern Idlib, accompanied by artillery fire by regime forces on the area, as regime forces try to advance into rebels’ positions - 9 May 2020: Assad regime snipers shoot dead civilian while inspecting his house in Aleppo’s Miznaz - 9 May 2020: Assad regime forces targeted Al-Kendeh village in the western countryside of Idlib with rocket shells, while rebels fired several long-range missiles on northern Latakia - 10 May 2020: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired many rockets Sunday morning, targeting places in Al-Ankawi, Qulaydin, Al-Qahera in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, and Kansafra in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were flying over Idlib city and countryside - 10 May 2020: Assad regime's rocket attack on Sahl Al-Ghab leaves woman dead in western rural Hama - 11 May 2020: December 2019 - March 2020 Syrian Assad regime backed by its ally Russia, subjected civilians in opposition-held areas in north-west Syria to a new wave of horrors attacking from the air and the ground repeatedly residential areas and crucial infrastructure, and the international community, including the UN Security Council, once again remained largely paralysed, according to rights group, documenting many attacks on medical facilities and schools that killed civilians, healthcare workers, teachers and children - 12 May 2020: Assad regime and Russia continue to violate ceasefire in northern Syria as emergency response recorded 17 violations of the ceasefire in Idlib and rural Aleppo by the Assad regime in the past 24 hours, intentionally targeting residential areas - 12 May 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks, targeting places in north-western Hama - 12 May 2020: Syrian Coalition's general assembly approves membership bids of representatives of tribal council and association of independent Kurds - 12 May 2020: USA strengthens presence in east Euphrates - 13 May 2020: Militias loyal to Iran have been on the move recently, transferring fighters from Deir ez-Zor to Damascus and Palmyra writes Deir Ezzor 24 - 14 May 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks targeting places in Fulayfel and Sfuhen villages in the southern countryside of Idlib, as reconnaissance drones were flying - 14 May 2020: Assad regime arrested Hiyam Muhammad al-Nafa at the Immigration and Passports building, before transferring her to prison and torturing her to death in Damascus prison, according to Smart News - 15 May 2020: Assad regime forces opened fire of heavy machineguns on places on the outskirts of Al-Rwayha village in Maarrat Al-Nu’man on Friday, also renewing shelling places in Fulayfel and Sfuhen villages in the southern countryside of Idlib - 15 May 2020: Assad's pilots have returned from Iran, where they have been undergoing training, so that they may in turn train other pilots to attack and kill people in Syria - 15 May 2020: IRGC's Serlak, who was operating as an 'advisor', was killed in southeastern Idleb, although it is not clear how he died writes Syria TV - 16 May 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling towns and villages in rural Idlib - 17 May 2020: SOHR monitored rocket attacks by regime forces on Sunday, targeting Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Afes in southern and eastern Idlib - 17 May 2020: Turkish rocket attacks pound Kurdish-controlled villages in northern Aleppo - 18 May 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 18 May 2020: A new Ramadan TV series in Syria has been met with revulsion by the opposition and diaspora community after a photograph of a 24-year-old torture victim who died in an Assad regime prison was used to represent a fictional murdered woman - 19 May 2020: Assad regime forces attack rebels positions in Sahl Al-Ghab leaving casualties - 20 May 2020: Assad regime forces shell positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen and Kafr Oweid, as clashes renew in Sahl Al-Ghab and regime artillery pounds southern Idlib - 20 May 2020: Opposition forces have prevented any advance by Assad regime’s forces, who tried to infiltrate villages in rural Hama province reports Brocar Press - 20 May 2020: Iranian forces bring in tens of fighters to Al-Bokamal, coming 3 days after an attack inflicted many casualties among the Iranian forces in the area, and as Iranian forces recently are used to transporting military reinforcement in civil buses in order to evade detection - 21 May 2020: Assad regime rocket attacks pound several towns and villages in southern Idlib - 21 May 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 22 May 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Friday morning, targeting Sfuhen and Al-Fterah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 22 May 2020: Assad regime forces targeted a car in Al-Zaqoum area in Sahl Al-Ghab in Hama countryside, injuring the car’s occupants including a child - 22 May 2020: Assad's military intelligence kidnaps civilian in Daraa - 23 May 2020: Russian fighter jet shot down a USA drone near Khmeimim air base in Syria - 23 May 2020: SOHR monitored fierce clashes on Saturday morning in areas near Kafr Nubl and Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib between regime forces and opposition factions, as rebels thwart regime attack - 24 May 2020: Demonstrators in Idlib city called for toppling the Syrian Assad regime and the return of people who have been forced to displace due to the military operations - 25 May 2020: More than 1,000 Russian and Syrian mercenaries in Libya have pulled back from the front lines after a Turkish military intervention helped block an assault on the capital and an attempt to capture Tripoli by the Putin-backed strongman Haftar - 25 May 2020: Syria records 20 new covid-19 cases in largest single-day increase - 25 May 2020: SOHR monitored renewed ceasefire violations, as Assad regime forces targeted areas in Al-Ankawi and Qulaydeen villages in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 26 May 2020: Assad regime rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, targeting Al-Rwayha, Banin and Al-Fterah in southern Idlib - 27 May 2020: SOHR monitored Russian jets flying over the western countryside of Aleppo and Idlib countryside, as clashes erupted on Wednesday morning in the western countryside of Aleppo between opposition factions and regime forces - 27 May 2020: The International Coalition forces deployed a Patriot missile system in the vicinity of the Conoco gas plant base in the eastern Deir ez-Zor countryside, according to Deir Ezzor 24’s network - 28 May 2020: Ceasefire was interrupted by Assad regime forces targeting places in the towns and villages of Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 28 May 2020: In the latest step of escalating tensions, the town of Qirfa in rural eastern Daraa was attacked by Assad's regime, reportedly arresting civilians and military defectors - 29 May 2020: Russian military reaches Syrian, Iraqi, Turkish border triangle for first time - 29 May 2020: Mass demonstration in the Idlib city calls for toppling of Syrian Assad regime and allowing displaced people to return to their areas - 30 May 2020: New reinforcement arrives in Turkish positions in the so-called 'de-escalation zone' - 30 May 2020: Assad regime forces stationed in Latakia countryside shelled the frontlines of Kabana and Al-Haddada in the same countryside, the villages of Mar’and, Al-Kinda, west of Jisr al-Shughour, and the village of Binin in Jabal al-Zawiya with tank shells - 31 May 2020: After World War II lasted 6 years, 75 years on wars without end and the question why there is no peaceful solution to so much global conflict, as a new study shows that 60% of the world’s wars have lasted for at least a decade, from Afghanistan to Libya, Syria to Congo DRC, and as endless conflicts appear to become normalised, with politicians, generals, governments and international organisations incapable, uninterested or profiteering - 1 June 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets in the early hours of Monday morning, targeting places in Al-Ftera, Banin and Al-Rowayha in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Russian jets flying over Idlib - 2 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Jabal Al-Akrad, also targeting places in Kabani area in the northern countryside of Latakia - 3 June 2020: Russian jets carried out a new round of airstrikes in the early hours of Wednesday morning, targeting places in the area in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western Hama - 4 June 2020: Russian jets renew shelling targeting the village of Al-Sermaniyah in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama province - 4 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on places in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 June 2020: Child in Afis, east of Idlib, died, after he was near a combine harvester targeted by Assad regime forces - 5 June 2020: Assad regime begins using new Russian-made Mig-29 jets - 6 June 2020: As Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks, targeting several areas in southern Idlib and north-western Hama, fierce clashes erupt between opposition factions and regime forces in southern Idlib - 6 June 2020: Popular resentment grows in Idlib over increasing bread price, while Syrian pound in freefall - 7 June 2020: People demonstrate in Jabal Al-Arab calling for toppling of Syrian Assad regime and demanding Iranian and Russian regime leave Syria - 7 June 2020: Russian aviation reportedly attacking in Aleppo - 7 June 2020: 12 people, said to be Afghan and Iraqi members, were killed overnight Saturday in drone airstrikes targeting pro-Iranian militia in the Deir Ezzor region in eastern Syria, according to SOHR - 7 June 2020: Fierce clashes erupt between Turkish-backed factions and Kurdish forces in Mare’ - 8 June 2020: New protests in Jabal al-Arab demanding the overthrow of regime - 8 June 2020: Russian jets bombard al-Manara and Al-Fatatra villages in Sahl Al-Ghab, after jihadist groups captured them - 9 June 2020: Russian jets have executed nearly 15 airstrikes since Tuesday, targeting places in Kansafrah, Balyon, Al-Bara, Al-Mawzarah, Al-Fterah, Kafr Oweid and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as the intensive airstrikes killed a civilian in Balyon, while others sustained various injuries - 9 June 2020: SOHR documented the killing of three children due to the explosion of an old unexploded bomb in Idlib city - 10 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while reconnaissance drones flying over Idlib - 11 June 2020: As Russian reconnaissance drones were flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks after midnight, targeting several places in the southern countryside of Idlib - 12 June 2020: SOHR documented the death of a woman of injuries sustained in airstrikes by Russian jets a few days ago, on Ballion area in Jabal al-Zawiya, as Assad regime forces shell areas south of Idlib with heavy artillery, targeting Fleifel frontline, and trade fire in southern Idlib - 12 June 2020: SOHR documented the death of a university student from Al-Bab city in north eastern Aleppo, who died under torture in Assad’s prisons after being arrested in Aleppo 7 years ago, as killing under torture of thousands documented by names continues in regime’s prisons, more cases were documented, and regime acknowledged killings of prisoners, sometimes informed their families, after contact with these prisoners has been lost for months or years - 12 June 2020: Syrian protesters call for Assad's downfall as economic crisis deepens and marches held on streets of Sweida amid soaring food prices and disillusion with corruption - 13 June 2020: Assad regime forces shelled places in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Al-Rwayha, beyanin, Al-Halloubah, Fulayfel, Al-Bara and Al-Ankawi in south Idlib countryside and the north-western countryside of Hama - 13 June 2020: Despite regime’s efforts to disperse protests, preparations underway for new demonstration in Al-Suwaidaa city, confirming their demands of the toppling of Syrian regime and the departure of Al-Assad - 14 June 2020: Calm prevails following night airstrikes, as Russian jets executed nearly airstrikes just after midnight, targeting the outskirts of Al-Bara and Harsh Kafranbel in Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib - 15 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks, targeting six towns in southern Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones and jets were seen flying over Idlib city and countryside - 15 June 2020: Assad regime fores have arrested demonstrators after participating in an anti-regime demonstration in Al-Suwaidaa city - 16 June 2020: Russian jet bombards Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib province, while Assad regime renew rocket attacks on places in Kafr Oweid, Al-Rwayha, Bayanin, Sfuhen, Al-Fterah and the vicinity of Kansafrah in the southern countryside - 17 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Hama and Idlib countryside, with Russian reconnaissance drones flying over Idlib city and countryside - 18 June 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets on Thursday morning, targeting places in Al-Rwayha, Biyanin, Al-Ftera, Fulayfel, Al-Ankawi and Al-Hallouba in both southern countryside of Idlib and north-western countryside of Hama, as Russian jets were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 19 June 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets on Friday morning, targeting places in Al-Fterah, near Kansafra, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, and Al-Halloubah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as activists monitored yesterday an attack by kamikaze drone belonging to Iranian-backed militias, targeting positions of opposition factions nearby Al-Bara town in Idlib countryside, in conjunction with regime artillery fire - 20 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 20 June 2020: Russian jet fires rockets over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while reconnaissance drones flying over 'de-escalation zone' - 21 June 2020: Many killed or wounded in fierce clashes between Assad regime forces and rebels in southern Idlib - 21 June 2020: SOC denounces UN OCHA Office’s remarks on Syrian students - 21 June 2020: International efforts to resolve refugee crisis did not live up to required level, SOC says - 22 June 2020: Opposition NLF blocks Assad regime's forces advancement attempt in southern Idleb - 22 June 2020: A rainstorm hit the northwestern province of Idleb, badly affecting refugee camps and killing three children who drowned - 22 June 2020: At Daraa funeral for fighters descended into protests, with calls for the fall of the regime and for the expulsion of Iran - 23 June 2020: As Assad regime pushes to make advances, opposition fighters and jihadi groups are pushing back in rural Idlib - 23 June 2020: Father in Idlib of Syrian Yousef, who has been detained for about 7 years by the Assad regime, dies while looking at leaked photos of detainees tortured to death - 23 June 2020: Women in Suweida have gathered to protest the transferring of those arrested at recent protests to Damascus, and called for their release - 24 June 2020: Fighting between the Assad regime’s Military Security branch and the Iranian regime's Palestinian Liwa members reported, highlighting also the struggle between Russia and Iran - 24 June 2020: A landmine in Deir ez-Zor exploded and reportedly hit a convoy of Iranian regime's Liwa militia members, injuring several and killing one - 24 June 2020: Assad's military intelligence officers, who have been accused of torture during the war, reportedly receiving training in the UAE, also engaged in Libya - 25 June 2020: Backed by Turkish forces, 'National Liberation Front' thwarts Assad regime attacks on Idlib’s Bayanin - 27 June 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on southern Idlib - 27 June 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Kabana area in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, coinciding with flight of reconnaissance drones over the area - 27 Jnue 2020: Assad regime reportedly breached Idlib ceasefire 54 times between 18-25 June, killing civilians and injuring many others as well as forcing hundreds of households to flee their homes - 28 June 2020: Six Iranian militiamen killed in alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria, as sites hit belonged to the Assad regime and pro-Iranian militias near the Syria-Iraq border, UK-based monitor group SOHR says - 29 June 2020: Rebels thwart Assad regime infiltration attempt and shell regime positions in southern Idlib leaving casualties - 30 June 2020: Assad regime forces shelled places in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Al-Hallouba and more places in southern Idlib - 30 June 2020: Two children die of their wounds in yesterday’s landmine explosion in northern Hama - 30 June 2020: Two children die of their wounds in yesterday’s landmine explosion in northern Hama - 30 June 2020: Russian airstrikes leave civilian fatalities for the first time in three months - 1 July 2020: SOHR activists have documented the killing of a little girl after being shot by an Assad regime sniper, while she was in a farm land in Al-Kurayzat village on the outskirts of Tadef in the eastern countryside of Aleppo - 1 July 2020: UNICEF said that the war on children in Syria has been one of the most brutal in recent history, pointing out that nearly six million Syrian children have been born since the crisis began - 2 July 2020: Assad regime artillery pounds Kabana hills in northern Latakia, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over the area - 2 July 2020: Exchange of fire and clashes continue between regime forces and rebels in southern Idlib, as earlier regime forces which attacked the area have not achieved any advances - 2 July 2020: SNHR reports that at least 1,006 civilians, including three media workers as well as 12 medical workers and civil defense volunteers, have been killed mainly by Assad's amd Russian forces across Syria since the beginning of 2020, saying said that it recorded 30 massacres and 71 victims who died under torture - 3 July 2020: While Al-Ankawy area in Sahl Al-Ghab came under regime rocket fire, Assad regime and Turkish forces trade intensive rocket fire in southern Idlib - 3 July 2020: People demonstrate against Assad regimne, demanding release of detainees in Daraa - 4 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling villages in southern Idlib, firing several rockets on Saturday morning, as SOHR activists documented the death of a civilian due to regime rocket attacks on the north-western countryside of Hama - 5 July 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets in the early hours of Sunday morning, targeting places in Sfuhen, Al-Hallouba, Fulayfel, Al-Fatera, the vicinity of Kansafra, and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib - 5 July 2020: SOHR documented the killing of a child in a landmine explosion, while he was shepherding sheep on the outskirts of Al-Bara town, as SNHR says boy was killed in Syrian regime drone strike - 5 July 2020: CSO’s Riccardo Muti conducts Syria musicians in memorial concert amid ruins - 6 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in southern Idlib, while Russian jets fly over the area - 7 July 2020: Assad regime and rebels trade fire on frontlines of southern Idlib, after regime forces and loyalists shelled the towns of Kansafra, Al-Bara and Al-Mawzara village in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 8 July 2020: Assad regime forces shell several towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib province - 9 July 2020: Assad regime forces shelled places in Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Fterah in southern Idlib, and the vicinity of Al-Manarah in Sahl Al-Ghab last night and this morning - 9 July 2020: Assad regime forces raided several houses in Qarfa town in the northern countryside of Daraa and arrested 5 persons for unknown reasons - 10 July 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets, along with intensive artillery fire, targeting areas in the northern countryside of Latakia and the north-western countryside of Hama - 10 July 2020: Fierce clashes between Assad regime forces and opposition factions in Sahl Al-Ghab leave casualties - 11 July 2020: Assad regime renewed rocket attacks in the early hours of Saturday morning, targeting places in Al-Bara village, Fulayfel and Al-Faterah in jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces and rebels trade fire in Sahl Al-Ghab - 11 July 2020: Russian jets fly over Syria-Turkey border strip daily for unknown reasons - 12 July 2020: Tense calm was interrupted by exchange of fire on the frontlines of Al-Bara and Fulayfel in Idlib province between regime forces and opposition factions - 12 July 2020: SOHR documented the death of a young man from Al-Ruhayba city in eastern Qalamoun under torture in regime prison, detained for nearly two years - 13 July 2020: Assad regime rockets pound positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over the area - 13 July 2020: Assad regime artillery pounds over ten villages in rural Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghabin, north-western Hama - 13 July 2020: Syrians take to streets under Russia’s watchful eye, as anti-regime protests have already taken place across Deraa province and the town of Sweida over the past six weeks - 14 July 2020: Assad regime forces renewed ground shelling, targeting places in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, the vicinity of Kafr Oweid and Al-Halloubi in the southern countryside of Idlib - 14 July 2020: Russian jets step up airstrikes on Kabana, while other airstrikes hit southern Idlib, amid aerial attacks escalation - 14 July 2020: Russian jets renew shelling Jabal Al-Zawiya, and over 20 air raids hit 'de-escalation zone' today, as SOHR documented the death of a civilian in a rocket attack by Assad regime forces on Ariha - 14 July 2020: More Russian air raids hit 'de-escalation zone' and man and his child killed in ground shelling on Ariha - 15 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew intensive shelling on areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 16 July 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on the vicinity of Sramin, Al-Nayrib and Afes in the east of Idlib city, followed by trade of fire in Idlib countryside - 16 July 2020: Russia bombing the town of of Ariha in northern Idleb, reports Zaman Al-Wasl, as one person was killed and four people wounded in a missile attack by regime forces on northern Idleb province - 16 July 2020: Russia bombed the city of al-Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo on Wednesday night, resulting in a number of casualties and extensive damage to property and residential buildings - 17 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling towns and villages, targeting places in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Al-Hallouba, the vicinity of Al-Bara in Idlib province, and Al-Ankawi village in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 18 July 2020: While Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on southern Idlib, regime and rebels trade fire in Sahl Al-Ghab - 19 July 2020: SOHR documented the killing of a civilian and the injury of a woman in regime rocket attacks on places in Tal Wasit village in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 19 July 2020: Displaced girl from Kafr Nubl goes missing in northern countryside of Idlib - 19 July 2020 Syrian 'parliamentary election' as previous event held on 13 April 2016, not recognized by the United Nations - 20 July 2020: Assad regime forces and opposition factions exchange fire on frontlines of western Aleppo countryside - 20 July 2020: Bodies of two children were found on the train tracks at the Al-Razi bridge in the Assad regime-controlled city of Aleppo this morning, dumped on the train tracks - 21 July 2020: Russian Putin regime's jets fly over Idlib and Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Idlib countryside, targeting Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Saan, Majdaliyah - 21 July 2020: SOHR activists have documented the killing of two civilians in regime rocket attacks in the past few hours on Barratah village - 22 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 22 July 2020: Russian jets took off from the Hemeimeem airbase as Israeli jets fired missiles at southern Syria, but were unable to stop the attack writes Al-Masdar - 22 July 2020: Erdogan says Turkey will remain in Syria ‘until Syrian people are free’ - 23 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling towns and villages in southern Idlib - 23 July 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Ain Larouz town in the southern countryside of Idlib, injuring rebels, as the villages of Kafr Ammah and Al-Qasr in the western countryside of Aleppo also came under rocket fire by regime forces - 24 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks, targeting positions in the countryside of Idlib, and in north-western Hama, also shelling several villages and a town in Idlib province - 25 July 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Saturday morning, targeting places in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Ruwayha, bayanin and Al-Hallouba in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 July 2020: Assad regime forces continue rocket attacks, targeting towns and villages in southern Idlib - 26 July 2020: SOHR documented the killing of a civilian and the injury of others in Assad regime rocket fire on places in Ain Larouz village in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 July 2020: A bomb in Syria border town Ras al-Ain controlled by Turkey and its Syrian proxies killed at least eight people including civilians, a child and woman, as explosion left nearly 19 persons injured, some seriously, on a vegetable market, Britain-based war monitor SOHR says - 26 July 2020: Afrin receives 6 bodies of Syrians killed in Libya - 26 July 2020: Rebels target Assad regime tank killing its crew in rural Idlib, and regime’s shelling on rural Latakia causes bushe fires - 27 July 2020: Assad regime forces intensify shelling towns and villages of southern Idlib countryside, killing a fighter of the opposition factions - 27 July 2020: Turkey-backed factions shell abu Rasin, amid wave of displacement, injuring a civilian, after which regime forces responded to fire and shelling the positions of the factions in the countryside of the area, and as 'SOHR camera' shows the destruction caused by shelling on the town of Abu Rasin - 28 July 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on Tuesday, targeting places in Kansafra, Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Al-Mawzarah in Jabal Al-Zawyiah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 29 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew intensive shelling on towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 29 July 2020: SOHR documented the injury of four civilians, including children, in Assad regime rocket fire on Balyoun town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as regime rocket launchers renewed bombardment on several areas in southern Idlib - 30 July 2020: Russian airstrikes kill civilian in Al-Bab city in north-eastern Aleppo, and tens of IS members in the Syrian desert - 30 July 2020: Assad regime ground forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 30 July 2020: Assad regime artillery pounds positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over the area - 31 July 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 31 July 2020: Assad regime ground forces continue shelling positions in southern Idlib - 1 August 2020: Assad regime ground forces start new round of bombardment on southern Idlib - 1 August 2020: Assad regime forces continue shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawyiah, also firing rockets on places south of Idlib, while Russian reconnaissance drones flying over the area - 2 August 2020: Assad regime forces bring in new military reinforcement from Hama to Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as busses carrying regime soldiers were seen heading to the frontlines - 2 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on several positions in southern Idlib - 2 August 2020: Assad regime forces continue shelling positions in southern Idlib, using artillery shells and heavy machineguns amid reports about casualties - 3 August 2020: Russian airstrikes pave the way for fierce attack by Assad regime forces on Al-Haddadah frontlines - 3 August 2020: Russian airstrikes hit rural Idlib, killing a family of three persons - 4 August 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets this morning, targeting areas in Kansafra, Al-Faterah, Al-Mawzara and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah., as opposition factions shelled regime positions in Kafr Nubl and Hantotin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 5 August 2020: Following Assad regime attempts to advance into positions of the rebels, Jabal Al-Zawiyah battles leave many regime soldiers dead or wounded, amid frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over Turkey-Syria border - 6 August 2020: Intensive rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on areas in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, paving the way for a fresh attack by regime forces on Al-Haddadah frontlines, as fierce battles between regime forces and rebels continue in the northern countryside of Latakia - 6 August 2020: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib countryside, and factions target regime soldier near Saraqeb as regime forces stationed near Saraqeb city shelled the town of Afis in Idlib countryside with heavy machine guns - 6 August 2020: Opposition factions fire rockets on Russian positions in Kensaba leaving casualties
7 August 2020: 6 August 2020: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib countryside, and factions target regime soldier near Saraqeb as regime forces stationed near Saraqeb city shelled the town of Afis in Idlib countryside with heavy machine guns - 6 August 2020: Opposition factions fire rockets on Russian positions in Kensaba leaving casualties - 7 August 2020: Russian reconnaissance drones fly over the area of 'de-escalation zone' - 8 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew intensive rocket attacks this morning, targeting places in Fulayfel, Al-Fterah, Al-Bara, Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, and other areas in Jabal Al-Akrad in Latakia province, as reconnaissance drones continue flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 9 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Jabal Al-Akrad, while Russian reconnaissance drones fly over 'de-escalation zone' - 9 August 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks, targeting places in the southern countryside of Idlib, and target civilian car with guided missile in western Aleppo - 10 August 2020: Assad regime forces' intensive rocket and artillery fire pounds Idlib, Hama and Latakia countryside, followed by an exchange of rocket fire in Idlib province - 11 August 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets, targeting places in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones are continuing flying - 11 August 2020: A civilian woman and a child found dead near Syria-Turkey border in the northern countryside of Aleppo, two days after being kidnapped by unknown individuals - 12 August 2020: Assad regime forces resume shelling towns and villages in rural Hama and Idlib - 13 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, with ongoing flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over the 'de-escalation zone' in Idlib province - 14 August 2020: Assad regime forces shell towns and villages in southern Idlib, and rebels respond shelling positions in Saraqeb - 14 August 2020: Explosion of landmine in eastern Idlib leaves three casualties - 15 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as Russian reconnaissance drones flying over Idlib - 15 August 2020: Russian jets seen flying over Idlib countrysides, as regime forces renewed rocket attacks targeting places in the southern countryside - 16 August 2020: Assad regime forces shell positions in Hama, Idlib and Aleppo provinces - 16 August 2020: Two women found dead in their house in al-Arafi neighbourhood in Deir Ezzor city, which is under the control of regime forces and loyalists - 17 August 2020: Assad regime forces renewed shelling areas in the southern countryside of Idlib in the early hours of Monday, targeting places in Ain Larouz, Arnabeh, Al-Barah, Balyon, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Fterah and Kansafra in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 18 August 2020: Russian jets are still flying over the northern countryside of Idlib, near the border with Iskenderun region, along with executing airstrikes on the area, bringing the number of Russian airstrikes in nearly one hour to 17 - 18 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab, after hours of tense calm - 19 August 2020: With long-range missiles, Assad regime forces target positions hit in yesterday’s airstrikes by Russian jets, amid intensive bombardment on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 19 August 2020: Syria deadliest place to be an aid worker, amid global 30% rise in attacks, as ability to carry out humanitarian work in most dangerous conflict-hit regions threatened by local NGO staff being caught in crossfire, according to 'Aid Worker Security Database' report - 20 August 2020: Russian reconnaissance drones continued flying over Idlib province, as Assad regime forces had bombarded places in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib after midnight - 20 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew their rocket attacks targeting places in Al-Bara and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as regime's rocket fire injured 3 civilians, while working in farmland - 20 August 2020: SOHR documented the killing of 3 children and the injury of 2 others in a blast which hit Al-Allani village in north-western Idlib, believed to be caused by an IED explosion - 20 August 2020: Car bomb explodes in 'Peace Spring' areas, leaving casualties - 21 August 2020: Two civilians killed by regime rocket attacks on workers harvesting the fig on the outskirts of Al-Fterah town in the southern Idlib countryside - 21 August 2020: Deir Ezzor demonstrators have called upon the International Coalition and Syria Democratic Forces to recover their areas in the eastern region of the Euphrates River, which are now under the control of regime forces and Iranian-backed militias - 22 August 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks on Saturday, targeting places in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Al-Bara, Bayanin, Al-Ruwayha and Deir Sonbol in Idlib ptovince, as armed reconnaissance drones were flying over Idlib and western Aleppo - 23 August 2020: Assad regime forces shelled places in Al-Fterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, as 6 regime soldiers killed or wounded in rebel rocket fire on southern Idlib - 24 August 2020: Opposition forces thwart Assad regime attack in southern Idlib leaving many soldiers among regime forces and loyalists dead and wounded - 24 August 2020: Assad regime-backed militiamen rape civilian woman and her three daughters nearby Khan Shaykhun after they stormed a farm where a shepherd lives with his family - 25 August 2020: Nearly 20 rebels and regime soldiers killed and wounded in Assad regime attack in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 25 August 2020: Syrian activists have monitored frequent flights by Russian jets over Idlib province, along with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over south and east Idlib countryside - 25/26 August 2020: Russian jets over Idlib province, along with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over south and east Idlib countryside, as Turkey’s military build-up continues, bringing more forces to their positions in 'de-escalation zone' - 27 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on positions in Al-Fterah, Al-Bara, Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Kansafrah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as clashes between regime forces and opposition factions in southern Idlib continue - 28 August 2020: Assad regime ground forces started a new round of rocket attacks in the early hours of Friday morning, targeting several positions in the countrysides of Idlib and Aleppo, as suspected Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over Idlib - 28 August 2020: In Aleppo 4 civilians were killed after a war-damaged building collapsed, while several other civilians sustained injuries - 29 August 2020: Renewed rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Halloubah, Deir Sonbol, Al-Bara and Ihsim in the southern countryside of Idlib - 30 August 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets on Sunday, targeting places in Al-Fterah, Kansafrah and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 31 August 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on positions in Idlib and Aleppo province - 1 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets this morning, targeting positions in Kansafra, Al-Mawzarah and Al-Fterah in southern Idlib - 2 September 2020: SOHR monitored rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on Kafr Oweid, Balyon, Sfuhen and Al-Fterah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces also fired several rockets on Al-Sarraf and Kalaz frontlines in Jabal Al-Turkman in northern Latakia, amid renewed clashes in western Aleppo - 3 September 2020: Assad regime rocket fire pounds several positions in southern Idlib, as Aleppo clashes suggest there were casualties on regime's and opposition's side - 4 September 2020: Assad regime forces renew their rocket attacks in the early hours of Friday, targeting places in north-western countryside of Hama, as Russian and Turkish reconnaissance drones were flying this morning over Idlib city and southern countryside - 5 September 2020: Assad regime forces attacked with heavy machineguns, positions in Al-Ankawi village in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, as clashes renew south of Idlib - 5 September 2020: Residents from Hayaka and Sermasakh Tahtani villages of 'Karki Laki' district reject the setting up of a Russian military base in their villages - 6 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets in the early hours of Sunday morning, targeting positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid, Kansafra and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib - 7 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Monday morning, targeting Ququfin, Al-Halloba, Al-Bara, Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid, Fulayfel, Al-Ftera in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Ariha city in the same countryside, as SOHR documented the death of two persons, in addition to injuries to nine others in regime rocket fire on residential neighbourhoods in Ariha city, also documenting the killing of a civilian and injury of another one in the explosion of an old landmine in Al-bara town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 8 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Tuesday, targeting positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafrah, Kafr Oweid and Al-Hallouba in the southern countryside of Idlib, also targeting the northern countryside of Latakia - 9 September 2020: Assad regime forces continue shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Russian reconnaissance drones fly over the area - 9 September 2020: Russian airstrikes on Kabani hills in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, as Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib came under intensive rocket attacks by Assad regime forces - 10 September 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, targeting positions in Kansafra, Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid, Al-Fterah and other places in the area, amid ongoing flights by reconnaissance drones over the area - 11 September 2020: SOHR monitored Russian jets flying this morning over Idlib province, along with executing two airstrikes on the area between Idlib city and Sheikh Yousef village, as a civilian died affected by his injuries he had a few days in Assad regime rocket fire on Ariha area in southern Idlib, as regime ground forces fired several rockets on Al-Ruwayha and Bayanin village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over the area - 12 September 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling of many areas in southern Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area, and as unknown armed reconnaissance drone but believed to be Iranian, dropped more than ten bombs on opposition factions’ positions on frontlines with regime forces in Jabal al-Zawiya and the town of Al-Bara in southern Idlib countryside - 12 September 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 13 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Sunday, targeting areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, and in the north-western countryside of Hama - 13 September 2020: Over 350 shells and rockets fired by Assad's thugs pound several villages and towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 13 September 2020: Four women and a man killed in yesterday’s explosions in Ras Al-Ain - 14 September 2020: Assad regime rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 14 September 2020: Assad regime forces continue their intensive bombardment on towns and villages in the southern countryside of Idlib, as more than 190 rockets and shells have been fired by the regime since morning, targeting several positions - 14 September 2020: Child killed by landmine in northern Al-Raqqah - 15 September 2020: Squadron of six Russian jets executed nearly 15 airstrikes this morning, targeting north-western Idlib province, as Russian jets are still flying over the area, as Assad regime forces renewed their bombardment targeting southern Idlib, as reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area, and as Russian airstrikes leaving casualties, according to SOHR - 16 September 2020: SOHR monitored renewed intensive rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on the southern countryside of Idlib, as attacks coinceded with the flight of reconnaissance drones over the area - 17 September 2020: Assad regime's military escalation, as nearly 100 rockets and artillery shells pound two villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 18 September 2020: Assad regime rocket fire pounds Hama and Idlib countryside - 18 September 2020: New Turkish military reinforcement enters 'de-escalation zone' - 18 September 2020: Assad regime forces attack two Turkish armoured vehicles on frontlines of Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 19 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets on Saturday, targeting Kansafra, Fulayfel, Sfuhen and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 19 September 2020: USA military has stepped up its deployment of troops and equipment in north-eastern Syria after a number of skirmishes with Russian regime's forces intensified tensions in the country - 19 September 2020: Over 150 prisoners die in Assad regime prisons since 'Caesar Act' ratified in December 2019 - 20 September 2020: Assad regime renewed rocket and artillery fire on Sunday, targeting positions in Sfuhen, Al-Fterah, Kansafrah, the outskirts of Al-Bara, Bayanin and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, also attacking positions in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 20 September 2020: Russian jets strike positions in western and north-western Idlib city - 21 September 2020: Assad regime forces shell positions in Latakia and Idlib - 22 September 2020: Assad regime forces renew intensive rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 23 September 2020: Assad regime rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as regime forces also shell positions in northern Latakia, and as Russian reconnaissance drones fly over Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 24 September 2020: Assad regime renewed rocket attacks on Thursday, targeting positions and areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, and in western Hama - 25 September 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Sahl Al-Ghab and southern Idlib - 26 September 2020: SOHR monitored renewed rocket attacks on the 'de-escalation zone' on Saturday, as Assad regime forces shelled positions in Ihsim, Al-Bara, Al-Fterah, Kanssafra, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 27 September 2020: Assad regime forces fired rockets, targeting positions in Jabal Al-Turkman in the northern countryside of Latakia, as exchange of fire with rebels continues in southern Idlib - 28 September 2020: Assad regime ground bombardment on positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in southern Idlib - 28 September 2020: Assad regime forces still hold Kanaker’s female detainees for nearly three weeks - 29 September 2020: Assad regime shelling on towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area - 30 September 2020: Assad regime forces shell areas in rural Hama and Idlib, also attacking factions’ positions in western Aleppo - 1 October 2020: SOHR reports renewed rocket fire by Assad regime forces on the 'de-escalation zone', targeting positions in Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid, Kansafra, Al-Fterah, Balyoun Al-Barah and Al-Mawzarah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 1 October 2020: Residents of Kanaker town in western Ghouta suffer from shortage of essential goods, and demonstrators call for lifting the siege by Assad regime forces - 2 October 2020: SOHR monitored renewed bombardment by Assad regime forces on places in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 2 October 2020: Reliable sources in Al-Mayadeen city in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor have informed SOHR that Iranian militias seized a large number of civilian houses in the area between Al-Bel’oum roundabout and the industrial secondary school - 2 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Hama and Idlib countryside - 3 October 2020: SOHR monitored Assad regime rocket attacks, targeting several positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' and regime forces and rebels trade fire - 4 October 2020: SOHR monitored a new round of artillery and rocket attacks by Assad regime forces, targeting positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, as a Russian reconnaissance drone reportedly crashed in north Latakia countryside due to technical malfunctions - 5 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 5 October 2020: SOHR activists report that Assad regime forces fired a guided missile on a civilian car on the road between Sheikh Sandyan and Al-Qarqur areas in the countryside of Hama, injuring five civilians, including a woman who sustained serious injuries - 5 October 2020: Iranian IRGC leader in Deir Ezzor visits positions of Iranian-backed militias - 6 October 2020: Assad regime forces and rebels trade fire in southern Idlib - 7 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks and shell positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, and other positions in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside - 8 October 2020: Assad regime forces and rebels trade rocket fire on frontlines of southern Idlib - 9 October 2020: Assad regime rocket fire hits Jabal Al-Akrad and opposition factions shell Saraqeb - 10 October 2020: SOHR activists have documented the death of a woman and the injury of others in Assad regime artillery fire on Al-Bara town in in rural Idlib, as regime forces also shelled rebel positions in Balyoun village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib and Qastoun in SahlAl-Ghab in north-western Hama - 11 October 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya - 11 October 2020: Protesters closed the streets in al-Nuaima town east of Daraa and set rubber tyres on fire, responding to the arbitrary arrests by the regime forces and demanding the release of the detainees - 11 October 2020: SOHR documented the death of 3 civilians and the injury of 4 others, as a landmine exploded while they were trying to cross the Syrian border into Turkey from the countryside of Al-Malikia city in north-eastern Syria - 11 October 2020: After deadöy blast in Syrian northwest town of Al-Bab, killing at least 11 people, USA says rise in attacks troubling - 12 October 2020: Assad regime forces have renewed their ground shelling on towns and villages in southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces and rebels exchange fire on frontlines - 13 October 2020: Assad regime forces targeted with rocket-propelled grenades places in Al-Fatira, Safohin, al-Bara and Kansafra in southern countryside of Idlib - 13 October 2020: 4 Syrian refugees die in minefield at Turkish border after gendarmes allegedly open fire, according to Mesopotamia News Agency - 13 October 2020: Residents block Russian military convoy in Hasaka countryside - 14 October 2020: Four people killed in Russian airstrikes west of Idlib, as number of airstrikes rose to at least 11 carried out by Russian fighter jets on the area of Al-Hamama in the northern countryside of Jisr al-Shughour - 14 October 2020: Clashes erupt between Turkish-backed factions and SDF west of Tel Abyad - 14 October 2020: SOHR documented the injury of several civilians in Assad regime artillery shelling on Afes town, east of Idlib city - 15 October 2020: Assad regime renewed rocket attacks on areas in northern countryside of Latakia and other areas in towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside - 15 October 2020: 130 new covid-19 cases reportedly in NW Syria, as total number of infection cases jumps to 2,057 with 20 deaths so far - 16 October 2020: Assad regime forces shell areas in Jabal al-Zawiya, amid Assad's rocket attacks on areas in the southern Idlib countryside - 17 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya - 17 October 2020: Five children killed and injured as a rocket-propelled grenade exploded in the town of Al-Baguz in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor province - 17 October 2020: Indiscriminate gunfire injures child in al-Hadara neighbourhood in Homs, as SOHR reported that a Russian military vehicle ran over a woman and her son on 14 October 14 near Al-Rastan city in Homs countryside leaving the six-year old child dead because the Russian vehicle kept moving and did not stop to check or relief the child and his mother - 17 October 2020: Russian forces conduct new patrol in Hasakeh countryside - 18 October 2020: Assad regime forces continue rocket attacks on positions in Idlib province, targeting positions in Kafr Oweid town and other areas in the southern countryside - 19 October 2020: Assad regime forces and rebels exchange rocket fire on frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal al-Zawiya - 19 October 2020: Assad regime forces shell villages in northern Hama, while reconnaissance drones fly over 'de-escalation zone' - 20 October 2020: Assad regime forces start new round of rocket attacks on positions in southern Idlib - 21 October 2020: Russian jets strike positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah for the second day, as targeted village of Al-Rami hosts large number of refugees and displaced people - 21 October 2020: SOHR documented the injury of six civilians, including women and two children, in today’s airstrikes by Russian fighter jets on Al-Rami village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 21 October 2020: Opposition factions repel regime attack on Fulayfel, south of Idlib - 22 October 2020: Assad regime rocket fire pounds towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab, as SOHR reports that residents were injured in ground shelling by regime forces on Al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 22 October 2020: Assad regime rocket fire on Jabal Al-Zawiyah injures several civilians - 23 October 2020: Assad regime forces have stepped up their bombardment this morning on Kansafra town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as over 150 rockets and artillery shells pounded the town - 24 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling Jabal Al-Zawiyah, and rebels respond by rocket attacks on western Aleppo - 24 October 2020: Russian jets and regime helicopters target Isis positions in eastern Hama - 25 October 2020: SOHR monitored artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on the villages of Sermaniyah and Dweir al-Akrad in the north-western countryside of Hama, as well as the villages of Billioon and al-Bara in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, also documenting the death of an Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah militiaman, succumbing to his wounds - 26 October 2020: Russian airstrikes on a rebel camp in northwestern Syria on Monday killed more than 50 fighters and wounded nearly as many, according to Syrian opposition and war monitor SOHR, reporting that death toll of the Russian airstrikes continues to rise, with 56 fighters killed and over 100 injured so far in Russian airstrikes on camp of al-Sham Corps close to Turkey, north-west of Idlib, as SOHR monitored more and renewed Russian airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone' in the area of Jabal al-Dawila north-west of Idlib, and as the targeted area hosts camps for displaced people - 27 October 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl al-Ghab - 27 October 2020: In response to the massacre committed by Russian jets, rebels target over 25 posts in regime-controlled areas with hundreds of rocket-propelled grenades and artillery - 28 October 2020: SOHR has monitored a new round of rocket attacks by Assad regime forces, targeting areas in the towns and villages of Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib - 29 October 2020: SOHR monitored Russian reconnaissance drones flying over Idlib province coinciding with renewed rocket shelling by regime forces on areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, as rebels shell regime forces’ positions on southern frontlines - 30 October 2020: In an attempt by Assad regime forces and loyal militiamen to advance, accompanied by shelling and exchange of fire, factions were able to repel the attack - 30 October 2020: Education directorate in Idlib announced suspension of work in schools of Areha, Al-Bara, Iblin, Mantaf, Balyoun and Maarbaleet in the southern countryside of Idlib for two days as a result of the ongoing Assad regime bombardment on the region - 31 October 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on the southern countryside of Idlib, targeting areas in Al-Fatira, Kansafra, th outskirts of Al-Bara and Safohin in Jabal al-Zawiya - 31 October 2020: Turkish forces target Kurdish-held areas in northern Aleppo countryside - 1 November 2020: Assad regime forces fire several shells on Jabal Al-Zawiyah, interrupting tense calm for hours, as SOHR documented the death of 600 people in October 2020 - 1 November 2020: Assad regime intensive rocket attacks pound positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Shal Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad - 2 November 2020: SOHR has documented the injury six civilians, including women working in harvesting olive, after their bus was targeted by regime forces with a guided missile in the town of Al-Bara, south of Idlib - 3 November 2020: Assad regime forces fired several shells after midnight, targeting places in Kansafra, Al-Fterah and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 3 November 2020: Four persons killed yesterday across Syria - 3 November 2020: Iranian forces and Iranian-backed militiamen, including the Lebanese Hezbollah, continue recruiting more people in southern Syria and western Euphrates region to their ranks, as 'Shi’aism' proselytising operations (conversion to Shiite) are still underway secretly and in public through the offering of financial incentives and continuous usage of religion and sectarianism - 4 November 2020: Children among nearly 30 people killed and wounded in intensive Assad regime rocket attacks on places in Idlib province - 4 November 2020: Assad regime forces continue shelling positions in Idlib - 5 November 2020: Assad regime forces start new round of rocket attack in towns and villages on southern Idlib - 5 November 2020: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and injury of three others, including a woman, in regime rocket fire on Kansafrah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, as Enab Baladi on Wednesday reports seven civilians were killed, including four children, and 17 civilians, including a child and six women, were wounded - 5 November 2020: Iran-backed militants have killed 14 civilians, including four women and a child, in a desert area in the central province of Homs, Zaman Al-Wasl’s reporter said - 6 October 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on Friday, targeting Kafr Oweid, Al-Fterah, Fulayfel, Sfuhen, Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-west of Hama - 6 October 2020: Reliable medical sources have confirmed that covid-19 infections have exceeded 20,100, of whom 1,900 cases have been recovered, while 605 other cases died in areas under the control of the 'Autonomous Administration in northern and north-eastern Syria' - 6 November 2020: People in regime-held areas throughout Syria are suffering from a stifling transportation crisis, as they are forced to wait for hours for a bus or taxi - 7 November 2020: SOHR monitored the flight of Russian jets over Idlib, along with executing nearly seven airstrikes on Shenan, Freka, Sarja, and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, 12 days after Al-Dwaylah massacre - 7 November 2020: Russian fighter jets flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, executing further airstrikes on the region, bringing the number of airstrikes since morning to 13 - 8 November 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on areas in southern Idlib countryside - 9 November 2020: Assad regime renewed their rocket attacks on areas in rural Hama and Idlib, as SOHR monitored several rocket-propelled grenades fired by regime forces on Turkish post in the village of Ma’ara Alia, west of the city of Saraqeb - 10 November 2020: SOHR activists say that Russian airstrikes on Idlib province rose to five, targeting the outskirts of the towns of Benin and Shenan in Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 November 2020: SOHR has monitored rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on the southern Idlib countryside, targeting areas in Fleifel, Safohin, Al-Fatira, Kansfra, al-Bara and Billioon, as regime forces also shelled places in Al-Ankawi in Sahl al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 12 November 2020: SOHR monitored the fall of rocket-propelled grenades fired by Assad regime forces on places in Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Safohin, Flaifel, Benin and Halouba in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the region - 13 November 2020: SOHR has monitored Russian fighter jets executing airstrikes on Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with intensive shelling by the Assad regime forces with rocket-propelled grenades on the villages and towns of southern Idlib countryside - 14 November 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on the southern countryside of Idlib, after Russian fighter jets yesterday executed four airstrikes using high-explosive missiles, targeting the western bushes of Idlib city, a few minutes after targeting the same area with a surface-to-surface missile fired by the Russian base of Hmeimim in Latakia countryside, after Assad regime in the morning renewed rocket attacks on towns and villages in the Idlib countryside - 14 November 2020: 6 people killed in attack on positions of Iranian forces and allied militias on the outskirts of Albu Kamal, as it is not known to date whether the attack was caused by Israeli airstrikes or surface-to-surface missiles fired by the International Coalition bases - 14 November 2020: Landmine explosion leaves four casualties in western Aleppo - 14 November 2020: SOHR has documented the death of a resident, who was working as a civil servant in the local council, from the city of al-Rastan in the northern countryside of Homs, under torture inside the regime security prisons after the arrest of nearly two years, while his body was handed over to his relatives on Friday - 15 November 2020: Assad regime forces attacks towns and villages in rural Idlib, renewed rocket attacks on positions in Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid, Al-Faterah, Kansafrah, Kaddourah, the surrounding areas of Saan, Al-Ruwayha and Bayanin in the eastern and southern countryside of Idlib, as HTS attacks regime positions in western Aleppo - 16 November 2020: Rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on the towns of Al-Ziyara and Qastoun, west of Hama, and other areas in Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib - 16 November 2020: SOHR reported that an IED exploded in a car in the village of Al-Hamama in the western Idlib countryside, injuring a man and his two children - 17 November 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on southern Idlib, targeting positions in Al-Fterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Hallouba, and the surrounding areas of Kafr Oweid
18 November 2020 IDF airstrikes against Iranian Quds Force in Syria: 18 November 2020: IDF launches airstrikes against Iranian Quds Force in Syria and Assad's military near Damascus in response to explosives troops uncovered on Israel’s border with Syria planted 'by a Syrian cell that acted under Iranian direction', the military said as Syrian state media reported 3 soldiers killed, and after IDF has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria - since the start of Assad's war in 2011 - against moves by Iran to establish a permanent military presence in the country and efforts to transport advanced, game-changing weapons to terrorist groups in the region, principally Hezbollah
18 November 2020: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib - 18 November 2020: Landmine explosion kills child in Manbij - 19 November 2020: Covid-19 Hospital in Hassakeh in eastern Syria appealed to secure volunteers to help the medical staff deal with the coronavirus pandemic, especially in light of the rapid spread of the disease and the recording of a large number of infections, and after Russian and Assad regime forces since 2015 have conducted a campaign focused on the destruction of hospitals and medical facilities within areas not under the control of Assad's, Russian and Iranian regime forces - 20 November 2020: SOHR monitored reconnaissance drones flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as Assad regime forces renew their shelling on Friday, targeting positions in Bayanin, Kansafra, Al-Fterah, Kafr Oweid and Sfuhen in southern Idlib - 21 November 2020: Assad regime renewed rocket attacks on towns and villages, targeting positions in Sfuhen, Kafr Oweid and Al-Bara in jabal Al-Zawiyah, as reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area - 21 November 2020: Assad forces hand over body of young man from Daraa countryside who died under torture in regime prisons - 22 November 2020: Assad regime forces renew shelling southern Idlib countryside, targeting five towns and villages - 23 October 2020: SOHR has documented the death of a civilian as a result of a rocket attack by
Assad regime forces on the town of Al-Bara in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces continue their rocket attacks on Idlib countryside since the morning, targeting with more than 110 rocket-propelled grenades and artillery areas in Al-Bara, Deir Sunbul, Kansafra, Flifel and Al-Fatira in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside
- 24 November 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on the 'de-escalation zone' on Tuesday, targeting positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Bayanen and Deir Sonbol in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 November 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on Idlib countryside targeting with artillery areas in the towns and villages of Safohin, Al-Fatira, Kafr Aweid and Benin in southern Idlib countryside, as reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area - 26 November 2020: Assad regime rocket attacks targeting towns and villages in southern Idlib countryside - 26 November 2020: Putin's Russian fighter jets have executed several airstrikes targeting the hills of Kabani in Jabal Al-Akrad in the north-eastern countryside of Latakia, as Assad regime forces fired rockets and Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the western countryside of Idlib and the Syrian coastline - 27 November 2020: Amid economic hardship, Syrian women have resorted to selling their hair, so that they are able to provide for their families, news website reports - 28 November 2020: Assad regime forces continue to violate the ceasefire in the 'de-escalation zone', targeting areas in Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Benin, Ruwayha and more in Idlib and north-western Hama countrysides, while reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the northern Idlib countryside - 29 November 2020: Russian fighter jets attacked Mashoun village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, as airstrikes coincided with flights of Russian reconnaissance drones over Jabal Al-Zawiyah and the western countryside of Idlib, and as Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks targeting areas in southern Idlib and western Hama - 30 November 2020: Assad regime forces target seven towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl al-Ghab - 30 November 2020: SOHR documented more than 164,400 raids at least by the jets and helicopter of Assad’s regime between November 2014 and November 2020, that killed nearly 14,000 civilians, including more than 5,300 children and women, as helicopters bombed Syrian territories with more than 78,505 barrel-bombs, while fighter jets carried out 85,895 raids at least, as over 91,000 other civilians were injured, thousands of whom lost limbs and sustained permanent disabilities - 1 December 2020: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks on positions in Kansafra, Al-Halloubah, Al-Faterah, Fulayfel, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces and opposition factions trade fire on frontlines of Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 2 December 2020: SOHR monitored new round of Assad regime bombardment on the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces fired several rockets on positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, Bayanin and the surrounding areas of Al-Bara in jabal Al-Zawiyah - 3 December 2020: SOHR monitored renewed rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on southern Idlib targeting positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, the surrounding areas of Deir Sonbol, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 December 2020: Assad regime forces shell towns and villages in southern Idlib and in north-western Hama - 4 December 2020: Assad forces renew shelling villages in Idlib and Hama countryside - 5 December 2020: Assad regime forces started a new round of ground bombardment on Saturday, targeting positions in Kansafra, Al-Bara, Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 5 December 2020: Assad regime forces reportedly brought in large military reinforcement to positions in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 6 December 2020: Assad regime forces shelled places in Safohen, Kansafra, Kafr Aweid, Al-Halouba, Benin and Fulaifel in the same countryside, and other places in Al-Ankawi in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama. - 6 December 2020: Turkey's forces send in new reinforcement to their posts in 'de-escalation zone' - 6 December 2020: Bombings, minefield kill 29 people in pro-Turkey north Syria - 6 December 2020: Assad regime forces shell Idlib and Latakia countryside - 7 December 2020: Assad regime forces shell positions in Idlib, Hama and Latakia - 8 December 2020: Assad regime forces renew bombardment on towns and villages of southern Idlib countryside - 8 December 2020: Arrested two years ago Assad's army defector dies under torture in regime security prisons - 9 December 2020: Assad regime rocket fire pounds towns in southern Idlib, as opposition factions shell regime positions in Sahl Al-Ghab - 9 December 2020: Displaced man from Damascus found dead in Aleppo countryside, after kidnapping of two persons by unknown gunmen - 9 December 2020: SOHR activists documented the death of an SDF fighter and injury of another, as unknown gunmen opened fire on them in Theban in Deir Ezzor - 10 December 2020: SOHR monitored a new round of ground bombardment on frontlines in the 'de-escalation zone', as Assad regime forces targeted al-Fatira, Safohin, Al-Halloubi, Flaifel and Benin south of Idlib with rocket-propelled grenades, while reconnaissance drones were seen flying over Idlib - 11 December 2020: SOHR monitored Assad regime's rocket attacks targeting areas in Al-Fatira, Binin, Safohin and Fleifel in southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl al-Ghab northwest of Hama - 12 December 2020: SOHR monitored Russian jets executing airstrikes on Kabana frontlines in northern countryside of Latakia province, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the area of Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib - 12 December 2020: 4 years after poison gas massacre in Aqirbat which killed 53 people, including 16 children and 12 women, Assad regime forces and Iranian-backed militias wreak havoc and destruction in eastern Hama as well as forcing the remaining people to flee, as SOHR has documented several massacres against them and the theft of their livestock - 12 December 2020: Militias loyal to Lebanese Hezbollah and Iran reinforce their presence along eastern line of international road M5 in Idlib province, bringing in new military reinforcement - 13 December 2020: After shelling by Assad regime forces on positions of the factions, along with exchange of fire and attacks, clashes renew between regime forces and opposition in eastern Idlib, which left casualties on both sides - 14 December 2020: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade rocket fire on frontlines of southern Idlib - 15 December 2020: Assad regime forces renew their ground bombardment on areas in the Idlib countryside, targeting with rocket-propelled grenades al-Fatira, Kansafra, Safohin, Benin, Ruwayha, Madlia, Kadoura and other areas in eastern and southern Idlib provinces - 16 December 2020: Assad regime forces fired shells on Idlib and Hama countryside targeting positions in Al-Bara town, Sfuhen, Al-Fatera, and Fulayfel villages in southern Idlib - 16 December 2020: SOHR reports that Assad regime arrested a doctor in Kafr Batna town, after storming his clinic, where they took the doctor to a regime prison in Damascus, after the doctor was arrested previously by regime forces capturing eastern Ghouta in March 2018 - 16 December 2020: Heavy rain causes damage to over 20 refugee camps in NW Syria - 17 December 2020: SOHR reports intensive rocket fire by Assad regime forces on several frontlines in the western countryside of Aleppo, along with the flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over the region - 17 December 2020: Russian-backed militia deploys troops on Syria-Iraq border near Al-Bokamal city for the first time, after Russian-Iranian consent started to be obvious nearly a week ago when Russian forces opened headquarters in Al-Bokamal city centre - 18 December 2020: Tense calm interrupted by several rockets fired by Assad regime forces, targeting frontlines of Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 18 December 2020: Iranian militias appoint new chief of the 'Iranian Cultural Centre' in Al-Mayadeen - 19 December 2020: Assad regime forces start a new round of rocket attacks on positions in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 20 December 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on 'de-escalation zone' targeting areas in the southern countryside of Idlib - 20 December 2020: SOHR monitored the death of a member of opposition factions and injury of two others, as a Russian jet fired missiles on Kabani frontlines in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Latakia - 21 December 2020: Assad regime's FM reportedly delivered two messages to Russia, stating that a conclusion to the situation in Idleb was desired and that Assad was here to stay, writes Alsouria Net - 21 December 2020: Economic data indicate that the Syrian pound continues to fall further, as 2021 might see a further collapse for the pound, registering unprecedented lows, Baladi news writes - 22 December 2020: After ground shelling on Latakia, Hama and Idlib, tense calm prevails in so-called 'de-escalation zone', due to the bad weather in the area, after yesterday Assad regime forces shelled Kabani frontlines in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, Hama and Idlib - 22 December 2020: Assad regime forces target civilian vehicle with guided missile in Sahl Al-Ghab - 22 December 2020: Body of child displaced from Sahl Al-Ghab found near camp north-west Idlib - 22 December 2020: Amid conscription regime forces arrest nearly 15 youths on Khirbet Ghazala-Daraa road - 23 December 2020: As Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Ankawy in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, regime forces and opposition factions trade heavy machinegun fire on south Idlib frontlines - 23 December 2020: Russian forces close eastern section of M4 for commercial and civil movement, until Turkish military escalation on the region suspends - 24 December 2020: Russian jets target Kabana hills with vacuum missiles in northern countryside of Latakia province - 24 December 2020: Assad regime forces target civilian car with a guided missile, injuring two people and killing 15 sheep near Ghaniya village in western Idlib countryside - 24 December 2020: SOHR camera captures the dire humanitarian conditions in makeshift camps housing displaced people on the outskirts of Sarmada, north of Idlib - 24 December 2020: Russian forces set up new base south of Ain Issa, as shelling and clashes resume in eastern frontlines of Ain Issa in northern Raqqa - 25 December 2020: Assad regime forces have renewed their ground bombardment on areas in Jabal al-Zawiya, Sahl Al-Ghab and latakia mountains, while the factions renewed their shelling on regime forces’ positions in southern Idlib countryside - 26 December 2020: Four civilians killed in guided missile attack by Assad regime forces on agricultural tractor in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama, while regime forces shelled places in Jabal Al-Turkman in northern countryside of Latakia, and al-Ziyarat and Qastoun in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside - 27 December 2020: SOHR monitored intensive rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on Al-Fterah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as more than 45 rockets and artillery shells have hit the village, as regime forces also shelled positions in Al-Ziyyarah and Al-Qarqour in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, Sfuhen, Kansafrah, Bayanin and Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces also attacked positions on the outskirts of Afes village in eastern Idlib with heavy machineguns - 27 December 2020: Russian forces tour Al-Qamishli city, as tension growing between Asayish and regime forces - 28 December 2020: SOHR has monitored Russian jets executing airstrikes on Kabana frontlines in Jabal al-Akrad in Latakia province, coinciding with the flight of four Russian fighter jets over the area of 'Putin-Erdogan', as SOHR also monitored Assad regime forces shelling of areas in southern and eastern Idlib countryside, as Russian reconnaissance drones fly over the region - 29 December 2020: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on towns and villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as SOHR monitored reconnaissance drones flying in the southern countryside of Idlib, along with renewed rocket fire by regime forces on Kansafrah, Al-Faterah and other towns and villages - 30 December 2020: SOHR monitored renewed rocket fire by Assad regime forces targeting positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, Al-Halloubah and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 30 December 2020: In 2020, SOHR activists documented the death of 1,236 people in more than 8,000 aerial and rocket strikes by Russian regime forces in different positions across Syria, as fatalities include 235 civilians, including 58 children and 41 women - 31 December 2020: SOHR reported artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Al-Zaqoum and Qulaydin villages in north Hama countryside, while opposition factions shelled regime positions in the same area, as SOHR activists have monitored frequent flights by reconnaissance drones over Idlib countryside and Jabal Al-Zawiyah, along with the flight of a Russian fighter jet over the area - 31 December 2020: SOHR says 'Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps IRGC' has started a military and ideological course in Al-Mayadeen city in Deir Ezzor countryside, saying that nearly 100 people from Al-Mayadeen and surrounding towns and villages have already joined the course - 1 January 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces in the early hours of Friday morning, targeting positions in Al-Ziyyarah and Al-Sarmaniyah in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western countryside of Hama, and Al-Faterah, Kansafrah and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 2 January 2021: SOHR monitored Assad regime rocket attacks on Saturday, targeting positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafra, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Bayanin, Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Qulaydin, Al-Ziyyarah in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 2 January 2021: SOHR documented the death of 395 people in December 2020. as the civilian death toll includes 95 persons, 23 children under the age of 18, and 5 women over the age of 18, and as 7 civilians died under torture in regime prisons - 2 January 2020: Child and woman among five people killed in Ras Al-Ain city - 3 January 2021: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks targeting towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl al-Ghab - 4 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled places in Kansafra, Al-Fatira and Benin, south of Idlib, while Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over Idlib and Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Latakia countryside - 4 January 2021: Syrian detainees' families forced to pay huge bribes to corrupt officials, report says arrest and extortion of Syrian population is major source of funding for Assad regime - 6 January 2021: SOHR reports renewed rocket attacks by Assad regime forces, targeting positions in Majdalaya, Al-Faterah, Al-barah, Kansafrah, the surrounding areas of Kafr Oweid in the southern countryside of Idlib, Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, as reconnaissance drones are seen flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 7 January 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling areas in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl al-Ghab - 8 January 2021: SOHR monitored a tense calm prevailing in the area of 'Putin-Erdogan' since Friday morning, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over Jabal al-Zawiya and areas of the southern countryside of Idlib - 8 January 2021: Palestinian in Syria have suffered for intense hardships over 2020, including a fall in general living standards writes Zaman Al-Wasl - 8 January 2021: Media activist Bahaa al-Halabi has been shot twice by unknown gunman in al-Bab, just weeks after another media activists was assassinated, writes Alsouria Net - 9 January 2021: SOHR monitored this morning Russian jets flying Jabal al-Akrad in northern countryside of Latakia, executing airstrikes on Kabana frontlines, for first time in 2021, also monitoring rocket attack by Assad regime forces on Idlib countryside, also targeting five towns in southern Idlib - 10 January 2021: SOHR documented renewed bombardment on the 'de-escalation zone' in Idlib and Hama countryside, as Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen, Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 11 January 2021: Assad regime forces sneak to positions of 'Jaysh Al-Nasr' in Sahl Al-Ghab, killing more than ten - 11 January 2021: Assad regime rocket fire pounds positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 12 December 2021: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Fatira, Safohin and Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside, and targeted with shells and heavy machine guns places in Al-Ankawi, Al-Umqiyah and Qulaydin in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 13 January 2021: Assad regime forces renewed rocket attacks, targeting positions in Kansafra, Sfuhen, Al-Fatera, Fulaifel and Majdaliyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, also shelling with heavy artillery positions of opposition factions on the frontlines of Kadourah village in eastern Idlib - 14 January 2021: Assad regime rocket fire on positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Kansafrah in jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 14 January 2021: Assad regime-backed '4th Division' opened machinegun fire on a house in Zayzoun village in the western countryside of Daraa, killing a civilian - 15 January 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in Kansafra town in Idlib countryside - 15 January 2021: Clashes and exchange of bombardment between Assad regime forces and rebels on Sahl Al-Ghab frontlines leave casualties - 16 January 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in six towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 17 January 2021: Assad regime forces violated the tense calm firing several shells during the last hours, targeting Al-Fatira and Kansafra in Jabal Zawiya, south of Idlib - 18 January 2021: Assad regime forces have launched a security campaign in Ruwayhina village in the middle countryside of Al-Quneitra near the Golan, where they stormed several civilian houses, searching for suspects and young people who passed their date of joining the mandatory service in regime’s military - 18 January 2021: Nearly 1,000 tents and over 150 camps damaged in 72 hours amid floods in NW Syria - 18 January 2021: Iranian-backed militias and Hezbollah in Saraqeb have brought in heavy weapons to the area - 19 January 2021: SOHR monitored the death of a displaced child from Al-Taman’a in the southern countryside of Idlib, as a wall collapsed and fell on him while sleeping in his tent, as the collapse of the wall is due to the heavy rain in the area - 19 January 2021: The number of camps affected by the heavy rain in Idleb Governorate has increased to 145, as many roads leading to the camps in the northern countryside were cut off over the past day - 20 January 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on 'de-escalation zone' - 20 January 2021: Kurdish-controlled towns and villages in northern Aleppo come under artillery fire - 21 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled places on the outskirts of Kafr Aweed, Fleifel and and Benin, as regime forces and rebels exchange fire in southern Idlib - 22 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled Majdaliyah village in eastern Idlib, as regime forces and opposition factions trade rocket fire on frontlines of southern Idlib - 23 January 2021: SOHR monitored renewed shelling on places in the 'de-escalation zone, where Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Bara and the perimeter of Kansafra, Al-Fatira, Benin and Fififel in southern countryside of Idlib - 24 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, Kansafrah, Fulaifel, the surrounding areas of Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, and the surrounding areas of Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 24 January 2021: Civilian and two National Front members killed in ground shelling on rural Latakia and western Idlib - 25 January 2021: SOHR monitored rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Monday, targeting positions in Sfuhen, Kansafra, Al-Faterah, Bayanin and Fulayfil in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 January 2021: Winter storm has turned camps into lakes in some 87 sites for displaced people in northern Idlib and western Aleppo, as over 22,000 displaced people have lost their temporary homes amid heavy rains, flooding, and destruction, as one child has died and three other people were injured - 26 January 2021: Assad regime forces fired several rockets and artillery shells on Tuesday, targeting positions in Kansafra, Al-Faterah, Sfuhen and Fulayfil in the southern countryside of Idlib - 27 January 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 27 January 2021: SOHR documented the injury of two civilians, after Assad regime forces fired a guided missile on their car in Tadil village in the western countryside of Aleppo - 27 January 2021: Lebanese Hezbollah starts admitting new recruits in Deir Ezzor, exploiting dire living conditions - 28 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled with heavy artillery the villages of Majdaliya and San in eastern Idlib countryside - 28 January 2021: Syrian opposition prepared constitution’s main principles, surprising the delegation of the Assad regime by presenting the draft constitution in Geneva to put the war-weary country on track to a political process - 29 January 2021: SOHR reported renewed rocket fire by Assad regime forces on the southern countryside of Idlib, targeting Kansafra Sfuhen, Al-Faterah, Al-Ruwayha, Bayanin and Fulayfil, as regime forces also targeted positions in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama with heavy machineguns - 29 January 2021: Iranian surface-to-surface missiles arrive in positions of Iraqi Hezbollah in western Deir Ezzor - 30 January 2021: Assad regime forces start new round of rocket attacks on positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 31 January 2021: Assad regime forces shelled places in Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Safohin, Fleifel, Benin and Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib - 1 February 2021: Renewed rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on Safohin, Kansafra, Flifel, Al-Fatira, Benin, Al-Ruweiha and Kaddoura in southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 1 February 2021: 547 people killed across Syria in January 2021, according to SOHR - 1 February 2021: Rocket attacks by Turkish forces and their proxy factions stationed in al-Sukkaria area in eastern Aleppo countryside, targeting the village of Al-Houta, which is controlled by Kurdish front forces - 2 February 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed three airstrikes at least, this afternoon, on the north-western countryside of Idlib, targeting the north-west of Harbanoush village and the surrounding areas of Qurqania village - 2 February 2021: Two children injured in Assad regime attack on civilian car in Jisr Al-Shughur, as Russian airstrikes on Idlib injure several Syrians - 3 February 2021: Russian jets executed several airstrikes using high-explosive missiles on several positions nearby Armanaz town in the western countryside of Idlib - 3 February 2021: Assad regime forces target civilian car with guided missile, killing child and injuring civilians in Sahl Al-Ghab in Hama countryside, as SOHR monitored rocket attacks by regime forces on areas in the Idlib countryside and on Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside - 4 February 2021: Assad regime forces intensified their ground shelling on Jabal al-Zawiya in southern countryside of Idlib, specifically on the town of Al-Fatira, targeting the town with more than 65 rocket and artillery shells within minutes - 4 February 2021: SOHR reports that the cities and towns of eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside, 'theatre' of Assad's attacks using chemical weapons, witnessed large-scale arrests of young people for their compulsory and reserve military service since regime forces took control of the area - 4 February 2021: SOHR captures Russian military reinforcement heading to Ain Issa base and Turkish bombardment on the perimeter of Ain Issa area - 5 February 2021: Assad regime has stopped providing bread bakeries in neighbourhoods under the control of the Autonomous Administration in Al-Hasakah and Al-Qamishli cities with flour in the wake of the recent developments and growing tension between both sides - 5 February 2021: Landmine explosion kills young man in Jisr Al-Shughour countryside in western Idlib - 5 January 2021: Residents lift placards with anti-regime slogans written on them in 17 villages and towns throughout Daraa province, demanding the release of detainees and toppling of the regime - 6 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling 'de-escalation zone', targeting 13 towns and villages in rural Idlib and Hama amid frequent flights of Russian aircraft over Idlib province - 7 February 2021: Assad regime forces and loyal militias unleashed an attack on Sunday on positions of the Turkistanis on Al-Haloubi and Al-Ankawi frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, as nearly ten combatants were killed - 8 February 2021: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on the 'de-escalation zone' targeting positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen, Fulayfil in the southern countryside of Idlib, and more in Qulaydin in Sahl Al-Ghab in western Hama, as reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the region - 9 February 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfil, and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as activists reported clashes with heavy and medium weapons between regime forces and factions on several frontlines in the eastern countryside of Idlib - 10 February 2021: SOHR documented the death of a woman affected by the injury she had last night in Assad regime rocket attacks on Al-Bara town in the southern Idlib provine, as Assad regime forces shelled on Wednesday positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Kansafra, Fulayfel, Al-Ruwayha and Bayanin in southern Idlib and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 11 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attack on Jabal Al-Zawiya - 11 February 2021: Several people, including women, injured in artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on town in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idlib - 12 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Idlib and Hama countryside facing defense - 13 February 2021: Assad regime forces shelled position sin Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab, as clashes reported between opposition factions and regime forces on Majarez frontline in Idlib province as a part of Assad's attempt to advance into the region - 14 February 2021: Assad regime forces start new round of ground bombardments on towns and villages in Idlib and Hama countryside, as drones fly over the area - 15 February 2021: As Assad regime shelled places in Al-Fatira, al-Bara and Flifel in Idlib province and launched rocket attack on rural Idlib, Russian reconnaissance drones fly over Jabal al-Zawiya, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal al-Akrad - 15 February 2021: Arrested after returning from Lebanon to Syria, young man from Deir ez-Zor dies under torture in Assad regime's prisons - 15 February 2021: Arrested after returning from Lebanon to Syria, young man from Deir ez-Zor dies under torture in Assad regime's prisons - 17 February 2021: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Safohin, Fleifel, Ruwayha and Benin in southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 18 February 2021: Assad regime forces shell nine areas in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab, as Russian reconnaissance drones fly over the area - 18 February 2021: Locals in Jabal Al-Arab draw anti-regime graffiti on al-Sweida’s walls, saying 'Bashar, we don’t want you' - 19 February 2021: SOHR reported Russian jets flying over 'de-escalation zone', as Russian reconnaissance drones were also seen flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, after regime forces attacked mechanised digger of the factions, killing the driver, and renewed shelling positions in southern Idlib - 20 February 2021: Assad regime aircraft halt aerial operations in 'de-escalation zone', and continue their airstrikes on Syrian desert - 21 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on southern Idlib, while reconnaissance drones fly over the area - 21 February 2021: Teachers in Deir Ezzor start strike, expressing rejection of 'mandatory conscription' decision and low salaries - 22 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as rebels target regime forces’ positions in Idlib countryside - 22 February 2021: SOHR sources have documented the death of a child due to the explosion of an unexploded rocket in Al-Baghouz town - 22 February 2021: SOHR reports that the Iranian-backed Afghani militia of 'Liwa Fatemiyoun' brought in a new weapons shipment, this dawn, to its positions in west Euphrates region - 23 February 2021: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Fatira, Safohin, Benin, Ruwayha and the outskirts of al-Bara and Flifel, south of Idlib city, as regime forces and rebels exchange shelling on frontlines in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab - 23 February 2021: Russians still search for the remains of Israeli soldiers and agent Eli Cohen in southern Damascus, and Syrian regime turns a blind eye - 24 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in southern Idlib, while Russian reconnaissance drones fly over Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 24 February 2021 many Russian helicopters fly over Assad regime-controlled areas in Al-Qamishly - 25 February 2021: SOHR monitored graffiti on walls in Al-Harrak city in Daraa countryside written against the Syrian Assad regime over its dominance on the residents - 25 February 2021: As Turkish lira plummets, fuel companies in Idlib raises prices - 25 February 2021: In Assad’s Syria, bread become a expensive, as the cost of basic essentials including bread is too high for many Syrians, writes Baladi News - 25 February 2021: At least three civilians were injured in a car bomb attack in northwestern Syria on Wednesday, according to local sources - 26 February 2021: Weapons shipment affiliated to Iranian-backed Iraqi militias attacked in airstrikes by USA fighter jets, targeting the deliveries crossing into Syria from Iraq near Al-Qa’em in Al-Bokamal, as SOHR asks 'Dare Iran use the recently-arrived weapons against US positions and bases in NE Syria?'
26 February 2021: 26 February 2021: SOHR reported Assad regime rocket attacks on Friday morning on positions in Al-Faterah, Kansafrah, Sfuhen, the outskirts of Al-Bara, Fulaifel, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 February 2021: Russian jets strike Kabana area in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 27 February 2021: Russian reconnaissance drones fly over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Idlib and Hama - 28 February 2021: Assad regime forces renew their bombardment on 'e-escalation zone', targeting ten towns in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab, while Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over areas in Idlib and Hama - 1 March 2021: Russian regime's helicopter forced to land in Syria’s Hassakeh due to technical reasons - 2 March 2021: UN says fate of tens of thousands of Syrian detainees is ‘National Trauma’ - 3 March 2021: Assad regime forces shell areas in Jabal al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab, and factions respond targeting positions south and south-east of Idlib - 5 March 2021: Three civilians, including a child, killed in Assad regime rocket attack on 'Jabal al-Arbaeen' area in Idlib countryside, according to SOHR - 5 March 2021: A legal amendment in Syria has been greeted with anger and dismay by people displaced by Assad's war who are now at risk of losing homes and property they left behind unless they pay exorbitant fines to the administration in Damascus, according to 'The Guardian' - 6 March 2021: After attacks with surface-to-surface missiles fired by Russian warships and Assad regime forces stationed in military barracks in Aleppo on an oil market and oil refineries in Tarhin and Al-Hamaran in areas under the control of Turkish forces and their proxy factions, nearly 30 people killed and wounded, while fire brigades still extinguishing blazes - 6 March 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling areas in Idlib and Hama and rocket attacks targeting positions in Kansafrah, Al-Faterah, the surrounding areas of Al-Bara, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in southern Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 6 March 2021: SOHR documented the death of a displaced Syrian woman in the Al-Hawl camp in Al-Hasakah countryside, after being shot by unknown gunmen believed to be of ISIS cells - 7 March 2021: A reported missile strike on an oil-loading facility used by Turkey-backed opposition forces in northern Syria sparked a massive blaze across a large area where oil tankers are normally parked, as satellite images by Planet Labs Inc. analyzed by AP on Sunday also showed the aftermath of a large fire that tore through an area near Jarablus between Friday and Saturday morning - 8 March 2021: Assad regime forces renewed bombardment on positions in Kansafrah, Bayanin, Al-Faterah, Fulayfil and the outskirts of Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib, as opposition factions shell regime positions in Idlib - 9 March 2021: Russia sent its latest attack drone Altius to fight in Syria - 10 March 2021: SOHR reported rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on Wednesday, which targeted positions in Al-Haloubah, Al-Faterah, the outskirts of Al-Bara, Sfuhen, Kansafrah, Fulayfel, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib, also shelling villages of Jabal Al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab, as rebels target regime forces - 11 March 2021: SOHR monitored renewed ground bombardment in the area of 'Putin-Erdogan', where Assad regime forces targeted places in Al-Fatirah, Kansafra, the outskirts of al-Bara, Safohin, Benin and Fleifel in the southern countryside of Idlib, being daily targeted by regime forces - 12 March 2021: Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Friday, targeting positions in Sfuhen, Al-Faterah, Kansafra, the surrounding areas of Al-Bara, Al-Ruwayha, Bayanin, Fulayfel in the southern countryside of Idlib, and other areas in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 13 March 2021: Assad regime forces shell Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while clashes renew on Sahl Al-Ghab frontlines - 13 March 2021: Woman injured in Assad regime bombardment near Latakia frontlines, while intensive bombardment hits Sahl Al-Ghabe, and as regime forces also shelled Al-Ziyyarah town and the villages of Al-Amashyak, Kherbet Al-Naqous, Tel Waset and Shaghourit in Sahl Al-Ghab in the western countryside of Hama - 13 March 2021: Russian military police tour streets and neighbourhoods of Daraa Al-Balad - 13 March 2021: Two children die in Al-Raqqah, while a man and his son injured in Deir Ezzor - 13 March 2021: Iranian-backed militias violence as commander seizes civilians’ properties in Al-Mayadeen city by force - 13 March 2021: SOHR reviews 10 years of war in Syria - 15 March 2021: According to SOHR sources, Assad regime services arrested three people and killed three others in western Ghouta, as regime checkpoints put on high alert in Damascus and countryside - 15 March 2021: Syrian journalist Muhammed Subat who was eventually forced to flee – after spending nearly eight years dodging state police, bombs and bullets - has found refuge in Madrid, but he told Euronews that instead of being able to live the more tranquil life he was hoping for, he cannot escape the memories of what happened to him and his country - 16 March 2021: SOHR s documented the death of a young man, who hails from the town of Da’el in the central Daraa countryside, under Assad regime's torture inside the 'Palestine Branch' in Damascus after being arrested nearly two and a half years ago - 18 March 2021: Chairman of the anti-regime National Coordination Body, Hassan Abdul Azim, has called for a boycott of the elections that the regime intends to hold mid-this year, saying 'these elections are only for show' - 18 March 2021: Assad regime forces fired several rockets and artillery shells on positions in Al-Bara, Kansafra, the outskirts of Sfuhen, Al-Fterah, Bayanin and Fulayfil in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 19 March 2021: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade fire on Sahl Al-Ghab frontlines - 19 March 2021: Iranian-backed militias store weapons in residential neighbourhoods and archaeological sites - 19 March 2021: Demonstrations go out across Syria, affirming continuity of revolution and calling for toppling of the Syrian Assad regime, as demonstrators in northern Deir Ezzor affirm the continuity of the 'Syrian Revolution' - 20 March 2021: Ten years on Bashir Abazayd, 2011 arrested and accused of scrawling anti-regime graffiti on the walls of his school in Daraa, asks 'who would have believed that the regime would kill its own people with chemicals and warplanes', also saying in the past decade he has lost his brother to an airstrike, his father to a broken heart 10 days later and his mother and other siblings to Jordan - 21 March 2021: Many people killed and wounded in Assad regime rocket attack on Al-Atareb hospital in the western countryside of Aleppo, as victims include a child and a medic in the hospital, as the death toll is expected to rise further, and as the bombardment left civilians and medics injured, some seriously, after yesterday SOHR sources reported two Russian airstrikes on the bushes of Bayanin village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, also on Bakfala village in the northern countryside of Jisr Al-Shughur with vacuum missiles - 22 March 2021: Drone strikes hit oil wells under the control of Iranian-backed militias in Al-Bokamal desert - 22 March 2021: SOHR camera captures plums of smoke due to rocket attacks on the surrounding areas of oil refineries in Sarmada city in northern Idlib, as rockets hit surrounding areas of oil refineries of 'Watad' near Syria border with Iskenderun region - 23 March 2021: Assad regime forces and rebels trade rocket fire on frontlines of Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 24 March 2021: Assad regime forces renewed rocket fire as several rockets hit positions in Sfuhen, Al-Bara, Kansafrah, Fulayfel, Bayanin, Al-Ruwayha in the southern countryside of Idlib, and the surrounding areas of Qulaydeen and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 25 March 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Fleifel, Benin, al-Bara and Kansafra, south of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama, as regime forces and rebels exchange fire south of Idlib - 26 March 2021: Assad regime forces targeted positions in Kafr Ammah in the western countryside of Aleppo, amid bombardment on positions nearby Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, as regime forces and rebels trade fire in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 26 March 2021: SOHR reports that Iranian-backed militias, including Liwa Fatemiyoun, continue strengthening their presence in the region through ongoing 'Shi’aism' proselytising operations (conversion to Shiite) by offering financial incentives amid dire living situation throughout Syria, lack of job opportunities and astronomically inflated prices, and amid Russian and regime forces establishment a joint military post on the western bank of the Euphrates region - 27 March 2021: Assad regime intelligence services stormed today the site of the conference staged by the opposition 'National Democratic Front', which has been cancelled after regime security services cordoned of the conference venue, preventing the opposition commanders and conferees from entry - 27 March 2021: According to Russian news agency Aviapro, four Russian warships have headed for the eastern Mediterranean in the direction of Syria, as currently several submarines of the Russian Navy armed with Caliber cruise missiles locate there - 28 March 2021: Assad regime forces start new round of ground bombardment on Idlib countryside, as SOHR monitored rocket attacks by regime forces on frontlines north-west of Hama and in southern countryside of Idlib - 29 March 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks, targeting eight towns and villages south of Idlib - 30 March 2021: Russian regime continues to compete with Iranian Mullah regime for influence in eastern Syria - 31 March 2021: Assad regime forces shelled areas near Majdalia, south-east of Idlib, and other areas in Al-Fatira, Safohin, the outskirts of Kansafra and al-Bara in Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern Idlib countryside, as factions shell regime forces’ positions with Grad missiles - 31 March 2021: New graffiti on al-Sweida’a walls condemning Hezbollah and Assad regime, as narcotics selling and trafficking spread in the city - 1 April 2021: Assad regime forces have targeted, with heavy machine guns, places near Qulaydin and al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab north-west of Hama, while Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area, and as regime forces and factions exchange rocket fire on Jabal al-Zawiya frontlines - 2 April 2021: Leading human rights organisations in Russia have released their first comprehensive report on abuses in the decade-old conflict in Syria, condemning Putin regime’s direct participation in indiscriminate bombings of civilians, its backing of the Assad regime’s use of torture, and culpability in other war crimes - 3 April 2021: Seven people killed in fierce clashes between two families in regime-held areas in southern al-Qamishli countryside, as according to SOHR sources the armed fight left four members of the first family dead, while three people were killed of the other family members, including two women, amid growing tension in the area - 4 April 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in the surrounding areas of Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama in the early hours of Sunday, as frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over Jabal Al-Akrad in north Latakia countryside since yesterday reported and regime forces and rebels trade fire in southern Idlib - 4 April 2021: After many killed and injured in regime's raid on Um Al-Romman village residents protest in front of 'Al-Muwahhidun Al-Druze House' in Al-Suwaidaa city - 5 April 2021: Iranian military and supported militias bring in new missile shipment from Iraq to their positions in Deir Ezzor and Al-Raqqah - 6 April 2021: SOHR reported Assad regime rocket attacks on positions in Kansafrah, Al-Faterah, Fulayfel, Sfuhen, Bayanin and the surrounding areas of Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib - 7 April 2021: SOHR sources from the city of Al-Mayadeen, the capital of Iranians and allied militias west of the Euphrates, say that these militias organised Persian language course to teach the recruits of pro-Iranian militias of Syrian nationalities, coming as part of the Iranian expansion into Syrian territory, and Iran’s attempt to transmit its culture to areas under its control. - 8 April 2021: SOHR reported intensive rocket attacks in the early hours of Thursday morning by Assad regime forces, which targeted positions in Al-Faterah, Al-Bara, Sfuhen. Kansafra, Fulayfel and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces and rebels trade fire in Sahl Al-Ghab, and regime forces step up their bombardment on Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 9 April 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and outskirts of Areha - 10 April 2021: Assad regime forces target positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah with shells and machineguns in the southern countryside of Idlib, also targeting positions in the north-western countryside of Hama with machineguns - 10 April 2021: Assad regime continues misinformation and keeping the real number of deaths and infection cases of covid-19 pandemic secret, as regime authorities announce about only tens of infections and deaths daily - 11 April 2021: Assad regime forces targeted al-Fatira, Al-Bara and Fleifel, south of Idlib, and the north-west of Hama, as regime forces and rebels exchange fire on frontlines of Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 12 April 2021: Assad regime forces target towns and villages south of Idlib, as SOHR reported that regime forces renewed their rocket attacks targeting places in southern Idlib countryside and in the north-western Hama countryside - 13 April 2021: A new OPCW report said Monday that Assad regime’s air force dropped a chlorine bomb on a residential neighborhood in the city of Raraqeb, in Idleb region in February 2018 - 13 April 2021: Assad regime forces shelled frontline of al-Ankawi and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside, and other frontlines in south Idlib countryside and Jabal al-Zawiya, as unidentified reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' along with the flight of a Russian jet over northern Idlib - 14 April 2021: Assad regime forces targeted with heavy machine guns areas in Qulaydin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, as rebels kill two regime soldiers in northern Latakia countryside, according to SOHR - 14 April 2921: Pro-Iranian militias enter Al-Shahba area, north of Aleppo - 15 April 2021: Russian forces return to Tal Rifaat and Kashtaar bases, under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, after a sudden withdrawal, as SOHR said that a military convoy of pro-Iranian militias headed near Tal Rifaat, carrying heavy and medium weapons and military and logistical equipment - 15 April 2021: SOHR documented the death of two civilians affected by the injuries they sustained in the explosion of an old landmine in Sadd Wadi Abyad area in the eastern countryside of Homs - 16 April 2021: Iranian militia associates continue to buy real estate from residents of eastern Ghouta, writes The Levant News - 17 April 2021: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attack targeting, with rocket-propelled grenades and artillery, Kabana frontlines in Jabal al-Akrad in northern Latakia countryside, Benin, Fleifel and the outskirts of Al-Bara in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside, and frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 18 April 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Faterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib, and the surrounding areas of Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, as factions shell regime positions in northern Latakia - 19 April 2021: SOHR monitored an intensive bombardment in the early morning, with dozens of rockets shells, by Assad regime forces on Al-Faterah, Sfuhen and Kansafra and its surrounding areas in Jabal Al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib, amid an intensive flight of Russian aircraft over - 20 April 2021: Assad regime forces fired over 155 rockets and artillery shells targeting positions in Al-Ziyyarah, Al-Sarmaniyyah, Kherbet Al-Naqous, Al-Qahera, the surrounding areas of Qulaydeen, Al-Ankawi, in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, Bayanin, Sarjeh, Deir Sonbol, Al-Mawzarah, Al-Bara, Kansafrah, Fulayfil, Al-Faterah, Kafr Oweid, Bazabour and the outskirts of Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib, as the intensive bombardment coincided with frequent flights by Russian aircraft over the area - 21 April 2021: Violent explosions in ammunition depots of regime forces in eastern Qalamoun - 21 April 2021: Survivors of chemical weapons attacks in Syria - including those with Sarin gas in Ghouta 2013 and Khan Shaykhun 2017 - have filed a lawsuit in Sweden against the Assad regime using the principle of universal jurisdiction - 22 April 2021: Residents of a town near Daraa rejected a Russian request and refused to march in support of the upcoming 'elections', writes Baladi News - 22 April 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahl al-Ghab - 24 April 2021: Clashes erupt as a part of Assad regime forces’ attempts to advance into areas of the southern countryside of Idlib - 24 April 2021: Three people from eastern Ghouta arrested at checkpoint of 4th Division, while attempting to cross to rebel-held areas - 25 April 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling Idlib countryside, targeting six towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya, as regime forces also targeted with heavy machine guns areas on frontlines in Sahl al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 26 April 2021: Assad regime forces target Sahl Al-Ghab, and opposition factions snipe pro-regime militant south of Idlib - 27 April 2021: SOHR reports that an old landmine exploded on an agricultural land in the town of al-Jabain held by regime forces, in the countryside of Hama, as the explosion led to the death of a civilian while he was tilling the land - 28 April 2021: The Netherlands asks Syrian refugees to help arrest war criminals - 28 April 2021: Rocket fire by Assad regime forces stationed in the western countryside of Aleppo, which targeted frontlines with opposition factions in Maarrat al-Na’saan area in the far northern region of Idlib countryside - 29 April 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces stationed in the western countryside of Aleppo, which targeted frontlines with opposition factions in Maarrat al-Na’saan area in the far northern region of Idlib countryside - 30 April 2021: Assad regime forces renewed ground shelling on the 'de-escalation zone', targeting with rocket-propelled grenades frontlines with rebels in Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern Idlib countryside, and targeted with heavy machine guns frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 1 May 2021: SOHR reports 290 people killed across Syria in April 2021
May 2021: 1 May 2021: Assad regime forces fire several rockets on Um Batna town near the Golan in the middle countryside of al-Quneitra under the pretext that yesterday’s attack on Jaba checkpoint was launched from Um Batna town, while residents flee from the town - 1 May 2021: Assad regime forces surround town in al-Quneitra countryside, amid negotiations between officers and dignitaries - 1 May 2021: In areas controlled by Iranian forces in west Euphrates region, SOHR has learnt that Iranian-backed militias have established rocket launchpads in the past few hours, where the missiles have been oriented to areas under the control of SDF and the International Coalition in eastern Euphrates - 1 May 2021: Russian and Asayish Forces tour Tayy neighbourhood - 1 May 2021: Intensive bombardment paves the way to Turkish-backed factions’ attack on Kurdish positions - 1 May 2021: Turkish-backed military police arrest several civilians in Sheikh Hadid - 1 May 2021: SOHR has learnt that the water pumps in Ma’adan Atiq, Ghanim al-Ali in eastern al-Raqqah, and Dabsi Affan in western al-Raqqah have been put out of service due to the ongoing drop in water level in the Euphrates river in al-Raqqha countryside, which is under control of regime forces, as Turkey continues retaining water running through its dams to Syria - 2 May 2021: Three people killed across Syria yesterday amid clashes and attacks by unidentified gunmen - 3 May 2021: Assad regime forces reportedly fired several rockets targeting positions in Sfuhen and more areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces also attacked, with heavy machineguns, frontlines with opposition factions in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 4 April 2021: Assad regime forces renewed their artillery bombardment on the 'de-escalation zone' targeting positions in Qastoun, Zayzoun and al-Ziyyadiyah in west Hama countryside, and other positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 May 2021: A woman has been killed in regime rocket fire on western countryside, according to SOHR - 5 May 2021: A man and five children were injured, after an IED planted in a car exploded, in al-Mahmoudiya neighbourhood in Afrin city, in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 6 May 2021: Assad regime forces target civil car with guided missile in north-eastern Idlib, killing woman and injuring three - 6 May 2021: Former opposition commander shot dead in western Daraa - 7 May 2021: SOHR reports rocket attacks by Assad regime forces in the early hours of Friday morning, which targeted positions in al-Fterah, Shnan, Sarjeh, Fulayfel and Bayanin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 8 May 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have stepped up their bombardment of the 'de-escalation zone' since morning, as over 130 rockets and artillery shells hit positions on the frontlines of al-Tuffahiyah in the northern countryside of Latakia, al-Fterah, Sfuhen, al-Bara Fulayfel and other positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside - 8 May 2021: Woman and child killed and others injured in attack by Assad regime forces on al-Atareb city in countryside of Aleppo - 9 May 2021: Russians reportedly competing with Iran’s influence in the west of the Euphrates region, which has become more like an Iranian colony, as - despite the Iranian expansion and penetration in a very large way - the Russians are seeking to weaken their influence in Deir Ezzor, using money, not only to attract the young men and men, but also to lure pro-Iranian local soldiers to join the Russians - 10 May 2021: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on towns and villages controlled by rebel factions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and targeted with medium and heavy machineguns the frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 10 May 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian from Um al-Housh village in the northern countryside of Aleppo, after the explosion of an old landmine - 11 May 2021: SOHR reported rocket attack by Assad regime forces, targeting the outskirts of al-Atareb in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Kansafra, Fulayfel and Benin in the southern countryside of Idlib, as furthermore, regime forces opened fire with machineguns on frontlines in Sahl al-Ghab northwest of Hama - 12 May 2021: Following an attack by Assad regime forces on the factions’ positions, activists in the 'de-escalation zone' have reported violent clashes between factions and regime forces and their proxies on the other in southern Idlib - 13 May 2021: Assad regime pressure Eastern Ghouta traders to fund Assad’s election campaign as his military security service involved - 14 May 2021: SOHR reported the displacement of dozens of families from the village of Um Batna in al-Quneitra in response to the threats that have been launched by Assad's military security branch in Saasa, as regime forces have threatened of storming the village if dozens of families refused to leave their houses towards north Syria, coinciding with the regime bringing troops to the vicinity of the village that has witnessed security tensions and mortar fire by regime forces stationed at Tal al-Shaar base - 14 May 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired rockets targeting positions in al-Ankawi village in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama and other positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 15 May 2021: Assad regime forces and rebel factions trade fire in southern Idlib and northern Latakia - 15 May 2021: Unidentified gunmen shoot two former opposition fighters in eastern Daraa, as since the beginning of the security chaos in Daraa in June 2019 SOHR documented more than 1,040 attacks and assassination attempts by gunfire and detonations of IEDs, motorcycle-bombs and car-bombs claiming the lives of 721 persons - 15 May 2021: Assad regime's new military reinforcement arrives in village near Syrian Golan - 16 May 2021: Russian jets execute over ten airstrikes on Latakia and Idlib countryside, as the airstrikes hit positions in Burnas village and surrounding areas in the western countryside of Idlib, and Kabana hills in Jabal al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, and is worth noting that Burnas village hosts a Turkish post, SOHR says - 17 May 2021: Protests in Ras Al-Ain (Sere Kaniye) as residents call for providing basic services, demanding the provision of electricity, drinking water and other basic services - 18 May 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in the surrounding areas of Atareb city, Kafr Ammah village in western Aleppo, al-Barah, al-Fterah and Fulayfel in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Assad regime forces and rebels trade fire on frontlines of western Aleppo - 19 May 2021: Anger has erupted in northeastern Syria over the tripling of fuel prices, writes The Levant News - 19 May 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Bayanin, Fulayfel, al-Faterah and Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as SOHR is noting that regime bombardment on Kansafra coincided with the arrival of Turkish forces in the town - 19 April 2021: SDF forces, backed by International Coalition forces, stormed Jadid Ekaydat village in the eastern countryside, arresting a member of ISIS cells - 19 April 2021: SOHR documented two new murders in al-Hawl camp in the far south-eastern region of al-Hasakah, as two female Iraqi refugees were shot dead by unknown gunmen believed to be of ISIS affiliates in the camp’s first section, noting that this is the six murder in al-Hawl camp in recent period - 20 May 2021: Assad regime forces renewed their bombardment on the southern countryside of Idlib, targeting positions in Fulayfel, Kansafrah, Bayanin, and the outskirts of al-Bara in Jabal al-Zawiyah, as regime forces also targeted frontlines in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama with heavy machineguns - 21 May 2021: SOHR reported that Turkish border guard forces 'Jandarma' opened fire on a displaced child from Hama countryside, while he was grazing sheep near al-Karamah camps in Atma town on the border with the Iskenderun Region, as the child sustained various injuries
21 May 2021 Iran's regime says 'in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories': 21 May 2021: Iranian Mullah regime's - which does not recognise Israel but supports the Islamist militants of Hamas, who rule the Gaza Strip, and after Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before Friday's truce - leader urges Muslim states to back Palestinians militarily, financially, saying 'All influential elements of (Israel's) regime and the criminal (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu must be prosecuted by international and independent courts', as regime's Foreign Ministry earlier said Palestinians had won a 'historic victory' over Israel, as Iran's Revolutionary Guards said 'The intifada (Palestinian uprising) has gone from using stones to powerful, precise missiles ... and in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories', after leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have praised Iran’s financial and military support, after regime's Khamenei last year hailed Tehran's supply of arms, saying Iranian regime had transformed the military balance of power between Israel and the Palestinians, and as regime now on Friday displayed an Iranian-made combat drone that it said had a range of 2,000 km, naming it 'Gaza' in honour of the Palestinians' struggle against Israel, state media reported
22 May 2021 Assad regime, Iranian-backed militias and Hezbollah: 22 May 2021: Assad regime forces shell seven towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahl al-Ghab, targeting positions in the southern countryside of Idlib and in the north-western countryside of Hama - 22 May 2021: Iranian-backed militias continue strengthening presence on Syria-Lebanon border in Rif Dimashq, under supervision and support by the Lebanese Hezbollah, the de facto ruler of this area, as the purchasing of plots of land along the border strip is still on progress, and as it seems that the Iranian-backed militias disregard the Syria’s laws which ban selling or purchasing any land plots in border areas - 23 May 2021: SOHR documented the injury of two children due to the explosion of an old landmine nearby Arshounah village in Hama countryside, while they were picking capers - 23 May 2021: Children wounded in north-west Daraa countryside caused by the explosion of an IED that was planted on the road - 23 May 2021: Several people killed and wounded in three attacks in a week, as SOHR documented hearing an explosion near the railway station in Jisr al-Shughour - 24 May 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on five villages and cities in the southern countryside of Idlib and in the north-western countryside of Hama - 24 May 2021: Iran-backed militia bring arms to new base on the opposite side of SDF and international coalition eastern Aleppo, as Iranian movements via its proxies and militia have continued to deepen the expansion in different Syrian territories - 24 May 2021: SOHR reported an explosion in Jerabuls city under control of the National Army factions and the Turkish forces in eastern Aleppo, as the accident that was caused by bombing a motorbike near al-Shariya Mosque, murdering three civilians and wounding other seven including serious injuries - 24 May 2021: Autonomous Administration of north and east Syria decides shut its crossings with Syrian regime - 25 May 2021: Assad regime forces renewed rocket fire, in the early hours of Tuesday, targeting Tifad, Kafr Taal and two villages in Aleppo countryside amid rising clashes, including exchange of heavy weapons, with the factions at the frontlines of Kafr Taal, as regime forces also have targeted other positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 May 2021: Assad regime rocket fire burns wheat crops in Shal el-Ghab - 25 May 2021: Assad regime warns inhabitants against not participating in the presidential election show - 26 May 2021: 3 large Russian warplanes have been stationed in a Russian airbase in Syria’s Hmeimim, where the planes will be stationed for the first time, reports Al-Watan - 26 May 2021: Protests and strikes sparked against presidential elections in Darra, as protests took place in the neighborhood of east and west al-Maliha, east and west al-Gharaya, Tafs, Enkhol, Daehl, al-Mazaireb, Tah Shehab, al-Shagarah, Nafaa, Jaleen, Jomlah, Al-Qousir, al-Muzayri’ah, Saham al-Jolan, Abdeen, Al-naiemah, al-Sahwah, Jasem and Kaheel and other areas, as SOHR also monitored anti-the ongoing elections protests of al-Giza people that demanded the ouster of al-Assad amid rising tensions in Nawi city where the regime forces attempted to disperse them by force - 27 May 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire burning agricultural land in Shal al-Ghab in western Hama province, as SOHR reported more rocket fire by the regime forces in Idlib countryside and other areas in al-Masheikh in Sahl al-Ghabnorth-western Hama - 28 May 2021: Al-Assad regime forces killed and wounded civilians including children in shooting several provinces, as a young man was killed in Aleppo, numbers of causalities by the random gunfire rose to two killed, an adult and a child in the suburb of Al-Fourqan, and eight wounded in Aleppo alone, while several children and women have been injured in different Syrian cities before announcing results of the elections, and more attacks - 29 May 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahl al-Ghab, setting fire to farmlands in Sahl al-Ghab, as SOHR activists reported that regime forces renewed artillery fire on Idlib and Hama countryside, targeting positions in Bayanin, Majdaliyah, Kansafrah, al-Barah, Fulayfel, al-Fterah in south Idlib, Kherbet al-Naqous, and al-Mnasourah and its surrounding areas in Sahl al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 30 May 2021: 68 months of Russian intervention in Syria, continuous attempts to compete with Iranians for influence west of the Euphrates - 30 May 2021: Iran continues its efforts to impose influence over the entire Syrian geography, despite rivalry by the Russians and cold war between the two sides in light of the symbolic regime domination, as - being the ultimate Iranian-backed influential power in Syria - the Lebanese Hezbollah comes the top of events at a time when the Iranians have entrenched their presence at all levels, including the military and economic sectors, via their affiliates and proxy Syrian and non-Syrian militias - 31 May 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces renewed their bombardment with over 140 rockets and artillery shells, targeting places in the southern countryside of Idlib, in the north-western countryside of Hama and in the northern countryside of Latakia - 1 June 2021: Assad regime forces and opposition faction trade rocket fire in Sahl al-Ghab and Jabal al-Zawiyah - 1 June 2021: Explosions of old ordnance killed a child in Ain al-Arab countryside (Kobani) - 1 June 2021: Several demonstrators reportedly cut the M4 highway in al-Kersan village in Manbij city northeast Aleppo to protest the murderer of a young man in the countryside of the city by fire of Internal Security Forces (Asayish - 1 June 2021: Despite slamming protests, Asayish forces renew fire and kill a protester in Manbaj
2 June 2021 Bashar al-Assad’s decade of destruction in Syria: 2 June 2021: Bashar al-Assad’s decade of destruction in Syria, as the ruler has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, the 'Guardian' reports, but the intervention of Iran's and Russia's regime proved decisive, as EU, USA and UN failed - 3 June 2021: Nearly 110 civilians among 280 people killed across Syria in May 2021 - 3 June 2021: Assad regime forces shell nearly ten towns and villages in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib countryside - 4 June 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on towns and villages in southern Idlib, as regime forces also targeted frontlines in Sahl al-Ghab in north-western countryside of Hama with heavy machineguns - 4 June 2021: Under supervision of Iranian experts, IRGC and PMF manufacture rocket launchers that use Iranian-made missiles in west Euphrates and Deir Ezzor province, according to SOHR - 5 June 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Arnabeh village in the southern countryside of Idlib, which injured a little girl and a man, as - moreover - regime forces shelled the villages and towns of Sarjeh, Maarbalit and al-Fterah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 6 June 2021: Assad regime forces fired nearly 100 rocket and artillery attacks on Jabal al-Zawiyah and Salh al-Ghab, as firing shelled areas in Mashoun, Ehsam, Balshoon, al-Feterah, Fulayfel, Bayanin, Kansafrah in the souther countryside of Idlib, al-Zyarah in Sahl al-Ghab northwestern Hama, Kebyanh in the Kurdish Mountain northern Latakia - 7 June 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket firing in Jabal al-Zawiyah killing a faction fighter - 7 June 2021: SOHR activists have reported intensive rocket firing by the Assad regime forces targeting areas in Balyon, al-Barah, al-Feterah, Fulayfel, Bayanin, Kansafrah in the southern countryside of Idlib and in northwestern Hama countryside - 7 June 2021: Iranian militia seeks to promote influence in al-Haskah via buying real estates and recruiting men - 8 June 2021: Assad regime forces bombarded 10 areas southern Idlib, killed and wounded three children - 9 June 2021: SOHR activists have reported new wave of intensive land strikes by the Assad regime forces, targeting with artillery bombardments areas in al-Barah, al-Feterah, Fulayfel and Safhoun in the southern countryside of Idlib, and other villages and cities in Sahl al-Ghab northwest of Hama, as the strikes also have targeted area of al-Abrar camp around the city of Ta’oun eastern Aleppo - 10 June 2021: 15 Russian airstrikes and Assad regime 150 rocket fire caused eight killed and wounded people including a civilian and her kid in southern Idlib, as SOHR activists have reported death of at least 8 fighters by regime forces in southern Idlib countryside, and as rocket fire has targeted a civilian car in Ibleen, and as some factions fighters who have arrived to the site of attack have been also targeted by another rocket causing casualties, and as Russian airstrikes targeted areas in eastern Idlib countryside, with jets still hovering over the region - 10 June 2021: Deaths rise to 10 including three civilians amid large wave of displacement in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 10 June 2021: After 8 people killed and wounded including HTS officials, Turkish forces and factions heavily bombard Assad regime bases in Idlib countryside - 11 June 2021: Death toll rise to 13 due to Assad's rocket fire yesterday on Jabal al-Zawiyah, as SOHR activists have reported death of Suqour al-Sham faction member who sustained injuries by rocket attack, yesterday, by the regime forces on Ablin town in Jabal al-Zawiya in south of Idlib, as casualties include four civilians, one man, one woman and two kids - 11 June 2021: After death of 13 civilians and military men by regime in Jabel al-Zawiyah people protest - 12 June 2021: SOHR sources reported that a civilian was killed and three others sustained various injuries in Jabal al-Arba’in area in an attack by Assad regime forces with artillery and rocket fire on a civil car in Kafr Lata - 12 June 2021: Assad forces launch new campaign in northern Daraa, arresting ten civilians - 12 June 2021: New heinous crime as Russian airstrikes on Jabal al-Zawiyah kill a pregnant woman and injure eight people in southern Idlib countryside - 13 juin 2021: Au moins 18 personnes, dont 14 civils, ont été tuées samedi en Syrie dans des tirs d’artillerie sur la ville d’Afrine, où un hôpital a notamment été touché par les bombardements dans ce secteur tenu par des rebelles proturcs, tandis que un médecin, trois employées du personnel hospitalier, deux femmes et deux enfants au moins, mais aussi un commandant rebelle, figurent parmi les victimes des bombardements ayant touché l’hôpital al-Chifaa, a précisé, 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' in London - 13 June 2021: SOHR activists reported rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on frontlines in Jabal al-Turkman in the northern countryside of Latakia as well as several towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiyahin southern Idlib - 13 June 2021: Death toll update, as 21 people, mostly civilians, killed in Afrin massacre - 14 June 2021: SOHR reported renewed rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on different areas in Idlib and Hama countryside targeting areas in the southern and western countryside of Idlib and Qulaydin in the north-western countryside of Hama, as regime bombardment has left three civilians injured, a woman and her two children - 14 June 2021: Iranian-backed militias bring in surface-to-surface missiles and ammunition to their base opposite Coalition and SDF-held areas in eastern Aleppo - 15 June 2021: SOHR reported renewed bombardment by Assad regime forces and Russian-backed militias, which targeted the southern countryside of Idlib, as the bombardment on Maarzaf hit a house, killing a man and injuring others, and as positions in al-Ankawi village in Sahl al-Ghab in north-western Hama came under rocket fire by regime forces - 16 June 2021: Ongoing bombardment by Assad regime forces targeting southern countryside of Idlib and north-western countryside of Hama, as later SOHR reported that several rockets fired by Assad regime forces hit the perimeter of a Turkish post in Sarjeh village in Jabal al-Zawiya, as Turkish forces and factions of 'al-Fath al-Mubin' responded - 17 June 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in southern Idlib - 18 June 2021: SOHR reported rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on different areas across the 'de-escalation', as over 100 rockets have hit positions in Hama countryside, in southern Idlib and areas in the western countryside of Aleppo - 19 June 2021: SOHR reported intensive rocket fire by Assad regime forces since early morning in the north-western countryside of Hama, as in Qastoun, a civil defence centre came under direct fire, which killed a member of the civil defence and injury of three others - 20 June 2021: Amid hovering of reconnaissance aircraft, Assad regime forces bombard cities and villages in Sahl al-Ghab and Jabal al-Zawiya - 20 June 2021: SOHR reported shelling of rocket fire by an operation room under the control of the Assad regime forces in western Hama countryside which wounded a man and two children - 20 June 2021: Russian forces intercept USA patrol and prevent its entry to Tal Tadmur town - 21 June 2021: Five killed including civilians in Assad regime forces attack in southern Idlib countryside, as SOHR activists have documented more rocket and artillery fire by the regime forces on Monday - 22 June 2021: After killing and wounding 20 people yesterday, Assad regime forces starts new round of intensive land bombardment in 'de-escalation zone' - 22 June 2021: A female Syrian citizen killed and her child wounded by Assad regime forces starting rocket fire in southern Idlib - 23 June 2021: Assad forces’ shelling in Syria causes 5,000 civilians to flee, as at least 31 people killed since start of June amid Assad regime's attacks on Idlib area - 23 June 2021: SOHR documented the death of a female and her child in Assad regime's artillery fire near a Turkish checkpoint in al-Aatareb city in the west of Aleppo countryside, as 3 members of the Turkish forces have been wounded in an attack by the regime forces south of Idlib, transferred to the Turkish hospitals - 24 June 2021: Assad regime forces have targeted with rocket fire and heavy machine guns frontlines in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, also targeting Teqad, Blenta, al-Habatah, Bahfes, Kafr Amah and other areas in western Aleppo - 25 June 2021: SOHR reported exchange of clashes between Assad regime forces and its proxies on one side, and the factions on the other at the frontlines of Karfroma in southern Idlib countryside - 25 June 2021: In response to Assad regime and Russia pressures on population in Daraa, gunmen attack military headquarters and checkpoints in western countryside amid calls for protests - 26 June 2021: Assad regime forces shell several positions in Idlib, Hama and Latakia - 27 June 2021: Assad regime forces start new round of bombardment, targeting positions in Idlib and Hama countryside, as SOHR reports that regime forces shelled positions in Fulayfel, Baynin, al-Faterah, al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib and Sahl al-Ghab in the western countryside of Hama - 28 June 2021: SOHR reported on Monday morning a rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas in al-Rowiha and al-Barah southern Idlib countryside, as regime forces also attacked areas of Kansfarah, al-Barah, and Ariha in south Idlib countryside, and Kharabt al-Naqous in Sahl al-Ghab northwest Hama - 29 June 2021: Al-Qaterji militia awarded an investment contract lasting five years, for the al-Taym and al-Ward oil wells in Deir-ez-Zor, each producing 2,500 barrels per day, as Russian forces gave the investment of the al-Taym and al-Ward oil fields in the Deir-ez-Zor governorate to Arfada company, after last year, this company was allowed by the Assad regime to establish two oil refineries - 30 June 2021: Reliable sources in al-Mayadeen city, the capital of the Iranian forces and their proxy militias in west Euphrates region, reported the graduation of a new batch of individuals recruited recently by the IRGC, SOHR reports - 2 July 2021: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces started a new round of rocket attacks on positions in Idlib and Hama countryside, as regime’s rockets hit positions in Deir Sunbul, Bayanin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, and Kherbet al-Naqous in Sahl al-Ghab in north-western Hama - 2 July 2021: Protesting siege imposed by Assad regime on Daraa al-Balad, as large number of residents demonstrate in square of al-Omary mosque - 2 July 2021: SOHR activists have documented the death of two little brothers and injury of another child due to the explosion of unexploded projectile in al-Rawdah farm in northern al-Raqqah - 3 July 2021: Assad regime's shelling kills 8 citizens, mostly children, including shelling of Ibleen village in southern Idlib province targeting the home of Subhi al-Assi, killing him, his wife and three of his children, also destroying a civil defense center and a water station, 'Washington Post' reports - 3 July 2021: Nearly 25 civilians, mostly children, killed and injured in Assad regime bombardment on southern Idlib - 3 July 2021: SOHR documented 4 strikes by a Russian fighter jet on Sheikh Youssef area on the western outskirts of Idlib city, as the Russian airstrikes coincided with flight by another Russian jet over the 'de-escalation zone' - 3 July 2021: SOHR documented the death of a child due to the explosion of an old landmine in Um al-Tanabeer village in the eastern countryside of Homs, while he was grazing sheep, as SOHR documented the death of 548 people, including 77 women and 181 children, by mines, IED explosions and collapse of cracked residential buildings in several Syrian areas since 2019 - 4 July 2021: After killing ten civilians, mostly children, Assad regime forces started new ground bombardment in Jabal al-Zawiyah, as SOHR reported that regime's forces targeted with rocket fire areas in southern Idlib countryside and Kafr Shaliyah western Ariha - 4 July 2021: Sheppard killed in land mine explosion around Khalkhalah airport in al-Suwidaa - 5 July 2021: Assad regime forces have renewed rocket fire on the de-escalation area, where it has bombarded artillery and rocket fire on areas in Kanesfara, al-Barah, Banin, al-Futirah and around Mashoun in the southern part of Idlib countryside, and other areas - 5 July 2021: Child killed in land mine explosion eastern al-Ghouta - 6 July 2021: SOHR activists reported renewing rocket fire by Assad regime forces in Hama and Idlib countryside, as the regime forces that were escorted by Russian scouting aircrafts, bombarding Tuesday several areas in Jabal al-Zawiyah, and around Qoulideen and al-Anqawy in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside - 6 July 2021: In Raqqa provinde a child died due to medical negligence and poverty, while another committed suicide, jumping from the fourth floor due to suffering family violence by her father and step mother - 7 July 2021: For second day on row Assad regime forces continue military operation in Hama town - 7 July 2021: SOHR reported several artillery fire on the countryside of Qawqeen village in south of Idlib by Assad regime ground forces, as forces have been escorted by Russian scouting aircrafts - 7 July 2021: SOHR reported the death of a defect young man of the regime army due to his torture in the bad reputation Sidnaya prison, known as 'human slaughterhouse', after three years in jail, as the young man was arrested from kafrbanta in eastern al-Ghoutah after the regime controlled it in March 2018 despite striking settlement and reconciliation that hadn’t rescued him from torture - 8 July 2021: Assad regime forces target areas in vicinity of Turkish checkpoint southern Idlib - 9 July 2021: Russian warplanes bombard Jabal al-Akrad in north Latikkia countryside, and Hash Joezief in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, which caused casualties - 9 July 2021 SOHR reported rocket fire by regime forces at areas in in northwest Hama, in southern Idlib countryside. But, amid hovering of Russian scouting aircrafts above Idlib province especially in the southern part of the city - 10 July 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets have executed several airstrikes on Hursh Joezief area in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 10 July 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in Hama, Latakia and Idlib - 10 July 2021: Trading in smuggled fuel, Lebanese Hezbollah keeps making more money in Syria - 11 July 2021: Assad regime forces fired rockets on areas in north-western Hama and in southern Idlib, as regime rocket fire on Jabal al-Zawiyah injures man and his little son, and as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 July 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian due to rocket attacks carried out by Assad regime forces in southern Idlib - 11 July 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian under torture in prison of the Russian-backed 5th Corps - 12 July 2021: Assad regime forces have bombarded with heavy artillery in two village of Homimat and Qastoun in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside which caused injuries among civilians and large material losses, also in Idlib countryside - 12 July 2021: A child was killed and others were wounded in Assad regime camps artillery fire that targeted Homimat village in Sahl a-Gab in northwest Hama countryside - 13 July 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling villages and towns of Sahl al-Ghab and Jabal al-Zawiyah, in western Hama and the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the region - 14 July 2021: Assad regime forces bombarded the countryside of Idlib and Hama, including the vicinity of Al-Ruwayha village in the northern countryside of Idlib. Khirbat al-Naqus village in Hama countryside and Hmeimat village in Sahl al-Ghab in Northwest Hama - 15 juillet 2021: Les forces du régime de Bachar al-Assad ont pilonné jeudi la province d’Idleb, dernier grand bastion rebelle, faisant neuf morts civils parmi lesquels trois enfants, tués par des bombardements du régime dans la province, selon l’OSDH - 15 July 2021: After killing and injuring 20 civilians Assad regime forces shell positions in western Aleppo, killing civilian - 16 July 2021: After committing massacre that left 23 people dead and wounded Assad regime forces renew shelling towns and villages in “de-escalation zone” - 16 July 2021: Hezbollah stationed in new positions on the outskirts of al-Mayadeen - 17 July 2021: SOHR reported a spike in the number of fatalities due to rocket attacks by Assad regime forces and loyal militiamen in southern Idlib, as five people, including a woman and three children, have been killed so far, as the death toll is expected to rise further as there are many people still under the rubble, while rescue teams are working on retrieve them - 17 July 2021: Death toll update as over 12 civilians killed and injured in regime rocket fire on Sarjeh village in south Idlib countryside - 18 July 2021: SOHR documented new strikes of Assad regime forces, targeting with rocket and artillery fire areas around Darat Azza, Kafr Noran and A-Tawamah neighborhood, killing a child and wounding other three in the strikes on Darat Azza - 18 July 2021: Escalation and massacre by Assad regime bombardment, as SOHR reported new round of deportation from Jabl al-Zawiyah neighborhood in southern Idlib countryside to more secured areas after the recent developments of daily rocket fire on that areas and massacres of the regime strikes that have caused death of dozens of civilians including women and children - 19 July 2021: SOHR reported new round of ground bombardment of the Assad regime forces targeted with 100 artillery and rockets areas in al-Futirah, Safhoun, Fulifil, al-Futirah, as more strikes have bombarded areas in Sahl al-Ghab in northwestern Hama - 19 July 2021: SOHR reported Assad regime rocket fire in Aroum al-Gouz in southern Idlib countryside, as attacks has caused wounding of five civilians and material losses in the civilian properties - 20 July 2021: Russian warplanes bombarded frontline in Jabl Al-Akrad - 20 July 2021: Assad regime forces renew bombardment in Idlib and Hama countryside, as factions reacted in eastern Aleppo - 20 July 2021: After a weekend marked by serious press freedom violations in different parts of Syria, including a photographer’s death in a bombardment in Idlib province, RSF calls for every effort to be made to allow journalists to do their work, after freelance photographer Homam Al-Asi was killed during an artillery bombardment on 17 July in Sarjah, in the south of Idlib province, while covering rescue operations by members of the Civil Defense - 22 July 2021: Assad regime's artillery shells struck the village of Ibleen in southern Idlib province on Thursday, killing seven members of the same family, including four children, their mother the children’s grandfather and uncle, as the father was injured, rescue workers and a war monitor said, as shelling is part of regime's and allies' ongoing military escalation in the area in northwestern Syria, which had been under a 'ceasefire' sponsored by Russian regime and Turkey since last year, as SOHR also records 21 people, including 11 children and six women, have been killed in government attacks on the rebel enclave since Saturday - 22 July 2021: Russian warplanes bombarded Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib after massacre killed seven of same family - 22 July 2021: For third time since beginning of 2021 Al-Jaisah gas pipeline exploded in northwest Deir Ezzor, as unknown gunmen have used IED - 23 July 2021: SOHR activists reported airstrikes and bombardements by Russian warplanes on Friday, as the attacks haves targeted al-Barah town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside near the Turkish checkpoint in the same area - 24 July 2021: Russian jet strikes Kabana hills in northern Latakia, while rockets hit positions in southern Idlib and western Hama - 24 July 2021: Assad regime forces fire over 40 rockets and artillery shells on positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah, as regime forces also shelled other positions in Bdama in the western countryside of Idlib, al-Ziyyarah and al-Ankawi in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, which resulted in the injury of a woman and a child in Bdama - 25 July 2021: SOHR camera captures Russian fighter jets flying over Manbij countryside in eastern Aleppo - 25 July 2021: SOHR confirmed that several rockets hit residential neighbourhoods in Afrin city as the rocket fire targeted Ma’rata roundabout, Raju road and al-Villat street, amid reports of injury of civilians, aa is not known if Kurdish or regime forces fired these rockets - 26 July 2021: Russian fighter jets executed over five airstrikes today, targeting Kabana frontline in Jabal al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, as Assad regime forces fired several rockets on Hursh Bayanin, other positions in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 July 2021: Russian fighter jet executed several airstrikes on the surrounding areas of al-Bara and Kansafra towns in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 27 July 2021: Russian jets strike positions in western Hama, as areas in western Idlib are under rocket fire, as Russian airstrikes coincided with attacks by Assad regime forces - 27 July 2021: Russian fighter jets executed nearly ten airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Kansafra in the southern countryside of Idlib. - 28 July 2021: SOHR reported renewed airstrikes by Russian fighter jets on the 'de-escalation zone', as they have executed over 7 airstrikes on positions in Duwayr al-Akrad in the western countryside of Hama, Barzeh and the surrounding areas of Kabana in Jabal al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 28 July 2021: Clashes erupt between local gunmen and Assad regime forces in Daraa al-Balad, while regime forces attack the town’s only medical centre - 29 July 2021: Bashar al-Assad has attacked a former opposition stronghold with missiles and artillery shelling in an attempt to crush a simmering insurrection, in an unprecedented development in Syria’s decade-long war, as Deraa al-Balad and its surrounds, a district of Deraa city in the southern province of the same name, was targeted with heavy weaponry in tandem with a ground push on three axes from two Syrian army divisions and allied Iran-backed militias early on Thursday morning, in a large offensive which continued throughout the day - 29 July 2021: SOHR activists have documented a spike in the death toll of the massacre committed by regime forces in al-Yadoudah town in Daraa countryside, as five civilians, a woman and her little son and three other children, were killed in rocket fire by regime forces on the town, near Daraa city - 29 July 2021: SOHR activists have documented the death of eight civilians due to regime rocket fire on populated residential neighbourhoods in Daraa province. - 29 July 2021: Russian fighter jets renewed their airstrikes this afternoon, targeting positions in Ihsim and Mar’ian in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib with over 5 airstrikes, which resulted in the injury of at least one man and caused material damage - 30 July 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by the regime forces on Friday, that targeted areas in Ziyzon village in northwest Hama countryside and other areas near al-A’atrab in western Aleppo countryside which caused material losses - 30 July 2021: In Daraa province sporadic clashes in Daraa al-Balad and protests against Syria's Assad regime - 30 July 2021: SOHR reported several protests in different regime-held areas in solidarity with population of Daraa amid large escalation of the regime forces and its security service in the region - 31 July 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas in Kafr Ammah village and Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo,while opposition factions responded by similar bombardment, targeting regime positions in the region - 31 July 2021: Despite tense calm in across Daraa Assad regime security members shoot child dead in north-eastern countryside - 31 July 2021: Assad regime forces target positions in Daraa al-Balad with rockets and machineguns, and 130 persons to be evacuated to north Syria - 31 July 2021: Iranian military's Liwaa in Syria Fatemiyoun graduate batch of new recruits in west Euphrates - 1 August 2021: ‘Parents are dressing up their children to be buried’, as Assad regime’s war on young escalates, and as 13-year-old mural artist Hussein Sabbagh, who was eight when his family fled Assad’s attacks on Aleppo in 2016, is one of 27 children killed in government attacks in north-west Syria in two months, and as like millions of other Syrians, the Sabbaghs ended up in north-west Syria, the last pocket of the country that remains outside the regime’s control, the British 'Guardian' reports - 1 August 2021: Assad regime forces have bombarded areas in al-Fulierah, al-Mouzrah, Fulifi in Jabal al-Zawiyah in souther Idlib countryside, as factions target regime forces posts in Hama countryside - 2 August 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces in areas in western Aleppo countryside, Idlib countryside, and in northwest Hama countryside, as factions have bombarded regime forces posts at the frontline of al-Dana in southern Idlib - 3 August 2021: For 2nd day on row, Assad regime forces bombarded heavy rocket attack in west Aleppo countryside - 4 August 2021: SOHR activists reported new rocket fire by Assad regime forces at Tareeq al-Sad neighborhood in Daraa city - 4 August 2021: Turkish factions and its proxies kill man and three children in Ain Essa in north al-Raqqa, according to SOHR - 5 August 2021: Russian warplanes have bombarded areas around al-Barah town, nearby the Turkish military post in the neighborhood, as on the other hand, regime forces have bombarded Tiqad town in western Aleppo countryside - 5 August 2021: Russian jets target Idlib and Hama countryside with five airstrikes, while regime forces renew shelling positions in Sahl al-Ghab - 6 August 2021: SOHR reported that the Assad regime forces have bombarded areas in Banen, Fulifil and around Kansfara and al-Futirah, Safhoon in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and Homaymant, al-Hesn, Qlideen in Slah al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside - 6 August 2021: Assad regime continues besieging Daraa al-Balad and no solutions so far - 7 August 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired rockets on the outskirts of Idlib city, also shelling positions in the southern countryside of Idlib and Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 7 August 2021: Iranian-backed militias blamed for the crime of slaughtering men in al-Raqqah desert, including shepherds and civilians - 8 August 2021: 4 children killed in northwest Syria Assad regime shelling, as 5 others were injured after regime shelling struck residential neighbourhoods in the village of Qastoun - 8 August 2021: A citizen had been retrieved from under the rubble in Qastoun in Sahl al-Ghab, but he is still in a serious condition, SOHR says - 8 August 2021: Reacting to regime massacre in Sahl al-Ghab opposition faction shell regime positions in Hama and Idlib countryside - 9 August 2021: SOHR reported ongoing flight by Russian fighter jets over Idlib province, along with executing over six airstrikes on Hursh Shiekh Bahr area in the northern countryside of Idlib - 10 August 2021: Assad regime bombardment on 'de-escalation zone' leaves three people dead, while Russian jets execute 11 airstrikes on Idlib, as SOHR activists have documented the death of a child in a Turkish hospital affected by the injury he had in bombardment by regime forces on Tadil village in Aleppo countryside - 11 August 2021: Assad regimes forces bombard Idlib, Aleppo and Latakkia, as the villages of Baneen and Ma’azazaf villages in southern Idlib countryside have been bombarded by regime forces stationed at the surrounding checkpoints, and as the attack took place amid downing of Russian scouting drone in the region - 11 August 2021: Two employees working in the energy transmission authority in Deir Ezzor province have been killed in a land mine explosion that is believed to be war ordinance, during their work in rehabilitating an electricity line linking the two areas - 12 August 2021: Assad regime forces shell residential neighbourhoods, along with clashes at Daraa city’s entrance, as SOHR reported bombardment by regime forces with heavy artillery and tanks on the residential neighbourhoods in Daraa city - 12 August 2021: A 15-year-old child has been killed and another one has been wounded in a land mine explosion, believed to be part of the war ordnance while they have grazed cattle in Maysa village in Shuro neighborhood in Afrin countryside in north Aleppo - 13 August 2021: Turkish forces and their proxies shell al-Hasakah countryside, while civilians flee from clashes and shelling - 14 August 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in rural Aleppo, injuring civilians, and rebels respond by targeting the source of fire - 16 August 2021: New round of ground bombardment in Idlib and Hama provinces, as a civilian was killed and another was wounded in Assad regime forces Russian Krasnopol rocket fire on a house located between the two villages of Mashoun and Mour Aayan in Idlib countryside - 17 August 2021: SOHR reported death of a civilian in Om al-Myazen town in east Daraa countryside after being tortured in Sidnaya Assad's military prison after being detained for more than two years, as number of civilians who have died under torture in regime’s prisons since the beginning of the Syrian revolution rose to 47,493 fatalities, all documented by names including 47,090 men and young men, 339 children under the age of eighteen, and 104 women over the age of eighteen - 17 August 2021: Assad regime forces bomb besieged Daraa neighborhood Daraa al-Balad - 19 August 2021: Land mine explosion kill three displaced civilians near SDF and Turkish-held factions in al-Hasakah countryside - 19 August 2021: Escorted by two Russian helicopters Russian and Turkish forces joint patrol tour al-Hasakah - 20 August 2021: Krasnopol Russian missile attack, four children killed in Idlib, casualties rise to eight in 24 hours - 20 August 2021: Russian warplane targeted with six raids posts of the factions in Ain Shaib area in Idlib countryside for the second day on row - 21 August 2021: In renewed airstrike Russian jets attack positions in the 'de-escalation zone', bringing the number of airstrikes since early August to 41 - 21 August 2021: 15 children and one woman among 18 civilians killed in 11 days, amid military escalation by Russian and regime forces, as SOHR documented the death of a little girl affected by the injury she had in yesterday’s bombardment by regime forces on Kafr Nuran town, as the girl’s little brothers had been also injured in that bombardment, as the kids were visiting their father’s grave - 22 August 2021: SOHR that Russian fighter jets have executed several airstrikes with high-explosive missiles on the outskirts of Kansafra, Mar’yan and al-Mawzarah towns in the southern countryside of Idlib, as airstrikes coincided with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones, and as Assad regime forces shelled, with heavy artillery, the villages of Kherbet al-Naqous, al-Sarmaniya, Qulaydeen, al-Qaherah, al-Ankawi, al-Daqmaq and al-Zaqoum in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 23 August 2021: Russian jets attack positions in the 'de-escalation zone', brining the number of airstrikes since early August to nearly 50 - 24 August 2021: Russian fighter jet have executed four airstrikes with high-explosive missiles on the surrounding areas of Kafrmayd village in al-Jabal al-Wastani area in the western countryside of Idlib - 25 August 2021: Assad regime forces shell Daraa al-Balad and bring in new military reinforcement - 25 August 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in Idlib and Latakia as Russian fighter jets flying over Latakia countryside - 26 August 2021: SOHR documented the death of a woman and a young man and the injury of five other civilians, some seriously, due to the intensive ground bombardment by Assad regime forces on Tafas city in the western countryside of Daraa - 27 August 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed successive strikes on the surrounding areas of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, as five airstrikes hit the hills of Kabani in Latakia countryside - 27 August 2021: In renewed airstrikes Russian jets target areas near Turkish posts in Idlib countryside - 28 August 2021: Russian jets renew airstrikes on Jabal al-Zawiyah - 28 August 2021: In renewed attacks the number of Russian airstrikes on Jabal al-Zawiyah jumps to nearly ten - 28 August 2021: Assad regime tanks renew bombardment on Daraa al-Balad neighbourhoods - 29 August 2021: SOHR air raids by Russian warplanes that targeted surrounding parts of Kansfera and al-Barah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib that coincided with scouting Russian aircrafts in the region - 29 August 2021: Assad's tanks and rockets fire hit Daraa while regime forces attempt to enter besieged districts - 29 August 2021: Death toll of civilians who were killed in Assad regime forces rocket fire at Tareeq al-Sad in Daraa al-Balad rises to two, while attacks have caused eight wounded due to the sporadic continuous strikes by the regime forces and its affiliated gunmen - 30 August 2021: SOHR activists have reported that a civilian was killed in Daraa al-Balad city in a bombardment by the regime on the residential neighborhoods - 30 August 2021: Assad regime engineer officer kills doctor in his clinic in Latakia - 31 August 2021: SOHR reported the death of a man and his son due to explosion of an old landmine, while they were picking figs in the outskirts of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiya in the countryside of Idlib - 31 August 2021: SOHR activists reported entry of 12 trucks loaded with WEF aids coming from regime-held areas to HTS areas in Idlib province via Miznar-Ma’arat al-Na’san crossing in northeast Idlib - 31 August 2021: Rockets carried on vegetables trucks, as land-land Iranian-made rockets coming from Iraq arrived in east Deir Ezzor - 31 August 2021: Children among many injured as uncertainty surrounds explosion in Turkish-backed militiaman’s house in Jarabulus - 31 August 2021: SOHR reported death of a young man from Tal Refa’at in Aleppo countryside due to torture in the military Sydanya prison after eight years detention - 1 September 2021: Russian fighters, in the early hours of Wednesday, launched seven air strikes on the vicinity of al-Hamamah village in Jiser al-Shour countryside in the western side of the Idlib province, as later in response to the Russian air strikes HTS targets regime areas in west Hama with rockets - 1 September 2021: Russian forces enter Daraa al-Balad with dignitaries and regime security committee - 1 September 2021: SOHR reported death of two civilians and wounding of another in explosion of cluster bombs in al-A’traeb city in west Aleppo countryside - 2 September 2021: SOHR reported death of a woman and wounding of another civilian in a fire attack by Assad regime forces on Farikah town in west Idlib countryside - 2 September 2021: Body of young female with no head or hands found in garbage basket in Sahnaya - 2 September 2021: Turkish forces ad its factions bombard Kurdish-held forces in north Aleppo - 3 September 2021: Russian warplanes renew air bombardment on Putin-Eroghan area, targeting the vicinity of Kansfarh town in Jabal al-Zawiyah, in south Idlib countryside - 3 September 2021: SOHR reported the death of a child sustaining wounds of Russian air strike that hit the surrounding areas of Kansfarah town in Jabal al-Zawiyah south of Idlib in the morning, Putin's and Assad's latest victim -3 September 2021: Civilian shot dead by Assad regime forces in western Daraa countryside - 4 September 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets have executed six airstrikes on Uram al-Jouz area and the surrounding areas of al-Bara and Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian jets are still flying over the region - 5 September 2021: Russian fighter jets executed nine airstrikes this morning, targeting the perimeter of Turkish post in al-Bara town in the southern countryside of Idlib, the surrounding areas of Kafrideen, Sheikh Sandiyan in Jisr al-Shughur countryside in western Idlib and Kabana frontline in Jabal al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, while Assad regime forces fire tens of rockets on positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 6 September 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed several airstrikes this morning, targeting positions in Kansafrah, al-Fterah and Ain Larouz in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, after yesterday SOHR sources said that Russian fighter jets executed nine airstrikes in the morning, targeting al-Bara town in the southern countryside of Idlib - 7 September 2021: SOHR reported on Tuesday attacks of Russian fighters jets with more than six air strikes that have targeted landing runaway and Broma areas stationed in western Ma’arat Masreen in Idlib province countryside where camps of displaced civilians are stationed - 7 September 2021: Amid worsening living conditions in Syria remarkable increase of crimes number in regime-held areas in August-September 2021 reported - 8 September 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian woman and injury of child, as regime forces fired a Krasinball shell this morning, which hit the house of a doctor in Mar’yan village in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as on the other hand, Russian jets executed several airstrikes on the surrounding areas of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 8 septembre 2021: Une femme a été tuée, mercredi, dans un bombardement des forces du régime qui a ciblé un bâtiment comprenant une clinique dans la province d’Idleb (nord-ouest), a indiqué l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme (OSDH) - 9 September 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets renewed their airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone', targeting positions in al-Bara town which hosts a Turkish observation post in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian jets also executed several airstrikes on the surrounding areas of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in Idli province - 9 September 2021: Jordan is watching the escalation in Syria’s southern province of Daraa with a lot of concern, fearing that Assad regime’s control of the area may facilitate the deployment of Iranian militias near its northern borders, as Syrian regime forces are clashing with rebels again in Daraa - 10 September 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Friday morning, which targeted positions in al-Fterah and its outskirts, Fulayfel and Baianin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as four civilians sustained injuries due to regime bombardment on Ariha city in southern Idlib at midnight - 10 September 2021: Russian fighter jets renewed their airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone' as a part of the considerable escalation in the recent time, as several airstrikes have been executed on positions nearby Deir Sonbol in the southern countryside of Idlib and the outskirts of Sheikh Bahr area in the north-west of Idlib - 11 September 2021: Russian fighter jets renew airstrikes on southern Idlib, as SOHR reported that Russian jets executed four airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Kansafra town 11 September 2021: Civilian exodus from regime-held areas escalating, in light of regime’s calls for return of refugees - 11 September 2021: After killing nearly 25 civilians in 2021 Turkish Jandarma continue assaulting the Syrians fleeing from military operations in their areas - 12 September 2021: Russian warplanes have bombarded Putin-Erdoghan areas in the vicinity of Kansfarah town in southern Idlib countryside and the frontlines of al-Sheikh Soliman and near Darat Ghaza town, as Assad's ground regime forces have bombarded the frontline of Jabal al-Akrad innorth al-Latakkia countryside and around Ma’arbleet town and the frontlines of Saraqb in Idlib countryside and Qoulideen villages in Shal al-Ghab in north Hama countryside - 13 September 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahal al-Ghab posts - 13 September 2021: Russian air strikes target vicinity of Turkish post southern Idlib 13 September 2021: Nearly 15 Russian air raids hit Jabal al-Zawiyah and west Aleppo countryside - 13 September 2021: Nearly 15 Russian air raids hit Jabal al-Zawiyah and west Aleppo countryside - 14 September 2021: Russian military police, Assad regime forces continue searching houses in west Daraa - 15 September 2021: SOHR documented fire exchange of four Russian warplanes at the vicinity of al-Hamah and Zarzour villages near Darkoush at the Syrian borders with Eskandron in west Idlib countryside amid reports about targeting widows camp at the outskirts of Zarour town, as attacks coinciding with Russian aircrafts flying over the de-escalation areas - 16 September 2021: SOHR reported the death of a displaced male who was deported from al-Hawalah neighborhood in north Homs countryside to Idlib province of wounds he sustained days earlier in a random shooting on one of Kafrloseen camps in north Idlib near the border with Liwaa Iskandaron, after activists in these areas had documented the death of 62 persons since the beginning of 2021 by bombings, shooting or kidnapping and then getting rid of much of the bodies in remote areas in Idlib and the surrounding villages or in Aleppo, Hama and Latakia - 17 September 2021: SOHR reported new round of Russian air strikes in the de-escalation area, where the fighters have hit Jabal al-Sheikh Barakat neighborhood in the west of Aleppo countryside, as SOHR activists also reported the death of a child of wounds he sustained in Russian air strikes on Wednesday on areas near a camp of displaced people - 18 September 2021: Russian jets attack seven areas in Idlib and Latakia countryside since morning - 18 September 2021: Escalation of Russian airstrikes, as Putin regime's fighter jets start new round of intensive strikes on Jabal al-Akrad, Jabal al-Zawiyah and west Idlib countryside - 19 September 2021: SOHR reported flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over south Idlib countryside, west Hama countryside and south Aleppo countryside, as Assad regime forces fired several rockets on the villages of al-Fterah, Fulayfil, al-Bara and Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, also targeting Sheikh Suleiman frontline in the western countryside of Aleppo with mortars and heavy machineguns - 19 September 2021: Assad regime rocket attacks on Jisr al-Shughur kill child, with ongoing intensive Russian airstrikes on 'de-escalation zone' - 19 September 2021: Russian jets attack positions in south of M4 highway, amid ongoing inaction by Turkey - 19 September 2021: Russian jets target more areas in 'de-escalation zone', bringing the number of today’s airstrikes to 17 - 20 September 2021: SOHR activists have reported that the Turkish Jandarma have beaten four young men cruelly, as they were attempting to cross the border strip into Turkey from Amuda area in al-Hasakah province, as the four young men were taken to the hospital, after they had suffered breaks and bruises due to the brutal torture by Turkish Jandarma - 20 September 2021: Landmine explosion injures three children in northern Hama - 20 September 2021: SOHR documented the death of 68 persons since the beginning of 2021 by bombings, shooting or kidnapping and then getting rid of much of the bodies in remote areas in Idlib and the surrounding villages or in Aleppo, Hama and Latakia - 21 September 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets carried out several airstrikes on Sheikh Bahr area to the west of Idlib city, as renewed airstrikes come after suspension of Russian aerial operations on the 'de-escalation zone for only one day - 21 September 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket attacks on positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahl al-Ghab - 22 September 2021: Amid ongoing Russian escalation on the de-escalation region, SOHR activists have reported a new round of Russian air strikes on Jabal al-Zawiyah aera in south Idlib countryside that have targeted Kansfarah town and its surrounding areas - 22 September 2021: SOHR reported human losses and death in Russian air attack on the vicinity of kansfarah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, while several others sustained wounds in the attacks - 22 September 2021: Two injured in regime ground bombardment in Idlib while Russian jets carry out night air strikes on Putin-Erdogan areas - 23 September 2021: SOHR reported renewed Russian airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone', as Russian fighter jets executed three airstrikes on Hursh Bayanin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and two other airstrikes on the surrounding areas of Marrat Misrin to the north of Idlib city - 24 September 2021: Russian fighter jets renew airstrikes on rural Idlib, executing airstrikes with vacuum missiles - 24 September 2021: At least 350,000 people killed in Syria’s war, as the UN human rights office says the death toll is ‘certainly an under-count’ due to a strict methodology used - 25 September 2021: Russian jets attack positions in eastern Idlib in ongoing airstrikes, as a kamikaze drone, believed to be Russian, attacked the outskirts of al-Bara and Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 25 September 2021: Russian fighter jets renew targeting positions in 'de-escalation zone' - 26 September 2021: SOHR reported rise in the death toll to seven and 13 wounding of members of al-Hamzah Division after more death were lifted of the debris, as most of the casualties were caused by Russian raid that targeted he faction headquarters in Brad village in Jabal al-Ahlam in Afrin city countryside northeast Aleppo, after earlier SOHR documented death of four members of the Turkish-controlled al-Hamzah Division in Russian air strikes on Brad village - 26 September 2021: Turkish forces target Russian helicopter in al-Hasakah countryside amid Turkey-backed factions bombardment - 27 September 2021: SOHR reported wounding of several civilians including a child in rocket fire by the Assad regime forces on the two villages of Magdalya and San in south Idlib, as the attack coincided with rocket attack by the ground regime forces that hit Kafr Nawarah village in west Aleppo which casued wounding of five amid the escalations in Putin-Eroghan area, and as earlier SOHR reported rocket fire by the regime forces in other areas - 28 September 2021: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade attacks at frontlines of Jabal al-Zawiyah and Shal al-Ghab - 28 September 2021: Syrian exiles forced to prop up regime with fees for avoiding conscription, organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and Siraj reveal how refugees are pressured for cash - 28 September 2021: SOHR activists have reported more casualties due to the explosion of a booby-trapped motorbike in the city of Jerbalus within the areas under control of the Euphrates Shield factions operation room in northeast Aleppo. The deaths rise to two while wounded rise to 14 including three women and five children - 28 September 2021: SOHR reported death of a child and wounding of another two, one has lost a hand, while the other sustained severe wounds, in a grenade explosion while they were playing with it - 29 September 2021: Turkey’s Erdogan presses Russian regime’s Putin to halt Syria assault, as Turkish leader, worried about another wave of refugees from Syria’s civil war, meets with his erstwhile partner as ties between Ankara and Washington cool - 29 September 2021: SOHR reported that the Turkish forces have fostering it posts at the frontlines with 37 tanks and armored vehicles starting from Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside until reaching the frontline of west Aleppo countryside, coinciding with visit of the high-level Turkish delegation visit two days ago to the frontlines - 29 September 2021: Young man from Idlib countryside dies in regime prison, after years of detention - 30 September 2021: Assad regime renews control over west Daraa countryside, as regime forces continue striking reconciliations from wanted in Nawi and other areas west Daraa - 1 October 2021: Russian aircrafts have returned back to resume air strikes on Putin-Erdoghan areas, as Russian fighters in the morning have conducted air strikes on al-Zyarah town in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama - 1 October 2021: Six citizens killed and wounded in rocket fire by Assad regime forces on camp in northern Idlib, as regime wounded five displaced people including two children and three females, and as Russian jets attack city including Turkish patrol post in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 2 October 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired rockets in the early hours of Saturday morning, targeting positions in al-Ziyyarah and Kherbet al-Naqous towns in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, and other positions in Fulayfel and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 2 October 2021: Turkish forces’ command orders Turkish troops and their proxies to react to any Assad regime attacks after coordination with HTS and NLF - 2 October 2021: Escalating security chaos in regime-controlled areas, as unknown gunmen shoot civilian dead in Latakia city - 3 October 2021: SOHR reported that a Russian fighter jet executed airstrikes targeting positions in Jabal al-Akrad in north Latakia countryside and the outskirts of al-Kindah town in Jisr al-Shughour countryside in western Idlib - 3 October 2021: SOHR reports Russian airstrikes targeting the outskirts of the town of Kinda in the western countryside of Idlib as well as the al-Akrad Mount in the northern Lattakia countryside - 3 October 2021: SOHR reported that inhabitants of Demsarkho neighborhood in Lattakia have found body of a child who was shot dead in the agricultural farms around the neighborhood - 3 October 2021: Reliable sources informed the SOHR that 4 members of Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham were killed in the explosion of a booby-trapped drone which landed on al-Ruwayha frontline in Idlib countryside - 4 October 2021: SOHR reported a new assassination in in Daraa province, as unknown gunmen opened fire on a microbus driver in al-Muzayrib area in the western countryside of Daraa - 5 October 2021: Child killed during armed fight in Sayeda Zeinab area, SOHR reports - 6 October 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah, with frequent flights by reconnaissance drones - 7 October 2021: SOHR reported that Russian aerial operations have been resumed after being suspended for four days, as Russian fighter jets executed four airstrikes on positions in Basenqoul village in the western countryside of Idlib - 7 October 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jet executed two airstrikes on the perimeter of the Turkish base in al-Twees area in the east of Mare’ city in the northern countryside of Aleppo, which is under the control of Turkish forces and factions of the National Army - 8 October 2021: Aasad regime rocket fire hits positions in north-eastern Idlib, leaving several people injured, as regime forces also fired rockets on positions in the western countryside of Aleppo - 9 October 2021: SOHR reported that unknown gunmen on a motorcycle kidnapped a civilian from Arra town in the western countryside of al-Suwaidaa, while he was in his farmland in the west of the town - 10 October 2021: Assad regime forces bombard Jabal a-Zawuyah and Shal al-Ghab - 10 October 2021: Tensions rise between Lebanese Hezbollah and military security factions at Lebanese-Syrian borders - 11 October 2021: Six citizens killed and twelve wounded in booby-trapped car explosion in Afrin - 11 October 2021: Three civilians killed in Assad regime attack with guided missile on position between Latakia and Idlib countryside - 12 October 2021: Russian jets renew attacking areas controlled by Turkish-backed factions in northern Aleppo - 12 October 2021: Russian fighter jets have bombarded four air strikes on Tilal al-Khoder in north countryside of Latikkia province, as new Russian bombardments were resumed after five days of halt - 12 October 2021: Assad regime forces and al-Fatah al-Mubeen trade fire at frontlines of Sahl al-Ghab - 13 October 2021: SOHR reported the explosion of land mine of war ordnances in west of Idlib city, which wounded three civilians two of them are suffering severe injuries during their work in digging water well - 13 October 2021: 4 militiamen loyal to Iran were killed in air strikes in Albukamal area in eastern Syria - 14 October 2021: 9 members of Iran-backed factions killed in east Homs including four member of the regime forces - 15 October 2021: Security chaos grows in Daraa countryside amid new murder operations in Russian and Assad regime hold areas - 16 October 2021: At least 3 people in Assad regime's shelling of rebels, SOHR reports, as fifteen others were injured in the attack on the town of Sarmada in the province of Idlib near the border with Turkey - 17 October 2021: Assad regime's shelling of a rebel-held town near the border with Turkey killed four people and wounded more than a dozen, as the shelling of the town of Sarmada comes amid increasing tensions in the last rebel stronghold in the Syrian northwest, as SOHR said three of the dead were local policemen whose station received a direct hit. It said 17 people were also wounded, and as opposition’s Syrian Civil Defense said the shelling was concentrated on Sarmada and a road linking it with the border crossing point of Bab al-Hawa with Turkey - 18 October 2021: Iranian-backed militias continue purchasing civilians’ properties in al-Raqqah countryside - 19 October 2021: SOHR reported renewed airstrikes by Russian jets, as Russian fighter jets executed airstrikes on the perimeter of the Turkish military post in al-Barah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as the Russian missiles hit positions near the Turkish post, and as Assad regime forces bombarded positions in Sarjeh, Quqfin in the southern countryside of Idlin and Kafr Ta’al in the western countryside of Aleppo with Russian-made shells 'Krasinball', killing an opposition fighter and injuring four others in Quqfin - 19 October 2021: SOHR monitored trucks carrying raw materials used for manufacturing explosives arrive in Iranian-backed militias’ headquarters in al-Mayadeen, particularly al-Mazare’ area which is the capital of the Iranians in west Euphrates region - 20 October 2021: Four children were killed while on their way to school on Wednesday in an attack in the Syrian town of Idlib, UN's children's agency Unicef said in a statement, adding that civilians, among them many children, keep bearing the brunt of a brutal decade-long conflict - 20 October 2021: Assad regime's army shelling kills at least 11 people in Idlib’s Ariha, as several school children are reportedly among the victims of shelling on the city in the rebel-held region of northwestern Syria - 20 octobre 2021: Une attaque à la bombe a visé un bus militaire à Damas, faisant au moins 14 morts et trois blessés selon France24, as 'The Guardian' reports that moments later shelling by Assad regime forces killed 8 people in the Idlib region, which is controlled by groups that have claimed to have carried out such attacks in the past - 21 October 2021: After yesterday’s massacre in Ariha, Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in the city and perimeter of Turkish post in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 22 October 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions in regime-controlled villages of Tqad, Kafr Ta’al in the western countryside of Aleppo and the surrounding areas of Ariha city in the southern countryside of Idlib, as opposition factions and regime forces trade fire on frontlines of west Aleppo countryside - 23 October 2021: SOHR reported that regime forces fired several rockets on the surrounding areas of Marrat Misrin city in Idlib countryside, which injured a child, as four civilians working in harvesting olive in a farmland in Bayanin in south Idlib countryside sustained various injuries in similar bombardment by regime forces - 24 October 2021: SOHR documented on Sunday rocket fire by Assad regime forces on villages and towns of Safhoun, Kafr Ewid, al-Futirah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib where also Turkish bases and points are stationed - 25 October 2021: After SOHR reported that Russian jets executed three airstrikes on the western countryside of Idlib, targeting the vicinity of the sugar factory in Jisr al-Shughour and al-Kafeer village in the southern countryside of Idlib, Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade fire at frontline in south Idlib - 26 October 2021: Assad regime forces continue ground strike on Putin-Erdoghan area where SOHR activists documented fall of rocket projectors by the regime forces on areas in al-Futuirah, Sofhoon, Fuliful and Banien within the south part of Idlib countryside - 26 October 2021: Ongoing missile bombardment by Assad regime forces while Turkish military reinforcement enters Putin-Erdoghan area - 27 October 2021: Assad regime forces bombard Termanein Village, causing many wounded people and killed children and women - 28 October 2021: Assad regime forces renewed its ground attack targeting on Thursday with missile fire and heavy machine guns areas of Kafr Ta’al, Ma’arat al-Na’san in west Aleppo and other areas in the south sector of Idlib countryside - 28 October 2021: Rising death toll though Russian-mediated deal in Daraa, as nearly 25 citizens killed in Daraa province, SOHR reports - 29 October 2021: Assad regimes forces attack with grenade and heavy machines posts in Jabal al-Zawiyah and Sahl al-Ghab, as regime forces have already targeted with heavy weapons areas in al-Aamiqah village in Sahal al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside - 31 October 2021: Assad regime forces renew bombardment on positions in Jabal al-Zawiyah and frontlines in western Aleppo, as positions in al-Fterah, Kansafra and Fulayfil in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib also came under regime rocket attacks - 1 November 2021: 157 civilians among 350 people killed across Syria in October 2021, as civilian death toll includes 30 children under the age of 18, 12 women over the age of 18, and they were as follows, as 20 civilians, including six children and four women, were killed in shelling and gunfire by Assad regime forces, as 4 civilians died under torture in regime prison, as 67 civilians, including six women and seven children, were killed in 'honour killings', family and factional rivalries and indiscriminate gunfire , as 21 civilians, including a woman and 13 children, were killed in explosions of IEDs and landmines, as 3 3 people were killed in Turkish bombardment, as a child was killed by the Turkish border guard forces 'Jandarma' - 1 November 2021: Syrian regime forces and Iranian militias pushed massive reinforcements to northeast Aleppo, accompanied by hovering Russian helicopters, as opposition activist Shihabi said regime forces and Iranian militias sent a large military convoy to the front lines on the axes of Tal Rahal, Tal Zwayan, and Daghlbash, in the vicinity of al-Bab city - 3 November 2021: SOHR reported clashes on al-Bara frontline in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib between Assad regime forces and opposition factions following an infiltration attempt by regime forces and their proxy militias into positions of the factions, as regime forces also shelled positions on the frontlines of Fulayfel and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 November 2021: Assad regime forces and opposition factions trade fire in Hama and Aleppo - 5 November 2021: Assad regime forces reportedly brought in several batches of reinforcement in the past few days to positions in the northern countryside of Manbij, along al-Sajour line in the area between al-Arimah and Awn al-Dadat crossing - 6 November 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets have executed over six airstrikes this morning, targeting the surrounding areas of Mashman village in the western countryside of Idlib in the 'de-escalations zone' - 6 November 2021: SOHR reports Russian and Syrian war planes shell Idlib - 7 November 2021: SOHR reported an exchange of attacks, heavy machineguns and rocket fire between regime forces and its proxies on one side and al-Fatah al-Mubeen operation room factions on the other on the frontlines of Jabal al-Zawiyah region in south Idlib countryside - 8 November 2021: Russian general threatens to bombard Mannaj crossings over SDF rejection to deploy regime tanks inside city until reaching Deglah River - 9 November 2021: Assad regime forces have bombarded regions in Kafr Ta’al and Kafr A’mah in west Aleppo countryside, as SOHR reported clashes at frontline of Fulifil in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 10 November 2021: Scouting by Russian jets, Assad regime forces bombard positions in Sahl al-Ghab, Jabal al-Akrad, SOHR reports - 10 November 2021: Iranian factions trucks enter al-Bokamal city in west Euphrates - 11 November 2021: After absence for five days Russian regime's fighter jets renew bombarding northern Syria's so-called (also by Putin) 'de-escalation zone', after on 6 November SOHR activists reported that Russian fighter jets conducted several air raids targeting areas in vicinity o Mashman village in west Idlib countryside - 11 November 2021: SOHR reported that a civilian was shot dead by unknown gunmen in al-Sheikh Saad in west Daraa countryside, as since June 2019 SOHR documented more than 1,228 attacks and assassination attempts by gunfire and detonations of IEDs etc claiming the lives of 885 persons - 12 November 2021: Areas in Qouliden, al-Ankawy in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside have been bombarded by Assad regime ground forces on Friday, as regime forces also trade attacks with factions in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 12 November 2021: UN's WFP Chief meets families in Syria struggling to survive deepening hunger crises, warning that more Syrians are in the grip of hunger today than at any time during their country’s decade-long conflict, blaming a deadly combination of conflict, climate change, covid and rising food and fuel costs - 12 November 2021: SOHR reported that the Russian forces have deployed S300 air defense system in al-Tabaqah Airport that is considered as a main positions and base for the Russian forces in al-Raqqa countryside, as the deployment came in light of the Russian intensive activities of the Russians in northeast Syria along with bringing in large military reinforcement in the past few days along with conducting military maneuvers by Assad regime forces - 13 November 2021: Assad regime forces bring in personnel carriers, tanks on frontlines with Turkish-backed factions in Aleppo countryside - 14 November 2021: On 13 November the Syrian people marked the 4th anniversary of one of the most horrific massacres in Syrian territory during Assad's war since 2011, when Russian fighter jets struck, with high-explosive missiles, al-Atareb market in west Aleppo countryside in an attacka that left 82 Syrians dead, including 5 children among them there were 4 siblings, 7 females, 7 prisoners in a prison of the 'free police' and 13 free police officers. The massacre also left dozens of people injured, some of them suffered permanent disabilities by the intensive Russian airstrikes, according to SOHR activists - 14 November 2021: Russian forces deployed a long-range air-defense system in al-Tabqah airbase in northeastern Raqqa governorate, where USA forces were deployed after expelling ISIS, according to SOHR - 14 November 2021: Iranian-backed militias and Syrian Assad regime seize nearly 1,100 units belonging to civilians in Deir Ezzor since early 2021 - 14 November 2021: Escalating violence in de-escalation zone, with fire bombardment and clashes it frontlines in Aleppo and Idlib countryside, rocket fire by Assad regime forces this evening in Sufohin, al-Fatera and Fulaifil villages in Jabal al-Zawiyah southern of Idlib, as Russian laser guided 'Krasnopol' shells hit a police station in Taftanaz town eastern of Idlib, leaving three police members injured, and as continuous Russian scouting drones were seen flying over the region - 15 November 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling positions in 'de-escalation zone' and positions in Idlib countryside - 16 November 2021: SOHR reported rocket attack by Assad regime forces on positions in al-Bara, Deir Sonbol, Fulifil, al-Futirah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, and al-Ankawy in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside, as the frontline of al-Masharea in Sahl al-Ghab experienced exchange of medium and heavy machinegun fire, this dawn - 16 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of an Iraqi refugee who was shot by unknown gunmen, believed to be of ISIS cells, in the village of al–Khobal in the south-eastern countryside of al-Hasakah in SDF-held areas, as the victim was from the Iraqi province of Mosul - 17 November 2021: SOHR reported Russian fighter jets targeted the surrounding areas of Iblin village in Jabal al-Zawyiah, south of Idlib, with airstrikes, as activists also reported that Assad regime forces fired very high-explosive laser shells, targeting areas in the villages of Balion, Jouzef and Iblin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib causing damage - 18 November 2021: While the West refuses to recognize his control over Syria, Assad has sought assistance from China and wealthier regional powers like the UAE, al-Araby al-Jadeed writes - 19 November 2021: 63 children were killed in Northern Syria from the beginning of June up until November 17th, as all of them were killed by artillery attacks and airstrikes on cities and towns in the region, the biggest victims of the war waged by the Assad regime and its Russian ally, suffering for more than a decade as 'it is the Assad regime’s impunity that has made it persist in continuing its crimes', report said - 19 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of two displaced men from Ghouta and a woman and the injury of 13 others, including at least three children, due to artillery and rocket fire on residential neighbourhoods in Afrin city in the northern countryside of Aleppo, as this bombardment came a few days after the arrival of military reinforcement of regime forces in the region - 19 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of two children and injury of two others in the explosion of an old landmine in al-Jam’iyat al-Sakaniyah area in the eastern countryside of Homs - 20 November 2021: Rocket attack in Syria’s Afrin hit residential area as at least one civilian is confirmed to have been killed in the attack, which reportedly came after the Syrian Assad regime deployed forces near the Turkish-occupied Syrian Kurdish enclave of Afrin, as Turkey says three civilians killed in Afrin rocket attack - 20 November 2021: SDF tunnel on the outskirts of al-Malikiyyah city on the Syria-Turkey border in al-Hasakah countryside collapsed, while it was digging by civilian workers from Deir Ezzor province - 21 November 2021: Explosive remnants of war killed many civilians as 'nineteen Syrian civilians, including eight children and three women, have been killed by explosive remnants of war since the beginning of November, in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, Quneitra, Daraa, Hama and Homs', the Britain-based Syrian SOHR said - 22 November 2021: SOHR monitored airstrikes by Russian fighter jets, targeting the positions in the Kabinah hills in the northern Latakia countryside, as these airstrikes coincided with the flying of two Russian fighter jets over 'De-escalation' zone - 22 November 2021: Two civilians were killed and seven injured by Russian airstrikes on the outskirts of Taltita village, northwest of Idlib, targeting olive oil civilian workshop, according to SOHR - 22 November 2021: Since early November, SOHR documented that Russian fighter jets have targeted 'Putin-Erdogan' region with about 26 airstrikes on areas of the western, southern, and northern Idlib countryside and northern Latakia countryside - 23 November 2021: Coinciding with Assad regime forces artillery shelling SOHR reported exchange of heavy and medium machineguns fire between regime forces and their proxy militias and factions on the frontlines in Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 24 November 2021: SOHR activists reported that Assad regime forces have sieged, on early today morning, the farms of Nahta Sharqiya town, in the eastern countryside in Daraa, where the militant groups have rejected to strike settlements with Russian guarantees - 25 November 2021: Assad regime forces fired rockets on positions in al-Futirah Fulifil, Safuhan in Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, also opening heavy machineguns fire on the frontline of al-Masharea in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside - 25 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of an old man from Hazza in Eastern Ghouta under torture in Assad regime’s prisons, after he had been arrested three years ago, and after the regime took control of Eastern Ghouta in March 2018 - 26 November 2021: Assad' war against the Syrian people since 2011, then since 2015 with Putin regime's involvement and its airforces, brought together Putin, Khamenei, after Russia's and Iranian regimes have formed a 'strategic relationship' since Iran’s 1979 revolution, developed even further in wake of the eruption of the conflict in Syria in 2011. Iran’s intervention in the war has helped keep the regime alive before Russia’s military intervention in 2015 swooped in to play the role of 'savior and victor', as Syria's SOHR asks what will come next. - 26 November 2021: Assad regime forces renews ground attacks on Southern Idlib positions - 27 November 2021: SOHR monitored that the Assad regime forces have fired rockets on areas in al-Barah, al-Futirah, Sufhoun, Fluifil, and Bannin in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 28 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and the injury of another by Assad regime forces’ rocket attack on the village of Kafrtaal west of Aleppo, als reporting that regime forces continued their heavy bombardment, targeting the towns and villages of Majdaliya, Maarzaf, Mantaf, Kansafra, and other areas in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib with nearly 50 rockets - 28 November 2021: Two women and a child, members of the same family, were killed and 5 others were injured in an attack Saturday in Minbej, a Kurdish-controlled city in northern Syria, according to local authorities - 28 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of two children in a grenade explosion while they were playing with it in Al-Halwanji village in the eastern countryside of Aleppo - 29 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian due to the rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Nawa city in the western countryside of Daraa province, the death of a man and a woman over the rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces on the city of Nawa, west of Daraa - 30 November 2021: SHR documented number of people killed in yesterday’s rocket attack by Assad regime forces on the city of Nawa, as three civilians, including a woman, were killed while 11 others were injuried, also saying it is worth noting that regime forces bombarded a residential area for the first time, after the Russian-sponsored reconciliation deals in Daraa in October - 30 November 2021: The number of victims of violence across Daraa province during the last 24 hours has risen to eight, half of whom are civilians - 1 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of 245 Syrian people in November 2021, listing the fatalities beginning with the civilian death toll including 116 persons, 23 children under the age of 18, 16 women over the age of 18, and further groups of Assad's war victims - 2 December 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime rocket attack on the outskirts of Binsh city in Idlib province left 7 civilians injured, including a woman with seriously wounded, coinciding with flying Russian fighter jets, also monitoring regime forces firing rockets on Sarmeen town - 3 December 2021: Assad regime forces shell positions in southern Idlib with Russian-made laser ammunition, as regime forces and factions exchanged heavy and medium machinegun fire in north-western Hama province - 3 December 2021: Following arrest over three years ago civilian from eastern Ghouta dies under torture in Assad's Saydnaya prison - 3 December 2021: The body of a child was found in a bag in al-Haswiyah area in Homs, near a regime security checkpoint, while local sources said that the child was killed by Assad regime members for unknown reasons - 4 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of eight civilians under torture in Assad regime notorious prisons, after varying durations of detention, some of which reached ten years. The fatalities were from Daraa, Al-Hasakah, Idlib, Al-Suwaidaa, Rif Dimashq and Homs. - 4 December 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions of opposition factions in towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of ten workers in Al-Kharatah oil field and the injury of at least two others due to an IED explosion in their bus in the south-western countryside of Deir Ezzor where ISIS cells were prevalent> - 5 December 2021: Assad regime fires rocket and heavy machinegun at three areas in Jabal al-zawiyah south Idlib - 5 December 2021: Iran-backed militias bring in new weapon shipment in vegetable trucks, west Euphrates, SOHR reports - 6 December 2021: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jet has executed two airstrikes on Al-Barah town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern of Idlib countryside, where Turkish bases and posts are located, coinciding with the ongoing flying of Russian fighter jets over the de-escalation zone - 8 December 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have fired short-range surface-to-surface rockets on Kitan and Kafr Nuran frontlines in the western countryside of Aleppo, where a Turkish post is in Kitan town - 9 December 2021: Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad areas have witnessed intensive and continuous Russian scouting drones, as Assad regime forces have bombarded rockets on Sufhom, Al-Barah, Al-Futirah, and Fuliful neighbourhoods in south Idlib - 10 December 2021: SOHR reported renewing ground attack by Assad regime forces on Idlib and Aleppo countryside with artillery fire areas near west Aleppo countryside, Fulifil, Al-Futirah, Banin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside amid flying of scouting drones as yesterday Putin-Erdoghan areas witnessed intensive and continuous Russian scouting drones flying over the region - 11 December 2021: SOHR documented an airstrike by a Russian fighter jet on Al-Yaqoubiyan area in the countryside of Jisr Al-Shughour city in Idlib province, coinciding with rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces firing rockets on villages in Homs countryside - 11 December 2021: Nearly fifteen killed and injured by Russian bombardment on Jisr Al-Shughour countryside, including 3 civilians and nearly 12 other injuries, including women and children due to thermobaric rockets - 12 December 2021: Assad regime forces shell town in west Aleppo countryside with intensive rocket fire, as SOHR also monitored a rocket attack carried out by regime forces on Sunday morning, targeting areas in Al-Futirah, Banin, and Fulifil in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 12 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of a young man in a regime rocket attack that hit Al-Atarib city in the western countryside of Aleppo - 13 December 2021: Assad regime forces have renewed shelling on areas in southern Idlib countryside, targeting positions in Mintaf, Maarabalit, and Maarzaf in the southern countryside of Idlib with Russian-made laser shells, as according SOHR the regime rocket attacks hit a school in Maarzaf village - 14 December 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired nearly 50 rockets on Al-Ankawy and Al-A’miqah villages in Sahl Al-Ghab neighbourhood in west Hama - 15 December 2021: Syrian and Iraqi women killed in Al-Hawl camp - 15 December 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces, stationed at Al-Tabqah crossing south-west of Al-Raqqa, have blocked the entry of all types of commodities into areas held by the Autonomous Administration - 15 December 2021: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have brought in more military reinforcement to their positions in Al-Suwaydaa city from Damascus and Daraa province, as regime soldiers have been stationed in fortifications set on the roof of a national hospital in Al-Suwaydaa city - 16 December 2021: SOHR sources reported a horrific crime, where an 11-year-old boy was killed in the western countryside of Hama, as a volunteer in regime forces has killed his step-son by injecting him with acid and poisonous substances in his neck after torturing him for 48 hours, following a disagreement between the murderer and his wife after she had sold her jewelry, as the man filmed his crime and sent video footages to his wife, showing the child breathing his last. SOHR warns against the alarming increase of crimes in light of the escalating security chaos throughout Syria, particularly regime-controlled areas, especially with the Syrian regime remaining in power - 17 December 2021: SOHR reported fight between an armed group of the Iranian-backed 'Hashimyoun' militia and a young man near school in Al-Maslakhah village controlled by Iranian-backed militias in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, as Iranian-backed militiamen shot the young man dead, while unconfirmed reports stated that the young man was killed for 'refusing to join Iranian-backed militias' - 18 December 2021: SOHR reported a new assassination in Al-Hawl camp, killing an Iraqi refugee, shot dead by unidentified militants, as activists documented seven murders since the beginning of December, which left six people dead including two Iraqi men, two Syrian women, and an unidentified woman - 19 December 2021: SOHR reported that unidentified gunmen have raided a farm west of Idlib city, inhabited by a displaced family from Hama countryside, as unidentified assailants have shot two women and their husband, killing a woman and seriously wounding the man and the other woman - 19 December 2021: In the Al-Hawl camp six peoplr killed, including four women, mostly Iraqis, since early December - 20 December 2021: 182 Syrian civilian women killed in 2021 in the bitter reality of Assad's war against the Syrian people since 2011, as SOHR renews its appeal to bring criminals to justice - 20 December 2021: Iranian and regime forces target oil field in SDF-held areas in rural Deir Ezzor - 22 December 2021: Assad regime troops have resumed their shelling attacks on Al-Aankawi, Kharbt Al-Naqous frontlines in the western Hama countryside, in Sahl Al-Ghab area, after a pause of shelling and bombing, SOHR says - 23 December 2021: SOHR reported the killing of the mayor of Al-Naima village by a car bomb in the eastern countryside of Daraa, exploding in Al-Kashef neighborhood also injuring his family, as SOHR also documented the death of a woman affected by the injury she had in gunfire by unknown gunmen on a civilian car in Tafas, as the attack also resulted in the injury of the other occupants, including women, who were the victim’s relatives - 23 December 2021: In a new raid in Daraa Assad regime forces break into houses of wanted suspects - 24 December 2021: SOHR activists have monitored a gathering of residents near Al-Salihiya crossing, which links SDF-controlled areas with Assad regime-controlled areas, to prevent a Russian convoy from crossing into areas and villages under the control of the forces of Deir Ezzor Military Council of the Syrian Democratic Forces - 25 December 2021: SOHR reported that 3 airstrikes by Russian fighter jet hit the vicinity of Maarat Masrin city north of Idlib, after on December 11 SOHR activists documented the death of a civilian and the injury of 12 others three caused by Putin regime's airstrikes on Al-Yaqoubiyan area - 26 December 2021: Russian fighter jets have carried out several raids on sites believed to in the vicinity of Darat Azza in the western countryside of Aleppo, as it is worth noting - according to SOHR - that Russian fighter jets hit 'Putin-Erdogan' area for the second consecutive day on EU's and other countries' Christmas days - 27 December 2021: Russian fighter jets have carried out four airstrikes on 'Al-Sheikh Bahr' area on the northern outskirts of Idlib city, coinciding with intensive rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas south of Idlib, wounding two civilians, according to SOHR - 27 December 2021: Ten Russian airstrikes hit Idlib’s outskirts and Assad regime rockets kill civilian - 27 December 2021: Over 100 children and women among 205 civilians killed in military operations and incidents of security disorder, amid catastrophic living conditions in northern Syria as SOHR appeals to the international community to intervene immediately and force Russia and Turkey to keep civilians away from their narrow mutual interests - 28 December 2021: Assad regime forces detonate old rockets and mines in Douma area - 29 December 2021: Assad regime troops have fired intensive rockets on the towns of Kafr Nouran, Kafr Ama, and Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo, according to SOHR activists, coinciding with the flying of Russian jets over the de-escalation zone - 30 December 2021: SOHR monitored new raids by Russian fighter jets on the de-escalation zone, targeting Al-Sheikh Bahr area on the northern outskirts of Idlib city, bringing the number of airstrikes during the day to 12, also bombing areas in the western Aleppo and northern Idlib countryside - 31 December 2021: Russian fighter jets have executed airstrikes on the outskirts of Kansafra and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 31 December 2021: In renewed bombardment Russian jets hit border area with Iskenderun, north of Idlib - 31 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of two civilians and the injury of five others in airstrikes by Russian jets that targeted a 'poultry farm' on the outskirts of town of Kfardaryan on Syria border with Iskenderun - 31 December 2021: Assad regime forces bombard areas in 'Jabal Al-Zawiyah' - 1 January 2022: SOHR documented the death of a woman and two children and the injury of ten others, including children, in airstrikes by Russian fighter jets which hit makeshift tents of displaced people from Aleppo countryside in the countryside of the northern city of Jisr Al-Shughur, West of Idlib as Russian fighter jets also have bombed more than 12 areas near Idlib and Jabal Al-Zawiyah south of Idlib - 2 January 2022: Russia fighter jets target Jericho city in third day of growing escalation in Putin-Erdoghan area, as Russia escalates aerial bombardments with ten Russian raids targeting various areas in Idlib - 2 January 2022: Assad regime forces bombard areas under control of factions in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 2 January 2022: Strengthening Iranian presence, Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guards boost their presence south and west Damascus - 2 January 2022: Syrian fatalists in day one 2022, as eight civilians killed in different circumstances and areas, documented by SOHR - 3 January 2022: Amid the continuous Russian escalation for the fourth consecutive day, SOHR documented ten raids by Russian fighter jets on Al-Bara region, Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib, and more raids - 3 January 2022: Civilians, including children, injured amid Russian airstrikes also targeting poultry farm NW of Idlib - 4 January 2022: SOHR reports that four Russian fighter jets have targeted areas in Al-Barah town and its surroundings in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, as the attacks left wounded people and material damages - 5 January 2022: Russian escalation over five days, as Putin's jets bomb three vital and service facilities and camp for displaced people in Idlib - 5 January 2022: Assad regime forces bomb areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while factions target position in Sahl Al-Ghab - 5 January 2022: Iranian proxies fire rockets on the Coalition’s largest base in Syria - 6 January 2022: Russian jets target positions in Syrian desert with four airstrikes, bringing the number of airstrikes in January to nearly 70 - 7 January 2022: Russian reconnaissance drones flying over Maarrat Masrin, Kafrya and Al-Fu’ah in the north-eastern countryside of Idlib, along with bombardment by Assad regime forces on positions in Kansafrah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to SOHR - 7 January 2022: Two civilians killed in war ordnance explosion in Hama - 8 January 2022: SOHR documented the injury of a woman and her little daughter in rocket fires by Assad regime forces on Kansafra town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside, as regime forces had also fired rockets on villages and towns of Al-Fatirah, Fulifil, Safuhan, and Maarableet, as well as frontlines in the west of Aleppo - 8 January 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian from Al-Hara city, north of Daraa, under brutal torture in Assad regime prison, after being arrested nearly four years ago, as the victim was a former member of opposition factions - 9 January 2022: Assad regime forces have attacked a Turkish military position near Dabiq and Sondif villages in the north Aleppo countryside - 10 January 2022: SOHR monitored renewed shelling by Assad regime forces on areas in Idlib countryside, targeting Al-Bara, Safuhan, and the vicinity of Kansafra, Fulifil, and Bannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, as factions also have bombed positions of regime forces in Dar Al-Kabir frontlines - 13 January 2022: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces have conducted artillery attacks on the outskirt of Kansfara, Fulifl, Al-Barah and Banin areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in souther Idlib countryside, and the frontline of Al-Ankawy region in Sahal Al-Ghab in northwest Hama - 14 January 2022: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Fulayfil, Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Kherbet Naqous in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 15 January 2022: Russian jet renew bombing Jabal Al-Zawiyah south of Idlib, carrying out airstrikes on A-Bara town - 16 January 2022: Russian fighter jets have executed more airstrikes on the towns of Al-Futirah and Kansafra south of Idlib, attacking the area for the second consecutive day, as Assad regime forces fired a rocket at the Turkish base in Kansafra town in Jabal al-Zawiya wounding Turkish soldiers - 17 January 2022: For the third consecutive day, SOHR activists reported Russian bombardment, as a Russian fighter jet have executed airstrikes, targeting Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 17 January 2022: Number of airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets on Al-Bara town and its vicinity in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside has risen to eight - 17 January 2022: Two displaced children from Idlib die in tent fire near Afrin city - 18 January 2022: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces have fired rockets on Jabal Al-Wastah and Kafr Taal village in west Aleppo countryside, also targeting with heavy machinegun areas on the frontline of Kar Nouran in west Aleppo countryside - 19 January 2022: SOHR informed that nearly 212 tents were damaged and 683 persons were displaced in makeshifts camps in Idlib and Aleppo countryside due to snows and rainfall that exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the camps of north Syria that were already worsened by the military operations and war - 20 January 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets, targeting areas in Al-Futirah, A-Barah, Safhun, Fuliful and Banin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside and on the frontline of Qoulideen in Sahl Al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside, SOHR reports - 21 January 2022: SOHR reports that the deaths of the ground attack in Afrin city on Thursday night, rises to eight people, including five children, all of them were killed by rockets fired from areas where regime and Kurdish forces are deployed in north Aleppo - 22 January 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on positions in Al-Bara, Fulayfel, Bayanin and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 23 January 2022: Intense fighting is taking place in north-eastern Syria after Islamic State fighters tried to break inmates out of a Kurdish-run prison, as Kurdish-led forces backed by USA air strikes have been battling militants in the city of Hasaka since Thursday, and as the assault on Ghwayran prison is one of the group's most ambitious since its defeat in Syria nearly three years ago - 24 January 2022: Assad regime forces renewed their bombardment on the 'de-escalation zone' targeting positions in Al-Sarmaniyah, Duwayr Al-Akrad in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western Hama, Sfuhen, Al-Faterah, Bayanin and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, SOHR reports - 25 November 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets on areas in Fulayfel, Bayanin, the vicinity of Al-Faterah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, and other areas on frontlines with factions in Sahl Al-Ghab amid flights by Russian reconnaissance drones - 28 January 2022: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces have targeted areas in the vicinity of Al-Barah, Fulayfel and Bayanin in south Idlib countryside and other areas in the vicinity of Qolideen in north-west Hama countryside - 29 January 2022: SOHR reported a rocket fire carried out by Assad regime forces on Saturday, targeting areas in Safohan, in Fulayfel, Bayanin, Al-Barah, and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 30 January 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child after being shot by Turkish border guards 'Jandarma' while working on agricultural land in Durayya village west of Idlib province, as - according to SOHR statistics - the number of Syrian civilians who have been killed by the Turkish Jandarma since 2011 has risen to 500 including 91 children under the age of eighteen and 45 females over the age of eighteen - 31 January 2022: 31 January 2022: Bringing tanks and armoured vehicles, Turkish forces reinforce positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 31 January 2022: Air raids attributed to Israel were carried out overnight in Syria against military positions and an arms depot of pro-Iranian Lebanese group Hezbollah, according to SOHR - 1 February 2022: As two baby girls freeze to death in NW Syria SOHR calls on the international community and humanitarian organizations to intensify their efforts to save displaced persons in Syrian camps - 2 February 2022: SOHR documented the death of member of factions and injury of four others, in an IED explosion targeting a military vehicle near frontlines with regime forces on frontline of Al-Shaikh Sulaiman village in the western Aleppo countryside - 3 February 2022: Russian fighter jet loaded with several missiles has hit the vicinity of Kafr Shalaya town in Jabl Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib while Russian reconnaissance aircraft were flying over the region, SOHR reports - 4 February 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have bombarded rocket fire on areas in Safhoun, Al-Futirah, Banin, Al-Barah and Fulifil in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib - 5 February 2022: SOHR documented severe injury of commander and three members of 'Tha’eroun Movement', which is affiliated to the coalition of armed Syrian opposition groups 'National Army', after Assad regime forces fired guided missile on military vehicle of 'Tha’eroun Movement' on the outskirts of Marae’ city in the northern Aleppo countryside - 6 February 2022: SOHR activists reported a new Russian aerial bombardment, when Putin regime's fighter jets have executed four airstrikes, targeting Kafr Shalaya area in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the area, as regime's fighter jets conducted in January 50 airstrikes on the so-called 'de-escalation zone' that caused the death of a women and three children - 7 February 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets targeting areas in Bannyin, Fulayfel and the outskirts of Al-Futayrah at Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, also shelling areas in San and Majdlia, SOHR reports - 8 February 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets on the villages of Qilidin and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in Hama countryside, and Kafrauayd, Al-Halobah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, SOHR reports - 10 February 2022: Assad regime forces bombard areas in Jabal Al-Zawiya and Sahl Al-Ghab, amid flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft - 11 February 2022: Assad regime force strike ten posts in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama and Lattikia countryside, with rocket attacks monitored by SOHR - 12 February 2022: Six people from the same family including two children were killed in an Assad regime military artillery strike on an opposition-held village in northwest Syria on Saturday, opposition activists said, as Syrian Civil Defense has authenticated AP report - 13 February 2022: Assad regime forces renew ground attacks in Idlib countryside, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft have been flying in Idlib and Hama ountryside while regime forces have conducted airstrikes on areas in Al-Barah, Fulifil, Safhoun. Al-Futirah and Banin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib and have targeted with heavy machine guns the frontlines of the areas under control of the opposition factions in Sahl Al-Ghab, after yesterday, SOHR sources documented the death of six civilians of one family: two men, two children and two women in a horrific massacre committed by regime forces targeting Maarat Al-Naasan town on Saturday afternoon - 14 February 2022: Assad regime’s grip on aid agencies in Syria must be addressed, as resurgent Assad regime forces control distribution and one militia has contract to rebuild city it destroyed, and as manipulation of aid by Bashar al-Assad is a unique and persistent form of control that needs to be urgently addressed, according to a new CSIS report. - 15 February 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rocket fire on areas in the outskirts of Kafr Nuran town in the western countryside of Aleppo, as regime rocket fire also hit areas in Fulayifil, Baynnin and Al-Futayra outskirts in Jabal Al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to SOHR - 17 February 2022: Assad regime forces fired rockets on Fulayfel, Al-Faterah and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to SOHR, as this bombardment coincided with ongoing flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 19 February 2022: Assad regime forces shell eight towns and villages in Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Zawiyah amid flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft - 19 February 2022: Recently released from Saydnaya prison, Palestinian refugee discloses the death of three female Palestinian refugees under torture by the Assad regime - 20 February 2022: SOHR monitored renewed shelling by Assad regime forces on areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib with artillery shells targeted areas in Fulayfel and Bannin, and the outskirts and surroundings of Kansafra, Al-Fatirah and Al-Bara, as factions later attacked Assad regime forces - 21 February 2022: SOHR monitored Russian reconnaissance drones flying over south Idlib countryside, along with rocket fire by Assad regime forces on the villages of Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Kabana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 22 February 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled areas in Al-Fatira, Fulayfil and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawyah, south of Idlib countryside, as SOHR activists reported fighting between Assad regime forces and their backed militants on one side, and factions in northwestern Hama countryside - 22 February 2022: Russian armoured vehicle runs over woman and injure her baby girl and husband in Deir Ezzor - 23 February 2022: SOHR monitored a Russian warplane that flew over Aleppo countryside in areas held by Turkish forces and their proxies, and dropped two thermal bombs in Birshaya village in Qabasin town in Aleppo countryside, as the Russian warplane also struck Al-Hadas village eastern of Tarhin - 23 February 2022: SOHR monitored Russian reconnaissance planes flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama, coming amid 'routine' attacks conducted in the region on daily basis as regime forces have fired projectile on Benin, Fulifil and the vicinity of Al-Futirah in south Idlib countryside - 23 February 2022: SOHR sources reported the death of a child of wounds he sustained, yesterday night, in an explosion of remnants of regime bombardment in Edwan village in west Idlib, also reporting the injury of two children in another bomb explosion in Bilyoun town in Jabk AL-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 24 February 2022: SOHR reported new ground attack by Assad regime forces in Idlib countryside, where rocket and artillery fire hit Fulifil and Benin villages and other areas in the vicinity of Al-Futirah and Safhoun in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, causing material damage - 25 February 2022: Assad regime forces have fire missiles on areas in Al-Futirah, Fulifil, Safhoun, Benin and the outskirts of Kansfara and Al-Barah areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, as Assad regime forces and opposition factions exchanged fire on frontlines in Latakia - 26 February 2022: SOHR reported artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on Saturday targeting areas in Al-Bara, Fulayfil, Safohan and Bannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Kabbana in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, machine gunfire between regime forces and factions north-west of Hama, while Russian reconnaissance craft has flown over the 'de-escalation' zone for hours - 27 February 2022: SOHR reported the death of two persons and the wounding of other two in missile attack by Assad regime forces on Afes village in east Idlib city, as earlier SOHR sources reported renewed ground attacks by regime forces targeting with heavy artillery areas in Al-Futirah, Benin, Fulifil and the surroundings of Al-Barah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside amid intensive flight of the Russian reconnaissance aircrafts - 28 February 2022: SOHR documented the death of a young woman and injury of another severely from Al-Fo’a town northern of Idlib in a suicide attempt via consuming 'poisonous pills, as a result of their poor living conditions, poverty and displacement, especially deteriorating living conditions for displaced civilians - 28 February 2022: A civilian has been severely injured in a landmine explosion, north of Azaz town in Aleppo countryside near Syria-Turkey border, as SOHR pointed out that Turkish soldiers laid mines without prior warnings to residents, after yesterday reliable sources reported the death of two persons and the wounding of other two in missile attack by the regime forces on Afes village - 1 March 2022: Rockets fired by Assad regime forces on Tuesday on areas in Kafr Tal in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah, Fulayfil, Safuhn and Baynnin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to SOHR - 2 March 2022: SOHR reported renewing routine ground attack by Assad regime forces that targeted with heavy artillery at frontlines with opposition factions in Shal Al-Ghab in north-east in Hama, also targeting with heavy machine guns areas in Fulifi, Safhoun, Al-Futirah and Benin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 3 March 2022: Assad regime forces renew their shelling on areas in the de-escalation zone, firing artillery shells on areas in Kafr Taal, Kafr’am and the vicinity of Kafr Nuran in the western sector of the countryside of Aleppo - 4 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime ground forces shelled positions in Jabal AL-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside, targeting areas in Fuliful, Benin, Safhoun and Al-Futirah with more than 17 projectiles amid flight of Russian reconnaissance jets - 4 March 2022: Assad regime forces demand deporting residents in Kanaker to north Syria after handing in their weapons - 5 March 2022: Syrians have been reacting to the painful events unfolding in Ukraine on social media, not only through an outpouring of sympathy but also with this message to the world that for now war decisive Putin regime's campaigns and aerial bombardements in Syria since 2015 were a prelude and a testing ground for Vladimir Putin’s war in Europe. 'The lack of accountability for these crimes against humanity is giving the green light to Putin and other authoritarian regimes to start new wars and spread chaos and instability' the American Coalition for Syria said in a statement of solidarity with Ukrainians, SOHR reports> - 5 March 2022: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces have fired dozens of shells on Kansafra town and its vicinity in Jabal AL-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with flight of scouting drones in the region, as regime forces also shelled Fulaifil and Sofohun villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah southern of Idlib, and Al-Ziyara village in Sahl Al-Ghab north western of Hama, also monitoring attacks with light weapons between regime forces and rebel factions on the frontlines of Al-Dawir in Idlib countryside and Maiznaz - 6 March 2022: Syrian doctor Dr Leila Ahmed killed in Russian shelling of Kharkiv hospital, as the first recorded death of a Syrian citizen in Ukraine echoes that of Russia's bombardment of Syria, where nearly 1,000 medical staff have lost their lives - 7 March 2022: SOHR reported armed clashes between Assad regime forces and the 'National Army' on the frontline of Tadef city in the countryside of al-Bab city, east of Aleppo, as heavy and medium machine guns were used, amid exchanged artillery shelling - 7 March 2022: SOHR documented the death of two faction members in an explosion of a cluster bomb of remnants of the previous bombing on Kabana frontline in Latakia countryside - 8 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have fired more than 25 shells on Tuesday targeting areas in south Idlib, north Latakia countryside, as attacks hit Safhoun, Al-Futirah, Al-Barah, and Fulaifil in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and the frontline of Kabanh in Jabal Al-Akrad - 8 March 2022: Russian fighter jets flying over the 'de-escalation' zone reaching to 'Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch' areas, after being suspended for nearly 16 days - 9 March 2022: Assad regime forces have executed a violent bombardment on 'Putin-Erdogan' area. Regime forces fired more than 50 rockets and artillery shells in Idlib countryside, targeting areas in Svohn, Al-Futairah, Al-Bara, Fulayfil, Kansafra, Mashoun, Ain La Rouz, Ahsam, Bannin, Belshoun and Deir Sunbul - 10 March 2022: Assad regime forces bombard Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, in renewed bombardment - 11 March 2022: Due to the heavy rain cautious calm prevails in 'Putin-Erdogan area' - 12 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces shelled areas in the vicinity of Maarat Al-Naasan village in the northern countryside of Idlib on Saturday - 12 March 2022: SOHR reported that in Assad regime-held areas talks of sending fighters as 'mercenaries' to fight alongside the Russians in their war against Ukraine has become the most common talk as these areas are hit by poor living and economic conditions, and as members of Al-Baath party and former leaders of opposition factions, who have struck 'settlements and reconciliation deals' under Russian supervision during 2018 in areas south of the capital Damascus and Eastern Ghouta, have begun to openly promote fighting in Ukraine alongside Russian forces - 12 March 2022: In just 22 days, SOHR documented the killing of 1181 civilians, including 244 children under the age of 18, and 164 women on February 18, 2018, due to rockets and artillery shelling and barrel bombardment carried out by regime forces, their backed militias and Russians on separate areas of eastern Ghouta of Damascus. SOHR activists also documented massive destruction of civilian properties due to the intensive airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets on various areas of Eastern Ghouta. - 12/13 March 2022: Windstorm in Idlib province destroyed over 175 tents of displaced people, as SOHR monitored severe shortage of alternative heating materials in Idlib markets and its countryside, and a significant increase in the prices of some types of heating materials - 13 March 2022: SOHR sources have reported intensive and unusual movements of Iranian-backed militias in different areas across Syria, as these redeploying and positioning of militias continue for hours till the moment - 14 March 2022: SOHR reported that a Russian warplane has shelled the vicinity of Shinan town, which holds a Turkish checkpoint in the southern Idlib countryside, launching two missiles which blew up in the sky over residential areas, where shrapnel scattered in the area
15 March 2022 since 2011 160,681 civilian deaths (120,158 men, 15,237 women, 25,286 children): 15 March 2022: Syrian Revolution 11 years on, as SOHR documents by names nearly 161,000 civilian deaths, including 40,500 children and women, as SOHR documented by names the death of 499,657 people since the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution out of an overall death toll of 610,000 people whose death has been verified by SOHR in the past 11 years - 16 March 2022: SOHR reported that the death toll of clashes between Assad regime 'intelligence' and local fighters in Jassim city in northern Daraa has risen to three (2 regime soldiers, a young man and more injured) - 16 March 2022: As thousands of demonstrators marked 15 March in cities across rebel-held northern Syria, thousands of protesters in Idlib city also marked 11 years since the start of an anti-government uprising, buoyed by the global outcry over Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine - 17 March 2022: Commemorating 11th anniversary of Syrian revolution, demonstrations in Idlib and Aleppo are demanding overthrow of Syrian regime - 18 March 2022: After 11 years of war, the destruction of towns, cities and much of the Syrian military, Bashar al-Assad’s army has launched a recruitment drive, as recruits will not fight on the home front but are the vanguard of what could be the biggest state-backed mercenary force in the world. Within days, Syrian troops could be deployed to reinforce the stalled Russian frontlines in Ukraine, where Russian dictator Putin is about to extract a lethal price for Moscow’s rescue of the Syrian leader. - 18 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired artillery shells targeting positions in Bayanin, Fulayfel and the outskirts of Al-Fterah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 19 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have renewed their shelling on the 'de-escalation zone' firing artillery shells and rockets on positions in Baynin, the outskirts of Al-Barah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and the frontlines with opposition factions in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over the area - 20 March 2022: SOHR reported flight of armed drones over Maarat Masrin area in Idlib province, as the factions have targeted Assad regime forces positions in Kafruma frontlines in southern Idlib countryside - 21 March 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded areas in Al-Fatirah, Safuhan, Fulayfil and Baynnin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft also have flown over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad - 22 March 2022: Iranian-backed militias transport weapons and ammunitions from perimeter of Damascus airport to fortified positions on the outskirts of eastern Ghouta and areas in the south of Damascus - 22 March 2022: SOHR reported that Iranian-backed militias in Al-Bokamal city in Deir Ezzor countryside have closed down Al-Zahraa and Al-Mothaqafin schools, arresting six teachers for 'communicating with relatives in areas controlled by SDF and giving them information on the positions of Iranian-backed militias in Al-Bokamal city' - 22 March 2022: SOHR documented the injury of two children due to rocket fire by Turkish forces on Kherbet Al-Baydaa in the eastern countryside of Ain Issa - 22 March 2022: New-born baby girl was found in Al-Atareb city in the western countryside of Aleppo amid increase in the number of abandoned new-born babies in the entire Syrian geography - 23 March 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Al-Wasetah village in Aleppo countryside, which injured a civilian, as regime forces further attacked with rockets, artillery shells and heavy machineguns positions in Fulayfil, Bayanin, Al-fterah, Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside - 23 March 2022: Assad regime land shelling injures two farmers in Idlib and Aleppo - 23 March 2022: Three children injured in Hama and Al-Raqqah countryside due to the explosion of old ordnance - 23 March 2022: Russian warplanes executed less than quarter the airstrikes they used to execute before the Russian-Ukrainian war against the Ukrainian people since 24 February - 24 March 2022: SOHR reported that a displaced young man from Aleppo city shot himself in the house of his grandfather’s house in Salqin city in western Idlib, while a 13-year-old boy hanged himself to death in Kamounah camp in southern Sarmada in the countryside of Idlib, as the boy has been displaced from Um Jurn village of Al-Sfirah city in Aleppo countryside - 25 March 2022: SOHR reported Assad regime forces shelled positions on the frontline of Kabana in Jabal Al-Akrad, as clashes with heavy and medium machineguns were reported between regime forces and jihadist groups on several frontlines in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 26 March 2022: Assad regime forces opened fire with heavy machineguns on residential neighbourhoods held by the opposition in Tadif town in Al-Bab countryside eastern of Aleppo, amid continuous flight of Russian drones in the region - 26 March 2022: SOHR recalls terrible massacre occurred on 26 March seven years ago in 2015, when 25 people, including four children and two women, were killed in airstrikes and rockets executed by Assad regime warplanes on neighbourhoods in Daraa Al-Balad in the southern Syrian province of Daraa - 27 March 2022: SOHR reported a new attack in Daraa province when unidentified gunmen shot dead two young men in Sanamayn city in the northern countryside of Daraa, as since early 2022, the number of attacks in Daraa province has risen to 104 - 27 March 2022: SOHR reported seeing dozens of tents damaged due to heavy rain hit the camps in the vicinity of Idlib, which worsened and deepened the suffering of the displaced people who suffer also amid the military operations by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally - 28 March 2022: SOHR that a Russian fighter jet loaded with several thermobaric bombs has executed four airstrikes on the outskirts of Maarat Al-Naasan town in the northern Idlib countryside, coinciding with the overflight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the 'De-escalation' zone' - 28 March 2022: Assad regime forces fire rockets on areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 29 March 2022: Assad regime forces fire rockets on areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, targeting areas in Baynnin, Fulayfil, the outskirts of Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, also trading fire in the north-western Hama countryside - 29 March 2022: SOHR documented the death of a 16 year-old displaced child from Sahl Al-Ghab in the countryside of Hama, where he was shot by the Turkish Jandarma while he was trying to sneak into Turkey from Idlib countryside, the second victim in gunfire by Turkish Jandarma today - 30 March 2022: Russian intervention in Syria 78 months on with six airstrikes on 'de-escalation zone', five joint patrols with Turkey in NE, as Putin's 'Blitzkrieg' against Ukrainian people not successful as expected by the Russian war criminals - 30 March 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child in the explosion of an unexploded projectile in Shanan village in southern Idlib, after already documenting the death of 72 civilians, including two women and 30 children due to explosions in 2022 - 31 March 2022: SOHR activists monitored shelling by Assad regime forces on Al-Sirmaniyah and Duwayr Al-Akrad frontlines near the administrative borders between Hama and Latakia - 1 April 2022: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, Fulayfel and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib on Friday, amid flights by Russian reconnaissance drones - 2 April 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired rockets on Saturday on areas in Bayanin, Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safouhan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, in the southern countryside of Idlib - 3 April 2022: In March 2022 the 'de-escalation zone' was hit by sky-high prices, lack of essential goods deepening people’s suffering, amid ongoing airstrikes by Russian jets, according to SOHR - 4 April 2022: SOHR documented the death of at least three students and the injury of others in a rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces on Maarat Al-Naasan, north Idlib countryside, as the three students, who are under the age of 18, were on their way to their schools, as Russian fighter jets flying over the 'de-escalation' zone were targeting the vicinity of Fulayfel and Tel Sfuhn areas in southern Idlib countryside with seven airstrikes so far, as SOHR activists reported seeing two airstrikes carried out by Russian fighter jets on Monday morning, targeting Fulayfel area in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 April 2022: Assad regime rocket fire kills four children en route to school in Idlib countryside - 7 April 2022: SOHR reported an attack with rockets fired from areas held by Iranian-backed militias on the opposite bank of Euphrates river, which hit positions in Al-Omar oil field which hosts the largest base of International Coalition Forces in Syria - 7 April 2022: While more voices call for revealing the fate of the detainees and kidnapped people across Syria, arbitrary arrests and kidnaps continue amid “timid efforts” by international bodies, like the United Nations and human rights organisations concerned with the Syrian issue - 7 April 2022: In March 2022, the SOHR documented the death of five civilians under torture in regime prisons and security centres. According to SOHR documents and statistics, the victims were from Rif Dimashq, Hama, Homs and Deir Ezzor - 8 April 2022: SOHR confirmed that militiamen backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC in Mahin city in the south-eastern countryside of Homs have paid visits to herder families in areas around and nearby the city, demanding the herder families to pay levies/money periodically in return for allowing them to stay in these areas and herding their cattle in their own country, coinciding with ongoing oppression by Iranian-backed militias on Syrian people - 8 April 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime's 'security' patrols arrested 3 young men at least, where they arrested two in Al-Nasim neighbourhood, after storming their houses. The third young man was arrested on the main road in Ain Tarma town, all arrested for unknown reasons so far, taken to unknown destination - 9 April 2022: The number of airstrikes carried out by Russian fighter jets since morning has risen to eight, as Putin regime's jets have targeted Al-Fitrah and Fulayfel areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, as SOHR activists have just reported that a Russian fighter jet has targeted the vicinity of Al-Fatirah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while a Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over the area - 10 April 2022: SOHR reported a rocket attack by Assad regime forces on areas in Maarat Al-Naasan town in the northern Idlib countryside and other areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside,as attacks coincide with the flying of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Idlib countryside - 11 April 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have fired artillery shells, targeting villages and towns of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfil and Safuhan in Jabal Al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside, and Maarah Al-Naasan, Kfarnoran in northern Idlib and western Aleppo countrysides, since the early morning hours of Monday - 13 April 2022: SOHR monitored renewed shelling by Assad regime forces on areas in Idlib countryside, where regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, and the vicinity of Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, coinciding with the flights by a Russian reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace of Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside - 13 April 2022: Iranian-backed militias continue their activity throughout Syrian territory, transferring weapons, ammunition, Iranian-made medium-range missiles, other weapons, to the Athar Al-Shalby area in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor - 14 April 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled positions in Jabal Al-Akrad frontline in the northern Latakia countryside, as SOHR reported that regime forces and the factions of Al-Fath Al-Mobeen operations room have traded rocket fires on Al-Mashareea frontline in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western Hama countryside, and as Assad regime 'security services' arrest eight medical staff, including woman, for 'serving during faction control of eastern Ghouta' - 14 April 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian, due to the explosion of an old landmine western of Palmyra city eastern of Homs - 15 April 2022: Amid flights by Russian reconnaissance drones Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, where rockets hit positions in Fulayfel, Sfuhen and Bayanin - 15 April 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and injury of another, due to the explosion of a cluster bomb of an old shelling by Assad regime forces on Jisr Al-Shughor city in the western Idlib countryside, as SOHR slso documented the death of 84 civilians, including four women and 34 children, due to explosions of landmines and unexploded shells and bombs across Syria since early 2022 - 16 April 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have targeted the frontlines of Al-Sarmaniyah and Qalideen areas controlled by factions in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside with rocket fires and heavy machine guns on Saturday morning, also shelling areas in Fulayfel and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside - 16 April 2022: Assad regime 'security' services continue to seize displaced people’s properties in areas in the south of Damascus and eastern Ghouta - 16 April 2022: Since the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, Iran has remarkably expanded its influence and escalated its activity in Syria, by setting up training camp centres and transferring weapons to 'Iranian colony' west of Euphrates and Palmyra in the countryside of Homs - 17 April 2022: SORH reported frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad in the 'de-escalation zone' amid rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Sfuhen, Al-Bara, Al-Fterah, Bayanin and Fulayfel in southern Idlib - 19 April 2022: Russian fighter jet bombarded an area between Ihsim and Al-Bara towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah with four airstrikes, coming after cessation of Russian aerial operations in the 'de-escalation zone' for ten days - 19 April 2022: On Tuesday morning, Assad regime forces fired rockets on areas in Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Ziyarah in faction-controlled areas in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside and positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 19 April 2022: SOHR activists documented eight attacks and crimes in 26 hours, as Daraa province witnesses a dramatic escalation of rampant insecurity situation that prevails in various cities, towns, and villages which are under the control of Assad regime forces, Iranian and Russian-backed militias, while Syrian regime is totally incapable of putting an end to chaos and insecurity that poses a threat to people safety and lives and worsens the catastrophic situation and the very poor living condition - 20 April 2022: SOHR reported that rocket fire by Assad regime forces targeting areas in Maarrat Al-Na’san town in the northern countryside of Idlib, as well as other areas in Fulayfel, Bayanin, Al-Faterah, the outskirts of Al-Bara and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 21 April 2022: Iranian-backed militias capture Palmyra military airport following pull out of Russian troops and aircraft - 22 April 2022: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed over six airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone' targeting positions in Al-Ruwayha area in the southern countryside of Idlib and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, the fourth round of Russian airstrikes on the 'zone' since early April - 22 April 2022: Assad regime forces shell positions hosting Turkish military posts in east Idlib countryside - 23 April 2022: SOHR reported renewed aerial bombardment by Russia in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where Russian fighter jets have executed airstrikes, targeting Kabbanah frontlines in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Latakia countryside, shortly before noon - 23 April 2022: Russian air-to-air missiles hit safe zone in Aleppo countryside, igniting panic and fear among civilians - 25 April 2022: More than 100 displaced people who live in camps in Al-Aynaa, Kafr Owayd Al-Mahabah, and Al-Mukhtar camps near Kalli town in northern Idlib countryside have fallen ill over being served spoiled meals at a ’breaking fast' table by relief organisations, as the majority affected are children and women, who have been taken to hospitals. Yesterday, SOHR activists reported that over 40 civilians mostly children and women have suffered food poisoning, due to consuming Iftar fasting meals in camps north of Idlib, where they were transported to the hospitals to receive proper medication. - 28 April 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled positions in Fulayfil, Safuhan, Al-Fatirah and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, while the factions have targeted regime forces positions in Al Barakah village in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside - 28 April 2022: 'The Guardian' has posted a video footage documenting a horrific massacre committed by Assad regime forces. The video showed regime soldiers executing unarmed civilians, piling their bodies in a pit in the ground and burning their bodies in a neighbourhood in southern Damascus, just a few metres away from Syria’s seat of power. The footage documented a complete war crime in which the victims were blatantly humiliated before being killed. - 29 April 2022: SOHR reported intensive bombardment carried out by Assad regime forces on Friday on positions under the control of opposition factions and Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham in Idlib and Aleppo - 30 April 2022: Assad regime heavy shelling hits positions in countryside of northern Idlib and western Aleppo - 1 May 2022: The 'de-escalation zone', stretching from the north-eastern mountains of Latakia to the north-western suburbs of Aleppo city running through both Hama and Idlib, has been under an 'alleged' and in-name-only ceasefire agreed upon after a meeting between Russian war criminal Putin and his Turkey's Erdogan on 5 March 2020. However, that region has experienced a noticeable escalation of military operations by Russian and regime forces and their loyal militias, including daily bombardment with tens of rockets and artillery shells and Russian airstrikes, which all have caused significant human losses and material damage. Meanwhile, Turkey, the 'de-escalation' guarantor, seems satisfied with its 'timid' bombardment of regime positions, which has not restrained this alarming military escalation which is mainly concentrated in the southern countryside of Idlib, as well as affecting east Idlib countryside, towns and villages of Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, Latakia mountains and western Aleppo countryside - 4 May 2022: SOHR reported a rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces in areas in the southern countryside of Idlib, as regime forces have fired nearly 35 rocket and artillery shells on areas in Al-Fatirah, Sufuhn, Fulayfil, and Bayannin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 6 May 2022: SOHR activists have reported seeing a Russian patrol touring the surrounding areas of Tel Al-Samn town in the northern countryside of Al-Raqqah, coming as a part of patrols by Russian forces in areas under the control of the Autonomous Administration in north-east Syria region - 7 May 2022: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets have fired air-to-air missiles on Maarat Misrin and Al-Bara in Idlib countryside today - 8 May 2022: Sunday morning, SOHR activists in 'Putin-Erdogan' area have reported rocket fires by Assad regime forces on areas in Svohn, Fulayfil, Al-Fatirah, Al-Bara, Kansafrah and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside. This rocket attack comes amid flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace. - 9 May 2022: At home in Syria and abroad, families struggle to cope after 11 years of conflict when more than 13 million Syrians have either left the country or been displaced inside it, as a record 12.3 million Syrian children are in need of aid both inside the country and in the wider region where they fled according to the UN saying this comes more than a decade since a civil war devastated Syria yet funding has been 'dwindling' over time - 10 May 2022: Assad regime forces have bombarded areas in Al-Fatirah and the vicinity of Al-Bara, Bayannin and Fulayfil in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 11 May 2022: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets carried out two airstrikes on Harsh Bayannin in southern Idlib countryside, as Assad regime forces fired more than 20 rockets on areas in Kafr Nuran frontline in the western countryside of Aleppo and also shelled Al-Fatirah, Fulayfil, Bayannin, Svohn and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 11 May 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces stationed in Aleppo countryside renewed their bombardment with heavy artillery on the western countryside of Aleppo - 12 May 2022: SOHR monitored renewed Russian aerial bombardment on an area in 'Putin-Erdogan' areas, where this morning an airstrike has targeted Mantef area in southern Idlib countryside coming amid Russian reconnaissance aircraft flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as Assad regime forces bombarded areas in Kabbanah frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 12 May 2022: Four Russian airstrikes hit areas in southern Idlib countryside, targeting the surrounding villages of Muntaf, Kafr Lata and Maarzaf in Idlib countryside, injuring civilian - 14 May 2022: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets have executed four airstrikes in the western countryside of Aleppo, coming after a bus carrying regime-backed shiite militants from Nubl and Al-Zahra was hit by the opposition factions in the western Aleppo countryside, leaving ten regime-backed militiamen killed - 15 May 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces targeting positions on Al-Sarmaniyah frontline in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama, Kabana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, the frontlines of Kafr Nuran and Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo, Fulayfel, Bayanin and the surrounding areas of Al-Fterah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 16 May 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire carried out by Assad regime forces on the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfil and Safuhn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with the flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 18 May 2022: SOHR documented the injury of a 17 year-old young man severely, due to the explosion of an object of war remnants of former shelling by Assad regime and Russian forces on the agricultural lands of Qorin town southern of Idlib - 22 May 2022: Technicians linked to the Syrian military’s infamous barrel bombs that have wreaked devastation across much of the country have been deployed to Russia to help potentially prepare for a similar campaign in the Ukraine war, European officials believe, as intelligence officers say more than 50 specialists, all with vast experience in making and delivering the crude explosive, have been in Russia for several weeks working alongside officials from Putin’s military - 24 May 2022: SOHR reported seeing frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Assad regime forces have shelled areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, Safohn and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, also reporting that regime forces have fired artillery shells on the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safuhan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 25 May 2022: Assad regime forces have fired 20 rocket shells on areas in Kabbaneh frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad, Fulayfel, Svohn and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the northern countryside of Latakia - 25 May 2022: SOHR activists have documented the killing of a woman and the injury of two of her children, a young man and a girl due to the accidental explosion of a grenade in their house in Muntef village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 May 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces, targeting areas in Sufohn, Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Bayannin, the outskirts of Al-Barah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 26 May 2022: Russian forces withdraw from several positions in Syrian desert and Iranian-backed militias control them, as withdrawal of Russians from Syrian territory was confined only to military pilots and their fighter jets, who participated in military operations in Syria and left Syria through Hmeimim base - 27 May 2022: Assad regime ground forces bombarded, in the early hours of Friday morning, positions in Fulayfel, Al-Faterah, Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and other areas in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 28 May 2022: SOHR activists have reported seeing a patrol of eight armoured vehicles conducted by the Russian Military Police in villages and towns in Yarmouk basin at Syria-Jordan border in the western countryside of Daraa - 29 May 2022: Russian helicopters have flown along the border strip with Turkey in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakah, from Al-Qamishli area through Amuda and Darbasiyah to Abu Rasin on Sunday morning - 30 May 2022: SOHR documented the death of a woman affected by the wounds she sustained on May 21, due to the explosion of an old landmine that hit her car, while she was harvesting in the vicinity of Al-Zarah town in the southern Hama countryside, as activists documented the death of an 11 year-old child - 31 May 2022: SOHR sources in the 'de-escalation zone' have reported that Assad regime forces fired several rockets in the early hours of Thursday morning on areas in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen, the outskirts of Al-Bara, Fulayfel and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 1 June 2022: Assad regime forces shelled positions in Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 2 June 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime troops have fired rockets on Al-Kabinah hills in Jabal Al-Akrad north of Latakia, as Assad regime forces have also shelled the vicinity of Fulayfil, Al-Barah villages in southern Idlib coutryside and the villages of Al-Sarmaniyah and Dwair Al-Akrad in western Hama countryside - 2 June 2022: Tension rises between Assad regime-backed tribesmen and others backed by Iranian militias, near Al-Bokamal border city with Iraq in Deir Ezzor countryside, developed into armed clashes, leaving at least a tribesman killed and a number of people injured - 2 June 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime troops have fired rockets on Al-Kabinah hills “in Jabal Al-Akrad” north of Latakia, also shelling the vicinity of Fulayfil, Al-Barah villages in southern Idlib coutryside and the villages of Al-Sarmaniyah and Dwair Al-Akrad in western Hama countryside, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft flew over the southern Idlib countryside - 3 June 2022: Demanding military operations against Russia, Turkey and Iranian militias, displaced civilians protest against demographic changes following Russian-Turkish agreements - 4 June 2022: SOHR reported that a member of 'Jayish Al-Sharqyyiah' faction died of wounds he sustained by 'police' bullets as they tried to disperse, as that killed man was from Deir Ezzor and did not carry weapons during the demonstration - 4 June 2022: Turkish-backed groups arrested and kidnapped 55 civilians in May, SOHR reported, as 17 people were released after paying ransoms, as 10 people were killed in Afrin, including six combatants in violent incidents - 4 June 2022: Russians, Assad regime's forces, and Iranians block entry of food and medical supplies for 'Al-Rukban' camp at Syria-Iraq-Jordan border - 5 June 2022: Alarming increase in suicide rate with six suicides in 72 hours in Idlib, Aleppo and Al-Hasakah, after in May 2022, SOHR documented five suicides in Al-Suwaydaa, Idlib, Aleppo and Al-Raqqah, including two girls and a child - 6 June 2022: SOHR reported that residents found the body of a young man with gunshots wounds west of Al-Jizah city in the eastern countryside of Daraa, as the young man from Al-Zamaniyah town in Eastern Ghouta was a former member of an opposition faction just before the regime took control of Daraa in 2018. Since early 2022, the number of attacks documented by SOHR in Daraa province has risen to 239, which left 193 people dead. - 8 June 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Asssad regime forces targeting the outskirts of Al-Bara, Kansafra, Fulayfel and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 14 June 2022: Russian helicopter flying over frontlines north of Manbij city in eastern Aleppo countryside - 15 June 2022: SOHR monitored daily overflight by Russian helicopters over the frontlines in Tel Tamr, its countryside and Abu Rasin (Zarkan) and its countryside in north-western Al-Hasakah countryside - 16 June 2022: Assad regime forces bombed areas in Bayannin, Safohn, Al-Futairah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as three Al-Sham Corps members and a member of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham were killed when regime forces targeted their positions and outposts on Saraqib frontline in the eastern Idlib countryside, and as an HTS member was shot dead by regime forces on the frontlines of Al-Fatira town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah southern of Idlib - 16 June 2022: SOHR reported that Russian forces have brought military reinforcements to bases in Al-Mabaker near frontlines in Tel Tamr countryside north western of Al-Hasakah also bringing weapons, ammunition and machineguns to the base - 18 June 2022: Assad regime forces have targeted with heavy machine-guns areas in Maarat Al-Naasan in the northern Idlib countryside, also shelling areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, Safohn, Al-Bara and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib and other areas on Kafr Talal and Kafr Nuran frontlines in the western countryside of Aleppo, and further shelling hit Al-Ankawi area in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western Hama countryside - 19 June 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled areas in Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safohn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, as a Russian reconnaissance flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghab in northwestern countrysides as Assad regime forces and Al-Fath Al-Mubeen factions trade fire on Jabal Al-Akrad frontlines - 20 June 2022: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Safohn and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with an intensive flight by a Russian reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace of Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab - 23 June 2022: SOHR sources have reported that Assad regime forces fired nearly 70 rocket shells on Kafr Amah town in the western countryside of Aleppo, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft flew over Sahl Al-Ghab, Jabal Al-Akrad and Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 24 June 2022: Iranian-backed Afghan 'Fatimiyon' militia operating in Palmyra in the eastern countryside of Homs has taken the grain silos building, as its new headquarters, where the silos building is located near Palmyra-Deir Ezzor - 25 June 2022: An attack waged by Assad regime forces on Saturday morning on Al-Amqiyah and Al-Fatatrah frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside was repelled by the factions operating in the area, as the area also witnessed an exchange of shelling between regime forces and the rebels - 25 June 2022: Nine people, including five civilians, killed in clashes among Ankara-backed factions in rural Al-Bab, east of Aleppo - 25 June 2022: Syrian refugees recount harassment, abuse in Turkey, as Syrian refugees in Turkey are living in constant fear among rising attacks, while the Turkish government increases restrictions on them - 26 June 2022: SOHR reported seeing Russian reconnaissance aircraft flying over Jabal Al-Kurdad in northern countryside of Latakia and Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western countryside of Hama, coinciding with shelling and exchange of heavy and medium machine guns on the frontlines in Jabal Al-Akrad, as Assad regime forces bombarded areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin and Safohn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 29 June 2022: Russian warplanes have flown heavily over the border strip between Al-Qamishli and areas separating areas controlled by SDF and Assad regime from one side and areas controlled by Turkish factions and forces on the other side in Abu Rasin/Zarkan, passing over Amuda and Al-Darbasiyah back and forth to Al-Raqqah countryside in the early hours of Wednesday morning, SOHR reported, as Russian helicopters have also flown at low altitudes over the area on Wednesday morning, and as SOHR activists on Wednesday reported seeing the arrival of buses carrying regime soldiers in Ain Issa district, the capital of Autonomous-Administration north of Al-Raqqah - 29 June 2022: SOHR documented the death of a young man from Palmyra under torture in desert’s Intelligence Branch in Palmyra in eastern Homs countryside, after the young man was summoned by members of Assad's Intelligence branch on June 20. Then the man’s family handed over the body of the young man from Basil Al-Assad national hospital in Palmyra three days after being summoned. - 30 June 2022: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin and Safohan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the early hours of Tuesday morning, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over Jabal Al-Akrad and Sahl Al-Ghab in the early morning hours - 1 July 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired missiles on Kafr Ta’al area in western Aleppo countryside, moreover Al-Jabha Al-Wataniyah Lel Tahrir, shelled areas in Al-Baraka village in regime-held areas in western Hama countryside, in addition to targeting positions in Tel Rashow frontline in Jabal Al-Turkman in northern Lattakia countryside, coinciding with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones - 2 July 2022: Six persons killed on July 1 across Syria, as a civilian was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Da’il city in the middle Daraa countryside, as a child died in the explosion of a grenade, while he was playing with it in Al-Bab city in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, as a young man was found dead and dumped on the outskirts of Al-Muzayreb town in the western countryside of Daraa, as a young man was found dead with gunshot wounds and dumped in an area between Al-Daghali village and Maryameen in Jisr Al-Shughur countryside in western Idlib - 6 July 2022: SOHR monitored further Russian airstrikes on Wednesday, as the number of raids by Russian fighter jets on Al-Ruwaihah, Shannan, Sarjah, Bayannin and forest of Bayannin in southern Idlib coutryside has risen to ten, as activists in Putin-Erdogan area have monitored renewed Russian aerial bombardment for the first time in nearly two months - 6 July 2022: SOHR activists documented the injury of a woman and her four children in Aleppo province who are all displaced from Afrin, due to the explosion of an old landmine, causing the amputation of the mother’s leg and injury of her children severely, while they were trying to cross Turkish-Syrian borders from Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) side - 6 July 2022: SOHR activists reported that Turkish forces stationed in Jabal Al-Shaikh Okail at the outskirts of Al-Bab city in eastern Aleppo countryside, have fired extensive artillery shells and missiles on several villages in Aleppo countryside, as earlier today Syrian Assad regime forces targeted the vicinity of a Turkish base in the countryside of Aleppo, where four rockets hit areas near the Turkish base on the outskirts of Dabiq village near Akhtarin village in the northern countryside of Aleppo, 11 persons killed on July 6 across Syria - 7 July 2022: UN Security Council to vote on extending Syria cross-border aid - 8 July 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired several rockets on areas in Al-Fterah, Bayanin, Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Barah and Balyon in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as well as other positions in Al-Ankawi and Qulaydin in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama - 8 July 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child and injury of two others severely, due to the explosion of an old landmine in the agricultural lands in Baraghida village in A’zaz area in northern Aleppo countryside, while they were herding sheep - 8 July 2022: At UN Security Council Russia vetoes 12-month extension of UN aid into Syria from Turkey - 9 July 2022: Assad regime forces shelled areas in Fulayfel, Baynnin and the outskirts of Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 9 July 2022: Russia vetoes UN Security Council resolution to renew cross-border aid to Syria - 13 July 2022: Assad regime forces target areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah south of Idlib - 14 July 2022: Assad regime forces fired high-explosive missiles on Kafr Taal and Kafr Ammah villages in the western countryside of Aleppo - 15 July 2022: SOHR activists monitored renewed ground shelling by Assad regime forces on areas in Idlib countryside, where regime forces fired artillery shells on positions in Al-Fatera, Folaifal and Binin villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside this evening - 16 July 2022: SOHR activists reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas in the villages of Al-Ankawi and Al-Sarmaniyah in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside on Saturday morning - 17 July 2022: SOHR activists reported an intensive rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces, targeting the towns of Kansafrah, Al-Fatirah, Bayannin and their forest in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, Tadil, Kafr Taa’l, Makalbeis and 111th regiment in western Aleppo countryside - 19 July 2022: SOHR activists monitored artillery shelling by Assad regime forces targeting the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safuhan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi village in Sahl Al-Ghab, west of Hama, coinciding with exchange of heavy machine-guns west of Hama and rocket fire between factions and regime forces, as rocket fire has also coincided with intensive flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad - 20 July 2022: SOHR activists reported that more than 20 rockets fired by Assad regime forces, targeting Al-Bara town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, leaving ten people civilians and military personnel injured on Wednesday afternoon, coming a day after Russian officers met with dignitaries in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, calling for the return of the displaced people to their homes who fled the atrocities and bombardment of regime and Russian forces - 21 July 2022: SOHR reported that ground bombardment have been renewed in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, when Assad regime forces shelled areas in Al-Bara, Fulayfel, Safohn, Al-Fatirah and Bayannin in Jabal Al Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 23 July 2022: SOHR activists monitored renewed shelling in the countryside of Latakia, Idlib and Hama, when Assad regime forces shell areas in Fulayfel, Al-Fatirah, Safouhan, Al-Bara, Kafra’ayd, Kanasfarah, and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the countryside of southern Idlib - 25 July 2022: SOHR activists have reported intensive shelling by Assad regime forces, as over 70 rockets and artillery shells hit areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, Al-Bara, Al-Fatirah and Safohn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the western countryside of Aleppo. While regime rocket and artillery fire intensified in Al-Bara village. Moreover, regime forces have shelled areas in the vicinity of Maklabis village in western Aleppo countryside of Aleppo. - 27 July 2022: SOHR activists reported rocket attack carried out by Assad regime forces in the early hours of Wednesday morning, targeting areas in Safohan, Al-Bara, Fulayfel and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, also shelling Kafr Taa’l area in western Aleppo countryside, leaving a civilian injured, as Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia. - 28 July 2022: SOHR reported a new round of bombardment by Assad regime forces on the 'de-escalation zone', where over 35 rockets and artillery shells hit positions in Blanta and Maklabis villages in west Aleppo countryside. Moreover, regime forces shelled positions in Sfuhen, Fulayfel, Al-Fterah, Bayanin and the surrounding areas of Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib. - 29 July 2022: Assad regime forces fired several rockets, targeting positions in the surrounding areas of the villages of Balanta, Kafr Taal and Maklabis in the western countryside of Aleppo, which are under the control of Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham and opposition factions according to SOHR sources, as regime forces also shelled positions in Bayanin, Fulayfel and Al-Fterah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib as a part of daily attacks in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 30 July 2022: SOHR documented the death of two children and injury of a young man, when Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on Kafr Ta’al town in western Aleppo countryside, also shelling Tadil village and other positions in Aleppo countryside - 31 July 2022: SOHR activists reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on areas in the vicinity of Qilidin, Al-Zaqoum, Al-Ankawi and Khirbat Al-Naqous in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western countryside of Hama, as regime rockets also hit areas in Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Bayanin, Safuhan, and the outskirs of Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 1 August 2022: A Russian warplane flew over 'Putin-Erdogan' area and executed two airstrikes with air-to-air missiles in Kansafra region in Idlib countryside - 1 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a faction fighter from Belshoun village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah while he was heading to agricultural land near Dayr Sunbul frontline in Idlib countryside by Assad regime artillery shelling, as regime forces also targeted with heavy machine guns the positions of the factions in the western countryside of Aleppo - 2 August 2022: In July 2022 horrific massacre and 24 airstrikes by Russian jets, as SOHR renews its appeals to the international community to intervene immediately and force Russia and Turkey to keep civilians away from their narrow mutual interests - 3 August 2022: SOHR activists reported intensive rocket fire by Assad regime forces on the villages of Kafr Ta’l and Kafr A’mmah in the western countryside of Aleppo on Wednesday, as regime also shelled areas in Fulayfel, Bayanin and Al-Fatirah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 6 August 2022: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the villages of Al-Fterah, Fulayfel, Sfuhen and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 7 August 2022: Assad regime forces fired mortar shells on Al-Hakoura frontline and other areas in Sahl Al-Ghab, as regime forces also bombarded the vicinity of Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Al-Fatirah and Safuhan frontline in Idlib countryside - 8 August 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have heavily and violently bombarded several areas in countryside of Idlib and Hama, as regime artillery shells struck Al-Fatirah, fulayfel, Safouhan, Al-Mouzrah, Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, also shelling San village in the eastern countryside of Idlib and Jadraya, Al-Badriyah, Anb in western Idlib, as regime shelling rained down on Al-A’nkawi, Al-Qahirah, Al-Hamidiyah, Al-Zaqoum, Qalidin, Al-Laj and Al-Duqmaq in Sahl Ghab in north-west of Hama countryside - 9 August 2022: SOHR reported renewed ground bombardment in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, with nearly 50 artillery and rocket shells fired by Assad regime forces, targeting areas in San village in eastern Idlib countryside, as regime forces have also fired artillery shells on areas in the village of Tadil in the western countryside of Aleppo, Safuhn, Fulayfel, Al-Fatirah and Bayanin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and as Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over the areas in Idlib countryside and over Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama - 11 August 2022: SOHR reported the flying of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over southern Idlib countryside, as Assad regime forces have fired rockets on areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, Safohn and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 12 August 2022: Assad regime forces fired rockets this early morning on positions in Al-Fterah, Fulayfel and Sfuhen in the southern countryside of Idlib - 13 August 2022: SOHR activists in Putin-Erdogan area have reported rocket fire by regime forces in areas in Al-Bara, Fulayfel, Bayannin and Safohn within Jabal Al-Zawiya in southern Idlib countryside - 15 August 2022: SOHR reported that dozens of Idlib residents went out on demonstrations, protesting against the statements of the Turkish FM, who stated that Turkey should reconcile the opposition and the regime in one way or another, aa his latest statements sparked controversy and public discontent in the Syrian north - 16 August 2022: Assad regime forces fired mortar shells and heavy machine guns on areas in Maarat Al-Naasan town in northern Idlib countryside, as this morning, regime shelling hit areas in Al-Bara, Al-Fatirah, Bayannin, Fulayfel and Safouhn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and other areas in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside - 16 August 2022: Turkish forces have carried out a rocket attack on areas in and west of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) in eastern Aleppo countryside, amid flights by drones over areas in the villages of Al-Jat and Al-Masi north of Manbij, in northwestern countryside of Aleppo, SOHR activists reported, as Turkish shelling also hit areas in the villages of Al-Maaliq and Sayida in Ain Issa countryside, north of Al-Raqqah. It is worth noting that all the targeted areas are under the control of Autonomous Administration. - 17 August 2022: Two children killed in eastern Aleppo’s neighbourhood - 17 August 2022: A Turkish air strike on a Syria border post run by government forces killed 11 on Tuesday, following an overnight flareup between Ankara’s forces and Kurdish fighters that control the area - 17 August 2022: SOHR activists reported rocket fire by Turkish forces and their proxy factions on areas around the villages of Harbil, Tel Rifaat, Al-Madiyounah, Tel Madiq and Hassia, which are controlled by Kurdish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 17 August 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets, targeting areas in the vicinity of Kafr Amah village in the western countryside of Aleppo on Wednesday - 17 August 2022: USA-backed Maghaweir al-Thowra forces on Monday repelled multiple drones near the AT-Tanf base in Syria, as their troops managed to strike down all the drones except one - 17 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a displaced child from Maarat Al-Numan town in Idlib countryside and the injury of another child in an explosion of unexploded ordnance in Bouzika village in Jendires district in Afrin countryside - 17 August 2022: Civilian found dead after eight months of kidnapping in Daraa countryside - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that three new families left Al-Rukban camp at the Syria-Iraq-Jordan border triangle for Homs province, which is under the control of the regime forces, fleeing the disastrous humanitarian situation - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that dozens of residents of Al-Muwailah village in Al-Sor town in northern Deir Ezzor countryside in SDF-held areas, have gone out on protests against the deteriorating living conditions and lack of services, in addition to the administrative corruption within the institutions of the 'Autonomous Administration' - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that Turkish forces and their proxies have fired dozens of artillery shells on positions in Tatamirsh, Showargha and Qal’a Showargha villages with Kurdish-held areas in northern Aleppo countryside - 17 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian from Al-Masrib town in western Deir Ezzor countryside, under brutal torturing in Saydaniyah prison, four years after he was arrested - 17 August 2022: Eight persons killed on August 17 across Syria, as further details of fatalities are documented by SOHR - 18 August 2022: Assad regime forces shell eight areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Sahl Al-Ghab, , targeting areas in the vicinity of Qalidin, Al-Qahirah and Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, as regime shelling also hit areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin, Al-Fatirah, Kansafra and the outskirts of Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and as regime bombardment coincided with flights by Russian warplanes over Idlib and its countryside - 18 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child under the age of 18, who was a faction member, in a landmine explosion on the outskirts of Kafr Ammah town in western Aleppo countryside - 19 August 2022: Assad regime forces shell villages in Aleppo and Idlib countryside and clash with opposition factions in Hama and Latakia - 20 August 2022: The body of a Druze man and his wife was found with gunshot wounds in front of their home in Kaftin village in Jabal Al-Samaq village in the northern countryside of Idlib, after on August 12, some residents of Qalb Loza village in Jabal Al-Samaq in Idlib countryside appealed to HTS to protect their village from attacks by members of the Turkestan party, after Kurdistan party member attacked a woman and her child - 21 August 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have fired a dozen of artillery shells on villages and towns in Idlib countryside, also targeting Al-Ruwayha frontline, and Kansafrah town, the outskirts of villages of Safuhan, Fulayfel, Kadurah and Bayannin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, while Russian reconnaissance aircraft have flown over the areas - 22 August 2022: Russian fighter jets have executed 14 airstrikes on the area surrounding Idlib central prison near Arab Said town, west of Idlib city, where HTS positions are located , after over the past days, Russian warplanes flew over Idlib countryside and did not execute any airstrikes - 23 August 2022: Nine persons killed on August 23 across Syria, as further details of fatalities are documented by SOHR - 23 August 2022: Turkey’s rapprochement with Syria leaves regional refugees fearful, as Erdogan is no longer seeking the ousting of Assad, alarming Syrians across the opposition and Kurdish exiles who fear being forcibly returned - 24 August 2022: Three workers were injured in a metal smelting factory when an old projectile exploded inside the factory on Idlib-Bab Al-Hawa road near Maarat Masrin city, as SOHR has documented the death of 161 civilians, including ten women and 79 children, due to explosions of old landmines, unexploded shells, and bombs across Syria since early 2022. In addition, 247 civilians, including 15 women and 137 children, sustained various injuries in the same period. - 25 August 2022: Ten years on, first full report records Syrian regime’s massacre at Daraya where at least 700 people were killed when forces loyal to president Bashar al-Assad stormed the town between 24 and 26 August 2012, when troops went door to door killing and detaining men, women and children, and terrified people sheltered in basements. The investigation - published now by Syrian British Consortium - into attacks by Bashar al-Assad’s forces that left 700 people dead could help bring justice for victims - 26 August 2022: SOHR activists reported that Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Kansafra and Al-Bara towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside within 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 29 August 2022: Several civilians were injured this morning by artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces stationed in north-western Hama countryside, targeting the vicinity of the villages of Ghaniya and Al-Sheikh Sundiyan in the western countryside of Idlib, as regime forces also shelled the villages of Al-Qarqour, Al-Ziyarah and Al-Sarmaniyah in north-western Hama countryside - 30 August 2022: A displaced child from Maarat Al-Na’asan who was working in the plastic collection and lived in Atma camps in Idlib countryside, was found dead in the vicinity of Atma town in the northern Idlib countryside - 30 August 2022: SOHR activists reported heavy artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on villages in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where shells landed down on the villages of Al-Neirab, Afas, Safuhn, Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Majdaliya and Jabal Al-Arbaeen in Idlib countryside, as regime shells also hit Kabbana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad, north of Latakia, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab - 31 August 2022: Russian fighter jets have carried out two airstrikes in 'Putin-Erdogan' area for the second time in August, bombarding the perimeter of Sarjah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and the vicinity of Al-Kounsourah, west of Idlib, after on 23 August SOHR activists reported that 14 Russian airstrikes hit the perimeter of Idlib city - 31 August 2022: SOHR activists reported that hours after Russian airstrikes Assad regime ground forces shelled areas in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where heavy artillery shells hit the vicinity of Kansafra town in southern Idlib countryside, and B9 shells hit the vicinity of Bastroun and Al-Shaikh Sulaiman villages in Aleppo countryside - 1 September 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces and Al-Fath Al-Mubin have trade heavy machine-gun on Al-Amqiyah frontline in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama, as regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Fulayfel and Al-Rayha in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside, amid intensive flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Jabal Al-Akrad, and Sahl Al-Ghab - 1 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a 26-year-old woman by Turkish border guards 'Jandarma' after she was shot directly, while she was travelling in a taxi on Al-Domat road in Darkush area in the western Idlib countryside, as the number of civilians killed by Turkish 'Jandarma' in Syria-Turkey border area since early 2022 has risen to 16, including 3 children, while 24 other civilians were injured including 3 children - 2 September 2022: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Sheikh Sandyan in the western countryside of Idlib and the faction supply line to frontlines of Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama and to positions in Jabal Al-Akrad and Kabana frontlines Latakia countryside - 2 September 2022: SOHR reported that Turkish forces stationed in Dawodiyah base in have fired artillery shells on SDF military positions in Al-Dirdara village, as Turkish forces and their proxies also fired artillery shells on Tel Tawel and Al-Ashorya (Assyrian) villages, which are highly populated, in Tel Tamr countryside northern of Al-Hasakah, amid displacement of civilians to neighbouring villlages. It is worth noting that SDF-held areas in north eastern of Syria are witnessing significant military escalation from Turkish forces and their proxies - 2 September 2022: 157 civilians among 291 people killed across Syria in August 2022, according to SOHR - 3 September 2022: Assad regime forces have intensively shelled the villages of Al-Barah and Al-Fatirah in southern Idlib countryside, as the factions have fired heavy artillery shells on positions and gatherings of regime forces on the frontlines of Al-Talah Al-Zaytoun and Hantoutin in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 September 2022: SOHR activists reported violent shelling by Assad regime troops who fired dozens of shells on villages of Al-Fatirah, Kansafrah, Al-Bara and Bayanin bushes in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 4 September 2022: SOHR activists documented the death of a 4 years-old boy displaced from Al-Karkat village in western Hama countryside, when the wall of the house in Adwan village in western Idlib countryside - where he was playing and that was shelled by Assad regime forces - collapsed over him - 5 September 2022: An explosion rocked Benish city east of Idlib due to the explosion of old landmines and unexploded ordnance in the house of a displaced family, killing three children and injuring four people of one family, according to SOHR, as later the number of killed children has risen to four of one family in Benish city^- 6 September 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces have fired a guided missile on a position near the frontlines between Al-Qasr and Kafr Amma villages in western Aleppo countryside within the 'Putin-Erdogan. area. This coincided with artillery shelling by regime forces on the vicinity of Maarat Alya town in eastern Idlib countryside, amid heavy flight of scout drones over the region. Earlier today, SOHR activists reported that a number of civilians, including a woman, were injured by artillery shelling carried out by regime troops this morning on Shanan village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside, as Assad regime troops also shelled Al-Bara and Kansafrah towns and the villages of Safuhen and Al-Fatirah in the southern countryside of Idlib. - 8 September 2022: Russian fighter jets carried out airstrikes on areas in the vicinity of Hafsarja, Sejer and the vicinity of Al-Ghafar village in Sahl Al-Roj area in western Idlib countryside, the first aerial bombardment carried out by Russian fighter jets in this September - 8 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and his son and the injury of others in Russian airstrikes on a house and industrial facility in Al-Sheikh Yusuf area in western Idlib countryside, as the number of airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets has risen to 12, targeting areas hosting civilians - 8 September 2022: Assad regime forces shelled Bayannin village and the vicinity of Shanan village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and Maklbis village in western Aleppo countryside - 10 September 2022: Assad regime regime forces stationed at checkpoints surrounding the villages of Kafr Talal and Tadil, west of Aleppo, have fired artillery shells in areas in 'Putin Erdogan' area, SOHR activists reported, as regime artillery shells also hit the villages of Bayanin, Deir Sunbul, Al-Bara and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 11 September 2022: SOHR activists monitored artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on the villages of Al-Bara, Fulayfel and Safuhn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 12 September 2022: SOHR reported artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on the villages of Al-Fatirah, Safuhan, Fulayfel and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, in southern Idlib countryside in Putin-Erdogan area - 13 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian affected by the wounds he sustained two days ago, due to the explosion of an old landmine of war remnants near Al-Tah village in southern Idlib countryside, which is held by regime forces - 14 September 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces renewed their artillery fire on the 'de-escalation zone', targeting positions in Al-Ankawi and Al-Qaherah villages in Sahl Al-Ghab in the western countryside of Hama, as well as other areas nearby Al-Ruwayha, Sfuhen and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 15 September 2022: Assad regime shells hit ten areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and western Aleppo countryside - 16 September 2022: Assad regime forces shelled the surrounding areas of the towns of Sfuhen and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, SOHR reports - 17 September 2022: Russian fighter jets attack residential areas in Idlib province executing airstrikes on areas to the west of Idlib city, coming a few hours after the Israeli strikes on Rif Dimashq and nine days after the latest massacre committed by Russian jets in Idlib, which left nearly 25 civilian casualties. According to SOHR sources, the positions which were targeted by Russian jets today are close to the site where the latest massacre was committed. - 17 September 2022: Nearly 80 Assad regime rockets and artillery shells hit areas in Idlib and Aleppo countryside - 18 September 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded areas in the vicinity of Makalbeis village in western countryside of Aleppo, and other areas in Fulayfel, Bayannin and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 19 September 2022: SOHR reported artillery shelling by Assad regime forces targeting Kafr A’mah village and the vicinity of Taqad village in the western countryside of Aleppo, also shelling the villages of Safuhan, Al-Fatirah, Bayannin and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with an intensive flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft - 20 September 2022: SOHR monitored artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces, targeting the vicinity of Al-Bara village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, also bombarding Kabbani frontlines and hills in the northern countryside of Latakia amid flight by reconnaissance aircraft and Russian fighter jets over Putin-Erdogan area - 21 September 2022: SOHR reported artillery shelling carried out by regime forces on Wednesday morning, targeting areas in Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safohan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, in southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with an intensive flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal-Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab, Jabal Al-Akrad and Idlib and its surrounding areas - 22 September 2022: Assad regime forces bombard seven villages in western Aleppo countryside and areas in Idlib and Hama countryside with heavy artillery shelling - 22 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and the injury of a child in mortar shelling by regime forces on Kafr A’mah town in the western countryside of Aleppo - 23 September 2022: SOHR sources have reported that Assad regime forces renewed their artillery fire on the 'de-escalation zone' this morning, targeting positions in Al-Bara town in the southern countryside of Idlib and Maklabis village in the western countryside of Aleppo, as SOHR also documented the death of a member of rebel factions by regime artillery fire on the surrounding areas of Al-Wasatah village west of Aleppo - 23 September 2022: Two children were seriously injured when a car carrying children and women was targeted with a guided missile by Assad regime forces near Tadil village west of Aleppo - 24 September 2022: SOHR activists have reported artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces targeting the perimeter of Maarat Al-Naasan village in northern Idlib countryside, amid the flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 25 September 2022: SOHR monitored artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on the vicinity of Al-Atareb village in the western countryside of Aleppo, also shelling Al-Bara village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 September 2022: Assad regime forces fired 'Krasnopol' guided shells on a bulldozer that was erecting soil barriers at a military post on Blanta frontline in the western countryside of Aleppo, as SOHR activists also monitored artillery shelling by regime forces on the vicinity of Al-Atareb village west of Aleppo - 26 September 2022: SOHR activists have reported artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on areas in Idlib, Hama and Latakia countryside, on the villages of Al-Dar Al-Kabeer and Al-Malajah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, amid intensive flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 26 September 2022: The Health Directorate in Idlib has recorded the first two cases of cholera in Atma area camps on the border with Iskenderun region in northern Idlib countryside - 27 September 2022: Assad regime forces shell 12 towns and villages in Putin-Erdogan area, coinciding with an intensive flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the targeted areas - 27 September 2022: Russian fighter jets executed at least three airstrikes on areas in Bab Al-Hawa area and Sarmada perimeter north of Idlib, as the targeted areas are crowded with displaced person camps, and hosts headquarters of Jayish Al-Izzah faction. Russian aerial bombardment comes amid an intensive flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the area. - 27 September 2022: Assad regime forces bombard areas in western Aleppo countryside in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, coinciding with Russian airstrikes in the northwestern region of Syria - 27 September 2022: SOHR reported that Russian warplanes have executed airstrikes over 'Putin-Erdogan' area, with two of them being 'air-to-air' missile in an area where displacement camps are located in the vicinity of Al-Atareb area and Ma’arat Al-Na’san, and Taftanaz city in Idlib countryside - 28 September 2022: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the perimeter of the Turkish post in Al-Kfir village in the western countryside of Idlib, also targeting a civilian car carrying a number of civilians on agricultural land on the outskirts of Deir Sinbul, east of Jabal Al-Zawiyah, injuring a child - 29 September 2022: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib countryside including the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Safouhn and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, amid flight by three Russian jets - 30 September 2022: Russian fighter jet fired vacuum missiles on the surrounding areas of Al-Ruwayha village near the frontlines between regime forces and opposition factions in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with regime bombardment on the same frontline amid frequent flights by reconnaissance drones over the area, according to SOHR - 30 September 2022: Child injured in explosion of unexploded projectile in rural Idlib - 30 September 2022: Russian fighter jets have renewed their airstrikes on Idlib countryside, targeting positions in the surrounding areas of Musaybeen village to the east of Ariha city, near Aleppo-Latakia international highway in Idlib countryside with eight airstrikes - 1 October 2022: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Ma’arat Al-Na’man village in eastern Idlib countryside, according to SOHR - 2 October 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safuhn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as SOHR activists also reported tit-for-tat clashes. and intensive flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Akrad, Jabal Al-Zawiyah and the eastern countryside of Idlib - 2 October 2022: Assad regime rocket launchers hit supply line of Kabbana frontilne in Latakia countryside - 2 October 2022: Amid extensive flight of seven Russian scouts over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside and Sahl Al-Ghab in western Hama countryside, Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Ma’arat Al-Na’san in northern Idlib countryside - September 2022 Russian jets execute 40 airstrikes and commit massacre, while ground attacks kill 26 people, including civilian, according to SOHR on 3 October 2022 - 4 October 2022: A Russian fighter jet carried out airstrikes targeting Kabbanah frontlines in northern Latakia countryside, as Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on Kabanah frontline which is the faction supply line, and the villages of Halouz and Al-Aaliyah in Jisr Al-Shughur countryside - 6 October 2022: SOHR reported artillery shelling by Assad regime forces stationed at surrounding checkpoints, targeting the eastern outskirts of Darat Azza city in 'Putin-Erdogan' area in western Aleppo countryside - 6 October 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and the injury of three others, while collecting firewood in Al-Zaytunah village north of Latakia in a guided missile fired by Assad regime forces, as it is worth noting that the regime forces target civilians who collect firewood from forests in the Latakia countryside - 7 October 2022: Russian fighter jets have executed three airstrikes using vacuum missiles this morning, targeting an area hosting former military camps of opposition factions between Sheikh Bahr village and the vicinity of Armanaz town in northern Idlib, as Assad regime forces fired several artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Ankawi villages in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama and the villages of Sfuhen and Al-Fterah in Idlib countryside, according to SOHR - 7 October 2022: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib and Hama in 'De-Escalation Zone', as shells hit Karafish village in Latakia, killing little girl - 7 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Bahfis, Kafr Ta’al and Tadil villages in western Aleppo countryside, and Ma’arat Al-Na’asan north eastern of Idlib, SOHR reports - 8 October 2022: Lebanese Hezbollah installs rocket launcher base west of Euphrates, according to SOHR - 8 October 2022: SOHR documented the injury of a young man after being shot by unidentified gunmen near Tafas hospital in western Daraa countryside, earlier documenting the death of a civilian from a Bedouin tribe in Al-Lajat area, where unknown assailants shot him on the main road in Al-Mulayha Al-Gharbiyah town - 8 October 2022: People go on general strike amid closure of shops over killing prominent corruption warrior in Al-Bab city, according to SOHR - 8 October 2022: Assad regime fired heavey artillery on Al-Sarmaniyah and Dweir Al-Akrad in Sahl Al-Ghab west of Hama, SOHR reported, as Assad regime forces and Al-Fath Al-Mubin factions traded fire in western Hama countryside - 9 October 2022: The 'Putin-Erdogan' area witnessed violent artillery shelling, carried out by Assad regime forces and their proxy militias on Sunday morning, targeting the vicinity of Al-Neirab town, east of Idlib, and other areas in the villages of Safuhn, Al-Bara, Fulayfel and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 10 October 2022: Assad regime forces bombard areas in Aleppo, also bombarding with heavy artillery areas in the villages of Safuhan, Al-Fatirah and Fulayfel, in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, as regime shelling coincided with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah and east of Idlib - 11 October 2022: SOHR reported mortar shelling by Assad regime forces on the frontline of Maarat Al-Naasan, north-east of Idlib, as regime's heavy artillery shells hit areas in the villages of Al-Fatirah, Al-Bara, Harsh Bayannin and Al-Ruwayiha, in Jabal Al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 October 2022: Russian fighter jets have executed several airstrikes with vacuum missiles, targeting areas controlled by factions and jihadist groups in the northern countryside of Latakia, and the vicinity of Za’iniyeh town of Jisr Al-Shughour in the western countryside of Idlib, in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 12 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery, targeting Bayannin forests, Al-Fatirah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside and Maarat Al-Naasan north-east of Idlib in “Putin-Erdogan” area, as intensive artillery shelling has been renewed by Assad regime forces, targeting the villages of Khirbet Al-Naqous and Al-Zirah in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside, and also the outskirts of Al-Bara town in southern Idlib countryside - 13 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired at least 38 artillery shells, targeting Bayannin forest, Sarjeh, Fulayfel and Al-Ruwaihah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, as Darat Azza city in western Aleppo countryside witnessed intensive artillery shelling by regime forces - 14 October 2022: SOHR reported the explosion of a car in Tadil village in western Aleppo, near frontlines between Assad regime forces and opposition factions, after having been targeted with a guided missile fired by regime forces, leaving the car’s owner injured and causing material damage, while the man was taken to the hospital. Earlier today, SOHR sources reported exchange of rocket and heavy machinegun fire on frontlines of Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia. - 16 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on Bayannin village and Ariha area in southern Idlib countryside in Putin-Erdogan area, amid reports of casualties and material damage to civilians’ properties - 16 October 2022: Over ten people killed and injured in deadly airstrikes by Russian fighter jets north of Qatma village in north-western countryside of Aleppo - 17 October 2022: Russian fighter jets executed four airstrikes, targeting the vicinity of Urm Al-Jowz and Al-Rami near 'M 4' highway in southern Idlib countryside, after some days ago Russian jets executed several airstrikes with vacuum missiles in the northern countryside of Latakia and in the western countryside of Idlib - 18 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery on the villages of Kafr Amah and Al-Qasr in the western countryside of Aleppo, as regime forces stationed at the surrounding checkpoints have also bombarded Al-Bara and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, and Ma’arat Al-Naasan, east of Idlib - 18 October 2022: Residents of Kafr Takharim town in north-western Idlib - under control of Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham - have found the body of a 17-year-old boy in his house, who committed suicide by hanging himself for still unknown motives and causes - 19 October 2022: Assad regime forces have carried out intensive bombardment by firing heavy artillery shells on areas in Al-Fatirah, Safohan and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, as exchange of fire north of Latakia has coincided with an intensive flight by Russian aircraft over the area - 20 October 2022: SOHR reported that a child was injured in artillery shelling by Assad regime and Russian forces, targeting civilian homes in Al-Sahn village, the outskirts of Jabal Al-Olaya and Jabal Mohambel in the western Idlib countryside, after hours ago, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Al-Ankawi and Al-Qahirah villages in Sahl Al-Ghab, west of Hama, witnessed intensive artillery shelling by regime forces - 20 October 2022: Two children were injured as regime forces fired a heat seeking missile at a car carrying olive workers in Maarabalit in eastern Idlib countryside - 21 October 2021: SOHR reported rocket fire by Assad regime forces on positions in Fulayfel, Bayanin and Al-Fterah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 22 October 2022: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Bara village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, also bombarding the vicinity of Neirab village in eastern Idlib countryside, as regime shelling coincided with an intensive flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft - 22 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the frontlines of Bayannin forests in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, as its mortar shells have also struck Kafr Nuran frontline, west of Aleppo - 23 October 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded the the western countryside of Aleppo with elephant rockets - 24 October 2022: Assad regime forces have targeted the vicinity of Al-Atareb city and the vicinity of Kafr Nuran village in the western countryside of Aleppo - 25 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells, targeting the towns of Kansafra and Al-Bara, and Safuhan village in Idlib countryside - 26 October 2022: SOHR reported heavy shelling by Assad regime forces on Maarbalit village in southern Idlib countryside, causing material damage to civilians’ properties, as regime forces also fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Al-Fatirah, Safuhan, Fulayfel, and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 28 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired a guided missile on a civil car, whose owners work on collecting old and used items near Al-Dallah roundabout near Darat Izza city in western Aleppo in the 'de-escalation zone', injuring four civilians, some seriously, after a few hours ago, SOHR sources reported that regime forces stationed in Jurin camp fired shells on the outskirts of Al-Qarqourah, Al-Ziyyarah and Al-Sarmaniyah villages in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, as earlier today exchange of fire coincided with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Sahl Al-Ghab and Jabal Al-Akrad - 29 October 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded Darat Azza city in the western countryside of Aleppo in 'Putin-Erdogan' area with a number of artillery shells - 29 October 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces stationed in neighbouring areas have fired several artillery shells on Shinan and Binin villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with the flight of a Russian drone over the region, as Kafr Nouran village in western Aleppo countryside was subjected to similar artillery shelling - 30 October 2022: Assad regime forces fire artillery shells on villages in Idlib, SOHR reports - 31 October 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled Sarmaniyah, Al-Ziyarah, and Al-Mashik in Hama countryside. Moreover, regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on Maarat Al-Naasan town in Idlib countryside, according to SOHR. - 1 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired mortars on Al-Kadourah , Safouhan, and Al-Fatirah in Idlib countryside, also firing heavy artillery, targeting Kabbana frontline in Jabal Akrad, north of Latakia - 1 November 2022: Assad regime forces have fired dozens of artillery and rockets on Bayannin village and its forests in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 3 November 2022: Russian forces stationed in northern Hama countryside have fired two Russian-made Toshka missiles loaded with cluster bombs, targeting the perimeter of Idlib central prison and the western forests of Idlib province - 3 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired missiles and heavy artillery shells on Shinan and Binin villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside within De-Confliction Zone - 4 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Majdaliyah, Kaddourah and Bayanin in the southern countryside of Idlib in the early hours of Friday morning - 5 November 2022: Assad regime forces targeted faction supply lines in the vicinity of Al-Sheikh Sanadian and around Ghaniyah village in western countryside of Jisr Al-Shughur and Kabbana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad, north of Latakia, also bombardng the villages of Safuhan, Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Al-Bara and Bayanin forests in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 6 November 2022: Assad regime cluster rockets killed and injured over 80 displaced people including children in an attack on five camps for displaced persons west of Idlib, in Maram, Watan, Wadi Haj Khaled, Kafr Rouhain water station camp, Maureen village camp and Ba’iba’ah camp, as SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed four airstrikes on a forest west of Idlib city that hosts military camps of rebels - 6 November 2022: Death toll from Assad regime cluster bombing rises to nine civilians, including three children - 6 November 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and injury of others due to bombardment by regime forces on a workshop for harvesting olive in Kafrlatah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 7 November 2022: Assad regime forces stationed at the surrounding checkpoints bombarded the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Safuhan and Bayanin forests in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside and Kabbana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad, north of Latakia - 9 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired rockets on areas in the vicinity of Neirab village in eastern Idlib countryside, and around Bayanin and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 10 November 2022: Assad regime forces shell areas in Jabal Al-Akrad and Jabal Al-Zawiyah in 'de-escalation' zone - 10 November 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Binin and Ruwaiha villages in southern Idlib countryside, the vicinity of Al-Qahira and other frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab in north western Hama countryside - 11 November 2022: SOHR reported renewed bombardment on Friday, as regime forces shelled positions in Al-Ruwayha, Bayanin, Al-Fterah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with flights by Russian reconnaissance drones - 12 November 2022: Assad regime forces bombarded with heavy artillery areas in the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safuhan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 14 November 2022: An olive worker was killed by artillery shells fired by Assad regime forces in the vicinity of San and Maarableet villages in eastern Idlib countryside, that also caused damage to civilians’ properties. Moreover, regime forces have fired several heavy artillery shells on Darat Azza west of Aleppo, also attacking Kabanah frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad, north of Latakia, and fired heavy artillery shells, targeting the villages south of Idlib, and Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab, west of Hama. - 16 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells in the early hours targeting the perimeter of the villages of Qasr and Al-Wassatah in western Aleppo countryside, also bombarding villages of Ankawi, Al-Kahirah and Khirbet Al-Naqous in Sahl Al-Ghab nort-hwest of Hama - 17 November 2022: Many displacement camps in Idlib and countryside were damaged due to the heavy rains that hit the camp yesterday, as nearly 25 tents in Al-Barr and Al-Dainz camps were damaged as water infiltrate into these tents. One house was damaged in Zamzam 2 camp and its wall was demolished and water leaked into Takaful and Al-Orient camps in Atma Camps in northern Idlib countryside - 20 November 2022: SOHR activists reported that a surface to surface missile was fired from Assad regime positions in the Defence Departments near Al-Safira eastern of Aleppo, where Iranian militias are stationed, where the missile hit the vicinity of Afis town near Taftanaz airport, which is used by Turkish forces as military base within 'Putin-Erdogan' area. Moreover, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Mantaf Marbalit and Ma’rat Al-Na’san towns in Idlib countryside. Earlier today, SOHR sources reported that Russian forces fired surface-to-surface missiles on Qalb Al-Louzah village in Jabal Al-Sammaq in Idlib countryside. - 20 November 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child due to the explosion of a cluster grenade of war remnants in the agricultural lands at the outskirts of Jisr Al-Shughor city western of Idlib, while he was shepherding. Accordingly, SOHR has documented the death of 201 civilians, including ten women and 100 children, due to explosions of old landmines, unexploded shells and bombs across Syria since early 2022. - 20 November 2022: Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that the Erdogan administration holds responsible for last week’s bomb attack in Istanbul. Warplanes attacked bases belonging to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ party PKK, and the Syrian People’s Protection Units, or YPG, the ministry said in a statement, which was accompanied by images of F-16 jets taking off and footage of a strike from an aerial drone, 'The Guardian' reports - 21 November 2022: Russian fighter jets executed airstrikes, targeting areas on Kabbana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern countryside of Latakia. Meanwhile, regime forces have bombed areas in Fulayfel, Al-Bara, Al-Fatirah and Bayannen forests in southern Idlib countryside. - 21 November 2022: SOHR activists reported that Assad regime forces have fired a guided missile on a civilian car in Qilidin village in Sahl Al-Ghab in the western Hama countryside, as a few hours ago, Russian fighter jets executed six airstrikes, targeting the perimeter of the Bab Al-Hawa crossing and hospital near Sarmada town on the border strip with Iskenderun, metres away from the Turkish crossing. It is worth noting that the area is crowded with camps for displaced persons, the majority of whom were displaced by the military operation of Russia and Assad regime forces on the areas and countryside of Aleppo, Idlib and Hama between 2019 and 2020. - 22 November 2022: Turkey, Israel and Russia have all launched raids in recent days, reaffirming that a decade-long war remains a rumbling conflict with the potential to escalate on at least three fronts. But even as attention focuses on the escalating conflict in Ukraine, the unfinished 'business' of the Syrian war casts a growing pall across the rest of an incendiary region - 22 November 2022: SOHR activists monitored new series of Turkish ground shelling, where Turkish forces fired artillery shells on Kozlaih, Tel Al-Laban, Qobor Qarajna, Shaikh Ali, Tawela, Um Al-Kaif, Um Al-Khair and Tel Al-Ward villages and the Assyrian Abo Rasen town in Tel Tamr countryside north western of Al-Hasakah, comes amid an escalation of Turkish ground and aerial military activity on SDF-held areas in northern and eastern of Syria, including Turkish attacks on villages in north western Al-Hasakah causing a state of panic among civilians - 23 November 2022: A civilian was killed, and two others were injured by heavy artillery carried out by Assad regime forces on Afs village in the eastern Idlib countryside, as regime forces have also bombarded the vicinity of Kafr Nuran village in the western countryside of Aleppo - 25 November 2022: Assad regime forces fired several artillery shells on Al-Fterah, Fulayfel and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 27 November 2022: Turkish aircraft carried out intensive airstrikes on Sunday morning, targeting areas where Kurdish and regime forces are deployed in the northern countryside of Aleppo, as its airstrikes hit positions at Meng military airport, Shawargha, Maranaz and Malikiyah. No casualties have been reported yet. Since November 19 evening, Turkey has escalated its aerial bombardment, as Turkish drones have executed 50 airstrikes, targeting vehicles, positions, and areas in Aleppo, Al-Hasakah and Al-Raqqah. Turkish airstrikes left 45 people dead, and 34 others injured. - 27 November 2022: Turkish forces stationed at the scientific research base in Azaz city have fired heavy artillery shells on Ain Daqna village, Meng military airport and other areas where “Kurdish forces” and regime forces are deployed in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 27 November 2022: A 12-year-old girl was injured in Kani Kurdan neighbourhood on the eastern outskirts of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani), in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, when she was shot by Turkish forces while playing with other children in front of her house. The little girl was transferred to a hospital in Ain Al-Ara. - 27 November 2022: SDF and Turkish forces trade fire in Ain Issa and Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) countryside - 27 November 2022: Turkish troops and National Army factions shell ten villages in rural Tel Tamr and Abu Rasin - 27 November 2022: SOHR activists have reported that Turkish forces and their proxies fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Tel Refaat district in northern Aleppo countryside, Soghonaki, Al-Mayasa and Zarna’it villages in Shirawa district in Afrin countryside in northern Aleppo countryside - 27 November 2022: Many civilians in the border city of Al-Darbasiyah in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakah have participated in a mass demonstration to denounce the Turkish attacks and to demand that the international community and the Russians protect the residents of the area from Turkish airstrikes and stop the destruction of infrastructure and oil and gas facilities in north-eastern Syria. The protesters also stressed that they stood by the SDF in the face of Turkish military operation - 28 November 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Maarat Al-Naasan village in the northern Idlib countryside, as regime forces also have fired cluster rockets on the towns of Ihsam and Deir Sanbul in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and as furthermore intensive artillery shelling struck the vicinity of the villages of Fulayfel and Safohn in the southern Idlib countryside in Putin-Erdogan area amid flights by Russian fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 29 November 2022: SOHR activists have reported that a new Turkish military convoy comprising 50 machineries including tanks, personnel carriers and trucks carrying logistic equipment and weapons, is preparing to enter Idlib province - 30 November 2022: A child and his mother died as a fire broke out at their home in Ariha city in southern Idlib countryside, as the civilians use unsafe heating fuels such as diesel distributed by 'Salvation Government', plastic, rubber tyres and charcoal primitively, due to the high prices of 'safe' fuels such as fire logs and diesel of good quality, and electricity whose prices have become unaffordable by civilians - 1 December 2022: Turkish forces refuse to run joint patrol with Russians over their ongoing negotiations with SDF - 2 December 2022: Assad regime forces stationed at checkpoints nearby 'Putin-Erdogan' area fired artillery shells on the villages of Al-Fterah, Sfuhen and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to SOHR - 3 December 2022: Russian fighter jets have carried out four consecutive vacuum missiles, targeting the frontline of Kabbana hills in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia - 3 December 2022: Nearly 50 people killed in acts of violence, including ten in massacre by regime forces in the 'Putin-Erdogan area in November 2022 - 5 December 2022: Russian military police cancelled a joint patrol with Turkish forces - scheduled to be conducted in the western countryside of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) - for the third week in a row due to the military escalation in the region. Meanwhile, Turkish forces artillery shelled the villages of Khan, Karmagh and Koran in the eastern countryside of Kobani. - 5 December 2022: Residents of Binder Mishkow village in the western countryside of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) intercepted a Russian patrol road, protesting Russian silence over Turkish bombardment of areas in northern and eastern Syria - 5 December 2022: A Turkish military vehicle ran over a woman and a child in the northern Syrian town of Atareb on Monday, killing them instantly and sparking protests by locals, opposition. The apparent accident happened in the town west of Aleppo city as two armored vehicles drove through the town. Afterward, angry residents pelted the vehicles with stones as they drove slowly in the town located about 16km from the Turkish border, activists reported. - 6 December 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells, targeting the villages of Al-Fatirah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib, coinciding with intensive flights by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Jabal Al-Arba’een south of Idlib - 7 December 2022: Intensive artillery shelling by Assad regime forces stationed at surrounding checkpoints, targeting the villages of Fulayfel and Safuhan in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside reported by SOHR - 8 December 2022: SOHR documented the death of two members of Al-Sahiliyah division and the injury of two others, and the capture of another, in an ambush carried out by Assad regime forces on Al-Taffiyah frontline in Latakia countryside - 9 December 2022: SOHR reported heavy artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the villages of Kafr Ammah and Al-Qasr in the western countryside of Aleppo. Meanwhile, regime forces shelled positions in the frontline of Kabana in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Latakia and the villages of Sfuhen, Al-Fterah and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Aleppo, amid flights by Russian fighter jets since morning - 18 December 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets, targeting the villages and towns of Kafr Awaid, Al-Fatirah and Afas in Idlib countryside and the villages of Al-Qasr and Kafr Ta’al in the western countryside of Aleppo in Putin-Erdogan area - 21 December 2022: Assad regime artillery shells, targeting the vicinity of the villages of Hafiz and Wasita, hit two villages in western Aleppo countryside in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 25 December 2022: Assad regime forces have shelled the towns of Al-Bara, Kansafra, Safuhn, Kafr Oweid, Al-Fatirah and Fulayfel in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside - 26 December 2022: SOHR reported that two brothers displaced from Mahkan town in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside died this morning due to the explosion of a gas cylinder inside their tent in Al-Arisha camp in Al-Hasakah countryside - 2 January 2023: In Aleppo province Russian and Turkish forces have conducted a joint military patrol in the western countryside of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) comprising eight Russian and Turkish military vehicles, amid a flight by two Russian helicopters over the area - 3 January 2023: Assad regime forces have targeted with a guided missile a civilian vehicle at the eastern entrance to Al-Atareb city in the western countryside of Aleppo in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 4 January 2023: Assad regime forces have fired rocket launchers around Al-Forosiyah and Al-Yaman camps for the displaced people in Kafraya town in the northern Idlib countryside, in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 5 January 2023: A woman and her children were injured by renewed rocket fire by Assad regime forces for the second consecutive day, targeting 'Al-Forosiyah' camp for displaced persons between the towns of Kafraya and Al-Fu’ah near Idlib city - 9 January 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Sarmin city in eastern Idlib countryside within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where three shells were fired on civilians’ houses, and hit Kansafra town in southern Idlib countryside - 11 January 2023: Assad regime forces shell towns and villages within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, firing heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Barda town in southern Idlib countryside and 'Al-Fil' missiles on the vicinity of Al-Habata village in western Aleppo countryside - 19 January 2023: Five people were injured including three children, where Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on Qaston village in Sahl Al-Ghab in north western Hama countryside, as - moreover - regime forces shelled positions in Sahl Al-Ghab in Hama countryside in Lattakia countryside, Kafr Taal, Tadil and Bahfis villages western of Aleppo - 22 January 2023: Assad regime forces stationed at the surrounding checkpoints targeted a civil car with a guided missile in the vicinity of Darat Azza city, west of Aleppo, in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, burning it - 27 January 2023: Turkish authorities have arbitrarily deported nearly 95 Syrian refugees, who possess the temporary protection card 'Kimlik' during the past 48 hours, through Bab Al-Hawa crossing northern of Idlib and Bab Al-Salama crossing in A’zaz countryside northern of Aleppo, towards Syria, as the number of Syrian refugees who were deported by the Turkish authorities in 2023 has risen to 165 - 28 January 2023: Assad regime artillery shells hit cities and towns in western Aleppo countryside - 28 January 2023: A young man died affected by the wounds he sustained, when regime forces shelled his areas near Darat Azza western of Aleppo - 30 January 2023: Assad regime forces stationed at the checkpoints surrounding 'Putin-Erdogan' area have fired heavy artillery shells, targeting the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel and Safohn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, and Al-Sarmaniyah in Sahl Al-Ghab - 3 February 2023: SOHR activists have documented the injury of a displaced family of eight people: a man, his wife and their six children, in 'Al-Kuwaiti' camp in the west of Harbanoush town in the northern countryside of Idlib due to inhalation of toxic gas - 8 February 2023: Idlib Health Directorate's Ghanim Al-Khalil informed SOHR on the conditions in north western of Syria as a result of the catastrophic earthquake that left thousands of people dead, and explained the hundreds of families are still under the rubbles with lack of logistic capabilities to recover the people, coinciding with the harsh cold weather and attempts by rescue teams to find more survivors in a race with time. Al-Khalil appealed the international community and free countries to direct support directly without mediators to areas of northern and western of Syria, explaining that the weak infrastructure escalated the tragical condition, where the attention was only directed towards Turkey, coinciding with international community ignoring Syria and not responding to the conditions in north western of Syria, adding 'the statistics reported the death of 1,610 people and the injury of over 9,000 people in Idlib alone.., it is a humanitarian tragedy' - 8 February 2023: SOHR activists reported that the number of Syrians killed due to the violent earthquake has increased to 3,508 people, as well as the injury of 3,000 others - 12 February 2023: As in other parts of Aleppo province Syrian citizens, and in neighbouring Turkish provinces Turkish citizens, are struggling with the effects of devastating earthquakes since 6 February, in western Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) a Turkish drone has attacked a military vehicle that was carrying members of 'SDF', which left deaths and injured members, the first drone attack by Turkey after the earthquake. Accordingly, the number of attacks carried out by Turkish drones on areas controlled by the Autonomous Administration in north and north-east Syria since early 2023 has increased to 9. These attacks left 8 fatalities, including 3 civilians, 4 military personnel and a driver, as well as the injury of over 3 others, and as in Al-Hasakah province 7 the Erdogan regime killed 4 military personnel, a driver, and 2 civilians one of them a child. - 15 February 2023: SOHR sources reported that a new UN aid convoy has crossed into north-west Syria, via Bab Al-Hawa crossing on the Syria-Turkey border, comprising 22 trucks carrying humanitarian assistance provided to earthquake-affected people - 20 February 2023: Two people were injured and another person survived, where they were directly targeted by gunshots fired by members of a checkpoint of Assad regime’s 15th Division in Saida town in eastern Daraa countryside - 20 February 2023: Residents have found a new-born baby, who was abandoned by his parents, dumped near Al-Rasheed park in Al-Raqqah city, amid security chaos and escalation of phenomenon of abandoning new-born babies in Syria - 21 February 2023: Despite disastrous conditions due to earthquakes Assad regime forces shell villages including Al-Mansourah and Kherbat Al-Naqous villages in Hama countryside and Al-Ruwayhah and Benin villages in Idleb countryside - 4 March 2023: A new UN humanitarian aid convoy comprising 26 trucks carrying relief materials crossed into areas in north-west Syria through Bab Al-Hawa border crossing to help those who have been affected by the earthquake that hit Syria on February 6, after yesterday SOHR reported that a UN humanitarian aid convoy crossed into disaster-stricken areas in north-west Syria through Bab Al-Hawa - 6 March 2023: A civilian died today after a wall fell from a building, cracked due to the devastating earthquake, near Hanano school in Idlib city north-western of Syria - 6 March 2023: A wind storm hit Syrian regions and strongly affected the camp area in north-western Syria and blew away tents of 2023 earthquake survivors - 7 March 2023: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Maarat Aliyah town eat of Idlib and Kabanah in the northern countryside of Latakia within 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 14 March 2023: A 66 years-old civilian from Khirbat Al-Joz western of Idlib died of wounds he sustained when he was shot yesterday by members of the Turkish Border Guards 'Jandarma', while he was ploughing his land near border with Liwaa Iskenderun in north-western Idlib - 19 March 2023: Assad regime forces launched wide-range arrest campaigns in - Damascus, Deir Ezzor, Daraa - against civilians arbitrarily and without arrest warrants, where SOHR activists documented the arrest of over 82 civilians including a child and a woman since the beginning of March, where most of them were arrested by security services for unknown reasons - 19 March 2023: Several camps which house displaced people in areas in Idlib countryside had massive damages due to the extreme rainstorm and the floods followed it, where rain water entered tens of tents of the displaced people in more than 35 camps - 28 March 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Zakom and Qalidin villages in Sahl Al-Ghab north western of Hama - 29 March 2023: Homs province residents have found the bodies of seven civilians, who went missing on March 25. It was determined that they died due to the explosion of a landmine explosion of war remnants, while searching for 'truffle' in Al-Sokhna desert in eastern Homs countryside. - 3 April 2023: In Daraa province, unidentified people detonated an IED to a bus in the Syrian-Jordanian free zone on the international highway between Damascus and Amman near Al-Ghariya Al-Gharbiya town, causing the injury of 16 people - 3 April 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Harash Banin area and Maarat Al-Naasan town in the eastern countryside of Idlib, several areas in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib and Kafar Nouran town in the western countryside of Idlib - 7 April 2023: Hundreds of residents of Al-Bab city in eastern Aleppo countryside and Jinderes town in Afrin countryside went out on protests rejecting the normalization with the Assad regime, and the protestors held banners that read 'You commit crimes and we have to accept normalization', 'We thought Saudi was better' and 'We thank the countries that refuse normalization with the murderer of the Syrian people', after on 5 April hundreds of residents of Idlib city went out on protests rejecting normalization with Al-Assad’s regime, following the latest agreements between the deputy foreign ministers of Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Russian regimes in Russia - 16 April 2023: Suspected IS fighters kill 26 desert truffle hunters in Syria - in the desert east of Hama -, as SOHR says latest attack brings the number of foragers killed since February to 200 - 19 April 2023: Assad regime forces shelled positions in many towns and villages in 'Putin-Erdogan' area in the past few hours, including Idlib countryside - areas of Al-Fterah, Maarrat Alya, Al-Nayrab, Saan, Majdaliya and Maarbalet -, Hama countryside areas of Al-Sarmaniyah, Duwayr Al-Akrad, Al-Ziyyarah, Al-Ankawy -, and Aleppo countryside - areas of Kafr Taal and Kafr Ammah frontlines in the western countryside - 26 April 2023: A woman was killed and four people of one family were injured, including two girls one of which is an infant, due to ground shelling by the Assad regime on houses of civilians in Ma’arablit village eastern of Ariha city southern of Idlib - 26 April 2023: A minor 13 years-old girl threw herself from the 11th floor in the residential neighbourhood in Tartos city, causing her to die immediately, as the reasons behind her suicide remain unknown for the moment - 1 May 2023: After SOHR documented the death of 407 people in March 2023, 407 people were killed across Syria in April 2023, the highest monthly death toll in 15 months - 3 May 2023: Assad regime ground forces stationed in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area shelled the vicinity of Kafr Nouran, Kafr Amma and Kafr Ta’al villages in western Aleppo countryside and shelled the vicinity of San and Majdalya villages in eastern Idlib countryside - 7 mai 2023: SOHR reports that the Arab League has voted to readmit Syria's Assad regime more than a decade after it was suspended following a bloody crackdown on street protests and the Syrian revolution. The decision was taken at a closed meeting of Arab League representatives at the league’s headquarters in the Egyptian capital Cairo. - 14 May 2923: Assad regime ground forces stationed at checkpoints in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area, shelled the vicinity of Al-Bara, Safohen and Folaifal towns in southern of Idlib, the vicinity of Maarat Al-Naasan town eastern of Idlib and the vicinity of Al-Ankawy village north western of Hama - 18 May 2023: The misguided re-engagement with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, as the readmission to the Arab League sends a chilling message to regime’s victims, 'The Financial Times' reports - 21 May 2023: Assad regime ground forces stationed in checkpoints in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area have shelled Idlib and Lattakia countryside, where artillery shells hit frontlines of Al-Tofahiya in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Lattakia countryside - 24 May 2023: Assad regime forces shell positions in Latakia, Hama and Aleppo, injuring HTS member in Jabal Al-Akrad - 26 May 2023: SOHR reported that Russian fighter jets executed five airstrikes on the 'de-escalation zone' in the early house of Friday morning, targeting positions in the surrounding areas of Fulayfel and Sfuhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, the first since December 1 and coinciding with artillery shell by regime forces - 29 May 2023: Assad regime forces stationed in checkpoints in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area opened fire with heavy machineguns on Ma’arat Al-Na’asan town in eastern of Idlib, causing the injury of a civilian and his two children severely and they were taken to a hospital to receive proper medication - 30 May 2023: SOHR reported that a Russian fighter jet executed an airstrike on a position nearby Bazabour village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib in 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 30 May 2023: A young man was injured, as he was hit with shrapnel of a missile fired by a Russian fighter jet on an area nearby Bazabour village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah while he was riding his motorcycle. He was taken to the hospital. - 6 June 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on kafar Taal and Kafar Ammah towns in the western countryside of Aleppo, also attacking villages and towns in the southern countryside of Idlib and in the western countryside of Hama, as the bombardment coincided with the flight of reconnaissance planes over the region - 7 June 2023: Assad regime forces bombard several towns and villages in Latakia, Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 9 June 2023: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells, in early morning, on positions in Al-Faterah and Sfuhen villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib and Kabanah frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad area in the northern countryside of Latakia, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the region - 20 June 2023: Today all people around the world mark the 'World Refugee Day', amid risks and threats burden millions of refugees, with Syrian refugees struggling with the most tragic situations and crises for over 12 years, as according to UN’s statistics, the number of Syrian refugees has exceeded five million, many of whom have experienced harsh conditions in refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq, under the mercy of 'timid' aid and support by international powers, which have failed so far to help Syrian refugees - 20 June 2023: Russian warplanes launched four new air strikes within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, targeting the outskirts of Al-Sheikh Baher village in the western countryside of Idlib, witnessing a remarkable escalation for the early hours of today by the Russian warplanes, where they carried out eight air strikes in different areas in Idlib countryside - 21 June 2023: SOHR reported that three civilians were killed and others were injured in artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Kafr Noran town in the western countryside of Aleppo, as regime forces also fired artillery shells on Kafr Ammah town in the western countryside of Aleppo and the surrounding areas of Katyan and Maarrat Al-Na’san towns in the northern and eastern countryside of Idlib, as Assad's war crimes were later documented by SOHR activists - 22 June 2023: After three civilians killed by Assad regime bombardment, a little girl killed in targeting by 'HTS' on Sahil Al-Ghab area in Hama, SOHR reports - 23 June 2023: 14 children and women among 17 casualties in drone attack and exchange of fire between Assad regime forces and HTS, in west Aleppo countryside, west Hama countryside and Idlib countryside - 25 June 2023: SOHR sources have reported that the number of people who were killed in today’s airstrikes by Russian fighter jets on the 'de-escalation zone' has increased to 11 in the first massacre by Russian fighter jets in 2023, as the number of casualties in airstrikes on Idlib climbs - 27 June 2023: Russian warplanes launched new airstrikes on 'Putin-Erdogan' area, targeting the vicinity of Serjah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah with 7 airstrikes, coinciding with an airstrike targeted the vicinity of Jabal Al-Arbaein in the southern countryside of Idlib, amid information about causalities in the targeted areas, as Assad regime forces fired high-explosive missiles on the vicinity of Al-Barah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib - 30 June 2023: Russian intervention and Putin regime's dramatic escalation of aerial operations on 'de-escalation zone' leaves nearly 65 casualties - 3 July 2023: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces targeted, with heavy artillery shells frontlines within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, coinciding with the flight of six Russian drones over the south of Idlib and western Hama countryside - 4 July 2023: A civilian was killed and others were injured, where Assad regime forces fired heavy and medium machineguns on Tafs City in western Daraa countryside, coinciding with clashes between local groups and the regime forces, which are advancing towards Tafs City from the southern plains of the city, according to SOHR - 5 July 2023: Civilians injured in Turkish ground shelling on villages in Aleppo - 6 July 2023: The USA Air Force has released video footage it says shows Russian fighter jets flying dangerously close to several USA drones over Syria on Wednesday, setting off flares and forcing the MQ-9 Reapers to take evasive manoeuvres - 6 July 2023: SOHR reported that a young man died affected by the injury he sustained on 25 June due to Russian airstrikes on the vegetable market in Jisr Al-Shughour city in western Idlib countryside - 9 July 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah, Fuleyfel and Safouhen Kansafrah and Al-Barah villages south of Jabal Al-Zawiyah, resulting in the injury of three children who were taken to the hospital for treatment, and a member of factions - 10 July 2023: An elder woman was injured in artillery shelling by the regime on the vicinity of Al-Atareb City in western Aleppo countryside, and regime forces fired mortar shells on the vicinity of Folaifal Village in southern of Idlib - 12 July 2023: According to SOHR Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Saan village in the eastern countryside of Idlib amid flights by reconnaissance drones - 19 July 2023: Russian veto on aid lifeline to Syria could bring ‘catastrophe’ for millions, as fears rise that UN could be forced into compromise with Damascus to keep vital corridor open from Turkey to rebel-held Idlib - 19 July 2023: Assad regime forces renewed their bombardment on 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where they fired artillery shells today, on areas in the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib, and in the western countryside of Aleppo - 23 July 2023: A child and his father were injured in a ground bombardment carried out by Assad regime forces on Kfar Amah village in the western countryside of Aleppo, where they were taken to the hospital for treatment - 24 July 2023: 2 HTS members were killed in an Assad regime bombardment with heavy artillery shells on Al-Barah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib. The two killed members were from Kafroma town south of Idlib. - 25 July 2023: Russian fighter jet fired flares at USA drone over Syria and damaged it, USA military says adding that the move on Sunday was an attempt by the Russians to knock the MQ-9 Reaper drone out of the sky and came just a week after a Russian fighter jet flew dangerously close to a USA surveillance aircraft carrying a crew in the region, jeopardizing the lives of the four USA crew members, according to AP - 2 August 2023: A child died affected by the injury he sustained yesterday due to artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Marbalet village in Idlib countryside - 5 August 2023: Four civilians, including a woman were injured by shrapnel due to the airstrikes carried out by the Russian warplanes on the outskirts of Idlib city amid the rushing of ambulances to the targeted location to transport the injured - 5 August 2023: In Russian airstrikes on west of Idlib, three persons of one family, including a woman and a child, were killed, and six persons were injured, as the rescue teams are working to pull them from under the rubble and take them to the hospital for treatment. It is noted that the number is likely to increase due to the presence of critical situations. - 9 August 2023: Three civilians killed and injured by ground bombardment carried out by Assad regime forces on the residential neighbourhoods in Tadil village in the western countryside of Aleppo - 12 August 2023: Assad regime forces fire heavy artillery shells on villages within countryside of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama - 13 August 2023: In conjunction with Russian reconnaissance flight Assad regime forces fire seven frontlines and villages within 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 22 August 2023: Russian warplanes launched several airstrikes targeting the area between Maarat Masrin and Al-Sheikh Bahar towns in the northern countryside of Idlib, amid ongoing flight of the Russian warplanes and reconnaissance planes over the area - 22 August 2023: Civilians among 15 causalities in Russian airstrikes on military headquarters near refugee camp in Idlib countryside - 30 August 2023: 3 Russian warplanes executed six airstrikes on Idlib countryside targeting the vicinity of Kansafra and Al-Bara that are considered routes of supplies to Al-Malaja Village, where fighters of Ansar Al-Tawhid controls one third of it, as Assad regime forces intensified shelling with artillery shells and missiles in preparation for an attempt to storm and advance to the hill - 2 September 2023; Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Maarat Al-Naasan town in the northern countryside of Idlib, and Al-Fatirha, Fuleyfel and Safouhen in Jabal Al-Zawiyah south of Idlib - 2 September 2023; Three civilians of one family, including a child, were injured by shrapnel, as a result of an artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces in the early hours of today, on the outskirts of Al-Douirah village in the eastern countryside of Aleppo. Another woman was also injured due to targeting Al-Ajami village in the eastern countryside of Aleppo with artillery shells by regime forces - 5 September 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and rockets on the vicinity of the villages of Ma’aret Al-Na’asan, Al-Arabyikh, Taftanaz, and the frontlines of Kansafrah, Al-Fatirha, Kafer Awayed, Safouhen and Al-Barah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, as Russian warplanes lunched four airstrikes in the earlier hours of the morning on Al-Fatirha town in southern Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 6 September 2023: Russian warplanes launched two airstrikes on the vicinity of Al-Fatirha and Al-Barah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside within “Putin-Erdogan” area - 23 September 2023: Syrian north-west area witnessed an exchanged artillery shelling between Assad regime forces and factions, when regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah and Safouhen villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, Ib the morning, Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Tadil, Kafar Amah and Kafar Taal villages in the western countryside of Aleppo. - 27 September 2023: SOHR sources reported that three civilians were injured in artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the surrounding areas of Afes town in the eastern countryside of Idlib in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, and they were taken to the hospital - 27 October 2023: Russian fighter jets executed two airstrikes on Al-Sarmaniyah village in Sahl Al-Ghab in western Hama countryside and Kabanah hills in northern Latakia countryside - 28 October 2023: Russian warplanes renewed their airstrikes within “Putin-Erdogan” area, carrying out two air strikes on the frontlines of Al-Kabinah in the northern countryside of Latakia, and a third strike on the vicinity of Al- Ghasaniyah west of Jesr Al-Shughour in the western countryside of Idlib, bringing the number of Russian airstrikes to seven since this morning - 1 November 2023: Russian fighter jets executed two airstrikes on the vicinity of Al-Halubah village in southern Idlib countryside - 2 November 2023: In conjunction with Russian airstrikes on 'Putin-Erdogan' area, a civilians injured by regime bombardment on olive harvesting workshop in Aleppo countryside - 4 November 2023: Today morning, a Russian warplane targeted a military headquarter of HTS with two strikes, in Ain Shib village farms, west of Idlib city, resulting in large material damage - 5 November 2023: Assad regime forces bombed the outskirts of Afes villages on the frontlines of Saraqeb city, near the M5 road, Maarat Alia village in Idlib countryside and Kafar Taal village in the western countryside of Aleppo - 6 November 2023: Today, a Russian warplane carried out three airstrikes targeting the military headquarters of HTS and Ansar Al-Tawheed in Mashoun village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 7 November 2023: A civilian was killed and another was injured due to an attack by Assad regime forces on the residential neighbourhoods in Taftanaz town in Idlib countryside - 8 November 2023: SOHR sources have reported that a civilian was injured due to targeting a civil car with a guided missile by Assad regime forces on southeastern Al-Atarib city in western Aleppo countryside, amid rising plumes of smoke - 11 November 2023: Three Russian warplanes launched airstrikes on 'Putin-Erdogan' area, where five airstrikes were launched on western of Arab Saeed and the centre of Ma’arzaf Village. However, no casualties were reported, after earlier today, Russian warplanes carried out two airstrikes, targeting positions on Al-Barah frontline in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib - 12 November 2023: Assad regime forces bombard several towns and villages in Aleppo and Idlib countryside with heavy artillery - 14 November 2023: Assad regime ground forces renew shelling on frontlines and villages in Aleppo and Lattakia - 18 November 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah, Fuleyful and Al-Dar Al-Kabirah towns in the southern countryside of Idlib, in addition to the vicinity of Al-Nairab town and the vicinity of Maarat Aliah town in the eastern countryside of Idlib. They also fired Kafar Amah and Kafar Taal villages in the western countryside of Aleppo. - 19 November 2023: SOHR reports that two civilians were injured due to rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Sarmeen town in eastern Idlib countryside, as regime forces also fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Nayrab town in Idlib countryside - 20 November 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and missiles on the villages of Dowyir Al-Akrad and Al-Sarmaniyah in Sahil Al-Ghab in western Hama countryside within 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 22 November 2023: Assad regime forces renew their attacks on towns and villages in Idlib and Aleppo countryside - 25 November 2023: In Idlib province, SOHR reported a spike in the death toll of today’s massacre by Assad regime forces, where a child died of the wounds he sustained in rocket fire which targeted olive pickers in Qoqfin village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah. Accordingly, the number of civilian fatalities has increased to ten, including seven children, a woman and two men. The number of fatalities is expected to rise further, as other civilians were injured, some seriously - 28 November 2023: Four civilians, including a child, sustained various injuries, some seriously, due to an attack with two rockets fired by Assad regime forces on a group of workers and a car near Zardanah town in Idlib countryside - 29 November 2023: Assad regime forces, with Russian approval, have continued their siege on areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo, since November 20, which has led to the region completely running out of fuel, despite repeated appeals from the residents to break the siege and remove the humanitarian file from the policies imposed by the regime, which are based on clamping down on the residents of the region and emptying it. Accordingly, most of schools are still closed to students in the villages and towns of the northern Aleppo countryside, which includes displaced people from Afrin region, while Avrin Hospital continues to limit its work for the fifth day in a row to receiving only emergency medical cases after the majority of the equipment stopped. - 29 November 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and high-explosive missiles on San village in the eastern countryside of Idlib and Al-Fatirah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area. They also fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah and Safouhen towns, while Al-Ankawi village in Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama was bombed with heavy machineguns by the regime forces stationed in neighbouring areas. - 30 November 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the eastern outskirts of Idlib city and the vicinity of Marbalit village in the southern countryside, also firing artillery shells on Al-Saramaniyah and Duwair Al-Akrad villages in Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama - 1 December 2023: Assad regime forces shell Idlib and put an electricity station out of service - 2 December 2023: Assad regime forces fire artillery shells on school in eastern Idlib leaving teacher and two students injured - 3 December 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Sarmaniyah and Dueyer Al-Akrad villages in western Hama countryside - 10 December 2023: Assad regime forces committed a massacre in Idlib city, where seven civilians, including two children and a woman, were killed in an attack with over 35 missiles which hit civilian houses and industrial areas in the city. In addition, a man was killed in regime bombardment on Sarmin town in the eastern countryside of Idlib. The regime bombardment in Idlib city and Sarmin town left 42 civilians injured. Moreover, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on villages in western Aleppo countryside and the vicinity of Darat Izza city. - 11 December 2023: A civilian died in Idlib city bringing number of killed to nine in mass-acre committed against civilians by Assad regime forces - 15 December 2023: Three children who are 12, 13, and 14 years old were injured due to the explosion of an unexploded cluster bomb of earlier bombardment on Kansafra town in southern Idlib countryside, as a displaced woman from Homs city died of the injury she sustained on October 8 due to Assad regime artillery fire on Idlib city - 16 December 2023; Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the frontlines of Al-Qasr and Kafar Amah, west of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah, Safouhen, Fuleyful and Al-Barah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 17 December 2023: The number of martyrs in western Aleppo countryside has risen to seven people including a woman, where five of them were killed in Darat Azza City in Aleppo countryside, due to Assad regime shelling on residential areas with artillery shells and missiles. Moreover, two civilians were killed under regime shelling on Al-Ebizmo Town in Aleppo countryside. Meanwhile, at least six civilians were injured with some of them severely injured. - 18 December 2023: Russian warplanes targeted, with vacuum missiles, positions within HTS-held areas in Musaybin village near Ariha city in the southern countryside of Idlib - 19 December 2023: Russian jets launch four new strikes targeting western side of Idlib city - 19 December 2023: Child injured in Russian airstrikes in vicinity of Idlib city - 19 December 2023: Three children sustained various injuries due to artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Al-Ebzemo town in western Aleppo countryside, where they were taken to the hospital for treatment - 20 December 2023: Assad regime forces fired 'Phil' missiles on the vicinity of Al-Qasr and Kafar Amah villages in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 21 December 2023: A teacher died of the injury she sustained on December 2 due to heavy artillery fire by Assad regime forces on a school in Afs village in eastern Idlib countryside - 22 December 2023: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the frontline of Kabanah in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern Latakia and positions in Al-Fterah and Sfuhen villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib and the villages of Kafr Ammah and Kafr Taal in western Aleppo - 23 December 2023: A civilian, working in shepherding, was killed in an attack by a kamikaze drone launched by Assad regime forces and their proxies on Tadeil village in western Aleppo countryside - 25 December 2023: Assad regime bombardment has killed a civilian and four others were injured in artillery fire by regime forces on residential neighbourhoods in Sarmin town in east Idlib countryside - 25 December 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Kafar Amah and Kafar Taal villages, west of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah, Safouhen, Fuleyful and Al-Barah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah - 26 December 2023: Assad regime forces shell countryside of Aleppo and Idlib and bombardment exchanged within area and its frontlines - 29 December 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the outskirts of Ain Laroz, Taaum, Taftanaz and Afes villages in Idlib countryside, and the frontlines of Al-Qasr, Kafar Amah, Kafar Taal, Al-Sheikh Suleiman, and the vicinity of Darat Azzah town, west of Aleppo - 30 December 2023: A civilian was killed and at least15 others were injured in a primary death toll, after Assad regime forces fired missiles on a market and residential areas in Idlib City, and as a nine years-old child was injured by shrapnel due to regime’s artillery shelling on the vicinity of Al-Atareb City in western Aleppo countryside - 30 December 2023: Assad regime ground forces renew their bombardment on villages in Aleppo and Idlib countryside - 31 December 2023: Five civilians were injured after Assad regime forces fired missiles on residential areas in Idlib, where the shells landed on different neighborhoods in Idlib City and Al-Qusour Neighbourhood in the centre of the city, on New Year's Eve - 10 January 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, and Al-Haloubah in southern Idlib countryside and Al-Ankawi village in Sahil Al-Ghab in western Hama countryside - 16 January 2024: A civilian from Kafr Zaiba Village in Ariha City was killed under Assad regime shelling on the city. A few hours ago, ten civilians were injured after regime forces fired missiles on residential neighbourhoods in Ariha City southern of Idlib, coinciding with extensive flight of Russian warplanes over Idlib and its countryside. - 17 January 2024: Death toll of ground bombardment on Ariha increases to two and Assad regime forces renew their targeting of countryside of Aleppo, Latakia, and Idlib - 22 January 2024: Four civilians including two children sustained various injuries due to rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Ariha town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside - 22 January 2024: Two civilians sustained various injuries due to artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Sarjah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside, where they were taken to the hospital for treatment - 23 January 2024: Assad regime forces stationed in checkpoints in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area fired artillery shells on Bainin and Al-Bara Villages in Al-Zawiyah Mountain southern of Idlib - 27 January 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on places in the northern countryside of Latakia, in the southern Idlib countryside, and in the western countryside of Aleppo - 28 January 2024: Two children were killed in bombardment by Assad regime forces on the outskirts of Maarrat Al-Na’saan in Idlib countryside - 10 February 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Barah town and the surrounding checkpoints in Taftanaz town, in addition to the surrounding checkpoints in Al-Fatirah village in the southern countryside of Idlib - 11 February 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and missiles on the vicinity of the Turkish checkpoints in Al-Nairab Town eastern of Idlib City. Moreover, the shelling targeted residential neighbourhoods in Sarmin and Ariha Cities in Idlib countryside, while the shelling is still ongoing. - 12 February 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah village and the vicinity of Deir Sunbul village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside and the vicinity of '111' regiment in western Aleppo countryside - 16 February 2024: Assad regime forces stationed in checkpoints fired highly explosive missiles on the vicinity of Al-Fateera Village, and fire heavy artillery shells on the forest of Bainin Village in southern Idlib countryside - 18 February 2024: Two civilians, one of them is an elderly man, were injured, as a result of an artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on the outskirts of Kansafrah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib - 20 February 2024: A woman was killed, while another woman and a young man of one family were injured under shelling with missiles by Assad regime forces on Afis Village near the 'M5' Road in Idlib countryside. Moreover, regime forces fired artillery shells on the frontline of Kafr Nouran Village in western Aleppo countryside. - 22 February 2024: A drone of Iranian-backed militias attacked a motorcycle in the vicinity of Al-Qarqour village in Sahil Al-Ghab in western Hama. The attack left two children and their father injured, where they were taken to a hospital for treatment. On February 18, SOHR sources reported that a member of HTS working as a truck driver was killed and two others were injured severely, after two machineries on Afis frontline in Idlib countryside were targeted by two kamikaze drones that set off from positions of the Assad regime forces. - 29 February 2024: A civilian was killed and four others were injured and taken to the hospital for treatment, as a result of airstrikes carried out by a Russian warplane a short while ago, targeting a building that includes a 'carpentry workshop' on the western outskirts of Idlib city. A short while ago, SOHR reported that a person was injured as a result of airstrikes carried out by Russian warplanes targeting the vicinity of Idlib city on the western outskirts. - 1 March 2024: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on positions in the vicinity of Tadil and Kafr Taal villages and Ibzimu town in the western countryside of Aleppo and the villages of Al-Fterah, Sfyhen, Fulayfel and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 2 March 2024: Russian warplanes carried out airstrikes targeting the vicinity of Al-Ghasaniyah village in the western countryside of Idlib, also carrying out airstrikes with vacuum missiles targeting Al-Kabinah hills in Jabal Al-Akrad area in the northern countryside of Latakia - 2 March 2024: Assad regime forces targeted, with four kamikaze drones, sites in Sahil Al-Ghab west of Hama and Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib. One of the drones targeted a motorbike near Benin town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib. - 6 March 2024: Assad regime forces renewed their artillery shelling, targeting Kafar Amah and Kafar Taal villages, west of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah, Safouhen, Fuleyful and Al-Barah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, south of Idlib - 8 March 2024: Russian fighter jets carried out two airstrikes on Hursh Basinqoul in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib, using vacuum missiles, as Russian fighter jets also carried out two other airstrikes on Hursh Arab Said near the central prison in western Idlib, and as the Russian airstrikes coincided with frequent flights by reconnaissance drones over the regions - 10 March 2024: A child was killed and two civilians sustained various injuries due to an attack with guided missile fired by Assad regime forces that hit a car on the vicinity of Daret Azzah city in western Aleppo countryside - 11 March 2024: A civilian was killed due to an attack by an Assad regime’s kamikaze drone on a tractor in Kafr Nouran village in western Aleppo countryside, as regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity Kansafra and Al-Fatirah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 13 March 2024: Escalating bombardment by Assad regime forces firing heavy artillery shells on the frontlines of Binnin, Kansafrah, Al-Barah and Al-Fatirah in Jabal Al-Zawiyah and the frontline of Jabal Al-Arba’aeen in southern Idlib countryside and the vicinity of Al-Qarqour village in Sahil Al-Ghab area in western Hama countryside - 19 March 2024: Assad regime forces renewed their ground bombardment on several frontlines within the 'de-escalation' zone, as they fired rocket shells on the vicinity of Al-Dana city and the residential neighbourhoods in Zardana town in the northern countryside of Idlib, the vicinity of Daret Azzah in the western countryside of Aleppo and Taftanaz. Katyan and Maarat Al-Naasan towns in the eastern countryside of Idlib - 24 March 2024: Assad regime forces escalated their artillery attacks on villages, firing shells on the vicinity of Kansafra, Al-Barrah and Kafr Oued in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside - 25 March 2024; A young man was killed and another injured, as a result of an Assad regime forces kamikaze drone targeting the outskirts of Benin villages in the southern countryside of Idlib - 2 April 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Al-Abzeimo, Taqad, Arhab and Al-Saharah in western Aleppo countryside - 6 April 2024: A little girl died affected by the injury she sustained due to earlier artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Sarmeen town in eastern Idlib countryside, as the regime forces also renewed their attacks on the vicinity of Kafr Ta’Al in western Aleppo countryside - 16 April 2024: Assad regime forces attacked areas in the western countryside of Aleppo, with four kamikaze drones, resulting in the injury of five civilians, including two children as a preliminary toll, as one of the drones targeted residential neighbourhoods in Darat Azzah city in the western countryside of Aleppo, where the injured were taken to the hospital for treatment - 16 April 2024: Assad regime forces stationed in checkpoints in the vicinity of 'Putin-Erdogan' area fired heavy artillery shells on Darat Azza City in western Aleppo countryside - 18 April 2024: Two children sustained serious injuries in heavy machinegun fire by Assad regime forces on residential areas in Afes town in Idlib countryside - 24 April 2024: Assad regime forces fired high-explosive rockets on different positions in Kafr Ammah and its surroundings in the western countryside of Aleppo, also firing artillery shells on the villages of Al-Qasr Al-Habatah - 26 April 2024: A child and his brother were injured under shelling with missiles by Assad regime forces on Al-Hadadin Market and houses of civilians in Ariha City - 3 May 2024: Assad regime forces fired a guided missile targeting a civilian vehicle near a stadium in the area of Al-Sheikh Barakat Mountain in Darat Azza City in western Aleppo countryside - 5 May 2024: A child was killed and his mother was injured severely, after Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on their house in Al-Ebizmo Town in Aleppo countryside - 9 May 2024: In conjunction with Russian reconnaissance flight and kamikaze drones, Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on villages and towns within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, concentrated on Kafar Amah and Kafar Taal villages in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Al-Fatirah, Safouhen, Fuleyful and Al-Barah towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib. The shelling coincided with an intense flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah area, in conjunction with the flight of regime forces’ kamikaze drones in the airspace of western Aleppo. - 10 May 2024: A 13 year-old boy was killed due to regime artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the vicinity of Kafr A’mmah village in western Aleppo countryside within 'Putin-Erdogan' area, while he was shepherding cattle in the region - 18 May 2024: Five civilians of one family were injured including three children, under artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces on Tadil Village in western Aleppo countryside - 19 May 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Barra’ah And Kansafrah towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside within 'Putin-Erdogan' area - 24 May 2024: An Assad regime kamikaze drone executed an airstrike on the surrounding areas of the 111th Regiment frontline in the western countryside of Aleppo, as regime forces also fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Bara and Al-Fterah towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib in the early hours of Friday morning - 24 May 2024: Assad regime forces stationed in the checkpoints fired heavy artillery shells on the forest of Binin Village in southern Idlib countryside, as regime forces in Kawkaba Village also fired mortar shells on the outskirts of Folaifal Village southern of Idlib - 25 May 2024: Assad regime forces stationed on Al-Amqiyah Hill bombed with anti-armor missiles sites in Al-Ankawi village in Sahil Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, after yesterday in the northern countryside of Latakia Russian warplanes carried out more than seven airstrikes - 28 May 2024: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Qasr and Kafr Ammah villages in the western countryside of Aleppo and the villages of Kabanah and Al-Tuffahiyah in northern Latakia - 28 May 2024: Two children nine and seven years-old were killed in an attack by Assad regime forces with thermal missiles on a civil car and an agricultural tractor in the agricultural lands between Kafr Nouran and Al-Atareb City in western Aleppo countryside - 1 June 2024: SOHR reported that two civilians, one of them a child, were killed and another sustained various injuries due to an attack with a guided missile by Assad regime forces on a civil car carrying farmers on the vicinity of Al-Atareb city in western Aleppo countryside - 1 June 2024: Assad regime ground forces fired heavy artillery shells and rocket launchers on Al-Atareb City and Al-Qasr, Kafr Amma, Kafr Ta’al and Al-Ebizmo Villages in western Aleppo countryside and Ma’arat Al-Na’asan in eastern Idlib countryside - 11 June 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Kafr Ta’al and Kafr Nouran Towns in Aleppo countryside in Aleppo countryside - 13 June 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and missiles on the vicinity of Kafar Amah village in the western countryside of Aleppo, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the area - 9 July 2024: Assad regime forces targeted the outskirts of Al-Nayrab town in the eastern countryside of Idlib targeting a civilian car on the outskirts of the town, resulting in its destruction, while the regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Majdalia and Al-Ruwaihah villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib, and the village of Jubas, east of Idlib - 10 July 2024: SOHR sources have reported that Russia fighter jets executed three airstrikes on the vicinity of Al-Ghasaneiyah village in western Jisr Al-Shughour countryside, bringing the number of airstrikes today to ten - 10 July 2024: Russian warplanes carried out raids on Al-Sheikh Sindyan village in the western countryside of Idlib, near the administrative border with Hama province, as today morning, a Russian warplane targeted a site near Idlib city, with high-explosive missiles - 15 July 2024: Assad regime forces targeted, with 17 'kamikaze' drones, the villages of Al-Rouaij, Al-Ruwaihah, Mantaf and Maarazaf, south-western of Jabal Al-Arbaain in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with the flight of a Russian reconnaissance plane over Idlib and its countryside - 18 July 2024: An Assad regime 'kamikaze' drone bombed a civilian car coinciding with its passage in the vicinity of Al-Nairab town in the eastern countryside of Idlib, as the regime forces also fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Tuffahiyah village in the northern countryside of Latakia, and the vicinity of the towns of Al-Fatirah and Al-Barah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 19 July 2024: Assad regime forces launched a kamikaze drone targeting vicinity of Shinan Village southern of Idlib, coinciding with flight of scout drones over the region, moreover, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Majdalya Village southern of Idlib - 23 July 2924: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Qahirah and Al-Inkawi villages in the western countryside of Hama. The shelling also targeted the vicinity of Marrat Al-Naasan town in Idlib countryside. However, no causalities were reported, amid the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jisr Al-Shughour city and its vicinity. - 24 July 2024: During the early hours of this morning, four kamikaze drones launched by Assad regime forces carried out strikes in the vicinity of Mantaf and Al-Bureij villages in the southern countryside of Idlib - 25 July 2024: Today Assad regime forces attacked with three loaded drones, new sites within “Putin-Erdogan” area, targeting civilian houses and a civilian car in Mantaf town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib - 31 July 2024: Assad regime forces fired highly thermal missiles on the vicinity of Afis and Majarez Villages in Idlib countryside near Turkish checkpoints, as regime forces also shelled positions of HTS in Idlib with eight drones, three of which targeted Shinan Village southern of Idlib, two targeted Forkaya Town and two targeted Deir Sunbol town in Al-Zawiyah Mountain southern of Idlib - 3 August 2024: A man and his little daughter were injured in artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the outskirts of Deir Sonbol villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the “de-escalation zone” - 6 August 2024: Assad regime forces have escalated their attacks with kamikaze drones in different areas in the “de-escalation zone”, where over 12 drones attacked civilian cars and houses in the villages of Al-Daqmaq, Al-Zaqoum, Hemaymat, Al-Hemaydiyah and Qastoun in Sahl Al-Ghab area in west Hama countryside - 6 August 2024: A civilian was killed and four others were injured after Assad regime forces fired a guided missile on a house of residents in Al-Mashik Village in Sahl Al-Ghab north western of Aleppo - 8 August 2024: Assad regime forces target several villages in Idlib and Aleppo countryside firing heavy artillery shells on the villages - 14 August 2024: Two children were injured in Kafar Nouran town, west of Aleppo, as a result of an attack by eight drones launched from Assad regime-held areas - 16 August 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Fateera Village and the vicinity of Kansafra Town in southern Idlib countryside. Moreover, artillery shelling targeted Kafr Amma, Al-Qasr and Kafr Ta’al Villages, and forces fired heavy machineguns on Tadil Village in western Aleppo countryside. - 21 August 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Sarmin Town eastern of Idlib, targeting houses of civilians and a school in the town - 23 August 2024; Amid flights by reconnaissance drones Assad regime forces bombard several villages in Aleppo and Idlib countryside, SOHR reports - 31 August 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Fulaifal Village in southern Idlib countryside, and fired heavy machineguns on Kafr Ta’al Village in western Aleppo countryside. Moreover, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Telal Al-Kabana (Hills) in northern Lattakia countryside, coinciding with flight of Russian scout over “Putin-Erdogan” area. - 2 September 2024; The death toll has increased to 13 civilians, including children, as a result of a violent attack by ten “kamikaze” drones belonging to the Assad regime forces that targeted Kafar Nouran village in the western countryside of Aleppo. The bombing also caused severe material damage to civilian property, as many cars were damaged, and the bombing coincided with the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace. - 3 September 2024: Assad regime forces targeted a civilian car in Ketian town in the western Aleppo countryside with a “kamikaze” drone, as the “Putin-Erdogan” area witnessed sniper operations, infiltration and mutual targeting between regime forces and factions from time to time, leaving causalities on both sides - 6 September 2024: Assad regime forces targeted the vicinity of Binin Village and its forest in Jabal Al-Zawiyah (Mountain) with seven kamikaze drones in southern Idlib countryside - 10 September 2024: A civilian died affected by the injury he sustained days ago due to an attack by drone on Kafr Nouran village in western Aleppo countryside within “Putin-Erdogan” area - 10 September 2024: Assad regime forces renewed their shelling of several villages within “Putin-Erdogan” area. The artillery and mortar shelling concentrated on the vicinity of the villages of Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Mashik and Al-Ankawi in Sahil Al-Ghab area, north-west of Hama. Furthermore, Assad regime forces targeted Kafar Ammah village, west of Aleppo, which witnessed violent shelling with more than 20 artillery shells and mortar shells, causing extensive damage. Meanwhile, in northern Latakia, Assad regime forces targeted Al-Kabina hills with violent artillery shelling, in an attempt to control these strategic areas that oversee large areas of Latakia countryside. - 11 September 2024: A child and a woman were injured in a kamikaze drone attack launched from Assad regime-held areas, targeting residential neighbourhoods in Sarmin city in the Idlib countryside, as another drone also targeted the vicinity of the city, while no causalities were reported - 12 September 2024: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Tadel and Bahfes in western Aleppo countryside. Assad regime forces also fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Masheik village in Sahil Al-Ghab in Hama countryside and Ma’art Al-Na’asan town in eastern Idlib countryside. - 14 September 2024: Assad regime forces launched several “FPV” kamikaze drones targeting Al-Sheikh Suleiman Village western of Aleppo, coinciding with artillery shelling with mortar shells by regime forces on the same village in HTS-held areas - 15 September 2024: A child and a young man were injured under artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on residential areas in Sarmin City in Idlib countryside, while regime forces also shelled villages of Jabal Al-Zawiyah (Mountain) in the southern and eastern sides of the frontlines between HTS and regime forces - 17 September 2024: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Tuffahiyah village in the northern countryside of Latakia and the surrounding areas of Taqad and Kafr Taal villages in the western countryside of Aleppo. Similarly, Assad regime tanks bombarded the surrounding areas of Fulayfel village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib. However, no casualties have been reported. The Assad regime bombardment coincided with flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over the “de-escalation zone”. - 20 September 2024: Assad regime forces targeted, with a guided missile, a civilian car parked in front of the house of the car’s owner in Al-Dallah neighbourhood in the eastern part of Darat Izza city in the western countryside of Aleppo, as, regime forces also fired mortars on the surrounding areas of the 111th Brigade in the western countryside of Aleppo - 21 September 2024: A civilian was killed and eight others were injured including six children under shelling by the Assad regime forces with missiles targeting the main square in Taftanaz Town and the vicinity of the town in eastern Idlib countryside - 21 September 2024: A child died of his injuries as a result of Assad regime forces’ missile shelling of the houses in the populated Taftanaz town in Idlib countryside. Accordingly, the number of killed people increased to a man and a child, and the number of injured people increased to eight, including six children. - 1 October 2024: Two civilians were killed and three others were injured under artillery shelling by Assad regime forces on houses in Sarmin City eastern of Idlib, as a member of “Al-Fath Al-Mubin” Operation Room was killed under shelling by regime forces on frontline of Sahl Al-Ghab in western Hama countryside - 3 October 2024: An elderly civilian was killed in an artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on Al-Qasr village in the western countryside of Aleppo, within “Putin-Erdogan” area. In a related context, the vicinity of the villages of Kafar Nouran and Kafar Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo and Kansafrah in Idlib countryside, were subjected to a ground artillery shelling by regime forces. - 3 October 2024: An elderly civilian was killed in an artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces on Al-Qasr village in the western countryside of Aleppo, within “Putin-Erdogan” area. In a related context, the vicinity of the villages of Kafar Nouran and Kafar Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo and Kansafrah in Idlib countryside, were subjected to a ground artillery shelling by regime forces. - 4 October 2024: A woman and a child were injured under artillery shelling by the Assad regime forces on Al-Ebizmo Town western of Aleppo within “Putin-Erdogan” area. Moreover, exchanged shelling took place on the frontlines of Majdalya and Ma’arablet in southern Idlib countryside, while artillery shells and missiles were fired on the frontlines of Dadikh and Kafr Batekh. - 8 October 2024: Assad regime forces fired mortar shells on the vicinity of Al-Tuffahiyah village north of Latakia and the vicinity of Kafar Taal village in the western countryside of Aleppo, and fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah village south of Idlib, as artillery shelling also targeted the vicinity of Al-Ankawi village in Sahil Al-Ghab in the western countryside of Hama - 9 October 2024: Kamikaze drones of the Assad regime forces targeted Al-Ruwaihah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib, as in a related context, the regime forces carried out ground shelling on the villages of Kafar Taal, Kafar Ammah, Al-Qasr, Al-Asous and Kafar Nouran in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Maarbalit town in Idlib countryside, within “Putin-Erdogan” area, where the villages were targeted with artillery and missile shells - 11 October 2024: An Assad regime kamikaze drone attacked olive pickers in farmlands nearby Majdaliyah village in Idlib countryside, as regime forces also fired artillery shells on the frontlines of Kafr Taal and Al-Qasr in west Aleppo countryside in the “de-escalation zone” - 14 October 2024: SOHR sources have reported that Russian fighter jets executed 12 airstrikes using vacuum bombs, targeting several areas in Idlib and Latakia countryside. This coincided with a state of panic and fear among civilians. The airstrikes included five air raids targeting areas in western Idlib province, five others hit Hersh Bsanqul in Idlib countryside, three raids targeted positions in Kabana hills in northern Latakia countryside, four raids targeted Hersh Batenta and four hit positions in western Ma’arrat Misrin near Al-Sheikh Bahr area. - 15 October 2024: A young man was killed and eight others were injured under artillery and missile shelling by Assad regime forces on Al-Atareb City in western Aleppo countryside. Moreover, the shelling targeted Darat Azza City in the same countryside. - 15 October 2024: Russian warplanes renewed their airstrikes on “Putin-Erdogan” area, for the second consecutive day, as the warplanes launched four airstrikes targeting Al-Kabinah hills in the northern countryside of Latakia, and a fifth raid targeted Ain Al-Zarqah area near Darkoush in the western countryside of Idlib - 16 October 2024: A 5-year-old girl was killed and five civilians were injured, as a result of intense artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces, targeting agricultural lands around the villages of Maarbalit and Maarzaf, south-east of Idlib, as the injured were taken to the hospital for treatment. The Assad regime forces also shelled the towns of Al-Nayrab, San Majdalia and Benin in the eastern countryside of Idlib, and a regime kamikaze drone targeted the vicinity of Deir Sunbul village in the southern countryside of Idlib. - 16 October 2024: Assad regime forces shelled Kafar Taal village in the western countryside of Aleppo with more than 40 artillery shells and heavy missiles, resulting in significant material damage to civilians’ properties and houses. In a related context, Russian aircraft launched attacks with vacuum missiles on Kabanah hills north of Latakia. - 17 October 2024: Three civilians were injured after Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Maarbalit village in Idlib countryside. Regime forces also shelled the vicinity of Mantaf village in the southern countryside of Idlib, and the frontlines of Al-Tuffahiyah village in the northern countryside of Latakia. Moreover, regime forces targeted with several “amikaze” drones the vicinity of Darat Izzah city in the western countryside of Aleppo. - 23 October 2024: Five civilians were injured, as a result of Assad regime's kamikaze drone targeting a car carrying members of a workshop in Al-Ibzmo town in the western countryside of Aleppo. In this context, kamikaze drones of the Assad regime forces targeted three points in the towns of Tadil, Al-Ibzmo and Kafar Ammah in the western countryside of Aleppo, where explosions were heard in the targeted points, while no causalities were reported. Moreover, the regime forces bombed fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Kafar Taal village, Al-Qasr and the vicinity of the Agricultural School in the western countryside of Aleppo - 25 October 2024: Five kamikaze drone of Assad regime forces attacked the villages of Kafr Ta’al, Kafr Amma, Al-Qasr and the eastern part of Al-Atareb city in western Aleppo countryside, as the attack left three civilians, including a woman and a little girl, injured due to targeting civilian houses and olive harvesting workshop in Al-Atareb, where the injured civilians were taken to the hospital for treatment. The attack also caused damage to two cars and several civilian houses, amid a state of panic among civilians. - 26 October 2024: Assad regime forces attacked a site in the vicinity of Taqad village in the western countryside of Aleppo with a suicide drone. No causalities were reported. In a related context, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Kafar Nouran and Kafar Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo, and the vicinity of Kansafrah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Taqad, Kafar Ammah and the 111th Regiment west of Aleppo, to monitor and follow up on movements. - 28 October 2024: Since the early hours of today, the “Putin-Erdogan” area has witnessed a remarkable ground escalation by regime forces on various areas in the countryside of Aleppo, Hama and Idlib. In this context, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Kafar Taal, Al-Asous, Al-Qasr and Kafar Ammah in the western countryside of Aleppo, and the vicinity of Al-Ankawi village and Khirbat Al-Naqous in Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama, in addition to Al-Barah in the Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib. In conjunction with the ground shelling, areas in the western countryside of Aleppo and the eastern countryside of Idlib are witnessing intensive flights by reconnaissance aircraft and drones in the skies of those areas. - 31 October 2024: A civilian sustained serious injuries in artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the surrounding areas of Al-Atareb city in Aleppo countryside. This coincided with ongoing displacement of families from the villages of west Aleppo countryside in light of the escalating bombardment. - 5 November 2024: A civilian and his wife sustained various injuries in artillery fire by Assad regime forces on the populated village of Iblin in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib. The regime artillery fire also targeted positions in the villages of Kansafra, Abdita and Tarisha, which caused material damage to civilian properties. - 7 November 2024: Assad regime forces attacked several villages and towns within “Putin-Erdogan” area with 35 kamikaze drones in less than 48 hours. Today, regime forces attacked the region with 20 kamikaze drones, where they executed three airstrikes on the frontline of Jabal Al-Turkman and 17 airstrikes on the frontlines of Dart Azzah, Kafr Ta’al, Al-Asous in western Aleppo countryside and Ma’arat Al-Na’asan in eastern Idlib countryside. However, no further details have been reported yet about the number of casualties and material damage caused by the attacks. - 8 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah village, south of Idlib. Artillery shelling also targeted the vicinity of Al-Barah and Kansafrah in Idlib countryside, without any information about causalities or the extent of material damage so far, coinciding with the flight of Russian warplanes over Jisr Al-Shughour and its countryside. Furthermore the Assad regime forces are focusing on bombing residential areas near the contact lines with HTS and the factions, to force civilians to flee and stay away from their houses. - 9 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired dozens of artillery and missile shells on populated areas in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib within “Putin-Erdogan” area, which led to the displacement of some families in difficult circumstances, in parallel with targeting car movements, and the flight of a large number of drones in the skies of the area. More than 20 shells fell on residential neighbourhoods and the outskirts of Al-Atarib city in the western countryside of Aleppo, and the shelling of the city was renewed this morning, which led to a fire in one of the houses. - 9 November 2024: A civilian from Killi town in Idlib countryside was killed under torture in an Assad regime forces prison, after being detained for nine years - 10 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on workers picking olive in the south of Al-Nayrab town in the eastern countryside of Idlib in the “de-escalation zone,” injuring two workers and they were taken to the hospital. Regime forces also fired artillery shells on barriers of the Turkish post on the outskirts of Saan village in the eastern countryside of Idlib. - 12 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Kafar Aamah, Al -Qasr and Tadil in the western countryside of Aleppo. The artillery shelling also targeted the vicinity of Al –Ankawi village within Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama, coinciding with the targeting of the vicinity of the village with six “kamikaze” drones. No causalities were reported. The bombing coincided with intensive flights of reconnaissance Russian and International Coalition aircraft in the skies of the area. - 13 November 2024: 11 Assad regime kamikaze drones attacked Al-Ibzmo village in the western countryside of Aleppo, which led to the injury of ten civilians, including three children. The residents also tried to confront the drones with hunting weapons, in parallel with the ongoing attacks, which also targeted Al-Qasr village in the western countryside of Aleppo. Today morning, Four kamikaze drones attacked a market and different areas in Al-Ibzmo town in the western countryside of Aleppo, within “Putin-Erdogan” area, which resulted in the injury of four civilians, including two children, who were taken to the hospital for treatment, coinciding with the flight of drones in the air - 15 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Ankawi village in Sahl Al-Ghab in west Hama countryside, the surrounding areas of Afes and Taftnaz towns in the eastern countryside of Idlib and the villages of Tadil and Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo in the “de-escalation zone.” However, no casualties have been reported The regime forces’ bombardment coincided with flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over the region - 16 November 2024: After midnight Friday-Saturday, Assad regime forces shelled the frontlines of Jabal Al-Turkman and Kabanah in Latakia countryside, coinciding with mutual targeting near the contact lines with HTS and the factions. Regime forces also shelled the villages of Kafr Taal, Kafr Ammah and the vicinity of Al-Atarib city in the western countryside of Aleppo, and Kansafrah town in Idlib countryside. - 19 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Sheikh Suleiman village and Kafr Taal village in the western countryside of Aleppo. They also shelled the vicinity of Al-Fatirah village and Harsh Binin in the southern countryside of Idlib. The artillery shelling also targeted Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama, within “Putin-Erdogan” area. The shelling coincided with the flight of Russian reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace. - 20 November 2024: Kamikaze drones of Russian forces attacked Taqad Village in western Aleppo countryside, injuring three civilians in a primary toll, and the injured people were taken to a hospital to receive proper medication - 23 November 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Ariha, Binish and Sarmin Cities in Idlib countryside, where a girl was killed and eight civilians were injured including six children and were taken to a hospital to receive proper medication, as moreover Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and rockets extensively on Al-Ruwaiha, Majdilia, Binin, Mandif, Al-Bara, ma’arat Aliya, Afis, Taftanaz and Ma’arat Al-Na’asan Towns and Cities in Idlib countryside - 24 November 2024: Since early morning, “Putin-Erdogan” area has witnessed remarkable escalation by Assad regime forces, which is manifested in bombardment with artillery shells, rockets and drones. The shelling concentrated on villages and towns of Afes, Binish, Taftanaz, Ariha, Al-Nayrab, Maraat Al-Naasan, Majdalia, Maarbalit, Mantaf, Binin and Deir Sunbil in Idlib countryside, as well as Kafr Nouran and Kafr Amah villages in the western countryside of Aleppo. - 25 November 2024: In Idlib province six kamikaze drones of Assad regime forces attacked the villages of Tadeil and Kafr Ta’al in western Aleppo countryside. Meanwhile, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells Al-Wasitah farm in southern Al-Atareb city in western Aleppo countryside. - 28 November 2024: SOHR reported that Russian and regime fighter jets executed 57 airstrikes since Wednesday morning, targeting different positions in Idlib and Aleppo countryside. The number of civilians, who were killed in today’s airstrikes in Al-Atareb and Darat Izza cities in Aleppo countryside, has increased to 19, including four children and three women. Among the total death toll there are 15 civilians, including four civilians and two women, who were killed in a massacre committed by Russian fighter jets in Al-Attarb city in the western countryside of Aleppo - 29 November 2024: The number of civilians who were killed under the Russian airstrikes on Idlib has risen to four, while 19 others were injured. The Russian and regime’s warplanes carried out 23 airstrikes today, targeting Idlib City, Qaminas, Binish, Jobas, Dadikh and Kafr Uwaid cities, towns and villages in Idlib countryside. - 24 November 2024: Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham and factions operating under the banner of “Deterrence of Aggression” operations room managed to impose their control on 20 villages, towns, and positions in Idlib and Aleppo countryside on the third consecutive day of ongoing clashes between factions and regime forces. large numbers of fighters from factions also managed to enter five neighborhoods in Aleppo city, Al-Hamdaniyah, Halab Al-Jadeidah, 3,000 Apartments, Al-Jamiliyah and Salah Al-Dein, following two suicide operations and violent clashes around the city after capturing the Scientific Research Centre. These are the first neighborhoods the factions have entered since 2016. - 1 December 2024: 49 people were killed including 17 civilians, who were killed in two separate massacres by Russian fighter jets targeting residential areas in Idlib and Aleppo. Moreover, the rest were killed under airstrikes and direct attacks during the “Blocking Aggression” Operation that continues for the fifth consecutive day. The victims are as follows: Nine civilians killed under Russian airstrikes on Idlib, eight civilians killed under airstrikes on Al-Jamaa Hospital in Aleppo, nine members of HTS including two photographers killed under shelling on Al-Jamaa Hospital in Aleppo, 23 members of the Assad regime forces killed in shelling and direct attacks during the “Blocking Aggression” Operation with attempts to advance in northern Hama countryside. - 2 December 2024: Russian fighter jets executed two airstrikes on a cluster of healthcare facilities, including Idlib University Hospital, Ibn Sina Hospital, the National Hospital and the Directorate of Health in Idlib city. Russian fighter jets also executed two airstrikes on the predominantly Christian Al-Sulaymaniyah neighborhood in Aleppo city, but no casualties were reported. Russian and regime fighter jets have noticeably escalated their attacks on Aleppo and Idlib cities, leaving casualties among civilians. - 3 December 2024: Two civilians were killed due to airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets on the residential neighbourhoods in Khan Sheikhoun city in southern Idlib countryside. The death toll due to Russian airstrikes on Al-Sham’at roundabout and the residential neighbourhoods in Idlib city and a refugee camp near Harbanoush in northern Idlib countryside, the outskirt of Ma’arat Masreen city and the outskirt of Al-Sheikh Bahr village, has increased to 13 civilians, including five children and two women. - 5 December 2024: Groups of Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham entered Salamiyah city in the east of Hama without fighting, where an agreement was reached with the city’s elders and representatives of the “Ismaili Council”. HTS and factions operating under the banner of “Deterrence of Aggression” operations room also took control of Qamhana town, whose young men are members of “Al-Taramih Forces” which the most important formation of the 25th Division. Moreover, rebels took control of Zein Al-Abideen strategic mountain near Hama city and combed the region following withdrawal of Assad regime forces. SOHR sources have just reported that regime forces have withdrawn from Salamiyah city in the northern countryside of Hama, while National Defence Forces evacuated their positions in Salamiyah city and countryside. This follows the advancement by HTS and allied factions into Hama city, amid fierce clashes. - 6 December 2024: SOHR sources have confirmed that Homs city is devoid of Assad regime forces, where they have withdrawn from the city and stationed along Homs-Latakia road. Meanwhile, pro-regime armed individuals remain in neighborhoods with a predominantly Shiite population. Regime helicopters targeted the outskirts of Deir Ba’alba neighborhood in Homs with several barrel bombs. Meanwhile, fighter jets executed an airstrike on the village of Al-Farhaniyah, between Talbiseh and Al-Rastan cities in northern Homs. - 8 December 2024: Deposed Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is in Moscow, 'The Guardian' reports with live updates

8 December 2024 fall of the Assad regime in Syria following major offensives by the Syrian opposition as part of the Syrian civil war that began in 2011

27 December 2024 SOHR documented the death of 76 people and injury of over 57 others in areas under the control of Turkish forces: 27 December 2024: Turkey's “Olive Branch” area in 2024 shows over 600 human rights violations, nearly 90 explosions and factional infightings, 133 casualties in acts of violence, as SOHR calls on the international community to intervene immediately and protect civilians from systematic violations by Turkish-backed factions. SOHR has documented the death of 76 people and injury of over 57 others in areas under the control of Turkish forces and factions operating under the banner of “Olive Branch” operations room in the north-western countryside of Aleppo. A breakdown of fatalities is as follows: 38 civilians, including eight children and three women, 11 civilians, including two women and three children, were murdered, nine civilians, including three children, were killed in gunfire and infightings, seven civilians were shot dead by Turkish forces.

Since 14/15 June 2018 'World Cup' and since 2014 Russian aggression against Ukraine: Russian military intervention in Ukraine since February 2014, and now during the June/July 2018 Fifa World Cup in Russia: 15 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 33 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another six, as soccer fans roar 'goal' in Moscow - 16 June 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in nine instances - 16 June 2018: Russian-led militants shell residential buildings in Novotoshkivske, use 80mm mortars - 17 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 27 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 18 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 19 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 20 June 2018: Russian-occupation forces violated the ceasefire regime 26 times, including three times with the use of heavy weapons banned by the Minsk agreements, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 21 June 2018: Over the past 24 hours, Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire 30 times, including six times with the use of artillery and mortars - 22 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 29 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 23 June 2018: Donbas Russian-backed militants break ceasefire 27 times in past day - 24 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding five Ukrainian soldiers, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 25 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 26 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 28 June 2018: Two civilians have been wounded in a mortar attack by Russian-controlled forces on the town of Zalizne near Toretsk in Donetsk region, as three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another three were wounded in action in Donbas on 27 June - 29 June 2018: Four Ukrainian troops killed, two wounded in Donbas as militants mount 28 shellings in past day - 30 June 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers, and as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 1 July 2018: New truce in Donbas fails as Russian-controlled troops mount two attacks on Ukrainian army, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in two instances - 3 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 4 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in two instances - 5 July 2018: Russian occupation forces violated 19 times the ceasefire along the entire contact line, including two times with the use of heavy arms, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 6 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 7 July 2018: Over the past day Russian occupation forces violated 30 times the ceasefire along the entire contact line in Donbas, including one time with the use of banned weapons, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 8 July 2018: Over the past day Russian-occupation troops violated 13 times the truce along almost the entire line of contact in Donbas, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 9 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 10 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 11 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 12 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 13 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 14 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 15 July 2018: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in Donbas in the past day, as Russian-led forces mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian positions and as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 16 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 29 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia, including France's Macron, congratulating Polonium-, and Sarin-, and Novichok-Putin - 17 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 18 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 19 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in three instances - 20 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 July 2018: Russian proxy forces opened fire on Ukraine positions 29 times over the past 24 hours, wounding 3 Ukrainian soldiers - 22 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, resorting to proscribed weapons twice - 23 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 25 July 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 33 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in three instances - 26 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 27 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 28 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 29 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two - 30 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 31 July 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 40 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 1 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 3 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 4 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in six instances - 5 August 2018: Russian-backed militants violated the ceasefire 33 times, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 6 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 40 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 7 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 8 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in five instances - 9 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 44 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 9 August 2018: A Russian-backed missile got into a car with Ukrainian military near the town of Zolote in Donbas on Wednesday evening, killing a Ukrainian soldier and injuring another three troops - 10 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 45 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 11 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 12 August 2018: The Russian occupation forces mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian positions in the past day - 13 August 2018: Russian occupation forces opened fire 57 times on the positions of the Ukrainian military in Donbas, including 12 times from heavy weapons - 14 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 41 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 15 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 46 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 16 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 43 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day, using heavy weapons in five instances - 18 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 40 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, using banned weapons and wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 19 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 43 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two - 20 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day - 21 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day - 21 août 2018: Le cinéaste ukrainien Oleg Sentsov, détenu dans le nord de la Russie, atteint mardi son 100e jour de grève de la faim, sans qu'aucun signal du régime russe ne laisse entrevoir une prochaine libération malgré la dégradation de son état de santé - 22 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 23 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 24 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 42 attacks on the Ukrainian troops, killing five Ukrainian soldiers and wounding seven more, escalating their attacks the day before Ukraine marks its Independence Day - 24 August 2018: The father of two children killed in Russian attack on Ukrainian village of Vrubivka in Luhansk region, as also facilities belonging to a local school have been damaged in the attack - 25 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 39 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 26 August 2018: Russian-occupation forces shelled Ukrainian positions in Donbas 33 times, including seven times from weapons banned by the Minsk agreements - 27 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 27 August 2018: A residential house has been damaged in a mortar attack on the village of Kriakivka, Luhansk region, by Russian-led forces - 28 August 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 29 August 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past day - 30 August 2018: Russian-backed militants launched 18 attacks, including one from weapons banned under the Minsk agreements, on positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbas - 31 August 2018: Russian-backed militants launched 12 attacks on positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day - 1 September 2018: Over the past day Russian-occupation forces opened fire 11 times on Ukrainian positions - 2 September 2018: One Ukrainian soldier was killed, another two were wounded in the past day amid 11 attacks by Russian-backed militants and the so-called 'back-to-school' ceasefire in Donbas, which began on 29 August - 3 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding eight Ukrainian soldiers - 4 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian Joint Forces' positions in Donbas 20 times in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 5 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 6 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 31 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and woounding another three - 7 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 8 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 9 September 2018: Over the past day Russian-backed militants opened fire 25 times on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbas, wounding on Ukrainian soldier - 10 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 11 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 12 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 33 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 13 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 38 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 14 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 37 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 15 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 16 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian positions on Saturday alone - 17 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 18 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 19 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another one - 20 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 22 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 23 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours, using weapons prohibited by the Minsk accords in 5 cases - 24 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 35 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 25 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 27 attacks on the Ukrainian Joint Forces in Donbas - 26 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 24 attacks on the Ukrainian army in the past 24 hours, wounding 5 Ukrainian soldiers - 28 September 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 29 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 30 September 2018: Three teens killed, another wounded in landmine blast near Russian-occupied Horlivka - 30 September 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 32 attacks on the Ukrainian army in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 October 2018: Russian occupation forces in Donbas reportedly employ lasers to blind Ukrainian border guards - 2 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last day - 3 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 4 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 5 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 6 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 7 October 2018: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action as a result of 25 attacks mounted by Russia's hybrid military forces in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, on Saturday - 8 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 27 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 9 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 36 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 10 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 39 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 11 October 2018: Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed in a landmine blast in the past 24 hours, while the total number of attacks by Russia's hybrid military forces on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas reached 28 incidents - 12 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 27 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 13 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian troops in eastern Ukraine in the last 24 hours - 15 October 2018: Over the past day, Russian invaders 23 times opened fire on the positions of the Ukrainian troops, including four times with the use of banned weapons - 16 October 2018: In the past day, Russian occupation forces opened fire at the Ukrainian positions 37 times, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 17 October 2018: In the past day Russian-occupation forces 19 times opened fire on the positions of the Joint Forces in eastern Ukraine, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another one - 18 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 19 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the last 24 hours - 20 October 2018: In the past day Russian occupation troops in Donbas opened fire 16 times on the positions of the Joined Forces, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 October 2018: Over the past day Russian occupation forces opened fire 17 times on the positions of Ukraine's Joint Forces in Donbas, wounding on Ukrainian soldier - 22 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 23 October 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 24 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 24 October 2018: Sales of illegal weapons have doubled in Ukraine in the past year, according to the national police, many of them smuggled from the east of the country occupied by Russia-backed forces - 25 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 26 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 28 October 2018: Russian-led forces use banned weapons in five out of fifteen attacks on Ukraine army in past day - 29 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 30 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 31 October 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 1 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 2 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 3 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 4 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in past day - 5 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 6 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 7 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 8 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 9 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 10 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 12 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 13 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 15 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 16 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 November 2018: Russian occupation forces opened fire 10 times on Ukraine positions in the conflict zone, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 18 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 19 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 20 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 21 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 22 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 23 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted four attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 24 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 25 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted seven attacks on the Ukrainian army in Donbas in the past day, using proscribed weapons twice and fatally wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 25 November 2018 Kerch Strait incident - 26 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, with two Ukrainian soldiers - 27 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 28 November 2018: Russian-led forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 28 November 2018: Following Russian regime’s seizure of three Ukrainian navy ships and crew, regime to deploy new missiles to annexed Crimea, as Ukraine president warns regime, saying 'I don’t want anyone to think this is fun and games. Ukraine is under threat of full-scale war with Russia' - 29 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 30 November 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted six attacks on the Ukrainian army in Donbas in the past day - 1 December 2018: Shooting of Ukraine's 'Berdyansk' boat by Russian regime most likely took place in international waters, as Ukrainian tug 'Yani Kapu' was intentionally rammed at least four times over a period of at least an hour, Bellingcat said - 2 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 3 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 4 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 5 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 6 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 7 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 8 December 2018: Over the past day Russian occupation forces opened fire 13 times on the defense positions of Ukraine's Joint Forces, killing one soldier and wounding another one - 9 December 2018: A large convoy of trucks carrying military equipment into the Russian-occupied Crimea was spotted moving across the Kerch Strait Bridge on December 8 - 10 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 December 2018: Russia blocking Kerch Strait passage to over 100 ships, according to Ukraine border guards - 11 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 12 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 13 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in eastern Ukraine in the last 24 hours - 14 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers - 15 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 16 December 2018: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 12 times in the zone of the Joint Forces Operation in Donbas, including using banned weapons, as a Ukrainian serviceman was shot dead by an enemy sniper and another one was injured in combat - 17 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 décembre 2018: Le régime russe déploie des avions de chasse en Crimée, annexée en 2014 - 18 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 19 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 20 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the last 24 hours - 21 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 22 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours, using banned weapons banned - 23 September 2018: UN General Assembly supported a resolution condemning human rights violations in Russian-occupied Crimea, as some 65 states voted for the resolution, 27 (including Russia, Belarus, China, India, Serbia, Syria, South Africa, Nicaragua and Venezuela) voted against, and 70 abstained - 25 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 26 December 2018: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire five times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 December 2018: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 28 December 2018: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in Donbass eight times, including three times with the use of weapons proscribed by Minsk Agreements, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 29 December 2018: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 29 décembre 2018: Environ 7000 km2 sont contaminés par des mines dans l'est de l'Ukraine, ce qui en fait une des régions les plus minées au monde - 30 December 2018: Russian-led hybrid military forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on December 29, the first day of a recently agreed 'New Year truce' - 31 December 2018: Russian proxy forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas twice violated the ceasefire, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers, observing 'New Year truce' in Putin's way, as warplanes breach Russian-Turkish 'truce' agreement in Syria's Idlib province - 1 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 2 January 2019: Russian-led military forces violated the ceasefire three times in the past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 3 January 2019: Russian-led military forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in the past day - 4 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 5 January 2019: Russian proxy forces violate ceasefire in Donbas three times in past 24 hours - 8 January 2019: Over the past day, Russian proxy forces in Donbas violated the ceasefire five times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier for Christmas - 9 January 2019: Russian-led forces attacked Ukrainian positions in Donbas once 8 January - 10 January 2019: Over the past day, Russian proxy forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas twice violated the ceasefire - 11 January 2019: Over the past day Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire three times, opening fire at the Ukrainian military - 12 January 2019: Pro-Russian militants violated the ceasefire seven times in the past day, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 13 January 2019: Russian-led forces reportedly used small arms to fire at a drone of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine near the village of Chermalyk, as Russian proxy forces violated the 'ceasefire' in Donbas three times - 14 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas on Sunday, when one Ukrainian soldier was wounded and another Ukrainian soldier was wounded on Monday 14 January - 15 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 16 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 17 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas on 16 January, five Ukrainian soldiers wounded in truck blast - 18 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 19 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the last 24 hours - 20 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 21 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 22 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted two attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 23 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 January 2019: Ukraine has reported one enemy attack over the last day along the entire frontline in eastern Ukraine - 25 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 26 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 27 January 2019: Russian occupation forces violated ceasefire ten times in eastern Ukraine's warzone, two times with banned weapons - 28 January 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 28 January 2019: Three wounded Ukrainian sailors, who were illegally arrested by the Russian Federation near the Kerch Strait on November 25, have been transferred to the Moscow-based Lefortovo detention center, according to journalist and human rights activist Victoria Ivleva - 29 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 30 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 31 January 2019: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 1 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 February 2019: Russian-led forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 3 February 2019: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded amid 10 enemy attacks in Donbas on Saturday - 4 February 2019: Russian-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 5 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 6 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 7 February 2019: Russian-led forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 8 February 2019: Russian-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 8 February 2019: One Ukraine soldier killed, two wounded amid shelling by Russian-led forces on Friday - 9 Februar 2019: Russian occupation troops nine times violated the cease-fire regime, including twice with the use of arms banned by Minsk accords - 10 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 11 February 2019: Russian-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 12 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 13 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 15 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 16 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 17 February 2019: One Ukrainian soldier was killed, another one was wounded in attacks by Russia-led forces in Donbas on Saturday, another Ukrainian soldier was wounded on Sunday 17 February - 18 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 19 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 20 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 21 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 22 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 23 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 February 2019: Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine violated the ceasefire 11 times in the past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 25 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 26 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 27 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 28 February 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 2 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 3 March 2019: Russia-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, on March 2, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 4 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukraine Joint Forces' positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 5 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 6 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 7 March 2019: Over the past day, Russian proxy forces nine times fired at Ukrainian positions in the Joint Forces Operation zone, including 11 times from banned weapons - 9 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 10 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted three attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the past 24 hours - 12 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted one attack on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 13 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted three attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 14 March 2019: Russian occupation forces twice violated the cease-fire in Donbas - 15 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted four attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 16 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 17 March 2019: Russia-led forces mounted two attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one soldier and wounding another one - 18 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 19 March 2019: In the past 24 hours, Russia's hybrid military forces mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 20 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 21 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 22 March 2019: In the past 24 hours, Russia's hybrid military forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 23 March 2019: In the past 24 hours, Russia's hybrid military forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 24 March 2019: During the past day, Russian occupation forces in Donbas three times violated the ceasefire - 25 March 2019: Russian occupying forces three times fired at the positions of Joint Forces in the past 24 hours - 26 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 27 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 March 2019: OSCE spots clusters of heavy weapons in Russia-occupied areas of Donbas, recorded both in Donetsk and Luhansk regions - 28 March 2019: Russian-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 29 March 2019: Russian occupation troops seven times opened fire at the positions of Ukraine's Joint Forces in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 30 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 30 March 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted two attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas on March 30, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 April 2019: Russian occupation forces breached the ceasefire regime in Donbas once on Sunday, March 31 - 2 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 3 April 2019: In the past 24 hours, Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two - 4 April 2019: Over the past day, Russian occupation forces in Donbas six times violated the ceasefire regime, including four times using weapons banned by the Minsk agreements - 5 April 2019: Russian occupation forces in Donbas over the past 24 hours ten times opened fire at Joint Forces' positions, including eight times with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 6 April 2019: Over the past day Russian-backed militants carried out 17 shellings of Ukraine troops, including 10 times with the use of banned weapons, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 7 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing two Ukrainian soldiers - 8 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 9 April 2019: One Ukrainian pyrotechnics expert has died and another two have been injured in a blast near the village of Zaitseve during the mine clearance near the water pipeline, as nearly 270 civilians, incl. 27 children, killed in landmine blasts in Donbas since beginning of war - 9 April 2019: In the past 24 hours, Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killinh one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 10 April 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 11 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 10 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 12 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 11 mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another eight - 13 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 14 April 2019: Russian proxy forces in eastern Ukraine fourteen times violated the ceasefire in the past 24 hours - 15 April 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 16 April 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 17 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 16 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 18 April 2019: Russia-led forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in the past 24 hours - 20 April 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the past 24 hours - 21 April 2019: Russian occupation forces launched ten attacks, using banned weapons four times, on positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbas over the past day - 23 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 24 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 25 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 24 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 26 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 25 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 27 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 28 April 2019: Over the past day, Russia's hybrid military forces violated ceasefire 13 times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier on Saturday, and another one on 28 April 28 - 29 April 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 28 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 30 April 2019: The number of Russia-led forces' attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on Monday 29 April grew to eight instances - 1 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 2 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 1 mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 3 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 2 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 4 May 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian positions on May 3, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 5 May 2019: Over the past day, Russian-led forces in the east of Ukraine violated the ceasefire 16 times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 6 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 5 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 7 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 8 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another three - 9 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 10 May 2019: One Ukrainian soldier has been wounded in action in Donbas as there were 14 enemy attacks on Ukrainian positions in the past day - 11 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 12 May 2019: Russian-controlled forces 11 times violated the ceasefire yesterday, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 12 May 2019: Russian-backed forces in Donbas reportedly amassing heavy military hardware along contact line - 13 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 14 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 13 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 15 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 16 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 15 mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 17 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 18 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 19 May 2019: Four Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the past day amid 18 enemy attacks mounted by Russia-led forces - 20 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 22 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 23 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 May 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on May 23, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 25 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 26 May 2019: Russia-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in the past day - 27 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 26 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 28 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 27 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 29 May 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on May 28 - 30 May 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 29 mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 31 May 2019: Russia-led forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions, using proscribed weapons, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 1 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldier - 2 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 3 June 2019: Russia-led forces used banned weapons in three out of five attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on June 2 - 4 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 3 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 5 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing three Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another three - 6 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 7 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing 4 Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another ten - 8 June 2019: The number of attacks by Russia-led forces on Ukrainian positions in Donbas grew to 28 on Friday, with two Ukrainian soldier killed in action and five wounded in action - 9 June 2019: Over the past day, Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine violated the ceasefire a total of 22 times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 9 mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 11 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 10 mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 12 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 13 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 12 mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 June 2019: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded on Thursday, as Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 29 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 15 June 2019: One Ukrainian soldier wounded in Donbas amid 24 enemy attacks in past day - 16 June 2019: On June 15, Russian occupation forces in Donbas 21 times attacked the positions of Ukraine's Joint Forces, including four times using banned weapons - 17 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 18 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 19 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, wounding five Ukrainian soldiers - 19 June 2019: Fresh report by Bellingcat identifying persons linked to MH17 downing - 19 June 2019: International investigators officially accuse four pro-Russian military officers of missile attack that shot down MH17 - 20 June 2019: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 24 times, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 21 June 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 22 June 2019: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 25 times in Donbas - 23 June 2019: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another eight were wounded as the number of Russia-led forces' attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas grew to 31 incidents on Saturday, June 22 - 24 June 2019: Russian occupation forces 34 times violated the ceasefire in past day, including eight times with the use of banned weapons - 25 June 2019: Four Ukrainian soldiers were injured as Russia-led forces mounted 44 attacks in Donbas on Monday, June 24 - 26 June 2019: Seven Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in hostilities in Donbas on June 25, as Russia-led forces mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian positions - 27 June 2019: Russian-led forces used proscribed weapons in 13 out of 39 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in past day, wounding 4 Ukrainian soldiers, as another three sustained combat-related injuries - 28 June 2019: Three Ukrainian soldiers were injured as Russia-led forces mounted 34 attacks in Donbas in past day - 30 June 2019: Russian-led forces used proscribed weapons in 15 out of 31 attacks in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers in past day - 1 July 2019: Russian Donbas invaders opened fire at a medical evacuation vehicle of the Joint Forces which was transporting a wounded soldier, killing one serviceman and injuring two - 2 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two - 2 July 2019: Two volunteers wounded as Russian-led forces hit their car in Donbas - 3 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces in the past 24 hours mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 4 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 3 mounted 29 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding five Ukrainian soldiers - 5 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another six - 6 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 5 mounted 28 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding six Ukrainian soldiers - 7 July 2019: Five Ukrainian soldiers were injured as Russia-led forces mounted 26 attacks in Donbas in past day - 8 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 10 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 27 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding nine Ukrainian soldiers - 11 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted 42 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another nine - 12 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 13 July 2019: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded on July 12, as Russia's hybrid military forces in Donbas 24 times violated the ceasefire, including 13 times with the use of banned weapons - 14 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in past day, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 15 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 14 mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas - 16 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 17 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 16 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas - 17 July 2019: SBU identifies over 150 persons involved in transporting Buk missile launcher from Russia to Donbas - 17 July 2019: A new ceasefire in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, may start at midnight on July 22, according to the results of recent Trilateral Contact Group talks in Minsk on July 17 - 18 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 17 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day - 19 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 19 July 2019: OSCE has confirmed that three civilians were killed and 13 were injured in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the first two weeks of July 2019 - 20 July 2019: Two Ukraine soldiers were killed by enemy sniper, one civilian dies after grenade attack on Friday - 20 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in past day, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another three - 21 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 20 mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 22 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 21 mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, as the so-called 'harvest' ceasefire started - 24 July 2019: Ukraine reports one enemy attack in Donbas on Tuesday amid 'harvest' ceasefire, near the village of Luhanske - 25 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces have mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas since Thursday midnight amid the so-called ceasefire, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 25 July 2019: Russian-backed forces in the Donbas warzone continue planting Russia-made landmines, proscribed by international conventions - 26 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 25 mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 July 2019: From day-start on Saturday, July 27, Russian-controlled forces breached the 'harvest truce', opening fire on Ukrainian positions in one occasion, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 30 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 31 July 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted one attack on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past day - 1 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 31 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 2 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 1 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 3 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 2 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 4 August 2019: One Ukraine soldier wounded in Donbas on 3 August as Russian-led forces mounts eight attacks amid truce - 5 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 4 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 6 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted two attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 6 August 2019: Russian regime's invaders attacked Ukrainian positions near the villages of Bohdanivka and Pavlopil, killing 4 Ukrainian soldiers since Tuesday midnight amid 'harvest' ceasefire, called a gross violation - 7 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing four Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another one - 8 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 9 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 10 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 9 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 11 August 2019: Armed formations of the Russian Federation and Russian mercenaries mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on Saturday, using proscribed weapons and causing casualties - 12 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 13 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 12 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on 13 August 2019 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 15 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in breach of truce in Donbas in the past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 16 August 2019: Russian-occupation forces breached the ceasefire agreement in Donbas 12 times in the past day - 17 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 18 August 2019: Russian occupation forces eight times violated the ceasefire in the Donbas warzone over the past day - 19 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 20 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 7 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 22 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 23 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 24 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, despite festivities on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of independence of Ukraine - 25 August 2019: Russian occupation forces in Donbas violated the ceasefire five times on Ukrainian Independence Day - 25 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military's shelling in the Donbas warzone killed a Ukrainian soldier, injuring another three on Ukrainian Independence Day - 26 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 27 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 26 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 28 August 2019: Russian-controlled forces ten times violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine in the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 29 August 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 30 August 2019: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 17 times in the past day - 31 August 2019: Russian occupation forces violated ceasefire 17 times in the past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 1 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on August 31 mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 September 2019: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 15 times over the past 24 hours, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 3 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 2 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 4 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 3 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 5 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 4 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 6 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 5 mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 7 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas - 8 September 2019: Russia-led forces used proscribed weapons to attack Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, on September 7 - 9 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 8 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sept 9 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wouding one Ukrainian soldier - 11 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 10 mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding six Ukrainian soldiers - 12 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sept 11 mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another one - 13 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in the past day, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 14 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces 13 mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas in past day, wounding eight Ukrainian soldiers - 14 September 2019: A Ukrainian soldier was killed during a combat mission in Donbas on September 13 - 15 September 2019: Russian occupation forces 14 times violated the ceasefire in the past day, using weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements - 16 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 16 September 2019: Ukrainian political prisoner Volodymyr Balukh, who has recently been freed from Russian captivity in a prisoner swap, has said he was tortured immediately after arriving in the Russian colony - 17 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 16 mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers, as another one was deadly wounded on September 17 - 18 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 17 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 19 September 2019: Ukraine reports five enemy attacks in Donbas on September 18 - 20 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas - 21 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 22 September 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas in the past day - 23 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sept 22 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 September 2019: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid 24 enemy attacks in Donbas on September 23 - 25 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 24 mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 26 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 25 mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 27 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sept 26 mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 28 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 27 mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as fatally wounded - 29 September 2019: Russia-led troops mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on Saturday, September 28 - 30 September 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 30 September 2019: Young female member of a materiel support platoon Anastasia Vitovska was killed in Donetsk region - 1 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 30 mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 2 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 3 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 2 mounted 30 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 4 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 3 mounted 41 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as fatally wounded - 5 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 4 mounted 32 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 6 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 5 mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 7 October 2019: Disengagement of Ukrainian troops in the village of Petrivske and the town of Zolote reportedly postponed due to shelling by Russian-led forces - 7 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 6 mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 8 October 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 27 attacks on Ukrainian army positions on Monday, October 7 - 9 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 10 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on September 30 mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 11 October 2019: Ukraine's headquarter has reported about 25 attacks on its positions in Donbas on 10 October, as Russia-led forces shelling Ukrainian troops used weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements - 12 October 2019: Russia-led forces mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions on Friday, October 11 - 13 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 12 mounted 23 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 14 October 2019: Russian occupation forces in Donbas 21 times violated the ceasefire on October 13 - 15 October 2019: Russian controlled forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas 21 times violated the ceasefire, as Ukraine marked Defenders Day - 16 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 15 mounted 26 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another four, as one of the Ukrainian troops shot dead by a sniper was a young woman who joined army ranks after her father, also a Ukrainian military, was killed in Donbas hostilities back in 2015 - 17 October 2019: On October 16, Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 30 times in the Donbas war zone, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 18 October 2019: Russian-controlled forces 29 times violated the ceasefire in Donbas in the past day - 19 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 20 October 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on October 19 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 October 2019: Russia-led forces attacked Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine 12 times on 20 October - 22 October 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 21 October - 23 October 2019: Three Ukrainian soldiers were wounded by Russia-led forces and another one was killed in action in eastern Ukraine on 22 October - 24 October 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine on 23 October - 25 October 2019: One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action as Russia-led forces mounted 25 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 24 October - 26 October 2019: Russian occupation forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 25 October - 27 October 2019: Russia-led forces attacked Ukrainian troops 21 times on October 26 - 28 October 2019: On Sunday Russian occupation forces 13 times violated the ceasefire - 29 October 2019: Russian invaders keep shelling Ukrainian troops, using banned projectiles, violating ceasefire 16 times on 28 October - 30 October 2019: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire nine times over the past day - 31 October 2019: Russian occupation forces in Donbas violated the ceasefire 19 times on 30 October - 1 November 2019: Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas 15 times violated the ceasefire, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 2 November 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions on Friday 1 November - 3 November 2019: Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas violated the ceasefire 15 times on 2 November, wounding 2 Ukrainian soldiers - 4 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 3 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 5 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 6 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 7 November 2019: Four Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid 10 enemy attacks in Donbas by Russia's hybrid military forces on 6 November - 8 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 7 mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 9 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 8 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 November 2019: Russia-led forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas yesterday, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 11 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 10 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 12 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 11 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 13 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 12 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 14 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 15 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 14 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, with one Ukrainian soldier - 16 November 2019: Over the past day, November 15, Russian occupation forces 13 times violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine's Donbas, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 17 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 16 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 18 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 19 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 18 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 20 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 21 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 20 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding seven Ukrainian soldiers - 22 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 21 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, with three Ukrainian soldiers - 23 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 22 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, while another one was killed in a road accident - 24 November 2019: Russia-led forces in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, used proscribed weapons to attack Ukrainian troops on Saturday 23 November 23 - 25 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 26 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 27 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 28 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 27 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 29 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 30 November 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on November 29 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 1 December 2019: During the past day, November 30, Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine four times - 2 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 1 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as killed in a booby-trap blast - 3 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 4 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 5 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted three attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 6 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 7 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 6 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 8 December 2019: One Ukrainian soldier was killed, two were wounded in action, and another one sustained a combat-related injury amid Russian-led enemy attacks in eastern Ukraine, on December 7 - 9 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 10 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 9 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as killed in a booby-trap blast - 11 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, despite 'Normandy Format' meeting in Paris - 12 December 2019: The Russian Federation is failing to fulfill its obligations regarding a sustainable ceasefire, sealed in Paris, as over the past day Russian occupation forces 10 times violated the ceasefire, firing on Ukrainian positions with 82mm mortar shells, proscribed by the Minsk agreements, as well as engaging Ukrainian troops with grenade launchers of various types, heavy machine guns, and other small arms - 13 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 14 December 2019: On December 13, Russia's armed formations 10 times violated the ceasefire, engaging Ukrainian positions with weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements, despite Putin regime's commitments at Normandy Summit in Paris - 15 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 14 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 16 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 15 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 16 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 18 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 17 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 19 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 18 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 20 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted one attack on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 21 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions on December 20 in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 22 December 2019: Russia-led forces continued shelling Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, as six new enemy attacks were reported on 21 December - 23 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 22 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 24 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukraine positions in eastern Ukraine seven times over past day - 25 December 2019: Russian occupation forces on December 24 violated 'Normandy Summit ceasefire' in eastern Ukraine nine times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 26 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian positions eastern Ukraine - 27 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 26 mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 28 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on December 27 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 29 December 2019: Russia's hybrid military forces on Saturday mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions eastern Ukraine - 30 December 2019: Russian occupation forces seven times violated the ceasefire on prisoner swap day, 29 December, engaging Ukrainian troops with grenade launchers of various types, heavy machine guns, and other small arms, according to the Joint Forces - 31 December 2019: Putin Russia's hybrid military forces on December 30 mounted two attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding a Ukrainian soldier - 1 January 2020: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in Donbas five times over the past day, the Joint Forces Operation Headquarters reports - 2 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 1 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 3 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted four attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 5 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 4 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers in a booby-trap blast - 5 January 2020: One Ukrainian soldier killed, another injured as their car hits landmine in Donbas - 6 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on 5 January mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier, while one soldier also killed and another wounded when their car hit a landmine there - 7 January 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action in eastern Ukraine on Monday 6 January, as Russia-led forces violated the ceasefire five times - 8 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted two attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 9 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 8 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 10 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 9 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 11 January 2020: Russian occupation forces in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, continued shelling Ukrainian defense positions on Friday, leaving three Ukrainian soldiers injured - 12 January 2020: Ukraine reports four enemy attacks in Donbas on January 11 - 13 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted four attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 14 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 15 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 14 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 16 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 15 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 17 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 16 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Donbas, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 18 January 2020: Putin Russia's hybrid military forces on January 17 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, as one Ukrainian soldier was already wounded on Saturday 18 January - 19 January 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed in action, another 10 were wounded in action in eastern Ukraine on 18 January, as Russia-led forces had mounted six attacks on Joint Forces positions on that day - 20 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 19 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 21 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 20 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 22 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted three attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 23 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 22 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 24 January 2020: Ukrainian soldier wounded amid 11 enemy attacks on January 23 - 25 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 24 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 26 January 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action as Russia-led forces mounted 10 attacks on positions of Ukraine's Joint Forces in Donbas on Saturday 25 January - 27 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces have already shelled Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, since Monday midnight - 28 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 29 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 28 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 30 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 31 January 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on January 30 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 2 February 2020: A military serviceman was killed and another one injured in Russian led shelling in the Donbas warzone, as Putin's hybrid military forces violated the ceasefire and engaged Ukrainian defense positions with weapons proscribed by Minsk agreements - 3 February 2020: On Sunday Ukraine reported 12 ceasefire violations by Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine, as 2 Ukrainian troops were injured amid shelling and another soldier sustained a combat trauma - 5 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 6 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 5 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 7 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 6 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 8 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Friday mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 9 February 2020: Russia-led troops mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions on Saturday, February 8 - 10 February 2020: The number of Russian-led forces' attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine grew to nine on Sunday, February 9 - 11 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 12 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Tuesday mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 13 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday mounted three attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 14 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 15 February 2020: Russian occupation forces in Donbas on February 24 violated ceasefire 13 times - 16 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Saturday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 17 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 18 February 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and four injured on Tuesday, as Ukrainian government accused Russian forces of using heavy shelling to try to breach Ukrainian lines in the eastern Donbass region, calling it a 'cynical provocation' and an attempt to disrupt the peace process, amid ongoing combat - 19 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 18 mounted 22 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another six - 20 February 2020: New shelling shows Russian force in Ukraine, as explosions occurred every ten seconds for hours, according to the EUobserver - 20 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 19 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 21 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Thursday mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 22 February 2020: Russian-led forces try again to penetrate contact line in Donbas, trying to take the Ukrainian positions near the village of Novotoshkivske, but get fitting rebuff - 23 February 2020: Russia-led forces continue shelling Ukrainian troops in Donbas, as number of enemy attacks on Ukrainian positions grew to 11 by the end of the day on Saturday 22 February - 24 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Sunday 23 February mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 24 February 2020: Ukrainian TSN journalist Andriy Tsaplienko has said the command of the Russian occupation forces sends 'almost children' to die in Donbas - 25 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Monday, February 24, mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 26 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on 25 February mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 27 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 26 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding two - 28 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 27 mounted 6 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 29 February 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on February 28 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 March 2020: Russia-led forces in eastern Ukraine mounted 19 attacks on Ukrainian positions on February 29, wouding 2 Ukrainian soldiers - 2 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 1 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another seven - 3 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 2 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding five Ukrainian soldiers - 4 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 3 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier reported and wounding another five - 5 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 4 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 6 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 5 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 7 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 6 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 8 March 2020: Over the past day, Russian occupation forces in Donbas six times violated the ceasefire - 9 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 8 mounted 6 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another six - 10 March 2020: Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas over the past day violated ceasefire ten times, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 11 March 2020: Over the past day Russian occupation forces in Donbas 17 times violated the ceasefire, killing 3 Ukrainian soldiers and wounding nine - 11 March 2020: Russia-led forces shell Maryinka's residential areas near school - 12 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 11 mounted two attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 13 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 12 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 13 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 15 March 2020: On Sunday, March 15, Russian occupation forces twice opened fire at Ukrainian positions, using grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, and small arms, wounding a Ukrainian soldier in one of the attacks - 16 March 2020: Four Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid 12 enemy attacks on March 15 - 17 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 16 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 18 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 17 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 19 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 18 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 20 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 19 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 21 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 20 mounted 9 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 22 March 2020: Russia-led forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 21 March, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 23 March 2020: Russia-led forces violated the ceasefire in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, three times on Sunday, March 22 - 24 March 2020: Russia-led forces mounted 7 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 23 March, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 25 March 2020: Russia-led forces mount eight attacks on Ukraine army in Donbas on March 24, as one of the first three disengagement sites came under attack - 26 March 2020: Russia-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 25 March - 27 March 2020: Russia-led forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 26 March - 28 March 2020: Russian invaders violate truce 12 times in past day - 29 March 2020: Escalation on Saturday 28 March, as Russia-led forces had mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian positions as a result of which 2 Ukrainian soldiers were wounded - 30 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 29 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 31 March 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 30 mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 1 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on March 31 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another three - 2 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 1 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 3 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 2 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 4 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 3 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 4 April 2020: Russian-led forces have shelled the village of Verkhniotoretske in Donetsk region, resulting in a local resident was wounded - 5 April 2020: Russia-led forces mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, on 4 April - 6 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 5 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 7 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 6 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 7 April 2020: Ukraine's armed forces report first coronavirus death - 8 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 7 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 9 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 8 mounted 8 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 9 mounted 21 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 11 April 2020: On April 10, Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in Donbas 15 times and another two times on Saturday, wounding 3 Ukrainian soldiers - 12 April 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another one was wounded in Luhansk region on Sunday, as Russia-led forces opened fire from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers to shell Ukrainian positions, and as earlier 3 Ukrainian soldiers were wounded as a result of eight attacks mounted by Russia-led forces - 13 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 12 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another one - 14 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 13 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 15 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 14 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 16 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 15 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 17 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 16 mounted an attack on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 18 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 17 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 19 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 18 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 20 April 2020: Russia-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, on Orthodox Easter on April 19, despite ceasefire agreements - 21 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine on April 20, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another four - 22 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 21 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 23 April 2020: Ukraine reports eight attacks by Russia-led forces in Donbas on April 22 - 24 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 23 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 25 April 2020: Russian-led Donbas invaders violate truce 10 times in past day, as two Ukrainian soldiers were injured in enemy shelling - 26 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 25 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 27 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 26 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 28 April 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid nine enemy attacks on April 27 by Russia's hybrid military forces in eastern Ukraine - 29 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 28 mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 30 April 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 29 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 1 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on April 30 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 2 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 1 mounted 24 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 3 May 2020: Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine 23 times violated the ceasefire on 2 May, as two Ukrainian troops were injured in enemy shelling - 4 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 3 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 5 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 4 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 6 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 5 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 7 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 6 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 9 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 8 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding four Ukrainian soldiers - 10 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 9 mounted 17 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 11 May 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action, another three servicemen sustained combat-related injuries in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the past day - 12 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 11 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 13 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 12 nine times engaged Ukrainian Army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 13 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, killing one Ukrainian soldier and wounding another two - 15 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 14 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 16 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 15 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 16 mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 18 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 17 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 19 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 18 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 20 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 19 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 21 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 20 mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 22 May 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed, while seven were injured as Russia-led forces mounted seven attacks in eastern Ukraine, on Thursday, May 21 - 23 May 2020: Russian occupation forces in Donbas violated the ceasefire 12 times over the past day, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 24 May 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, in the past day - 25 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 24 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 26 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 25 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 27 May 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed as Russia-led forces mounted six attacks in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday 26 May - 28 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 27 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 29 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 28 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 30 May 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on May 29 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 31 May 2020: Ukrainian serviceman reportedly abducted near border with Russia-occupied Crimea - 1 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 3 attacks in eastern Ukraine, shelling Ukrainian positions near the villages of Novotroyitske, Vodiane, and Orikhove on Sunday 31 May - 1 June 2020: Ukraine's JFO HQ reports enemy death toll in Donbas in May, including 49 killed and 94 wounded militants - 2 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 1 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 3 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on 2 June mounted 9 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 4 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 3 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 5 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 4 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 6 June 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid 12 enemy attacks in Donbas on June 5 - 7 June 2020: Russian-occupation forces in Donbas 13 times violated the ceasefire over the past 24 hours, as a result of enemy shelling, four Ukrainian troops were wounded and another one was injured - 8 June 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid eight enemy attacks in Donbas on June 7 - 9 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 8 mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 10 June 2020: One Ukrainian soldier wounded amid 16 enemy attacks in Donbas on June 9 - 11 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 10 mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 12 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 11 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding three Ukrainian soldiers - 13 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 12 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 June 2020: One Ukrainian soldier killed, another two wounded in Donbas by Russian backed militants on June 13 - 15 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 14 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 16 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 15 mounted seven attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, with four Ukrainian soldiers - 17 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 16 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 18 June 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed, while two were injured as Russia-led forces mounted 14 attacks in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday 17 June - 19 June 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another one was wounded as Russia-led forces mounted 14 attacks in eastern Ukraine on Thursday 18 June 18 - 20 June 2020: Russian occupation forces on Friday eight times violated the ceasefire, employing weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 21 June 2020: Three Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action on June 20, another one sustained injuries on June 21, as number of attacks by Russian occupation forces on Ukrainian positions soars to almost 30 on June 20 - 22 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 21 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 23 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 22 mounted 16 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 24 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 23 mounted four attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 25 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 24 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 25 June 2020: Backed by intensive artillery firepower, Assad regime forces try to infiltrate into Jabal Al-Zawiya - 26 June 2020: Marking 'International Day in Support of Victims of Torture', SNHR has detailed the number of people tortured to death in Syria, as total of 14,388 people were tortured to death during Assad's war, mostly by the Bashar al-Assad regime - 26 June 2020: Russian regime expands in southern Syria through fifth corps - 28 June 2020: Ukrainian soldier killed, three injured in enemy shelling, as Russian occupation forces on June 27 violated the ceasefire 12 times - 29 June 2020: Russia-led forces mount eight attacks on Ukrainian positions on June 28, hit civilian's house, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers on 29 June - 30 June 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 29 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two members of the Joint Forces - 1 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on June 30 mounted 12 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding two members of the Joint Forces - 2 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 1 mounted five attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 3 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 2 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 4 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 3 mounted 20 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 5 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 4 mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding one member of the Joint Forces - 6 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 5 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 7 July 2020: Ukrainian soldier wounded amid seven enemy attacks in Donbas on July 6 - 8 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 7 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding four members of the Joint Forces - 9 July 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another three were wounded as Russia-led forces mounted 14 attacks in eastern Ukraine on 8 July 8 - 10 July 2020: A Ukrainian soldier was wounded as Russian-led forces opened fire in eastern Ukraine, on July 10 - 11 July 2020: One Ukrainian volunteer killed in enemy shelling and another three were wounded amid 17 enemy attacks in Donbas in past day - 12 July 2020: Eight Ukrainian soldiers wounded in action in Donbas on weekend - 13 July 2020: Number of attacks mounted by Russia's hybrid military forces on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine grew to 16 on July 12, and the number of Ukrainian soldiers wounded in shelling also increased - 13 July 2020: Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in Donbas on July 13, as 'the Russian Federation's armed formations once again violated the ceasefire' - 14 July 2020: Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another two were wounded as Russia-led forces mounted 18 attacks in eastern Ukraine on Monday 13 July 13 - 15 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 14 mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding 7 Ukrainian soldiers - 16 July 2020: Russia-led forces mount 12 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on 15 July - 17 July 2020: Four Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in shelling in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, as Russia-led forces mounted 13 attacks on July 16 - 18 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 18 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, on Friday, July 17 - 19 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 18 mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wwounding one member of the Joint Forces - 20 July 2020: Ukrainian soldier shot dead in enemy attack in Donbas on 20 July 2020 as Russia-led forces used automatic grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and other types of small arms near the village of Shumy - 21 July 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and one was wounded as Putin regime-led forces mounted 17 attacks in eastern Ukraine, on Monday 20 July - 22 July 2020: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and one was wounded as Russia-led forces mounted nine attacks in eastern Ukraine, on Tuesday 21 July - 23 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 22 mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine, wounding 4 members of Ukrainian forces - 24 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 23 mounted eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 24 July 2020: Journalists have named the Russian-backed terrorists who ordered the extrajudicial executions of Ukrainians at the beginning of the bloody war in Donbas in 2014 - 25 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 24 mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine - 26 July 2020: Russia-led forces mounted 15 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, on July 25 one day prior to an earlier agreed ceasefire - 27 July 2020: Ukrainian Joint Forces' Kravchenko says Russian-led forces have already violated the newly-agreed 'truce' in Donbas - 28 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 27 mounted three attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, amid the newly-agreed 'truce' - 29 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on July 28 fired one provocative shot from a grenade launcher in eastern Ukraine - 30 July 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces on Wednesday fired provocative shot from a grenade launcher in eastern Ukraine on 29 July, as Ukraine reports two incidents - 31 July 2020: Ukraine reported two incidents on Thursday, July 30, when Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 1 August 2020: Ukraine reported four incidents on Friday, when Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 2 August 2020: Ukraine's Joint Forces in Donbas report three incidents with Russian-controlled armed groups, as two Ukrainian troops injured while enemy resorts to provocative fire - 3 August 2020: Ukraine has reported two enemy provocations on Sunday 3 August. as Russia's hybrid military forces twice violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 4 August 2020: Ukraine has reported three enemy provocations on 3 August, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 5 August 2020: Ukraine has reported three enemy provocations on Tuesday as Russia's hybrid military forces three times violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 6 August 2020: Russia's hybrid military forces in Donbas on August 5 fired a grenade in an act of provocation amid the recently-agreed ceasefire - 8 August 2020: Ukraine has reported three enemy provocations on 7 August as Russia's hybrid military forces 3 times violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 10 August 2020: Ukraine has reported four enemy provocations on 9 August, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce eastern Ukraine - 11 August 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on Monday as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 12 August 2020: Ukraine has reported two enemy provocations on 11 August, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated truce in eastern Ukraine - 13 August 2020: Ukraine has reported four enemy provocations on Wednesday, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 15 August 2020: More Russian led enemy provocations reported over past day in Donbas warzone amid ceasefire - 20 August 2020: Ukraine has reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Wednesday 19 August - 21 August 2020: Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas violated the ceasefire agreement twice over the past day, Ukraine's JFO Command reports - 24 August 2020: On Ukraine's Independence Day eve, Russian-led invaders breach Donbas truce three times - 25 August 2020: Ukraine has reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 24 August - 26 August 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on 25 August as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the truce in eastern Ukraine - 27 August 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on 26 August as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the truce in eastern Ukraine - 28 August 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on 27 August, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 30 August 2020: Russian occupation forces over the past day twice violated the latest ceasefire agreement in the zone of the Joint Forces Operation - 31 August 2020: Russian occupation forces on August 30 continued to violate the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine's Donbas by opening provocative fire in the direction of Joint Forces' defense positions - 1 September 2020: Russian occupation forces twice opened fire in on the Joint Forces in eastern Ukraine on August 31 - 2 September 2020: Ukraine has reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 September 2020, ahead of the UN sanctioned 'International Day of Peace' on 21 September - 3 September 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on Wednesday 2 September, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 5 September 2020: Ukraine has reported one enemy provocation on Friday 4 September, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 5 September 2020: Marking the 6th anniversary of the Minsk Protocol's signing, the USA Embassy in Kyiv calls on Russia to withdraw its weapons and troops from the country and return to Ukraine full control over its borders - 7 September 2020: Ukraine has reported enemy provocations on 6 September, as Russia's hybrid military forces violated the newly-agreed truce in eastern Ukraine - 8 September 2020: Ukraine reports enemy provocation on September 7 - 8 September 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers injured in landmine blast in Donbas - 9 September 2020: Russian airstrikes on Kabani hills in Jabal Al-Akrad in the northern countryside of Latakia, as Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib came under intensive rocket attacks by Assad regime forces - 9 September 2020: Assad regime forces continue shelling positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, while Russian reconnaissance drones fly over the area - 14 September 2020: Ukraine has reported 2 violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Sunday 13 September - 15 September 2020: Ukraine has reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Monday 14 September 14 - 16 September 2020: Ukraine has reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 September and 3 injured Ukrainian soldiers - 17 September 2020: Ukraine has reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 September - 18 September 2020: Ukraine has reported a violation of the latest ceasefire agreements by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 September - 20 September 2020: Ukraine has reported one wounded soldier amid three ceasefire violations by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 September - 22 September 2020: Ukraine has reported three violations of the latest ceasefire by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 September - 26 September 2020: Russian-controlled armed groups twice violated the ceasefire agreement reached by the 'Trilateral Contact Group' on 22 July - 27 September 2020: Three Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in a blast of an improvised explosive device near the village of Orikhove in Donbas - 29 September 2020: Ukraine has reported five violations of the latest ceasefire by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 September - 1 October 2020: Ukraine's military reported 11 violations of the latest ceasefire by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 30 September - 1 October 2020: Death toll from wildfires in Luhansk region grows to 11, as Ukrainian military insist that the fires were caused by enemy shelling - 2 October 2020: Ukraine has reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 October - 3 October 2020: Russian invaders on October 2 four times violated the latest ceasefire agreements, as well as five times from day-start on Saturday, October 3 - 4 October 2020: Russian invaders on October 2 four times violated the latest ceasefire agreements, as well as five times from day-start on Saturday, October 3 - 5 October 2020: Ukraine has reported 4 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Sunday, October 4 - 6 October 2020: Ukraine reports two ceasefire violations on 6 October - 7 October 2020: Ukraine has reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 6 October - 8 October 2020: Ukraine has reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 7 October - 9 October 2020: Ukraine has reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 8 October - 10 October 2020: Ukraine has reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 October - 11 October 2020: Ukraine has reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 October - 12 October 2020: Russian-controlled forces in Donbas 4 times violated the latest ceasefire agreement - 13 October 2020: 7 enemy attacks were recorded over the past day in the Joint Forces Operation zone as Russian-controlled forces continued to violate the latest truce agreement - 14 October 2020: Over the past day in the Donbas warzone, Russian occupation forces violated the latest truce agreement six times - 15 October 2020: Ukraine military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 October committed three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 16 October 2020: Ukraine military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 October committed six violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 18 October 2020: Ukraine military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 October committed five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 19 October 2020: Ukrainian military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 October committed two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 20 October 2020: Ukraine has reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 October - 21 October 2020: Ukrainian military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 20 October committed six violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 22 October 2020: Ukraine has reported five instances of the violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 October - 23 October 2020: Ukraine has reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 October - 24 October 2020: Ukrainian military says Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 October 23 committed two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement - 26 October 2020: Ukraine has reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 October - 27 October 2020: Russian-controlled forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas violated the latest truce agreement three times on October 26 - 28 October 2020: Russian-controlled forces in Donbas over the past day violated the ceasefire agreement four times - 29 October 2020: Over the past day, on October 28, Russia-controlled armed groups in Donbas violated the ceasefire agreement four times - 30 October 2020: Russia-controlled armed groups violated ceasefire twice on Thursday and twice from day-start on Friday, leaving, killing two and injuring another two soldiers - 31 October 2020: On Friday, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and three injured in enemy attacks - 1 November 2020: One incident of the violation of the ceasefire by Russia-led forces in eastern Ukraine was reported in the past day, October 31 - 2 November 2020: Two incidents of the violation of the ceasefire by Russia-led forces in eastern Ukraine were recorded in the past day, November 1 - 3 November 2020: Two incidents of the violation of the ceasefire by Russia-led forces in eastern Ukraine were recorded in the past day, 2 November - 4 November 2020: As many as 21 ceasefire regimes have been declared since the beginning of hostilities in Donbas in 2014, since latest ceasefire 3 Ukrainian soldiers were killed according to JFO's deputy commander - 5 November 2020: Russia-led forces on 4 November mounted 6 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine, amid the ongoing 'ceasefire' - 6 November 2020: Donbas has been seeing escalation as the number of attacks by Russia-led forces on Ukrainian positions grew to 11 in the past day, November 5 - 7 November 2020: Ukraine has reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Friday, November 6 - 9 November 2020: Ukraine Command reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Sunday, November 8 - 10 November 2020: Ukraine Command reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Monday, November 9 - 11 November 2020: Ukraine Command reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on Tuesday, November 10 - 12 November 2020: Ukraine Command reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 November, also known as 'Remembrance Day' of World War I - 13 November 2020: Ukraine has reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 12 November - 14 November 2020: Ukraine spotted 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 13 November - 16 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 November - 17 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 November - 18 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 November - 19 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 November 18 - 20 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 November - 21 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 20 November - 22 November 2020: Russian occupation forces in Donbas over the past day once violated the ceasefire agreement - 23 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 6 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 November - 24 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 4 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 November - 26 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 November - 27 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 26 November - 28 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 27 November - 29 November 2020: Russia-led forces mounted 9 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 28 November - 30 November 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported that Russia-led forces became more active in the Donbas warzone on Sunday 29 November, having mounted 4 attacks on Ukrainian positions simultaneously with a subversive operation to plant mines and use a reconnaissance drone - 1 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 30 November - 2 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 2 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 December - 3 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 2 December - 4 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 3 December - 5 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded by an enemy sniper amid two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 December - 8 December 2020: Russian occupation forces in Donbas 4 times violated the ceasefire agreement over the past 24 hours - 9 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 8 December - 10 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone 9 December - 11 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 8 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 December - 12 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 December- 13 December 2020: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded amid six attacks mounted by Russia-led forces in eastern Ukraine on 12 December - 14 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 13 December - 15 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 4 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 December - 16 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 11 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone 15 December - 17 December 2020: Russian regime's Vladimir Putin says his country will be 'building up support' for occupied Donbas, adding 'we will even be building up our support for Donbas ... this applies both to the support for production, the solution of social issues, and infrastructure issues, etc.' - 17 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 December - 18 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one of its soldiers wounded amid eight violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 December - 19 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 December - 20 December 2020: Russian-controlled forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas violated the ceasefire a total of seven times over the past day, 19 December - 21 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 9 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 20 December - 21 December 2020: The Russian occupation forces have shelled the Ukrainian positions near the town of Horlivka, resulting in two Ukrainian soldiers being wounded in action - 22 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported two soldiers wounded in action amid six violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 December - 23 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 9 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 December - 24 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 December - 26 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 4 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 December - 27 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 26 December - 28 December 2020: Russia-led forces continue violating the ceasefire in Ukraine's east, mounting six attacks on Ukrainian positions on 27 December - 29 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 13 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 December - 30 December 2020: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 29 December - 31 December 2020: Russia-led forces mounted five attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 30 December - 1 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 31 December - 2 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 9 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 January - 3 January 2021: Russia-controlled forces three times opened fire on Ukrainian defense positions in eastern Ukraine's Donbas warzone - 4 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 3 January - 5 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 January - 6 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 4 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 5 January - 7 January 2021: Russian-controlled forces in eastern Ukraine's Donbas breached the ceasefire agreement five times over on 6 January - 8 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 8 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 7 January - 9 January 2021: Russia-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on 8 January - 10 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 January - 11 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 2 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 January - 11 January 2021: A Ukrainian military serviceman suffered fatal wounds in the attack by Russian-controlled illegal armed groups in the Joint Forces Operation zone in Donetsk region - 12 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 January - 13 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported one soldier wounded in action amid 11 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 12 January - 14 January 2021: Ukraine reported six ceasefire violations by the enemy in the Joint Forces Operation zone over the past day 13 January - 15 January 2021: Over the past day, January 14, Ukraine's Joint Forces reported six ceasefire violations on the part of Russia-controlled armed groups across Donbas - 16 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 January - 17 January 2021: Over the past day, January 16, Russia-controlled armed groups 4 times violated the ceasefire in Donbas - 18 January 2021: Two Russia-led enemy attacks on Ukrainian positions in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) in eastern Ukraine, were registered on January 17 - 19 January 2021: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 91 ceasefire violations in Donbas over the weekend - 19 January 2021: One Russia-backed enemy attack on Ukrainian positions in the JFO zone in eastern Ukraine was registered on 18 January - 20 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 January - 21 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one wounded soldier amid 2 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone 20 January - 22 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 January - 23 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 6 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 January - 24 January 2021: Escalation was reported in Donbas on January 23 as Russia-led forces mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions - 25 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 24 January - 26 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid seven violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 January - 27 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one solcier wounded in action amid 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 26 January - 28 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 27 January - 29 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 January - 29 January 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in Donbas after Russian occupation forces dropped a VOG-17 grenade from an unmanned aerial vehicle UAV - 30 January 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 2 soldiers wounded in action amid 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone 29 January - 31 January 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded as Russia-led forces mounted 5 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on 30 January - 1 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 9 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 31 January - 2 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 5 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 February - 2 February 2021: Russian sniper kills Ukrainian soldier in Donbas - 3 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid eight violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 2 February - 4 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 3 February - 5 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action) amid four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 February - 6 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 6 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 5 February - 6 February 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in Donbas as a result of shelling by the Russian occupation forces - 7 February 2021: Escalation of the war in Donbas has been reported as Russia-led forces mounted 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions on 6 February wounding three Ukrainian soldiers, as one more was injured and another two were killed in a booby-trap blast on that day - 6 February 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another one was injured in a booby-trap blast in eastern Ukraine on 6 February - 8 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported - 9 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 8 February - 10 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 3 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 February - 11 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 February - 11 February 2021: Russian sniper kills Ukrainian soldier in Donbas on 11 February as the Ukrainian defender was shot dead outside Horlivka - 12 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 2 soldiers killed in action amid five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 February - 12 February 2021: Ukraine tells OSCE of Russian threat to Europe - 13 February 2021: Ukraine's military command on February 12 recorded seven ceasefire violations on the part of Russian proxy forces in Donbas - 14 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 13 February - 15 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 February - 16 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 February - 17 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 February - 18 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 4 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 February - 19 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 February - 20 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 February - 21 February 2021: Russian-controlled forces in Donbas on 20 February seven times violated the ceasefire - 22 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 February - 23 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported one soldier killed in action and two wounded in action amid 11 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 February - 24 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action and two wounded in action amid 20 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 February - 25 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 6 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 24 February - 26 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 February - 27 February 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 11 soldiers wounded in action amid 14 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 26 February - 28 February 2021: A recent increase in the number of attacks by Russia-led forces on Ukrainian military positions in Donbas is linked with sanctions imposed by Ukraine on Viktor Medvedchuk, a close friend of Russian regime's Vladimir Putin, and his TV channels, according to Ukraine's envoy - 1 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid seven violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 February - 2 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 March - 4 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported one soldier wounded in action amid four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 3 March - 5 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 9 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 March - 6 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid seven violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 5 March - 7 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 6 March - 8 March 2021: On Monday 8 March Russian-backed enemy has violated the ceasefire five times, with no combat losses reported among Ukrainian servicemen, as on 7 March violations of the ceasefire were recorded, too - 9 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 8 March - 10 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 21 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 March - 11 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid 8 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 March - 12 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 March - 13 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action and one wounded amid 14 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 12 March - 14 March 2021: Russia-led forces mounted 10 attacks on Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine on Saturday 13 March 2021 - 15 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one wounded soldier in action amid 13 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 March - 16 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 March - 17 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 March - 18 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 March - 19 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid six violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 March - 20 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid two violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 March - 21 March 2021: Russian occupation forces in Donbas over the past day, March 20, nine times violated the ceasefire, severely wounding a Ukrainian soldier in one of the attacks - 22 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 March - 23 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 March - 24 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 March - 25 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 24 March - 26 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 8 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 March - 26 mars 2021: Kiev a annoncé vendredi que quatre soldats ukrainiens avaient été tués et deux autres blessés dans un bombardement dans l’est de l’Ukraine, le bilan journalier le plus lourd depuis 2019 dans la région, après les séparatistes pro-russes 'ont à nouveau violé le cessez-le-feu et tiré sur des positions ukrainiennes' - 27 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four soldiers killed in action and two wounded in action amid four violations of the latest ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 26 March - 28 March 2021: Russia-led forces mounted 11 attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, on 27 March - 29 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 March - 30 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported seven violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 29 March - 31 March 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported eight violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 30 March - 1 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported five violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 31 March - 1 April 2021: Ukraine could be 'destroyed' in case of Donbas escalation, Russian regime's Lavrov threatens, as his statement comes amid regime's amassing troops and military hardware along Ukrainian border under the pretext of drills - 2 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two wounded soldiers in action amid 13 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 April - 3 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two soldiers wounded in action, as well as one civilian who sustained a shrapnel wound amid 21 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 2 April - 4 April 2021: Russia pulling military hardware toward Ukraine border, as videos show trucks with covered license plates, as OSINT investigation team suggests Russian command is moving military hardware from other regions, as Ukrainian president Zelensky expects NATO Allies to help Ukraine achieve MAP and as in 2021, Ukraine's Army will take part in 15 multinational exercises abroad and will host nine multinational drills on own territory, while France and Germany 'closely monitoring' Russian troops movements along Ukraine border - 5 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 April - 6 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two soldiers killed in action amid seven violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 5 April - 7 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two soldiers were killed amid escalation in the Donbas warzone on 6 April, when Russia-controlled illegal armed groups mounted 14 attacks on Ukrainian positions - 7 April 2021: Russian regime continues pulling its military hardware toward the border with Ukraine - 8 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid seven violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 7 April - 9 April 2021: Escalation in Donbar, as Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one Ukrainian serviceman killed in action against the background of 15 ceasefire breaches by Russia-controlled armed groups in the warzone on 8 April - 10 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 7 violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 April - 10 April 2021: The recent deployment of hardware close to Ukraine's border, captured this week on video seen by Reuters, is what a source close to both the Kremlin and to pro-Russian terrorists said was a deliberate show of force - 11 April 2021: The Ukrainian military said a soldier was killed and another seriously wounded in artillery fire from Russia-backed separatists, as hostilities rose sharply in the east of the country where 27 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed this year, more than half the number who died in all of 2020, as attacks have intensified in recent weeks and Russia's Putin regime has built up troops along the Ukraine border - 11 April 2021: Russian-controlled forces over the past day, April 10, ten times violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine's warzone, killing a Ukrainian soldier while another one was injured - 12 April 2021: A Ukrainian soldier has been killed in a new attack by Russia-led forces in Donbas, as Ukraine records six ceasefire violations on 11 April. as the soldier suffered a fatal gunshot wound, and as the incident has been reported to OSCE representatives - 13 April 2021: One Ukrainian soldier killed amid one of the 17 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 12 April, as two more soldiers were wounded on 13 April - 13 April 2021: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged the Russian Federation to end its military build-up near Ukraine's borders, also saying during a joint press point with Ukrainian FM Dmytro Kuleba in Brussels 'we are seriously concerned by ongoing developments ... and NATO is monitoring the situation very closely' - 13 April 2021: The G7 foreign ministers and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell have called on the Russian Federation to cease its provocations against Ukraine - 14 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed and another three wounded amid five violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 13 April - 15 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported eight violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 April - 16 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 7 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 15 April - 17 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 15 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 April - 18 April 2021: British foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, said the UK stood in 'full support' of the Czech Republic after the country’s police announced they were hunting two Russians, suspected of carrying out the Salisbury poisonings, in relation to an explosion at an arms depot, as Czech authorities said on Saturday they were seeking Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov in connection with a previously unexplained 2014 explosion at a munitions dump in Vrbetice, which left two dead - 18 April 2021: An explosion at an ammunition depot in the Vrbetice complex in the Czech Republic in 2014 was reportedly most likely staged by Russian agents to disrupt arms shipments, in particular, to armed forces of Ukraine - 19 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed and another one wounded in action amid eight violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 April - 20 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 April - 21 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 20 April - 22 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported eight violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 21 April - 22 April 2021: A Ukrainian soldier has been killed in yet another shelling by Russia-led forces in the Joint Forces Operation zone in Donbas - 23 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces say a military serviceman was killed in action against the background of 17 ceasefire breaches by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 22 April - 24 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 20 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 April - 25 April 2021: Russian-controlled armed groups nine times violated the ceasefire in Donbas - 26 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 12 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 April - 27 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one wounded in action amid nine violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in Donbas on 26 April - 27 April 2021: One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another three were wounded as their military truck had blown up reportedly due to the use of an unidentified explosive device in Donbas - 28 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one wounded in action (WIA) amid 11 violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 April - 29 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid 15 violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 28 April - 30 April 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one wounded in action amid 13 violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 29 April - 1 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 30 April - 3 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 2 May - 4 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported nine violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 3 May - 5 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 May - 5 May 2021: Russian proxies have shelled the civilian neighborhood in the town of Krasnohorivka in Donetsk region, also hitting the Maryinska central district hospital, used for treating covid-19 patients - 6 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two wounded in action amid 19 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 5 May - 7 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two soldiers killed in action and one wounded in action amid 16 violations of the latest ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 6 May - 8 May 2021: Ukraine military documented eleven ceasefire violations by Russian-led armed groups in eastern Ukraine's Joint Forces Operation zone on May 7 - 8 May 2021: Ukrainians fought against Nazism not to have another war take their lives today, Ukraine's presicent says - 10 May 2021: Russia-led forces on 8 May mounted nine attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas - 11 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported seven violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 10 May 10 - 12 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported eight violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 May - 13 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces has reported eight violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 12 May - 14 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid 19 violations of the ceasefire agreement by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 13 May - 15 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 11 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 14 May - 16 May 2021: Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine's warzone violated the truce 16 times over the past day, on 15 May, the Ukrainian military command reports - 17 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 15 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 16 May - 18 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid nine violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 17 May - 19 May 2021: Command of Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 18 May - 20 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 19 May - 21 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 20 May - 21 May 2021: Three Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded amid recent shelling by the enemy in Donbas, eastern Ukraine - 22 May 2021: A Ukrainian soldier has been wounded by an enemy sniper in the Donbas war zone, as condition of the wounded is serious - 23 May 2021: Ukraine reports 12 enemy attacks in Donbas on May 22, as Russia's occupation forces shelled civilian infrastructure, using 120mm mortars - 24 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier wounded in action amid six violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 23 May - 25 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported eight violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 24 May - 25 May 2021: Tens of thousands of Russian troops remain in and around Ukraine, as Russia also continues to restrict navigation in the Black Sea, including near the Kerch Strait - 26 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 8 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 25 May - 27 May 2021: A Ukrainian soldier has been killed by an enemy sniper in the Donbas warzone, as on May 27 the Russian occupying troops violated the ceasefire and carried out targeted shelling of the Ukrainian positions near the village of Novotoshkivske committing 9 cease fire violations on 26 May - 28 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one killed soldier in action amid nine violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 27 May - 29 May 2021: Russian-led occupation forces in Donbas 12 times opened fire on Ukrainian defenders in the war zone in the country's east on May 28, as a Ukrainian soldier sustained a gunshot wound in one of the attacks - 30 May 2021: Russia-led forces mounted six attacks on Ukrainian positions in Donbas on 29 May 29 - 31 May 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported four violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 30 May - 1 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported 10 violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 31 May - 2 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported five violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 1 June - 4 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one violation of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone since Friday midnight - 5 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 4 June - 6 June 2021: A Ukrainian soldier was injured in a landmine blast in the Donbas warzone on Saturday, as the serviceman survived the explosion and was evacuated to a military hospital - 7 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported seven violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 6 June - 8 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 7 June - 9 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported six violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 8 June - 10 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported three violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 9 June - 11 June 2021: Russian-controlled troops in the zone of the Joint Forces Operation 12 times violated ceasefire, resulting in a Ukrainian military serviceman being wounded in the shelling, according to the JFO HQ press center - 12 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported one soldier killed in action amid nine violations of the ceasefire agreement, committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on 11 June - 14 June 2021: Ukraine's Armed Forces reported two violations of the ceasefire agreement committed by Russia-controlled armed groups in the Donbas warzone on June 13 - 15 June 2021: On June 14, eight ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as OSCE recorded 84 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 107 in Luhansk region between the evenings of 11 and 13 June - 16 June 2021: Over the past day 15 June six ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine as in addition, an enemy Orlan-10-class UAV was seen to fly crossing the line of contact in Luhansk region, timely suppressed with radio-electronic warfare equipment, and as of 07:00 on June 16, two ceasefire violations were recorded - 17 June 2021: Over the past day, June 16, ten ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 18 June 2021: Over the past day, June 17, the armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine nine times - 19 June 2021: Over the past day, June 18, three ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 21 June 2021: Over the past day, June 20, five ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 22 June 2021: Over the past day, June 21, fourteen ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 23 June 2021: Over the past day, June 22, nine ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 24 June 2021: Over the past day, 22 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 25 June 2021: Over the past day, 14 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 26 June 2021: Over the past day, June 25, 12 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 28 June 2021: Over the past day, June 27, four ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 29 June 2021: Over the past day, two ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as one Ukrainian serviceman was wounded - 30 June 2021: Over the past day, four ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 1 July 2021: Over the past day, June 30, 10 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 2 July 2021: Over the past day, 26 ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 3 July 2021: Over the past day, 19 ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 5 July 2021: Over the past day, six ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 8 July 2021: Over the past day, July 7, six ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 10 July 2021: Russian-backed forces violated the ceasefire in the area of the JFO in eastern Ukraine 13 times on July 9, killing one Ukrainian serviceman and injuring three more - 12 July 2021: Over the past day, July 11, eight ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 13 July 2021: Over the past day, July 12, five ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 14 July 2021: Over the past day, July 13, thirteen ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine, as one Ukrainian serviceman was killed, five more were wounded, another one got injured - 15 July 2021: Over the past day, July 14, 13 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 16 July 2021: Over the past day, July 15, eight ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 17 July 2021: Over the past day, July 16, one ceasefire violation by the Russian-occupation troops was recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, one soldier wounded, as of 07:00 on July 17, five ceasefire violations were recorded - 19 July 2021: A Ukrainian military serviceman who was earlier evacuated to Kharkiv after being injured in the Joint Forces Operation zone on July 15, succumbed to his wounds this morning - 20 July 2021: Russian-occupation forces continue to ignore the agreements reached within the Trilateral Contact Group in order to further accuse the Ukrainian side of violating the ceasefire - 221 July 2021: Over the past day, July 20, 14 ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine, as one Ukrainian soldier wounded - 22 July 2021: Over the past day, July 21, three ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 23 July 2021: In the frontline town of Maryinka, Donetsk region, a local civilian sustained shrapnel wounds after an unidentified object exploded amid an enemy shelling of the town by Russian occupation forces - 24 July 2021: Ten ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine on July 23, according to the press center of JFO Headquarters - 26 July 2021: Over the past day, July 25, eleven ceasefire violations by Russian occupiers were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 27 July 2021: Fifteen ceasefire violations were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area in eastern Ukraine over the past day. - 27 July 2021: Ukraine says 45 military killed, 163 wounded over past 12 months despite 'ceasefire' - 28 July 2021: Over the past day 27 July four ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 29 July 2021: Over the past day 28 July thirteen ceasefire violations by Russian occupiers were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 30 July 2021: Over the past day, four ceasefire violations were recorded in the JFO zone in eastern Ukraine - 31 July 2021: Over the past day, four ceasefire violations were recorded in the JFO zone in eastern Ukraine - 6 August 2021: Ten ceasefire violations in JFO area by the Russian-occupation troops, civilian wounded - 6 August 2021: Ukraine's president Zelensky says 90% of success in returning occupied territories depends on one person, Putin - 7 August 2021: Over the past day, August 6, five ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 14 August 2021: Over the past day, August 13, two ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 17 August 2021: Over the past day, August 16, five attacks by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as a Ukrainian serviceman received a fatal gunshot wound, as in the afternoon another Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 22 August 2021: Over the past day, August 21, three attacks by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 25 August 2021: One Ukrainian soldier killed, another two wounded in three enemy attacks by the Putin regime on 24 August - 26 August 2021: Over the past day, August 25, five ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, using hand-held antitank grenade launchers and heavy machine guns - 28 August 2021: Putin regime's invaders violate ceasefire in eastern Ukraine seven times, as one Ukrainian soldier killed by murderous forces - 28 August 2021: Russian occupation forces on Saturday opened fire on civilian infrastructure sites in Avdiivka - 30 August 2021: Over the past day, August 29, nine ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine, two Ukrainian solciers wounded - 31 August 2021: Over the past 24 hours, Ukraine recorded 11 ceasefire violations by Russia-controlled armed groups in the JFO zone, in which a Ukrainian serviceman was killed and two were injured - 1 September 2021: Over the past day, August 31, eight ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 3 September 2021: Over the past 24 hours, September 2, Ukraine reported five ceasefire violations by Russian occupation forces, wounding one Ukainian serviceman - 6 September 2021: Over the past day, September 5, four ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine - 7 September 2021: Ukraine’s military during the past 24 hours reported 7 ceasefire violations by Russia-controlled armed groups across the JFO zone in eastern Ukraine - 8 September 2021: Over the last 24 hours, Russian occupation occupiers seven times opened fire on the Ukraine Army positions - 18 September 2021: Over the past day, September 17, seven ceasefire violations were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded - 20 September 2021: Over the past 24 hours, on September 19, Russian occupation forces breached the truce eight times, including twice with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreement, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 22 September 2021: On September 21, Russian-led forces four times opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian military, including once using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 23 September 2021: Over the past 24 hours Russia-led armed groups intensified their attacks on the defense positions of Ukraine’s Joint Forces in Ukraine’s east, violating the ceasefire 12 times, including two times with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements, as Ukraine reports two wounded soldiers - 24 September 2021: Over the past day, September 23, five ceasefire violations were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 25 September 2021: Russian-led forces violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine 14 times on September 24, using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements, the JFO headquarters has reported - 27 September 2021: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire six times in the past day, including by shelling the Ukrainian Army positions in targeted attacks - 28 September 2021: The armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire eight times. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded today - 28 September 2021: Russian-led forces have violated the ceasefire in the area of the JFO in eastern Ukraine three times since midnight as of 11:00 on September 28, wounding two Ukrainian service members - 29 September 2021: Over the past day, September 28, the Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in the JFO area eight times, using weapons banned under the Minsk agreements once, and wounding two Ukrainian soldiers in JFO area - 30 September 2021: Over the past day, September 29, the armed formations of the Russian Federation violated ceasefire in the JFO area seven times - 1 October 2021: Over the past 24 hours, Ukraine reported 13 ceasefire violations by Russian-led armed groups in the JFO zone, including two episodes where arms proscribed by the Minsk Agreements were employed, and as Ukraine reports 1 killed Ukrainian soldier und another wounded serviceman over past day - 2 October 2021: Over the past day, October 1, 14 ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded - 4 October 2021: Over the past day, October 3, the Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in the JFO area four times, using weapons banned under the Minsk agreements once - 7 October 2021: Over the past day, October 6, six ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO in eastern Ukraine - 8 October 2021: Over the past day, October 7, six ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, wounding Ukrainian soldier - 9 October 2021: Ten attacks on Ukrainian positions launched over past day by Russian occupation forces - 10 October 2021: Ukrainian soldiers bear the invisible scars of war, as widespread traumatic brain injuries, once the hidden wounds of the seven-year conflict, are now coming to light, 'Al Jazeera' reports - 11 October 2021: Over the past day, October 10, ten ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO in eastern Ukraine - 12/13 October 2021: Over the past day, the OSCE SMM recorded 220 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 71 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 12/13 October 2021: Over the past 24 hours, October 12, Russian occupation forces six times violated the ceasefire, including two – using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 14 October 2021: Over the past day, October 13, ten ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 16 October 2021: One Ukrainian soldier wounded amid 8 attacks by the armed formations of the Russian Federation in the Joint Forces Operation area - 18 October 2021: Russian occupation forces over the past 24 hours committed four ceasefire violations in the Joint Forces Operation zone - 18 October 2021: MFA Ukraine reacts to blocking of OSCE monitors, saying Russia's actions 'unacceptable' - 19 October 2021: Russian occupation forces over the past 24 hours seven times breached the ceasefire, including one time with the use of weaponry proscribed by the Minsk Agreements - 23 October 2021: Russian-occupation forces have already violated the ceasefire in the Joint Forces Operation area in eastern Ukraine once on October 23, following 13 ceasefire violations by occupiers in eastern Ukraine - 25 October 2021: Russian occupation forces on October 24 committed four ceasefire violations, including one with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements, according to the JFO HQ - 30 October 2021: Over the past day 29 October, Ukraine reported 19 ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces in the JFO zone, wounding 5 Ukrainian soldiers, including one such breach where the enemy employed weapons banned by the Minsk deal - 1 November 2021: Over the past 24 hours, on October 31, the Russian occupation forces committed 14 ceasefire violations, four of which included the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements, as Ukraine reports one wounded Ukrainian soldier - 10 November 2021: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine twice on November 9, as the enemy used small arms near the village of Opytne, and as near Novooleksandrivka, the enemy opened fire from grenade launchers of various systems and large-caliber machine guns - 12 November 2021: Over the past 24 hours Ukraine reported 13 ceasefire violations by Russian occupation forces, including four with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements, as one Ukrainian soldier was wounded - 15 November 2021: Over the past day, the occupiers launched 19 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO, saying 'over the past day 19 ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops, including seven with the use of the weapons banned under the Minsk agreements, were recorded' - 16 November 2021: Over the past day, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine six times - 17 November 2021: Over the past day, the occupiers launched 13 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 17 November 2021: Russian-backed forces opened fire on the settlement of Nevelske in Donetsk region early on Wednesday, damaging seven houses and destroying two of them - 17 November 2021: Amid Russia's further military build-up, Ukrainian, British defense ministers make joint statement - 18 November 2021: Four Ukrainian soldiers wounded in JFO area over past day, as the occupiers launched 14 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 19 November 2021: On Friday 19 November a Ukrainian soldier was killed in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as press center of the JFO Headquarters said 'today, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire four times, including three times with the use of the weapons banned under the Minsk agreements' - 20 November 2021: On 19 November Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire 17 times, including six attacks with the use of the weapons banned under the Minsk agreements - 20 November 2021: Over the past day, the OSCE SMM recorded 715 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 245 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 21 November 2021: 'Today we celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom'. 'But we should not lower our eyes as well. Yes. We have paid and continue to pay a high price for freedom. And we will never forget all those who gave their lives for Ukraine. And we will never forgive all those who took their lives and wanted to deprive us of our freedom', president of Ukraine says - 22 November 2021: Russian-backed forces opened fire on the positions of the Joint Forces in eastern Ukraine three times on November 22, wounding one Ukrainian serviceman - 22 November 2021: Over the past week, November 15-21, 58 ceasefire violations by the Russian-occupation forces were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 23 November 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded in JFO area, as over the past day Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in the area in eastern Ukraine seven times, including three attacks with the use of banned weapons - 23 November 2021: Ukraine tells UN Security Council about Russia's arms supplies to occupied territories, as countering the illegal arms supplies to the territories is one of the security priorities for Ukraine, which protects its sovereignty and territorial integrity from Russian aggression - 23 November 2021: Russian military conducting large-scale exercises in occupied areas of eastern Ukraine - 24 November 2021: OSCE SMM to Ukraine recorded 163 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 36 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region over the past day - 25 November 2021: Russian occupation forces committed 9 ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine on 24 November, using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 25 November 2021: Over 16 months of armistice, Ukraine says 66 soldiers killed, 275 wounded as a result of shelling and armed provocations by the Russian side. - 26 November 2021: Ukraine has uncovered Russian-linked coup plot, as president Volodymyr Zelenskiy says there is evidence of ‘coup d’état’ being planned for early December - 26 November 2021: On 25 November Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in JFO area in eastern Ukraine 14 times, including 4 attacks with weapons banned under the Minsk agreements - 27 November 2021: Ukrainian soldier killed in warzone amid latest 2 enemy attacks, as over the past day, November 26, the Russian occupation forces twice violated the ceasefire in the JTO zone in eastern Ukraine, including once with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 29 November 2021: Occupiers fire mortars, antitank guns in eastern Ukraine - 29 November 2021: OSCE records over 800 ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine - 29 November 2021: Russian occupation forces committed 42 ceasefire violations in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine last week - 30 November 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded over the past day 29 November, as Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in JFO area eight times, including two attacks with the use of banned weapons - 1 December 2021: Speaking at a Nato ministers meeting in Latvia USA's secretary of state Antony Blinken says his country has evidence that Russia has made plans for a 'large scale' attack on Ukraine and that Nato allies are 'prepared to impose severe costs' on Moscow if it attempts an invasion - 2 December 2021: A Ukrainian soldier was killed in clashes with pro-Russia separatists in the east of the country, Kyiv said Thursday, as tensions with Russia's Putin regime soar and USA Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian regime's Lavrov are due to meet in Stockholm amid regime's military threats against neighbour - 2 December 2021: Ukraine reports 1 KIA in Donbas warzone amid four ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces - 2 December 2021: OSCE to Ukraine recorded 265 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and six ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 3 December 2021: Over the past 24 hours, the Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire six times, twice engaging Ukrainian forces with weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements, wounding one Ukrainian solcier - 4 December 2021: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine six times on December 3, wounding one Ukrainian soldier, using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements three times - 4 December 2021: USA media release new data on Russia's probable attack on Ukraine, that could begin as soon as early 2022, according to AP - 6 December 2021: Over the past 24 hours Ukrainian troops reported a ceasefire violation by the Russian occupation forces near the settlement of Novoselivka - 8 December 2021: Over the past day Russian-occupation troops violated ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine six times, including one attack with the use of the weapons banned under the Minsk agreements - 10 December 2021 soldiers and residents living in the shadow of Russian Putin regime’s military buildup on the Ukraine frontline as tensions rise describe the toll of the long, unresolved conflict, saying 'nobody wants to be Putin’s slave’ - 11 December 2021: Ukrainian military recorded six ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces, including two where the invaders employed proscribed weapons - 11 December 2021: Russians deploy heavy military hardware in Donbas in breach of Minsk agreements, JFO command says - 13 December 2021: Over the past day Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine four times - 13 December 2021: Russian-occupation forces violated the Minsk Agreements 29 times over the past week and opened fire on Joint Forces positions. Four Ukrainian defenders were wounded in the shelling - 14 December 2021: Over the past day, December 13, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine twice - 15 December 2021: One Ukrainian soldier wounded as over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian military recorded 7 ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces - 16 December 2021: For the first time, a Russian court - the district court in Russia’s Rostov-on-Don - has officially recognized that the Russian regular troops are fighting against Ukraine in certain parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which goes against Russia’s persistent claims of military non-involvement in hostilities across eastern Ukraine - 16 December 2021: Russian mercenaries violate ceasefire in JFO area nine times, including five attacks with the use of weapons banned under the Minsk Agreements - 17 December 2021: Ukrainian soldier killed in fighting with pro-Russia separatists, as Ukraine says separatists in east of country targeted its positions with grenade launchers and mortars - 18 December 2021: Over the past day, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine four times - 18 December 2021: North Atlantic Council, the principal political decision-making body within NATO, calls on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine - 18 December 2021: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg rejects Russia's right to demand that NATO should deny membership to Ukraine - 20 December 2021: Over the past 24 hours Russian occupation forces resorted to two ceasefire violations, one of which involved weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 21 December 2021: Ukraine reports 1 WIA amid 5 ceasefire violations by Russian led enemy forces as the Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in hostilities in the Joint Forces Operation zone - 22 December 2021: Over the past day, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine 3 times, including one attack with the use of weapons banned under the Minsk Agreements, as Ukraine also destroyed enemy drone outside Krasnohorivka - 23 December 2021: This month OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded about five times more ceasefire violations on average per day compared to December 2020, as ambassador Mikko Kinnunen made a corresponding statement to the press after the regular meetings of the TCG and its Working Groups held through video conferencing on December 22, noting that at the TCG meeting priority had been given to the issue of security and, in particular, compliance with the ceasefire - 23 December 2021: Russia launches another military exercise in country’s south, occupied Crimea - 24 December 2021: Armed formations of the Russian Federation continue to ignore the agreements reached within the TCG, as 'over the past day, Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire three times, including two attacks with the use of weapons banned under the Minsk agreements', press center of JFO Headquarter says - 25 December 2021: Russian-backed forces launched five attacks on Ukrainian positions on December 24, two of them involving weapons banned under the Minsk agreements, as one Ukrainian soldier was wounded by the Russian-backed attacks - 25 December 2021: Most Ukrainians support Ukraine's accession to the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance Nato, according to a survey conducted by Razumkov Centre's sociological service from November 24 to December 1 - 27 December 2021: Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded amid six ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces - 27 December 2021: The health of Yevhen Stavtsev, a Ukrainian national who is being unlawfully held at the occupied Makiyivka’s Correctional Facility No. 32, has deteriorated significantly - 28 December 2021: Yesterday Russian occupation forces committed 10 ceasefire violations, one of which involved weapons proscribed by the Minsk, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 29 December 2021: Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian military reported two ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces - 29 December 2021: OSCE reports almost 100 Russian tanks deployed outside storage sites in occupied part of Luhansk region, as OSCE SMM recorded 689 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 108 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 30 December 2021: Ukraine’s military command reported four ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine - 31 December 2021: Ukraine’s troops recorded three ceasefire violations by the Russian occupation forces where weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements were used - 31 December 2021: Russia continues to send its troops to the border with Ukraine as the earlier discovered camps are growing, new camps are set up, while tanks and howitzers are joined by sophisticated air defense systems - 4 January 2022: As Russian occupation forces committed three ceasefire violations on 3 January one Ukrainian soldier wounded amid ceasefire violations by enemy forces - 5 January 2022: OSCE recorded 399 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 44 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region between 30 December 2021 and 3 January 2022 - 7 January 2022: Ukraine recorded two ceasefire violations by Russian-backed forces in the area of the JFO on January 6 - 8 January 2022: On 7 January Russian occupation forces three times violated the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, including once with the use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 10 Januar 2022: On January 9, the Russian occupation forces twice violated the ceasefire, using weapons proscribed by the Minsk agreements - 11 January 2022: Over the past day, January 10, two ceasefire violations by Russian-occupation troops were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, as two Ukrainian soldiers killed in JFO area - 11 January 2022: Between January 5 and 9, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 152 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 791 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 12 January 2022: OSCE SMM recorded 133 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and five ceasefire violations in Luhansk region - 14 January 2022: Russia planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion, USA claims - 14 January 2022: Over the past day Russian-occupation troops launched two attacks, using weapons prohibited under the Minsk agreements, in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 14 January 2022: A massive cyberattack on Ukraine's government websites was carried out from Russian territory, according to experts - 14 January 2022: Following cyber attack, NATO to boost cyber defense cooperation with Ukraine - 15 January 2022: Over the past day Russian-occupation troops launched two attacks, using weapons prohibited under the Minsk agreements once, in the JFO) area in eastern Ukraine. - 16 January 2022: Ukraine has said it has 'evidence' Russia was behind a massive cyber-attack that knocked out key government websites last week, while Microsoft warned the hack could be far worse than first thought - 17 January 2022: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire once over the past 24 hours, on Sunday, while a Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action - 18 January 2022: In the past 24 hours Ukraine reported one ceasefire violation by the Russian occupation forces, shelling Pisky aftrer opening fire with grenade launchers - 18 January 2022: OSCE's SMM to Ukraine recorded 343 ceasefire violations between January 14 and 16, recording 129 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region, and in Luhansk region - 20 January 2022: USA's president has said he thinks Russia will attack Ukraine, warning that Putin regime would face a 'stiff price', but he admitted Nato was divided on how to respond if there is only a 'minor incursion'. as White House was forced to issue a hasty clarification to that last point, saying that any movement of Russian forces over the border would be treated as invasion - 21 January 2022: On January 20 Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire five times in the zone of the JFO - 24 January 2022: Russian threat aagainst Ukraine problem for whole world, not only for Ukraine, USA's Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a TV interview - 24 January 2022: Over the past day, the occupiers launched 10 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 25 January 2022: Over the past day one ceasefire violation by the Russian-occupation troops was recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine - 25 January 2022: OSCE SMM records over 320 ceasefire violations in east Ukraine over weekend - 25 January 2022: Russian regime bans OSCE military observers from monitoring Smolensk, Bryansk regions - 26 January 2022: Over the past day, Russian occupation troops launched five attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO area - 27 January 2022: NATO calls on Russia to de-escalate, withdraw troops from Ukraine's borders, as USA also threatens Putin with sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine - 29 January 2022: Pentagon assesses Russia's against Ukraine, providing Putin with a complete range of military options, including a full-scale invasion - 29 January 2022: The fourth batch of the USA military aid – 81 tonnes of ammunition – arrived in Ukraine on Friday evening - 30 January 2022: Surrounded by empty wheat fields and buried under a thick layer of snow, Nevelske village in Donbas region lies destroyed amid an escalating Ukraine-Russia crisis that has taken Europe to the brink of conflict, as residents of the farming settlement had weathered more than 7 years at the coalface of a conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists, until heavy shelling in mid-November caused most of its remaining residents to flee - 1 February 2022: In the past 24 hours, the Russian occupation forces twice violated the ceasefire in the Donbas warzone - 2 February 2022: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 194 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and 146 ceasefire violations in Luhansk region over the past day - 2 February 2022: On the first day of February, the Russian occupation forces twice violated the ceasefire in the JFO zone in eastern Ukraine - 3 February 2022: Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine four times on 2 February, including one attack with the use of weapons banned under the Minsk agreements - 3 February 2022: Russia has been moving some 30,000 combat troops and modern weapons to Belarus over the last days, regimes's biggest military deployment to the country since the end of the Cold War, NATO's Jens Stoltenberg said - 4 February 2022: Ccommand of the Armed Forces of Russia's Putin regime secretly delivered 9,000 tonnes of fuel, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, and drones to the divisions and units of the 1st (Donetsk) and 2nd (Luhansk) army corps by rail and road - 4 February 2022: USA's Pentagon confirms Russia preparing fake video as pretext to attack Ukraine, as Russian-occupation troops did not open fire on Ukrainian positions in JFO area, accordding to 'ukrinform' - 4 February 2022: Ukraine ready for any format of talks with Russia that will bring results, according to press secretary Nykyforov - 5 February 2022: One Ukrainian soldier wounded in eastern Ukraine, as 'occupiers opened fire on Pyshchevyk, using small arms' - 5 February 2022: Ukrinform launching weekly recap of major news, a short video blog aimed to present the Ukrainian view of political, economic, cultural, and other developments - 7 February 2022: On 6 February the Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine twice - 8 February 2022: On 7 February the Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine five times, wounding on Ukrainian soldier - 8 February 2022: Six Russian large landing ships entering Black Sea 'for exercises', passing through the Bosporus and Dardanelles - 9 February 2022: On 8 February the Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine three times - 9 February 2022: Russia and Belarus will begin 10 days of joint military drills on Thursday, setting in train one of the most overtly threatening elements of the Putin regime’s buildup of forces around Ukraine’s borders, ratcheting up Ukraine tensions, as satellite imagery shows much Russian hardware has been moved to locations close to Ukraine border - 10 February 2022: Russian occupation troops fire on Ukrainian positions near Vodiane over the last day - 11 February 2022: On 10 February eight ceasefire violations by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine, according to the JFO press center - 12 February 2022: USA's president Biden and Russian regime’s Putin make call, as they speak after USA warned Russia could attack Ukraine 'any day’, after Macron told Putin sincere negotiations are incompatible with an escalation in tensions, and as thousands of Ukrainians rally in Kyiv amid fear of invasion, and as UK troops sent to help train Ukrainian army to leave country, 'The Guardian' reports live - 12 February 2022: Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire regime in eastern Ukraine seven times on February 11 and once early on February 12, wounding one Ukrainian soldier - 14 February 2022: On 13 February Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine six times, using banned weapons - 15 February 2022: On 14 February Russian-occupation troops violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine five times, wounding two Ukrainian soldiers - 17 February 2022: Ukraine says Russian-backed artillery strike hits kindergarten in a village in Luhansk region, according to Ukraine's military, injuring two civilians - 17 February 2022: Shelling from rebel territory ‘looks like provocation’, senior Ukrainian government source says as 'The Guardian' reports with live updates - 17 February 2022: On 16 February the armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine eight times, already launching two attacks on Ukrainian positions today - 19 February 2022: Ukrainian president Zelenskyy said in Munich Ukraine is Europe’s shield against Russia, as Polish PM Morawiecki later said in Munich 'it is naive to believe that fulfilling some of the demands of Russia will lead to peaceful cohabitation, peaceful coexistence', as Ukraine reported 2 more soldiers killed in separatists shelling today - 20 February 2022: In Ukraine's city of Marinka, Valentina Gordeyeva realised something was coming when the tops of nearby fir trees started to shake but as she ran to shelter in a nearby shop, a shard of shrapnel pierced the soft flesh of her left hand, she became one of four civilians wounded in shelling by Russian-backed separatists, as nearby school had also been damaged in the attack, and as after 8 years of Russian-made conflict most of the city’s buildings are riddled with the scars of conflict, and intact roofs or windows are rare - 21 February 2022: Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in Donetsk region in the occupiers’ shelling, as 'the illegal armed formations shelled the village of Novoluhanske, killing a civilian and damaging houses. A total of eight populated localities in the region – about 43,000 people – were left without electricity and/or water over a day', according to National Police, and - as of 17:00 21 February - Russian-occupation forces launched 54 attacks on Ukraine’s Armed Forces positions, wounding four soldiers - 22 February 2022: Since the beginning of the 22 February Russian-occupation forces violated the ceasefire in the JFO area in eastern Ukraine 72 times, including 53 attacks with the use of weapons banned under the Minsk agreements, killing one Ukrainian soldier - 23 February 2022: Russian occupation forces opened fire on the settlements across Luhansk region, employing artillery and Grad multiple rocket launchers - 23 February 2022: Over the past day, the Ukrainian military recorded 96 shellings on the part of the Russian-controlled forces in Donbas, including 81 attacks involving heavy weapons, also reporting one killed and six wounded Ukrainian soldiers

24 February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia) and timeline of Putin's war (Langenberger Musikschule)
Since 24 February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, as Russian ground forces enter Ukraine. At about 06:00 Moscow time (UTC+3), Russian regime's Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in eastern Ukraine. Minutes later, missile strikes began at locations across the country, including in the capital Kyiv. The Ukrainian Border Service stated that its borders with Russia and Belarus were attacked. Multiple countries have condemned the attack on Ukraine, part and latest chapter of the Russo-Ukrainian War since winter/spring 2014, started by Vladimir Putin, today globally criticized as a war criminal, according to 'Wikipedia'
Since 24 February 2022 Russian Putin regime's Eastern Ukraine offensive: Since 24 February 2022 Russian Putin regime's Eastern Ukraine offensive, an ongoing aggression against the Ukrainian people, its resistance movements and defense forces
24 February 2022 Mariupol comes under Russian Smerch MLRS fire killing 3 civilians: 24 February 2022: Mariupol comes under Russian Smerch MLRS fire, three civilians killed, seven wounded
24 February 2022 Ukrainian multimedia platform for broadcasting 'ukrinform' reports with live updates: 24 February 2022: Ukrainian multimedia platform for broadcasting 'ukrinform' reports with live updates at 13:18 that Mariupol has comes under Smerch MLRS fire, killing three civilians, wounding seven others, as Russian armed formations have fired Smerch multiple launch rocket systems at the residential areas and airport of Mariupol, killing three and wounding seven civilians, as Ukrainian defense forces shots down seventh Russian plane

Since 4 April 2019 Western Libya Offensive, a military campaign by Libyan strongman Haftar's forces to capture the western region of Libya, mainly supported by Russia, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, France, United Arab Emirates, and Jordan
Postponed December 2018 Libyan general election: 2019 Libyan general election will be held in Libya sometime in early 2019, potentially by June though they were originally expected to be held on 10 December 2018
April 2019 Haftar's LNA offensive: Since 4 April 2019 Western Libya Offensive, a military campaign by the 'Libyan National Army', which represents the Tobruk Government, to capture the western region of Libya - 4 April 2019: Libyan strongman Haftar orders troops to march on Tripoli - 5 April 2019: In a joint statement the USA, France, Italy, the UK and the UAE call for restraint and an end to military posturing, as advancing Haftar forces have sparked fears of military rule and militias in western Libya have vowed to confront his attempt to seize the capital Tripoli, the seat of the UN-backed government - 6 April 2019: Threat of Tripoli fighting raises atrocity concerns, according to Human Rights Watch, saying Haftar's LNA has a well-documented record of indiscriminate attacks on civilians, summary executions of captured fighters, and arbitrary detention - 6 April 2019: French FM Le Drian, whose country has been criticized for supporting Libyan eastern warlord Khalifa Haftar, said rival factions in Libya needed to hold back and that Haftar should accept a UN-backed peace effort, amid beginning evacuations of international powers - 8 April 2019: UK urges France to condemn Haftar’s assault on Tripoli, as EU foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels to condemn an assault on Tripoli by the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar and call for all sides to revert to UN-led political discussions about the riven country’s future, after UK-led moveto pass a security council statement condemning Haftar at the UN on Sunday was blocked by Russia - 8 April 2019: Airstrike shuts down Tripoli's only functioning airport as eastern warlord Haftar's forces advancing on Libya's capital disregarded global appeals for a truce and Tripoli-based Health Ministry said fighting in the south of the capital had killed at least 25 people, including fighters and civilians, and wounded 80 - 12 April 2019: WHO says it fears an outbreak of infectious diseases in Libya linked to poor water quality, among thousands of people fleeing their homes - 13 April 2019: Battles continue to rage between the forces of Libya’s internationally recognized government and warlord Haftar’s forces in the southern suburbs of Tripoli leaving dozens dead and thousands displaced - 14 April 2019: More than 120 people have been killed since Libyan military commander Haftar launched an assault on the capital 10 days ago including airstrikes, igniting clashes with rival militias, the UN health agency said - 15 April 2019: Some foreign states unified by aim of Libyan instability, Libyan government spokesperson says - 15 April 2019: Civilian casualties and displacement expected to increase in Libya due to continued use of air strikes and heavy artillery, UN report says - 16 April 2019: Libya’s UN backed government of National Accord has made a call for political dialogue with eastern commander Khalifa Haftar, also calling for an end to the fighting - 16 avril 2019: Au moins 174 personnes ont été tuées et 758 blessées, dont des civils, depuis le lancement d'une offensive de Khalifa Haftar pour conquérir Tripoli, selon OMS - 17 April 2019: Shells slammed into a Tripoli suburb overnight, killing at least four people, adding to a death toll the UN puts at more than 800, piling on the suffering to civilians from a two-week assault by commander Khalifa Haftar's forces to take Libya's capital from an internationally-backed government - 17 April 2019: Nearly 180 people have died as a result of warlord Haftar’s assault on Tripoli, with at least four civilians killed in aerial bombardment on the Libyan capital overnight, as residents protest and government denounces attacks as barbaric, saying evidence will be passed to ICC - 18 April 2019: An armed group on Thursday reportedly attacked a major air base in southern Libya controlled by eastern military commander Khalifa Haftar
21-22 April 2019: 21 April 2019: Several air strikes and explosions shook the Libyan capital Tripoli overnight Saturday, residents said, in an escalation of warlord Haftar's two-week offensive by his forces on the city with a population of about 1.158 million people and held by the internationally recognized government - 21 avril 2019: L'ANL, les troupes du maréchal Khalifa Haftar, toujours bloquée au sud de Tripoli, fait face depuis samedi à une contre-offensive des forces loyalistes - 22 April 2019: 'The death toll of the clashes in Tripoli has hit 254, and 1,228 people have been injured', according to the WHO, saying that 'specialized emergency medical teams in frontline hospitals handled 89 major and 63 surgeries'
25-30 April 2019: 25 April 2019: Young refugees held in the Qasr bin Ghashir detention centre in Libya have described being shot at indiscriminately by warlord Haftar's militias advancing on Tripoli, in an attack that reportedly left at least two people dead and up to 20 injured - 28 April 2019: Airstrikes by Khalifa Haftar's self-proclaimed Libyan National Army killed four people and wounded 20 others in Tripoli, according to Libya's internationally recognized unity government - 29 April 2019: UN envoy for Libya Salamé has made his strongest attack yet on the military strongman Khalifa Haftar as his forces intensify their assault on the capital Tripoli, saying Haftar is no democrat - 30 April 2019: Fierce fighting for control of Libya’s capital that has already displaced tens of thousands of people threatens to create a greater humanitarian crisis, senior UN official has warned
3-26 May 2019: 3 May 2019: Stalemate persists in Tripoli after overnight fighting, more civilians flee, as Haftar's offensive entered its fifth week - 6 May 2019: Nearly 200 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured in the most recent wave of fighting in Libya, according to Libyan officials, as Abu Dhabi, Egypt, France and Saudi backed Haftar urges his forces to 'teach the enemy a greater and bigger lesson than the previous ones' during Ramadan, just hours after the UN called for a week-long humanitarian truce - 6 May 2019: Libyan journalists on Monday protested in the capital Tripoli against the abduction of two journalists who work for Libya’s Al-Ahrar TV kidnapped by an armed group said to be loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar - 7 May 2019: Warlord Haftar's forces clash with government forces - 8 May 2019: Migrants suffer in ongoing skirmishes in Libya, as a detention center for migrants was damaged after a strike on Libya’s city of Tajoura - 11 May 2019: Libya neighboring countries seek to bring back the fighting parties to the negotiating table - 25 May 2019: Heavy fighting raged in the Libyan capital on Saturday as Haftar's forces made a new push to advance inside the city controlled by the internationally recognized government - 26 May 2019: The UN mission in Libya says two local TV reporters detained by Haftar's forces, have been released after three weeks in captivity, as Haftar has ruled out a ceasefire in his battle for Tripoli, accusing the UN of seeking to partition Libya
1-3 June 2019: 1 June 2019: Over 90,000 people displaced in Libya due to Haftar's offensive and fighting in Tripoli, including thousands believed to be children, UN says, as warlord Haftar meets his supporter Putin in Moscow following several visits to Russia in the past - 2 June 2019: Reports confirm that forces loyal to the UN-backed Government of National Unity have made progress in areas previously controlled by warlord Khalifa Haftar's forces - 3 June 2019: The ongoing conflict in and around Tripoli continues to drive civilian casualties and displacement, UN says
8/9 June 2019 Haftar airstrikes: 8 June 2019: Libya's PC condemns the airstrikes by Khalifa Haftar's Air Force on Tripoli vital facilities including field hospitals in Al-Swani and Ain Zara, causing injuries among medical staffers and civilians, saying the strikes have become systematically intentional, also condemning the international community's silence - 9 June 2019: More than 20 people have been killed in violent clashes between the tribal components of Murzuk, south-west of Libya, since the first days of Eid al-Fitr - 9 June 2019: Haftar forces launch airstrike near Libya's Tripoli - 9 June 2019: After over two months of fighting in southern Tripoli areas, people are suffering from a lack of services in all fields - 9 June 2019: Ajdabiya fighters reportedly abandon Haftar’s forces from fighting frontlines in Tripoli toward their city in eastern Libya over neglect, unfairness
10 June 2019 Libyan army advancing, Haftar’s atrocities: 10 June 2019: We're advancing on Haftar's forces on different frontlines, Libyan Chief of Staff says - 10 June 2019: Haftar’s forces desecrate and burn dead bodies of UN-backed GNA’s forces, taking selfies
14 June 2019: 14 June 2019: Tripoli Ministry of Health today strongly deplored the vicious attack on Dr Abubaker al-Ajnif at his clinic yesterday that left the cardiologist badly bruised with his face disfigured, as Libyan Doctors Union also strongly condemned the attack as well as attacks on medical personnel in general, noting that the phenomenon of attacks on medical personnel had recently increased dramatically in Libya, amid the international community's and the UN's (today represented by obsequious Guterres) inability to avert conflicts and to punish war crimes
16 June 2019 Haftar’s airstrike: 16 June 2019: Warplanes of Khalifa Haftar’s forces carried out an airstrike on Saturday on civilian houses and a police training camp in Tajoura in eastern Tripoli, killing one civilian and injuring nine others including a child and two women, damaging along the way some parts of the National Heart Center in the area
22 June 2019: 22 June 2019: Haftar's militias strike Mitiga Airport in Tripoli - 22 June 2019: Libya's Fayez Al-Sarraj says no negotiations before defeating Haftar, stressing the need to replace Haftar in any future talks and to hold him accountable for the devastation he caused
23 June 2019: 23 June 2019: The Libyan Army forces operating under the UN-backed government entered Tripoli International Airport and advanced on positions held by Haftar's forces
26 June 2019 hundreds of casualties since April: 26 June 2019: WHO said that the number of people killed since the outbreak of clashes in Tripoli has amounted to 739 including 41 civilians, as 'number of wounded had exceeded 4400 injured, including 137 civilians'
27 June 2019: 27 June 2019: Libya government forces capture key town from Haftar’s fighters, as Gharyan Mayor confirms 9 soldiers killed in Gharyan liberation battle
29/30 June 2019: 29 June 2019: Following Libyan Army's seizure of Gharyan city from Haftar’s forces, cutting supply line to southern Tripoli, Haftar’s forces ban Libya-Turkey flights and will target Turkish ships, aircraft and citizens in Libya, as Turkey has voiced support for the UN-backed government, and after Haftar’s forces had lost 43 soldiers in the battle of Gharyan and fighters captured in the city also admitted that the operations room was managed by a number of UAE and French military experts - 30 June 2019: Libya fighters captured USA and Chinese rockets as well as drones from Haftar’s forces when they seized town from eastern forces last week, after UN reports have previously said that the UAE and Egypt have been arming Haftar’s forces since 2014 - 30 June 2019: Libyan government condemns Haftar’s threats to Turkey, saying that such threats promote sedition and hatred, and incites the killing on grounds of identity
1 July 2019: 1 July 2019: Haftar's forces continue airstrikes on Mitiga Airport, despite being a civilian airport and is considered the only air link in Tripoli, which is inhabited by some 3 million people
2 July 2019: 2 July 2019: Haftar’s artillery shelling on civilian houses in Tripoli kill father and his daughter, while the rest of the family got wounded - 2 July 2019: Haftar's self-styled army's air force's Mohammed Al-Manfour warned that his forces will intensify air raids on Tripoli, calling on residents to stay away from what he called the 'militia camps', in reference to the Libyan army forces
3 July 2019 airstrike on migrant detention centre by warlord Haftar's forces: 3 July 2019 Tajoura migrant center airstrike and massacre by warlord Haftar's forces, backed by Egypt, France, Russia and the United Arab Emirates, after UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, on 8 May 2019 called for refugees and migrants in detention centres in conflict areas in Tripoli to be immediately evacuated to safety, after an airstrike hit a target less than 100 metres away from Tajoura detention centre, where over 500 refugees and migrants are being detained - 3 July 2019: An airstrike hit a detention center for migrants early Wednesday in the Libyan capital, killing at least 40 people, according to a health official in Libya's UN-supported government, blaming warlord Haftar for the airstrike, which destroyed centre holding mainly African migrants
7 July 2019: 7 July 2019: Libyan army arrests 13 gunmen of Haftar's militias
8 July 2019 Mitiga airstrike: 8 July 2019: Three engineers were injured and an airplane was damaged as Mitiga Airport in the Libyan capital Tripoli was hit by shells on Sunday, after the airport has been targeted over 5 times by Haftar’s forces since April - 8 July 2019: Mitiga airport, Tripoli’s only functioning airport, was the subject of another airstrike, attributed by the Tripoli authorities to the Khalifa Hafter forces - 8 July 2019: Refugees in the Tajoura detention centre in Libya that survived a deadly air strike last week are demanding to be evacuated for fear of another attack, launch hunger strike
9/10 July 2019: 9 July 2019: UN says death toll from Libya fighting passes 1,000 - 10 July 2019: As deadly airstrikes prompt plans to release detainees, fears rise for those trapped in the country amid claims of serious abuses
11 July 2019: 11 July 2019: Haftar's Air Force struck Tuesday a police training institution in the city of Garyan, southwest of Tripoli, leading to a number of casualties, as UNSMIL again called upon all parties to exercise restraint and stop this escalating violence, offering to provide guidance and assistance to settle differences through dialogue and negotiations
13 July 2019: 13 July 2019: Tripoli’s battle, kicked off by Khalifa Haftar's forces and passing it’s 100th day with a striking death toll of over 1050 killed, 5500 injured and over 100.000 displaced, continues on the outskirts of the capital with no advances or signs of possible entry to Tripoli, as government forces keep pushing them out and away from the capital - 13 July 2019: Gunmen attack power plant and cut off water supplies to Tripoli
14 July 2019: 14 July 2019: Some 95 migrants were rounded up from other detention centres in the city and moved to the Tajoura centre in Tripoli that was hit with an airstrike, according to Medecins Sans Frontieres, saying it was an 'outstanding contradiction' for migrants to be released from the unsafe centre, only for more to be brought in just days later - 14 July 2019: Libyan Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha said that the United Arab Emirates had provided Khalifa Haftar with mercenaries from Sudan’s Janjaweed and Chadian rebels for him to continue his offensive against Tripoli - 14 July 2019: Tribesmen of Murzuk town southwest of Libya agreed to stop the fighting and to lay the foundations for peaceful and secure coexistence, after the recent clashes in the town that broke out after Haftar's forces invasion of the town
14/15 July 2019: 14 July 2019: Notorious killer Al-Kebba, who operates under the command of Khalifa Haftar’s forces, has been killed in clashes in southern Tripoli - 14 July 2019: Libyan Air Force targets operations room of Haftar's forces south of Tripoli - 15 July 2019: Haftar forces reportedly prepare to launch a decisive attack on Tripoli
15 July 2019 French missiles: 15 July 2019: France’s admission that it owned USA-made missiles found at a Libyan base seized from strongman Khalifa Haftar’s forces indicates it had operatives on the ground supporting his offensive on Tripoli, according to Libya’s interior minister, disputing France’s claim that the missiles were inoperable and saying his government has asked experts from the UN and USA to examine the weapons to confirm they are in working order
16 July 2019: 16 July 2019: Three medics were killed in an airstrike carried out by Eastern Libyan forces led by military commander Khalifa Haftar, targeting a field hospital in southern Tripoli - 16 July 2019: Power outages add to the misery caused by Libya’s ongoing fighting
18 July 2019: 18 July 2019: Egypt, France and UAE reportedly going to use massive airpower to help Khalifa Haftar’s forces enter Tripoli starting from next Saturday - 18 July 2019: Despite calls to return to negotiations, saying there is no military solution to the Libya crisis, Haftar's offensive and the fighting continues in Tripoli - 18 July 2019: Libyan capital Tripoli’s Mitiga airport halted air traffic after the facility was struck by missiles
19-21 July 2019: 19 July 2019: Libya's parliament based in the west says it has gathered intelligence warning of the use of possible airstrikes on Tripoli by allies of commander Khalifa Haftar, who launched military offensive to capture the capital from the UN-backed government - 21 July 2019: 13 fighters loyal to forces commanded by Khalifa Haftar, including 7 senior leaders in Haftar’s forces reportedly killed overnight in a drone strike by the Government of National Accord in southern Tripoli, that mainly hit the Ajdabiya Operations Room fighters
23/24 July 2019 Haftar attack repelled: 23 July 2019: Libya's internationally recognised government said its forces fought off a 'major' attack on the capital Tripoli by Khalifa Haftar's self-styled LNA, leaving dozens dead or wounded, as 6 GNA fighters were killed on Monday, while 25 were killed or wounded from the LNA - 24 July 2019: Tripoli forces claim they have repulsed much heralded Hafter 'zero hour' offensive, as Hafter forces claim progress - 24 July 2019: Following Haftar's defeat in Gharyan, UAE's Tahnoun bin Zayed funds plan to prevent splits from Haftar army - 24 July 2019: UN envoy to Libya discusses deescalation and reviving the political track with head of HCS Khalid Al-Mishri in Tripoli
27 July 2019 Haftar attacks Misrata: 27 July 2019: At least six missiles were fired by Haftar’s jets at Misurata airbase in Libya on Saturday dawn, the first airstrikes on the city since warlord's start of Tripoli offensive on 4 April, as Libyan officials say fighting rages near capital
27/28 July 2019 airstrike: 28 July 2019: Tripoli Ministry of Health condemns airstrike on Tripoli Airport road field hospital that killed 5 and injured 8, widely attributed to the Khalifa Hafter-led forces
30 July 2019: 30 July 2019: One person was killed in an indiscriminate shelling on Souq Joma’a neighbourhood of Tripoli on Monday night, as grad rockets fell on Hajarsa area of the neighbourhood causing damage to people's houses, and as Haftar is accused to bring in foreign forces to attack Tripoli
31 July 2019: 31 July 2019: Libyan pilot who landed in Tunisia has defected from Haftar’s forces, after he reportedly refused Haftar’s orders to hit targets in Tripoli
2 August 2019 Sudan's notorious RSF support Haftar: 2 August 2019: Last week, around 1,000 members of Sudan’s notorious Rapid Support Forces were reported to have arrived in eastern Libya, joining the ranks of Khalifa Haftar's LNA which is waging war against the country's UN-recognised government - 2 August 2019: Three military personnel were killed and another 14 injured in an air strike by Haftar on forces of Libya’s UN-recognised GNA today
3 August 2019: 3 August 2019: Libya’s GNA forces shoot down a UAE-purchased Chinese Wing Loong drone near Misurata, used by Khalifa Haftar’s forces in their attacks on Tripoli and other areas
5/7 August 2019 Haftar airstrike kills dozens: 5 August 2019: A drone air strike by eastern Libyan forces on the southern Libyan town of Murzuq has killed at least 43 people, the second major air strike blamed on the forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar after at least 44 migrants were killed in June - 7 August 2019: Libya’s FM demands ICC investigate Murzuq massacre
7 August 2019 Haftar's executions: 7 August 2019: Militias of war-lord, Khalifa Haftar executed two of Tripoli's residents, who were identified to be Khaled Almutamad and Abdullah Jabour, after kidnapping them on the coastal road of Garabulli district
8 August 2019: 8 August 2019: Libyan Airlines flight survives missile attack by Haftar's militias on the airport, according to Mitiga Airport authority
8 August 2019 UN Salame's three-point deesclation plan: 8 August 2019: UN envoy to Libya Salame reveals three-point deesclation plan, saying that the first stage of the plan is achieving a humanitarian truce during Eid Al-Adha, which would show Libyans' care about a solution to the war, and that the second stage is calling for an international conference with attendance of foreign stakeholders before holding a conference for Libyans as it would be different from previous initiatives as Libyan politicians need assurances from the international community in order to pursue solutions
10 August 2019 truce agreed as car bomb rocks Benghazi: 10 August 2019: Government of National Accord and Khalifa Haftar's forces agree to ceasefire as deadly car bomb rocks Benghazi and kills two UN staff
11/12 August 2019 fears of air war: 11 August 2019: Libya drone strike heightens fears of air war and risk of civilian deaths, after strike in Murzuq last week, blamed on Haftar forces, killed at least 45 people and wounded dozens - 12 August 2019: Rocket fire hits Libyan capital's sole functioning Mitiga airport, breaking Eid truce
13 August 2019 truce over: 13 August 2019: Libyan officials say the fighting around Tripoli has resumed, following a two-day truce observed during Eid
14 August 2019: 14 August 2019: Five soldiers loyal to Haftar reportedly arrested on boat
15 August 2019 Khalifa Haftar’s deadly airport attack: 15 August 2019: Khalifa Haftar’s Air Force carried out airstrikes, and reportedly artillery shelling, on Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport, leaving massive fire inside the airport, as airport management reports at least one person killed and others injured, and airport traffic halted
16 August 2019 UNSMIL deplores attacks on airports: 16 August 2019: UNSMIL deplores the ever-increasing and systemic attacks on airports in western Libya, including Zuwara and Mitiga, endangering the lives of thousands of civilian travelers, including UN staff and humanitarian workers, as Mitiga airport is the only functioning airport near Tripoli available for use by hundreds of thousands of civilians and for the delivery of humanitarian assistance
17 August 2019 Haftar's torture and executions: 17 August 2019: 12 prisoners of war, showing signs of torture and abuses, have been executed by Khalifa Haftar’s infamous Al-Kaniyat militia group after their detention in different frontlines in southern Tripoli, as two other civilians abducted by the same group in Qarabulli town east of Tripoli had the same fate, according to ministry
18 August 2019 Haftar's attacks: 18 August 2019: Haftar's forces damaged civilian airport of Zuwara in western Libya - 18 August 2019: Haftar's drones carry out airstrikes on Libya's Misrata, as UNSMIL has dismissed claims by strongman Khalifa Haftar that a government-controlled airport bombed by his forces in recent days housed military infrastructure
19 August 2019 Haftar bombs Tripoli's zoo: 19 August 2019: Haftar’s air forces bomb zoo in Tripoli
20/21 August 2019: 20 August 2019: Intensifying clashes in the southern Libyan town of Murzuq involving air and drone strikes in recent days have left at least 90 people dead and displaced thousands of terrified civilians, the UN said on Tuesday - 20 August 2019: Uneasy calm descends on Tripoli frontlines as Haftar's forces advance on Gharyan fails - 21 August 2019: NOC sends aid convoy to Murzuq, as EU's Malta and UN's Salame say there is no military solution for Libya
22 August 2019: 22 August 2019: Libya’s GNA forces seize district of Sebea in southern Tripoli after a day-long deadly fighting with Haftar’s forces, amid airstrikes carried out by both sides leading to tens of casualties
24 August 2019 Haftar's airstrike on civilians: 24 August 2019: An airstrike by Khalifa Haftar's Air Force targeted Saturday a car in Al-Sawani killing three civilians from one family and injuring several people in the suburbs of Tripoli - 24 August 2019: Flights suspended at Libya airport after rocket fire
25 August 2019 Haftar’s offensive to recapture Gharyan: 25 August 2019: Haftar’s forces carrying all-out offensive to recapture Gharyan, seized by GNA forces about two months ago, delivering a blow to Haftar’s French backed forces who were using the city as the control room for their fighting operations in southern Tripoli - 25 August 2019: 'Haftar's forces backed by mercenaries from Sudanese Janjawid' advanced on the area between Gharyan and Al-Urban after violent clashes preceded by heavy air attacks by Haftar's air force
26 August 2019: 26 August 2019: Backing warlord Haftar in his offensive on Libyan capital of Tripoli, providing him with logistic military support and intelligence, Macron administration holds six-party meeting on Libya including France, Italy, the UK, the USA, UAE, and Egypt, discussing the plan presented by UN's Salame - 26 August 2019: Haftar's forces dealt new defeat in Gharyan, commander of operations room captured
31 August 2019 Haftar killed war prisoners: 31 August 2019: Red Crescent receives bodies of four soldiers of the Libyan army's Gharyan Protection Force, with visible signs of torture, captured and imprisoned by Haftar's forces 3 days ago
1/2 September 2019 airport attack: 1 September 2019: Hundreds of Libyan pilgrims have miraculously survived Haftar's rocket attacks on Mitiga Airport, wounding a number of them - 1 September 2019: Following another attack by Haftar's forces on 1 September on Mitiga airport in Tripoli, UNSMIL strongly condemns attacks which terrorised passengers and airport staff alike, saying will file them to ICC - 2 September 2019: Several people wounded in rocket fire on Libya’s Mitiga airport - 2 September 2019: Libya's major airlines to stop operating flights from Mitiga Airport - 2 September 2019: Number of displaced civilians from Tripoli's war hits 199,925 people, UNHCR confirms
2/3 September 2019 power station attack and humanitarian situation: 2 September 2019: Fire broke at the Gurgani power station in Ain Zara in southern Tripoli after an artillery shell had fallen on one of the turbines, thus prevailing a blackout in large areas of the distric - 3 September 2019: UNHCR's Kelly Clements discusses with USA ambassador deteriorating humanitarian situation in Libya
5 September 2019: 5 September 2019: Gunfight in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi
7 September 2019 billion dollar fund financing Libyan warlord Haftar: 7 September 2019: Inside the billion dollar fund financing Libyan warlord Haftar, who has the military backing of the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and the political support of Russia and France in his five-year quest to conquer the vast oil-rich country of Libya - 7 September 2019: GNA's Libyan Army forces reportedly conducted an all-out offensive on Khalifa Haftar’s forces in southern Tripoli frontlines and Souq Al-Khamis Imsahel, while carrying out airstrikes on different frontlines, including Sagiyah in Tarhouna
8 September 2019: 8 September 2019: At least three fighters aligned with Libya’s GNA reportedly killed in an offensive on Saturday aimed at pushing back eastern forces led by commander Khalifa Haftar
9 September 2019: 9 September 2019: Three Armed attacks on Sabha Medical Centre in just 36 hours
10 September 2019 Haftar's rockets and airstrikes: 10 September 2019: Rockets were fired at Mitiga International Airport yesterday evening by Haftar's forces stationed in Ain Zara area - 10 September 2019: Hungarian photojournalist Szabo, who works for RTL television, was wounded in an airstrike by the self-styled Libyan National Army on Tripoli's southern Salah al-Deen area
11 September 2019: 11 September 2019: Libya suffers as Haftar's Tripoli offensive drags on and no side seems close to victory, despite heavy foreign backing
12 September 2019 clashes and refugee crisis: 12 September 2019: South Tripoli clashes intensify amid worsening refugee crisis - 12 September 2019: Arab League calls for an immediate cease-fire in Libya
13/14 September 2019 Russian technicians support Haftar: 13 September 2019: Russian technicians are supporting Khalifa Haftar's forces by repairing its Soviet-supplied armoured fighting vehicles and artillery - 14 September 2019: Haftar's army says three militants of its forces, including two commanders, were killed in a drone attack near Tripoli - 14 September 2019: Haftar forces attack international airport in Libya's Tripoli, as UN-recognized government Friday announced it had destroyed one of main headquarters of Haftar forces
15 September 2019 SPF condemns backing up Haftar’s forces: 15 September 2019: Sirte Protection Force has condemned airstrikes by foreign drones backing up Khalifa Haftar’s forces on its positions in and around the city in central Libya
16 September 2019 Haftar's airstrikes on Sirte: 16 September 2019: Haftar's forces on Monday mounted airstrikes on positions in the central city of Sirte held by the internationally recognised government, widening Haftar's agression and conflict engulfing the capital Tripoli - 16 September 2019: Libya army captures six of Haftar militia's gunmen south of Tripoli
17 September 2019 Haftar airstrikes: 17 September 2019: Haftar's warplanes target Tripoli's Mitiga Airport for fourth day in a row
19 September 2019: 19 September 2019: One person was killed and at least 12 others, including women and children, were injured when indiscriminate rocket shells fell on a condolences tent in Bouhdima district of Benghazi
21 September 2019 Haftar's airstrikes on Murzuq: 21 September 2019: Haftar's forces conduct 4 airstrikes on Murzuq
22 September 2019 ongoing crisis caused by Haftar: 22 September 2019: Libya in need of food assistance because of conflict and refugees - 22 September 2019: Haftar’s forces fail to advance on Tripoli downtown despite UAE air cover - 22 September 2019: Tripoli deadly ground and air fighting intensifies ahead of international conference
23 September 2019: 23 September 2019: Libya's parliament vows to root out Tripoli attackers, following heavy clashes, which was described to be the most violent ones since the outbreak of the war in April
25 September 2019: 25 September 2019: Putin's private Wagner army reportedly begun fighting on the front lines of the Libyan war, the latest projection of Russian agression following a decisive military intervention in Syria
26 September 2019 airstrikes: 26 September 2019: Airstrike hits Libya's Mitiga international airport, believed by Haftar - 26 September 2019: Haftar's airforce strikes Protection Force of Sirte
28 September 2019 Russian fighters linked to Haftar: 28 September 2019: PC head confirms finding evidence linking Russian fighters to Haftar - 28 September 2019: UN-backed governemt condems attacks on vital sites in Tripoli - 28 September 2019: Media Centre confirmed the bombing of Bab Al-Bahr area in centre Tripoli, by foreign aircraft to countries supporting Haftar
29 September 2019 France, Russia and Haftar: 29 September 2019: French warplanes sold to Egypt helped Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar - 29 September 2019: Russian military forces take control of Al-Wattiyah Airbase to support Haftar's armed groups, as aircraft, that bombed Tripoli on Friday morning, took off from Al-Wattiyah, while the other one that struck Sirte area was operated from Jufra Airbase
30 September 2019 Haftar attacks Sirte: 30 September 2019: Sirte mayor condemns Haftar's airstrikes on the city
1 October 2019: 1 October 2019: United Nations condemned the attack and death threats received by Minister of Finance Faraj Buomatari
2 October 2019: 2 October 2019: Monitoring military aircraft movements over Italy and the Mediterranean Sea 'ItaMilRadar' detected a French Air Force Boeing C-135FR over Tripoli, confirming that the plane disabled its tracking signal when overflying the Libyan airspace and assuming that the plane was carrying out an aerial refuelling mission supporting French aircraft in the area off Tripoli, predicting the presence of other French planes in the area - 2 October 2019: Libya’s Mitiga international airport in the capital Tripoli was hit by an airstrike Tuesday, Anadolu reports
3 October 2019 Russian mercenaries killed in Libya: 3 October 2019: At least 35 Russian mercenaries have been killed in Libya fighting for the forces of Khalifa Haftar, arriving in Russia, the independent Russian-language Latvian news website Meduza reported
4 October 2019: 4 October 2019: Haftar's forces shell residential areas in Tripoli, woman and her child killed
5 October 2019 Haftar's air raid on Libya's Misrata airport: 5 October 2019: Haftar forces accused of carrying air raid on Libya's Misrata airport, wounding one person, damaging two aircraft and causing a suspension of flights
6 October 2019 Misrata airport and Sirte attacked: 6 October 2019: Drone strike hits 2 planes at Libya’s Misrata airport - 6 October 2019: Haftar launches airstrikes against UN-backed government in Sirte
7 October 2019 Haftar air strike: 7 October 2019: UN condemned an air strike by forces loyal to eastern commander Khalifa Haftar on an equestrian school west of Libya’s capital, which wounded a number of children
8 October 2019 Haftar linked airstrikes and clashes: 8 October 2019: Field Medicine and Support Centre has announced the death of a doctor and the injury of two paramedics in pro-Haftar foreign airstrikes south of Tripoli on Monday - 8 October 2019: Haftar’s forces, UAE and Russian backers reportedly delivered humiliating defeat in southern Tripoli
9 October 2019 UN condemns attacks on healthcare facilities: 9 October 2019: UN's Yacoub El Hillo condemned all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Libya, saying 'there have been 57 attacks on healthcare facilities in 2019 which resulted in the death of 13 healthcare workers and injury of 47 others in Libya'
10 October 2019: 10 October 2019: Senior commander in Russian Wagner Group injured in Libya, French Le Point reports
11 October 2019 UN envoy pushes to stop 'blatant' embargo violations: 11 October 2019: UN envoy for Libya said he hopes an international conference next month will produce a Security Council resolution committing foreign powers to stopping an escalating proxy war and an accelerated mechanism to enforce an arms embargo
14 October 2019 Haftar forces fire on peaceful teacher protest: 14 October 2019: A video on social shows so-called security forces of Haftar opening fire on a peaceful protest organized by teachers, in front of the ministry of education, of the east-based parallel government, as teachers demand improvement of living conditions and an increase in salaries
15 October 2019 Haftar's aerial bombardment of Al-Furnaj area: 15 October 2019: Libya's House of Representatives has condemned Haftar's aerial bombardment of Al-Furnaj area in the capital Tripoli on Monday, which left three dead and several injured, all civilians - The tragic killing of three young sisters by Khalifa Haftar's airstrikes on Fernaj neighborhood in Tripoli stirred condemnations from local and international parties
16 October 2019 scores of casualties from Haftar's forces: 16 October 2019: Scores of casualties from Haftar's forces in violent clashes in southern Tripoli
19 October 2019 Haftar's airstrike violation of the laws of war: 19 October 2019: Haftar's airstrike on a home in a residential area of Tripoli on 14 October that killed three girls and wounded their mother and another sister, is an apparent violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said - 19 October 2019: Protests in Tripoli continue in rejection of Haftar's military assault
20 October 2019: 20 October 2019: Libyan Army forces have regained control of parts of Al-Tawaisha and Al-Tughar, between Al-Aziziya and Tripoli, after retreating from them days ago leaving them for Haftar's forces without fighting
22 October 2019 Unicef condemns violence against children: 22 October 2019: Seven children reported killed and scores injured as violence continues in Libya, according to Unicef
23 October 2019 civilians abandoned by the UN: 23 October 2019: Survivors of a deadly air strike on a migrant detention centre in Tripoli in July have told the BBC they feel abandoned by the UN, and are desperate to escape Libya - 23 October 2019: Libyan ambulance driver suffers head injury by shrapnel in an attack by Haftar's forces - 23 October 2019: Mitiga Airport attacked by F-16 with USA-made bombs, according to Major General Joueili, saying 'this attack is clear evidence of the direct intervention of the parties supporting Haftar in his aggression on Tripoli' - 23 October 2019: The opposing sides in Libya’s war, backed by their foreign state sponsors, are carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians, using high-explosive weapons in heavily populated areas, in what is likely to be war crimes, rights group says
27 October 2019: 27 October 2019: Libyan Army captures eight fighters from Haftar's forces in southern Tripoli
2 November 2019 Haftar airstrikes: 2 November 2019: Libyan Presidential Council has condemned the 'terrorist airstrikes' againt the Interior Ministry’s headquarters in Tripoli on last Thursday by Khalifa Haftar’s forces, saying that the airstrikes were part of the systematic attacks by Haftar’s forces againt state institutions and civilian targets, including previous attacks on Mitiga and Misrata airports, schools, government institutions, hospitals and residential neighborhoods, which all led to killing and injuring several people - 2 November 20190: 3 civilians, two men and a woman, were killed by indiscriminate shelling in Twesha area south of Tripoli, also injuring several people
3 November 2019 Malta retains shipment of Russian printed Libyan currency: 3 November 2019: Malta retains shipment of Russian printed Libyan currency pending consultations with CBL of Tripoli
6 November 2019 airstrikes and Russian mercenaries: 6 November 2019: 2 Libyan policemen were killed in an air strike on a police station in the suburbs of Tripoli, the Government of National Accord said - 6 November 2019: 3 people were killed Tuesday in Libya in an airstrike carried out by forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar - 6 November 2019: After Ukraine and Syria, Russian regime turns its attention to Libya's proxy war - 6 November 2019: In the last six weeks, about 200 Russian fighters, including experienced snipers, have arrived in Libya as part of a broad campaign by the Putin regime to reassert its influence across the Middle East and Africa, the New York Times reports
7 November 2019 foreign backed Haftar continues aggression: 7 November 2019: Khalifa Haftar's forces continued targeting forces of GNA south and east of Tripoli, and at the coastal city of Sirte
15 November 2019 USA warns against Haftar: 15 November 2019: Fears that Russian mercenaries are tipping the scales in Libya in favour of warlord Khalifa Haftar appears to have prompted the USA to issue a strong warning to the warlord to pull back
17 November 2019 Haftar disregards USA's demand to halt fighting: 17 November 2019: Warlord Haftar has disregarded the USA demand to halt the fighting in Tripoli and launched a series of wide-scope operations against pro-Sarraj forces - 17 November 2019: WHO says conflict in Libya affects mental health of population
18 November 2019 workers in Libyan capital killed in airstrike by Haftar’s forces: 18 November 2019: At least ten workers were killed and 35 wounded in an airstrike by Khalifa Haftar’s forces on Monday that hit a biscuit factory in Libya's Wadi Rabea, 21 km from the centre of Tripoli, called a possible war crime by the UN, as Egypt, France and the UAE are among the countries accused of sending weapons to Haftar, and as the majority of those killed in the strike were apparently migrants while two were Libyans
19 November 2019 Haftar airstrikes: 19 November 2019: Haftar's forces target munitions and equipment in Misrata with air strikes
25 November 2019 more foreign support for Haftar: 25 November 2019: Sudanese militias who make up part of the 'Sudan Liberation Front' headed to Libya in support for the forces of warlord Khalifa Haftar
27 November 2019 'Libya is ground zero for drone wars': 27 November 2019: 'Libya is ground zero for drone wars', according to Drone Wars research group's Chris Cole, saying 'a complex network of countries are involved and nobody is precisely sure who is doing what', after warlord Haftar launched his bloody offensive in April
29 November 2019 clashes: 29 November 2019: Clashes rage on in south Tripoli as Libyan Army captures pro-Haftar commander
30 November 2019 Haftar's and allied airstrikes: 30 November 2019: Haftar's air force strikes civilian airstrip in Kabao - 30 November 2019: UAE-backed drone strike kills entire family in south Libya, as Media Centre has confirmed the killing of a whole family including children, in addition to two migrant workers in an air raid conducted by an UAE-backed drone of Haftar
2 December 2019 Haftar's air-raid on Umm Al Aranib and al-Swani in Tripoli: 2 December 2019: Murzuq General Hospital confirms '9 children, 2 women killed in Haftar's air-raid on Umm Al Aranib' - 2 December 2019: At least five children were killed and 10 others wounded when an air raid targeted the residential area of al-Swani in Tripoli on Sunday, according to GNA
3 December 2019 Haftar's aerial strikes: 3 December 2019: Haftar's aerial strike has hit a civilian residential area south of the capital Tripoli and killed at least 4 children, according to Libyan health authorities - 3 December 2019: Libyan parliament denounces continued Haftar's airstrikes against civilians - 3 December 2019: Libya GNA slams Haftar air strikes on Tripoli as war crime
5 December 2019 officials collect evidence of Russian fighters in Haftar's war: 5 December 2019: Libyan officials collect evidence of Russian fighters in Haftar's war, as Libyan and USA officials are accusing Russian security contractor Wagner Group of deploying fighters to the war-torn, oil-rich country
6 December 2019 Russian mercenaries backing warlord Haftar: 6 December 2019: Russian mercenaries backing warlord Haftar trying to capture Tripoli, Libya and USA officials say
13 December 2019 Haftar's threats: 13 December 2019: Warlord Haftar vows to capture capital as main airport reopens
16 December 2019 Haftar’s forces fighting near Tripoli: 16 December 2019: Haftar’s forces are fighting in Tripoli, as Turkey promised military support of Libya
17/18 December 2019 resistance against Haftar: 17 December 2019: Libya’s western and central cities declare state of mobilization to end Haftar's aggression - 18 December 2019: Municipalities of Greater Tripoli, members of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State, and elders and dignitaries of the capital have welcomed the state of full mobilization declared by most cities in western Libya to end Haftar's aggression
18 December 2019 Libya's request for military support from Turkey remains open: 18 December 2019: Libya's interior minister Fathi Bashagha says that request for military support from Turkey remains open if foreign intervention in support of Haftar continues
21 December 2019 3 people killed by UAE-drones: 21 December 2019: 3 people were killed in raids by drones on the town of Msallata, east of Tripoli, operated by the UAE in Libya, the UN-recognized government said
23 December 2019 airstrike damages Akakus airport road building: 23 December 2019: NOC reported that Akakus Oil Operations Company building in Tripoli was subject to material damage as a result of a nearby air strike in the airport road area on last Friday
23/24 December 2019 Egypt, Russia, UAE, and France's support for warlord Haftar: 23 December 2019: Detained pro-Haftar pilot reveals new details about Egypt, Russia, UAE, and France's support, saying Russian Wagner Group mercenaries depend on Tarhouna operations room with air-defense and electronic warfare systems, where a group of French experts working on logistical support, surveillance and wiretapping - 24 December 2019: Mercenaries flock to Libya raising fears of prolonged war, as hundreds of fighters from Sudan are joining anti-government Libyan National Army
25 December 2019 four civilians killed at vegetable market: 25 December 2019: Four civilians were killed Tuesday when a projectile exploded in a vegetable market in an eastern suburb of Libya’s capital, as Haftar forces accused of hitting a 'civilian area'
26 December 2019 Haftar's deadly airstrikes: 26 December 2019: Two civilians were killed and eight injured on Thursday in an airstrike by Haftar's eastern Libyan forces on north-western Libya, according to local hospital officials
28 December 2019 Haftar militias suffer heavy losses in Tripoli battle: 28 December 2019: Haftar militias suffer heavy losses in Tripoli battle, as fighting intensified in southern Tripoli on Friday, mainly in the Yarmouk and Salah al-Din frontlines, in addition to Khallatat and the Airport Road
1 January 2020 Haftar’s forces kill three civilians in airstrikes in Tripoli’s suburbs: 1 January 2020: Haftar’s forces kill three civilians in new airstrikes on a civilian area in Tripoli’s suburbs, the UN-backed government’s forces said in a statement
2 January 2020 attack by warlord Haftar forces repelled: 2 January 2020: Forces of Libya’s UN-recognized government said it repelled a fierce attack by warlord Haftar forces as fresh clashes hit southern Tripoli, as four planes carrying Turkey-backed Syrian fighters reportedly arrive in Libya
3 January 2020 Haftar airstrikes: 3 January 2020: Flights were suspended at the only functioning airport in Libya’s capital Tripoli due to rocket fire and shelling, officials said, as Haftar’s forces admitted on Friday they had carried out air strikes in several locations, including south of the city of Sirte
4 January 2020 French, Russian and UAE backed war criminal Khalifa Hafter's exhortations to hold out: 4 January 2020: Instead of ending his illegal aggression against Tripoli, war criminal Khalifa Hafter said 'men and women' would bear arms 'to defend our land' after Turkey authorised the deployment of troops to support the UN-backed government in Tripoli - 4 January 2020: Two protests, for and against the news of Turkish military deployments into Libya took place in different parts of the country - 4 January 2020: Sirte Protection Force released a statement following the death of one of its members who was killed in an airstrike by a drone of Haftar's militias
5 January 2020 pro-Haftar airstrike kills at least 28 young people and leaves dozens injured in Tripoli: 5 janvier 2020: Au moment de la frappe contre l'école militaire de Tripoli à al-Hadba al-Khadra, un secteur résidentiel peuplé dans la capitale libyenne, qui a tué 28 cadets et blessé des dizaines d'autres, les jeunes hommes effectuaient leur dernier rassemblement de la journée dans la cour principale avant de regagner leurs dortoirs, après la mission de l’ONU en Libye, à plusieurs reprises, a demandé que les secteurs civils soient épargnés par les frappes qui 'pourraient constituer des crimes de guerre' - 5 January 2020: Deadly airstrike on young people in Tripolis occurred after ambulance service appealed for a temporary ceasefire to allow its crews to retrieve the bodies of five civilians killed on As Sidra Road in southern Tripoli and to evacuate families, coming under fire after their appeal
6 January 2020 Turkey sends troops and electronic warfare tools as warlord Haftar enter city of Sirte: 6 January 2020: Turkey sends troops and electronic warfare tools to Libya in challenge to rogue general Haftar and UAE, after the first contingent of armed forces had already arrived in Libya to help the UN brokered-government in the country thwart the 9-month aggression by Haftar - 6 January 2020: Forces loyal to east Libyan warlord Haftar enter city of Sirte
7 January 2020 steep rise in civilians killed or injured in Libya by explosive weaponry and airstrikes: 7 January 2020: Civilians killed or injured in Libya by explosive weapons rose by 131% last year, with the number of incidents at its highest since 2011, the year of the Benghazi uprising, according to new data seen by the Guardian, as most of the 900 people who died or were hurt in explosions in the country in 2019 were victims of airstrikes
7 January 2020 Libyan political parties express concern about the upcoming visit of European foreign ministers: 7 January 2020: Several Libyan political parties have expressed concern about the upcoming visit of European foreign ministers to Tripoli, saying 'it is far too late', voicing their rejection to the 'political hypocrisy' of European countries by not rejecting aggression and military coups
8 January 2020 Haftar's new illegal air strikes: 8 January 2020: Haftar's forces said they carried out air strikes on Wednesday on a coastal road west of Sirte - 8 January 2020: Haftar's forces clash with government forces near Sirte
10 January 2020 3 Turkish soldiers killed in Libya as Haftar’s forces advance on Misrata: 10 January 2020: Three Turkish soldiers killed in Libya as Haftar’s forces advance on Misrata - 10 January 2020: Libya's Haftar rejects Russia-Turkey ceasefire plan after huge advances
11 January 2020 20 of Haftar’s fighters reportedly killed in airstrikes by GNA forces: 11 January 2020: 20 of Haftar’s fighters reportedly killed in airstrikes by GNA forces in Libya
12 January 2020 Libya's UN-supported government accuses Haftar’s forces of violating a ceasefire: 12 January 2020: Libya's UN-supported government has accused Haftar’s forces of violating a ceasefire minutes after it was supposed to take effect, as Haftar's forces ruled out any retreat from areas recently captured by his aggressive troops, supported by the UAE, Egypt, France and Russia - 12 January 2020: Turkish-backed mercenaries continue to be killed in Libya amid information about field executions carried out by them near Tripoli
13 January 2020 GNA soldier killed in breach of ceasefire by Haftar's militias: 13 January 2020: Government soldier killed in breach of ceasefire by Haftar's militias - 13 January 2020: Despite denials about their presence in Libya, reports have emerged about the death of four Syrian fighters from the Syrian National Army
14 January 2020 war criminals' disagreement in Moscow: 14 January 2020: One war criminal, Libyan warlord Haftar, leaves another war criminal in Moscow, the Putin regime, without signing ceasefire deal - 14 January 2020: Haftar mobilizes forces near Tripoli, Libyan source says
15 January 2020 2,000 Syrian fighters to fight on the battlefields of Libya: 15 January 2020: Two thousand Syrian fighters have travelled from Turkey or will arrive imminently to fight on the battlefields of Libya, Syrian sources in all three countries have said, in an unprecedented development
15 January 2020 Haftar airstrike: 15 January 2020: Haftar forces launch airstrike near Tripoli, as missiles strike south of Libya's capital
18 January 2020 pro-Haftar warplanes carry out airstrikes: 18 January 2020: Pro-Haftar warplanes carry out airstrikes in violation of ceasefire, according to Libyan Army's Mohammed Gununu
19 January 2020 pro-Haftar forces block oil exports: 19 January 2020: Pro-Haftar forces block oil exports
19 January 2020 situation in Libya, arms embargo and ceasefire monitoring committee: 19 January 2020 situation in Libya - 19 January 2020: Sanctions threatened against countries who break arms embargo by 11 countries of Berlin Libya conference, while both sides to the conflict have agreed to nominate five members to an UN ceasefire monitoring committee
20 January 2020 'a ceasefire requires someone to take care of it', EU’s Josep Borrell says: 20 January 2020: The EU will discuss all ways to uphold a formal ceasefire in Libya if one is reached but any peace settlement will need real EU support to make it hold, according to EU’s Josep Borrell, saying 'a ceasefire requires someone to take care of it' - 20 January 2020: Libya's Al-Sarraj calls for deployment of international troops
22 January 2020 French supported Haftar forces bomb Tripoli's Mitiga airport in a new breach of the January 12 cease-fire: 22 January 2020: Haftar forces bomb Tripoli's Mitiga airport in Libya in a new breach of the January 12 cease-fire
23 January 2020 UN report reveals warlord Haftar's airstrikes: 23 January 2020: UN report revealed that warlord Haftar's army carried out 850 airstrikes with drones, in addition to 170 jet strikes, including 60 precision-guided raids by foreign fighter aircrafts
25 January 2020 ceasefire in Libya still fragile: 25 January 2020: Ceasefire in Libya still fragile - 25 January 2020: UN report has clearly demonstrated the involvement of warlord Khalifa Haftar and his militias in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, Libyan Foreign Ministry says
26 January 2020 Haftar’s forces shell civilian areas in Tripoli as UN condemns repeated ceasefire breaches in Libya: 26 January 2020: UN condemns repeated ceasefire breaches in Libya as Haftar’s forces shell civilian areas in Tripoli, killing and injuring people, including children - 26 January 2020: Libyan Crimes Watch has said it had documented the kidnapping of 20 civilians in Sirte since the fall of the city in the hands of Haftar, as homes were raided without search warrants, as well as intimidation of civilians and attacks on public freedoms were also confirmed by the organization
26/27 January 2020 Haftar's forces attack Abu Grein in violation of Berlin ceasefire: 26 January 2020: Khalifa Haftar's forces carried out an attack on Abu Grein town in a violation of the ink-on-papar ceasefire wishing to become positioned nearby Misrata city, as at least 20 fighters from Haftar's forces were killed and scores were injured, including foreign mercenaries, while GNA's Libyan Army suffered ten deaths and ten injuries, saying 'we didn't start this war but sure we are going to set the place and the time for its ending' - 26 January 2020: French newspaper reported that Saudi Arabia had funded the activities of Russian Wagner mercenaries in Libya in support of Khalifa Haftar - 27 January 2020: Libyan Army's Qanunu said that Haftar has demonstrated again that he is not a man to be trusted after his forces carried out a ground attack on Abu Grain area yesterday with the support of foreign aircraft - 27 January 2020: Haftar's spokesman says solution in Libya is through rifles not international conferences
28 January 2020 children killed and injured as Haftar targeted a school compound in Tripoli: 28 January 2020: Several children were killed and injured as forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar targeted a school compound in the capital Tripoli, according to the UN-recognized government - 28 January 2020: Libya GNA forces recapture Misrata town from Haftar forces
29 January 2020 Haftar’s shelling on Tripoli residential areas kills children: 29 January 2020: Haftar’s shelling on Tripoli residential areas kills three children and injures two others, hit as they were on the way to school, according to local official
30 January 2020 Libya’s GNA forces shoot down a Russian surveillance drone over Tripoli: 30 January 2020: Libya’s GNA forces shoot down a Russian surveillance drone over Tripoli
1 February 2020 Haftar received military equipment from the UAE in the past two weeks: 1 February 2020: French Intelligence website has revealed that Haftar received around 3,000 tons of military equipment from the UAE in the past two weeks, following Berlin conference - 1 February 2020: Sudanese youths accuse UAE security firm of duping them into protecting Libyan oil fields - 1 February 2020: No talks with Haftar amid continuous attacks, PC reiterates
2 February 2020 Libya’s bloodshed will continue unless foreign powers stop backing Haftar: 2 February 2020: Libya’s bloodshed will continue unless foreign powers stop backing Khalifa Haftar, the British 'Guardian' says - 2 February 2020: Italy underscores Haftar must not enter Tripoli
3 February 2020 Haftar and African refugees: 3 February 2020: African immigrants have turned t to football to heal their suffering following the offensive on the Libyan capital by Haftar
4 February 2020 UN-sponsored Libya talks in Geneva: 4 February 2020: As since the 2020 Berlin talks the intensity of fighting in Libya has increased, 'incessantly' breaching UN arms embargo first imposed in 2011, officers from both sides have held UN-sponsored talks in Geneva to build a lasting ceasefire, according to UN special envoy Ghassan Salamé, after for days warlord Haftar had refused to attend
5 February 2020 attacks of Haftar's forces kill 3 people in Tripoli: 5 February 2020: Indiscriminate shells fired by Haftar's militias killed 3 people in Tripoli, including 2 children, as shell hit their home in Sawani district south of Tripoli - 5 February 2020: Libya's spokesperson Hammouda Siyala has underscored that they will not participate in Geneva talks before the withdrawal of Haftar's militias to positions that would allow the return of the displaced to their homes
5 February 2020 2 civilians killed and 5 others injurd by Haftar’s forces: 5 February 2020: 2 civilians killed and 5 others injurd in renewed attacks by Haftar’s forces on southern Tripoli - 5 February 2020: Ordinary people continue to suffer the brunt of fighting in and around Libya’s capital Tripoli including the murder of children, despite international commitments, UN's OCHA says, estimating 900,000 people will need humanitarian assistance in Libya, as internal displacement surged by 80% in 2019 due to conflict, with 343,000 people now displaced caused by Haftar
6 February 2020 Haftar militias strike University of Tripoli: 6 February 2020: Haftar militias strike University of Tripoli, threatening the faculties of agriculture and pharmacy, as bomb squad defused projectile
9 February 2020 attack by Haftar's forces targeting Ain Zara district: 9 February 2020: Three foreigners injured in an indiscriminate attack by Haftar's forces targeting Ain Zara district, south of Tripoli, despite their formal commitment to the truce announced on January 12 - 9 February 2020: UN-brokered Libya talks end with no formal cease-fire deal
12 February 2020 support for Haftar by Russia etc. continues and his forces block UN flights in and out of Libya: 12 February 2020: Despite promises given in Berlin by many countries including European in January, flow of foreign arms continues to fuel Libya’s war, as there were no sanctions to compel respect for a UN arms embargo nor were the violators, including Russian regime, UAE and France, shamed for their role in the conflict, the Washington Post reports - 12 February 2020: Haftar forces block UN flights in and out of Libya
13 February 2020 Haftar's deadly attacks continue and French support: 13 February 2020: Shells fired by Haftar's militias killed at least one person and wounded others in Tripoli - 13 February 2020: Warlord Haftar receives French foreign ministry's Christophe Farnaud in Al-Rajma, presenting another official invitation from France's Macron to Haftar to visit France
14 February 2020 Russia conscripting Syrian men to fight on their behalf in Libya: 14 February 2020: Russia has been conscripting Syrian men to fight on their behalf in Libya, tempting them with large salaries writes Baladi News - 14 February 2020: Fierce battles near Tripoli - 14 February 2020: Libya's GNA demands UN call Haftar to account for cease-fire violations - 14 February 2020: France’s mess in Libya means European allies now mistrust Macron
14 February 2020 fighting continues and civilian casualties recorded: 14 February 2020: On Thursday, fighting continued in Libya’s capital Tripoli, a day after the UN Security Council resolution called for a 'lasting ceasefire', and as reports say civilian casualties were recorded
15 February 2020 civilian killed in Haftar militia's attack and Benghazi Haftar clashes: 15 February 2020: One civilian killed in Haftar militia's attack in Libya - 15 February 2020: Firefight between Haftar's militias leave several injured in Benghazi, celebrating the start of Haftar's so-called 'Dignity Operation' six years ago - 15 February 2020: Banned cluster munitions used in Tripoli by Haftar should be stopped, secured and stock destroyed, HRW says in report
16 February 2020 'arms embargo has become a joke', UN's Stephanie Williams says: 16 February 2020: At Berlin Conference on Libya January 2020 reaffirmed 'arms embargo has become a joke', and the country’s financial position is deteriorating rapidly, UN's Stephanie Williams told a news conference in Munich, monitoring unscrupulous violations by land, sea and air by the main perpetrators since April 2019, including Haftar's militias, Russia, Egypt, France, UAE, and Saudi-Arabia, without any accountability
17 February 2020 expert says UN security council’s members are to blame for the dangers posed to Libyan civilians by unexploded munition: 17 February 2020: Libya analyst Jalel Harchaoui says UN security council’s members are to blame for the dangers posed to Libyan civilians by unexploded munition, after warlord Khalifa Haftar supported by Russia, France, Egypt, UAE launched campaign to seize Tripoli
18 February 2020 BBC confirmed the killing of the first Russian soldier in Libya: 18 February 2020: BBC News Russian confirmed Monday the killing of the first Russian soldier in Libya identified to be 'Gleb Mostovoy' on February 6 - 18 February 2020: Libya's Mitiga airport closed due to Haftar attack
20 February 2020 Libya needs UN action and no longer empty words: 20 February 2020: Libya's internationally recognized government has said 'there can be no negotiations under bombing', adding the attack on Tripoli's port could have led to a 'real catastrophe', had a nearby vessel transporting liquified gas been hit - 20 February 2020: Presenting a lot of people, UN mission on Libya condemns Haftar attack without any action, donating more blood to war criminal Haftar, calling for resumption of talks instead of holding Haftar accountable - 20 February 2020: Inside Haftar’s Libya, a police state with an Islamist twist, USA newspaper reports - 20 February 2020: Haftar, whose forces tortured members of the al-Suyid and al-Krshiny families, to be sued in a USA court for torture and killings in Libya
21 February 2020 Russian regime's Sergei Shoigu hosted warlord Khalifa Haftar: 21 February 2020: Russian regime's Sergei Shoigu hosted warlord Khalifa Haftar in Moscow February 19
25 February 2020 Haftar and allies aiming to starve UN-backed government of crucial revenues: 25 February 2020: Financial losses over the blockade of Libya’s vital oil fields and ports have rapidly swelled, surpassing $2 billion on Tuesday, NOC said, as oil supplies have become a major point of conflict between rival governments in the war-torn country, after Libya’s eastern-based warlord Haftar forces seized large export terminals and choked off major pipelines last month, aiming to starve the UN-backed government of crucial revenues - 25 February 2020: UN-sponsored peace talks aimed at bringing an end to more than 10 months of fighting in Libya have collapsed, as the two rival factions have suspended their participation - 25 February 2020: Russian military Tupolev aircraft lands in Benghazi from Lattakia Base
2 March 2020 Syrian dictator Assad joins forces with Libya's warlord Haftar: 2 March 2020: Syrian dictator Assad joins forces with Libya's warlord Haftar, also backed by the Russian regime, and his aggession against UN backed government and to seize Tripoli - 2 March 2020: 1 child killed in Haftar militia attack, curbing hopes for peace in war-torn Libya
6 March 2020 airport in Libya's Tripoli attacked by Haftar's forces: 6 March 2020: Airport in Libya's Tripoli attacked by Haftar's forces in the latest of his ceasefire violations
11 March 2020 countries increasing deliveries of military supplies to warlord Haftar, striking Tripoli schools: 11 March 2020: Haftar forces strike schools in Tripoli - 11 March 2020: International powers are increasing deliveries of suspected military supplies to factions in Libya’s civil war, ignoring a poorly enforced UN embargo as the shattered country braces for a new round of fighting, and as United Arab Emirates UAE, which is backing warlord Haftar is thought to have sent more than 100 deliveries by air since mid-January, according to flight-tracking data
13 March 2020 UN too scared to stop breaches of arms ban to stop warlord Haftar: 13 March 2020: UN too scared to stop breaches of arms ban, says Libyan minister Fathi Bashagha, vowing to step up fight to end assault by Khalifa Haftar’s forces
19 March 2020 Haftar rockets kill 3 children, 5 women killed and 5 others wounded near Tripoli: 19 March 2020: Haftar rockets kill 3 children in Libya’s Tripoli despite cease-fire deal - 19 March 2020: Five women were killed and five others were wounded, including a child, when their houses were shelled near Libya's capital Tripoli, a health official with the UN-recognized government said
21 March 2020 Haftar's militias attack Tripoli's residential areas: 21 March 2020: A woman and a child were injured when a shell fired by Haftar's militias hit their home in Tripoli's Madina, as at least seven houses were damaged in the attack, and as other residential areas also came under Haftar's fire on that same night, including Ain Zara, Al Sawani and Jibs
22 March 2020 Haftar's militias bomb Bab Bin Ghashir of Tripoli: 22 March 2020: Haftar's militias bomb Bab Bin Ghashir of Tripoli hours after a ceasefire announcement, wounding two children - 22 March 2020: Haftar militia rocket attack kills adult, injures 2 children in Tripoli amid cease-fire
23 March 2020 Haftar’s forces kill 4 civilians in renewed attacks on areas near Tripoli’s airport: 23 March 2020: Haftar’s forces kill 4 civilians in renewed attacks on areas near Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport - 23 March 2020: Renewed bombardments were reported in Libya on Monday after a pause in fighting that followed the main combatants agreeing to a ceasefire because of the coronavirus epidemic
24 March 2020 workers killed in raid by Haftar militias: 24 March 2020: 2 expatriate workers have been killed and a citizen wounded in a raid by Khalifa Haftar militias, on the outskirts of Mitiga International Airport in Tripoli - 24 March 2020: Heavy bombings by warlord Haftar have killed aat least five civilians in the capital of Libya
25 March 2020 intense bombardment shook Tripoli: 25 March 2020: An intense bombardment shook Tripoli through the night and a new battle erupted at airbase, hours after Libya reported its first case of coronavirus and despite UN calls for ceasefires around the world during the epidemic, as residents of the Libyan capital, seat of GNA government, said the shelling was the worst in weeks
27 March 2020 battles raged on several fronts in Libya on Friday: 27 March 2020: Battles raged on several fronts in Libya on Friday after a night of heavy bombardment in Tripoli, combatants and residents said, despite the threat continued fighting poses to efforts to stop the coronavirus pandemic, after Libya confirmed its first case concerning a Libyan man recently returned from overseas
28 March 2020 Haftar attacks Sirte region and medical staff near city: 28 March 2020: Libyan army forces repulse aggression of Haftar's militias west of Sirte - 28 March 2020: Health Ministry condemns Haftar's attack on medical staff near Sirte
30 March 2020 GNA forces repel attack by Haftar militias south of Tripoli: 30 March 2020: GNA forces repel attack by Haftar militias south of Tripoli, as GNA spokesman points out that clashes are ongoing, but the militia is not making progress
1 April 2020 Libya's GNA forces down Haftar drone: 1 April 2020: Libya's GNA forces down Haftar drone near Tripoli - 1 April 2020: Haftar militias suffer heavy losses in battle for Tripoli - 1 April 2020: Two more Coronavirus cases announced in Libya, bringing total to ten
2 April 2020 one year on with his offensive warlord Haftar more determined but less successful: 2 April 2020: One year on with his offensive, widening proxy war, Haftar is more determined but less successful - 2 April 2020: Libyan oil revenues collapse - 2 April 2020: Haftar forces kill 2 civilians in Libya’s Tripoli, GNA urges halt of arming militias - 2 April 2020: Libya’s GNA Foreign Minister protests EU’s softness on arms flow to warlord Haftar
4 April 2020 Haftar's losses and first covid-19 death in Tripoli: 4 April 2020: GNA shoots down 3 murderous Sukhoi warplanes belonging to Haftar - 4 April 2020: 25 of Haftar's militias killed in airstrikes near Sirte, as operations room of Haftar's militias in the Al-Wishka axis was also a target - 4 April 2020: First death of covid-19 was recorded in Libya's Tripoli, according to WHO
5 April 2020 2 civilians injured when Haftar's forces shelled a hospital in Tripoli: 5 April 2020: 2 civilians were injured when Haftar's forces shelled a hospital in Libya's Tripoli on Saturday, which marked the first anniversary of the start of Haftar's assault to capture the city - 5 April 2020: Arab League' Ahmed Aboul Gheit renewed his call for an end to fighting in Libya and other Arab conflict zones so that national efforts can be dedicated to the combat covid-19 outbreak
6 April 2020 Haftar plane destroyed and fuel reservoir hit by shell: 6 April 2020: A fuel reservoir at the Airport Road depot south of Tripoli has gone up in flames after being hit by a shell - 6 April 2020: Libya GNA forces destroy military plane near Tripoli, carrying ammunition and other supplies intended for Haftar
7 April 2020 Tripoli subjected to rain of projectiles attributed to Haftar: 7 April 2020: Tripoli subjected to rain of projectiles attributed to Haftar in total disregard for covid-19 or international calls for truce, Al-Hadba hospital also hit and evacuated
9 April 2020 Haftar's militias target field hospital in Tajoura: 9 April 2020: Haftar's militias target field hospital in Tajoura
10 April 2020 Haftar forces attacked Tripoli hospital for 3rd time: 10 April 2020: Haftar forces attacked Tripoli hospital dedicated to the treatment of covid-19 patients for 3rd time, also killing one civilian and injuring six others in a rocket attack - 10 April 2020: 'Catastrophic situation in Tripoli after Haftar’s forces cut water supplies’, GNA says
11 April 2020 Tripoli Port under fire as Haftar: 11 April 2020: Tripoli Port under fire as Haftar continues attacks on civilian site, and as civilian sites in Tripoli have been under fire for several days by Haftar's militias, resulting in deaths and injuries, in addition to material losses - 11 April 2020: UN condemns water-cut by Haftar militias in Tripoli
12 April 2020 Haftar's forces target medical warehouses: 12 April 2020: Haftar's forces target medical warehouses belonging to Al-Khadra Hospital, health facility designated to treat coronavirus patients
13 April 2020 Libya’s GNA forces seize control of towns from Haftar’s forces: 13 April 2020: Libya’s GNA forces seize control of Sabratha and Surman cities from Haftar’s forces
14 April 2020 Syria's Assad regime supports Haftar's air force: 14 April 2020: As part of their support for Khalifa Haftar, Syria's Assad regime is training a number of Libyan pilots to fly Russian Mi-25 attack helicopters reports Zaman Al-Wasl - 14 April 2020: Russia sends former Syria rebels to fight for Haftar against one-time comrades - 14 April 2020: Libya’s GNA forces seize 7 coastal districts, pushing Haftar’s forces farther from Tripoli
15 April 2020 blow to Khalifa Haftar: 15 April 2020: Libya’s unity government forces say they have captured 2 strategic cities in the West of Tripoli, a blow to Khalifa Haftar a year after he launched his offensive - 15 April 2020: Libya’s GNA forces captured seven towns in the past three days that were controlled by warlord Khalifa Haftar
16 April 2020 children and woman killed and wounded by Haftar: 16 April 2020: A woman and a child were killed and another five children were wounded by attacks and artillery shelling of several neighborhoods in Tripoli by warlord Haftar's forces seeking to capture the capital, a UN-backed government's spokesman says, despite UN calls for a cease-fire since April 2019
17 April 2020 Haftar' forces killed a doctor during an attack on Tripoli: 17 April 2020: Haftar' forces killed a doctor during an attack on southern Tripoli Friday
18 April 2020 Haftar steps up attack on Tripoli: 18 April 2020: Haftar steps up attack on Tripoli, causing civilian casualties, after suffering losses west of the city - 18 April 2020: Libyan Air Force strikes Hafta'r militias in Al-Wattia Military Base
19 April 2020 Libya's Air Force targets Haftar's militias in Tarhouna: 19 April 2020: Libya's Air Force carries out 20 airstrikes against Haftar's militias in Tarhouna, reportedly aimed at preparing the ground for the Libyan army forces to storm the important city - 19 April 2020: UN-recognised government downs UAE drone
23 April 2020 shelling and covid-19 create 'perfect storm’ in Libya: 23 April 2020: Intensifying shelling and covid-19 pandemic create 'perfect storm’ in Libya, UN's Stephanie Turco Williams warns
24 April 2020 civilians killed in attack by Haftar's forces, covid-19 cases: 24 April 2020: 3 civilians killed in attack by warlord Haftar’s forces, and 3 also injured in rocket attack on a civilian settlement in the Ain Zara region in southern Tripoli - 24 April 2020: A second death and another positive covid-19 case announced, bringing Libya’s total to two deaths and 60 positive cases
25 April 2020 deadly shelling and air strikes: 25 April 2020: Three people killed and another three injured in Ain Zara due to shelling - 25 April 2020: Air strikes on Al-Wattiya Base kill and injure Haftar militias
26 April 2020 Haftar militias attack mosque, Mitiga airport and surrounding residential areas: 26 April 2020: Libya's GNA says Haftar militias target mosque south of Tripoli, also attacking Mitiga International Airport and its surrounding residential areas
28 April 2020 Libya's Tripoli government denounces latest 'coup' by Haftar: 28 April 2020: Libya's Tripoli government denounces latest 'coup' by Khalifa Haftar, who had assured the day before that he had obtained the 'people’s mandate' to govern the country
29 April 2020 health workers killed and injured by Haftar: 29 April 2020: 1 health worker killed in attack by Haftar militias and 6 workers also injured in rocket attack on military hospital in Libya’s capital, according to GNA spokesman
1 May 2020 3 civilians killed in shelling by Haftar forces: 1 May 2020: Three civilians were killed in shelling by forces loyal to warlord Haftar in Zintan city, northwestern Libya
7 May 2020 UN diplomats confirm Russian mercenaries fighting for Haftar in Libya: 7 May 2020: Mercenaries from the Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organization seen as being close to Vladimir Putin, are fighting in Libya, UN diplomats said confirming claims that the group is supporting military strongman Haftar
9 May 2020 Haftar's deadly shelling of Tripoli's Mitiga airport: 9 May 2020: Shelling of Tripoli's Mitiga airport, part of an intensified barrage of artillery fire on the capital in recent days, hit fuel tanks and damaged passenger planes, the Transport Ministry said - 9 May 2020: Haftar's forces strike Tripoli's Mitiga Airport and surrounding neighborhoods, killing two people and damaging planes
10 May 2020 Haftar attacks in Tripoli: 10 May 2020: Warlord Haftar’s militia groups, backed by Wagner and Sudanese mercenaries, launched an all-out attack in Mashrou and Yarmouk frontlines in southern Tripoli on Saturday night, but it ended in failure - 10 May 2020: Libya says at least at least four civilians, including a child, killed in rocket attacks on capital
11 May 2020 deadly shelling by Haftar militias: 11 May 2020: One woman killed and her entire family injured in shelling by Haftar militias in Salah Al-Din
12 May 2020 Haftar attacks Tripoli airport amid ongoing deadly crisis: 12 May 2020: Shelling of Tripoli's airport hit fuel tanks and damaged passenger planes after Haftar forces fired rockets into Tripoli - 12 May 2020: Russia-trained Syrian fighters reportedly to join Haftar forces in Libya, as UN once again calls on the international community to push for a ceasefire in Libya - 12 May 2020: Turkish FM spokesman said Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and the UAE were pursuing 'regional chaos and instability' in the eastern Mediterranean and sacrificing Libyans’ 'hope for democracy for the reckless aggression of dictators'
15 May 2020 Haftar injures 14 civilians and targets Tripoli Central Hospital: 15 May 2020: Haftar’s forces injure 14 civilians and target Tripoli Central Hospital and other downtown areas, as the hospital will not be able to serve people due to the attack, which is a massive setback amid the outbreak of covid-19. and as 7 health centers in the country have been struck 12 times in 2020
17 May 2020 Haftar attacks shelter for displaced people killing many: 17 May 2020: Bombs hit a shelter for displaced people in Libya’s capital Tripoli, killing at least seven people including a 5-year-old child from Bangladesh, also wounding many others in the latest attack on civilians by Haftar backed by Egypt, France, Russia, UAE and other Arab countries - 17 May 2020: Since hosting a Libya summit four months ago, the German government has approved arms exports worth €331 million to countries accused of supporting warring parties in the country, according a report from the German Economy Ministry
18 May 2020 UN-backed Libyan forces take key al-Watiya airbase: 18 May 2020: UN-backed Libyan forces take key al-Watiya airbase south of Tripoli, dealing a major blow to warlord Khalifa Haftar and his military after stepping up their assault by destroying its Russian-made Pantsir air defence system - 18 May 2020: Libya's GNA seizes full control of Al-Watiya airbase, Haftar's forces flee
20 May 2020 destroyed Russian-made Pantsir-type air defense system in Tahruna: 20 May 2020: Libyan army on Wednesday destroyed a Russian-made Pantsir-type air defense system in the city of Tahruna, southeast of Tripoli, according to a military spokesman - 20 May 2020: Libya’s interior minister says UAE’s support for Haftar 'major cause of the conflict'
21 May 2020 Libyan GNA seizes Al-Asaba town from Haftar’s forces: 21 May 2020: Libyan GNA seizes Al-Asaba town from Haftar’s forces in the region nearby Al-Watiya airbase in western Libya, as Haftar’s retreat under heavy attacks from the ground and airstrikes by GNA forces
24 May 2020 Haftar militias strike Mitiga Airport in capital: 24 May 2020: Militias loyal to Libya’s renegade commander Khalifa Haftar Sunday reportedly hit the capital Tripoli with a rocket attack
25 May 2020 hundreds of Russian, Syrian mercenaries quit Libya’s front lines: 25 May 2020: More than 1,000 Russian and Syrian mercenaries in Libya have pulled back from the front lines after a Turkish military intervention helped block an assault on the capital and an attempt to capture Tripoli by the Putin-backed strongman Haftar
28 May 2020 Russian and Turkish involvement connects the crises in Syria and Libya: 28 May 2020: Russian and Turkish involvement connects the crises in Syria and Libya
1 June 2020 Libya urges Security Council to act as Haftar's forces kill five civilians: 1 June 2020: Libya calls on the UN Security Council and international organizations to take up their responsibility toward the repeated attacks by warlord Haftar's forces on civilians, condemning the latest attack on densely populated areas in Tripoli by Haftar killing on Sunday five civilians - 1 June 2020: Libyan GNA thwarts attack on Gharyan as Al-Asaba town falls to Haftar’s forces
5 June 2020 blow to warlord Haftar, UAE's Khalifa, Egypt's el-Sisi, Russian regime's Putin, and France's Macron: 5 June 2020: In a blow to warlord Haftar, UAE's Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Egypt's el-Sisi, Russian regime's Putin, and France's Macron, UN-backed Libyan forces oust renegade general from Tripoli after his 14-month siege of the south of the city, now ending in failure when his forces retreated from the south of the city toward his heartlands in the south and the east of the country, as UN-recognised government's interior minister Bashagha hailed 'the beginning of the end of the entire dictatorship project', urging cities under Haftar’s control to rise up against him and spare themselves further conflict, amid remaining uncertainty that the extent of Haftar’s retreat may depend on the point at which newly arrived Russian fighter jets intervene to shore up his lines of defence
7 June 2020 Libya will continue its offensive against Haftar backed by Russia until it retakes two strategic cities: 7 June 2020: Libya’s military will continue its offensive against Haftar backed by Russia until it retakes two strategic cities and prevents Russia from establishing a base in the country, a day after the strongman Haftar now declared a cease-fire
11/13 June 2020 discovery of mass graves in Libya after Haftar's retreat: 11 July 2020: UN has expressed horror at the discovery of eight mass graves in Libya, mainly in the town of Tarhuna south of Tripoli, in an area recently retaken from forces loyal to warlord Haftar, saying it welcomed the decision by the internationally recognised GNA government to launch an investigation into the graves - 13 June 2020: Mass graves found in Libyan town recaptured from Khalifa Haftar forces - 13 June 2020: As massive graves of Hafatr's victims continue to unfold, UN says ready to provide all necessary support
17 June 2020 France stands with 'putschists': 17 June 2020: Turkey expressed its rejection to the statements of French FM Jean-Yves Le Drian's regarding Ankara's role in Libya, insisting that Paris's support to illegal entities is the obstacle to establishing peace and stability in Libya, saying 'the support France is providing to Haftar is fueling the Libyan crisis' - 17 June 2020: USA welcomes GNA call for investigating violations in Libya
18 June 2020 war for Tripoli over but new battles loom: 18 June 2020: The war for Tripoli is over, but new battles loom - 18 June 2020: Malta calls for European-American alliance to end the violence in Libya
23 June 2020 Haftar's supporters changed tone after his forces' defeat: 23 June 2020: Libyan representative at the Arab League Al-Shamakhi said the countries supporting Khalifa Haftar had changed tone after his forces' defeat in Tripoli, saying they started calling for political dialogue after years of hindering peace and ceasefire efforts in the country
24 June 2020 Libya exhuming Tarhuna mass graves as HRW demands Haftar to investigate alleged war crimes: 24 June 2020: Medical teams from Libya’s UN-recognized unity government exhumed mass graves discovered in the western city of Tarhuna, as Human Rights Watch called on Libyan military strongman Haftar to investigate alleged war crimes by his fighters after the discovery of the mass graves in territory formerly under their control - 24 June 2020: UN Human Rights Council adopted a draft resolution of the Libyan permanent mission in Geneva condemning war on Tripoli and reiterating Libya's sovereignty and unity
26 June 2020 end of Tripoli siege raises fears of full-scale proxy war in Libya: 26 June 2020: End of Tripoli siege raises fears of full-scale proxy war in Libya, as diplomatic efforts intensify to avert Cairo’s entry into Libya’s nine-year civil war amid wider tensions and escalate tensions between some of the Middle East’s most implacable foes including Egypt, the UAE, France, Russia, and on the other side Qatar and Turkey
30 June 2020 two casualties in Russian attack on Sirte region: 30 June 2020: Two casualties in Russian attack on Sirte region, as rocket attack carried out by Russian mercenaries fighting alongside Haftar's militias has claimed the life of a civilian and seriously injured another
2 July 2020 Hafter attacking Tripoli and air base: 2 July 2020: Hafter spat in the UN’s face by attacking Tripoli on the eve of the peace conference - 2 July 2020: LNA or Russian fighter jets carried out an airstrike over an air military base in Libya
3 July 2020 USA warns putschist Khalifa Haftar over Russian Wagner group: 3 July 2020: USA has warned the so-called Libyan National Army led by putschist Khalifa Haftar that its affiliation with a Russian paramilitary force and perpetuation of oil shutdowns contradict the interests of both USA and Libya
3 July 2020 covid-19 thwarts survivors to light candles for detainees who died in Haftar-linked airstrike on detention centre July 2019: 3 July 2020: One year on from the migrant detention centre bombing in Tajoura in eastern Tripoli, dozens of refugees and migrants who died have never been formally identified, as at least 53 people were killed and 130 injured on the night of 2 July 2019 according to the UN, after an airstrike by a foreign aircraft supporting eastern warlord Khalifa Haftar’s forces hit a hall where migrants and refugees were locked up
3 July 2020 Turkey’s military chiefs in Tripoli to boost cooperation: 3 July 2020: Turkey’s military chiefs in Tripoli to boost cooperation, as talks dealt with the latest developments in Libya, as well as the military and security cooperation between both countries and ways of boosting it
3 July 2020 Tunisia affirmed its full support for GNA Libyan government: 3 July 2020: Tunisia affirmed its full support for the internationally-recognised Libyan government, while endorsing a political solution to end the conflict in its neighbour, as Fayez Al-Sarraj spoke of a call received from UN Secretary-General, pointing out that 'from now on, some parties need to stop calling this criminal [Haftar] a political partner and legitimising his presence'
4 July 2020 Russia deploys fighter jet amid protests in Hun as Haftar mercenaries kill a local citizen: 4 July 2020: Russia deploys military fighter aircraft to Libya, Africom officials say, likely to provide close air support and offensive fires for the Wagner Group - 4 July 2020: Protests in Hun as Haftar mercenaries kill a local citizen
5 July 2020 foreign warplanes backing up Haftar strike Al-Watiya airbase in Libya: 5 July 2020: Foreign warplanes backing up Haftar’s forces carried out airstrikes on Al-Watiya airbase west of the capital Tripoli, on Sunday
7 July 2020 UN's Stephanie Williams blames Haftar’s forces for the killing of civilians and mine clearance workers: 7 July 2020: UNSMIL's Stephanie Williams has blamed Khalifa Haftar’s forces for the killing of over 138 people in mine explosions in areas they fled in southern Tripoli, saying that the indiscriminate planting by forces affiliated with Haftar of explosive devices in civilian neighbourhoods, that have since late May reportedly killed and injured 81 civilians and 57 non-civilians, including mine clearance workers, is a potential violation of international law, and also expressing her deep sadness and regret over the recent death of two humanitarian mine clearance workers on Sunday in southern Tripoli - 7 July 2020: Turkish FM accuses France of supporting Haftar and providing a variety of military support to him, saying in a joint press conference with EU's Josep Borrell that France was not sincere regarding the Libyan issue
8 July 2020 ICC agrees to document crimes of Haftar: 8 July 2020: International Criminal Court accepted the request of Libya's Fayal Al-Sarraj to send a specialized team to investigate and gather data on crimes committed by Haftar militias in Tarhuna and southern Tripoli, beginning sometime after mid July
11 July 2020 Haftar's forces kill a woman in Libya's Houn town amid more killings: 11 July 2020: Haftar's forces kill a woman in Libya's Houn town, as sources from Houn said Haftar's forces had killed over the last days three young men whose bodies with marks of torture were found by locals, after the men were lately arrested without legal charges, while another man was killed in front of his house by pro-Haftar gunmen
12 July 2020 Britain calls on Libyans to engage in UN dialogue on oil revenues: 12 July 2020: Britain calls on Libyans to engage in UN dialogue on oil revenues, an equitable distribution of hydrocarbon revenues and promote transparency, 'an important step towards achieving a lasting political settlement'
13 July 2020 water supplies restored to Tripoli after completing maintenance work at Tarhouna station despite Haftar: 13 July 2020: Water supplies restored to Tripoli after completing maintenance work at Tarhouna station - 13 July 2020: GNA plans to join several international agreements, including the Protection of Persons from Enforced Disappearance Convention, the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty, and the optional protocol to the Convention against Torture - 13 July 2020: Turkey threatens military action in Libya if Haftar doesn't withdraw, also saying Turkey and the GNA want the eastern commander to abide by the 2015 Libyan political agreement
14 July 2020 France is thwarting peace in Libya crisis: 14 July 2020: With the collapse of Libyan renegade general Khalifa Haftar’s offensive on Tripoli, France's Macron government is pursuing its own economic and security interests at all costs, despite presenting itself as a reliable and diplomatic actor in the war-torn country
15 July 2020 USA accuses Russian-backed mercenaries of mining Libya in violation of UN arms embargo as Haftar aggression continues: 15 July 2020: USA military command in Africa has accused the Russian regime connected military contractor Vagner Group of violating a UN arms embargo and endangering the lives of innocent Libyans by laying land mines and improvised explosive devices in and around Tripoli - 15 July 2020: Libya army spots arrival of Egyptian weapons for warlord Haftar, as warlord says his forces were preparing for 'major battle' near Sirte - 15 July 2020: Joint Force issues armed groups a two-day warning to evacuate southern Tripoli
17 July 2020 Macron’s void between words and deeds harms French credibility 'Human Rights Watch' says: 17 July 2020: Macron’s selective indignation over Libya and void between words and deeds harms French credibility and fight against impunity, according to 'Human Rights Watch', saying Macron keeps complicit silence over the repeated interference of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and is indulgent vis-à-vis Russia
19 July 2020 Libya’s NOC says armed groups affiliated with Haftar are clashing inside oil facilities: 19 July 2020: Libya’s NOC says armed groups affiliated with Haftar are clashing inside oil facilities in areas surrounding Sirte
21 July 2020 Egypt preparing military intervention in Libya to support criminal Haftar 6 months after Berlin conference: 21 July 2020: Egypt parliament approves military intervention in Libya after strongman al-Sisi spoke of military operations in neighbouring Libya to support Haftar - 21 July 2020: Egypt and Nato-member Turkey edged closer to the possibility of armed conflict this week over Libya, with both sides preparing for an impending battle over key city Sirte
24 July 2020 Russia continues positioning military equipment in Libya via PMC Wagner: 24 July 2020: USA assesses that Russia supplied Wagner forces operating in Libya with fighter aircraft, military armored vehicles, air defense systems
24 July 2020 Russia continues positioning military equipment in Libya via PMC Wagner: 24 July 2020: USA assesses that Russia supplied Wagner forces operating in Libya with fighter aircraft, military armored vehicles, air defense systems
27 July 2020 Pentagon investigates links between Haftar and Russian Wagner: 27 July 2020: Pentagon investigates deep links between Haftar and Russian Wagner mercenaries, WSJ says
28 July 2020 Russian military continues to provide supplies to Libya: 28 July 2020: USA says Russian military continues to provide supplies to Libya
1 August 2020 Libyans fear regional war as rival powers vie for control, UN representative warns: 1 August 2020: Libyans fear regional war as rival powers vie for control, UN representative Stephanie Williams says, who has two months to secure ceasefire but warns that risks are rising, as Haftar is supported by Russian Wagner group's mercenaries, also having the active military support of the UAE, which stands accused of committing some of the worst air atrocities of the civil war
3 August 2020 Russian military cargo planes unloading assistance to Haftar: 3 August 2020: Libyan army under the GNA command said Russian-made cargo planes made new military shipments to the forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar
4 August 2020 Libyan tribes sue Haftar at ICC over civilian massacre: 4 August 2020: Libyan tribes sue Haftar at ICC over civilian massacre, after at least 40 people were killed in airstrike by Haftar’s militias in Murzuq last year
10 August 2020 Russian military cargo planes land in Sirte: 10 August 2020: Russian military cargo planes land in Sirte, Libyan Army says
20 August 2020 covid-19 and conflict caused by Haftar's aggression collide in Libya: 20 August 2020: Covid-19 and conflict caused by Haftar's aggression collide in Libya, deepening the humanitarian crisis, ICRC says
21 August 2020 UN-supported Libya government and rival authority call ceasefire: 21 August 2020: UN-supported Libya government and rival authority call ceasefire, as development raises hopes of political solution as both sides call for end to oil blockade
24 August 2020 Libyan warlord Haftar rejects GNA ceasefire proposal: 24 August 2020: Libyan warlord Haftar rejects GNA ceasefire proposal as smoke screen
30 August 2020 Haftar deploys more mercenaries to Al-Jufra: 30 August 2020: Haftar deploys more mercenaries to Al-Jufra
1 September 2020 blast hits Libyan capital Tripoli: 1 September 2020: Blast hits Libyan capital Tripoli, residents say, that would be, if confirmed as an attack, the first for more than a year - 1 September 2020: Haftar's militia close eastern entrance to the city of Sirte
4 September 2020 Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar faces legal action in USA for alleged war crimes: 4 September 2020: Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar faces legal action in USA for alleged war crimes, challenged in Virginia by relatives of military leader’s alleged victims
4 September 2020 UN report accuses Russia of supporting Wagner Group in Libya: 4 September 2020: UN report accuses Russia of supporting Wagner Group in Libya, revealing that Russia has reinforced its logistical support for private military firm the Wagner Group in Libya with some 338 cargo flights from Syria in the nine months to 31 July
12 September 2020 Haftar received a Russian Dolphin-class warship: 12 September 2020: Warlord Haftar received a Russian Dolphin-class warship under Project 1159, with the help of which it should reportedly repel possible Turkish attacks off the coast of Libya
14 September 2020 Khalifa Haftar's rival Libya government resigns after Benghazi protests: 14 September 2020: Khalifa Haftar's rival Libya government resigns after Benghazi protests, also clashing with Haftar's forces in his stronghold of al-Marj for the first time, as parliament in Tobruk needs to approve the resignation of the government
27 September 2020 Russia and China blocked release of report by UN experts on Libya: 27 September 2020: Russia and China blocked the official release of a report by UN experts on Libya that accused Libyan warring parties and their international backers, including Russia, of violating the UN arms embargo on Libya, as issue was brought to the Security Council after the two countries blocked release by the committee monitoring sanctions on Libya
4 October 2020 Libya parties hold talks in Morocco: 4 October 2020: Delegates from Libya's rival administrations have held talks in Morocco, meant to help end almost a decade of violence that engulfed Libya and once again after warlord Haftar theatened Tripoli
4 October 2020 Russian planes brings more pro-Haftar mercenaries to Libya: 4 October 2020: Russian planes brings more pro-Haftar mercenaries to Libya, as plane landed in Libya’s Sirte province, controlled by warlord Haftar, the Libyan army said
12 October 2020 UN urges Libyan leaders to prioritise the country in peace talks: 12 October 2020: UN's Stephanie Williams stated on Monday that only those who truly carry the best interest of the country at heart and without ulterior motives in the form of political career aspirations will be welcome to participate in the ideally forward-moving inter-Libyan political dialogue, scheduled to take place in Tunisia in early November
19 October 2020 military leaders from Libya’s warring sides met under the watch of UN: 19 October 2020: Military leaders from Libya’s warring sides met in Geneva expected to run through Saturday, in hopes of a UN-brokered breakthrough that could pave the way for a 'complete and permanent ceasefire' in the conflict-ridden North African country, involving the Joint Military Commission under the watch of UN's Stephanie Williams
23 October 2020 UN says Libya's warring sides signed permanent ceasefire agreement: 23 October 2020: Libya's warring sides signed an agreement in Geneva for a permanent ceasefire in all areas of the country on Friday, months after frontlines stabilized following a failed eastern assault on the capital Tripoli, as first commercial passenger flight in more than a year from Tripoli lands in the eastern city of Benghazi
1 November 2020 Libya's Fayez Al Sarraj rescinds resignation: 1 November 2020: Libya's Fayez Al Sarraj rescinds resignation, saying it was at the request of international countries to avoid a power vacuum
4 November 2020 rival sides in the Libyan conflict agreed on roadmap to implement ceasefire: 4 November 2020: Rival sides in the Libyan conflict have agreed on a roadmap of measures to be taken to implement a ceasefire, UN has announced, as Egypt ‘will not cooperate’ with Turkey to solve Libya’s crisis
5 November 2020 Russian mercenaries remain in Libya: 5 November 2020: Libya says Russian mercenaries seen inside Sirte school, 'we confirm presence of group of Russian Wagner mercenaries'
8 November 2020 17 more bodies found in new Libya mass graves: 8 November 2020: Seventeen more bodies have been unearthed in newly found mass graves in western Libya's Tarhuna region, the missing persons authority said, taking the total exhumed in recent months to 112, as graves are located in Tarhuna where eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar's forces launched an aborted assault last year on the capital Tripoli - 7 November 2020: Body of former Libyan Interior Ministry official Mabrouk Khalaf found in a Tarhouna mass grave
10 November 2020 gunmen have shot dead prominent female critic of military strongman Haftar: 10 November 2020: Gunmen have shot dead prominent female dissident Hanan al-Barassi, an outspoken critic of abuses in the eastern areas controlled by Haftar’s LNA, on a busy street in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, in the latest killing of a critic of military strongman Khalifa Haftar
14 November 2020 Libya said to hold elections in December 2021: 14 November 2020: UN mission in Libya Stephanie Williams said that the participants of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, which is being held in Tunisia, have agreed to hold constitutionally-based elections on 24 December 2021
29 November 2020 Haftar forces violate ceasefire agreement: 29 November 2020: Haftar forces violate ceasefire agreement, as woman killed and a child injured in an attack on a civilian town carried out by Haftar forces in southern Libya, in the town of Ubari
15/16 December 2020 UNSC condemns Russian mercenaries in Libya; 16 décembre 2020: Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a réclamé mardi le départ des mercenaires et combattants étrangers de Libye, dans une déclaration unanime incluant la Russie, accusée d’avoir couvert l’envoi dans ce pays de paramilitaires du groupe privé russe Wagner
17 December 2020 Italian fishermen seized by Haftar’s forces freed after more than 100 days: 17 December 2020: Italian fishermen held in Libya freed after more than 100 days, as release of 18 men seized by Khalifa Haftar’s forces ends standoff between countries
20 December 2020 flights carrying mercenaries for Khalifa Haftar: 20 December 2020: Media center of the Volcano of Range Operation disclosed it had monitored 12 flights carrying mercenaries from the Damascus Airport and the Russian Hmeimim military base in Lattakia to Benina Airport in Benghazi, or the Emirati-controlled al-Khadim base south of al-Marj, areas controlled by the warlord Khalifa Haftar
25 December 2020 tensions rising in Libya as strongman Haftar calls on his fighters to 'drive out' forces backing the UN-recognised government: 25 December 2020: Tensions are rising in Libya after strongman Khalifa Hafta called on his fighters to 'drive out' Turkish forces backing the UN-recognised government, as talks drag on to end long-running war in the oil-rich nation
31 December 2020 Mohamad al-Nouri faces uncertainty injured by forces of warlord Haftar: 31 December 2020: Mohamad al-Nouri had a hand amputated because of an injury while fighting in 2019 in the ranks of the Tripoli-based GNA against an abortive assault on the capital by forces of eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar, then fitted with an artificial hand and now waiting to go to Germany for a permanent prosthesis, saying 'I don't think I can go back to the cafe where I worked... I still need a lot of time to regain my confidence'
1 January 2021 UN to bring in monitors to observe Libya's widely flouted ceasefire: 1 January 2021: UN to bring in monitors to observe Libya's widely flouted ceasefire, as UN's Stephanie Williams said there are 20,000 foreign troops or mercenaries in the country, divided between the UN-recognised GNA and LNA based in the east and supported in various degrees by Egypt, the UAE, Russia and France
2 January 2021 protestors storm Haftar building in Jufra demanding the departure of 'Janjaweed' and Russia's 'Wagner' mercenaries: 2 January 2021: Protestors storm Haftar military building in Jufra, as demonstrators expressed their anger in the area of Houn in Jufra as a result of crimes committed by mercenary groups supporting Haftar and his forces, demanding the departure of the Sudanese 'Janjaweed' mercenaries and Russian Putin regime's 'Wagner' group who fight alongside Haftar’s forces, responsable for continued attacks on the civilians in the area
3 January 2021 clashes between GNA and warlord Haftar's forces after Haftar's forces blocked a road: 3 January 2021: Clashes between Libya's Government of National Accord GNA and warlord Haftar's forces took place Sunday within Sabha military zone of the GNA near the Red Crescent building, when Sabha officers of the GNA gathered to read out a congratulatory statement of Libya's Independence Day and the GNA-commanded Libyan Army parade that was held in Tripoli on December 24, as sources added that Haftar's forces blocked a road near GNA's Sabha military zone
7 January 2021 Human Rights Watch demands Tarhouna inquiry: 7 January 2021: Al-Kaniyat militia terrorized Tarhouna town, leaving mass graves, after the militia took control of the town in 2015, after eastern-based Libyan Arab Armed Forces LAAF attacked Tripoli in April 2019 when the militia withdrew its allegiance to the GNA, joined forces with Haftar and adopted the name 9th Brigade, and as the vast majority of people missing in Tarhouna disappeared during the fighting that began in April 2019 and ended in June 2020 - 7 janvier 2021: Des charniers contenant quelque 120 dépouilles découvertes dans la ville de Tarhouna en Libye avaient horrifié les Nations Unies cet été, maintenant l’ONG 'Human Rights Watch' réclame une enquête
13 January 2021 Haftar forces have kidnapped civilians in Libya: 13 January 2021: Haftar forces have kidnapped civilians in Libya, as Nurettin Calik and Halil Gozel were taken almost a year ago, but the news has just been made public now
19 January 2021 a new agreement signed in monitoring Libya's arms embargo: 19 January 2021: An agreement that provides for coordination in monitoring merchant ships suspected of violating an arms embargo against Libya by sharing satellite images and exchanging information was signed on Monday, involving the EU
20 January 2021 'kleptocrats' will try to block Libya elections UN envoy says: 20 January 2021: 'Kleptocrats' will try to block Libya elections, says UN envoy. as outgoing acting envoy Stephanie Williams also urges foreign powers, engaged during warlord Haftar's offensive against Tripoli and earlier, to withdraw troops and mercenaries from country
21 January 2021 shipwreck claims the lives of at least 43 migrants off the coast of Libya: 21 January 2021: Shipwreck claims the lives of at least 43 migrants off the coast of Libya, as UN calls for the resumption of state-led operations in the Mediterranean, and as rescue groups’ vessels are detained in port
23 January 2021 representatives of opposed Libyan camps on Friday began talks in Morocco as more mass graves discovered: 23 January 2021: Representatives of rival Libyan camps on Friday began talks in Morocco, an AFP reporter said, as part of ongoing efforts to bring an end to nearly a decade of conflict, as fragile ceasefire between the two sides, agreed in Geneva last October, endangered by threats of eastern military strongman Khalifa Haftar to resume fighting - 23 January 2021: Libya finds more mass graves in city Haftar forces held
28 January 2021 USA demands withdrawal of mercenaries: 28 janvier 2021: Les USA demandent le retrait immédiat des forces russes et turques de Libye, en réclamant le respect de la souveraineté du pays
1 February 2021 UN-sponsored inter-Libyan dialogue in order to choose a new PM and Presidential Council: 1 February 2021: Participants in the UN-sponsored inter-Libyan dialogue are meeting on Monday in order to choose a new PM and Presidential Council, as delegates will have until Friday to choose a new PM and council, and as week is considered decisive or those who wish for long lasting peace in Libya
5 February 2021 UN-sponsored talks in Geneva have produced a new interim government for Libya: 5 February 2021: UN-sponsored talks in Geneva have produced a new interim government for Libya, which aims to hold national elections later this year, as it is the first time the country has had a unified leadership in four years, and the new government will face severe challenges winning recognition both within the country and among some external actors
20 February 2021 USA's Trump ally Erik Prince accused of supporting warlord Khalifa Haftar: 20 février 2021: Erik Prince, qui a envoyé des mercenaires étrangers et des armes à Khalifa Haftar, et fondateur de la sulfureuse société de sécurité privée Blackwater et farouche partisan de l’ancien président américain Donald Trump, a violé un embargo de l’ONU sur les armes en Libye, selon un rapport confidentiel révélé vendredi dans la presse
8 March 2021 Libya's PM-designate Abdel Hamid Dbeibah cavasses support in parliament: 8 March 2021: Libya's PM-designate Abdel Hamid Dbeibah urged MPs on Monday to be responsible by placing confidence in his government, born of a UN-sponsored process and which must help bring Libya out of chaos, by leading it to elections at the end of December
10 March 2021 Libya gets new unified government and female FM: 10 March 2021: After warlord Haftar backed by several relevant regimes and countries tried to conquer Tripoli, Libya’s parliament has brushed aside allegations of corruption to endorse a new, unified government in which a woman, Abdelhamid Dbeibah, was appointed as foreign minister for the first time, saying 'the time has come to turn the page on wars and division and to turn towards reconciliation and construction. It is time to settle the country’s differences in parliament and not on the battlefield'
15 May 2021 UN said foreign fighters and mercenaries remain in Libya despite cease-fire agreement: 15 May 2021: UN chief has said foreign fighters and mercenaries remain in Libya in violation of last October’s cease-fire agreement and called for their withdrawal, as UN estimated in December that there were at least 20,000 foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya, including Syrians, Russians, Sudanese, and Chadians
27 June 2921 Haftar's move near the Algerian border to provoke the neighbouring country, saying he still a critical 'player': 27 June 2021: Haftar's move near the Algerian border was to provoke the neighbouring country, as French Africa Report news website said that Haftar's move was a message to international actors involved in the Libyan dispute that Haftar is still a critical player in this conflict

Since 14/15 June 2018 'World Cup', Russian aggression against Ukraine and downing of flight MH17 over Donbas
June 2018: 9 June 2018: A group of relatives of victims of the downing of flight MH17 held a silent protest in front of the Russian embassy in The Hague placing 298 empty chairs in the park opposite the embassy, saying '298 people, 80 of them forever children, have nothing to celebrate today. Their seats remain empty. Those who sealed their fate are silent and look away' - 13 June 2018: Sentences in the case of the MH17 downing over Donbas may be enforced in Ukraine while Dutch court will be able to use video conference calls in trial hearings, after Dutch legislators approved an agreement to facilitate possible prosecution
15 July 2018: 15 July 2018: The G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the USA, as well as the High Representative of the EU have called on Russian regime to cooperate with MH17 investigators, saying that 'the JIT's findings on Russia's role in the downing of MH17 are compelling, significant and deeply disturbing', recalling 'that UN Security Council Resolution 2166 demands that all states cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability' and standing 'together against the impunity of those who engage in aggressive actions that threaten the rules-based international order', as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia
17 July 2018: 17 July 2018: Russia must be held responsible for the terrorist attack of downing MH17 flight on 17 July 2014, as the Joint Investigation Team found that the plane had been shot down by the BUK Russian air defense missile system, which belonged to Russian troops and had been delivered from Russia, Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko says
17 July 2018: The Perth parents of three children who died when Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine have condemned USA's Donald Trump for his refusal to hold the Russia's Vladimir Putin to account over the downing, killing 298 people including 38 Australians
17 July 2019 MH17 crash ascribed to Russian regime: 17 juillet 2019: Les familles des victimes du crash du vol MH17 abattu en 2014 au-dessus de l'Ukraine se sont rassemblées mercredi à l'occasion du 5e anniversaire de la catastrophe et ont à nouveau réclamé justice, après les Pays-Bas et l'Australie ont ouvertement imputé en mai 2018 à la Russie la mort de leurs concitoyens
9 October 2019 Russian downing of MH17 flight and ongoing denial: 9 October 2019: The Netherlands and Australia will pursue criminal prosecutions for those responsible for the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that killed 298 people, Dutch PM Rutte said at a joint press conference with Australian PM, after joint investigation team formed by Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine found that the plane was downed by a Russian missile and international arrest warrants have been issued for the four suspects, but Russia has not cooperated with the inquiry, refusing to surrender defendants
14 November 2019 MH17 investigators say phone calls show Ukraine rebels' ties to Russia: 14 November 2019: MH17 investigators say phone calls show Ukraine rebels' ties to Russian Putin regime, as intercepts suggest separatists sought guidance from Russia before jet was shot down
8 March 2020 families of people killed when Russian missile shot down MH17 flight set out 298 chairs outside Russian embassy: 8 March 2020: The families of people killed when a Russian BUK missile shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 set out 298 white chairs outside the Russian embassy on Sunday in a silent protest against Putin regime’s lack of cooperation and denial in the investigation into the downing of the passenger jet - 8 March 2020: MH17 families fear they still face a long road to justice as trial begins
8 March 2020 families of people killed when Russian missile shot down MH17 flight set out 298 chairs outside Russian embassy: 8 March 2020: The families of people killed when a Russian BUK missile shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 set out 298 white chairs outside the Russian embassy on Sunday in a silent protest against Putin regime’s lack of cooperation and denial in the investigation into the downing of the passenger jet - 8 March 2020: MH17 families fear they still face a long road to justice as trial begins
9 March 2020 trial of Russians and one allied Ukrainian accused of murdering 298 people in MH17 case: 9 March 2020: The trial of three Russians and one Ukrainian accused of murdering 298 people in the shooting down of the MH17 aircraft over eastern Ukraine has begun in the Netherlands, as presiding judge Hendrik Steenhuis said 'the loss of so many lives and the manner in which they so abruptly ended is barely conceivable', and as murderous and coward Russian Putin regime has always denied any involvement in the brutal shooting down of the civilian plane and war crimes in Syria
11 March 2020 several witnesses in MH17 case in ‘fear for their lives’ if their identities are revealed: 11 March 2020: Several witnesses in ‘fear for their lives’ if their identities are revealed, hearing into shooting down of airliner is told, as Dutch prosecutors have accused Russia of trying to sabotage the investigation into the downing of MH17 flight in Ukraine in 2014, saying this has cast 'a dark shadow' over the impending trial of four suspects Russians Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Igor Girkin and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko
23 March 2020 trial of Russians and a Ukrainian resumed briefly: 23 March 2020: The trial of three Russians and a Ukrainian charged with multiple murder in shooting down MH17 in 2014 resumed briefly, as Judge Steenhuis authorized prosecutors to give lawyers for family members of the 298 victims access to limited parts of the investigation dossier, as the courtroom was almost empty due to restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, as case was adjourned until June 8, and as Russian regime, accused by UN of war crimes in Syria, continues to deny involvement
28 April 2020 key MH17 figure identified as senior FSB official Burlaka: 28 April 2020: Key 2014 MH17 shoot-down figure identified as senior Russia's FSB official Andrey Ivanovich Burlaka, who was in a crucial role supervising militant activities in Donbas and authorizing the flow of weapons across Ukrainian/Russian border, 'Bellingcat' investigation says
10 July 2020 Dutch government brings Russia before the ECHR for its role in the downing of Flight MH17: 10 July 2020: Dutch government decided to bring Russia before the European Court of Human Rights ECHR for its role in the downing of Flight MH17 over occupied Donbas on July 17, 2014
3 November 2020 JIT ministers agree to continue co-operation in order to establish MH17 justice: 3 November 2020: Ukrainian FM Dmytro Kuleba says that responsibility for the downing of MH17 in Donbas in July 2014 is inevitable, taking part in a video conference with the foreign ministers of the member states of the Joint Investigation Team (Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands, to discuss the process of bringing to justice those responsible for the downing of MH17, as ministers agreed to continue co-operation in order to establish justice and bring the offenders to justice
7 June 2021 bitter week for families as evidence to be read in the murder trial: 7 June 2021 bitter week for families as evidence to be read in the murder trial in the Netherlands against four fugitive suspects accused of shooting down a Malaysian airliner over rebel-held eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing 298 people in 2014
9 June 2021 multiple sightings of missile launcher before MH17 shot down, court told: 9 June 2021: Multiple witnesses saw an anti-aircraft missile launcher that had secretly crossed into eastern Ukraine from Russia in the hours before it shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, as along the way, residents, a journalist and a passing driver spotted the distinctive launcher, carrying four missiles, as Russian military crew accompanied the anti-aircraft weapon, together with separatist fighters from the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic DNR, the Netherlands trial has heard
6 September 2021 MH17 plane crash trial hears trauma of relatives demanding justice: 6 September 2021: The families of those killed in the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014 have begun to testify at the trial of four suspects, as about 90 relatives will speak at the high-security court in Schiphol over the next three weeks, and as international investigators say the plane was shot down with a missile fired by pro-Russian rebels

Russia and organised crime on the territory of the United Kingdom:
November 2006 poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko: November 2006 poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in London using polonium-210
March 2018 poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal: 4 March 2018 poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury using 'Novichok' nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union and Russia between 1971 and 1993 - 3 July 2018: A two-man hit team led the Salisbury nerve agent attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal on behalf of the Putin regime, now thought to be back in Russia and under the protection of Putin, according to Scotland Yard
June/July 2018 Amesbury poisonings of two British nationals: 30 June 2018 Amesbury poisonings of two British nationals, who were hospitalised in a critical condition and were poisoned by Novichok nerve agent of the same kind used in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the city of Salisbury, 7 miles away - 5 July 2018: For the second time in four months, two people lie critically ill in England’s Salisbury District Hospital after being exposed to Russian military-grade nerve agent 'Novichok', as soccer mob roars 'goal' in host Russia - 5 July 2018: Salisbury residents count cost of second nerve agent incident, as residents, business owners, tourism managers and community leaders in Salisbury express their concern about public safety and the long-term impact on the reputation of the cathedral city and worried parents and disappointed traders fear city’s recent progress will be lost - 6 July 2018: Russian regime using UK as dumping ground for poison, says UK's Sajid Javid, urging regime to explain 'exactly what has gone on', as UK's Tom Tugendhat says 'to use a persistent nerve agent in a civilian area is extraordinary, it’s a war crime, it’s an absolutely vile act of terror', as public health and council chiefs in Salisbury warn people not to pick up unidentified objects, and police says more people could come into contact with deadly nerve agent 'Novichok', as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia - 9 July 2018: The 'Novichok' poisoning in Salisbury has claimed its first victim as mother-of-three Dawn Sturgess dies eight days after coming into contact with the Russian nerve agent, as British diplomat Julian King says that 'those behind this are murderers', as Britain maintains the March attack on the Skripals had been ordered by the Russian government, and as hospital officials said late Saturday that a number of people including a police officer had sought medical advice in the last week - 10 July 2018: Nerve agent poisoning inquiry spreads to Swindon as car seized and as UK's Gavin Williamson told the Commons that 'the simple reality is that Russia has committed an attack on British soil which has seen the death of a British citizen', 'that is something that I think the world will unite with us in actually condemning' - 11 July 2018: 'Novichok' victim Charlie Rowley in hospital out of critical condition and speaking to police, as police say they cannot be certain there is no nerve agent still out there in Salisbury, and as novichok death shocks Salisbury's homeless - 13/14 July 2018: Bottle containing murderous nerve agent found at Charlie Rowley's home in Amesbury, as scientists, following tests, have now confirmed that the substance contained within the bottle is 'Novichok'
6 August 2018 Russian regime's two-man Salisbury hit team: 6 August 2018: The British government is poised to submit an extradition request to Russia's Putin regime for two Russians suspected of carrying out the Salisbury nerve agent attack that left one person dead and three injured, after in several months investigators have pieced together the movements of the two Russians, from their entry into the UK through to their departure - 8 August 2018: The USA will impose sanctions on Russia for its use of a nerve agent in an attempt to kill Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia using 'Novichok', a military-grade nerve agent, in the British town of Salisbury in March in violation of international law
26 August 2018: 26 August 2018: Six months on from the shock of the 'Novichok' nerve agent attack on the Skripals, the people of Salisbury are attempting to use the power of the arts to reclaim the streets, work through the trauma of the assault and draw visitors back to the cathedral city, creating events such as 'SalisburyUmbrellas'
5/6 September 2018: 5/6 September 2018: Two Russian nationals Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov named and charged by British police and prosecutors over the novichok poisoning of Sergei and Julia Skripal in March in Salisbury, as Britain to lay out case against Russian regime at UN with PM Theresa May saying suspects were GRU officers, pointing to Putin, explicitly blamed by security minister Ben Wallace - 6 September 2018: Russia has come under a sustained barrage of almost universal condemnation as nations lined up at the UN security council to decry its role in the Salisbury chemical weapons attacks - 6 September 2018: In a joint statement with the UK, Canada, France, Germany and the USA reiterate their outrage at the use of a chemical nerve agent, known as Novichok, in Salisbury on 4 March, having full confidence in the British assessment that the two suspects were officers from the Russian military intelligence servic and that their operation was almost certainly approved at a senior government level
8/9 September 2018: 8/9 September 2018: Russian military agents who tried to murder Sergei and Yulia Skripal were identified thanks to a recently-turned Russian spy who believes that Putin is determined to foster conflict with the West, and who also provided their real names and true identities
13/14 September 2018: 13 September 2018: The explanation by the two Russian suspects in the 'novichok' poisonings for their presence in Salisbury in March – a sightseeing holiday diverted by snow – is so implausible that it raises intriguing questions about why Russian Putin regime chose this alibi and what it says about the health of the state’s propaganda machine, as British officials say they know the men’s real names and PM’s official spokesman says that the interview and the Russian lies 'are deeply offensive to the victims and loved ones of this horrific attack' - 14 September 2018: The Dutch government expelled two alleged Russian spies earlier this year after they were accused of planning to hack into a Swiss chemicals laboratory where novichok nerve agent samples from the Salisbury attack were analysed, it has emerged - 14/15 September 2018: An ongoing 'Bellingcat' investigation conducted jointly with 'The Insider Russia' has confirmed through uncovered passport data that the two Russian nationals identified by UK authorities as obeying suspects in the Novichok poisonings on British soil in March and June are linked to Russian security services, directly contradicting claims by Russian regime's Putin on 12 September 2018, after one of the keys to identifying the insidious murderous gang was the discovery of traces of novichok in their hotel room in London
26-30 September 2018: 26/27 September 2018: Anatoliy Chepiga, a Colonel in the GRU, who served in Chechyna and has received the highest honour usually awarded personally by Russian regime's Putin, is one of the suspects in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal and the killing of Dawn Sturgess, having travelled to the UK under the name Ruslan Boshirov, according to British investigative website Bellingcat and its partner The Insider - 30 September 2018: Russian woman has told journalists she recognises Anatoliy Chepiga, one of the key suspects in the Salisbury attack, as a military officer, immediately identifying him from photographs as a decorated 'Hero of Russia', after a BBC team travelled to the village of Beryozovka, where Anatoliy Chepiga grew up
3/4 October 2018: 3/4 October 2018: Bungling agents leave Putin exposed in the global spotlight, after hatefully saying 'traitors will kick the bucket'
8/9 October 2018: 8 October 2018: The investigative website Bellingcat has identified the second suspect responsible for poisoning Sergei Skripal as Alexander Mishkin, a doctor working for Russia’s GRU military spy agency - 9 octobre 2018: Le second suspect de l'empoisonnement en Angleterre a été décoré pour acte héroïque par Poutine en 2014, selon Bellingcat
November 2018: 22 November 2018: DS Nick Bailey, who was left critically ill after being exposed to novichok at Skripal’s home on the night of the Russian attack in March, said that while he had made a physical recovery, the psychological impact had been serious
January 2019: 15 January 2019: Police officer Nick Bailey poisoned by novichok returns to active duty, as Wiltshire police chief says he's ‘making a good recovery but mental recovery will be longer’ - 20 January 2019: Teenage girl Abigail McCourt, who learned first aid at school, was the first person to help the novichok poisoning victims Sergei and Yulia Skripal on 5 March 2018, it has emerged - 21 January 2019: EU ambassadors have approved personal sanctions against four Russians, including A. Mishkin ('Alexander Petrov') and A. Chepiga ('Ruslan Boshirov'), for complicity in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with the novichok military grade nerve agent in Salisbury, according to RFE/RL's Rikard Jozwiak - 21 janvier 2019: L'UE a sanctionné le chef du renseignement militaire russe Igor Kostyukov, son adjoint et deux agents, jugés responsables de l'empoisonnement de Sergueï Skripal avec le neurotoxique Novitchok - 24 January 2019: Salisbury novichok attack board game 'Our Men in Salisbury' on sale in Russia
February 2019: 14 février 2019: Le groupe d'investigation Bellingcat a affirmé jeudi avoir identifié un troisième suspect, un officier du renseignement militaire russe GRU, dans l'affaire d'empoisonnement de Sergueï Skripal
March 2019: 1 March 2019: City of Salisbury ruled safe a year after Skripal poisoning as police make fresh appeal - 4 March 2019: 'Unusual activity' at Russian embassy in London before novichok attack in March 2018 reported - 4 March 2019: Some talk of anxiety in Salisbury following the Skripal poisoning in March 2018, yet the city is determined to move on
June 2019 Denis Sergeyev commanded Russian military team: 29 June 2019: Denis Sergeyev, believed to hold the rank of major general in the GRU, the 'third man' involved in the Salisbury poisoning commanded the Russian military team which carried out the attack, phone records suggest, as Bellingcat Investigation Team uncovered more details on Sergeyev’s role in several international GRU operations, including 'Mission London'
August 2019 new sanctions over Skripal poisoning: 2 August 2019: USA imposes new sanctions on Russia over Sergei Skripal Novichok poisoning, as USA banks are banned from providing loans to Russia, and government will oppose any loan extension to Russian Putin regime by international institutions, and as the Putin regime of coward mass murderers, for example in Syria and Ukraine, says the move will hurt already-strained USA-Russia ties
August 2019 Salisbury attack in 2018 'likely' approved by Putin, Scotland Yard says: 7 August 2019: Scotland Yard has examined the role of the Russian president Vladimir Putin in the 2018 novichok nerve agent attack in Salisbury, saying Putin is assessed as 'likely’ to have approved of nerve agent attack on Skripals
October 2019 Skripal poisoning suspect Anatoly Chepiga (alias Ruslan Boshirov) spotted at Russian spymaster’s daughter’s wedding: 15 October 2019: Skripal poisoning suspect Anatoly Chepiga (alias Ruslan Boshirov) spotted at Russian spymaster’s daughter’s wedding
14 July 2020 inquest must look into role of Russian officials in Salisbury attack: 14 July 2020: The role played by senior Russian officials in the Salisbury nerve agent attack should be investigated, the high court has been told, as lawyers for Dawn Sturgess’s family are arguing that public concern over the poisonings is so profound that her inquest should be widened to examine who ordered the attack and the network that backed the two agents accused of actually carrying it out
24 July 2020 Dawn Sturgess inquest may examine Russia's role in novichok death: 24 July 2020: The role the Russian state played in the death of a woman in the Wiltshire novichok poisonings may be examined in a British court after a successful legal fight by her family

Russia's Putin regime, organised crime and targeted killing:
Since 1996 targeted killing in Russia and by the Russian regime: Targeted killing in Russia and by the Russian regime since 1996
Since 20th century worldwide terrorism by the KGB and FSB: Terrorism and support of terrorism worldwide by the KGB and FSB
August/September 2019 assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili: 23 August 2019 assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili - 2 September 2019: The murder of Chechen Khangoshvili in Berlin looks like a Russian operation, but the CDU/SPD Merkel government is not making a public fuss about that - 27 September 2019: New evidence links Russian state to Berlin assassination of Chechen Khangoshvili by suspected 'Vadim Andreevich Sokolov', Bellingcat reports
14 July 2020 inquest must look into role of Russian officials in Salisbury attack: 14 July 2020: The role played by senior Russian officials in the Salisbury nerve agent attack should be investigated, the high court has been told, as lawyers for Dawn Sturgess’s family are arguing that public concern over the poisonings is so profound that her inquest should be widened to examine who ordered the attack and the network that backed the two agents accused of actually carrying it out
August 2020 'novichok' poisoning of Alexei Navalny: August 2020 'novichok' poisoning of Alexei Navalny who fell ill during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow and was hospitalized in Omsk, as his spokeswoman said that he was in a coma
7 September 2020 poisoned Russian opposition leader out of coma and responsive: 7 September 2020: Poisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s condition has improved, allowing doctors to take him out of an induced coma, the German hospital treating him said, after tests last week showed 'proof without doubt' that Navalny was poisoned with a chemical nerve agent from the Novichok group, and after British authorities identified the Soviet-era Novichok as the poison used against Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury in 2018
14 September 2020 French and Swedish labs confirm Navalny's Novichok poisoning Germany says: 14 September 2020: Three laboratories have independently confirmed that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned with the Novichok nerve agent, Germany said Monday, renewing calls for Russia to explain the incident, also saying it had brought the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons into its investigation of the criminal poisoning, adding that the OPCW had taken samples from him to be examined in its reference laboratories
1 October 2020 Alexei Navalny accuses Russian regime's Putin of being behind nerve agent attack: 1 October 2020: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is recovering in Germany after being poisoned in Russia by a nerve agent, accused Russian regime's Putin of being behind the attack in comments released Thursday, as Navalny’s supporters have frequently maintained that such an attack could have only been ordered at the top levels, though the regime has steadfastly denied any involvement in it
6 October 2020 OPCW issues Alexei Navalny poisoning report: 6 October 2020: OPCW issues report on technical assistance requested by Germany, confirming that the biomarkers of the cholinesterase inhibitor found in Mr Navalny’s blood and urine samples have similar structural characteristics as the toxic chemicals belonging to schedules 1.A.14 and 1.A.15
15 October 2020 UK and EU sanctions against Russians and an entity involved in the poisoning of Navalny: 15 October 2020: The UK will apply sanctions announced by the EU against six individuals and an entity involved in the poisoning and attempted murder of Mr Navalny under the EU’s chemical weapons sanctions regime, publishing full list of those sanctioned
16 October 2020 western spies privately blame Russia’s FSB for Alexei Navalny poisoning: 16 October 2020: Western security agencies have privately concluded that the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned by the country’s FSB domestic spy agency, in effect pointing the finger at the Putin regime for ordering the attack
17 November 2020 security agencies believe that Russian Putin regime intended to kill critic Alexei Navalny: 17 November 2020: Western security agencies believe that Russian regime intended to kill Putin critic Alexei Navalny and only failed because of quick action by first responders, also saying that the high-profile nature of the attack also suggests it was approved by regime's Vladimir Putin
14 December 2020 Russian FSB hit squad poisoned Alexei Navalny according to Bellingcat: 14 December 2020: An undercover hit squad working for Russia’s FSB spy agency poisoned the opposition activist Alexei Navalny in August, after shadowing him on multiple previous trips, the investigative website Bellingcat has claimed, citing 'voluminous' telecoms and travel data, and reporting that the squad had secretly tracked Navalny since 2017, as recent regime's crime apparently began after he announced plans to stand against Putin in presidential elections
21 December 2020 Navalny says Russian agent has admitted to role in death plot: 21 December 2020: One of the operatives allegedly involved in the attempt to kill Alexei Navalny has confessed to his role in the plot, and has revealed that the Russian opposition leader was apparently poisoned via his boxer shorts, after Navalny phoned two members of the team from Russia’s FSB spy agency trying to murder him, as one recognised him immediately and hung up and the second operative, Konstantin Kudryavtsev, was seemingly duped into thinking he was talking to an aide working for a top FSB general
22 December 2020 spokesman for Vladimir Putin accuses Alexei Navalny of 'comparing himself to Jesus': 22 December 2020: In an extended and unusual attack indicative of anger over recent revelations about the FSB, spokesman for Vladimir Putin accuses Alexei Navalny of 'comparing himself to Jesus', after a chartered plane paid for by 'Cinema for Peace Foundation' was sent in August from Germany to evacuate Navalny from Omsk for treatment at the Charité in Berlin to save his life, after the doctors treating him in Omsk had initially declared he was too sick to be transported, and as in October the OPCW announced that results of testing samples obtained from Navalny had confirmed the presence of a 'Novichok' agent
24 December 2020 Novichok diagnosed within days say Alexei Navalny's German doctors: 24 December 2020: The Berlin doctors who treated Alexei Navalny have published clinical details of his novichok poisoning, in what the Russian opposition leader called the medical proof repeatedly denied by Russian regime's Vladimir Putin, as Navalny says 'at every press conference, he (Putin) exclaims, agitating with his hands to ask when the Germans will give their data', adding 'that’s no longer important now, the medical data is now published and available to the entire world'
25 December 2020 Russian police raided the home of opposition activist Lyubov Sobol: 25 December 2020: Russian police raided the home of opposition activist Lyubov Sobol early on Christmas Day and took her in for questioning, according to Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny and his supporters have said, also saying they thought the police action was a response to her trying to knock at the door of an alleged FSB security agent in Moscow who Navalny says took part in the botched plot to poison him with novichok in August

Russian regime, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Syria:
Since 2011: 1 January 2018: Since 2011 3,626 Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria, according to the 'Task Group for Palestinians in Syria', saying that 1,148 were killed in air strikes, 957 were killed in clashes between the Syrian regime and opposition, 475 were tortured to death by Assad's forces including 35 women
July 2016: 6 July 2016: Three Palestinians were killed and at least five injured by apparent Russian airstrikes on Monday targeting the Khan al-Shih neighborhood southwest of Damascus which is considered a Palestinian refugee camp, causing heavy damage to civilian houses and destroying a building housing the foundation’s Child Friendly Space, according to the Jafra Foundation
April/May 2018: 2 April 2018: 23 Palestinians were killed in Syria during March, according to a London-based human rights watchdog, saying that 15 of the victims were killed by gunfire, while seven died as a result of bombardment - 25 April 2018: Around 20 civilians have been killed in week-long regime airstrikes on Yarmouk, a neighborhood of Damascus referred to as a 'Palestinian refugee camp' - 2 May 2018: By Tuesday of this week, there wasn’t much left of Yarmouk but rubble
July 2018: 15 July 2018: Palestinian territories' Mahmoud Abbas is facing domestic criticism for his decision to attend Sunday’s World Cup final in Moscow amid ongoing unrest in Gaza, where Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups have exchanged fire resulting in casualties on both side of the tense border, mirroring criticism of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu for a similar visit to Moscow last week - 17 July 2018: The Syrian Coalition mourned the death of Palestinian-Syrian photographer Nairaz Saied who died under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime after three years of detention
October 2018: 17 October 2018: 206 Palestinians from the Yarmouk camp in Damascus are still forcibly disappeared by the Assad regime, according to the Monitoring and Documentation Team of the Action Group for Palestinian of Syria
November 2018: 29 November 2018: New report documenting Assad regime’s widespread violations against Palestinian refugees in Syria, as at least 3,903 Palestinian refugees have been killed in Syria since March 2011, the majority in bombardments by Assad regime's and Russia's aircraft and as a result of sieges, armed clashes and torture
December 2018: 17 December 2018: Assad regime detaining Palestinians returning to Syria
February 2019: 27 February 2019: Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria appeals to the UN as well as international and humanitarian organizations to ratchet up pressure on the Assad regime to force it to release detainees and disclose the fate of the enforcedly disappeared
March 2019: 9 March 2019: Families of female Palestinian prisoners in Syrian jails have said that their daughters were repeatedly raped and severely tortured, but their plight is being ignored
July 2019: 9 July 2019: The monitoring and documentation team of the Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria said that it registered the names of at least 3,987 Palestinian-Syrians who have been killed across Syria since 2011, noting that the victims were killed as a result of Assad's and Russian bombardments, siege, and torture in Assad's prisons and detention centers
October 2019: 25 October 2019: Action Group For Palestinians Of Syria has documented the death of 4,002 Palestinian refugees in Syria with the majority dying at the hands of the regime, including 478 women and girls since 2011 as a result of war-related incidents, as 1,987 refugees were killed in 2019
1 November 2019 250 Palestinian refugee children killed in war-torn Syria: 1 November 2019: Newly-released report by the Action Group For Palestinians of Syria has kept record of the death of 250 Palestinian refugee children in war-torn Syria up to 29 October 2019, saying that 128 children died under shelling, 15 were fatally shot by snipers, 11 were gunned down, two children were tortured to death, 22 drowned at sea, 25 others were killed in car blasts, and 34 died due to the blockade and medical neglect
7 January 2020 death of 616 Palestinian refugees under torture in Assad regime's prisons documented since 2011: 7 January 2020: The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria has documented the death of 616 Palestinian refugees under torture in Assad regime's prisons since the outburst of his bloody warfare
16 July 2020 deaths of over 250 Palestinian children in Syria since 2011 reported: 16 July 2020: The Action Group for Palestinians in Syria has reported on the deaths of over 250 children, who have been killed over the course of the war in Syria

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Weiter zum Artikel: Eine sich verändernde Welt: Demokratie in Tunesien - eine Chance auch für ein sich veränderndes Europa (Artikel vom 21.01.2011)

Weiter zum Artikel: Oktoberrevolution 1917 in Rußland, Novemberrevolution 1918 in Deutschland

Weiter zum Artikel: Der Gazakrieg 2008/2009 ist eine Krise Europas und Deutschlands

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