Middle Eastern and North African countries (Algeria - Yemen)

In January 2011 called: 'Eine sich verändernde Welt - Demokratie in Tunesien', eine Chance auch für ein sich veränderndes Europa

(Artikel vom 21. Januar 2011)

Als eine Folge der Weltwirtschaftskrise ab 2007 erleben wir im Winter 2010/2011 in der - seit 1956 von imperialer Protektoratsmacht, nämlich Frankreich (vgl. aktuelle Äußerungen der französischen Außenministerin M. Alliot-Marie) unabhängigen - Präsidialrepublik Tunesien eine Revolution gegen das Regime des Jahrzehnte regierenden Präsidenten Ben Ali und seine Quasi-Staatspartei "Rassemblement constitutionnel démocratique" RCD. Stark gestiegene Lebenshaltungskosten, mangelnde Zukunftsperspektiven insbesondere der Jugend (auch deren gut ausgebildeter Teile) bei hoher Arbeitslosigkeit, das korrupte, autokratische Regime und dessen Unfähigkeit, auf Krisenerscheinungen und Proteste anders als mit Repressalien und Gewalt gegen Demonstranten (nach UN-Angaben mehr als 100 Tote auf der Seite der Opposition) zu reagieren, sind die Ursachen der Revolution (vgl. den Wikipedia-Artikel Revolution in Tunesien 2010-2011 mit einer Chronologie der Ereignisse) und der Flucht Ben Alis nach Saudi-Arabien am 14. Januar 2011. Die Forderungen der Oppositionsbewegung: Entmachtung der Partei RCD, Demokratisierung von Staat und Gesellschaft (daher eine neue Verfassung), Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung, Versammlungs- und Organisationsfreiheit, Neuwahlen.

Aufgrund des nicht nachlassenden Drucks beginnt die amtierende Übergangsregierung ab Mitte Januar unter Präsident Mebazaa (und Ministerpräsident Ghannouchi) sich von der Partei RCD zu lösen, verspricht einen "vollständigen Bruch mit der Vergangenheit" und kommt mit einer Staatstrauer für die Opfer des Aufstands, einer Amnestie für politische Gefangene, mit Strafverfolgung für den geflohenen Machthaber, Schutz des tunesischen Eigentums (Auslandskonten Ben Alis etc.), der Ankündigung von Kommissionen für demokratische Reformen, Korruptionsaufklärung etc. den Forderungen der Revolutionsbewegung noch weiter entgegen.

Die Partei RCD, der zunächst noch ein Großteil der Minister der Übergangsregierung angehört hatten, wird am 17. Januar 2011 nach sage und schreibe 22 Jahren Vollmitgliedschaft aus der "Sozialistischen Internationale" (des 1914 zerbrochenen und 1951 wiederbelebten Zusammenschlusses sozialdemokratischer und sozialistischer Parteien und Organisationen mit 168 Organisationen weltweit) ausgeschlossen.

In den Tagen darauf folgen Rücktritte aus der Übergangsregierung aus Protest gegen die alte Regierungspartei RCD, vor allem seitens der Gewerkschafter (Mitglieder der UGTT und der Partei FDLT). Oppositionspolitiker wie Moncef Marzouki kehren ebenfalls in diesen Tagen aus dem Exil zurück.

Bemerkenswert ist, daß die Europäische Union Tunesien Hilfe für die sofortige Organisation von Wahlen angeboten hat. Es wird sich darum handeln, nicht nur mit Worten sondern mit Tatkraft die tunesische Revolution in ihrer demokratischen und sozialen Zielsetzung, für die sie im übrigen keinen Souffleur braucht, zu unterstützen. Daß die tunesische Revolution bereits nach Ägypten, Algerien (vgl. Wikipedia: Unruhen in Algerien 2011), Jemen, Jordanien, Kuwait, Mauretanien, Saudi-Arabien, Syrien - d.h. in die gesamte arabische und islamische Welt - ausstrahlt, unterstreicht die Bedeutung einer solchen praktischen Hilfe.

Mit den Ereignissen in den islamisch geprägten Ländern der letzten Wochen läuft eine Entwicklung parallel, die Europa (seine wirtschaftlich stärkeren Länder wie die Bundesrepublik, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien) und die sog. "Sozialistische Internationale" ebenfalls und mehr oder weniger direkt betrifft: Zur gleichen Zeit, seit dem 17. Januar 2011, steht die sozialdemokratische "Awoda" (Israelische Arbeitspartei) unmittelbar vor der Spaltung. Der Parteichef der Awoda Ehud Barak - und Verteidigungsminister der Regierung Netanjahu/Liebermann (vgl. den Artikel "Der Gazakrieg 2008/2009 ist eine Krise Europas und Deutschlands" - hat seinen Parteiaustritt und die Gründung einer neuen Partei "Azmaut" (Unabhängigkeit) bekanntgegeben. Unabhängig werden will Barak vor allem von der Partei "Awoda" (der er sein Mandat und seinen Ministerposten verdankt), in der die Kritik über den brachliegenden Friedensprozeß mit den Palästinensern immer lauter wird.

Die Europawahlen 2009 (Wahl vom 4. bis 7. Juni 2009 in den 27 EU-Staaten zum europäischen Parlament) und folgende nationale Wahlen mit der Niederlage erstarrter, deformierter sozialdemokratischer Parteien wie der britischen Labour Party (und mit Erfolgen rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen) in Großbritannien, in den Niederlanden, in Schweden, in Ungarn (Parlamentswahlen vom 11. April 2010) hatten ernüchternde Ergebnisse. Wie steht es mit der erforderlichen Erneuerung der betroffenen Organisationen? Wir werden es weiter beobachten können und beeinflussen. (Vgl. die Parlamentswahlen in der EU seit Juni 2009 mit teilweise großen Besonderheiten wie z.B. in Belgien 2010 - aufgrund des Nationalitäten- und Sprachenkonflikts sind die gesamten Parteien entsprechend gruppiert -, Bulgarien 2009, Griechenland 2009, in der Lettischen Republik 2010, in Portugal 2009, in der Slowakischen Republik 2010 und in der Tschechischen Republik 2010.)

Aktualisierungen seit 26. Januar 2011:

Algeria - Geography of Algeria - History of Algeria - French conquest of Algeria 1830-1847 - French Algeria 1830-1962 - Algerian War of Independence 1954-1962 - Demographics of Algeria
Economy of Algeria: Economy of Algeria - main industries include petroleum, natural gas, light industries, mining, electrical, petrochemical, food processing, steel - Companies of Algeria by industry - Companies of Algeria
Industry in Algeria: Industry in Algeria
Motor vehicle manufacturers of Algeria: Motor vehicle manufacturers of Algeria - Algerian Tractors Company - Since 1967 SNVI Société Nationale des Véhicules Industriels, an Algerian company that has produced trucks and buses
Mining in Algeria: Mining industry of Algeria - Mines in Algeria, including feldspar, gold, iron, lead, phosphate, silver and zinc - List of mines in Algeria
Energy in Algeria: Energy in Algeria - Fossil fuels in Algeria
Natural gas in Algeria: Natural gas fields in Algeria
Natural gas pipelines in Algeria: Natural gas pipelines in Algeria
Since 1983/1994 Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline: Since 1983/1994 Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline from Algeria via Tunisia to Sicily and thence to mainland Italy, as an extension of the TransMed pipeline delivers Algerian gas to Slovenia
Since 1996/1997 Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline: Since 1996/1997 Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline, which links the Hassi R'mel field in Algeria through Morocco with Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, where it is connected with the Spanish and Portuguese gas grids, supplying mainly Spain and Portugal, as well as Morocco with natural gas
Since 2011 Medgaz is a submarine natural gas pipeline: Since 2011 Medgaz is a submarine natural gas pipeline between Algeria and Spain
Petroleum in Algeria: Petroleum in Algeria - Oil fields in Algeria - Oil and gas companies of Algeria
Sonatrach Algerian government-owned company: Sonatrach, an Algerian government-owned company formed to explore the hydrocarbon resources of the country, with concessions in Libya, Mauritania, Peru, Yemen and Venezuela, and diversified activities covering all aspects of production including exploration, extraction, transport, and refining, also petrochemistry and the desalination of seawater
Since 1969 Sonelgaz: Since 1969 Sonelgaz, a state-owned utility in charge of electricity and natural gas distribution in Algeria
Electric power in Algeria: Electric power in Algeria - List of power stations in Algeria
Nuclear energy in Algeria: Nuclear energy in Algeria
Renewable energy in Algeria: Renewable energy in Algeria ranges from hydropower, solar and wind energy - Solar power in Algeria
Agriculture in Algeria: Agriculture in Algeria - products include cotton, tobacco, olive (fruit and oil), figs, dates, esparto grass, cork, and oat
Algerian wine: Algerian wine
Water in Algeria: Water in Algeria - Bodies of water of Algeria
Rivers of Algeria: Rivers of Algeria - List of rivers of Algeria
Chelif River: Chelif River, the longest river in Algeria, rising from the Saharan Atlas near the city of Aflou, flowing through the Tell Atlas and emptying into the Mediterranean Sea north of the city of Mostaganem, as its water is being used for irrigation
Water supply and sanitation in Algeria: Water supply and sanitation in Algeria - Water privatization in Algeria
Transport in Algeria: Transport in Algeria - Transport infrastructure in Algeria - Public transport in Algeria
Aviation in Algeria: Aviation in Algeria
Rail transport in Algeria: Rail transport in Algeria - Rail infrastructure in Algeria
Road transport in Algeria: Road transport in Algeria - Algeria East–West Highway
Water transport in Algeria: Water transport in Algeria - Ferry companies of Algeria
Port of Wahran (Oran) and Sonatrach: Port of Wahran, an Algerian port in the west of the country and exactly in the city of Oran, an important port in each of the fields of trade and marine transportation
Port of Annaba: Annaba seaport city in the northeastern corner of Algeria, a leading industrial center in eastern Algeria
Port of Skikda: Skikda city in northeastern Algeria and a port on the Mediterranean's Gulf of Stora
Tourism in Algeria: Tourism in Algeria - Visitor attractions in Algeria - World Heritage Sites in Algeria
Banking and banks in Algeria: Banks of Algeria - List of banks in Algeria
Bank of Algeria: Bank of Algeria, the central bank of Algeria located in Algiers
Economic history of Algeria and economic cycles: Economic history of Algeria
April 2018: 21 April 2018: Algeria’s economic growth decelerated in 2017, as the country’s hydrocarbon revenues have been halved in the recent years, contributing to a rapid decrease in its currency reserves, and structural challenges are constraining growth for the non-hydrocarbon sector and inflation continues to rise
Labor in Algeria: Labor in Algeria - Trade unions in Algeria
Employees' rights in Algeria: Employees' rights in Algeria
Unemployment and poverty in Algeria: Poverty in Algeria
October 2016: 17 October 2016: About 10% of Algeria’s population, or almost 4 million people, were seen as vulnerable to falling back into poverty if circumstances conspired against them, as unemployment could play such a role with high unemployment levels among women (16.6%) or youth (29.9%)
April 2018: 21 April 2018: Algeria's unemployment rate increased by almost 1.5%, reflecting the sluggish non-hydrocarbon growth, standing at 11.7% in September 2017, an increase from 10.5% in September 2016, as unemployment is particularly high among the educated, the youth, and women
Military of Algeria: Military of Algeria
Military history of Algeria: Military history of Algeria
Algerian Air Force: Algerian Air Force
April 2018: 11 April 2018: More than 180 people have been killed after a military Il-76 transport plane carrying soldiers crashed in a field in northern Algeria soon after takeoff
Taxation in Algeria: Taxation in Algeria

Politics of Algeria: Politics of Algeria - Algerian Constitution, first adopted by a referendum in 1963 following the Algerian War of Independence 1954–1962, last modified in 2008 and in 2016 - Algerian Constitution of 2016
Political parties in Algeria: Political parties in Algeria - List of political parties in Algeria - Political movements in Algeria - Algerian democracy movements
1954-1962 Algerian War of Independence: Algerian War of Independence, or the Algerian Revolution, was a war between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence from France
September 1963 referendum and Algerian Constitution: 8 September 1963 Algerian constitutional referendum, new constitution approved by 98% of voters, with a turnout of 82.7% - Algerian Constitution, first adopted by a referendum in 1963 following the Algerian War of Independence 1954–1962, last modified in 2008 and in 2016 - Algerian Constitution of 2016
'People's National Assembly' and 'Council of the Nation' (Algerian Parliament): People's National Assembly, the lower house of the Algerian Parliament, composed of 462 members directly elected by the population through proportional representation in multiple-member districts and serve terms lasting five years at a time - Council of the Nation, the upper house of the Algerian Parliament, composed of 144 members, 2/3 of which are elected indirectly and 1/3 of which are appointed by the president
Elections and politics in Algeria: Elections in Algeria - Algerian history since War of Independence
December 1988 Algerian presidential election: 22 December 1988 Algerian presidential election
February 1989 Algerian constitutional referendum: 23 February 1989 Algerian constitutional referendum, coming after the 1988 October Riots and proposing to remove constitutional references to socialism and to allow for multi-party democracy, proposed amendments were approved by 73.4% of voters with a 79% turnout despite calls for a boycott by radical Islamists and opposition from trade unions and FLN members
December 1991 Algerian legislative election: 26 December 1991 Algerian legislative election
1991-2002 Algerian Civil War: Algerian Civil War 1991-2002 - Since 1991 Algerian Civil War following decades of stagnant economy and failure to supply jobs, housing, food and urban infrastructure to massive numbers of young in the urban areas, amid rule of military and party nomenklatura - Massacres during the Algerian Civil War - Algerian massacres of the 1990s
September 2005 Algerian national reconciliation referendum: 29 September 2005 Algerian national reconciliation referendum held on a 'Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation' which had been drawn up to try to bring closure to the civil war, the official results showed an overwhelming vote in favour on a high turnout
May 2012 Algerian legislative election: Algerian legislative election 10 May 2012 - 10 mai: Pour la première fois depuis le printemps arabe, les Algériens sont appelés aux urnes - 12 May: FLN won 220 out of 462 seats, RND came second with 68 seats and Green Algeria, a three-party Islamist alliance, came third with 48 seats
November 2013: 17 November 2013: Algeria’s President Bouteflika to run for 4th term
17 April 2014 Algerian presidential election: Algerian presidential election 17 April 2014 - 18 April: Algeria's Bouteflika wins a fourth presidential term taking more than 81% of the vote, but turnout is said to be 51.7% of the country's 23 million registered voters down from the 75% in 2009
May 2017 Algerian legislative election: 4 May 2017 Algerian legislative election - 5 May 2017: Algeria's ruling coalition wins majority in parliament
October 2017: 22 October 2017: Several Algerian opposition parties have denounced the 'arbitrary' rejection of many of their lists for the municipal and provincial elections of November 23, accusing the power of wanting to take control of local assemblies
November 2017 Algerian municipal, provincial elections: 23 November 2017 Algerian municipal, provincial elections
Since February 2019 protests: 4 March 2019: Algeria's Bouteflika, facing mass protests over his 20 years in power, will run in April’s elections, his campaign manager said on Sunday, with Ennahar TV saying he had offered to step down after a year if re-elected
11 March 2019: 11 March 2019: Bowing to weeks of mass demonstrations against his 20-year rule by people demanding a new era of politics, Algerian president Bouteflika abandoned his bid for a fifth term in power, also postponing the presidential election that had been set for April and promising social and economic reform - Noureddine Bedoui Algerian PM since 11 March 2019
Since 26 March 2019: 26 March 2019: Le chef d'état-major de l'armée algérienne Ahmed Gaïd Salah invoque l’article 102 de la Constitution pour déclarer le président Bouteflika inapte, 'pour cause de maladie grave et durable' - 27 March 2019: The coalition ally of Algeria’s ruling party has called for the country’s ailing president to resign, piling pressure on Abdelaziz Bouteflika after the army chief also demanded he be declared unfit for office - 30 mars 2019: L'armée réitère son appel contre Bouteflika, affaibli par la maladie et contesté par des millions d'Algériens descendus dans la rue pour la sixième semaine consécutive
2/3 April 2019 Bouteflika resigns: 3 April 2019: Algerian protesters have vowed to continue their uprising after president Bouteflika bowed to weeks of mass demonstrations and resigned, abruptly ending two decades in power
9-17 April 2019: 9 April 2019: Algeria’s lawmakers appointed the upper house chairman Abdelkader Bensalah as interim president following the resignation of Bouteflika after weeks of mass protests, demanding sweeping democratic reforms and opposed to figures like Bensalah, a close associate of Bouteflika - 9 avril 2019: Président algérien par intérim Bensalah, rejeté par la rue, a promis d'organiser sous 90 jours une élection présidentielle - 15 April 2019: About 40 mayors in Algeria have joined the protest movement to reject the upcoming July 4 elections, saying the elections cannot be free and fair if they are held under the same judicial framework and institutions as those of the Bouteflika regime - 16 avril 2019: Incarnation d'un 'système' dont la contestation algérienne réclame la fin, le président du Conseil constitutionnel algérien Tayeb Belaiz a à son tour démissionné, deux semaines après le chef de l'Etat dont il était un très proche
23/24 April 2019: 23 April 2019: 32 candidates to run in Algeria’s presidential elections amid controversial meeting and discussion by some political parties on the mechanism for the formation of an independent national body that will be engaged in the preparation and conduct of elections, as male members of Algeria's ruling party battle to replace ousted president Bouteflika
1 May 2019: 1 mai 2019: L'armée reste opposée aux revendications des manifestants concernant la transition vers l'après-Bouteflika en Algérie - 2 May 2019: Algeria’s army chief of staff said the military will ensure the country does not 'descend into violence', state TV reported, as mass protests that prompted Bouteflika to quit on April 2 continu
5 May 2019: 5 mai 2019: Saïd Bouteflika, frère et puissant ex-conseiller du président Bouteflika, a été arrêté ainsi que deux anciens hauts responsables du renseignement, selon une source sécuritaire, un jour après de nouvelles manifestations massives contre le régime Bouteflika - 26 May 2019: A deadline to register for Algeria’s controversial presidential election has passed without a single candidate putting themselves forward
2 June 2019: 2 June 2019: Algeria’s constitutional council has concluded it will not be possible to hold presidential elections on July 4 as planned, prolonging the country’s transition
1-3 July 2019: 1 July 2019: Algeria was left in shock after war of liberation icon Lakhdar Bouregaa was arrested and taken to an intelligence services base Saturday for making statements against the army and its general Salah, accused of 'insulting authorities' - 3 July 2019: Algeria’s parliamentary president Mouad Bouchareb quit his post on Tuesday after prolonged demands for his removal by protesters
12 July 2019: 12 July 2019: Lawmakers in Algeria have elected an opposition's Slimane Chenine as chairman of parliament to replace Moad Bouchareb under pressure from mass protests demanding the departure of the ruling elite
24 July 2019: 24 July 2019: Algeria’s Constitutional Council amends some presidency candidacy rules
30 July 2019 'Commission for Dialogue and Mediation': 30 July 2019: Algerian presidency set up a National Commission for Dialogue and Mediation to end the political crisis, neither including individuals of the ruling class nor the military, as the team 'enjoy credibility, competency and acceptability among the people, (having) no party affiliation or electoral ambition'
Postponed July 2019 Algerian presidential election: 18 April, 4 July 2019 scheduled Algerian presidential election, but postponed several times - Candidates for the 2019 Algerian presidential election
3 November 2019 5 candidates in Algeria’s presidential election: 3 November 2019: Five candidates will run in Algeria’s presidential election next month, including two former PMs, according to the election authority, amid mass protests rejecting the vote
17 November 2019 amid sustained protests presidential campaign kicked off: 17 November 2019: Amid sustained protests, Algeria’s presidential campaign officially kicked off Sunday with five candidates vying to replace the country’s longtime leader, who was pushed out in April
1 December 2019 Algeria’s presidential campaign in trouble: 1 December 2019: Algeria’s presidential campaign is in trouble, as candidates are struggling to fill rally venues, campaign managers have quit, voters have pelted campaign headquarters with tomatoes and eggs, and the country’s 9-month-old pro-democracy movement calls the whole thing a sham
10 December 2019 opposition says poll cannot be seen as free or fair: 10 December 2019: Protest movement likely to shun Algeria's controversial election, as opposition says this week’s poll cannot be seen as free or fair with ruling elite still in power
December 2019 Algerian presidential election: 12 December 2019 Algerian presidential election - Boycott of 12 December election - 12 December 2019: Police and protesters clash as Algeria holds disputed election - 13 December 2019: Low voter turnout in Algeria's disputed presidential election
18/19 December 2019 pro-democracy protesters reject Tebboune’s inauguration: 19 December 2019: After eight months without president but with police, Algeria inaugurated its new president Thursday during a pomp-filled ceremony that pro-democracy protesters rejected as a charade
24 December 2019 death of army chief Salah: 24 December 2019: Death of Algeria's army chief Gaid Salah leaves uncertainty, after months of anti-regime protests and a rejected presidential electio with low voter turnout
28 December 2019 new PM Abdelaziz Djerad named: 28 décembre 2019: Succédant à Sabri Boukadoum, Djerad a été choisi comme Premier ministre par le président algérien Abdelmadjid Tebboune
5 April 2020 Algeria will extend curfews against covid-19 spread: 5 April 2020: Algeria will extend curfews it has put in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus from Sunday, as the number of confirmed cases rose to 1,251, and as Algeria's economic fallout from covid-19 and measures to contain it may accelerate a looming crisis in state finances after years of high deficits and last month’s oil price crash
27 July 2020 Algerian government and anti-regime movement urged to avoid major economic crisis: 27 July 2020: International Crisis Group has urged dialogue between the Algerian government and the anti-regime movement ‘‘Hirak’‘ to avoid what it calls a major economic crisis, now amid covid-19
10 August 2020 journalist Khaled Dareni sentenced to 3 years in prison: 10 August 2020: Freelance journalist and symbol of free speech in Algeria, Khaled Dareni, sentenced to 3 years in prison based on accusations of undermining the 'integrity of the national territory'
23 October 2020 government and protestors mobilize ahead of constitutional referendum: 23 October 2020: Algerians are being urged to vote yes to a new constitution in a November 1 referendum the government has touted as the foundation for a new state
30 October 2020 referendum leaves Algerians divided: 30 October 2020: Many Algerians are divided over a constitutional revision by which president Tebboune intends to move the country forward, as some citizens even refuse to go to the polls on Sunday to vote on this national decision
1 November 2020 Algerian constitutional referendum: 1 November 2020 Algerian constitutional referendum
2 November 2020 with a turnout of just under 40% Algerian constitutional reform 'approved': 2 November 2020: After record low turnout of just under 40% in the previous day's referendum, revised text passed with 66.8% of the vote, ANIE chief Mohamed Charfi told a news conference
2 January 2021 Algeria approves constitutional review with lowest turn out by 23.84% in history: 2 January 2021: Algeria approves constitutional review with lowest turn out by 23.84% in history, as according to a statement from the presidency, the reform will come into force as soon as it is published in the official gazette, and while emphasizing a series of rights and freedoms, the new fundamental law, extends the prerogatives of the military and the presidency
4 January 2021 Algerian protester Kechida sentenced to 3 years in jail for satirical social media posts: 4 January 2021: Algerian supporter of the Hirak protest movement Walid Kechida was sentenced to three years in jail for satirical social media posts mocking the government and religion, according to Kaci Tansaout from the CNLD prisoners' rights group, adding that lawyers would appeal after Kechida has already spent eight months in detention awaiting trial
7 February 2021 torture inquiry: 7 février 2021: Le parquet général auprès de la cour d’Alger a ordonné dimanche l’ouverture d’une enquête après le témoignage de l'étudiant algérien Walid Nekkiche, qui affirme avoir été torturé par des membres des services de sécurité
19 February 2021 Algerian president calls early election, pardons jailed protesters: 19 February 2021: Algerian president calls early election, pardons jailed protesters, as Tebboune dissolved parliament and announced a government reshuffle in a highly anticipated address to the nation, announcing new elections likely to take place by the end of the year
20 February 2021 Algeria on Friday released more than 30 pro-democracy activists from jail: 20 February 2021: Algeria on Friday released more than 30 pro-democracy activists from jail, including a prominent journalist, in the first batch freed under presidential pardons issued ahead of the second anniversary of a popular uprising
22 May 2021 hundreds arrested as authorities crack down on protest movement: 22 May 2021: Algerian authorities put down weekly pro-democracy protests in the capital Algiers and across the country on Friday, detaining hundreds of demonstrators, according to human rights activists, also saying almost 500 people taken in for questioning in around 15 provinces
12 June 2021 Algerian legislative election: 12 June 2021 Algerian legislative election and background, as according to preleminary results National Liberation Front wins 105 seats (–56), Movement of Society for Peace 64 seats (+30), Democratic National Rally 57 seats (–43), Future Front 48 seats (+34), and El Binaa 40
13 June 2021 boycotted by Hirak protest movement Algerian elections face record low turnout: 13 June 2021: Algerian elections face record low turnout as voters lose hope of reform - 13 June 2021: Algeria on Sunday awaited the results of a parliamentary election boycotted by the long-running Hirak protest movement and marked by widespread abstention
24 June 2021 Algeria’s authorities launched a repressive crackdown since spring: 24 June 2021: Algeria’s authorities launched a repressive crackdown that has seen scores of people detained for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and assembly in the months ahead of legislative elections that took place on 12 June, according to AI in a detailed analysis published today, rights group has documented 37 cases of activists who were unfairly detained for participating in protests or for expressing dissenting opinions between 26 March and 26 May
2 July 2021 Algeria's authorities arrest opposition leader: 2 July 2021: Algerian authorities have arrested the coordinator Fethi Ghares of the Democratic and Social Movement opposition party and put him in pre-trial detention on charges that include insulting president Abdelmadjid Tebboune
27 November 2021 local elections: 27 novembre 2021 élections municipales algériennes afin de renouveler pour cinq ans les conseils municipaux des municipalités de l'Algérie
27/28 November 2021 Algerians vote in local elections: 27 November 2021: Algerians vote on Saturday in local elections seen as key in Tebboune's push to turn the page on the two-decade rule of Bouteflika, but despite official campaigns urging Algerians to 'make their mark' the vote for municipal and provincial councils has sparked little public interest - 28 novembre 2021: Quelque 35% des électeurs algériens ont voté pour désigner leurs représentants communaux et départementaux, un taux de participation supérieur à celui des élections législatives de juin resté 'en-deçà' des espérances
Social movements and protests in Algeria: Protests in Algeria
2011/2012 Arab spring demonstrations: Algerian protests 2011-2012 - 2011 Algerian self-immolations - 30. April 2011: Unruhen nach versuchter Selbstverbrennung in Algerien
2013 protests against unemployment and corruption: 14 March 2013: Estimated 10.000 gather in the desert town of Ouarglain to protest lack of employment opportunities and corruption in oil-rich region, chanting 'the people want the downfall of corruption'
August 2013 protest against religious persecution: 4 August 2013: About 300 people in the Kabylie region joined a public lunch on Saturday to protest persecution of people who refuse to observe the religious fast during Ramadan
Since 16 February 2019 Algerian democracy protests and against Bouteflika’s fifth term: Since 16 February 2019 Algerian protests, as ten days after Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced his candidacy for a fifth presidential term in a signed statement peaceful protests, without precedent since the Algerian Civil War, led the military to insist on Bouteflika's immediate resignation, which took place on 2 April 2019 - 22 February 2019 protests in Algiers, Oran, Sétif and other Algerian cities against Bouteflika’s fifth term bid, amid internet censorship and internet disruptions - 24 February 2019: Algerian police use tear gas as rare anti-government protests enter third day - 25 February 2019: Fresh demonstration in Algiers against Bouteflika’s fifth term bid, as police sprayed tear gas, brought in a water cannon and rounded up several people and as shops were closed in Algiers - 26 February 2019: Algeria students to join massive protests - 26 février 2019: Les étudiants algériens se sont à leur tour mobilisés en masse contre la perspective d'un 5e mandat du président Bouteflika - 28 February 2019: Algerian protesters plan more action and call for regime change
March 2019: 1 mars 2019: Plusieurs milliers d'Algériens défilaient en début d'après-midi en différents points du centre d'Alger, contre la perspective d'un 5e mandat du président Bouteflika, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP - 2 March 2019: Tens of thousands of people in cities across Algeria called on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to leave office on Friday in the biggest anti-government demonstrations there since the Arab Spring eight years ago, as police fired teargas - 3 mars 2019: Canon à eau utilisé contre des étudiants à Alger - 5 mars 2019: Un millier d'étudiants venus des différentes universités d'Alger défilent à nouveau en plein centre de la capitale algérienne contre la candidature du président Bouteflika à un 5e mandat, selon AFP - 8 March 2019: Large demonstrations against the Algerian president are expected on Friday as Bouteflika issues warning to protesters against his fifth term bid - 8 mars 2019: Milliers de manifestants dans le centre d'Alger - 8 March 2019: Protesters marched in the street of the Algerian capital, calling for a regime change, as massive protests in the North African nation enters its third week - 9 mars 2019: Les quotidiens algériens consacraient de nombreuses pages aux centaines de milliers de manifestants qui ont défilé vendredi dans le pays contre Bouteflika - 10 March 2019: Algerians continue protests to force the veteran president Abdelaziz Bouteflika to abandon his bid to win a fifth five-year term in power at elections next month - 10/11 March 2019: Protest greets Bouteflika's return from Switzerland's Geneva - 12 mars 2019: 'Les étudiants résistent à la prolongation du 4e mandat', scandent les manifestants brandissant de nombreux drapeaux, selon AFP - 15 March 2019: Thousands of protesters gathered in central Algiers to keep pressing Bouteflika to step down, as ruling FLN party showed more signs of turning its back on the long-serving president - 16 March 2019: As hundreds of thousands of people staged protests in central Algiers on Friday in the biggest protests against Bouteflika’s 20-year rule, a total of 75 protesters were arrested and 11 policemen were slightly injured, police say - 19 mars 2019: Des milliers d'étudiants rejoints par des professionnels de la Santé manifestent à Alger mardi, jour anniversaire de la fin de la guerre d'indépendance, pour réclamer à nouveau le départ du président Bouteflika - 22 mars 2019: Les Algériens restent fortement mobilisés, manifestations dans de nombreuses villes
25-30 March 2019: 25-30 March 2019 Algerian protests - 29 mars 2019: Une foule énorme a réclamé vendredi à Alger, pour la sixième semaine consécutive, le départ du 'système' au pouvoir, quelques jours après la proposition du chef d'état-major de l'armée d'écarter le président Bouteflika du pouvoir, semblant indiquer que l’offre n’a pas calmé la contestation - 30 March 2019: Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Algiers to demand the resignation of President Bouteflika in the biggest peaceful demonstration since protests erupted six weeks ago, as police used water cannon
3/4 April 2019: 3 April 2019: Algerians took to the streets of the capital on Tuesday night, waving flags and chanting in celebration at Bouteflika’s departure, vowing to continue their uprising and saying that the political system can’t change in a week - 3 April 2019: Bouteflika's resignation, greeted with celebrations by street protesters who spent weeks demanding his departure, does not signify the end of the Algerian revolt against the country’s oligarchic, elitist governmental system, according to 'The Guardian' - 4 April 2019: After Algeria's constitutional council confirmed the resignation of Bouteflika, protesters expressed concerns over the caretaker government, saying the entire ruling regime should be replaced
5-17 April 2019: 5 avril 2019: Après la démission du président Bouteflika, les Algériens continuent de défiler pour réclamer le départ de ses derniers fidèles et la fin du 'système' - 10 avril 2019: La police charge les manifestants à coups de gaz lacrymogènes et de jets d’eau - 12 avril 2019: En marge d'un gigantesque défilé dont les participants ont réclamé le départ du président par intérim Abdelkader Bensalah, des centaines de jeunes affrontent la police en plein coeur d'Alger, renvoyant les grenades lacrymogènes que tirent les policiers tentant de les disperser - 17 April 2019: A new win for Algerian protesters, as the head of the country’s Constitutional Council, tasked with vetting election candidates as well as ensuring the regularity of the polls, Tayeb Belaiz stepped down and protesters continue demanding the departure of leaders in the old regime
19 April 2019: 19 avril 2019: Une foule immense remplit à nouveau sur plusieurs kilomètres les rues du centre d'Alger, pour un 9e vendredi consécutif de manifestations réclamant le départ du pouvoir de l'ensemble de l'appareil lié au président déchu Bouteflika - 20 April 2019: Tens of thousands of Algerians took to the street on Friday, demanding more concessions concerning the country's government
27 April 2019: 27 April 2019: A day after hundreds of thousands marched peacefully for the tenth consecutive Friday demanding the departure of Algeria’s ruling elite, a protest leader said on Saturday Algeria needs six months to prepare free elections, called for the transition to be managed by a former minister respected by protesters as well as Islamists
11 May 2019: 11 May 2019: Tens of thousands demonstrated in Oran, Tizi Ouzou and Constantine as well as the capital, continuing their battle to dismantle 'Le Pouvoir', the corrupt network of political, military and business elites that has ruled the country - 11 May 2019: In Algiers protesters renew rejection of elections in presence of old guard and demanding for the resignation of acting head of state Abdelkader Bensalah
17 May 2019: 17 mai 2019: Des foules nombreuses ont marché à Alger, Oran et Constantine, à Béjaia, Tizi Ouzou et Bouira, dans la région de Kabylie, à Tiaret, Relizane, Mostaganem et Mascara, à Mila et Jijel contre le gouvernement, demandant avant tout scrutin le départ de toutes les figures associées à M. Bouteflika, dans une ambiance tendue, mais les policiers ont finalement quitté les lieux
1 June 2019: 1 June 2019: Demonstrators filled avenues in central Algiers chanting slogans against a push to hold regime-controlled presidential elections in July and rejecting calls by the armed forces chief for dialogue, despite dozens detained after police earlier rounded up some 50 people in the heart of Algiers ahead of the planned protest, and as local journalists reported that people were out in force in the country's other biggest cities of Oran, Constantine and Annaba
7 June 2019: 7 June 2019: With banners reading 'You all go' and 'We need new figures', tens of thousands of protesters gathered in the Algerian capital on the 16th consecutive Friday for what has become a regular demonstration demanding the removal of the officials belonging to Bouteflika's old guard
14 June 2019: 14 June 2019: Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in the Algerian capital, demanding the prosecution of former officials linked to former president Bouteflika, keeping up their demands for the ouster of all officials linked to Bouteflika unappeased by the detention of two ex-premiers as part of investigations into corruption
21 June 2019: 21 June 2019: Algerian regime continues to arrest protesters during peaceful demonstrations, marking the 18th week of protests demanding radical change, including the sacking of military chief, General Gaid Salah
28/29 June 2019: 29 June 2019: Withstanding extreme heat Algerians went out to demonstrate for the 19th Friday in a row, demanding change to the regime, as regime launched a campaign of arrests in Algerian capital Algiers after large demonstrations began, amid high 'security'
5 July 2019: 5 July 2019: Algerians protest, celebrate independence day amid tensions
12 July 2019: 12 July 2019: Tens of thousands of Algerians rallied to push for reforms and the departure of the ruling elite, as a man sought unsuccessfully to set himself ablaze on Friday
21 July 2019: 21 July 2019: Tens of thousands of Algerians returned to the streets in the capital Algiers and other cities on Friday to demand radical political reforms and the departure of the ruling elite
2 August 2019 protest: 2 août 2019: Massivement mobilisés pour un 24e vendredi consécutif, les Algériens ont, pour la première fois, appelé à la 'désobéissance civile', après le refus par l'armée des 'mesures d'apaisement' demandées et le maintien d'un très fort déploiement policier
9/10 August 2019 protests: 10 août 2019: Les manifestations continuent à attirer les protestataires à Alger et dans d’autres villes du pays alors que le pouvoir et l’armée répugnent à accéder aux revendications du mouvement
16/17 August 2019 protests: 17 August 2019: The popular movement in Algeria continues for the 26th Friday in a row, calling for the departure of the remnants of the regime of ousted president Bouteflika amid tight security reinforcements
22 August 2019 protest: 22 août 2019: Les Algériens continuent à manifester contre un pouvoir qui reste inflexible
6 September 2019 protests: 6 September 2019: Tens of thousands of protesters piled once again onto the streets of the Algerian capital and other cities with many rejecting the army chief’s call for presidential elections before the end of the year
13/14 September 2019 protests: 14 September 2019: Algerian protesters target army chief of staff general Salah amid concerns that the regime has no genuine will to retreat from political life once the transitional period is over
20 September 2019 protests: 20 septembre 2019: Des milliers de personnes manifestent à Alger pour le 31e vendredi consécutif de mobilisation malgré un important déploiement des forces de l'ordre et quelques jours après l'annonce d'une présidentielle en décembre, un scrutin rejeté par le mouvement de contestation
14 October 2019 protest against proposed energy law: 14 October 2019: Algerians protested in front of parliament on Sunday against a proposed energy law that they say the caretaker government has no right to pass
15 October 2019 protest: 15 octobre 2019: Les jeunes ont envahi les rues de la capitale pour le 34e mardi consécutif, défiant les autorités qui avaient interdit leur présence la semaine dernière
26 October 2019 protest: 26 October 2019: Protesters hit the streets of Algiers on Friday, vowing to keep up rallies against the country’s ruling elite and denouncing the impending December 12 presidential election
17 November 2019 protest: 17 November 2019: Algerian protesters attack 'garbage' presidential campaign, as opposition movement, which emerged this year from weekly mass protests demanding the entrenched ruling hierarchy quits power, says it will not support any election until more senior officials stand aside
23 November 2019 protest: 23 November 2019: Protesters thronged the Algerian capital for the 40th consecutive week Friday as they railed against next month's presidential election they say will only keep the old guard in power
29 November 2019 protest: 29 November 2019: Algerian protesters keep up pressure on authorities as election nears
11 December 2019 protest against regime: 11 décembre 2019: Dans le centre de la capitale algérienne, des milliers de manifestants protestent contre l'élection présidentielle qui se tiendra normalement jeudi
14 December 2019 protest and arrests: 14 December 2019: Algerian police arrest 400 in protest calling for overhaul of political system
17 December 2019 protest against Abdelmadjid Tebboune: 17 December 2019: Thousands of students, teachers and other protesters rallied in Algeria's capital on Tuesday against the new president, after turnout in his election was 39.9%
25 December 2019 pro-democracy demonstrators continue calls for reforms: 25 December 2019: Pro-democracy demonstrators have not relented in their calls for reforms, again on the streets of Algiers capital on Tuesday despite it being gazetted as the day of mourning in memory of the deceased army chief of staff
10 February 2020 protest: 10 February 2020: Algerians rally for release of left-wing party leader, calling for freedom of expression and freedom of the press
26 May 2021 Algeria's Hirak movement returns in force ahead of elections: 26 May 2021: Algeria's Hirak movement returns in force ahead of elections, as protests led by the pro-democracy Hirak movement have once again spread across Algeria, despite president Tebboune's attempts to repress them
21 February 2020 protests in Algeria: 21 février 2020: Des marches imposantes se sont déroulées à Alger, Oran, Constantine et Annaba, localités les plus peuplées, ainsi que dans plusieurs autres villes de province, lorsque la mobilisation populaire a été massive ce vendredi lors de la 53e semaine consécutive de marches hebdomadaires pour demander un changement de gouvernement, mais n'a pas réussi à abattre le 'système' au pouvoir depuis l'indépendance
14 March 2020 Algerians defied the threat of coronavirus to march for change: 14 March 2020: Thousands of Algerians defied the threat of Chinese coronavirus to march against the ruling elite, as Algeria has confirmed 26 cases of the coronavirus and two deaths, and as in neighboring Libya schools, in areas controlled by both the UN-recognized government and interim government in Benghazi, will close for two weeks
16 February protest two years since the start of the 'Hirak' protests: 16 February 2021: Several thousand Algerians rallied in a northern town Tuesday, almost two years since the start of the 'Hirak' protests which swept former strongman Bouteflika from power , as demonstrators shouted slogans against the military and current president Tebboune in the rally in Kherrata, including banner saying 'A civilian state, not military. Freedom of the press and of expression. An independent judiciary'
22 February 2021 Algerians March on the 2-Year Anniversary of the Hirak Movement: 22 February 2021: Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Algiers to commemorate the second anniversary of the Hirak movement, on the brink of a full-blown revival after a year of interruption brought about by the onset of the covid-19 pandemic
27 February 2021 Algeria anti-government protesters hit streets after year-long hiatus: 27 February 2021: Thousands of anti-government protesters took to the streets across Algeria on Friday, as the 'Hirak' pro-democracy movement gathers renewed momentum after a year-long hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic
2 March 2021 thousands defy Algeria curfew as protests resurge: 2 March 2021: For the second consecutive week, young protesters accompanied by lecturers and other supporters poured through central Algiers, shouting slogans demanding 'a free and democratic Algeria' and an end to the military's domination of the North African country
13 March 2021 thousands protest in Algiers demanding 'a civil not a military state': 13 March 2021: Thousands demonstrated in Algiers on Friday, rejecting early legislative elections announced the day before, as weekly rallies by the resurgent Hirak pro-democracy movement gain momentum, and as protesters defied a covid-19 related ban on gatherings to rally from different parts of the capital, converging on the central post office
27 March 2021 Algerians protest against government in new Hirak demonstration: 27 March 2021: Thousands of the Hirak movement returned to the streets of the Algerian capital on Friday as they demanded significant changes to the country's government and political system, chanting slogans such as 'let the system fall'
22 May 2021 hundreds arrested as authorities crack down on protest movement: 22 May 2021: Algerian authorities put down weekly pro-democracy protests in the capital Algiers and across the country on Friday, detaining hundreds of demonstrators, human rights activists said
24 June 2021 Algeria’s authorities launched a repressive crackdown since spring: 24 June 2021: Algeria’s authorities launched a repressive crackdown that has seen scores of people detained for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and assembly in the months ahead of legislative elections that took place on 12 June, according to AI in a detailed analysis published today, rights group has documented 37 cases of activists who were unfairly detained for participating in protests or for expressing dissenting opinions between 26 March and 26 May

Society, demographics. culture and human rights in Algeria: Algerian society
Human rights in Algeria: Human rights in Algeria
Events of 2020 Human rights in Algeria: Events of 2020 Human rights in Algeria, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, Judicial Independence, Constitutional Reform, Women's Rights, Migrants and Asylum Seekers, Presidential Election, reported by Human Rights Watch
Religion and freedom of religion in Algeria: Religion in Algeria - Since 647 Muslim conquest of the Maghreb - Berbers and Islam - Freedom of religion in Algeria
2017: 25 August 2017: Algeria’s Ahmadis, pacifist Muslim sect, accused of heresy by Islamist extremists and targeted by the authorities, forced to go underground to worshipis
Provinces, districts and municipalities of Algeria: 48 Provinces of Algeria - 547 Districts of Algeria - 1,541 Communes (municipalities) of Algeria
List of cities in Algeria: List of cities in Algeria
Algiers Province: Algiers Province, named after the national capital Algiers, with a population of about 3 million residents in 2008 the most densely populated province of Algeria, but the smallest by area - Algiers province is divided into 13 districts and 57 communes or municipalities
Algiers city: Algiers, located on the Mediterranean Sea, is the capital and largest city of Algeria, an estimate puts the population of the larger metropolitan city to be around 5,000,000 inhabitants - History of Algiers - Education in Algiers
Economy of Algiers: Economy of Algiers, an important economic, commercial and financial center, and the highest cost of living of any city in North Africa - Companies based in Algiers - Transport in Algiers
Timeline of Algiers: Timeline of Algiers since 3rd century BC
Since 3rd century BC Icosion: Since 3rd century BC Icosium (Ikosion), a Punic and Berber city in the casbah area of Algiers
Since 1510 battle and bombardments of Algiers: Battle and bombardments of Algiers since 1510
1515-1830 regency of Algiers: 1515-1830 regency of Algiers, a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire
1830 bombardment and invasion of Algiers by the Kingdom of France: 1830 Bombardment and invasion of Algiers by the Kingdom of France, ruled by Charles X
1954-1962 Algiers during the Algerian War of Independence: Algiers during the Algerian War of Independence - 1956-1957 Battle of Algiers between the National Liberation Front and the French colonial forces
Algiers during the crisis of the 1990s: Algiers during the crisis of the 1990s, when in the 1992 elections for the Algerian National Assembly Islamists garnered a large amount of support and the city became the theatre of many political demonstrations of all descriptions until 1993
2019 Algerian democracy protests: Since 16 February 2019 Algerian democracy protests
Oran province: Oran province in Algeria whose seat is the city of the same name, as the province is divided into 9 districts, which are further divided into 26 communes or municipalities
Oran city: Oran coastal city located in the north-west of Algeria, the second most important city of Algeria after the capital Algiers, due to its commercial, industrial, and cultural importance, with a population of approximately 1,500,000 residents in 2008 - Histoire d'Oran
Economy of Oran and Sonatrach: Economy of Oran, today a major trading centre for the wider area, serving Arzew, the area's oil/gas port as well as Sonatrach, the country's biggest oil and gas company
Port of Oran: Port of Wahran or Port of Oran in the west of the country and exactly in the city of Oran, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and is considered one of the important ports in each of the fields of trade and marine transportation
Timeline of Oran: Timeline of Oran since 903 CE, when Ouahran was founded by Andalusian Umayyad traders
1556/1563 sieges of Oran by Ottoman forces: 1556 Siege of Oran by Ottoman forces - 1563 sieges of Oran and Mers El Kébir by Ottoman forces
Constantine province: Constantine province of Algeria, whose capital is the city of the same name, divided into 6 districts or daïra, which are subdivided into 12 communes or municipalities
Constantine city: Constantine, the capital of Constantine Province in northeastern Algeria, located about 80 kilometres from the Mediterranean coast, on the banks of the tiny Rhumel River, regarded as the capital of eastern Algeria and the commercial center of its region with a population of about 450,000 inhabitants in 2018 (938,475 with the agglomeration), making it the third largest city in the country - History of Constantine
Economy of Constantine: Economy of Constantine - Companies based in Constantine
Annaba province: Annaba province in the north-eastern corner of Algeria with its capital Annaba, Algeria's main port for mineral exports - the province is divided into 6 districts and 12 municipalities
Annaba city: Annaba seaport city in the northeastern corner of Algeria, close to Tunisia, with a population of about 260,000 residents in 2008 the fourth largest city in Algeria and a leading industrial center in eastern Algeria - History of Annaba
Economy of Annaba: Economy of Annaba, producing iron, zinc, cork, livestock, and cereal, as the city is an important hub of the world steel industry with the steel complex of El Hadjar, phosphate and metal industries now include the Seybousa complex and the metallurgical complex of Allelik - Since 1969 El Hadjar Complex, a large steel plant located on the boundary between historical provinces of Annaba and El Taref Province
Batna province: Batna province of Algeria in the Aures region, made up of 21 districts and 61 municipalities
Batna city: Batna, the main city of Batna Province, with a population of 290,645 inhabitants in 2008 the fifth largest city in Algeria
Timeline of Batna: Chronologie de la ville de Batna
Since 1830 resistance against the French colonization: Since 1830 the inhabitants of the city revolted against the French authorities at the beginning of colonization, thereafter they organized the Algerian revolution against French colonialism, and in 1954 the Algerian revolution started at Batna
Skikda province: Skikda province of Algeria, on its eastern Mediterranean coastline, divided into 13 districts, which are further divided into 38 communes or municipalities
Skikda city: Skikda city in northeastern Algeria and a port on the Mediterranean's Gulf of Stora, the capital of Skikda Province and Skikda District, with a population of 250,000 residents in 2008
Economy of Skikda: Economy of Skikda, including natural gas, oil refining, and petrochemical industries, developed in the 1970s, and pipelines for their transportation - Économie de Skikda, qui est devenue l'un des bastions de l'industrie pétrolière du pays puisqu'elle abrite une plateforme pétrochimique qui comprend deux raffineries de pétrole, deux centrales électriques, un terminal de gazoduc et un d'oléoduc, deux unités de liquéfaction de gaz et une unité chimique de polymères
Mostaganem province: Mostaganem province in western Algeria with its capital Mostaganem, divided into 10 districts (daïras), which are further divided into 32 communes or municipalities
Mostaganem city: Mostaganem, a port city in and capital of Mostaganem province in the northwest of Algeria with 245,330 inhabitants in 2014
Economy of Mostaganem: Économie de Mostaganem, située dans une zone à vocation agricole de premier rang et à proximité du premier pôle gazier et pétrolier d’Arzew
Tizi Ouzoua province and Kabyle people: Tizi Ouzoua province of Algeria in the Kabylie region with its capital Tizi Ouzou, divided into 21 districts, which are further divided into 67 communes or municipalities - Kabyle people, a Berber ethnic group indigenous to Kabylia, spreading across the Atlas Mountains east of Algiers and representing the largest Berber-speaking population of Algeria and the second largest in the continent of Africa
Tizi Ouzou city: Tizi Ouzou or Thizi Wezzu city in north central Algeria, the capital and largest city of Tizi Ouzou Province and the second most populous city in the Kabylie region behind Béjaïa - Since 1977 University of Tizi Ouzou
Since 1830 history of Kabylie and resistance: Since 1830 history of the Kabylie, a natural, cultural and historical region in northern Algeria, that was the last stronghold against French colonization when the area was gradually taken over by the French military despite vigorous local resistance by the local population
Since April 1980 'printemps berbère': Depuis avril 1980 printemps berbère, l'ensemble des manifestations réclamant l'officialisation de la langue tamazight et la reconnaissance de l'identité et de la langue berbère en Algérie, le premier mouvement populaire d'opposition aux autorités depuis l'indépendance du pays en 1962
April 2019: 15 avril 2019: Le Rassemblement pour la culture et la démocratie RCD, qui contrôle 37 Assemblées populaires communales, principalement à Tizi Ouzou et Béjaïa, a exprimé le 'refus collectif et catégorique de tous ses élus» d'organiser et encadrer cette élection' du 4 juillet
Adrar province: Adrar province in southwestern Algeria, named after its capital Adrar, the second-largest Algerian province with an area of 424,948 km² and 402,197 inhabitants in 2008
Adrar city: Adrar, the administrative capital of Adrar Province sited around an oasis in the Tuat region of the Sahara Desert, with a population of 64,781 residents in 2008, as Adrar is mainly an agricultural town, characterized by its traditional irrigation system, the Foggara - Qanat or kariz is a gently sloping underground channel to transport water from an aquifer or water well to surface for irrigation and drinking, acting as an underground aqueduct
1960s French nuclear tests: Adrar was the site of one of the In Ekker series, French nuclear tests during the 1960s
Tamanrasset province: Tamanrasset province, the largest province in Algeria named after its province seat, making up almost a quarter of the country's area with 556,200 km², divided into 7 districts which are further divided into 10 communes or municipalities
Water resources and agriculture in Tamanrasset: Water resources and agriculture in Tamanrasset - Tourist attractions in Tamanrasset Province
Tamanrasset city: Tamanrasset, an oasis city and capital of Tamanrasset Province in southern Algeria in the Ahaggar Mountains, also the chief city of the Algerian Tuareg with a population of 92,635 inhabitants in 2008

Demographics of Algeria: Demographics of Algeria - Ethnic groups in Algeria, including Berbers, Arabs, French people, Turks and Saharan Africans - Arab-Berber make up a majority of about 99% of Algeria's inhabitants, only a minority identify themselves as Berber, although almost all Algerians are Berber in origin and not Arab)
Arabs in Algeria: Arabs in Algeria - Arab Berber - Arabized Berber
Berbers: Berbers ethnolinguistic group indigenous to North Africa - Berbers in Algeria - Berberism, a Berber political-cultural movement of ethnic, geographic, or cultural nationalism - Algerian nationalism and Algerianism, one during the French colonial era, and another one after the independence of Algeria
Since 1st century CE Jews and history of the Jews in Algeria: History of the Jews in Algeria, dating to the 1st century CE - Berber Jews - 1934 Constantine pogrom, an anti-Jewish riot that erupted in the Algerian city of Constantine - Holocaust in Algeria under the Vichy regime since 1940 - Persecution of Jews following Algerian Independence Algeria, only 50 Jews remained in Algeria in the 1990s
Turks in Algeria: Turks in Algeria
Culture of Algeria: Culture of Algeria - Languages of Algeria - Algerian Arabic derived from a variety of the Arabic languages spoken in northern Algeria - Berber languages - Algerian literature
World Heritage Sites in Algeria
Women and women's rights in Algeria: Women in Algeria - Women's rights in Algeria - Polygamy in Algeria - polygamous marriages may be legally contracted in Algeria and a man may take up to four wives, however, recent amendments to the Algerian Family Code have made it increasingly more difficult to contract such a marriage and reports of polygamous marriages occurring have been notably rare - Women's sport in Algeria
1954-1962 women during Algeria's war for independence: 1954-1962 women during Algeria's war for independence, as the majority of Muslim women who became active participants did so on the side of the National Liberation Front FLN
8 March 2019: 8 March 2019: Unlike previous years, International Women’s Day this year was marked by demonstrations in which unprecedented numbers of women and men marched in cities throughout Algeria to demand freedom, democracy, dignity, government transparency and an end to corruption
15 octobre 2022 Ryma Anane brûlée vive pour avoir refusé de se marier: 15 octobre 2022: Ryma Anane, enseignante de 28 ans, a été brûlée vive par un homme qui l'avait demandée en mariage en Algérie. Grâce à l'aide de ses proches, la jeune femme a été hospitalisée en Espagne, mais est toujours entre la vie et la mort. Cette nouvelle tentative de féminicide a provoqué une onde de choc dans le village natal de la victime et sur les réseaux sociaux.
Children and children's rights in Algeria: Children's rights in Algeria - Youth in Algeria
May 2020 10-year-old girl died in Algeria while undergoing 'faith healing': 31 May 2020: A 10-year-old girl who died in eastern Algeria while undergoing 'faith healing' appeared to suffer blows and burns, a prosecutor said, sparking angry reactions online after the arrest of a man by public prosecutors in Guelma, announcing a 28-year-old man had been arrested after the death of the girl 'who was abused during a ruqya (faith healing permitted in Islam), to which she was subjected in her family home'
Education in Algeria: Education in Algeria
Schools in Algeria: Schools in Algeria - High schools in Algeria
Universities in Algeria: Universities in Algeria - Universities in Algeria by province - University of Algiers - University of Oran - University of Batna
11 February 2021 students protest against unsafe student housing: 11 février 2021: Depuis le week-end, des manifestations ont eu lieu dans plusieurs résidences universitaires d’Algérie pour dénoncer la mort accidentelle de la jeune femme à la suite d’un court-circuit dans sa chambre d’étudiante
Health in Algeria: Health in Algeria
Medical outbreaks in Algeria: Medical outbreaks in Algeria - Man-made disasters in Algeria
2020 Chinese coronavirus outbreak in Algeria: 2020 Chinese coronavirus outbreak in Algeria
February 2020 first Algerian covid-19 case: 25 February 2020: Algerian health minister confirms first covid-19 case
3 April 2020 105 victims and 1,171 cases of covid-19: 3 avril 2020: 185 nouveaux cas confirmés de covid-19 et 22 nouveaux décès ont été enregistrés durant les dernières 24 heures en Algérie, portant le nombre de cas confirmés à 1171 et celui des décès à 105
10 April 2020 Algeria has 1,666 covid-19 cases with 235 deaths as South Africa has 1,934 cases and 18 deaths: 10 April 2020: Algeria has 1,666 cases with 235 deaths, South Africa has 1,934 cases and 18 deaths, while Egypt has 1560 confirmed cases with 103 deaths, as Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria has 288 cases and 7 deaths, according to WHO
22 September 2020 50,214 total covid-19 cases in Algeria and 1,689 deaths: 22 September 2020: 50,214 total covid-19 cases in Algeria and 1,689 deaths
Healthcare in Algeria: Healthcare in Algeria
Medical and health organisations in Algeria: Medical and health organisations based in Algeria
Hospitals in Algeria: Hospitals in Algeria
Water supply and sanitation in Algeria: Water supply and sanitation in Algeria
Media of Algeria: Media of Algeria - Censorship in Algeria
October 2019 detained journalists: 17 October 2019: Algerian authorities should immediately release journalists Said Boudour, Abdelmoundji Kheladi, and Adel Azeb Chikh, who covered protests and alleged corruption, from pretrial detention and drop all charges against them, the CPJ said today
26 March 2020 journalist Khaled Drareni jailed without serious charges: 26 March 2020: Algerian freelance journalist and correspondent for the NGO 'Reporters Without Borders' Khaled Drareni jailed after an Algiers court quashed his judicial appeal, after Drareni was arrested on 7 March while covering the start of an anti-regime demonstration in Algiers, charged of 'inciting an unarmed gathering and undermining the country’s territorial integrity'
4 April 2020 Algerian, international NGOs, call for release of jailed reporter: 4 April 2020: Algerian, international NGOs, call for release of jailed reporter Khaled Drareni, as authorities are accused of taking advantage of the covid-19 pandemic to settle scores with independent journalism
20 April 2020 media censorship: 20 avril 2020: Après Maghreb Emergent et Radio, le site Interlignes est à son tour inaccessible en Algérie, depuis ce dimanche matin
Newspapers in Algeria: Newspapers in Algeria
9 mars 2019 les quotidiens algériens en compagnie des manifestants contre Bouteflika: 9 mars 2019: Les quotidiens algériens consacraient de nombreuses pages aux centaines de milliers de manifestants qui ont défilé vendredi dans le pays contre Bouteflika
28 juillet 2023 suite à son acharnement sur l’Algérie, l’APS qualifie 'France24' de 'chaine poubelle': 28 juillet 2023: L’agence de presse algérienne - Algérie Presse Service - est revenu sur les récents agissements visant l’Algérie de la chaîne française 'France24', en qualifiant cette dernière de 'chaîne poubelle'.
Algerian broadcasting: Algerian broadcasting - Entreprise nationale de télévision - Nessma TV - Entreprise nationale de Radiodiffusion sonore
Internet in Algeria: Internet in Algeria
August 2018: 7 août 2018: Un militant des droits de l'homme algérien a été condamné à un an de prison pour avoir exprimé sa solidarité pour une minorité berbère sur Facebook
February 2019 internet disruptions: 22 February 2019: Multiple targeted internet disruptions in Algeria amid mass-demonstrations ahead of presidential elections in April 2019
March 2019 Algerians use humour and creativity to force Bouteflika to stand aside: 13 March 2019: Flooding the web with positive messages, Algerians used humour and creativity to force Abdelalziz Bouteflika to stand aside

Crime in Algeria: Crime in Algeria
Terrorism in Algeria: Terrorism in Algeria
Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique: Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique - 27 août 2011: Attentat suicide meurtrière à l'entrée de l'école militaire de Cherchell
January 2013 Aménas hostage crisis: In Aménas hostage crisis January 2013 - 17 janvier 2013: Dans une attaque meurtrière des islamistes ont pris en otage 41 Occidentaux sur un site gazier, demandant 'l’arrêt immédiat' des opérations françaises au Mali - 17 January: Algeria troops surround Islamist hostage-takers - 18 January: Fate of hostages unclear after reports that at least 30 were killed in military operation that ended a 36-hour standoff - 19 January 2013: While Algerian media says hundreds of hostages have been freed at the remote In Amenas desert gas facility, an American, a French, two British and two Japanese hostages have been confirmed dead and nations with hostages being held by militants express concern at the ongoing siege - 19 janvier: L'ultime assaut lancé par les forces spéciales algériennes à In Amenas - 20 January: Final assault on gas plant 'In Amenas' putting a bloody end to a stand-off that left at least 23 hostages and 32 militants dead, the Algerian government says - 21 janvier: Témoignages de rescapés: 'Ils ont mis une bombe sur lui, comme un collier'
September 2014 French tourist mountain guide Gourdel beheaded by Isis-linked jihadis: 24 September 2014: French tourist mountain guide Hervé Gourdel beheaded in Algeria by Isis-linked jihadis
July 2015 many Algerian soldiers killed by Islamist militant gunmen: 19 July 2015: At least 11 Algerian soldiers were killed after they were attacked by Islamist militant gunmen west of the capital Algiers
Corruption and white collar crimes in Algeria: Corruption in Algeria
10 April 2019: 10 April 2019: Algeria’s army chief Gaid Salah urged Algeria's judiciary to reopen a corruption case against oil and gas giant Sonatrach, an object of resentment for many Algerians who accuse their leaders of stealing the North African nation’s wealth, saying he expected to see members of the ruling elite in the major oil and natural gas-producing country prosecuted for corruption and that he would support a transition toward July elections
22 April 2019: 22 April 2019: Five Algerian billionaires, some of them close to former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika who quit over mass protests, have been arrested as part of an anti-graft investigation and appeared in court on Monday to face charges from the general prosecutor, state TV said
23 avril 2019: Issad Rebrab, PDG du premier groupe privé d'Algérie, Cevital, et considéré comme la première fortune du pays, a été incarcéré dans la nuit, à l'issue de sa présentation au parquet dans le cadre d'une enquête anticorruption, selon APS - 23 avril 2019: Arrestations des quatre frères, qui ont la nationalité suisse, de la puissante famille Kouninef en Algérie, propriétaire de l'important groupe KouGC spécialisé notamment dans le génie civil, l'hydraulique et le BTP
July 2019: 19 July 2019: Algerian authorities placed in preventive detention former cabinet minister Amar Ghoul under ousted president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the latest in a crackdown on corruption, according to APS
October 2019 Baha Eddine Tliba detained over money laundering: 18 October 2019: Algerian member of parliament Baha Eddine Tliba has been detained over money laundering and secretly financing political parties
Human trafficking in Algeria: Human trafficking in Algeria
Law and legal history of Algerian: Algerian law - Constitutions of Algeria since 1963 - Human rights in Algeria
Since 1962 Algerian judiciary: Since 1962 Algerian judiciary and court system
Since 1963 Constitutional Council in Algeria: Since 1963 Constitutional Council in Algeria - History of the Constitutional Council in Algeria
Since 2003 Commission of Inquiry in Algeria: Since 2003 Commission of Inquiry in Algeria, a truth commission to investigate the forced disappearance of people during civil conflict in order to give people the truth about what happened in the 1990s, however, its report was not made public and consequently Algerians are not aware of the fate of their relatives
Courts and cases in Algeria: Courts and cases in Algeria
April 2019: 28 April 2019: The Algerian justice system has summoned former police chief General Abdelghani Hamel, dismissed in June 2018, with one of his sons in a case of 'influence peddling', according to official media, saying they must be heard in the context of judicial investigation for 'illegal activities, influence peddling, misappropriation of land and abuse of office'
August 2019 arrest of former Defense Minister Nazar: 6 August 2019: An Algerian military court reportedly ordered the arrest of former Defense Minister Khaled Nazar, accusing him and two others of conspiring against the army and disrupting public order
26 March 2020 Algerian justice in spotlight after controversial rulings: 26 March 2020: Algerian justice in spotlight after controversial rulings, and after Algiers court quashed judicial appeal of jailed freelance journalist and RSF correspondent Khaled Drareni, arrested on 7 March while covering the start of an anti-regime demonstration in Algiers, charged of 'inciting an unarmed gathering and undermining the country’s territorial integrity'
25 November 2022 49 people sentenced to death for mob killing in Algeria: 25 November 2022: An Algerian court has sentenced 49 people to death for the brutal mob killing of painter Djamel Ben Ismail who was suspected of starting devastating wildfires, but had actually come to help fight them, according to defence lawyers and the state news agency. The killing in 2021 in the Kabyle region of north-east Algeria shocked the country after graphic images of it were shared on social media. It came soon after wildfires in the mountainous Berber region that killed about 90 people, including soldiers trying to tame the flames
26 March 2020 Algerian appeals court upholds anti-corruption sentences for two former PMs: 26 March 2020: Algerian appeals court has upheld sentences of over 10 years in prison for two former PMs under ex-President Abdelaziz Bouteflika following an unprecedented corruption trial, a judicial source said
2 January 2021 Algerian military court acquitted Saïd Bouteflika but pending trial in other cases relating to corruption: 2 January 2021: A military court in Algeria on Saturday acquitted Saïd Bouteflika, the brother and former advisor to deposed president Abdelaziz Boutfekila for conspiracy against the army and the state, after Bouteflika and his three co-defendants had been sentenced to 15 years in prison, as Saïd Bouteflika will be transferred to another prison pending trial in other cases relating to corruption during his brother’s 20 year rule, according to a judicial source
Since 1963 Supreme Court of Algeria: Since 1963 Supreme Court of Algeria, the highest court of appeal in Algeria, that can only review lower court decisions on questions of procedure, and will return overruled cases to the lower courts for retrial
Law enforcement in Algeria: Law enforcement in Algeria

Foreign relations of Algeria: Foreign relations of Algeria
Treaties of Algeria: Treaties of Algeria
Algeria and the United Nations: Algeria and the United Nations
Bilateral relations of Algeria: Bilateral relations of Algeria
Algeria/Angola relations: Algerian/Angola relations
Algeria/European Union relations: Algeria/European Union relations
26 September 2020 755 migrants arrested as three drowned: 26 septembre 2020: Les gardes-côtes algériens ont repêché trois corps et intercepté 755 migrants qui se trouvaient à bord de plusieurs embarcations au large des côtes algériennes, entre le 20 et 25 septembre, selon un bilan du ministère de la Défense publié samedi
Algeria/France relations: Algeria/France relations
1830-1962 French rule in Algeria: French rule in Algeria - 1954-1962 Algerian War of Independence
French nuclear test site during colonial rule: French nuclear test site during colonial rule Reggane - France and weapons of mass destruction - French nuclear weapons
Since 1962 post-colonial relations: Post-colonial relations
2012: 11 avril 2012: Ahmed Ben Bella, le premier président de l'Algérie indépendante, est décédé mercredi à Alger à l'âge de 95 ans - 15 juillet: Pour sa première visite dans un pays arabe Laurent Fabius en Algérie - au premier plan le passé et le Mali - 20 December 2012: Visiting Algeria French President Hollande refuses to apologise for Algerian colonial past - 20 December 2012: President Hollande tells Algeria's parliament French rule in Algeria was 'brutal and unfair'
2014: 24 September 2014: French tourist mountain guide Hervé Gourdel beheaded in Algeria by Isis-linked jihadis
February and December 2017: 17 February 2017: Macron calls France’s colonial past a 'crime against humanity’, as over the past 60 years France has maintained disproportionate influence over its former African colonies including control over their military and currencies - 6 December 2017: Visiting Algeria France's Macron didn't say sorry after he earlier described France’s colonial rule as a 'crime against humanity', now demanding to look to the future, as people in the streets say 'Excuse me but France will have to apologize for the martyrs we lost'
22 December 2020 Algeria demands for all archives over more than 130 years of colonial history with France: 22 December 2020: Algeria demands for all of its archives over more than 130 years of colonial history with France, as Algerian archives director Abdelmadjid Chikhi said the demand is only necessary in the logic of building peaceful and balanced relations the two countries
3 February 2021 Macron admits French soldiers tortured and killed a well-known Algerian lawyer in 1957: 3 February 2021: Macron has admitted French soldiers tortured and killed a well-known Algerian lawyer and activist during the country’s independence war, as Ali Boumendjel died after falling from a sixth-floor window in 1957 during the Battle of Algiers, and until now his death has been recorded as suicide
3 October 2021 Algeria closes airspace to French military as row grows: 3 octobre 2021: L'Algérie interdit le survol de son territoire aux avions militaires français à la suite de propos critiques d'Emmanuel Macron - 3 October 2021: Algeria has closed its airspace to French military planes, escalating the biggest row between the countries in years
10 October 2022 Algeria welcomes French PM Elisabeth Borne, signs new bilateral agreement to deepen relations: 10 October 2022: Algeria welcomes French PM Elisabeth Borne, signs new bilateral agreement to deepen relations, as they discussed ways of encouraging student, scientific and artistic mobility and economic mobility. French PM Borne mentioned three pillars for this 'strengthened' partnership, the economy to 'develop trade, innovation and create jobs', mobility, visas and youth
Algeria/Germany relations: Algeria/Germany relations
Since 1940/2017: 24 August 2017: Algeria, under the control of German client regime Vichy France since 1940, was introducing a series of anti-Semitic laws which stripped Jews of their French citizenship, barred Jewish children from public schools, and prevented Jewish doctors, lawyers, pharmacists and other professionals from working in their trades
20 February 2020 Algeria orders to deport Qatari company's German national Nikolai Beckers for sacking 900 Algerian workers: 20 February 2020: Algeria issued an order to deport the country head of the Qatari telecommunications company Ooredoo for sacking 900 Algerian workers, as newspaper said German national Nikolai Beckers was firing workers at a time when the company 'was not suffering any financial problems and was making profits'
Algeria/Israel relations: Algeria/Israel relations
Since 1962 history of Israel-Algeria relations: History of Israel-Algeria relations, as shortly after Algeria gained its independence in 1962, Israel recognized the country's independence
Since 2020 Israel-Algeria relations: Since 2020 history of Israel-Algeria relations, as amidst Gulf states' call to normalise relations, and the Hirak political renewal impact on the country's internal affairs, some voices were calling on reviewing the country's bilateral relations in a way that benefits the country
Algeria/Japan relations: Algeria/Japan relations - 19 January 2013: While Algerian media says hundreds of hostages have been freed at the remote In Amenas desert gas facility, an American, a French, two British and two Japanese hostages have been confirmed dead and nations with hostages being held by militants express concern at the ongoing siege
Algeria/Libya relations: Algeria/Libya relations - 7 septembre: Renforcement d'instabilité du Sahel depuis l'arrivée de combattants kadhafistes - conférence à Alger
September 2019 Algeria calls for an immediate ceasefire in Libya and arms embargo: 14 September 2019: Algeria has called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya, an inter-Libyan solution and an adherence to UN Security Council arms embargo on the country
20 February 2020 Algeria ready to act as a mediator in any Libya ceasefire talks: 20 February 2020: Algeria is ready to act as a mediator in any Libya ceasefire talks, according to president Tebboune, saying 'if we are given a mandate by the UN Security Council, we are capable of quickly bringing peace to Libya since Algeria is a sincere and credible mediator, and one that is accepted by all Libyan tribes', in an interview aimed at reaching Algeria’s large expatriate population in France
12 October 2020 Algeria confirms readiness to assist Libya at all levels: 12 October 2020: Algeria confirms readiness to assist Libya at all levels
19 June 2021 Sonelgaz to supply Libya with electricity: 19 June 2021: The Algerian national company for electricity and gas, Sonelgaz, announced that it would start supplying Libya with its electricity needs through the Tunisian network, as Sonelgaz affirmed Algeria's intention to back Libya in its new economic launch as a source of constructive support to the Libyans in the upcoming path of development, as Libyan warlord Haftar shuts border with Algeria
Algeria/Mali relations: Algeria/Mali relations
2012/2013: 2 September 2012: Islamist militant group in Mali says it has killed one of the Algerian diplomats it seized five months ago - January 2013 In Amenas hostage crisis - 17 January 2013: At least two people killed and dozens abducted by terrorists in a raid near an Algerian gas field, demanding end to French operations in Mali
2014: Air Algérie Flight 5017 crash on 24 July 2014 - 25 July 2014: Wreckage of an Air Algerie plane missing with 116 people on board found in Mali's Gossi region
Algeria/Morocco relations: Algeria/Morocco relations
19 July 2021 amid Western Sahara dispute Algiers decided to recall its ambassador in Rabat for 'consultations': 19 July 2021: Algiers decided on Sunday to recall its ambassador in Rabat for 'consultations with immediate effect', against the backdrop of a new diplomatic crisis between the two Maghreb countries caused by the Western Sahara dispute
3 November 2021 3 Algerians killed in bombing in border area between Mauritania and Western Sahara: 3 November 2021: Three Algerians were killed in a bombing this week in the border area between Mauritania and the disputed territory of Western Sahara, the Algerian presidency has said in a statement, blaming Morocco for the attack
Algeria/Niger relations: Algeria/Niger relations
Algeria/SADR relations: Algeria/Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic relations - RASD TV Sahrawi state-owned broadcaster located in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Tindouf Province Algeria
Algeria/Qatar relations: Algeria/Qatar relations
20 February 2020 Algeria orders to deport Qatari company's German national Nikolai Beckers for sacking 900 Algerian workers: 20 February 2020: Algeria issued an order to deport the country head of the Qatari telecommunications company Ooredoo for sacking 900 Algerian workers, as newspaper said German national Nikolai Beckers was firing workers at a time when the company 'was not suffering any financial problems and was making profits'
Algeria/Sudan relations: Algeria/Sudan relations
May 2017: 7 May 2017: Sudan and Algeria agree on bilateral coordination on peace and stability in Libya
Algeria/Switzerland relations: Algeria/Switzerland relations
April 2019: 23 avril 2019: Arrestations des quatre frères, qui ont la nationalité suisse, de la puissante famille Kouninef en Algérie, propriétaire de l'important groupe KouGC spécialisé notamment dans le génie civil, l'hydraulique et le BTP
Algeria/Tunisia relations: Algeria/Tunisia relations
August 2015: 24 August 2015: A Tunisian border guard was killed and three wounded on Sunday in a shootout with jihadists on the border with Algeria
Algeria/United Kingdom relations: Algeria/United Kingdom relations - 18 January 2013: The hostage crisis at a gas facility operated by the Algerian state oil company along with BP and Norway's Statoil, where Islamist militants were holding foreign hostages has yet to be resolved, the UK says
Algeria/USA relations: Algeria/USA relations - 29 October: In a bid to win Algerian support for an intervention in northern Mali, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika - 19 January 2013: While Algerian media says hundreds of hostages have been freed at the remote In Amenas desert gas facility, an American, a French, two British and two Japanese hostages have been confirmed dead and nations with hostages being held by militants express concern at the ongoing siege
Algeria/Vietnam relations: Algeria/Vietnam relations
2015: 3 June 2015: Vietnam and Algeria agree to increase bilateral trade from US$250 million to US$1 billion in the coming years
2017: 20 July 2017: Vietnam’s export revenue to Algeria rose 37% year-on-year to US$190 million in the first half of 2017, including export of coffee, telephones and rice
Environment of Algeria: Environment of Algeria - Natural history of Algeria - Geology of Algeria - Climate and hydrology in Algeria - Deserts of Algeria
Ecoregions of Algeria: List of ecoregions in Algeria
Water in Algeria: Water in Algeria - Bodies of water of Algeria - Rivers of Algeria
Environmental issues in Algeria: Current environmental issues in Algeria
Natural disasters in Algeria: Natural disasters in Algeria
Climate change, heatwaves and droughts in Algeria:
2015: 24 August 2015: As Algeria is not responsible for a large amount of greenhouse gases, it will still suffer greatly from the impact of climate change as heatwaves are on the rise in the country due to climate change, expert says
10 August 2021 at least seven people killed, two injured in Algeria forest fires: 10 August 2021: At least seven people killed, two injured in Algeria forest fires, as firefighters and helicopters are trying to contain several blazes threatening residents in Tizi Ouzou province, 'Al Jazeera' reports
11 August 2021 more than 60 people killed in Algerian wildfires: 11 August 2021: Firefighters, troops and civilian volunteers battled blazes in forests across northern Algeria on Wednesday as the country reeled at a death toll of at least 69 people in the latest wildfires to hit the Mediterranean
13 August 2021 fire crews make headway as Algerians pray for 71 dead: 13 August 2021: Fire crews make headway as Algerians pray for 71 dead - 13 August 2021: Wildfires continue to rage across Algeria
18 August 2022 at least 38 people killed as ‘tornado of fire’ rages in northern Algeria's El Tarf province: 18 August 2022: Algerian firefighters were on Thursday battling a string of blazes, fanned by drought and a blistering heatwave, that have killed at least 38 people and left destruction in their wake mostly in El Tarf province near Algeria’s eastern border with Tunisia, after deadly forest fires have become an annual scourge in the north African country, where the climate crisis is turning large areas into a tinderbox
22 August 2022 wildfires mainly hit El Tarf, Souk Ahras and Sétif provinces: 22 août 2022: La plupart des gigantesques incendies qui ont notamment touché El Tarf, Souk Ahras et Sétif, ont été maitrisés, ce qui n'écarte pas pour autant le risque de nouveaux départs, selon France24
24 July 2023 Algeria wildfires kill dozens of people including 10 soldiers: 24 July 2023: Ten soldiers are among 25 people to have been killed by wildfires in the mountainous Béjaïa and Bouïra regions of Algeria, as a heatwave spreads across north Africa and southern Europe. About 7,500 firefighters were trying to bring the flames under control, and about 1,500 people had been evacuated, as Algeria’s interior ministry said operations were under way to put out fires in six provinces
Earthquakes in Algeria: Earthquakes in Algeria

Bahrain - Geography of Bahrain - History of Bahrain - Demographics of Bahrain
Economy of Bahrain: Economy of Bahrain - main industries include petroleum processing and refining, aluminum smelting, iron pelletization, fertilizers, islamic and offshore banking, insurance, ship repairing, tourism - List of companies of Bahrain
Energy in Bahrain: Energy in Bahrain
Bahrain Petroleum Company and Banagas: Bahrain Petroleum Company wholly owned by the government of Bahrain, a fully integrated oil company - Banagas - Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company
2017: 12 November 2017: Bahrain blames main oil pipeline explosion on Iran-backed 'terrorism', as residents close to the incident near Buri village near Manama were being evacuated to a safe shelter
Agriculture in Bahrain: Agriculture in Bahrain, before the development of the oil industry, date palm cultivation dominated Bahrain's agriculture, since 1980s a significant number of palm groves had been replaced by new kinds of agricultural activities, including vegetable gardens, nurseries for trees and flowers, poultry production, and dairy farms, of approximately 2,400 farmers 70% do not own the land they cultivate, approximately 800 owners and absentee landlords control about 60% of all cultivable land, the ruling Al Khalifa own the greatest number of plots, including the largest and most productive ones
Banking and banks in Bahrain: List of banks in Bahrain - Central Bank of Bahrain
Financial services companies of Bahrain: Financial services companies of Bahrain
Labour relations in Bahrain: Since September 2002 'Workers Trade Union Law', passed by Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain - Labour relations and migrant workers in Bahrain
Trade unions in Bahrain: Trade unions in Bahrain
2013: 12 January 2013: Firefighters locate remains of 13 people in three-storey building that caught fire at labour camp in Manama - 12 January 2013: Eleven Bangladeshi workers were among the 13 killed in a fire that gutted a labour camp in Manama
Military of Bahrain: Military of Bahrain
Politics of Bahrain: Politics of Bahrain - King of Bahrain 2002–Present - Cabinet of Bahrain
Political parties in Bahrain: Political parties in Bahrain
Trade unions and human rights organisations in Bahrain: Trade unions in Bahrain - Human rights organisations based in Bahrain
Bahraini opposition: Bahraini opposition - Bahrain Freedom Movement - February 14 Youth Coalition since 2011 - National Democratic Action Society - Progressive Democratic Tribune
National Assembly of Bahrain: National Assembly of Bahrain - 40 royally-appointed members of the Consultative Council, the upper house
2010: Bahraini general election December 2010
2014: 22 November 2014 Bahraini general election
November 2018 Bahraini general election: 24 November 2018 Bahraini general election for the 40 seats in the lower house, following a crackdown on dissent that included prohibiting members of dissolved opposition groups from running
10 November 2020 for first time ever Bahraini Jews mark anniversary of 1938 'Kristallnacht': 10 November 2020: For first time ever, Bahraini Jews mark anniversary of 'Kristallnacht', as Kingdom’s only synagogue lit up to remember 1938 assault by Nazis on Jews and their property in Germany, part of global ‘Let There Be Light’ campaign against anti-Semitism, racism
Protests, social and political movements and repression in Bahrain: Protests in Bahrain
March/April 1965 uprising and independence of Bahrain in 1971: March/April 1965 Intifada, uprising calling for the end of the British presence in Bahrain, sparked by the laying-off of hundreds of Bahraini workers at the Bahrain Petroleum Company on 5 March 1965, resulting in the independence of Bahrain in 1971
1990s uprising in Bahrain: 1990s uprising in Bahrainan between 1994 and 1999 in which leftists, liberals and Islamists joined forces to demand democratic reforms and the reinstatement of parliament
2011-present Bahraini protests and uprising: Bahraini protests and uprising 2011–present - Timeline of the 2011/2012 Bahraini uprising
April 2011: 3 April 2011: Bahrein bans main opposition newspaper - 28 April: Bahrein sentences protesters to death
June 2011: 2 June: Security forces attack Bahraini protesters
July 2011: 1 July: Saudi troops quietly pull out of Bahrain after crackdown on anti-government protests - 3 July: 200 German tanks 'Leopard' to Saudi-Arabia - 4 July: Saudi sources confirm German tanks deal - 44 tanks already bought - Bahrain opposition to join dialogue process 2 July - 17 July: Opposition 'quits Bahrain-talks' - Human Rights Watch report: Violence to stop protesters from receiving treatment - doctors and nurses targeted - Protesters reject Bahrain dialogue results July 29
August 2011: 13 August 2011: Bahrains's main opposition Al-Wefaq to boycott September 24 by-polls demanding a representative, elected parliament and civil rights - 31 August: Bahraini teenage boy killed in protest by police
September 2011: 1 September: Thousands march at Bahraini boy's funeral - 2 September: Bahrain medics go on hunger strike over trials - 3 September: More detainees join Bahrain hunger strike - 17 September: Bahrain forces fire tear gas at funeral - 23 September: Again Bahrain forces fire tear gas on protesters - 29 September: Bahrain sentences medics who treated protesters - 29 September: Medics who treated protesters jailed for 5,10 and 15 years
October 2011: 2. Oktober: Internationale Kritik an Sondergericht in Bahrain - verurteilte Ärzte fordern UN-Untersuchung - 3 October: 36 Bahrainis given prison sentences of between 15 and 25 years for taking part in rallies - 5 October: Bahrain retrial for 20 medics jailed over protests as 19 more activists are jailed over protests - 8 October: US politicians seek to halt Bahrain arms deal - 18 October: US plan to sell more weapons to Bahrain - 20 October: US suspends Bahrain arms deal ahead of probe
November 2011: 4. November: Panzerfahrzeuge und Tränengas gegen Trauerzug für einen nach Oppositionsangaben durch Polizeigewalt getöteten Mann - 23 November: Commission says in a report accepted by government that Bahrain forces used 'excessive force' and tortured detainees in 2011 - 24 November: Police fire tear gas and rubber bullets as around 2000 Bahrainis protest against monarchy in the wake of the report into government human-rights abuses
January 2012: 7 January: Bahraini activist beaten by 'riot police' - NZZ 7. Januar 2012: Tausende trotzen dem Demonstationsverbot in Manama am Samstag - 10 January: Thousands Bahrainis protest outside the UN's office in Manama calling for intervention to protect civilians - 26 January: Bahrain confirms teen Mohammed Yaaqub died in police custody - opposition says cause of death war torture
February 2012: 4 February: Bahrain protests grow ahead of anniversary - 14 February: Bahrain police repel protesters in Manama
March 2012: 9 March: Tens of thousands of Bahrainis have demonstrated outside the capital Manama demanding reform and more democracy - 13 March: Bahrain added to web censorship blacklist - 23 March: Activists and opposition supporters demonstrate in locations across nation to demand equal rights for Shias
April 2012: 6 April: Thousands protest in support of hunger striker Abdulhadi al-Khawaja moved to army hospital after nearly two months - 18 April: Thousands of pro-democracy protesters marched through a village outside the Bahraini capital on Wednesday - 20 April: Thousands of Bahrain Formula One race protesters dispersed - 21 April: Protester Salah Abbas Habib killed during Bahrain clashes - 22. April: Proteste in Bahrain vor Formel-1-Rennspektakel, der Demonstrant Salah Abbas Habib tot und eilige königliche Versprechungen - 23 April: Funeral for killed Salah Abbas Habib and thousands of protesters as Bahrain court delays ruling in activists case - 30 April: Jailed opposition activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja is to have his case retried, an appeal court has ruled
May 2012:4. Mai: Tausende fordern in Bahrain Reformen und Wahl einer Regierung - 11. Mai: Erneut Gewalt gegen Demonstranten, die die Freilassung inhaftierter Oppositioneller fordern - 19 May: Tens of thousands Bahrain protesters decry unity plans with Saudis - 28 May: Bahrain activist Al-Khawaja to end hunger strike following the release on bail of detained activist, Nabeel Rajab - 28 May: Bahrain activist Rajab released on bail
June 2012: 8 June: Police break up pro-democracy mass protests in Bahrain - 12 June: An 11-year-old boy chased down while playing in street and detained for nearly a month describes his time in custody, saying that police accused him of taking part in violent protests - 14 June: Bahrain court convicts medics for role in uprising - 27 June: Three policemen accused of killing three people during pro-democracy protests
July 2012: 10 July: Jail for Bahrain protest leader over tweet - 12 July: Huge crowds throng funerals for two Shia demonstrators killed by security forces in rallies following arrest of cleric
August 2012: 3 August: Activists say Zainab al-Khawaja was held along with dozens of protesters demanding political reforms in Gulf kingdom - 16 August: Bahraini activist Nabeel Rajab jailed for three years - 18 August: 16-year-old Husam al-Haddad died of injuries suffered after he was beaten by security forces in a confrontation late Friday night - 31 August: Tens of thousands join protest demanding release of prisoners and chanting anti-government slogans
September 2012: 4. Dezember: Manama Strafgericht verurteilt sieben bahrainische Regimegegner wegen ihrer Beteiligung an Strassenprotesten im Februar 2011 zu lebenslangen Haftstrafen - 8 September: Police fire tear gas at protesters calling for prisoner releases in Manama - 18 September: Seven lieutenants are charged with torturing Shia medics to obtain confessions - 29 September: Seventeen-year-old dies after police fire shotgun pellets at anti-government rally in Manama - 29 September: Police opens fire to disperse angry Shiite protesters following the funeral of the youth who was shot dead a day before
October 2012: 2 October: Bahrain medics jailed after losing appeal - 3 October: Rights activist Zainab al-Khawaja released from prison after a two-month jail term in an ongoing arbitrary political prosecution - 3 October: Protesters clashed with riot police after the funeral of a man jailed for taking part in last year's pro-democracy demonstrations - 6 October: Police use water cannon and tear gas to disperse mainly Shia protesters after memorial for Mohammed Ali Ahmed Mushaima who died in jail - 12 October: Police fire teargas and stun grenades to disperse hundreds of stone-throwing anti-government protesters - 30 October: Interior ministry imposed emergency-style rules banning all protest gatherings and threatening legal action against groups considered backing escalating demonstrations and clashes
November 2012: 2 November: Small demonstrations in support of a jailed opposition leader break out three days after the monarchy forbids them - 11 November: Government deploys paramilitaries to patrol city
December 2012: 1 December: Bahraini police fired tear gas and stun bombs to break up protests overnight in Shiite-populated villages around Manama, leading to arrests and injuries - 10 December: A court has sentenced pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja to one month in prison
January 2013: 7 January: Bahrain's highest appeal court has upheld the sentences of 13 activists for their part in anti-government protests last year
February 2013: 10 February: Bahrain crisis talks to begin as Shiite envoys remain wary of opening a process that they believe has no chance of reaching their goals: forcing the ruling monarchy to give up its monopoly on power and allow an elected government - 14 February: 16-year-old Hussain al-Jaziri shot at close range and killed during a protest in Al-Daih near Manama, marking the second anniversary of the country's pro-democracy rallies
March 2013: 14 March 2013: Anti-government protesters clash with riot police, two years after Saudi-led force quelled Gulf island's uprising - 28 March: Defence lawyer says, 21 medical personnel have been cleared of charges linked to anti-government protests but cases remain open against two others
April 2013: 21 April: Ongoing pro-democracy protests against Formula One Grand Prix 2013
May 2013: 10 May: The blogger Ali Abdulemam has been smuggled out of the troubled Gulf kingdom and taken refuge in the UK
2016: 2 avril 2016: Après le soulèvement de 2011 sur fond de printemps arabes, la répression dénoncée par les opposants se poursuit à Bahreïn - 13 June 2016: Bahrain detains rights activist Nabeel Rajab in raid that coincides with UN meeting in Geneva, as other activists were barred from attending and as UN official criticises repression - 18 July 2016: Bahraini authorities have stepped up their pressure on Nazeeha Saeed, the France24 correspondent who was detained and tortured 2011, now prosecuted for 'illegal reporting' on behalf of foreign media in what appears to be a renewed crackdown on free expression
2017: 26 January 2017: Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab accused at a court hearing, from which he and his lawyer were excluded, is facing a lengthy prison sentence simply for stating that journalists and international NGOs cannot enter Bahrain - 6 March 2017: Justice ministry files lawsuit to dissolve secular Wa’ad group, the main opposition party, and transfers many civilian judicial cases to a military court, amid fresh crackdown on dissent and human rights
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Bahrain: Bahraini society - Demographics of Bahrain
Demographics and ethnic groups in Bahrain: Demographics of Bahrain - Ethnic groups in Bahrain - Ethnic, cultural and religious groups of Bahrain
Bahrani people: Bahrani people
Filipinos in Bahrain: Filipinos in Bahrain
Indians in Bahrain: Indians in Bahrain, today numbering at an estimated 400,000 people or 31% out of the country's total population of 1.3 million, making them the largest expatriate group in the country
Jews in Bahrain: Jews in Bahrain
History of the Jews in Bahrain: History of the Jews in Bahrain, as history of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula dates back to Biblical times
10 November 2020 for first time ever Bahraini Jews mark anniversary of 1938 'Kristallnacht': 10 November 2020: For first time ever, Bahraini Jews mark anniversary of 'Kristallnacht', as Kingdom’s only synagogue lit up to remember 1938 assault by Nazis on Jews and their property in Germany, part of global ‘Let There Be Light’ campaign against anti-Semitism, racism
Pakistanis in Bahrain: Pakistanis in Bahrain
Migrant workers in Bahrain: As of 2011 there were more than 458,000 migrant workers in Bahrain, many of whom experience prolonged periods of withheld wages, passport confiscation, unsafe housing, excessive work hours and physical abuse, according to Human Rights Watch
Culture of Bahrain: Culture of Bahrain
Religion and freedom of religion in Bahrain: Religion and freedom of religion in Bahrain
Languages of Bahrain: Languages of Bahrain - Bahrani Arabic
Women and women's rights in Bahrain: Women in Bahrain - Polygamy - legal in Bahrain - Women's rights in Bahrain
Education in Bahrain: Education in Bahrain
Health in Bahrain: Health in Bahrain
Media of Bahrain: Media of Bahrain
Censorship in Bahrain: Censorship in Bahrain, notorious for jailing journalists, deemed ‘Not Free’ in terms of Net Freedom and Press Freedom by Freedom House, and the 2016 World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders ranked Bahrain 162nd out of 180 countries
Journalist arrests: Journalist arrests, escalating during the uprisings of 2011
Newspapers in Bahrain: Newspapers in Bahrain
Internet in Bahrain: Internet in Bahrain - Internet surveillance and filtering - Arrested bloggers in Bahrain
Human rights in Bahrain: Human rights in Bahrain - Human rights organisations based in Bahrain
Since 2011 Human rights reports on the Bahraini uprising: Since 2011 Human rights reports on the Bahraini uprising
2017 'grand prix' protest: 15 April 2017: If F1 can't help protect ordinary Bahrainis, stop the grand prix, Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy's Alwadaei says, as the race exacerbates the human rights abuses that take place in Bahrain, with any protest or criticism being silenced to protect financial interests
Crime in Bahrain: Crime in Bahrain
Torture and police brutality in Bahrain: Torture in Bahrain
2012: 29 April 2012: Bahrain's police continues to beat and torture detainees including minors, Human Rights Watch says
2011/2016: 30 May 2011 - 20 January 2016: France 24 correspondent Nazeeha Saeed tortured for covering pro-democracy demonstrations
Prisons in Bahrain: Prisons in Bahrain
Corruption in Bahrain: Corruption in Bahrain
Human trafficking in Bahrain: Human trafficking in Bahrain
Law of Bahrain: Law of Bahrain - Constitutions of Bahrain - 'Amiri Decree', the decree of an Emir in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates - 1974 'State Security' decree law in Bahrain
Judiciary of Bahrain: Judiciary and court system of Bahrain
Court of Cassation (supreme court) in Bahrain: Since 1989 Court of Cassation, established as a supreme court of appeal, as the judges for the court are appointed and removed by royal decree and the current Chief Justice of Bahrain and president of the Court of Cassation is Khalifa bin Rashid Al Khalifa, a cousin of King Hamad and the prime minister, and a member of the Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain
December 2018 rights activist Nabeel Rajab case: 31 December 2018: Bahrain’s supreme court, whose verdicts are final, upheld a five-year jail term against high-profile rights activist Nabeel Rajab for writing tweets deemed offensive to the state and who is already serving a two-year term in another case
Law enforcement in Bahrain: Law enforcement in Bahrain
Prisons in Bahrain: Prisons in Bahrain
Capital punishment in Bahrain: Capital punishment in Bahrain
July 2019 Bahrain executions: 27 July 2019: Bahrain executes 2 in terrorism case decried by activists, despite last minute appeals by UN's Agnès Callamard and Human Rights Watch, citing allegations of torture - 27 July 2019: Bahrain executes three people, despite human rights outcry
Foreign relations of Bahrain: Foreign relations of Bahrain
International reactions to the 2011-2013 Bahraini uprising
Bahrain and the United Nations: Bahrain and the United Nations
July 2019: 26 July 2019: A last-minute appeal to stop the imminent execution of two men in Bahrain has been issued by the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, Agnès Callamard, also saying the men were allegedly tortured, prevented from attending their trial and sentenced to death in absentia, as pressure mounts on the country’s king to revoke the death sentences
Bilateral relations of Bahrain: Bilateral relations of Bahrain
Bahrain/Argentina relations:
July 2019 Hezbollah a terrorist organization: 19 July 2019: Bahrain on Friday joined Israel in commending Argentina for branding the Hezbollah a terrorist organization and freezing its assets, 25 years to the day after a bombing blamed on the Iran-backed group destroyed a Jewish community center
Bahrain/India relations: Bahrain/India relations
Indians in Bahrain: Indians in Bahrain
Bahrain/Iran relations: Bahrain/Iran relations - Arab-Iran relations: Bahrain - Safavid dynasty, Shia Islam state religion and Safavid rule in Bahrain 1602–1717
Relations since 1979 Islamic regime in Iran: Bahrain-Iran relations since 1979 Islamic regime in Iran and its intention to export its Islamic revolution throughout the Muslim world, especially in the Arab world
Bahrain/Israel relations: Bahrain/Israel relations
2018: 7 January 2018: With rare Israel visit, Bahraini delegation - including Sunni and Shiite Muslims, as well as Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs - seeks new dialogue for coexistence
June 2019 Bahrain backs Israel’s right to exist: 26 June 2019: Israel is here to stay, and we want peace with it, Bahrain FM says to 'Times of Israel', also saying Manama conference could be 'gamechanger’
12 September 2020 Bahrain normalizes ties with Israel: 12 September 2020: Bahrain normalizes ties with Israel weeks after UAE deal
Bahrain/Oman relations: Bahrain/Oman relations
1717: 1717 Omani invasion of Bahrain
Bahrain/Pakistan relations: Bahrain/Pakistan relations - Pakistanis in the Middle East - Pakistanis in Bahrain
Bahrain/Philippines relations: Bahrain/Philippines relations
Filipinos in Bahrain: Filipinos in Bahrain
Bahrain/Portugal relations: Portuguese rule in Bahrain 1521-1602
Bahrain/Saudi Arabia relations: Bahrain/Saudi Arabia relations - Bani Utbah federation of Arab tribes, which originated from Najd - 1783 Bani Utbah invasion of Bahrain - House of Khalifa, the ruling family of Bahrain and belonging to the Utub tribe that migrated from Najd to Kuwait in the early 18th century
Bahrain/United Kingdom relations: Bahrain/United Kingdom relations - Signing the General Maritime Treaty with the United Kingdom in 1820, Bahrain became a British protectorate - General Maritime Treaty of 1820 - After a plebiscite Bahrain declared independence on 15 August 1971
10 May 2019: 10 May 2019: I’m fasting in protest outside Royal Windsor Horse Show to save my father in Bahrain', Ali Mushaima says, whose father Hassan Mushaima, a major opposition party's leader and a lifelong campaigner for democracy in Bahrain, was arrested, tortured and jailed for life by military tribunal and is still denied medical care, as human rights groups have condemned his cruel and humiliating treatment and called for his release
Bahrain/USA relations: Bahrain/USA relations - 12 May 2012: USA partially resumes military supplies to Gulf Arab ally Bahrain

Djibouti - Geography of Djibouti - History of Djibouti - Demographics of Djibouti
Economy of Djibouti: Economy of Djibouti is derived in large part from its strategic location on the Red Sea, unemployment is extremely high - main industries are dairy, fishing, salt, construction, mining - List of companies based in Djibouti
Mining in Djibouti: Mining and manufacturing in Djibouti accounted for 3% of the gross domestic product in 2004, which stood at around $1.6 billion, as Djibouti has been known to produce occasional small quantities of clays, granite, limestone, marble, salt, sand and gravel, and crushed and dimension stone for domestic construction projects
Energy in Djibouti: Energy in Djibouti
Agriculture in Djibouti: Agriculture in Djibouti, the third economic activity in Djibouti, employing 10% of the Djiboutian workforce, as agriculture makes up 3% of the wider economy value in Djibouti, that depends on imports in most foods, as climatic conditions and poor soils limit farm output, and as domestic food production meets about 15% of demand
Water in Djibouti: Water in Djibouti
Transport in Djibouti: Transport in Djibouti, including highways, airports, railways and seaports
Water transport in Djibouti: Water transport in Djibouti
Ports and harbours of Djibouti: Ports and harbours of Djibouti
Port of Djibouti and Doraleh, part of the Port of Djibouti: Port of Djibouti, located at the crossroads of one of the busiest shipping routes in the world, linking Europe, the Far East, the Horn of Africa and the Persian Gulf, serving as a key refueling and transshipment center, and the principal maritime outlet for imports to and exports from neighboring Ethiopia - Port of Doraleh is an extension of the Port of Djibouti, located 5 km west of Djibouti City. The multipurpose port has terminals for handling oil, bulk cargo, and containers. It was partially owned and operated by DP World and China Merchants Holdings, until its container facility was seized by the government of Djibouti in February 2018 - Since 2009 Doraleh Container Terminal
Rail transport in Djibouti: Rail transport in Djibouti
Since January 2018 Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway: Since January 2018 Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway, a new standard gauge international railway that serves as the backbone of the new Ethiopian National Railway Network, as more than 95% of Ethiopia's trade passes through Djibouti, accounting for 70% of the activity at the Port of Djibouti - Since 1917 Ethio-Djibouti Railway, a metre gauge railway in the Horn of Africa that once connected Addis Ababa to the port city of Djibouti
Labour and trade unions in Djibouti: Trade unions in Djibouti
Djibouti Armed Forces: Djibouti Armed Forces - Military history of Djibouti
Politics of Djibouti: Politics of Djibouti
Political parties in Djibouti: Political parties in Djibouti
May 1977 Afars and Issas independence referendum: Afars and Issas independence referendum 8 May 1977
2011 Djiboutian presidential election: Djiboutian presidential election 2011
February 2013 Djiboutian parliamentary election: Djiboutian parliamentary election 22 February 2013
April 2016 Djiboutian presidential election: 8 April 2016 Djiboutian presidential election - 9 April: Djibouti incumbent president Guelleh wins a fourth five-year term, according to provisional results
February 2018 Djibouti legislative election: 23 February 2018 Djibouti legislative election
April 2021 president Ismaïl Omar Guelleh 're-elected' for his fifth five-year term: 9 April 2021 presidential elections in Djibouti, as incumbent president Ismaïl Omar Guelleh was re-elected for his fifth five-year term, having served in the role since 1999, as opposition boycotted the election
Social movements and protests in Djibouti:
2011 Djiboutian protests: 2011 Djiboutian protests
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Djibouti: Djiboutian society - Demographics of Djibouti
Culture of Djibouti: Culture of Djibouti - Languages of Djibouti - Somali language - Afar language - Ta'izzi-Adeni Arabic - Arabic language - French language
Education in Djibouti: Education in Djibouti
Health in Djibouti: Health in Djibouti
Djiboutian media: Djiboutian media
Human rights in Djibouti: Human rights in Djibouti - Religion in Djibouti
Minority and women's rights in Djibouti: Minority and women's rights - Polygamy in Djibouti
Crime in Djibouti: Crime in Djibouti
Human trafficking in Djibouti: Human trafficking in Djibouti
Law enforcement in Djibouti: Law enforcement in Djibouti
Foreign relations of Djibouti: Foreign relations of Djibouti
Djibouti/China relations: Djibouti/China relations
2015: 7 December 2015: China plans to build its first overseas military outpost in the east African nation of Djibouti, a move analysts say is part of a broader global economic and political strategy and reflects Chinese interests in Africa
Since 2017 Chinese naval base in Djibouti: Chinese naval base in Djibouti
July 2017: 12 July 2017: China sends troops to open first overseas military base in Djibouti
Djibouti/Eritrea relations: Djibouti/Eritrea relations - Djiboutian–Eritrean border conflict June 2008
Djibouti/Ethiopia relations: Djibouti/Ethiopia relations
Since January 2018 Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway: Since January 2018 Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway, a new standard gauge international railway that serves as the backbone of the new Ethiopian National Railway Network, as more than 95% of Ethiopia's trade passes through Djibouti, accounting for 70% of the activity at the Port of Djibouti - Since 1917 Ethio-Djibouti Railway, a metre gauge railway in the Horn of Africa that once connected Addis Ababa to the port city of Djibouti
Djibouti/France relations: Djibouti/France relations, since independenc of Djibouti in 1977 the largest French military base in Africa is located in Djibouti's territorial waters in the Red Sea
1881-1914 'Scramble for Africa': 'Scramble for Africa' invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of African territory by European powers between 1881 and 1914
1883-1967 'French Somaliland': 1883-1967 'French Somaliland' was a French colony in the Horn of Africa - March 1967 French Somaliland independence referendum - 1967-1977 French Territory of the Afars and the Issas, the name given to present-day Djibouti
May 1977 Afars and Issas independence referendum: May 1977 Afars and Issas independence referendum
December 2018: 21 December 2018: French terror suspect Peter Cherif, also known as Abou Hamza, linked by police to the 2015 attack on Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people has been arrested in Djibouti
Djibouti/Somalia relations: Djibouti/Somalia relations
Djibouti/USA relations: Djibouti/USA relations - 'Camp Lemonnier' USA Naval Expeditionary Base, the only permanent USA military base in Africa, situated at Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport and home to the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa
Djibouti/Yemen relations: Djibouti/Yemen relations - Ta'izzi-Adeni Arabic
Environment of Djibouti: Environment of Djibouti - Geology of Djibouti - Climate of Djibouti
Ecoregions of Djibouti: Ecoregions of Djibouti - Landforms of Djibouti
Water in Djibouti: Water in Djibouti
Ports and harbours of Djibouti: Ports and harbours of Djibouti
Natural disasters in Djibouti: Natural disasters in Djibouti
November 2019 Djibouti floods: 28 November 2019: Flash flooding has hit the East African nation of Djibouti, where the government and UN say the equivalent of two years’ rain fell in a single day, as several regional countries including Kenya are struggling after heavy rains, with more to come

Egypt - History of Egypt - Geography of Egypt - Ancient Egyptian agriculture - Recent history of Egypt - Demographics of Egypt
Economy of Egypt: Economy of Egypt - main industries include textiles, food processing, tourism, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons, construction, cement, metals, light manufactures - Companies of Egypt by industry
Manufacturing in Egypt: Manufacturing companies of Egypt - List of companies of Egypt
Military industry in Egypt: Egyptian military industry
Telecommunications in Egypt: Telecommunications in Egypt
Tourism in Egypt: Tourism in Egypt
Modern times tourist destinations in Egypt, millennia-old monuments and pyramids: Major attractions and tourist destinations in Egypt include the millennia-old monuments in the Nile Valley. Principal among them are the Pyramids and Great Sphinx at Giza, the Abu Simbel temples south of Aswan and the Karnak Temple Complex and Valley of the Kings near Luxor.
20th/21st centuries treatment of ancient mummies linked to commercial tourism industry: Treatment of ancient mummies in modern times, as first - following the spread of Islam, its 'Golden Age' and based on a mistranslation from the Arabic term for bitumen, it was thought that mummies possessed healing properties - it became common practice to grind Egyptian mummies into a powder to be sold and used as medicine. Then - when actual mummies became unavailable - the sun-desiccated corpses of criminals, slaves and suicidal people were substituted by mendacious merchants. The trade in mummies - i.e. deceased humans who wanted to be protected against unwanted observation, visits, sacrileges - seems to have been frowned upon by Turkish authorities who ruled Egypt. Several Egyptians were imprisoned for boiling mummies to make oil in 1424. However, mummies were in high demand in Europe and it was possible to buy them for the right amount of money. During the 19th century, following the discovery of the first tombs and artifacts in Egypt, egyptology was a huge fad in Europe, especially in Victorian England. European aristocrats would occasionally entertain themselves by purchasing mummies, having them unwrapped, and holding observation sessions. The pioneer of this kind of entertainment in Britain was Thomas Pettigrew known as 'Mummy' Pettigrew due to his 'work'. Such unrolling sessions destroyed hundreds of mummies, because the exposure to the air caused them to disintegrate. While mummies were used in medicine, some researchers have brought into question these other uses such as making paper and paint, fueling locomotives and fertilizing land.
17 June 2019 'Bandages, Bitumen, Bodies and Business', Egyptian mummies as raw materials: 17 June 2019: 'Bandages, Bitumen, Bodies and Business', Egyptian mummies as raw materials, by Chris Elliott, University of Southampton
Since January 2011 impact of Egypt's Revolution and Counter-revolution on Tourism: Since January 2011 impact of Egypt's Revolution and Counter-revolution on Tourism
June 2013 Egypt’s tourism minister resigns, links to Islamic militants: 19 June 2013: Egypt’s tourism minister resigns over appointment of new governor of Luxor province Al-Khayat, who is linked to Islamic militant's Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya, the group behind the Luxor massacre 1997 - 30 June 2013: Morsi’s policies failed to revive Egypt's suffering tourism sector - 11 February 2014: Egypt's tourism industry is battling to recover from its 'worst year in modern history', after millions of tourists were put off visiting resorts and heritage sites in 2013
September 2015, 2016 Egyptian forces bombed a convoy of Mexican tourists: 18 September 2015: Egyptian forces bombed a convoy of Mexican tourists about five times over a period of three hours, even after local security forces on the ground had stopped them twice and cleared their passage, according to a survivor - 9 January 2016: Police kill attacker as 3 tourists stabbed at Egyptian resort
March 2020 new threat from Chinese coronavirus: 12 March 2020: Just when Egypt’s crucial tourism sector was recovering from the 2011 revolution, a 2013 coup, consistent Islamist threats and suppression of democracy, the billion dollar industry finds itself preparing for a possible attack from the new coronavirus
Banking in Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt - List of banks in Egypt
Egypt's state budget and crisis:
2011-2012: Deficit in 2011-12 budget revised to 8,6% - 22 August 2012: Egypt requests IMF loan
2013: 5 January 2013: Egypt's uprising against the regime of Mubarak has not been accompanied by an economic boom - 15 April 2013: 9.5% deficit forecast for Egypt's 2013/14 state budget - 16 May 2013: Egypt sees major decline in consumer confidence in Q1/2013 - 3 June 2013: Egypt’s budget deficit estimated to hit EGP 197.5bn by end of June
Agriculture in Egypt: Agriculture in Egypt - Category: Agriculture in Egypt
2013: 2 October 2013: Egypt aims for revolution in desert farming promoting 'Aquaponics', an ancient form of cultivation that originated with the Aztecs and enables farmers to increase yields by growing plants and farming fish in the same closed freshwater system - Aquaponics
Irrigation in Egypt: Irrigation in Egypt
Water supply, management and sanitation in Egypt: Water supply and sanitation in Egypt - Water resources management in modern Egypt - Alexandria Water Company
Water in Egypt: Water in Egypt - Bodies of water of Egypt - List of rivers of Egypt - there is only one year-round river in Egypt, the Nile
Nile: Nile - Nile basin - Nile Basin Initiative - Water politics in the Nile Basin
Aswan Dam, Lake Nasser, irrigation projects: Aswan Dam - Aswan Low Dam
Lake Nasser
Three mega-projects were initiated in the mid-1990s to irrigate so-called 'New Lands' outside the Nile River Valley - The North Sinai Development Project
New Valley Project
Transport in Egypt: Transport in Egypt
Transport disasters in Egypt: Transport disasters in Egypt
Water transport in Egypt: Water transport in Egypt
Suez Canal: Suez Canal
2013/2014: 1 September 2013: Suez Canal Authority says attack attempted on container ship - 1 September 2013: Egypt arrests three who machine-gunned ship in Suez Canal and captures suspected mastermind of ambush that killed 25 police in Sinai - 6 August 2014: Egypt to build second, parallel Suez Canal
Maritime incidents in Egypt: Maritime incidents in Egypt
Since 23 March 2021 Suez Canal obstruction: Since 23 March 2021 Suez Canal obstruction, an ongoing maritime incident involving 'Ever Given', a 400-metre-long container ship - 26 March 2021: Urgent salvage efforts are continuing along the banks of the Suez canal to free a container ship that has been stuck there for nearly four days causing a major jam of hundreds of vessels and blocking a key artery of the global economy - 26 March 2021: At least 20 of the boats delayed due to a stricken container ship in the Suez canal are carrying livestock, according to marine tracking data, raising concerns about the welfare of the animals if the logjam becomes protracted
Rail transport and Egyptian National Railways: Rail transport in Egypt - Egyptian National Railways
Railway accidents and incidents in Egypt: Railway accidents and incidents in Egypt
26 March 2021 dozens killed in train crash in southern Egypt: 26 March 2021: Two trains have collided in southern Egypt, causing three passenger carriages to flip over and killing 32 people, health authorities have said, as 66 people were reportedly injured
Foreign Trade of Egypt: Foreign Trade of Egypt - 23 July 2013: The European Union, traditionally Egypt's main trading partner, covering 23% of Egypt's trade volume in 2012 and ranking first both as Egypt's import and export partner
Banking in Egypt: Banking in Egypt - List of banks in Egypt
Central Bank of Egypt and currency: Central Bank of Egypt and currency
Economic history and economic cycles in Egypt: Economic history of Egypt
Since 2007/2008 global financial crisis and Egypt's response: Global financial crisis since 2007/2008 and Egypt's response
April 2020 lockdowns amid covid-19 pandemic threaten Egypt’s residents: 15 April 2020: Egypt's partial lockdown amid covid-19 pandemic threatens the livelihoods of many of Egypt’s 100 million residents, one of three of whom were already living in poverty, according to government figures
1 April 2022 Egypt's currency loses 17% of its value: 1 April 2022: Egypt's currency loses 17% of its value ahead of Ramadan, as prices of food are going up in many countries in North Africa and the Middle East
Poverty, income distribution and unemployment in Egypt: Poverty and income distribution in Egypt - 25 July 2013: Unemployment Rate in Egypt increased to 13.20 percent in the first quarter of 2013
Society, demographics, culture and human rights in Egypt: Egyptian society
Human rights in Egypt: Human rights in Egypt - Political repression in Egypt
August 2015 police brutality thrives in Egypt: 21 August 2015: Police brutality thrives in Egypt, as four years after the Egyption uprising police brutality and abuse have only gotten worse
2016 persisting police brutality: 26 January 2016: Five years after the Egyptian revolution, police brutality persists
November 2018 ongoing crackdown on civil society: 1 November 2018: Egyptian authorities have arrested 19 rights lawyers and activists, including eight women, as part of the country’s ongoing crackdown on civil society, rights group says - 19 November 2018: Egyptian police and NSA have arrested more than 40 human rights activists, lawyers and political activists since late October, as many as 80 people may have been arrested, but so far only 40 names were able to be verified by Human Rights Watch
December 2018 EU urges ban on security, surveillance exports to Egypt: 13 December 2018: Human rights groups estimate that as many as 60,000 political prisoners languish in Egyptian jails, significantly more than under Mubarak's dictatorship, as EU parliament urges ban on security, surveillance exports to Egypt over dire human rights record
11 December 2020 'not just Giulio Regeni', hundreds have died in Egyptian custody, report says: 11 December 2020: The number of people dying in Egyptian detention centres rose by a further 100 in 2020, taking the total number of deaths over 1,000 since the Egyptian dictatorship seized power in 2013, a new Geneva-based 'Committee for Justice' report says
Governorates of Egypt: 27 governorates of Egypt
List of cities and towns in Egypt: List of cities and towns in Egypt - List of towns and villages in Egypt
Cairo city: Cairo city, the capital and largest city of Egypt, as its metropolitan area, with a population of 21.3 million, is the largest in Africa, in the Arab world, and the 6th-largest in the world, and as Cairo is associated with ancient Egypt
Economy of Cairo: Economy of Cairo
History of Egypt and Cairo: History of Egypt and Cairo
Timeline of Cairo since 1st century BCE: Timeline of Cairo since 1st century BCE
Since 1st century BCE Babylon Fortress in the Nile Delta: Since 1st century BCE Babylon Fortress in the Nile Delta, located in the area situated in the former area of the Heliopolite Nome (known today as Coptic Cairo) upon the east bank of the Nile, and near the commencement of the Pharaonic Canal from the Nile to the Red Sea
From 4th church to 7th century CE mosque: 4th–5th centuries CE Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church built, 6th century church of Saint Menas established, 642 Mosque of Amr ibn al-As built
Since 972 Al-Azhar University in Cairo: Since 972 Al-Azhar University in Cairo, renowned as the most prestigious university for Sunni Islamic learning, as later and in addition to higher education Al-Azhar oversees a national network of schools with approximately two million students, and as of 1996 over 4,000 teaching institutes in Egypt were affiliated with the University
1798 French military leader Napoleon arrives: 1798 French military leader Napoleon arrives, later self declared emperor imitating Caesar and Augustus - March 1801 Battle of Alexandria, fought Napoleon's army and the British empire's expeditionary corps near the ruins of Nicopolis, as the fighting now was parts of the French campaign in Egypt and Syria against the Ottoman Empire, which began in 1798 - May-June Siege of Cairo (also known as the Cairo Campaign), as the evening of the 28th August (!) the British and the Ottoman empires took possession of Giza and Cairo where the British and Turkish colours were conjointly hoisted - August-September 1801 Siege of Alexandria, as by 2 September 10,000 French surrendered under terms which allowed them to keep their personal weapons and baggage, and to return to France on British ships, but all French ships and cannons at Alexandria were surrendered to the British and to the Turks under Capitan Pacha (!) - 1805 Muhammad Ali's seizure of power, who became Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha, known as Muhammad Ali of Egypt and the Sudan until March 1848
1892 Ben Ezra Synagogue (re)built: Since Middle Ages Ben Ezra Synagogue, whose geniza or store room was found in the 19th century to contain a treasure of forgotten, stored-away Hebrew, Aramaic and Judeo-Arabic secular and sacred manuscripts, as the collection, known as the Cairo Geniza, was brought to the University of Cambridge at the instigation of Solomon Schechter, and is now divided between several academic libraries, with the majority being kept at the Cambridge University Library
Since 1908 Cairo University, known as the Egyptian University from 1908 to 1940, until the campaigns by Nazi Germany: Since 1908 Cairo University, known as the Egyptian University from 1908 to 1940, and King Fuad I University from 1940 to 1952, is Egypt's premier public university, as its main campus is in Giza, immediately across the Nile from Cairo
November (!) 1918 - July 1919 Egyptian Revolution: November (!) 1918 - July 1919 Egyptian Revolution, a countrywide revolution against the British occupation of Egypt and Sudan, carried out by Egyptians from different walks of life in the wake of the British-ordered exile of the revolutionary Egyptian Nationalist leader Saad Zaghlul, and other members of the Wafd Party in 1919, as the revolution led to the UK's later recognition of Egyptian independence in 1922 as the Kingdom of Egypt, and the implementation of a new constitution in 1923, as the British Empire, however, refused to recognise full Egyptian sovereignty over Sudan, or to withdraw its forces from the Suez Canal Zone, factors that would continue to sour Anglo-Egyptian relations in the decades leading up to the Egyptian revolution of 1952
Since January-February 2011 Egyptian revolution and oppression: January-February 2011 Egyptian revolution, that started on 25 January 2011 and spread across Egypt, as the date was set by various youth groups to coincide with the annual Egyptian 'Police holiday' as a statement against increasing police brutality during the last few years of Mubarak's presidency, as now joining the 'Arab Spring' the revolution consisted of demonstrations, marches, occupations of plazas, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and strikes, as millions of protesters from a range of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, and as violent clashes resulted in at least 846 people killed and over 6,000 injured
Since 2011 international reactions to the Egyptian revolution and solidarity protests: Since 2011 international reactions to the Egyptian revolution of 2011 and solidarity protests
15 February 2021 an apartment building partially collapsed in Cairo: 15 February 2021: An apartment building partially collapsed during the night in the Egyptian capital Cairo in the Roud el-Farag neighbourhood — killing at least three people from the same family, as per reports on Monday
27 March 2021 nine-storey apartment building deadly collapse: 27 March 2021: A nine-storey apartment building collapsed in the Egyptian capital early Saturday, killing at least five people and injuring about two dozen others, as rescue workers were searching for any survivors trapped under the rubble of the building in the el-Salam neighbourhood
Alexandria city: Alexandria city, the third-largest city in Egypt after Cairo and Giza, seventh-largest city in Africa, and a major economic centre, with a total population of 5,200,000 citizens, Alexandria is the largest city on the Mediterranean - History of Alexandria
Alexandria Port: Alexandria Port
Since 331–30 BCE timeline of Alexandria, Greek era since 331 BCE: Timeline of Alexandria since Greek era 331–30 BC
Since 331 BCE Greek era and 'Alexandria' Capitol of Egypt: 331 BC Rhacotis renamed 'Alexandria' by Alexander the Great, 330 BC Cleomenes of Naucratis appointed Governor of Egypt by Alexander, begins to turn the small village into the Capitol of Egypt
4th/3rd century BC Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria: Mid-4th century until mid-3rd century BC Euclid of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician and a founder of geometry. His 'Elements' is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics from the time of its publication until the early 20th century. Euclid deduced the theorems of what is now called Euclidean geometry from a small set of axioms. - Euklids überlieferte Werke umfassen sämtliche Bereiche der antiken griechischen Mathematik, die theoretischen Disziplinen Arithmetik und Geometrie, Musiktheorie (z.B. 'Die Teilung des Kanon'), methodische Anleitung zur Findung von planimetrischen Problemlösungen von bestimmten gesicherten Ausgangspunkten aus (Porismen) sowie weitere physikalischen bzw. angewandungsbezogene Werke - Euklids musiktheoretischer Schrift 'Die Teilung des Kanon' greift die Musiktheorie des Archytas auf und stellte sie auf eine solidere akustische Basis, nämlich auf Frequenzen von Schwingungen und verallgemeinerte dabei den Archytas' Ansicht über Quadratwurzeln. Der Grund für diese Verallgemeinerung ist seine Antithese gegen die Harmonik des Aristoxenos, die auf rationalen Vielfachen des Tons aufbaut. Denn in der pythagoreischen Harmonik hat der Ton (Ganzton) die Proportion 9:8, was Euklid zu seiner Antithese 'Der Ton ist weder in zwei noch in mehrere gleiche Teile teilbar' veranlasste. Sie setzt allerdings kommensurable Frequenzen voraus, die in der pythagoreischen Harmonik bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts - der beginnenden Zeit des 'Wohltemperierten Klaviers' - angenommen wurden. Die Antithese 'Die Oktave ist kleiner als 6 Ganztöne' stützte er auf die Berechnung des pythagoreischen Kommas. Ferner enthält Euklids Teilung des Kanons – wie ihr Titel signalisiert – die älteste überlieferte Darstellung eines Tonsystems am Kanon, einer geteilten Saite, und zwar eine pythagoreische Umdeutung des vollständigen diatonischen Tonsystems des Aristoxenos. Euklids Tonsystem wurde durch Boethius tradiert und wurde in der Tonbuchstaben-Notation Odos zur Grundlage des modernen Tonsystems - Buchstabentonschrift, die älteste bekannte Art der Notenschrift seit der antiken Griechischen Musik, Artikel im Musik-Lexikon von Hugo Riemann
Since about 285 BCE 'Great Library of Alexandria' until 48 BCE: Since about 285 BCE 'Great Library of Alexandria' in Alexandria, one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The Library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. The Library was burned by Roman military's general Julius Caesar during his war in 48 BCE during conquests by the emerging Roman empire based on slavery
July 30 BCE Battle of Alexandria, the final battle of the Roman Republic: July 30 BCE Battle of Alexandria, fought 1-30 July between the forces of Octavian and Mark Antony during the final battle of the Roman Republic after Antony had lost the majority of his fleet and had been forced to abandon the majority of his army in Greece, but still managed to narrowly defeat Octavian’s forces in his initial defence. Then Octavian launched a second invasion of Egypt, after which Antony and his lover, Cleopatra, committed suicide.
1st century Alexandrian pogrom directed against Jews and later riots 38-40 CE: Alexandrian pogrom, attacks directed against Jews in 38 CE in Roman Alexandria in Egypt. Riots again erupted in Alexandria in 40 CE between Jews and Greeks
115–117 CE 'Kitos War' in Alexandria, Trajan sent new troops: 115–117 'Kitos War', one of the major Jewish–Roman wars 66–136 including the conquest, destruction of Jerusalem, and then leading to genocide of the Jewish people. The rebellions in the second century erupted in 115, when most of the Roman armies were fighting Trajan's Parthian War on the eastern border of the Roman Empire. Major uprisings by Jews in Cyrenaica, Cyprus and Egypt were later suppressed by the imperial military using Roman empire's methods of warfare
2023-2029 ESA's 'Euclid spacecraft/space telescope mission' to better understand dark energy and matter: February 2023-2029 named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, Euclid spacecraft and space telescope currently under development by the European ESA and the Euclid Consortium. The objective of the Euclid mission is to better understand dark energy and dark matter by accurately measuring the acceleration of the universe
Sharm El Sheikh city: Sharm El Sheikh city on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, in South Sinai Governorate, on the coastal strip along the Red Sea. Its population is approximately 73,000 as of 2015. Egypt's South Sinai Governorate includes the smaller coastal towns of Dahab and Nuweiba as well as the mountainous interior, St. Catherine and Mount Sinai. The city and holiday resort is a significant centre for tourism in Egypt, while also attracting many international conferences and diplomatic meetings.
From a fishing village into a major port and naval base, Sharm El Sheikh history: Geography and history of Sharm El Sheikh, located on the Egyptian Red Sea coast, at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula on a promontory overlooking the Straits of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. Its strategic importance led to its transformation from a fishing village into a major port and naval base for the Egyptian Navy. It was conquered by Israel during the Suez Crisis of 1956 and returned to Egypt in 1957. A UN peacekeeping force was stationed there until the 1967 Six-Day War when it was reoccupied by Israel
2022 UN Climate Change Conference COP27 6 November - 18 November in Sharm El Sheikh: 2022 UN Climate Change Conference COP27 from 6 November until 18 November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, with more than 90 heads of state and representatives of 190 countries expected to attend
7 November 2022 Egyptian demand that West pays global south to deal with climate crisis: 7 November 2022: Egyptian president al-Sissi called for a 'historic agreement' in which richer countries provide assistance to emerging economies in accelerating their transition to renewable energies. Officials from western countries at the conference, meanwhile, said that the Egyptian hosts 'are not even trying to reach the 1.5 degree Celsius target'
7 novembre 2022 Guterres appelle à choisir entre 'solidarité' et 'suicide collectif': 7 novembre 2022: À la COP 27 en Egypt sur le climat Guterres appelle à choisir entre 'solidarité' et 'suicide collectif'
Demographics of Egypt: Demographics of Egypt
Ethnic groups in Egypt: Egyptian people by ethnic or national origin - Ethnic minorities in Egypt include Bedouin Arab tribes of the Sinai Peninsula and the eastern desert, the Berber-speaking community of the Siwa Oasis and the Nubian people along the southern Nile - Immigrants to Egypt
Sudanese refugees and migrants in Egypt: Sudanese refugees and migrants in Egypt
Syrian refugees in Egypt: Syrian Refugees in Egypt, caused by Assad's war against the Syrian people and the Arab Spring movement since 2011
Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis: Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis - UNHCR documents 'Syria Regional Refugee Response'
2016/2017: 26 March 2017: A court in Egypt has sentenced 56 people to prison terms of up to 14 years over a boat that capsized on 21 September 2016, killing more than 200 onboard as about 170 passengers were rescued
January 2020 migrants find racism and violence in Egypt: 2 January 2020: Fleeing poverty and war in Africa, migrants find racism and violence in Egypt
Culture and languages in Egypt: Culture of Egypt - Languages of Egypt - Egyptian Arabic - Varieties of Arabic - Egyptian language - Coptic language
Ancient Egyptian art and architecture: Ancient Egyptian architecture - Referring to production in ancient Egypt between the 31st century BC and the 4th century AD, ancient Egyptian art includes paintings, sculptures, drawings on papyrus, faience, jewelry, ivories, architecture, and other art media, as it is very conservative meaning the art style changed very little over time, as much of the surviving art comes from tombs and monuments, giving more insight into the ancient Egyptian afterlife beliefs
Ancient Egyptian technology: Ancient Egyptian technology, as the Egyptians invented and used many simple machines, such as the ramp and the lever, to aid construction processes, also using rope trusses to stiffen the beam of ships, and as Egyptian paper, made from papyrus, and pottery were mass-produced and exported throughout the Mediterranean Basin
Contemporary art in Egypt: Contemporary art in Egypt
Women, polygamy and women's rights in Egypt: Women in Egypt - Polygamy in Egypt - Women's rights in Egypt - Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights
12 November 2013: Sexual harassment, high rates of female genital cutting and a surge in violence and Islamist feeling after the Arab Spring uprisings have made Egypt the worst country in the Arab world to be a woman, a Thomson Reuters Foundation survey says - 14 March 2014: A doctor and the father of 13-year-old Sohair al-Bata'a are the first to be prosecuted in Egypt for deadly practice of FGM - 6 June 2014: Egypt makes sexual harassment of women a crime for the first time but campaigners remain concerned about whether the law will be enforced by police - 16 July 2014: Egyptian court jails 7 men for life for sexually assaulting several women during a rally in Tahrir Square on 8 June - 17 August 2015: Photojournalist and activist Esraa El Taweel, taken by force from an outing with her friends on 1 June and detained, faces greater harassment after posting latest letter from prison, sister says
Women's role in the Egyptian revolution since 2011: Women's role in the Egyptian revolution since 2011 - 13 December 2013: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood turns to sisters in fight against government in 2013 - 2 March 2014: First woman to head a political party in Egypt says it proves the revolution has changed attitudes
Children's rights in Egypt: Children's rights in Egypt - Child right's non-governmental organization 'Plan Egypt'
March 2020 el-Sissi forces arrested, forcibly disappeared and tortured children: 23 March 2020: Egyptian security forces under president el-Sissi have arbitrarily arrested, forcibly disappeared and tortured children as young as 12 while prosecutors and judges turned a blind eye, international rights group 'Human Rights Watch' said
Education in Egypt: Education in Egypt
Schools in Egypt: List of schools in Egypt
Universities in Egypt: Universities in Egypt
2017: 25 September 2017: Egyptian students told to respect the flag or risk a year in prison, as crackdown by education minister, which includes fine threat, prompts ridicule on social media
Health in Egypt: Health in Egypt
Medical outbreaks and man-made disasters in Egypt: Medical outbreaks in Egypt - Man-made disasters in Egypt
2020 Chinese coronavirus outbreak in Egypt: 2020 Chinese coronavirus outbreak in Egypt
7 March 2020 45 people on cruise ship tested positive over Chinese coronavirus: On 7 March 2020, health authorities announced that 45 people on board of MS River Anuket had tested positive over Chinese coronavirus, and that the ship had been placed in quarantine at a dock in Luxor
15 July 2020 doctors targeted for highlighting covid-19 working conditions: 15 July 2020: Egypt doctors targeted for highlighting covid-19 working conditions, as overwhelmed staff detained by state security agency after voicing concerns about lack of PPE, as Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research has estimated that at least 616,000 Egyptians were infected with covid-19, and at least 131 doctors have died from covid-19 pandemic
Healthcare in Egypt and history: Healthcare in Egypt - Timeline of healthcare in Egypt since ancient period, as Egypt is considered to be the first civilization to develop what today we call a healthcare system, and ancient Egyptians document their research, knowledge, and practises, and as documented ancient Egyptian medical literature is among the oldest in existence today
2630–2611 BC first recorded examples of medical diagnosis: 2630–2611 BC first recorded examples of medical diagnosis, found in the writings of Imhotep in ancient Egypt, as Babylonian medical textbook, the Diagnostic Handbook written by Esagil-kin-apli, introduced the use of empiricism, logic and rationality in the diagnosis of an illness or disease
2613 BC - 2494 BC Peseshet the earliest known female physician in ancient Egypt: 2613 BC - 2494 BC Peseshet, who lived under the Fourth Dynasty, credited with being the earliest known female physician in ancient Egypt
641–1517 medieval Egypt after Muslim conquest of Egypt: 641–1517 medieval Egypt after Muslim conquest of Egypt
1135-1204 Sephardic Jewish philosopher, astronomer and physician Moses ben Maimon: 1135-1204 Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides, a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages, who also a preeminent astronomer and physician - Medical works of Maimonides, who wrote ten known medical works in Arabic that have been translated by the Jewish medical ethicist Fred Rosner into contemporary English - Since 1995 Maimonides Foundation in London
Since 1928/1947 Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine in Cairo: Since 1928/1947 public Ain Shams (Eye of the Sun) University Faculty of Medicine in Cairo - Since 1984 Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine's school hospitals and intensive care units - List of medical schools in Egypt
Hospitals, medical and health organisations based in Egypt: List of hospitals in Egypt - Medical and health organisations based in Egypt
15 July 2020 doctors targeted for highlighting covid-19 working conditions: 15 July 2020: Egypt doctors targeted for highlighting covid-19 working conditions, as overwhelmed staff detained by state security agency after voicing concerns about lack of PPE
Media in Egypt: Media in Egypt - Egyptian media by medium - Media in Egypt by city
Freedom of speech and repression in Egypt: Freedom of speech in Egypt
April-June 2013 Morsi critics prosecuted: 1 April 2013: Popular Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef released on bail after turning himself in for questioning over allegations he insulted Islam and Mohamed Morsi - 3 June 2013: Opposition youth activist Ahmed Duma sentenced by a Cairo court to 6 months in prison for insulting Morsi
November 2013 Bassem Youssef suspended: 2 November 2013: Channel suspends satirist Bassem Youssef's show after he pokes fun at army chief
June 2014: 5 June 2014: Egyptian prosecutors seek 15-year prison sentence for Al Jazeera journalists - 16 June: Egypt to free Al Jazeera journalist on hunger strike - 23 June: Egypt court sentences Qatar-based Al-Jazeera journalists to seven years for 'publishing lies'
November/December 2014 journalists reject banning criticism of police and army: 2 November 2014: Several hundred Egyptian journalists reject declaration by newspaper editors pledging support to government and banning criticism of police and army - 29 December 2014: Protests outside Egyptian embassy in London against imprisonment of journalists one year behind bars
June 2015 jailed journalists: 25 June 2015: Committee to Protect Journalists prison census found at least 18 Egyptian journalists were being held in jail for reasons related to their reporting, most since 1990
August 2015 Karim Hamdy case: 12 August 2015: Human rights groups fear for rule of law in Egypt as lawyer Karim Hamdy died after two days in police detention, having signs of torture including broken ribs and bleeding in the brain
August 2015 jailed journalists: 17 August 2015: Photojournalist and activist Esraa El Taweel, taken by force from an outing with her friends on 1 June and detained, faces greater harassment after posting latest letter from prison, sister says - 29 August 2015: Australian journalist Greste as well as his two Qatar-based Al Jazeera colleagues Canadian-Egyptian Fahmy and Baher Mohamed found guilty and sentenced to at least three years jail for broadcasting material harmful to Egypt and operating with no press license
May 2016 court seeks death penalty against journalists: 7 May 2016: Egyptian court seeks death penalty against three journalists Alaa Omar Sablan, Ibrahim Mohammed Helal, and Asmaa al-Khateeb
2017 jailed journalists: 15 December 2017: Egypt has 20 journalists in jail as of December 2017 according to the Committee for the Protection of Journalists CPJ, saying that a dozen had not been convicted or sentenced for any crime, as the commonest type of charge is flouting of anti-state laws
March 2018 threats against journalist: 24 March 2018: Egyptian authorities threatened British journalist Bel Trew, a correspondent for the Times, with a military trial and expelled her from the country with no stated cause, in advance of the country’s upcoming presidential election
March 2019 singer banned from performing: 23 March 2019: An Egyptian singer has been banned from performing in her home country after she suggested it does not respect free speech
September 2019 Sissi regime warns media: 23 September 2019: Egypt's Sissi regime warns media it’s monitoring coverage of anti-Sissi protests
January 2020 journalist Mohamed el-Garhy's brother arrested: 2 January 2020: Egyptian journalist Mohamed el-Garhy known for his critical views of el-Sissi regime said that police raided his parents' house the previous night and arrested his brother after his parents told the police that he was not at home
3 May 2020 journalism in Egypt has become a crime rights group says: 3 May 2020: Journalism in Egypt has effectively become a crime over the past four years, as authorities clamp down on media outlets and muzzle dissent, Amnesty International said in a report
3 May 2020 Shady Habash critical of Sissi dies in jail: 3 May 2020: Young Egyptian filmmaker who mocked Sissi dies in jail, as Shady Habash was arrested in 2018 for ‘spreading fake news’ after directing a music video critical of the Egyptian leade
Newspapers in Egypt: Newspapers in Egypt
January 2015 'Islamic State' affiliate's el-Arish attack: 29 January 2015: Egyptian state newspaper office destroyed in 'Islamic State' affiliate's el-Arish attack, six people dead
March 2015 censorship: 11 March 2015: Censors have forced regime-friendly Egyptian newspaper Al-Watan to rewrite its front-page after it claimed that key state institutions and politicians owe billions of Egyptian pounds in taxes
Broadcasting in Egypt: Broadcasting in Egypt - Radio stations in Egypt - Television in Egypt - Egyptian Radio and Television Union, operated by the Egyptian government
2013/2014: 9 July 2013: Qatari-owned media company Al-Jazeera saw 22 members of its staff in Egypt resign on Monday over biased Egypt coverage - 11 February 2014: Al-Jazeera correspondent's trial set for next week, charged with having links to the Muslim Brotherhood and airing false news - 5 June 2014: Egyptian prosecutors seek 15-year prison sentence for Al Jazeera journalists - 16 June: Egypt to free Al Jazeera journalist on hunger strike - 23 June: Egypt court sentences Qatar-based Al-Jazeera journalists to seven years for 'publishing lies' - 2 November 2014: Several hundred Egyptian journalists reject declaration by newspaper editors pledging support to government and banning criticism of police and army - 29 December 2014: Protests outside Egyptian embassy in London against imprisonment of journalists one year behind bars
2015: 1 January 2015: Egyptian court cancels jail sentences against three Al Jazeera journalists - 1 February: Australian journalist Greste released from a Cairo jail and left Egypt for his native country - 25 June: Committee to Protect Journalists prison census found at least 18 Egyptian journalists were being held in jail for reasons related to their reporting, most since 1990 - 17 August 2015: Photojournalist and activist Esraa El Taweel, taken by force from an outing with her friends on 1 June and detained, faces greater harassment after posting latest letter from prison, sister says - 29 August 2015: Australian journalist Greste as well as his two Qatar-based Al Jazeera colleagues Canadian-Egyptian Fahmy and Baher Mohamed found guilty and sentenced to at least three years jail for broadcasting material harmful to Egypt and operating with no press license
18 July 2023 representative of striking BBC Cairo staff accuses broadcaster of ‘gross discrimination’: 18 July 2023: A representative of BBC staff in Cairo on a three-day strike for equal pay with colleagues across the Middle East accused the broadcaster of 'gross discrimination', as the North African country is in the midst of spiraling economic crises, with inflation running at a record high and the currency depreciating
Internet and censorship: Internet in Egypt - Internet censorship - Internet censorship in the Arab Spring
Religion and freedom of religion in Egypt: Religion in Egypt - Freedom of religion in Egypt
2013: 17 June 2013: A Cairo court sentenced an Egyptian Muslim preacher to 11 years in jail for blasphemy for burning a Bible during a protest last year outside the US embassy
2015: 23 February 2015: Head of Al-Azhar muslim cleric Ahmed al-Tayeb urges education reform to counter extremism saying that there is a link between extremism and bad interpretations of the Koran
Crime in Egypt: Crime in Egypt
Since 1550–1175 BC slavery in ancient Egypt, at least since the New Kingdom: Slavery in ancient Egypt existed at least since the New Kingdom 1550–1175 BC
Economy and slavery in ancient Egypt:
Corruption in Egypt: Corruption in Egypt - 5 December 2012: Annual Corruption Perceptions Index says Egypt had fallen six places to 118th out of 176 countries as levels of bribery, abuse of power and secret dealings remain high
Murder in Egypt: Murder in Egypt
December 2017: 24 décembre 2017: Des hommes masqués ont ouvert le feu sur un café du sud du Caire tuant au moins trois personnes
Religiously motivated violence and suicide bombings in Egypt: Religiously motivated violence in Egypt
2013: 19 août 2013: Les attaques contre la minorité chrétienne d’Égypte se sont multipliées depuis la dispersion sanglante des manifestations pro-Morsi - 21 October 2013: Gunmen riding a motorbike shot and killed three people, including an 8-year-old girl, when they fired on a group leaving a wedding at a Coptic Christian church in Cairo late on Sunday
2017: 23 December 2017: Hundreds of Muslim demonstrators attacked an unlicensed church south of Cairo wounding three people, an Egyptian Coptic Christian diocese said on Saturday, in the latest assault on members of the country’s Christian minority - 29 December 2017: A gunman opened fire on a church south of Cairo on Friday, killing 10 people before policemen shot him dead
November 2018: 2 November 2018: Islamic terrorists ambushed a bus carrying Christian pilgrims on their way to a remote desert monastery south of the Egyptian capital Cairo, killing at least seven people and wounding 12
Terrorism in Egypt: Terrorism in Egypt - Terrorist incidents in Egypt by year - Suicide bombings in Egypt - Timeline of the Sinai insurgency 2011-2015
2011-2014: 2011 Alexandria bombing - 17 August 2013: Brother of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri arrested in Egypt - December 2013 Mansoura bombing - 24 décembre 2013: Au moins 14 personnes tuées et une centaine d'autres blessées dans un attentat contre la police à Mansoura - 25 December 2013: An Al-Qaeda-inspired group based in Sinai claims Mansura police headquarters suicide bombing - 24 January 2014 Cairo bombings
2015: Terrorist incidents in Egypt in 2015 - 23 August 2015: With ongoing terrorism, journalists and activists jailed and a new terrorism law in effect, a culture of fear is growing in Egypt
2016: 8 January 2016 Hurghada attack, as two Islamic State terrorists armed with a melee weapon and a signal flare stormed a hotel in Hurghada, stabbing three foreign tourists from Austria and Sweden - 11 December 2016 Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral bombing - 11 December 2016: Cairo's main Coptic cathedral bomb blast kills at least 25 people and injures dozens
April/May 2017: 9 April 2017 Palm Sunday twin suicide bombings, detonating at St. George’s Church in Tanta on the Nile delta and Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria and killing at least 45 people and injuring more than 136 - 9 avril 2017: Un attentat à la bombe a fait au moins 13 morts dimanche près d'une église dans la ville de Tanta, au nord du Caire - 9 avril 2017: Un attentat à la bombe a fait au moins 13 morts dimanche près d'une église dans la ville de Tanta, au nord du Caire - 26 May 2017: 23 people were killed and 25 wounded in an attack by gunmen on a bus carrying Coptic Christians south of Cairo
July 2017: 15 July 2017: Two German tourists stabbed to death at Egyptian beach resort, four others wounded
December 2018: 29 December 2018: A day after a deadly bombing on a Vietnamese tourist bus in Giza killed four people, Egyptian security forces reportedly killed 40 suspected militants in three separate incidents in North Sinai and Giza
Sinai, Sinai insurgency and terrorism in Egypt: Sinai 'insurgency' - Sinai Peninsula - South Sinai regional development programme - Ansar Bait al-Maqdis
Since July 2011 Timeline of the Sinai insurgency: Since July 2011 Timeline of the Sinai 'insurgency', which was invigorated by a period of relative instability and political turmoil in Egypt, beginning with the 2011 uprising against former autocrat Hosni Mubarak, as insurgent attacks, however, intensified significantly following the July 2013 coup that ousted Muslim Brotherhood-backed president Mohamed Morsi and subsequent crackdown on his supporters
2004: 2004 Sinai bombings
2011/2012: Operation Eagle 2011/2012 - Operation Sinai since 2012
2013: May 2013 hostage crisis - 22 May 2013: After the intervention of tribal leaders, heavily armed kidnappers released three Egyptian policemen and four soldiers captured last week in the Sinai peninsula - 5 July: In Sinai, Islamist militants fired rockets and directed heavy machine gun fire at a police base and attacked military - 6 July: Coptic priest killed in Sinai - 10 juillet: Des attaques dans le Sinaï font deux morts - 15 July: Militants killed at least three people and wounded 17 when they fired on a bus carrying workers in the North Sinai town of Al-Arish - 22 July: Six Egyptians were killed and 11 others wounded in several attacks by militants in the Sinai peninsula near Egypt's borders with Israel and the Palestinian Gaza strip - 24 July: A car bomb exploded near a police base and two soldiers were killed in separate, multiple attacks in the Sinai peninsula - 19 August: Militants kill 24 Egyptian policemen in Sinai - 8 septembre: L'attentat du Caire auquel a échappé le ministre de l'Intérieur revendiqué par des djihadistes du Sinaï - 8 septembre: L'armée égyptienne poursuit ses opérations au Sinaï - 11 September: At least three soldiers were killed and at least 10 others were wounded when a suicide car bomb targeted an intelligence outpost in Egypt’s Sinai - 21 September: Roadside bomb wounds two soldiers in Egypt's Sinai as security forces arrested 16 suspected militants - 27 September: Gunmen kill policeman in Sinai - 10 October: Egypt troops killed in Sinai suicide bomb attack - 21 October: Jihadists claim Egypt canal city car bombing - 6 November: Sniper kills Egypt soldier in Sinai - 20 novembre: Un attentat à la voiture piégée a visé un convoi militaire dans le Sinaï et tué au moins 10 soldats
2014: 25 January 2014: An Al Qaeda-inspired group, based in Sinai Peninsula, claimed responsibility for Friday's Cairo attacks which killed six people
February 2014 Taba bus bombing: February 2014 Taba bus bombing - 16 February: A bomb attack on a tourist bus in the Sinai peninsula has killed at least three South Korean tourists and an Egyptian driver - 2 May: Suicide bomber kills soldier in Sinai, second blast wounds 3 targeting security checkpoint on road to tourist resort - 21 May: One Egyptian killed and six others injured in a bomb attack on a security vehicle in Sinai, near the Israeli border - 14 July: Militants fire mortar rounds at military post in el-Arish near Israel border, killing a soldier as well as seven civilians, including two children
October-November 2014 Sinai attacks: October 2014 Sinai attacks - 24 October: Militants killed at least 26 people at a military checkpoint in the northern Sinai peninsula
1 November: Seven Egyptian security personnel were injured on Friday, after a blast near El-Arish - 23 December: Suspected Islamist militants blow up natural gas pipeline in North Sinai
2015: 5 January: Bomb wounds four policemen in Egypt's Sinai - 29 January: Six people killed and an office of Egypt's state newspaper al Ahram destroyed in an attack by suspected Islamists in North Sinai's provincial capital el-Arish - 30 January: 'Islamic State' affiliate claims responsibility for coordinated attacks that struck more than a dozen army and other targets in the three Sinai towns of el-Arish, Sheik Zuwayid and Rafah, killing at least 26 security officers - 1 February: Three women killed as violence continues in Sinai - 6 March: Egyptian military air strikes reportedly killed 25 Islamist militants in Northern Sinai near the town of Sheikh Zuweid over the last two days - 10 March: 25 Egyptian policemen wounded by suicide car bomber targeting compound in the city of el-Arish - 2 April: Gunmen attacked several checkpoints in Sinai, killing at least five soldiers - 12 April: An explosion targeting a military vehicle kills five soldiers near Sheikh Zuweid on Sunday - 20 April: Three Egyptian soldiers killed in blast claimed by ISIS affiliate in Rafah - 7 May: Two Egyptian police recruits were killed on Thursday when unidentified gunmen shot them in Northern Sinai - 1/2 July: At least 70 Egyptians including soldiers and civilians killed in Islamic State terrorists' offensive in Sinai, as ties to Hamas’ military wing suspected - 9 July: 20 Egyptian policemen wounded in Sinai bombing in the provincial capital of el-Arish - 18 July: 'Islamic State' terrorists in Sinai attacked two Egypt military checkpoints, killing five soldiers and wounding at least seven near town of Sheikh Zuweid - 23 July: Four Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai bombing claimed by Islamic State loyalists - 15 October: A roadside bomb by unknown assailants in the northern Sinai city of el-Arishhas has left one civilian and one soldier dead, also injuring six policemen - 4 November: At least 3 Egyptian police killed in Sinai bombing, claimed by Islamic State terrorists - 15 November 2015: Egyptian police found the bodies of 15 African migrants who appeared to have been shot dead in northern Sinai near the border with Israel - 24 November: At least three people have died after two bombs exploded in al-Arish outside a hotel where election judges were staying
2016: 21 January 2016: Unknown assailants shot dead five Egyptian policemen in an attack on a security checkpoint in el-Arish - 14 October 2016: Islamic State terrorists killed 12 members of Egypt's military in North Sinai province and wounded six more in an attack on a checkpoint, the military said, adding that it killed 15 militants in return
2017: 9 January 2017: At least 9 Sinai troops killed in bomb-laden garbage truck attack on checkpoint in northern city of el-Arish - 23 January 2017: Assailants kill 5 Egyptian soldiers in Sinai - 7 July 2017: At least 10 security troops killed when a suicide bomber rams vehicle into checkpoint in southern Rafah in northeastern Sinai Peninsula, followed by heavy gunfire from dozens of masked fighters - 20 October 2017: Armed militants killed at least 30 police officers in a shootout during a raid on a suspected militant hideout in Egypt’s western desert
November 2017 Bir al-Abed attack: 24 November 2017 Bir al-Abed attack in North Sinai Governorate - 25 November 2017: Terrorists killed more than 230 people at a mosque in North Sinai on Friday, detonating a bomb and gunning down worshippers in the deadliest such attack in Egypt’s modern history, according to state media and witnesses - 25 November 2017: Egyptian warplanes strike 'terrorist' targets after mosque attack kills worshippers
March 2018: 19 March 2018: 4 Egyptian soldiers and 36 Islamic militants have died in the past five days of fighting in the restive Sinai Peninsula, as military claims it destroyed hundreds of hideouts, munition and weapons depots during the operation and arrested 345 suspected militants
January-February 2021 Sinai Peninsula attacks: January-February 2021 Sinai Peninsula attacks
Human trafficking in Egypt: Human trafficking in Egypt
Egyptian law and legal history in Egypt: Egyptian law - Legal history of Egypt - History of the Egyptian Constitution - List of written constitutions in Egypt - Human rights in Egypt
Judiciary of Egypt: Judiciary of Egypt
Courts in Egypt: Courts in Egypt
Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt: Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt
Law enforcement and law enforcement agencies of Egypt: Law enforcement in Egypt - Law enforcement agencies of Egypt - Egyptian Police - Central Security Forces
Police brutality in Egypt: 2006-2011 Police brutality in Egypt - during the Mubarak regime and in the five years before the revolution, claims by domestic and international groups provided cellphone videos or first-hand accounts of hundreds of cases of police brutality
2011: 28 January 2011: Police brutality in Egypt is 'routine and pervasive' and the use of torture widespread, according to leaked USA cables released today by WikiLeaks
2012: 15 October 2012: In a report of Cairo-based Nadim Centre for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims over 200 cases of police brutality, 34 cases of death, 88 cases of torture, and 7 cases of sexual assault at the hands of Egyptian police were recorded during President Morsi's first 100 days in office - 25 October 2012: Egyptian police brutality continues, according to human rights groups
2016: 13 February 2016: Thousands of Egyptian doctors protest over alleged police brutality after accusations that two doctors were beaten up by policemen in a Cairo hospital
August 2018: 14 août 2018: Des ONG de défense des droits ont dénoncé l'impunité dont bénéficient les forces de sécurité en Egypte, cinq ans après un assaut contre deux sit-in lors duquel des centaines de personnes ont été tuées
Military of Egypt: Military of Egypt
Military history of Egypt: Military history of Egypt
Wars and conflicts involving Egypt: List of conflicts in Egypt - List of wars involving Egypt
May 2019 alleged war crimes in Sinai: 28 May 2019: Human Rights Watch accuses Egypt, Sinai militants of war crimes in their confrontation in the restive North Sinai region, saying 'while Egyptian military and police forces were responsible for the majority of abuses documented in the report, extremist militants have also committed horrific crimes'
Egyptian Army: The Egyptian Army, the largest service branch within the Egyptian Armed Forces and the largest army in Africa - Structure of the Egyptian Army - Equipment of the modern Egyptian Army - Egyptian military personnel
Military industry and budget in Egypt: Military budget rank 41 - Egyptian military industry
List of conflicts in Egypt: List of conflicts in Egypt - List of wars involving Egypt
July 2013 Egyptian coup d'état: July 2013 Egyptian coup d'état, Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi led a coalition to remove the President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi from power and suspended the Egyptian constitution - August 2013 Rabaa massacre, Egyptian security forces raided two camps of protesters in Cairo, one at al-Nahda Square and a larger one at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square - 2013-2014 Post-coup unrest in Egypt - Egyptian Crisis (2011–present)
International reactions to the July 2013 Egyptian coup d'état: International reactions to the July 2013 Egyptian coup d'état
Politics of Egypt: Politics of Egypt - Emergency law in Egypt - History of the Egyptian Constitution - Egyptian Constitution of 2014
Political parties and trade unions in Egypt: List of political parties in Egypt - Egypt national association for change - Freedom and Justice Party - Workers Democratic Party - April 6 Youth Movement - Hizb el-Dostour (Constitution Party) - 1 March 2014: Hala Shukhrallah is the first woman and Copt to head Constitution Party, a major Egyptian political party - 2 March 2014: First woman to head a political party in Egypt says it proves the revolution has changed attitudes
Trade unions in Egypt - Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions - Egyptian Trade Union Federation
Domestic responses to the Egyptian revolution - elections 2011- 2015: Domestic responses to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 - Constitutional referendum 2011 - Results, 20.03.2011 - Egyptian parliamentary election October 2011 - Presidential elections by end of 2011 - 17 September 2011: Election for the lower house of parliament begins on November 28, for the upper house on January 22 - 20. September 2011: Ägypten verbietet Gründung einer Islamisten-Partei - 2. Oktober 2011: Militärrat stellt Zeitplan für die Machtübergabe an zivile Regierung vor - 1 décembre: Le parti Liberté et Justice PLJ affirme avoir obtenu plus de 40% des voix aux législatives - Egyptian parliamentary election 2011/January 2012 - Egyptian presidential election May 2012
2014: Egyptian presidential election 26 and 27 May 2014 - Egyptian parliamentary election 2014 postponed
October/November 2015 Egyptian parliamentary election: 17/18 October - 23 November Egyptian parliamentary election (21 March 2015 - 27 April 2015)
Egyptian Revolution since January 2011 and July 2013 Egyptian coup d'état (ongoing): Egyptian Revolution 2011 (ongoing) - Trials and judicial hearings following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 - Timeline of the Egyptian Crisis under the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces - Timeline of the Egyptian Crisis under Mohamed Morsi - 2012–2013 Egyptian protests - June 2013 Egyptian protests - 2013 Egyptian coup d'état - Post-coup unrest in Egypt (2013–14) - Egyptian Crisis (2011–present)
June 2011: 29 June 2011: Fresh clashes in Cairo
July 2011: 8. Juli 2011: Unzufriedene Aufständische protestieren in Kairo und anderen Städten am 8. Juli - 10. Juli 2011: Ägyptische Regierung macht Demonstranten Zugeständnisse - 13 July 2011: Egyptian protesters call for end to army rule - 15. Juli 2011: Proteste gegen Ägyptens Militärregierung auch am 15. Juli - 16. Juli 2011: Demonnstranten vertreiben General Mahdi (Mitglied des regierenden Obersten Militärrats) vom Tahrir-Platz - 17. Juli: Ägyptens Außenminister tritt zurück - 17. Juli 2011: Verwirrspiel um Mubaraks Gesundheit - nach Schlaganfall im Koma? - New cabinet sworn in amid continuing protests 21 July - 24. Juli 2011: Angriffe auf Demonstration der Demokratiebewegung am 23. Juli - 28. Juli 2011: Mubarak ab 3. August vor Gericht in Kairo - Friday 29 July: Islamists lead Tahrir Square rally in Cairo
August 2011: 3. August: Mubarak und zwei Söhne vor Gericht in Kairo, Prozeßfortsetzung 15. August - 15 August: Mubarak due back in court as trial resumes in Cairo - 15 August: Judge adjourned Mubarak trial until September 5 and halts live TV coverage
September 2011: 5 September: Police testify in Mubarak trial amid clashes - 8 September: Egypt's ex-interior minister told police to use live ammunition against protesters, witness says during Mubarak trial - 9 September: Egyptians protest against military rule pressing to keep promises of political reform - 10 September: Crowds attack Israel embassy in Cairo in overnight clashes - 11 September: Military leader Tantawi says he is 'too busy' to testify in Mubarak trial - 30. September: Demonstranten in ganz Ägypten fordern Aufhebung der Notstandsgesetze der Mubarakzeit
October 2011: 10 October: Egypt's PM Sharaf urges calm after Cairo clashes between Coptic Christians and security forces - 11 October: Egypt army seeks probe into Cairo clashes - 18 October: Mubarak sons have $340m in Swiss banks - 26. Oktober: Tod eines Bloggers zählt nicht viel vor ägyptischem Gericht - 29 October: Egypt prison guards accused of torture death - 30 October: Mubarak trial once more adjourned until December
November 2011: 1. November: Demonstration in Kairo für verhafteten Blogger - 18 November: Tens of thousands protest in Egypt demanding to hand power to promised civilian government - 20 November: Deadly clashes follow Egyptian protests against military rule, deaths and hundreds of protesters injured ahead of elections - 20 November: Thousands of protesters are regrouping in central Cairo after day of clashes - 21 November: Egypt protesters against military rulers in Cairo's Tahrir Square for third day, after the deaths of at least 13 people over the weekend - 21 November: Egypt cabinet resigns as protests intensify - 22 November: Activists demanding end to military rule call for a mass demonstration - 22 novembre: L'armée promet une élection présidentielle avant juillet 2012 - 22 November: Ruling generals say being prepared to hold a referendum on power transfer if people demand it - 27 November: Activist killed near Tahrir Square as death toll rises to 42 in another week of opposition against military rule, now ahead of elections - ElBaradei 'willing' to head Egypt's interim cabinet - 28 November: Large numbers, including a high turnout of women, go to the polls on the first day of post-Mubarak elections - 29 November: Egypt votes in Alexandria, Cairo and seven more provinces continue after big turnout on day one
January 2012: 3 January: Third and final round of Egyptian parliamentary poll - 7. Januar: Muslimbrüder vor Wahlsieg bei Parlamentswahl - 17 January: Mubarak trial set to resume in Cairo - 21. Januar: Islamistische Parteien (Muslim-Bruderschaft und Nur-Partei) gewinnen zwei Drittel der Parlamentssitze - 30 January: Egyptians vote in upper house elections
February 2012: 3/4 February: Deaths in Egypt protests over football riot - 5 February: Egypt clashes rage into fourth day - 6 February: Protests continue as activists demand early presidential elections and swift handover of power by military - 11 February: Activists plan a day of civil disobedience in Egypt on Saturday to mark the first anniversary since they toppled Mubarak - 15 February: Egypt to hold presidential poll 'in May'
March 2012: 24 March: Parliamentarians meet to name 100-member panel to write constitution, but liberals say Islamists are dominating process
April 2012:10. April: Der frühere Chef der IAEA Mohammed al-Baradei will mit weiteren Vertretern der ägyptischen Opposition eine neue Partei gründen - 10 April: Egypt court suspends constitutional panel after political groups charged that 100-member panel did not represent Egypt's diversity - 13 April: Cairo protests against Mubarak-era candidates for the presidential election - 14. April: Ägyptens Wahlkommission schließt u.a. den Muslimbruder Chairat al-Shater und den früheren Geheimdienstchef Omar Suleiman von der Präsidentschaftswahl aus
May 2012: 2 May: At least 20 killed as attackers target Cairo protest - 2 mai: En raison des violences certains candidats à la présidentielle suspendent leur campagne - 5 mai: Les dirigeants militaires ont imposé un couvre-feu au Caire - 20. Mai: Ägyptischer Präsidentschaftskandidat Chaled Ali schliesst sich Hungerstreik aus Protest gegen die Inhaftierung hunderter Demonstranten an
Egyptian presidential election 23/24 May 2012 - 23 May: Egyptians to choose president in historic vote - 25 May: Brotherhood claims lead as Egypt vote count begins - 26 May: Hamdin Sabbahi, who is said to have come third, seeks recount in Egypt's election, citing many 'violations' - 29 May: Thousands demonstrate at Tahrir Square to protest the outcome of the presidential election as some protesters torch HQ of presidential candidate Shafiq
June 2012: 2 June: Egypt's ex-president Mubarak and his interior minister given life term for protester deaths - 3 June: Mubarak sentenced, the acquittal of police officers, the quashing of a set of corruption charges against Mubarak's sons evoke spate of protests - 4 June: Protesters return to Tahrir Square - 6 June: Thousands descend on Cairo square for the fourth straight night to demand Ahmed Shafiq's removal from presidential race - 8 June: Egypt's political parties agreed on the formation of a commission tasked with drafting a new constitution - 9 June: Several thousand gather in Tahrir Square to oppose Mubarak-era prime minister Ahmed Shafiq's bid for presidency - 14 June: Egypt military police gets sweeping powers ahead of polls - 15 June: Constitutional court dissolves Muslim Brotherhood-led parliament and approves candidacy of Mubarak-era PM Ahmed Shafik
Egyptian presidential election, runoff 16-17 June 2012 - 16 juin: Les Égyptiens élisent leur président ce week-end - 16 June: Amid deep political uncertainty, without parliament and constitution Egyptians are voting in the first day of the presidential runoff - 17 June: Egyptians are voting in a presidential runoff that pits the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate against the last Mubarak prime minister - 18 juin: Les Frères musulmans revendiquent la victoire de Mohammed Morsi - 18 June: Egypt's military grants itself sweeping powers - 21 June: Egyptian election result announcement delayed - no date for a decision - 22 June: Tahrir Square fills up as Egypt awaits result - 23 June: Tens of thousands protest disputed court rulings and moves by military - 25 June: Egypt's first elected president Morsi says 'national unity is the only way out' - 26 juin: L'armée n'est plus autorisée à arrêter des civils - 28 June: Egypt’s ex-oil minister jailed for 15 years - 30 June: Morsi, received with applause by tens of thousands at Tahrir Square, vows to be president for all Egyptians promising a 'civilian state'
July 2012: 7 July: Egypt's president Morsi has ordered a fresh investigation into the killing of anti-government protesters over the past 16 months - 9 July: Egypt's president orders return of parliament - 10 July: After the Supreme Constitutional Court rejected the President's order to reconvene the parliament, Egypt's military 'warns' President Mursi over parliament decision - 11 July: After Egypt's parliament reconvened on Tuesday the Supreme Constitutional Court overruled President Mursi over parliament - 11 July: Thousands in Cairo protest high court ruling - 11 July: President Mursi seeks talks with other institutions to resolve constitutional crisis - 14 July: Visiting Egypt US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urges full civilian rule - 17 July: Egypt court to rule on drafting of new constitution - 18 July: Around 23.000 employees of Misr Spinning and Weaving, Egypt's biggest textile company, took their strike for better pay into a fourth day and were joined by some 12.000 workers at other state firms - 22 July: Attack on Egypt-Israel-Jordan pipeline - 24 July: Egypt's outgoing irrigation minister Hisham Qandil named as new Prime Minister
August 2012: 2 August: Egypt's President Morsi has sworn in a new cabinet that retained military chief Tantawi as defence minister - 6 August: Egypt's military has pledged to hunt down those behind the killing of its 16 soldiers at a checkpoint along the Sinai border with Israel - 8 August: Egypt has launched air strikes in the Sinai region close to the border with Gaza, killing more than 20 people - 9 août: De nouveaux affrontements auraient éclaté dans le Sinaï - 13 August: Egypt’s President Morsi has ordered the retirement of the Defence Minister Tantawi and Chief of Staff - 14 August: Egyptian media hails president's decision to dismiss powerful defence minister and curb military's sweeping powers
September 2012: 2 September: Egypt retires 70 army generals - 14 September: An Egyptian court has convicted the former prime minister Ahmed Nazif - already serving a seven-year term - on corruption charges and sentenced him to three years in prison - 30 September: Muslim television preacher to face charges after being video-taped burning a copy of the Bible
October 2012: 5 October: Doctors in Egypt have gone on strike to protest against low wages and badly equipped, unclean hospital facilities - 9 October: One hundred days into his term President Mursi has pardoned all those arrested during the revolution that toppled Mubarak and up until June this year - 12 October: Egypt prosecutor-general vows to keep post despite president's attempt to remove him after acquittals in Camel Battle case - 12 October: Egypt tensions spark clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square - 13 October: President Morsi agrees prosecutor-general to stay - 20 October: France 24 TV-correspondent Sonia Dridi in Cairo was 'savagely attacked' near Tahrir Square by a crowd of men and later rescued by a colleague and other witnesses
November 2012: 22 November: President Morsi sacks prosecutor general ordering new investigations into the deaths of protesters killed during last year's popular revolt and gives himself judicial powers on top of legislative ones - 23 November: Opposition calls for protests to denounce President Morsi after he sacks prosecutor general Mahmoud responsible for the failure of prosecutions and acquittals of Mubarak-era officials - 24 November: Egypt's president defends granting himself sweeping new powers, saying they would help root out corruption, as angry youths hurled rocks at security forces, burned a police truck and thousands gathered in central Cairo to protest at President Mursi's 22 November declaration and Muslim Brotherhood offices were torched in cities across Egypt in violent protests in Alexandria, Port Said and Suez - 24 November: 'Resistance fighter' sacked prosecutor general Mahmoud - discovering judicial independence - rejects the president's decree - 25 November: Signing an open letter Egyptian rights groups call on President Mursi to withdraw the decree granting himself extensive new powers as some hundred demonstrators outside the high court building in Cairo rallied against Morsi on Saturday - 26 November: President sticks by disputed decree after meeting judges, and rival forces plan a mass protest on Tuesday - 28 November: Protests in Cairo against President Morsi's decision to grant himself sweeping powers continue - 29 November: New constitution in final draft as protests sweep Egypt - 30 November: Egypt's constituent assembly approves articles of disputed new constitution, as opposition continue protests
December 2012: 1 December: Supporters and opponents of Egypt's president are planning mass, rival rallies on Saturday over new draft constitution - 2 December: President Morsi announces a December 15 vote on new draft constitution amidst ongoing protests in Cairo - 2 December: Morsi supporters gather outside Egypt's top court - 3 décembre: Les juges de l'ancien Mubarak régime refusent de superviser le référendum - 3 December: Supreme Judicial Council has agreed to oversee the referendum on a draft constitution - 5 décembre: Au Caire, le palais présidentiel est toujours encerclé par les opposants - 5 December: Clashes outside Egypt's presidential palace - 6 December: At least five people have been killed and over 400 injured in overnight clashes outside the presidential palace in Cairo, in the morning at least four tanks were deployed - 7 décembre: Président Morsi a invité l'opposition à un dialogue le 8 décembre - 7 December: Activists denounce president's call for dialogue as he refuses to delay constitutional referendum - 8 December: Egypt delays early voting on new Constitution - 8 décembre: Vice-président Mahmoud Mekki laisse entrevoir l'éventualité d'un report du référendum sur la nouvelle Constitution - 8 December: President Morsi expected to press ahead with dialogue on ways to end crisis despite main factions vowing to stay away - 9 December: President Morsi has annulled the decree he issued last month expanding his powers - Opposition says President Morsi's decision to rescind controversial decree 'falls short of expectations' - 10 December: Coalition of opposition parties calls for demonstrations against President Morsi's plans for vote on draft constitution - 11 December: Rival rallies planned in Cairo over President Morsi's decision to go ahead with Saturday's vote on draft constitution - 11 December: Morsi approves army's unity talks as rival protests grow - 12 décembre: L'opposition appelle à voter 'non' au référendum - 14 December: Protesters clash over draft charter in Alexandria
2012 Draft Constitution of Egypt - Egyptian constitutional referendum 15 and 22 December 2012 - 16 December: Egypt referendum vote count under way - 18 December: Egypt's opposition has called for mass protests in Cairo and elsewhere over alleged polling violations - 20 December: Official overseeing referendum on draft constitution resigns amid allegations of irregularities - 20 December: Egypt's new public prosecutor Talaat Ibrahim retracts resignation offer - 22 December: Egyptians have begun voting in the second stage of the constitutional referendum that has sparked weeks of unrest - 22 December: Egypt vice-president Mekki resigns on final day of referendum - 23 December: Egyptians appear to have approved a controversial new constitution in a referendum as Egypt's Islamists claim victory with about 64% percent of voters - 24 December: Egypt set to declare constitutional poll result as the opposition is demanding to investigate the irregularities - 24 December: The result of a controversial referendum on Egypt's new constitution has been delayed as officials check allegations of fraud - 25 décembre: Les résultats officiels du référendum sur la Constitution attendus mardi - 25 December: Charter drafted by Islamist supporters of President Morsi wins 63.8 percent of votes in two-round referendum - 25. Dezember: Mubarak-Vertrauter Ex-Senatspräsident Safwat al-Sherif kommt nach Gerichtsentscheidung auf Kaution frei - 26 December: President Morsi promises to take necessary steps to fix economy, as Shura Council convenes with full legislative powers until elections for a new lower house is called within two months - 28 December: Investigation ordered into accusations of treason by opposition leaders as country faces constitutional dispute
January 2013: 6 January: Finance portfolio and interior ministry, which controls police, change hands as part of measures to salvage economy - 13 January: At least 14 people have been injured when unknown assailants attacked opponents of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi who were camping outside the presidential palace in Cairo - 13 January: Egyptian court orders re-trial for Mubarak - 25 janvier: Dans une grave crise économique, l'opposition appelle à descendre dans la rue à l'occasion du 2e anniversaire de la révolution égyptienne - 25 January: Police and protesters clash as opposition groups call for rallies to mark second anniversary of 2011 revolution - 26 January: An Egyptian court has sentenced to death at least 20 defendants over clashes between rival football fans in which 74 people were killed last year - 26 January: Six people were killed in Suez and one in Ismailia as police clashed with protesters in several towns and cities - 26 janvier: L’armée égyptienne se déploie à Suez après de violentes manifestations - 27 January: At least 30 people have died in Port Said in clashes sparked by the sentencing to death of 21 local people over football riots in Egypt - 28 January: President Morsi declares state of emergency in Port Said, Ismailia and Suez, scenes of major and deadly protests in recent days - 28 January: Egypt’s main opposition coalition rejected President Morsi’s invitation to take part in talks amid ongoing unrest, calling instead for fresh protests nationwide - 29 January: Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of the cities of Port Said, Ismailiyah and Suez in defiance of President Morsi's declaration of a curfew and a state of emergency after days of deadly unrest - 31 January: Egyptian parties and groups cutting across political lines condemn violence at meeting called by country's top Islamic scholar
February 2013: 2 February: Protesters denouncing Egypt's Islamist president hurled stones and firebombs through the gates of his palace gates on Friday, clashing with security forces who fired tear gas and water cannons, as President Morsi calls on all factions to condemn the violence - 2 February: Egypt's new 'bodyguards' - women and men - to protect women protesters and to end a surge in sexual assaults on women that activists say has become the darkest stain on the country's opposition street movement - 3 February: Egypt to probe controversial police brutality case of Hamada Saber, who says he was undressed by rioters and that army soldiers were helping him after he had been attacked by protesters who mistook him for police - 4 February: Egyptian Popular Current opposition party on Monday claimed police tortured Mohammed el-Gindy, one of its members, to death, electrocuting him and beating him repeatedly on the head - 7 February: Thousands of men and women march in Cairo against increasing instances of sexual harassment of female protesters - 12 February: Police fired tear gas and used water cannons at stone-throwing protesters outside the presidential palace as the opposition held rallies to mark the second anniversary of Mubarak's overthrow - 12 February: Protesters took to the street again on Tuesday to demand an end to sexual violence, as campaigns against the repeated attacks in central Cairo pick up steam - 17 February: Thousands of protesters have blocked access to the harbour and rallied outside state buildings in Port Said to demand justice over the deaths of dozens of people killed in riots last month - 21 February: Egypt will hold parliamentary elections in several stages beginning April 27
March 2013: 4 mars 2013: Un policier tué et un officier blessé, tous deux touchés par des coups de feu tirés par des inconnus à Port-Saïd, où des affrontements ont opposé les habitants à la police, faisant plusieurs dizaines de blessés - 7 March: Electoral commission cancels timetable for parliamentary elections following a court ruling that threw the entire polling process into confusion - 8 March: Government wants corruption cases settled out of court - 9 March: After a court confirmed the death sentences against 21 people for taking part in deadly soccer riot 2012 but acquitted seven police officials for their role in the violence, enraged suspected fans torched the soccer federation headquarters and a police club in Cairo - 10 March: Egypt raises alert level in Sinai - 14 March: Egyptian policemen were to blame for the deaths of more than 800 protesters during Egypt's 2011 uprising, according to a leaked report commissioned by president Morsi - 22 March: Dozens injured as protesters clashed with supporters of Muslim Brotherhood - 27 March: Egypt court reinstates fired prosecutor Mahmoud - 29 March: Protests and clashes in Cairo and two other cities between supporters and opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood
April 2013: 1 April 2013: Popular Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef released on bail after turning himself in for questioning over allegations he insulted Islam and Mohamed Morsi - 6 April: Five Egyptians were killed and eight wounded in clashes between Christians and Muslims in El Khusus near Cairo - 8 avril: Les affrontements entre coptes et musulmans se poursuivent au Caire - 19 April: Pro- and anti-Morsi demonstrators clash in Cairo
May 2013: 11 May: Police forces have detained prominent activist Ahmed Maher, who leads the April 6 Youth Movement, on suspicion of inciting an anti-government protest
June 2013: 2 juin: Le Sénat et la commission constituante jugés illégaux - 8 June: President Morsi dismisses calls for early vote - 10 June: The Egyptian court retrying Hosni Mubarak for conspiracy to murder hundreds of demonstrators unsealed new evidence, including CCTV video and logbooks taken from Cairo security forces' armouries - 21 June: Egyptians rally on streets of Cairo to show solidarity with President ahead of planned protests against leader's rule - 28 juin: L'Egypte sous tension avant des manifestations pro et anti-Morsi - 29 June: Two Egyptians and a US citizen killed in protests and deadly clashes as Egypt's clerics warn of civil war - 29 June: At least eight Egypt MPs quit parliament in support of anti-Morsi movement, after 22 million signatures were collected to demand Morsi's departure and a snap presidential election
2013 Egyptian parliamentary election (April-June) cancelled timetable: 22 April 2013 Egyptian parliamentary election, cancelled timetable - 7 March: Electoral commission cancels timetable for parliamentary elections following a court ruling that threw the entire polling process into confusion - 27 March 2013: Egypt could hold delayed election in October, Morsi says
July 2013: July 2013 Egyptian protests - Tamarod collected more than 22 million signatures against Morsi as of 29 June 2013 - 1 July: At least seven people were killed and more than 600 wounded on Sunday in clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi - 1 July: Protesters overrun Muslim Brotherhood headquarters and four ministers quit Morsi's government - 1 July: Egypt's army gives Morsi 48 hours to meet the demands of the people or it would intervene with a roadmap - 3 July: Defiant president Morsi says he won't step down - 3 July: The death toll in violence involving Islamist supporters of President Morsi near Cairo University rose to 16 on Wednesday and 200 people were wounded - 4 July: 14 people dead in Egypt as Morsi opponents and supporters clash - 4 July: Egypt's military has ousted Morsi, calling for early presidential election, suspending the Islamist-backed constitution and names an interim government presided by the chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court - 5 July: In Sinai, Islamist militants fired rockets and directed heavy machine gun fire at a police base and attacked military - 5 July: Islamist supporters of Morsi will rally to express their outrage at his overthrow and to reject an interim government backed by their liberal opponents - 6 July: Deadly clashes and fighting across Egypt after Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader Badie told followers to continue protesting until return of ousted president Morsi - 6/7 July: The choice of Mohamed ElBaradei as interim PM following talks of the Tamarod campaign with interim president Mansour is thrown into doubt by Islamist objections - 7 July: Mohamed ElBaradei called for the Muslim Brotherhood to be included in Egypt's political future, in a media interview conducted before his candidacy as interim PM hit opposition - 8 July: A group of Egyptian activists on trial for inciting violence during protests against former President Morsi were acquitted by a court in Cairo - 8 juillet: Les salafistes d'Al-Nour se retirent des négociations pour mener la transition politique en Égypte - 8 juillet: Au moins 34 partisans de Morsi ont été tués par l’armée égyptienne devant le siège de la Garde républicaine au Caire, selon un responsable du ministère de la Santé - 8 July: Islamists call for uprising after at least 51 people were killed including an army officer - 9 juillet: Le président intérimaire Adly Mansour a fixé par décret un calendrier pour la tenue d'élections législatives avant la fin de 2013 - 9 July: Egypt's interim president named liberal economist Hazem al-Beblawi, a former finance minister, as the country's new prime minister - 10 juillet: El-Beblaoui va tendre la main aux Frères musulmans - 10 juillet: Les Frères musulmans rejettent le plan de transition politique, le FSN et le mouvement Tamarrod exigent que des amendements soient apportés à la 'déclaration constitutionnelle' - 11 juillet: Hazem Beblawi espère former un gouvernement d'ici la semaine prochaine - 11 July: Egypt's public prosecutor's office ordered the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie on charges of inciting violence outside the Republican Guard headquarters where 51 people were killed - also other top leaders charged, investigation - 13 July: On Tahrir, thousands gathered to attend a celebration of Ramadan, as thousands of Morsi supporters marched along streets in Cairo and US seeks Morsi's release - 13 July: Egypt PM edges closer to forming cabinet - 13/14 July: Egypt announces criminal investigation against Morsi including complaints of spying, inciting violence and ruining the economy - 14 July: ElBaradei sworn in as Egypt's interim vice president for foreign relations - 16 July: Clashes return to streets of Cairo - 16 July: Egypt's interim president swears in new Cabinet by PM Hazem el-Beblawi, an economist - 18/19 July: Adly Mansour in first public address vows to protect the country against those who seek chaos and violence, hours before pro-Morsi rallies - 20 July: Three people killed and at least six others injured during clashes in the Nile Delta town of Mansoura as thousands rally in support of Morsi in Cairo and elsewhere and opponents also hold demonstrations - 21 July: New Egyptian PM Hazem el-Beblawi seeks dialogue to drive back the nation's divisions - 23 July: Rallies of supporters and opponents of Morsi turn violent and deadly, as interim president renews calls for reconciliation - 24 July: Unknown gunmen who shot at supporters of Morsi have killed at least one person, witnesses and health officials confirm - 24 July: A bomb exploded at a police station in Mansoura, the capital of Dakhalia province north of Cairo early on Wednesday, killing one person and wounding 17 others - 24 July: Egypt's army chief called for public rallies this week to give him a mandate to fight terrorism and violence - 26 July: Ousted President Morsi is under investigation for an array of charges including that he conspired with Hamas to flee jail during the 2011 uprising, killing some prisoners and officers, kidnapping soldiers and torching buildings - 27 July: Egypt suffers night of deadly violence as hundreds of thousands come out for rallies in a divided country - 27 July: Over 100 supporters of Morsi claimed dead as soldiers are accused of shoot-to-kill policy to clear protest urging his release - 28 July: Egypt's interior minister pledged to deal decisively with any attempts to destabilize the country, a thinly veiled warning to supporters of Morsi occupying two squares in Cairo in a month-long stand-off with the security forces - 29 July: At least 12 people have been killed in a fight in central Cairo caused by a dispute between street vendors over spaces - 30 July: Morsi in good health, has access to news and follows developments, says EU's Ashton - 31 July: Egypt's cabinet orders police to end pro-Morsi sit-ins in Cairo - 3 top Muslim Brotherhood leaders referred to court on charges of inciting violence
August 2013: 1 août: Les plaintes de voisinage pourraient justifier l'expulsion des pro-Morsi et les sit-ins - 2 August: Egypt's government tells pro-Morsi protesters to quit camps - 2 August: Morsi supporters defy warnings, plan fresh rallies - 2 August: Egypt's government tells pro-Morsi protesters to quit camps - 3 August: Rallies continue and clashes with police erupt in Egypt's capital even as foreign pressure to solve crisis mounts and rights groups demand an investigation into allegations that Morsi's supporters tortured opponents - 3 Augaust: Allies of deposed Egyptian President Morsi told mediators on Saturday they respected the popular will expressed in mass protests that led to his downfall - 4 August: Muslim Brotherhood leaders' trial on charges related to the killing of protesters to open on August 25 - 4/5 August: Efforts to resolve Egypt political crisis intensify as al-Sisi meets Islamist leaders and William Burns and Western and Arab envoys visit jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader El-Shater - 6 August: The EU's Bernardino Leon and US William Burns extend their stay in Cairo to hold a series of talks in the ongoing crisis - 8 August: On the eve of Eid interim President Mansour says that the government will press on with its own plan to hold new elections in nine months - 12 August: Islamist al-Nour Party to help shape new Egyptian constitution - 14 August: Egyptian troops swoop on pro-Morsi camps, many feared killed - 14 August: Egypt declares month-long state of emergency as scores confirmed dead - 15 August: Pessimism as Egypt counts its dead and Muslim Brotherhood vows revenge - 16 August: UN Security Council calls for 'maximum restraint' in Egypt and end to violence spreading across the country, also calling for national reconciliation - 17 August 2013: Egypt Islamists vow fresh marches and plan new actions as security forces surround the al-Fath mosque in Cairo full of incited Morsi-supporters on Saturday, after new destructive street battles that left more than 80 dead on Friday - 17 August: Egyptian police exchanged gunfire Saturday with armed Islamist Morsi-supporters, surrounded in the al-Fath mosque - 18 August: After a gunbattle with followers of the Muslim Brotherhood - witnesses saw gunmen shoot from a window of the al-Fath mosque - on Saturday, security forces cleared the mosque, while Egypt's government considers banning the Islamist group and as Islamists announce fresh demonstrations for several days - 19 août: Au moins 36 prisonniers islamistes meurent lors d'un transfert en prison près du Caire dans des circonstances encore confuses - 19 August: Morsi accused of complicity in the deaths and torture of protesters outside his presidential palace in late 2012, judicial sources say - 20 August: Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohamed Badie accused by authorities of inciting the violence causing the death of protesters - 21 August: Interim PM al-Beblawi says his country could live without aid from the USA as Washington and the EU review ties with Cairo after arrest of Islamist chief - 22 August: Egypt to put ex-leader Hosni Mubarak under house arrest - 23 August: On Friday some thousands in Egypt join fresh protests against Mohamed Morsi's ouster - 24 August: Mubarak and Brotherhood chiefs due in court - 27 August: Fugitive Muslim Brotherhood leader denies terror charges despite Morsi supporters attacked police stations, government buildings and churches - 29 August: Senior Muslim Brotherhood official Beltagi arrested - 30 August: On Friday once again thousands of supporters of Morsi marched through Cairo and cities across Egypt amid heavy security, but numbers less than hoped for
September 2013: 2 September: Deposed president Morsi is to stand trial on charges of inciting the killing of opponents protesting outside his palace while he was in office - 3 September: As a bomb attack on a police station hits central Cairo, a judicial panel supports a legal challenge to the status of the Muslim Brotherhood - 3 September: An Egyptian military court has sentenced 11 Muslim Brotherhood members to life in prison for violence targeting the army in the port city of Suez - 5 September: Egypt's interior minister Ibrahim survives an assassination attempt when a bomb targeted his convoy near his house in Cairo wounding many guards - 6 September: Morsi supporters hold new protests in Cairo after Friday prayers - 8 September: Sinai islamic militants claim bomb targeting Egypt minister - 13 September: Egypt extends state of emergency by two months - 13 September: Mohamed Morsi remanded to a further 30 days in custody on charges of jailbreak and espionage during the 2011 uprising - 16 septembre: L'armée égyptienne reprend Delga, ville tenue par les islamistes - 17 September: Muslim Brotherhood spokesman arrested as assets frozen - 19 septembre: L'armée égyptienne donne l'assaut contre des islamistes près du Caire - 24 September: Egyptian court bans Muslim Brotherhood and orders its funds seized - 29 September 2013: Egypt's latest political transition, including presidential and parliamentary elections, will end 'by next spring', foreign minister Nabil Fahmy says at UN
October 2013: 4/5 October: Five people were killed in clashes on Friday as supporters of Morsi took to the streets and places of Cairo and other cities - 6 October: 44 people dead as divided Egypt marks 40th anniversary of Yom Kippur War and supporters and opponents of Morsi took to the streets - 7 octobre: Le jour de commémoration tourne au bain de sang - 7 octobre: Deux attaques contre les forces de sécurité en bordure du canal de Suez et dans le Sinaï, tuant sept soldats - 19 October: Car bomb near Egypt army intelligence building in Ismailia wounds at least six soldiers - 21 October: Gunmen riding a motorbike shot and killed three people, including an 8-year-old girl, when they fired on a group leaving a wedding at a Coptic Christian church in Cairo late on Sunday
November 2013: 4 November: On the eve of the trial of deposed president Morsi on Monday over the deaths of protesters, gunmen shot dead two policemen and injured a third near Ismailia on the west bank of the Suez Canal - 5 novembre: Entrant sous les applaudissements et aux cris de 'À bas le régime militaire', le procès de Mohamed Morsi a été ajourné au 8 janvier 2014 - 8 November: FM Nabil Fahmy says, Egypt would hold parliamentary elections between February and March 2014, followed by presidential polls in early summer, and that Freedom and Justice Party could take part - 13 novembre: L'Égypte lève l'état d'urgence en vigueur depuis trois mois - 20 November: Car bomb kills ten Egyptian soldiers in Sinai - 26 novembre: Dix membres du comité pour réviser la constitution ont suspendu leur participation pour protester contre l'arrestation de manifestants - 27 November: Egypt's new constitution is still in the drafting stage but has already disappointed rights groups and activists who had hoped it would curb the military's wide-ranging powers and privileges - 29 novembre: Un étudiant a été tué, lors d'une manifestation islamiste à l'Université du Caire après la condamnation des jeunes filles à 11 ans de prison - 29 November: Egypt police arrest nearly 200 protesters defying draconian protest ban - 30 November: Egypt panel votes on draft constitution that enshrines army's role in politics and bans religious parties
December 2013: 2 December: Egypt’s draft constitution approved for referendum - 8 décembre: Condamnées à 11 ans de prison pour avoir manifesté pour Morsi, 21 jeunes Égyptiennes ont été remises en liberté - 19 December: Egypt's public prosecutor charges Mohamed Morsi and 35 other top Islamists with conspiring with foreign groups to commit terrorist acts in Egypt - 22 December: New charges against Morsi in a third trial include spreading chaos and abducting police officers in collaboration with foreign militants - 24 December: A powerful car bomb at the police headquarters in Mansoura early Tuesday kills at least 14 people, mostly policemen, and wounds more than 100 people - 25 December: Egypt arrests Mohamed Morsi's ex-prime minister Hisham Kandil on his way to Sudan - 25 December: An Al-Qaeda-inspired group based in Sinai claims Mansura police headquarters suicide bombing - 26 décembre: Les Frères musulmans déclarés 'organisation terroriste' en Égypte - 26 December: Five people have been injured in Cairo bus bomb blast - 27 December: Police fired tear gas at stone-throwing Islamist protesters in two cities - 28 December: Four people killed, scores wounded in clashes across Egypt - 28/29 December: After student Muslim Brotherhood supporters stormed a faculty building at Cairo's Al-Azhar University where exams were being taken and set it on fire, an Islamist student was killed and scores were arrested in clashes with Egyptian police - 29 December: Blast damage military facility in north Egypt, wounding four people - 31 December: Egypt sentences 139 pro-Morsi protesters
January 2014: 2 January: Two people killed in violent clashes between pro-Islamist protesters and police in Alexandria - 4 January: At least 13 Morsi supporters were killed in clashes during nationwide protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Ismailia, Fayoum and Minya - 10 January: At least three people killed in clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi - 11 January: Egypt army chief al-Sisi eyes presidency bid - 14 January: A bomb exploded outside a Cairo court just before polling stations were to open for the constitutional referendum boycotted by Morsi supporters
Egyptian constitutional referendum 14/15 January 2014: Egyptian constitutional referendum 14/15 January 2014 - 15 January: Second day of voting on new constitution after nine people died in clashes involving Morsi supporters on Tuesday
18 January 2014: Egypt's new constitution gets 98% 'yes' vote, turnout 38.6% - 19 January: Morsi faces a fourth trial on charges of insulting the judiciary - 23 January: Five policemen have been killed in Egypt in an armed attack on a checkpoint in Beni Suef province south of Cairo - 24 January: A car bomb outside the police headquarters in Cairo followed by a second blast near a city metro station has killed at least five people and wounded dozens more on Friday - 25 January: A bomb exploded near Cairo police academy on Saturday, wounding one person - 26 January: At least 49 people reportedly killed in clashes on the third anniversary of the popular uprising in Egypt - 26 January: Egypt to hold presidential poll before parliamentary vote, the interim government says - 28 janvier: L'armée égyptienne donnne mandat à al-Sissi pour briguer la présidentielle - 30 janvier: Vingt journalistes d'Al-Jazira devant la justice égyptienne
February 2014: 6 February: Army chief al-Sisi reportedly said he will run for president - 7 February: A bomb has targeted a police checkpoint on a flyover in Cairo's twin city of Giza, wounding three police - 24 February: Egypt interim government resigns - 25 February: Egypt courts sentence 220 Morsi supporters to prison for inciting violence - 25 February: New army-backed PM Mahlab vows to 'crush terrorism' hoping improved security will lead to economic recovery - 26 February: 26 people sentenced to death over Suez 'terror plot' - 26 February: Egypt army chief Sissi won't run for president, official source says
March 2014: 8 March: Three protesters killed and dozens wounded as Islamists and police clashed across Egypt on Friday - 15 March: Six Egyptian military police killed as gunmen attack Cairo checkpoint - 17 March: Interim president Mansour says public opposes the Muslim Brotherhood - 21 March: Egyptian court sentences 17 people to 14 years in jail each on charges including assault and occupying public buildings during protests at Cairo's Al-Azhar University last year - 24 March: A court in southern Egyptian convicts 529 Morsi supporters, sentencing them to death on charges of murdering a policeman and attacking police - 24 March: Anger in Egypt as 529 Morsi supporters sentenced to death and fears for the integrity of Egypt's legal system deepened - 25 March: The wife of the policeman whose murder led to death sentences for 529 Egyptians has suggested that only two men may be responsible for his killing, who were still in hiding - 26 March: Egypt's Abdel Sisi to resign as minister and declares candidacy for presidency - 28 March: At least three people killed in Cairo as Brotherhood supporters protest following sentencing of over 500 Islamists to death, and the army chief announcing he will run for president - 30 March: An Egyptian court sentenced two supporters of Morsi to death for committing murder during violence that broke out in Alexandria last year - 30 March: Egypt presidential election set for May 26, 27
April/May 2014: 2 April: Two bombs targeting security posts near Cairo University killed a police general, followed by a third blast as police and journalists gathered - 7/8 April: An Egyptian appeals court upheld the jailing of three leading figures of the 2011 pro-democracy uprising, tightening a crackdown on secular activists opposed to the army-backed government - 16 April: An Egyptian court sentenced 119 supporters of Morsi to three years each in prison in connection with protests last October - 19 April: An explosion rocked a busy square in Cairo, killing one police officer, wounding three and causing panic - 19 April: Hamdeen Sabahi enters Egypt's presidential race - 27 April: 13 Morsi supporters sentenced to prison terms ranging from five to 88 years for rioting - 28 April: Death sentence for the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and 682 supporters - 29 April: Even the dead are sentenced to death by Egyptian courts - 2 May: A bomb blast in Cairo kills one policeman, wounds three, shortly after double suicide attack strikes Sinai Peninsula - 6 May: In first campaign TV interview al-Sissi says uncovered two assassination plots - 18 May: A bomb wounded at least three people at a Cairo election rally for al-Sissi on Saturday - 20 May: A drive-by shooting reportedly killed three policemen during a rally by Islamist students in Cairo - 21 May: Egyptian court sentences ousted president Mubarak and sons to 3 respectively 4 years in prison on charges of stealing public funds - 26 May: Egyptians go to the polls to elect new president
26/27 May 2014 Egyptian presidential election: Egyptian presidential election 26/27 May 2014 - 27 May: Egyptian presidential election extended to third day in an attempt to encourage more people to vote - 29 May: As turnout nationwide was around 44%, Sissi reportedly wins 92% of votes in Egypt election - 3 June: Election Commission officially announced el-Sissi's victory with 96.9% of the vote
June 2014: 7 June: Egypt bans unauthorized preachers from giving sermons or teaching Islam in mosques and other public places - 8 January: Egyptian court sentenced ten Islamist supporters of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood to death in absentia on charges of inciting violence and blocking a road last July as an appeals court overturned the sentences given to four police officers over the deaths of 37 detainees - 9 June: Al-Sisi promised to rule Egypt in an inclusive manner after he was sworn in as president but gave no indication he would reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood - 21 June: Egyptian court confirms death sentence for Muslim Brotherhood leader Badie and at least 182 of his supporters - 24 June: Facing a huge unemployment problem and widening budget deficit, al-Sissi prepares Egyptians for austerity cutting own pay - 28 June: A girl reportedly killed and her mother wounded by the explosion of a homemade bomb on the outskirts of Cairo - 30 June: Days after militant group Ajnad Misr claimed planting bombs, blasts near Egypt's presidential palace kill 2 police officers
July/August 2014: 4 July: Five people killed in Cairo clashes marking anniversary of Morsi ouster - 16 July: Egyptian court jails 7 men for life for sexually assaulting several women during a rally in Tahrir Square on 8 June - 9 August: An Egyptian court has dissolved the Freedom and Justice party, the political wing of the banned Muslim Brotherhood - 12 August 2014: Rabaa killing of 817 people a year ago was a premeditated attack on largely unarmed protesters, HRW says
October/November 2014: 15 October: A strong blast hit a busy district in central Cairot, leaving 12 wounded, as a court sentenced seven Islamic militants to death over earlier terror attacks - 23 October: A bomb outside Cairo University reportedly wounded 11 people, among them several police officers - 25 October: Egypt declares state of emergency in Sinai after checkpoint bombing - 28 November: At least two protesters and three officers killed in separate incidents, over 100 Islamists arrested - 29 November: Mubarak, his sons and former aides acquitted from charges of murdering protesters during the 2011 uprising and of corruption - 30 November: Two people killed and nine wounded as police disperse protests against Mubarak's acquittal
December 2014: 3 December: Egypt court sentences 188 people to death for attack on police station that left 11 police officers and two civilians dead in August 2013 - 6 December: Egypt court sentences seven jihadists to death in Sinai case
January 2015: 6 January: Gunmen kill 2 Egyptian policemen guarding Coptic church south of Cairo - 6 January: Egyptian police officer killed while trying to defuse a bomb outside a petrol station in Cairo, with jihadis claiming responsibility - 9 January: Egypt said it is to hold parliamentary elections from March 21 - 13 January: Egyptian court orders retrial in embezzlement case against Mubarak, dropping the only remaining conviction - 23 January: An Egyptian student killed on Friday during clashes between Muslim Brotherhood protesters and local residents in Alexandria - 25 January: At least 15 killed in Egypt protests marking 2011 uprising, gunmen in a car opened fire on a security checkpoint near the Pyramids, killing two policemen - 26 January: Images of killed Egypt protester revive criticism of police - 27 January: One person killed by a car bomb, parked near a police station by suspected Islamists in Alexandria
February 2015: 3 February: Homemade bomb explodes in central Cairo, two bombs found in Cairo airport - 9 February: Egyptian authorities say that 19 people had been killed in clashes at a Cairo stadium, adding that none of the victims had been killed by police - 16 February: Thousands mourn Egyptian victims of 'Islamic State' killings, who paid a gruesome price for simply seeking work in Libya - 26 February: One person killed and five others wounded including policemen when five bombs exploded in Cairo on Thursday
March-June 2015: 1 March: A bomb went off near a police station and mosque in the southern city of Aswan, killing two civilians and wounding a soldier and four others - 1 March: Egypt parliamentary poll looks set for delay after court ruling - 14 March: One killed in Cairo bombing as Gulf leaders make $12 billion pledge - 21 April: Ousted Egyptian president Morsi gets 20 years in prison over conviction finding him responsible for deaths of protesters in 2012 - 7 May: Two Egyptian police recruits were killed on Thursday when unidentified gunmen shot them in Northern Sinai - 9 May: Mubarak sentenced to 3 years in prison for corruption after former Egyptian president and two sons convicted of embezzling millions of dollars of state funds over decade - 16 May: Islamists warn of backlash over Mohamed Morsi death sentence calling it an act of revenge by Egyptian regime - 9 June 2015: 11 men sentenced to death over 2012 football stadium killings in Egypt - 11 June: Egyptian police officer jailed for 15 years over death of protester Shaimaa el-Sabbagh at peaceful demonstration in Cairo in January - 16 June: Egypt's Morsi sentenced to death and 25 years in prison in two different cases along with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader - 29 June: Egypt's public prosecutor targeted by deadly car bomb
July-September 2015: 1 July 2015: At least 30 Egyptian soldiers killed in terror attacks as suspected Islamist militants attacked several military posts in Egypt's North Sinai area - 1 July: Egypt cabinet passes anti-terrorism laws amid deadliest Sinai battle in 40 years - 11 July 2015: At least one civilian killed, several others and at least two police officers wounded in explosion witnesses said caused massive destruction to Italian Consulate in Cairo - 17 August 2015: Egyptian President al-Sissi approved an anti-terrorism law that sets up special courts and provides protections to its enforcers - 30 August: Egypt will hold a long-awaited parliamentary election in two phases starting on 18-19 October and on 22-23 November - 12 September 2015: After authorities arrested Egypt’s agriculture minister over corruption allegations, Egypt’s cabinet resigns but will stay on in a caretaker role until a new government is formed - 14 September: After Egyptian security forces killed 12 Mexicans and Egyptians and injured 10, targeting Mexican tourist convoy in the country's western desert, Egyptian authorities claim tourist convoy was in area illegally
October/November 2015 Egyptian parliamentary election: 17 October - 23 November Egyptian parliamentary election (initially expected to be held before the end of March 2015) - 19 October: In absence of opposition parties in Egypt shun elections, the result will be a foregone conclusion but a low turnout suggests that the strongman president is losing popularity - 22 November: Egyptians vote in the second phase of elections that are meant to restore parliament but which critics say have been undermined by widespread repression
November/December 2015: 28 November 2015: 4 Egyptian policemen killed in drive-by shooting on checkpoint near the 4,600-year-old Step Pyramid near Cairo - 4 December 2015: At least 16 people were killed and two wounded in a petrol bomb attack on a Cairo disco in the early hours of Friday
January/February 2016: 9 January 2016: Gunmen shot dead an Egyptian police colonel and a conscript west of Cairo as they traveled to work - 13 February 2016: Thousands of doctors in Egypt have staged a rare protest against police abuses after accusations that two doctors were beaten up by policemen in a Cairo hospital
April/May 2016: 15 April 2016: Thousands in Egypt take to the streets of Cairo against el-Sissi’s decision to hand over two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia in first significant protest against government since Sissi’s takeover - 15 avril: La police égyptienne a fait usage de gaz lacrymogènes pour disperser au Caire et à Alexandrie des centaines de manifestants contre la rétrocession de deux îles à l'Arabie saoudite - 27 April: Around 100 Egyptian journalists staged a protest in Cairo against the arrest of colleagues for covering demonstrations opposing President al-Sisi - 8 May: Eight Egyptian policemen gunned down in the Helwan district south of Cairo - 15 mai: 152 manifestants sont condamnés à des peines de 2 à 5 ans de prison pour avoir protesté contre le régime et la cession par l'Egypte de deux îles de la mer Rouge à l'Arabie saoudite
July 2016: 13 July 2016: Hundreds of Egyptians have been forcibly disappeared and tortured in a campaign by 'security' forces in Egypt to wipe out peaceful dissent, rights group says
March/April 2017: 8 March 2017: Some of Egypt’s major cities have been paralysed by rare protests in response to a cut in bread subsidies - 13 March 2017: An Egyptian prosecutor allowed for former president Hosni Mubarak to be released, after an appeals court acquitted him of involvement in the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising - 10 April 2017: Egypt under emergency rule after church terror attacks, as during funerals for 45 victims killed in Palm Sunday bombings, mourners denounce security services for failing to protect Christians
January 2018: 24 January 2018: Egyptian presidential hopeful and rights lawyer Khaled Ali has quit the race, becoming the latest would-be candidate who either has bowed out or been forced to abandon a challenge to president al-Sisi before the March election - 29 January 2018: Mousa from the pro-government Ghad party, now sole challenger to Sisi, registers at last minute after any candidate representing genuine opposition to Sisi has either been arrested or intimidated into dropping out
March 2018 Egyptian presidential election: 26–28 March 2018 Egyptian presidential election - 29 March 2018: Preliminary results showed that Sisi won about 92% of the vote with turnout at around 41.5%, after an election campaign in which five of his potential challengers were prevented from getting on the ballot
April 2018: 3 April 2018: Spoiled ballots seen as silent protest after challengers to Sissi were forced and citizens were told to vote or face fines, as Sissi reelected to presidency with 97% at 41% turnout
September 2018: 8 September 2018: An Egyptian court sentenced 75 people to death, including top leaders of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, for their involvement in a 2013 sit-in protest that was broken up by security forces in an operation that left hundreds dead, as photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zaid, whose detention has been decried by rights groups at home and abroad, received five years in prison for doing his job
November 2018 ongoing crackdown on civil society: 1 November 2018: Egyptian authorities have arrested 19 rights lawyers and activists, including eight women, as part of the country’s ongoing crackdown on civil society, rights group says - 19 November 2018: Egyptian police and NSA have arrested more than 40 human rights activists, lawyers and political activists since late October, as many as 80 people may have been arrested, but so far only 40 names were able to be verified by Human Rights Watch
April 2019: 15 April 2019: Egypt’s parliament is to vote on a bill of sweeping constitutional changes this week that would increase President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s power and allow him to rule until 2030 - 19 April 2019: Egypt holds snap vote on extending president's term limit to begin just four days after MPs backed constitutional changes, as online petition against the changes was repeatedly blocked by the government and Civil Democratic Movement's Khaled Dawoud said 'we see [the changes] as a major setback for the achievements made by the Egyptian people during the 2011 revolution'
20-22 April 2019 Egypt constitutional referendum: 20-22 April 2019 Egypt constitutional referendum, as the proposed changes would allow president and former army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who came in power in the military July 2013 coup d'état, to remain in power until 2030, under the existing constitution he would be barred from contesting the next elections, which are due in 2022 - 23 April 2019: Turnout is just 44% as Egyptians approve extending Sissi’s rule until 2030, as critics warn move will cement authoritarian rule eight years after a pro-democracy uprising - 24 April 2019: Egyptian referendum was held in an 'unfair and unfree' environment and has 'no pretense to legitimacy', according to Human Rights Watch, saying constitutional referendum was 'marred by serious flaws', including reports of citizens being forced or bribed to vote with food and money
17 June 2019 death of Mohamed Morsi: 17 June 2019 death of Mohamed Morsi after he collapsed during a court hearing on espionage charges in Cairo - 17 June 2019: Egypt’s first democratically elected civilian president Mohamed Morsi died almost six years after he was forced from power amid protests against his rule, demanding fresh elections, and a bloody coup by Egypt’s military on 3 July 2013, bringing the then defence minister Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi to power
Since 20 September 2019 Egyptian protests and crack down: Since 20 September 2019 Egyptian protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta and five other Egyptian cities in which the protestors called for Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to be removed from power, and security forces responded with tear gas, rubber bullets and live bullets, and, as of 6 October 2019, 3000 arrests had been made, based on data from the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms and the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
21/22 September 2019 protests against government corruption: 21 September 2019: Egyptian forces fire teargas on anti-government protesters and arrest at least 55 people as hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets in Cairo and other cities in rare protests against al-Sisi, responding to an online call for a demonstration against government corruption - 22 September 2019: Protesters and police clash in Egypt for second day running, as teargas and live rounds fired at demonstrators in Suez after they called for the removal of general-turned-president al-Sisi
23 September 2019 police rounded hundreds over protest: 23 September 2019: Egyptian rights lawyers say security forces have rounded up hundreds of people following small but rare anti-government protests, that broke out in several Egyptian cities including the capital, calling for el-Sissi to step down, as internet monitoring group Netblocks said there had been disruption starting on Sunday to social media platforms and news sites
26 September 2019 mass arrests: 26 September 2019: Over 1,900 arrested as Egypt braces for more protests
27 September 2019 renewed anti-Sissi protests: 27 September 2019: Renewed anti-Sissi protests hit Egypt in several cities, as his supporters stage their own rallies, Egypt's Tahrir Square on lockdown, and as regime moves to stifle protests
29 September 2019: 29 septembre 2019: Environ 2000 personnes ont été interpellées au cours de la semaine passée, des journalistes, des avocats, des intellectuels, et Alaa Abdel Fattah, qui se retrouve derrière les barreaux, après il avait commenté sur Twitter de récentes manifestations anti-Sissi
8 October 2019 children swept up in crackdown on anti-Sisi protests: 8 October 2019: More than 100 children are among thousands of people detained in Egypt in an effort to prevent further protests against the rule of Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi, as rights group said arrested children 'as young as 11, with several detained on their way home from school'
6 July 2020: Egypt arrests doctors, silences critics over covid-19 outbreak: 6 July 2020: Egypt arrests doctors, healthcare workers, journalists and silences critics over covid-19 outbreak, as at least 10 doctors and six journalists have been arrested since the virus first hit Egypt in February, according to rights groups
14 July 2020 jailed Egyptian journalist dies of covid-19 on Bastille day: 14 July 2020: Prominent Egyptian journalist Mohamed Monir who had been jailed on charges of broadcasting not wanted news has died of covid-19, raising fears that the pandemic may be spreading undetected in Egypt’s notoriously crowded prisons, as even brief detentions amid the pandemic can mean a death sentence, Committee to Protect Journalists says
'Early' 2020 Egyptian municipal election: 'Early' 2020 Egyptian municipal election - 1 October 2019: Presidential directive to freeze Parliament, as sources told Mada Masr that al-Sisi has issued a directive to freeze the operations of Parliament, as the president is unsatisfied with the performance of the legislative body and its speaker, coming at the start of the fifth and final legislative session of the current parliamentary term, which is set to last until late June 2020
August 2020 Egyptian Senate election: 11/12 August 2020 Egyptian Senate election
November 2020 Egyptian parliamentary election: November 2020 Egyptian parliamentary election, as final results will be announced by the National Elections Authority on 14 December
11 December 2020 'not just Giulio Regeni', hundreds have died in Egyptian custody, report says: 11 December 2020: The number of people dying in Egyptian detention centres rose by a further 100 in 2020, taking the total number of deaths over 1,000 since the Egyptian dictatorship seized power in 2013, a new Geneva-based 'Committee for Justice' report says
24 January 2022 prisoner’s secret filming appears to show torture in Cairo police station: 24 January 2022: A video obtained by the Guardian appearing to show Egyptian police torturing detainees in a Cairo police station confirms the extent to which officers appear able to inflict violence on civilians with near total impunity, according to human rights groups
10-12 December 2023 Egyptian presidential election: 10-12 December 2023 Egyptian presidential election
19 December 2023 Egypt’s Sisi wins third term as president after amending constitution: 19 December 2023: President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi wins Egypt election after facing no serious challengers and after taking 89.6% of the vote, as Egypt struggles with a slow-burning economic crisis and tries to manage the risk of spillover from the Israel-Gaza war adjacent to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula
Foreign relations of Egypt: Foreign relations of Egypt - International reactions to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 - International reactions to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 - NZZ 20. Mai 2011: USA-Finanzhilfe für Ägypten, Tunesien (Rede Obamas) - NZZ 27. Mai 2011: G8 - Milliardenhilfe für arabische Länder - NZZ 5. Juni 2011: Aussicht auf IWF-Kredit von 3Mrd. $ für Ägypten - 25 June 2011: Egypt drops plan for International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan - deficit in 2011-12 budget revised to 8,6%
29 September 2013: Egypt wants a Middle East region 'free from weapons of mass destruction, as well as from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons', says foreign minister Nabil Fahmy at UN
Egypt/Ethiopia relations: Egypt/Ethiopia relations
Egypt/European Union relations: Egypt/European Union relations
Egypt/Ireland relations: Egypt/Ireland relations
Egypt/Iran relations: Egypt/Iran relations
Since 2005 rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba: Rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba since 2005
Since 2011 history of Egypt/Israel relations: History of Egypt/Israel relations since 2011
21 February 2021 Egyptian minister makes rare visit to Israel to talk energy cooperation: 21 February 2021: Egyptian minister makes rare visit to Israel to talk energy cooperation
Egypt/Italy relations: Egypt/Italy relations
10 December 2020 Italian prosecutors charge 4 members of Egypt’s 'security' agency with the kidnapping and murder of Giulio Regeni: 10 December 2020: Italian prosecutors have officially charged four members of Egypt’s national 'security' agency with the kidnapping and murder of Italian doctoral student Giulio Regeni in Cairo, as prosecutors in Rome accused Tariq Saber, Athar Kamel Mohamed Ibrahim, Capt Uhsam Helmi and Maj Magdi Ibrahim Abdelal Sharif of kidnapping the young student in 2016, while Sharif is also accused of grievous bodily harm and murder, as 'Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms' revealed last September that 'security' forces have forcibly 'disappeared' 2,723 people since 2015, and as enforced disappearances, where citizens are secretly detained by security agents without access to lawyers or their families, are associated with frequent use of torture
Egypt/North Korea relations: Egypt/North Korea relations
Egypt/Libya relations: Egypt/Libya relations
25 July 2020 al-Sisi calls for Beijing to help stop Turkey support for UN-backed Libya: 25 July 2020: Egypt's al-Sisi regime calls for Beijing regime to help stop Turkey support for UN-backed Libya government
Egypt/Mexico relations: Egypt/Mexico relations
Egypt/Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) relations: Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Egypt/Palestinian territories relations: Egypt/Palestinian territories relations - History of the Middle East
Egypt/Saudi-Arabia relations: Egypt/Saudi-Arabia relations
Egypt/Spain relations: Egypt/Spain relations
Egypt/Sudan relations: Egypt/Sudan relations
Egypt/Switzerland relations: Egypt/Switzerland relations
Egypt/Syria relations: Egypt/Syria relations - 30 August 2012: Assad's delegation walks out after Egypt's president Morsi calls for 'solidarity with struggle' against 'oppressive regime' at NAM summit - 7 February 2013: At the summit of 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Egyptian in Cairo president Morsi urges Assad regime not to put its interests above those of the nation - 16 June 2013: President Morsi announces closure of embassies in Damascus and Cairo, calls for the imposition of a no-fly zone against the Assad regime and demands that Hezbollah must leave Syria - 28 September 2013: Egypt wants a Middle East region 'free from weapons of mass destruction, as well as from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons', says foreign minister Nabil Fahmy at UN - 17 October: Egypt denies it was mistreating Syrian refugees following a report by Amnesty International accusing authorities of unlawfully detaining and deporting hundreds of Syrians fleeing civil war
Egypt/Turkey relations: Egypt/Turkey relations
Egypt/United Kingdom relations: Egypt/United Kingdom relations
1956 Suez Crisis: Suez Crisis 1956
2012 UK 'fails to freeze' Mubarak-era assets: 3 September 2012: UK 'fails to freeze' Mubarak-era assets
Egypt/USA relations: Egypt/USA relations - 7 December 2011: Rights group condemns US arms sales to Egypt - 14 July 2012: Visiting Egypt US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urges democratic transition - 16 juillet: En visite en Egypte Hillary Clinton a rencontré le nouveau président Mohammed Morsi ainsi que des généraux - 13 September: Despite the Morsi government's call for calm, demonstrations over foreign film are ongoing outside the US embassy in Cairo - 19 September: Italy's highest court confirmes the guilty verdicts of 23 CIA agents tried in absentia for the 2003 abduction of Egyptian imam Osama Mustafa Hassan in Milan - 3 March 2013: Arrived in Egypt on his first visit to Arab world US secretary of state Kerry releases $190m for Cairo and urges rival factions to unite - 29 June: US warns against Egypt travel, after a US citizen died in deadly clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi - 19 July 2013: Ex-CIA Milan chief held in Panama over cleric Abu Omar abduction - 10 octobre: Les États-Unis ont gelé une partie de leur aide à l’Égypte - 13 February 2014: Egypt detained local USA Embassy staffer for nearly three weeks without charges
Ecoregions in Egypt: List of ecoregions in Egypt
Environmental issues in Egypt: Environmental issues in Egypt
Air pollution in Egypt: Air pollution in Egypt
Nile, Nile Basin Initiative and water politics in the Nile Basin: Nile - Nile Basin Initiative - Water politics in the Nile Basin
River regulation and dams in Egypt: River regulation in Egypt - Dams in Egypt
Water supply and water resources management in modern Egypt: Water supply and sanitation in Egypt - Water resources management in modern Egypt
Natural disasters in Egypt: Natural disasters in Egypt - Geography of Egypt

Iran - Geography of Iran - History of Iran - 1953 Iran coup d'etat - role of USA and UK - Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution 1979 - History of the Islamic Republic of Iran (since 1979) - Demographics of Iran
Industry of Iran: Industry of Iran
Steel industry of Iran: Steel industry and companies of Iran
List of military equipment manufactured in Iran: List of military equipment manufactured in Iran
April 2020 Iranian regime launched military satellite:
22 April 2020: Iran's Revolutionary Guard says it successfully launched military satellite, raising concerns among experts on whether the technology used could help regime develop intercontinental ballistic missiles
Mining in Iran: Mining in Iran is underdeveloped, yet the country is one of the most important mineral producers in the world - the most important mines in Iran include coal, metallic minerals, sand and gravel, chemical minerals and salt
May 2017 Zemestan-Yurt coal mine disaster: 3 May 2017 Zemestan-Yurt coal mine disaster, killing 42 people and injuring at least 75 - 3 May 2017: At least 33 miners dead after methane gas ignited in tunnel 1,200 metres underground at the Zemestan-Yort mine in Golestan in northern Iran
Energy in Iran: Energy in Iran - List of power stations in Iran - gas was the dominant fuel in Iran in 2009, accounting for an estimated 56.8% of primary energy demand, followed by oil at 40.8% and hydro with a 1.4% share of PED - Iran exports annually 5.5 TWh of electricity to seven surrounding countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan
Petroleum industry in Iran: Petroleum industry in Iran - 'National Iranian Oil Company' ranks as the world's third largest oil company - Oil reserves in Iran
March 2019: 24 March 2019: At least two tankers have ferried Iranian fuel oil to Asia in recent months despite USA sanctions against such shipments, according to a Reuters analysis, as some traders have revived tactics that were used to skirt sanctions against Iran between 2012 and 2016
Natural gas in Iran: Natural gas reserves in Iran - National Iranian Gas Company
Nuclear facilities in Iran: Nuclear facilities in Iran - Iran's nuclear program has included several research sites, two uranium mines, a research reactor, and uranium processing facilities that include three known uranium enrichment plants
Renewable energy in Iran: Renewable energy in Iran - Hydroelectric power stations in Iran - Solar power in Iran - with about 300 clear sunny days a year and an average of 2,200 kilowatt-hour solar radiation per square meter, Iran has a great potential to tap solar energy, but has only two plants using solar power, Shiraz solar power plant, 'pilot' power station with a capacity of 250 kilowatt (!) since 2008, 'Yazd integrated solar combined cycle power station', using natural gas and oil as primary fuels
Chemical and pharmaceutical industry of Iran: Pharmaceutical companies of Iran
Construction industry of Iran: Construction industry of Iran
Construction and civil engineering companies of Iran: Construction and civil engineering companies of Iran
Man-made disasters in Iran: Man-made disasters in Iran including explosions and fires - Fires in Iran
1976, 1990 and 1997 Azadi Cinema Complex fires: 1976, 1990 and April 1997 Azadi Cinema Complex fires, causing its closure for eleven years
2004 Nishapur explosion and train disaster: February 2004 Nishapur train disaster was a large explosion in the village of Khayyam, near Nishapur, four villages were later described as 'totally destroyed'
January 2017 Tehran skyscraper collapse: 19 January 2017 Plasco Building fire and collapse - 19 January 2017: Iranian skyscraper Plasco, an iconic structure in central Tehran, collapses in massive fire, killing at least 30 firefighters
May 2017 Zemestan-Yurt coal mine disaster: 3 May 2017 Zemestan-Yurt coal mine disaster, killing 42 people and injuring at least 75
7 July 2020 explosion reportedly damages factory near Tehran: 7 July 2020: Explosion reportedly damages factory in Iran, the latest in series of blasts, as 2 people said killed and 3 injured at facility in Kahrizak, south of Tehran, and as local governor says incident caused by human error as oxygen tanks were being filled
2 May 2021 chemical factory fire in Qom: 2 May 2021: Six people injured in Iran chemical factory fire, as more than 100 firefighters arrived to the scene in Qom, with authorities warning locals of potential health risks due to the materials burnt in the fire
Agriculture in Iran: Agriculture in Iran - crops including cereals (wheat, barley, rice, and maize), fruits, vegetables, cotton, sugar beets, sugarcane and pistachios, nuts, olives, spices e.g. saffron, raisin, tea, tobacco, Berberis and medicinal herbs
Iranian fruit production: Iranian fruit production ranking 1st in the Middle East and North Africa - Persian walnut, melon, tangerine, citrus fruits, Kiwifruit, dates, cherries, pomegranates, peach, oranges and raisins
Irrigation in Iran: Irrigation in Iran
Livestock in Iran: Livestock in Iran
Food and drink companies of Iran: Food and drink companies of Iran
Fishing in Iran: Fishing in Iran
Water in Iran: Water in Iran - Bodies of water of Iran - List of rivers of Iran
Water supply and sanitation in Iran: Water supply and sanitation in Iran
21st century water crisis in Iran: Water crisis in Iran refers to the problems which due to the water scarcity occur in Iran - as of 2014, Iran is using 70% of its total renewable freshwater, far above the upper limit of 40% recommended according to international norms
2016 fears of growing dichotomy of water management: 9 May 2016: Ambitious water transfer projects look attractive for tens of millions of people in the desert cities of central Iran worried about drought, but there are fears of a growing dichotomy of water management and environmental sustainability
Transport in Iran: Transport in Iran - Transport companies of Iran
Transport disasters in Iran: Transport disasters in Iran
Aviation accidents and incidents in Iran: Aviation accidents and incidents in Iran - Since 1952 list of Iranian aviation accidents and incidents - Airlines of Iran accidents and incidents - Accidents and incidents involving the Ilyushin Il-76, including accidents in Iran
11 March 2018 Iran Bombardier Challenger crash: 11 March 2018 Iran Bombardier Challenger crash
8 January 2020 plane crash near Tehran: 8 January 2020 Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crash shortly after takeoff from Tehran Khomeini airport - 8 January 2020: Ukrainian passenger plane Boeing 737-800 soon after taking off from Tehran crashed, killing all 176 on board - 8 January 2020: Some commercial airlines reroute flights after Iranian regime launched rocket barrage at USA bases in Iraq, and Ukrainian plane crashed outside Tehran Khomeini International Airport
Since 8 January 2020 investigation of 'International Airlines Flight 752' crash: 8 January 2020: Under international rules Ukraine will participate in the investigation as the state of registry and state of operator, as will the USA as the state of design and manufacture of the Boeing aircraft
Aviation accidents and incidents in Iran: Aviation accidents and incidents in Iran - Since 1952 list of Iranian Aviation Accidents and Incidents
Airlines of Iran accidents and incidents: Airlines of Iran accidents and incidents - Iran Air accidents and incidents - Kish Air accidents and incidents
14 January 2019 Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crash: 14 January 2019 Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crash, killing fifteen of the sixteen people on board
Railway accidents and incidents in Iran: Railway accidents and incidents in Iran - List of Iranian rail accidents
February 2004 Neishabur train disaster: 18 February 2004 Neishabur train disaster, a large explosion in the village of Khayyam, near Nishapur in Iran, killing over 300 people were killed and destroying the entire village when runaway train wagons crashed into the community in the middle of the night and exploded
November 2016 Semnan–Damghan train collision: 25 November 2016 Semnan–Damghan train collision, resulting in 49 deaths and 103 injuries
Road incidents in Iran: Road incidents in Iran
Banking, insurance and financial services in Iran: Banking and insurance in Iran - Banks of Iran
Central Bank and currency of Iran: Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Iranian rial - currency of Iran
Financial services and stock exchange: Financial services companies of Iran - Iranian oil bourse - Tehran Stock Exchange
Foreign trade of Iran and foreign investment: Foreign trade and economic relations - Foreign direct investment in Iran
Sanctions against Iran: Sanctions against Iran
Iranian trade in oil and oil products: Iranian trade in oil and oil products
March 2019 Iranian fuel oil to Asia in recent months: 24 March 2019: At least two tankers have ferried Iranian fuel oil to Asia in recent months despite USA sanctions against such shipments, according to a Reuters analysis, as some traders have revived tactics that were used to skirt sanctions against Iran between 2012 and 2016
October 2019 Iranian oil tanker hit by suspected missile: 11 October 2019: An Iranian oil tanker reportedly hit by suspected missile strikes near the Saudi port of Jeddah on Friday, causing oil to leak into the Red Sea
Foreign trade of Iran and foreign investment: Foreign trade and economic relations - Foreign direct investment in Iran
Sanctions against Iran: Sanctions against Iran
Iranian trade in oil and oil products: Iranian trade in oil and oil products
March 2019 Iranian fuel oil to Asia in recent months: 24 March 2019: At least two tankers have ferried Iranian fuel oil to Asia in recent months despite USA sanctions against such shipments, according to a Reuters analysis, as some traders have revived tactics that were used to skirt sanctions against Iran between 2012 and 2016
October 2019 Iranian oil tanker hit by suspected missile: 11 October 2019: An Iranian oil tanker reportedly hit by suspected missile strikes near the Saudi port of Jeddah on Friday, causing oil to leak into the Red Sea
Iranian arms sales:
2006: Iran's military industry exported weapons to 57 countries as of 2006 and is composed of the following main components: Iran Electronics Industries, Defense Industries Organization - tanks, rockets, bombs, guns, armored vehicles, etc., Iranian Space Agency - guided missiles systems etc., Iran Aviation Industries Organization - aircraft, UAV, helicopters, etc., Naval industry - ships, hovercrafts, submarines, etc.
2017: 13 September 2017: North Korea singled out alongside Saudi Arabia and Iran as one of the world’s most secretive major exporters of small arms, including Kalashnikovs, rockets and machine guns, according to the Small Arms Survey Trade Update 2017
Economic history, business cycles and unemployment in Iran: Economic history of Iran - Iran's successive economic plans 1991-2010, growth and unemployment
2012: 3 October 2012: Riot police in Iran have clashed with protesters in Tehran over sharp falls in the currency - 7 October: Most money changers refuse to comply with government's demand for a fixed dollar rate to reverse currency collapse
2017 unemployment: 5 July 2017: Iran’s unemployment rate in the March-June quarter of 2017 stood at 12.6%, registering a 0.4% rise compared with last year's corresponding period and a 0.1% increase compared with the previous quarter, as the youth unemployment rate, i.e. the proportion of population of ages between 15 and 29, stood at 26.4% in spring
June 2019 unemployment and inflation: 24 June 2019: Inflation is over 37%, according to Iranian regime's statistics, and more than 3 million people, or 12% of working-age citizens, are unemployed, a rate that doubles for educated youth, as Iranians are feeling the pinch of Trump’s foreign policy, but many also blame government corruption
Military of Iran and 'Guardians of the Islamic Revolution': Military of Iran
Military budget of Iran: Military budget
Since 1979 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC: Since 1979 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC
Since 1980 Quds Force: Since 1980 Quds Force, a unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards IRGC directed to carry out 'unconventional' warfare and intelligence activities and responsible for extraterritorial operations, supporting non-state actors in many foreign countries that include Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Yemeni Houthis, and Shia militias in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan - List of wars and battles involving the Quds Force
December 2014: 25 December 2014: Iran’s national army has begun a massive military drill near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, saying that the maneuvers were aimed at 'transferring experiences' to a younger generations of Iranian soldiers
July 2015: 7 July 2015: Iran's Revolutionary Guards stand to profit from emerging nuclear deal
September 2018: 22 September 2018: Gunmen have attacked a military parade in the south-west Iranian city of Ahvaz, killing at least eight members of the Revolutionary Guard and wounding 20 people, according to Iranian regime's media
February 2019: 2 February 2019: Two attackers scaled the wall of a Basij paramilitary base and opened fire Saturday, killing one member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and wounding five others in the southeastern town of Nikshahr
April 2019: 21 April 2019: Iranian regime appoints fiery general Hossein Salami who vows to destroy Israel as new IRGC head
Military equipment of Iran: Military equipment of Iran - List of military equipment manufactured in Iran - Equipment of the Iranian Army
September 2013: 29 September 2013: Iranian army unveils home-made combat drone
September 2017: 17 September 2017: Iranian Revolutionary Guard says it has 'father of all bombs’, comparable to the USA's so called 'Mother Of All Bombs', the world’s largest non-nuclear bomb
March 2019 armed drones: 15 March 2019: Iran tests armed drones and UAVs in unprecedented ‘Towards Jerusalem’ drill
Iranian regime's navy: Islamic Republic of Iran Navy - History of the Iranian Navy
Navy of the 'Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps': Navy of the 'Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' and equipment, including watercraft, aircraft, coastal anti-ship missiles and facilities on islands
Iranian regime's navy ships and equipment: List of current ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, including submarines, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, missile craft, coastal patrol, mine layers, and support ships
February 2019 submarine cruise missile: 24 February 2019: In first, Iran says cruise missile launched from new Fateh submarine during 3-day exercise in Persian Gulf, also including destroyers, surveillance planes and helicopters, as range of projectile is unknown by possibly targeted countries
11 May 2020 many sailors killed and wounded by Iranian missile during exercise: 11 May 2020: 19 sailors killed and a further 15 wounded when an Iranian missile fired during a training exercise in the Gulf of Oman struck a support vessel near its target, the Iranian army said
2 June 2021 Iranian Mullah regime's largest navy ship sank: 2 June 2021: Iranian Mullah regime's largest navy ship sank after catching fire near the mouth of the Gulf, but the entire crew was able to safely disembark, according to semi-official news agencies saying 'all efforts to save the vessel were unsuccessful and it sank'
Iranian navy aviation and equipment: Islamic Republic of Iran Navy Aviation and equipment
Iranian regime's air force: Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force - History of the Iranian Air Force - List of Iranian Air Force bases
List of aircraft of the Iranian air force: List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force
August 2018: 21 août 2018: Le régime iranien dévoile son premier avion de combat
September 2019 Iranian regime's new drone: 2 September 2019: Amid tensions with Israel and USA, Iran on Sunday unveiled a jet-propelled drone it said is capable of finding and attacking targets far from the country’s borders with precision
25 December 2019 Iranian Russian built MiG fighter jet crashed: 25 December 2019: An Iranian regime's Russian built MiG fighter jet crashed in the northwest of the country on Wednesday, killing both pilots
Iran's missile forces: Iran's missile forces - Guided missiles of Iran
2012/2013: 7 August 2012: Iran test fires short-range missile equipped with guidance system - 21 August: Iran unveils new missile, other weapons - 25 September: Iran unveils domestically made drone aircraft - 28 January 2013: Iran sends monkey into space, showing missile progress - 22 septembre 2013: Les forces armées iraniennes présentent 30 missiles balistiques d'une portée de 2.000 kilomètres lors de leur défilé annuel - 9 November 2013: Iran starts producing new missile system
2014/2015: 10 February 2014: Iran claims successful ballistic missiles test, described as a 'new generation' - 5 March: Iranian Revolutionary Guard has multiple-warhead missiles - 16 May 2014: Despite apparently reducing illicit purchases that breach UN sanctions, Iran is pursuing development of ballistic missiles, a confidential UN report says - 22 January 2015: Satellite images reportedly show Iranian missile that 'can reach far beyond Europe' - 25 February 2015: Iran tests naval missiles as part of fresh war games 'Great Prophet 9' in Persian Gulf - 5 July 2015: Iran unveils new long-range radar system - 13 October 2015: USA says missile test by Iran 'likely' violated UN resolution related to the use of ballistic missiles
2016: 1 janvier 2016: Les Gardiens de la révolution iranienne possèdent tellement de missiles qu'ils ne savent pas où les stocker - 10 February 2016: Iran to upgrade missiles, set to receive Russian S-300 within two months - 8/9 March: Iran launches ballistic missiles during military exercise in possible volation of UN resolution, with the phrase 'Israel must be wiped out' written on them in Hebrew and designed to demonstrate to Israel that it is within Iranian missile range, according to an Iranian commander - 9 May 2016: Iran claims to successfully test highly accurate ballistic missile that can reach Israel
2017: 4 February 2017: Defiant Iran in missile exercise day after USA sanctions over a ballistic missile test launch - 9 March 2017: Defiant Iran successfully tests another ballistic missile despite sanctions - 22 July 2017: Iranian regime announces production of new missile, claiming 'completely indigenous’ Sayyad-3 an upgrade over previous version of air-to-surface missile - 29 July 2017: Iran vows to continue missile program ‘with full power’ - 22 September 2017: At a military parade Iranian regime shows a new ballistic missile with range of 2,000 km, capable of carrying several warheads and of reaching much of the Middle East, including Israel, according to an Iranian news agency - 23 September 2017: Iran tests new missile capable of reaching Israel - 14 December 2017: UN secretary general Antonio Guterres has warned that Iran may be defying a call to halt ballistic missile development and may have passed ballistic missiles to Yemen's Houthis, also saying that the Simorgh space launch vehicle that Iran launched on 27 July, if configured as a ballistic missile, is 'inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons'
2018: 7 March 2018: Senior Iranian military official Hajizadeh said the regime has tripled its missile production, amid efforts by the international community to curb it - 2 June 2018: Iran reportedly still working to acquire WMD technology, trying to acquire software, sophisticated vacuum and control engineering technologies, measurement devices, advanced electrical equipment and conducting of missile tests - 11 August 2018: For the first time in 2018, Iran reportedly carried out a Fateh-110 short-range ballistic missile test at the Strait of Hormuz during a naval exercise, watched by the USA - 19 August 2018: Iranian regime says that the Islamic state was set to unveil a new fighter jet and, despite new USA sanctions, will continue developing its missile program - 1 December 2018: USA's Mike Pompeo said Iran tested multiple warhead missile which can hit Middle East and Europe, violating UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which was adopted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal, also warning that Iran’s missile testing and missile proliferation is growing
February 2019: 2 February 2019: Iranian regime unveils new cruise missile 'Hoveyzeh' on 40th anniversary of political overthrow, allegedly a high-precision weapon capable of carrying a large payload for up to 1,350 kilometers, after 'Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' said Thursday his country has developed a 'strategic capacity' to destroy Israel - 4 February 2019: Iranian regime has equipped its most advanced, longest-range missiles Khoramshahr 2, which can hit Israel and USA bases in the Gulf, with new precision guided warheads, state media reported - 8 February 2019: Iranian regime unveils new ballistic surface-to-surface missile with a range of 1,000 kilometers and called Dezful, in secret 'underground city’ facility - 16 February 2019: Iran confirms second failed satellite launch - 24 February 2019: In first, Iran says cruise missile launched from new Fateh submarine during 3-day exercise in Persian Gulf, also including destroyers, surveillance planes and helicopters, as range of projectile is unknown by possibly targeted countries
November 2019 Iran's missile force 'largest' in the Middle East: 20 November 2019: Iran's missile force 'largest' in the Middle East, says the Pentagon, as Iranian regime will seek new fighter jets, tanks as 2020 UN Security Council embargo lifts
January 2020 technology that can be used to develop Iranian regime's long-range missiles: 19 January 2020: Iran says two new satellites ready for launch, as other countries are suspicious of the satellite program because the same technology can be used to develop long-range missiles
9 February 2020 Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit: 9 February 2020: An Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit on Sunday as spacecraft falls short of orbital speed, the latest setback for a program the USA claims helps regime's advance its ballistic missile program
9 February 2022 Iran unveils new missile that can reach targets in Israel: 9 February 2022: Iran unveils new missile that can reach targets in Israel, touting its high-accuracy 'Khaibar-buster' missile, named after a Jewish castle overrun by Muslim warriors in the early days of Islam
6 June 2023 Iran’s claims to have created hypersonic missile alarm Israel: 6 June 2023: Iran has alarmed Israel by unveiling what it claims is its first domestically made hypersonic missile, that would be able to hit Israel within 400 seconds. It is claimed to have a range of 1,400km, to be able to travel at up to 15 times the speed of sound and to bypass air defence systems.
Iran and weapons of mass destruction: Iran and weapons of mass destruction
Nuclear program of Iran: Nuclear program of Iran - 10 June 2013: Iran's Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant has suffered a malfunction in its main generator - 27 December: Iran develops new generation of centrifuges - 28 October 2015: Former Iran leader Akbar Rafsanjani tells state-run news agency country pursued nuclear weapon, in contravention of repeated assurances by the regime that its enrichment program is and always has been peaceful - 3 December 2015: Iran worked on developing nuclear weapons, with some activities continuing up to 2009, according to IAEA report, after Iran has consistently denied any interest in nuclear arms or past work on such weapons
2016: 14 May 2016: Iranian regime says it is 'enhancing' nuclear activities and uranium enrichment, hailing technological progress and adding that Iran is establishing itself as an exporter of nuclear products - 19 July 2016: Iranian regime defends international deal's secret document easing nuke program restrictions, as FM Zarif says paper obtained by AP that shows Iran will be able to get within 6 months of a bomb in a decade is a 'matter of pride’ - 13 December 2016: Iran’s Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday ordered the country’s scientists to start work on nuclear-powered ships in response to the expected renewal of sanctions by the USA
2017: 13 August 2017: Israel's Mossad chief Cohen noted that in the two years since the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Tehran regime has not abandoned its desire to develop nuclear weapons, and that the agreement 'only reinforced that trend and strengthened Iranian aggression in the region'
April 2018: 4 April 2018: Mossad chief '100 percent certain' Iran still seeks nuclear bomb, also saying nuke deal a 'terrible mistake', must be 'completely changed or scrapped'
June 2018: 5 June 2018: Iran's Khamenei orders preparation for uranium enrichment - 7 June 2018: Iran won’t cooperate fully with nuke inspectors until deal impasse resolved - 28 June 2018: Iran reopens uranium plant after 9 years to step up enrichment
July 2018: 15 July 2018: Seized archive shows Iran nuke project was larger than thought and had foreign help, as Israel showcases to USA reporters parts of trove Mossad spirited out of Tehran
September 2018: 10 September 2018: New Natanz nuclear facility producing advanced centrifuges, according to Iranian nuclear chief Salehi
May 2019: 5 May 2019: Iranian regime vows to keep enriching uranium despite USA move, acting on Friday to force regime to stop producing low-enriched uranium and expanding its only nuclear power plant, intensifying a campaign aimed at halting regime's ballistic missile program
June 2019: 17 June 2019: Head of atomic research institute Larijani calls IAEA inspectors ‘cockroaches', says Iranian regime should quit NPT, the international treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons - 17 June 2019: Iranian regime says it will break nuclear deal’s uranium stockpile limit in 10 days, also saying that it has the need for uranium enriched up to 20%, just a step away from weapons-grade levels
July 2019: 1 July 2019: Iranian regime breaks nuclear deal
August/September 2019: 3 August 2019: Iranian regime will take ‘third step’ to reduce nuclear deal commitments, saying it is response to pact not being implemented by 'others’ - 10 September 2019: UN atomic watchdog confirms Iran installing advanced centrifuges, urging regime to ‘respond promptly’ to concerns over its breaches of limits set down in fast-unraveling nuclear deal with major powers
6 November 2019 Iran breaks nuclear deal: 6 November 2019: Iran starts injecting uranium gas into Fordo centrifuges, breaking nuke deal
10 November 2019 2nd Bushehr nuclear power reactor with Russian regime's help: 10 November 2019: Iran begins building 2nd nuclear power reactor at Bushehr with Russian regime's help
Since 2 July 2020 Natanz fuel enrichment plant explosion and major damage: In July 2020, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran released photos of Natanz fuel enrichment plant building, presumed to be a centrifuge assembly facility, after a recent explosion, as an unnamed Middle Eastern intelligence official later claimed that damage to the facility was caused by an explosive device - 2 July 2020 Natanz incident, as a fire and explosion hit the centrifuge production plant at a nuclear enrichment facility in Natanz, and as a group known as the 'Cheetahs of the Homeland' claimed responsibility for the attack - 5 July 2020: Iran admits incident at Natanz nuclear site caused major damage
27/28 October 2020 UN watchdog says Iran building new underground nuclear facility: 27 October 2020: UN watchdog says Iran building new underground nuclear facility, as inspectors confirmed regime has started building an underground centrifuge assembly plant - 28 October 2020: Iran has begun construction at its Natanz nuclear facility, satellite images released Wednesday showed, just as the UN’s nuclear agency acknowledged Tehran was building an underground advanced centrifuge assembly plant - 28 October 2020: UN nuclear agency says Iran is building underground advanced centrifuge assembly plant
Military budget of Iran: Military budget
Taxation and budget in Iran: Taxation in Iran
Tax advantages and exemptions in Iran: Tax advantages and exemptions in Iran
Public finance and fiscal policy in Iran: Public finance and fiscal policy in Iran
Politics of Iran: Politics of Iran - Political parties in Iran - List of political parties in Iran
Iranian reform movement - Combatant Clergy Association, founded in 1977 - Association of Combatant Clerics, founded in 1988
Ideology, constitution and Iran's network of elected and unelected institutions since 1979: Since 1979 ideology of the Iranian Revolution, a combination of Shia Islamic religious radicalism, militarism, antisemitism, nationalism, political populism and authoritarian system - Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution 1979 - Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists - Guardian Council - Islamic Revolutionary Court - Expediency Discernment Council
Elections in Iran: Elections in Iran
20th/21st century elections and appointments in Iran: Elections in Iran
Pre-Islamic Arabia, robber tribes and looting: Pre-Islamic Arabia, as its economy was based on agriculture, and foreign trade was based on the export of frankincense and myrrh, a major intermediary linking East Africa and the Mediterranean world, therefore a target for robber tribes and looting, the act of stealing, or the taking of goods by force only made possible by military superiority
Since ancient times rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, place of worship: Black Stone, a rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, the ancient building in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in Saudi Arabia - Culte des pierres
Quraysh a mercantile Arab tribe and military, cruel traditions and following dynasties: Quraysh a mercantile Arab tribe that historically inhabited and controlled the city of Mecca and its Ka'ba, as all medieval Muslim sources agree that Qusayy unified Fihr's descendants, and established the Quraysh as the dominant power in Mecca - Since 305 Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy, born in in Mecca, an ancestor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Islamic tradition - Banu Hashim, the clan of the Quraysh tribe, to which the Islamic prophet Muhammad belonged, as his great-grandfather was Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, after whom the clan is named, and birth legend, as Islamic hagiographers give an exotic narration concerning the birth of Hashim, considered it to be a very bloody and cruel one, as narration states that Hashim and 'Abd Shams were conjoined twins born with Hashim's leg attached to his twin brother's head, and they had struggled in their mother's womb seeking to be firstborn - Dynasties of following Royal and Imperial dynasties claiming descent from Hashim in Arabia, Africa, Indo-Persia, East Asia
314-535 Roman empire's Diocese of the East following the destruction of Juda and Israel: 314-535 Roman empire's Diocese of the East, incorporating the provinces of the western Middle East, between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia, following empire's conquests since 1st century BCE and the destruction of Juda and Israel
Control of Meccan trade as toward the end of the 6th century: Control of Meccan trade as toward the end of the 6th century, the Fijar War broke out between the Quraysh and the Kinana on one side and various Qaysi tribes on the other, including the Hawazin, Banu Thaqif, Banu Amir and Banu Sulaym, the war broke out when a Kinani tribesman killed an Amiri tribesman escorting a Lakhmid caravan to the Hejaz, as the attack took place during the holy season when fighting was typically forbidden, as the Kinani tribesman's patron was Harb ibn Umayya, a Qurayshi chief
Since 122 BCE to 570 CE family tree of Muhammad comprising 21 generations: Family tree of Muhammad known as a family member of the family of Hashim and the Qurayshs tribe which is ‘Adnani - According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad was descended from Adnan, as tradition records the genealogy from Adnan to Muhammad comprises 21 generations, as Muhammed himself - following the fall of the Roman empire - recognized his opportunity to become an 'emperor' himself
7th century list of expeditions and battles of Muhammad and Abrahamic religion: 7th century list of expeditions and battles of Muhammad and legitimation by the assimilation of a stolen Abrahamic religion - Caliphates in the Arabian Peninsula after Muhammad's death in 632
Since 7th century territorial rule by tribal successors of military caliphates: Caliphates in the Arabian Peninsula after Muhammad's death in 632, continued male domination, miraculous belief (Mohammed's ascension to heaven where he was instructed, ironically in Jerusalem), conflict for regional predominance
'Assembly of Experts': Assembly of Experts
2016: 24 May 2016: Hard-line Iranian cleric Jannati has become the speaker of the Assembly of Experts, that is mainly tasked with selecting the country's supreme leader
Islamic Consultative Assembly (Iranian Parliament): Islamic Consultative Assembly (Iranian Parliament)
Iranian legislative election 2 March 2012: Iranian legislative election 2 March 2012 - 2 March 2012: Iran's ruling political and religious hardliners face off in vote, echoing a deepening rift in a conservative establishment - 4 March: Loyalists of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have won more than 75% of the seats in Iran's parliament, dealing a severe blow to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - 4 May: Polls open in Iran's run-off parliamentary election - 5. Mai 2012: Ahmadinejad bei Stichwahlen in Iran abgestraft - Bündnis um Parlamentspräsident Larijani mit den meisten Mandaten
Cabinet of Iran: Cabinet of Iran, a formal body composed of government officials, ministers, chosen and led by a President, as its composition must be approved by a vote in the Parliament
Government ministries and ministers of Iran: Government ministries of Iran - Government ministers of Iran
Since 2001 Ministry of Agriculture Jihad: Since 2001 Ministry of Agriculture Jihad
Ministry of Energy in Iran: Ministry of Energy in Iran
Since 1951 Ministry of Petroleum in Iran: Since 1951 Ministry of Petroleum in Iran
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance in Iran: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance in Iran
2007 Management and Planning Organization of Iran and PBO: Management and Planning Organization of Iran, an organization of the Government of Iran, first established after the decision of president Ahmadinejad for terminating the 'Plan and Budget Organization (PBO)' in 2007
Since 2011 Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade: Since 2011 Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, responsible for the regulation and implementation of policies applicable to domestic and foreign trade and also regulation and implementation of policies applicable to industrial and mine sectors, resulting from the merger of the Ministry of Industries and Mines and Ministry of Commerce
Since 2011 Ministry of Roads and Urban Development: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development
Since 2000 Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: Since 2000 Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran
Since 1908 Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Iran: Since 1908 Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Iran
Since 2011 Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare: Since 2011 Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare, responsible for the oversight of Cooperative business, regulation and implementation of policies applicable to labour and social affairs and oversight of Social security
Since 1964 Ministry of Education: Since 1964 Ministry of Education
Since 1904 Ministry of Health and Medical Education: Since 1904 Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Since 1901 Ministry of Interior: Since 1901 Ministry of Interior
Since 1983 Ministry of Intelligence: Since 1983 Ministry of Intelligence in Iran, finally founded in August 1983, either abandoning, silently subsuming, or relegating to hidden existence many small intelligence agencies that had been formed in different governmental organizations,
'Chain' assassinations and foreign executions: 'Chain' assassinations and foreign executions
Since 1988 chain murders of Iran: Since 1988 chain murders of Iran, a series of 1988–98 murders and disappearances of certain Iranian dissident intellectuals who had been critical of the Islamic Republic system, as the murders and disappearances were carried out by Iranian government internal operatives
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iran: Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iran
Iranian presidential election 14 June 2013: Iranian presidential election 14 June 2013 - 16 May 2013: Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi says women cannot be presidential candidates, as 30 women seek to run in the June 14 election - 22 May: Iran's Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani barred from standing for president - 11 June: The sole reformist candidate in the June 14 presidential election Mohammad Aref quits presidential race, a move in favour of the moderate candidate Hassan Rowhani - 12 June: Four years after Iranians took to the streets to demonstrate against the results of the presidential election 2009, the authorities are taking no chances this time, keeping opposition leaders confined under house arrest with doors and windows welded shut - 12 June: Ahmadinejad's legacy - unemployment, international isolation and nuclear standoff - 14 June: Iran begins voting to elect new president - 15 June: Early vote count in Iran gives Hasan Rowhani wide lead - 15 June: Hassan Rowhani secured just over 50 percent of the ballot based on a 72 percent turnout of 50 million eligible voters, a mandate of the Iranian people for change, which will not be betrayed - 30 June: Rohani hints he will balance hard-line, reformist demands - 4 August 2015: New president Rouhani will be publicly inaugurated on Sunday after he was formally endorsed by Khameini on Saturday
2015: 2 June 2015: Murderous Rouhani vows Iran will support Syrian regime's Assad 'until the end of the road' - December 2015: Financing terror – the economic impact of Iran’s nuclear programme and its support to paramilitary groups across the Middle East
January 2016: 19 January 2016: Reformist hopefuls banned from Iran's parliamentary poll, as only 1% of the moderate candidates have been allowed to run
February/April 2016 Iranian legislative election: 26 February 2016 Iranian legislative election - the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Assembly of Experts will be elected simultaneously for the first time - 26 February: Iranians turn out to vote without real choices - 26 February: Analyst Zibakalam, acknowledging the checkered past of 'new' conservative allies, including former intelligence ministers, linked to the death of dissidents and intellectuals, sentencing thousands to death, says on Iranian elections 'we had to choose between bad and worse' - 27 February: Early results show 'reformists' and so-called 'moderates' lead in Iran elections - 29 February: Iran's citizens turn to social media to take aim at conservative hardliners, sharing celebratory jokes and mocking memes
April 2016: 15 April 2016: Newly elected female MP Minoo Khaleghi in Iran is to be barred from entering the next parliament apparently because she is alleged to have shaken hands with an unrelated man during a trip abroad
29 April 2016: 30 April 2016: So-called reformist and moderate politicians allied with regime's Rouhani secure up to 40 of the 68 parliament seats up for grabs, unofficial results show, while conservatives gain 21 spots
2016: 28 mai 2016: Le nouveau Parlement iranien est entré en fonction samedi lors d'une cérémonie au cours de laquelle l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei a estimé dans un message aux nouveaux députés que leur devoir était de résister aux 'ruses' des ennemis de l'Iran
2017: 2017 Candidates of Iranian presidential election
April 2017: 12 April 2017: In surprise move, Iran’s Ahmadinejad registers to run for president
May 2017 Iranian presidential election: 19 May 2017 Iranian presidential election - 20 May 2017: With nearly all votes counted, incumbent president Rouhani has a commanding lead over his chief rival Raisi - 20 May 2017: Iranians have chosen the 'path of engagement with the world' and rejected extremism, Rouhani says, re-elected with 57% of the vote, writing on Twitter that 'I will remain loyal to my promises to you'
August 2017: 9 August 2017: A day after coming under fire from reformists for nominating no women ministers, Rouhani appoints two female vice presidents but still no women in cabinet
February 2020 Iranian legislative election: 21 February 2020 Iranian legislative election - 17 February 2020: Following regime's brutal downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet last month, large protests in November over rising prices in which hundreds were murdered, and after 9,000 out of some 16,000 candidates were eliminated, Iranian Islamic regime campaign has targeted young voters, most hurt and frustrated by restrictions on freedom
22 February 2020 frustration at collapsing living standards and regime's terrorism: 22 February 2020: Regime supporters heading for majority within a minority, as national turnout close to 40% (in Tehran 22%) and likely outcome reflect frustration at collapsing living standards, regime's terrorism and relations with the west - 23 February 2020: Reflecting on the sweeping gains made by regime supporters on a record low turnout of 42% at the parliamentary elections, Yasser Rafsanjani says Iranian society is physically and politically sick
24 August 2020 Iran sets June 2021 date for presidential election to choose Rouhani successor: 24 August 2020: Iran sets June 2021 date for presidential election to choose Rouhani successor, as president under pressure over economic fallout of USA sanctions and pandemic, and cannot run for a third term
5 June 2021 from threatening prosecution to exchanging allegations aspirants do not hold back any punches in first debate: 5 Jnue 2021: 7 candidates 'approved' to run in Iran’s June 18 presidential election have gone head-to-head in a televised debate, as controversy over the disqualification of other hopefuls persists, as Saturday’s three-hour event focused on the economy, which has taken a big hit in the past three years under sanctions and is characterised by rampant inflation and high unemployment, as two more debates are due to be held on Tuesday and next Saturday
13 June 2021 Iran’s voters do not have much of a choice 18 June presidential election: 13 June 2021: Iran’s beleaguered voters do not have much of a choice in this Friday’s presidential election, as the regime, dominated by the supreme leader Khamenei has cynically manipulated the contest to ensure that a like-minded hardliner, most probably Ebrahim Raisi, head of the judiciary, wins, while the result may be far-reaching in Iran and internationally, the British 'Observer' reports
16 June 2021 Iranian regime has gone further than ever to engineer election's result: 16 June 2021: Polls are predicting a turnout as low as 40%, down from the previous 73% in 2017, partly because the Iranian regime has gone further than ever to engineer the result
18 June 2021 Iranian presidential election: 18 June 2021 Iranian presidential election - Potential candidates
18 June 2021 'elections' in a country ruled by an autocracy of Mullahs: 18 June 2021: Iranians vote on Friday in a presidential election likely to be won by a hardline judge subject to USA sanctions for alleged involvement in executions of political prisoners, though many are expected to ignore the ballot amid economic hardship and calls for a boycott by citizens at home and abroad, knowing they have no real choice in a country ruled by an autocracy of Mullahs - 18 June 2021: The 2021 Iranian presidential election will mark a turning point in the country’s history and a fundamental crisis of legitimacy for the regime if turnout fed by disillusionment falls below 50%, according to leading experts
19 June 2021 hardliner Ebrahim Raisi hailed as Iran’s new president: 19 June 2021: Ebrahim Raisi, the hardline head of Iran’s judiciary, has been hailed the country’s new president after his three main rivals congratulated him on his victory and preliminary results showed he had secured 17.8m votes, a huge 14.5m more than his nearest rival - 19 June 2021: Iran’s president-elect, Ebrahim Raisi, is hardliner linked with mass executions, as he was youngest member of the 1988 Tehran death committee, systematically sending as many as 3,000 people to slaughter, and when he was head of the judiciary floggings and executions flourished
2 March 2024 Iran election turnout drops to 41% as reformists criticise poll: 2 March 2024: The turnout in Iran’s parliamentary elections appears to have dropped to 41%, a record low, but according to the official figures, not quite to the levels of mass abstention that some surveys had predicted. Polls closed at midnight on Friday, six hours later than planned due to what officials claimed was a second surge in polls in the evening, but Tehran’s middle class stayed away, fewer than 24% of the 8 million eligible to vote bothering to do so, 'The Guardian' reports.
'Supreme Leader', guardian council, president, government and politics of Iran: 'Supreme Leader' of Iran - Guardian Council - President of Iran - Government of Iran - Cabinet of Iran
2011: 25. August 2011: Irans Präsident Ahmadinejad ruft 2011 erneut zur Auslöschung Israels auf - das feste Ziel iranischer Politik
2012: 17 August 2012: 'Cancerous tumour' Israel will soon be destroyed, says Ahmadinejad in Tehran marking Iran's Quds Day
27 December 2012: Iran's Ahmadinejad dismisses health minister, who was Islamic Republic's first woman cabinet member, for criticising colleagues
2013: 5 February: President Ahmadinejad is accusing parliamentary speaker's family of corruption - 5 February: Former Tehran prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi, dismissed from his judicial post over the torture deaths of three protesters in custody after the 2009 elections and considered to be a close aide of President Ahmadinejad, has been arrested on Monday - 6 February: Saeed Mortazavi has been released after two days in prison, state media say - 27 February: Saeed Mortazavi, accused of being involved in deaths of anti-government protesters in 2009, appears in court - 2 August 2013: In Quds Day remarks broadcast on state TV and in one of his last public speeches Iran's outgoing President Ahmadinejad warns Israel will be 'uprooted' - 2 août: Le nouveau président iranien Rohani a affirmé vendredi qu'Israël était un corps étranger qui devait être extirpé de la région, à la veille de sa prise de fonctions - 2 August: After Israeli criticism, Iran's media changed their version of Rohani remarks, that Israel had inflicted a 'wound' on the Muslim world and that the Israeli wound 'must be cleansed', now taking out the reference to 'cleansing'
Since August 2013 Government of Hassan Rouhani: Government of Hassan Rouhani 2013–present - Confirmations of Hassan Rouhani's Cabinet
5 August 2013: Iran's supreme leader today appointed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the Expediency Council, the country's top political arbitration body
September 2013: 28 September 2013: Nearly 60 gathered chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" and eggs and shoes were thrown at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's motorcade as he arrived home from New York to a mixed reception after his historic call with Barack Obama - 30 septembre: Le chef des Gardiens de la révolution critique le contact Rouhani-Obama
October 2013: 5 October: Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei hints at disapproval over Hassan Rouhani's phone call with Barack Obama - 20 October: Iran's Rouhani names three new ministers to replace nominees rejected by the conservative-dominated parliament in August
November 2013: 10 November: Iranian deputy minister of industries Rahmatabadi shot dead in Tehran by unidentified assailant - 13 novembre: Selon une enquête publiée par l’agence Reuters, l’actuel Guide de la révolution islamique, Ali Khamenei, est à la tête d’un vaste empire économique d’environ 95 milliards de dollars - 25 novembre: Les Iraniens saluent l'accord sur la régulation du nucléaire iranien
2014: 11 May 2014: Calling for mass-production of missiles, Khamenei says Western expectations that Iran will limit its missile program are 'stupid and idiotic', and Rouhani says Iran won't accept 'nuclear apartheid' - 11 August 2014: Saying he will continue a policy of moderation and 'constructive engagement' with West Iran president Rouhani tells nuke hard-liners to go 'to hell'
2015: 10 January 2015: Condemning 'extremism, violence, and terrorism whether in Palestine, Lebanon and the Levant or in Paris and the United States', Rouhani likens Paris terrorist attacks with Israel's policies toward Palestinians - 18 April: Iran marks Army Day with cries of 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel' and a truck carrying banner calling for destruction of Jewish state
June 2015: 2 June 2015: Murderous Rouhani vows Iran will support Syrian regime's Assad 'until the end of the road'
October 2015: 14 October: Iran's Revolutionary Guard opens the doors of a secret underground missile base to state TV, showing off medium- and long-range missiles, as Syrian Assad regime's army begins an offensive backed by Iranian soldiers and Russian jets - 28 October 2015: Former Iran leader Akbar Rafsanjani tells state-run news agency country pursued nuclear weapon, in contravention of repeated assurances by the regime that its enrichment program is and always has been peaceful
December 2015: December 2015: Financing terror – the economic impact of Iran’s nuclear programme and its support to paramilitary groups across the Middle East
2016: 3 January 2016: Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei's threat of 'divine vengeance' for the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi-Arabia - 17 April 2016: As Iranian regime parades parts of advanced S-300 missile battery in Tehran marking the country’s annual Army Day, regimes' Rouhani says that Iran will aid countries seeking to combat Israel - 29 mai 2016: Mettant en œuvre une décision prise lors d'une réunion du Haut conseil du cyberespace dirigé par le président Hassan Rohani, l'Iran exige des réseaux sociaux étrangers de lui transférer d'ici un an leurs serveurs contenant les informations des utilisateurs iraniens
June 2016: 14 June 2016: Seventy distinguished academics from North American universities urge Iran's Hassan Rouhani in a letter, to break his silence over the ongoing house arrests of the country’s opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi, as in a separate letter Narges Mohammadi, a prominent human-rights activist who is currently imprisoned, asks Rouhani to protest against the continuing harassment and persecution of civil-rights activists
July 2016: 1 July 2016: Iranian al-Quds Day resolution demands elimination of ‘cancerous’ Israel, as President Rouhani, attending the Tehran rally, says regional conflicts were making it increasingly difficult to address the Palestinian issue, 'we are far away from the ideal of liberating Palestine'
December 2016: 14 December 2016: Iranian regime claims a military victory in Aleppo boasting that dictator Assad’s forces would have been unable to retake the besieged city without support from Tehran, and Iran’s Rouhani phones Bashar Assad to congratulate him on the impending defeat of rebel forces as a planned ceasefire to allow civilians to leave last rebel-held pocket of Aleppo collapsed, leaving tens of thousands of civilians stranded in the besieged city under heavy bombardment
February 2017: 10 février 2017: Aux cris de 'Mort à l'Amérique', des millions d'Iraniens sont descendus dans les rues pour marquer le 38e anniversaire de l'état islamique
April 2017: 18 April 2017: At annual military parade, Iranian regime shows off new air defense systems and banners displayed alongside various offensive and defensive weapons with the slogan 'Death to Israel' in Persian
June 2017: 7 June 2017 2017 Tehran attacks - 7 June 2017: Two people were confirmed killed and several others were reported injured after armed men burst into Tehran’s parliament building and the mausoleum of revolutionary founder Ruhollah Khomeini, with state media reporting at least two suicide bombings, claimed by Islamic State terrorists
June 2017: 23 June 2017: Iranian regime and supporters hold annual anti-Israel rallies to mark al-Quds day, chanting 'Death to Israel' and displaying surface-to-surface ballistic missiles
August 2017: 13 August 2017: Iran’s parliament voted to allocate $520 million to develop its missile program to fight USA’s 'adventurism' and sanctions, and to boost the foreign operations of the country’s Revolutionary Guards
October 2017: 20 October 2017: Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards pledge to accelerate missile development, put up 'relentless' battle against Jewish state
January/February 2018: 3 January 2018: Tens of thousands said to gather across Iran for pro-regime rallies - 12 February 2018: Leading academics in Iran have written to the country’s president Rouhani to demand answers after renowned environmentalist Kavous Seyed Emami, a professor at Imam Sadegh University and founder of the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation, allegedly killed himself in prison two weeks after his arrest, as seven other members of wildlife NGO are still behind bars - 24 February 2018: Three more Iranian environmentalists arrested
June 2018: 8 June 2018: Chanting 'Death to Israel', demonstrators protested Israel’s control of Jerusalem, the city where followers of Muhammad believe he began his journey to heaven, after Iranian regime's Hassan Rouhani called on Iranians to attend rallies marking anti-Israel 'Quds Day' in large numbers
September 2018: 22 September 2018: Rouhani says Iran will beat Trump, won't abandon missiles, and 'America will suffer the same fate as Saddam Hussein'
February 2019: 1 February 2019: Crowds chant 'death to Israel’ as Iranian regime starts celebrating the 40th anniversary of its seizure of power and death chants - 11 February 2019: State TV showed large crowds carrying Iranian flags and chanting 'Death to Israel, Death to America', trademark chants of the 1979 seizure of power, as supporters of the regime held rallies on Monday to mark its 40th anniversary and Rouhani says regime to continue expanding its military might
31 May 2019: 31 May 2019: As many high-ranking Iranian officials attended the rally on anti-Israel Quds Day in Tehran, including president Hassan Rouhani and FM Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranians burn an effigy of USA President Donald Trump during a parade
June 2019: 9 June 2019: Iran said to add 2,000 morality police units to counter hijab protests
2 July 2019: 2 July 2019: A day after Iranian regime said it had breached an agreed-upon limit on its stocks of low-enriched uranium, which Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu described as a 'significant step' toward building a nuclear weapon, Israel’s foreign minister said that regime was sliding toward a war and that Israel could take unilateral action against the regime if needed to keep it from getting nuclear weapons
7 July 2019 violation of 2015 nuclear deal: 7 July 2019: Iranian regime says it is breaking nuclear deal’s limit on uranium enrichment, as violation of the 2015 pact comes a week after regime announced it had exceeded its caps on stockpiling low-enriched material
27 August 2019 Rouhani steps back from possible Trump talks: 27 August 2019: Iranian regime's FM Zarif announced that regime will further curb its adherence to the international agreement limiting its nuclear program next week, as regime's Rouhani steps back from possible Trump talks appearing to shut door on Trump-Rouhani meeting, demanding USA to end sanctions before he’ll talk to Trump
November 2019 uranium gas into 1,044 centrifuges: 5 November 2019: Iranian Islamic regime’s Rouhani has announced that regime will begin injecting uranium gas into 1,044 centrifuges, in the latest step away from its nuclear deal with world powers - 6 November 2019: Iran starts injecting uranium gas into Fordo centrifuges, breaking nuke deal
17 November 2019 Khamenei urges armed forces to 'implement their tasks’: 17 November 2019: Iranian regime's Khamenei said to call demonstrators protesting 50% increase in fuel costs ‘thugs’ who are backed by regime’s foreign enemies, urges security forces to 'implement their tasks’
24 November 2019 online Iran protest videos show regime's violence: 24 November 2019: After internet restored, online Iran protest videos show machine gun fire answering rock-throwing protesters, motorcycle-riding Revolutionary Guard volunteers chasing after demonstrators, plainclothes regime forces grabbing, beating and draging people off the street to an uncertain fate
3 December 2019 for first time regime acknowledges killing protesters: 3 December 2019: For first time, Iranian regime acknowledges killing protesters during fuel price protests. providing accounting of violence used to quash recent unrest, in which over 200 reported killed, as rights group says families forced to pay for bodies and that the number of deaths 'evidence that Iran’s security forces went on a horrific killing spree', calling on the international community to ensure those responsible are held accountable
6 December 2019 Iranian forces were 'shooting to kill’ protesters, UN says: 6 December 2019: Iranian regime's armed forces were 'shooting to kill' in their deadly crackdown against protesters in recent weeks, according to credible video footage, according to UN human rights chief Bachelet, saying demonstrators were shot 'directly in the face and vital organs’
16 December 2019 Iranian regime orchestrated clampdown to cover up deaths: 16 December 2019: Amnesty revises up Iran protest crackdown death toll to 304, detailing harrowing testimony suggesting that after authorities massacred protesters, they orchestrated a wide-scale clampdown to cover up deaths
21 December 2019 UN experts slam Iran over reported torture of detained protesters: 21 December 2019: UN experts slam Iranian regime over reported torture of detained protesters, as independent UN rights experts believe thousands still being held after deadly crackdown on mass protests last month, saying regime's forces ‘were aiming to kill or at least cause serious injury’, warning thousands could still be detained after a deadly crackdown on mass protests, and voicing alarm at reports that inmates have been tortured
23 December 2019 about 1,500 people were killed during November unrest, Reuters says: 23 December 2019: About 1,500 people were killed during less than two weeks of unrest that started in November, as the toll, provided to Reuters by three Iranian interior ministry officials, included at least 17 teenagers and about 400 women as well as some members of the security forces and police
25 December 2019 amid ongoing protests, Iranian city council member arrested for sharing a video online: 25 December 2019: Amid ongoing protests, Iranian city council member arrested for sharing a video online, comparing the ages of Finnish and Iranian leaders, that authorities have deemed as 'insulting' to the country’s dictator Ali Khamenei, state media confirmed
25 December 2019: Iranian regime starts internet shutdown: 25 December 2019: Iranian regime starts internet shutdown ahead of expected new protests in the Alborz, Kurdestan and Zanjan provinces in central and western Iran and in Fars in the south, also affecting other areas
5 January 2020 Iranian regime's revenge policy: 5 January 2020: Refusing to learn, Iranian regime pushes back after USA warned against regime's revenge policy - 5 January 2020: Iran threatens big step away from nuclear deal after Soleimani killing, marking fifth major withdrawal from terms of 2015 nuclear deal after breaking limits on enrichment, centrifuges and uranium stockpiles, 'Times of Israel' reporting
7 January 2020 dozens killed, injured in stampede at terrorist's funeral: 7 January 2020: Dozens killed in stampede at terrorist Soleimani's funeral and 190 more injured in incident in hometown of Kerman, causing Iranians to flee for surrounding hills, showing Iranian regime's inability to organize peaceful events for own purposes at home, as dictator Khamenei said to insist on direct Iranian revenge against USA, not by proxy, and as - in the past - Iran-backed terror groups, frustrated at not being able to inflict military damage, have instead targeted civilians
11 January 2020 Iranian regime’s belated admission it downed Ukrainian plane on 8 January and killed 176 citizens of 6 countries: 11 January 2020: Iranian regime’s belated admission it downed Ukrainian plane on 8 January raises new questions on its criminal conduct, after regime repeatedly denied notion missile struck jet though general says he notified leaders Wednesday, and as regime’s failure to close airspace during peak tensions also scrutinized - 11 January 2020: Hundreds protest against regime in Tehran after it admits it shot down plane, and crowds call for supreme leader to resign as anger mounts over government’s conduct, and as police said to use force to quell demonstration
12 January 2020 Iranian Khamenei, Rouhani, Zarif regime deploys riot police as it braces for further democratic protests over plane shootdown: 12 January 2020: Iranian Mullah regime deploys riot police as it braces for further protests over plane shootdown, amid circulating calls for protests later in the day, and after a large black banner unveiled in Vali-e Asr Square in Tehran bore the names of those killed in the plane crash
13 January 2020 Mullah regime continues to terrorize the Iranian people exercising 'their constitutional right to peaceful assembly': 13 January 2020: After killing 176 citizens of 6 countries including many Iranians, Mullah regime continues to terrorize the Iranian people documented in videos, using live fire and tear gas against protesters, as rights group says 'Iranians shouldn’t have to risk their lives to exercise their constitutional right to peaceful assembly' - 13 January 2020: Iranian police shoot at those protesting plane shootdown, video shows
15 January 2020 rights group slams regime’s use of force against plane shootdown protesters: 15 January 2020: Rights group slams Iranian regime’s use of force against plane shootdown protesters, saying it has evidence Islamic regime’s forces used rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray, along with pointed air-gun pellets normally used for hunting
22 January 2020 Soleimani associate paramilitary forces' Abdolhossein Mojaddami killed: 22 January 2020: Two shooters armed with rifles fire at Abdolhossein Mojaddami, head of Basij paramilitary forces in the town of Darkhoein and an associate of slain general Soleimani, after Basij units had been involved in violent clashes with demonstrators in the area in November in which many protesters were injured and killed
27 January 2020 for three days, Iranin regime's government issued false statements, denying any responsibility for attack on Ukrainian airliner: 27 January 2020: For three days, Iran's military officials knew they had shot down a Ukrainian airliner while the government issued false statements, denying any responsibility, covered up downing of Ukrainian airliner
3 February 2020 leaked recording shows Khamenei/Rouhani regime immediately knew missile downed Ukrainian jetliner: 3 February 2020: Leaked recording shows that authorities immediately knew a missile had downed a Ukrainian jetliner after takeoff from Tehran, killing all 176 people aboard, despite days of denials by the Iranian Khamenei and Rouhani regime
11 February 2020 Iranian Expediency Council's Mohsen Rezaei threatens to 'raze Tel-Aviv to the ground': 11 February 2020: Secretary of Iran’s powerful Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei, speaking to Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mayadeen TV station, has warned that Iran is just looking for an excuse to attack Israel and 'raze Tel-Aviv to the ground'
24 March 2020 Iranian regime rejects international solidarity amid corona crisis: 24 March 2020: Iranian Mullah regime has reportedly kicked out a team from the medical aid group 'Doctors Without Borders' that arrived to set up a field hospital amid the outbreak of the deadly Chinese coronavirus that has already killed at least 1,800 people in the country
22 May 2020 Ali Khamenei says Zionism ‘a virus that must be eliminated’: 22 May 2020: On Quds Day, Iran’s Ali Khamenei says Zionism ‘a virus that must be eliminated’, claiming Jewish state is a ‘creation of Westerners and Jewish corporation owners'
9 June 2020 Iran will execute Mahmoud Mousavi Majd: 9 June 2020: Iran announced that it will execute a man convicted of allegedly providing information to the USA and Israel about General Qassem Soleimani, who was punished in a USA drone strike in Baghdad in January, but judiciary spokesman Esmaili offered little information about the man beyond giving his name as Mahmoud Mousavi Majd
13 June 2020 after months Iranian regime asks France to analyze downed flight black boxes: 13 June 2020: After for months, Canada has been calling on Iranian regime, which does not have the technical capabilities to extract the flight data from downed UIA Flight 752, to hand over the black boxes to Ukraine or France for analysis, Iran asks France to analyze flight black boxes, probe officials say
15 July 2020 Iran’s judiciary has upheld the death penalty for 3 protesters: 15 July 2020: Iran’s judiciary has upheld the death penalty for three men accused of involvement in last November’s massive anti-government protests, sparking an outcry from human rights groups and a swell of activism against capital punishment on social media
7 November 2020 UN agency ICAO calls on Iranian regime to speed probe into downing of Ukraine-bound plane: 7 November 2020: UN Agency calls on Iranian regime to speed probe into downing of Ukraine-bound plane, killing 176 people - 7 novembre 2020: L’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale a appelé vendredi l’Iran à 'accélérer son enquête' et à publier son rapport final sur le crash d’un Boeing ukrainien abattu en janvier au-dessus de Téhéran, tuant les 176 personnes à bord, en majorité des Iraniens et des Canadiens
25 November 2020 Iran introducing bill demanding construction of heavy water reactor: 25 November 2020: Iranian regime introducing bill demanding construction of heavy water reactor in defiance of international sanctions on nuclear program and amid international and European criticism, as bill also calls for operating metal uranium production plant
27/28 November 2020 regime’s Rouhani blames 'mercenary' Israel for killing of Fakhrizadeh: 28 November 2020: As Iranian regime’s Rouhani blames ‘mercenary’ Israel for killing of top nuclear scientist, another victim of regime's worldview, privileges and responsible one for regime's terror activities, Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei, vows revenge over slain 'Revolutionary Guard', calling for ‘punishing the perpetrators', saying Fakhrizadeh’s 'scientific' work will continue - On 27 November 2020 Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iranian nuclear physicist and brigadier general in the 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard', was ambushed while traveling in a vehicle on a rural road in Absard near Tehran and died - 21st century assassinations of Iranian nuclear 'scientists' preparing nuclear weapons and therefore destruction and mass murder
1 December 2020 Mullah regime's MPs chant 'Death to Israel’, advancing bill to stop UN nuclear inspections, stepping up enrichment: 1 December 2020: Iranian Mullah regime's MPs advance bill to stop UN nuclear inspections, step up enrichment, as lawmakers chant 'Death to Israel’ during session
8 December 2020 regime upheld death penalty of journalist Ruhollah Zam over his online work: 8 December 2020: Iranian regime upheld the death penalty of once-exiled journalist Ruhollah Zam over his online work that helped inspire nationwide economic protests three years ago, according to semiofficial Tasnim news agency quoting judiciary spokesman as saying that the country’s Supreme Court confirmed Zam’s death sentence
8 December 2020 Iran's Rohani urges Assad to confront Israel 'until liberation of all occupied lands': 8 December 2020: Iran's Rohani urges Assad to confront Israel 'until liberation of all occupied lands', saying his country will continue to 'support' Syria
9 December 2020 UN presses Iran on 1988 massacres of dissidents and nuclear/ballistic missile concerns: 9 December 2020: Amnesty International hailed as a long-awaited breakthrough a letter sent by UN experts to the Iranian government pressing for accountability over the notorious 1988 prison massacres of dissidents and warning the killings may constitute crimes against humanity - UN urges Iran to address nuclear, ballistic missile concerns and return to deal, notes Israeli intel about probable Iranian missiles in Libya, as council scheduled to discuss report on December 22
12 December 2020 Mullah regime executes journalist Zam in 'a shocking escalation in the use of the death penalty as a weapon of repression': 12 December 2020: Mullah regime executed journalist Ruhollah Zam, marking 'a shocking escalation in the use of the death penalty as a weapon of repression'
2 January 2021 Mullah regime says has 'finger on trigger’ to enrich uranium to 20% ‘as soon as possible’: 2 January 2021: Iranian regime says has 'finger on trigger’ to enrich uranium to 20% ‘as soon as possible’, well beyond the threshold set by the 2015 Vienna accord and a short jump from weapons-grade material, as its nuclear chief issues warning amid heightened tensions
14 January 2021 Mullah regime advances research on uranium metal, a key component in nuclear weapons: 14 January 2021: Iran's Mullah regime told the UN nuclear watchdog that it was advancing research on uranium metal production, in what would be a fresh breach of the limits in Iran’s 2015 deal at a facility in the city of Isfahan - 14 January 2021: Iran's Mullah regime fires cruise missiles during naval drill in Gulf of Oman
15 January 2021 Iran regime launches ballistic missiles amid USA's presidential transition and commemorations of Tunisia's and 'Arab Spring' revolutions: 15 January 2021: In fourth large-scale exercise in recent weeks, Iran regime's IRGC launches ballistic missiles with 700-km range against simulated ‘enemy bases’ amid heightened tensions over regime’s advancing nuclear weapons efforts and amid commemoration of Tunisia's and 'Arab Spring' revolutions since 2011
16 January 2021 Iran's Mullah regime says ballistic missiles destroy target 1,800 km away: 16 January 2021: Iran's Mullah regime says ballistic missiles destroy target 1,800 km away in 'anti-warship' drill and have range that could hit Israeli targets, now missiles fired at ‘hypothetical hostile enemy ships’ in Indian Ocean
19 January 2021 Iranian Mullah regime convicted an USA-Iranian businessman on spying charges: 19 January 2021: Iranian authorities have convicted an American-Iranian businessman on spying charges, USA media reports, in a recently revealed case that comes amid high tensions between the two countries
2 February 2021 Mullah regime installing second batch of advanced centrifuges at Natanz: 2 February 2021: IAEA, in a confidential report obtained by Reuters, says Iran has installed a second cascade of advanced IR-2m centrifuges at the Natanz site to enrich uranium and will soon add a third
6 February 2021 IAEA inspectors in Iran said to find evidence of possible nuclear weapons work: 6 February 2021: IAEA inspectors in Iran said to find evidence of possible nuclear weapons work, as diplomats tell Wall Street Journal UN agency seeking explanations for radioactive materials found in locations where Tehran blocked access last year
8 February 2021 Iranian Mullah regime says there’s ‘no need for a mediator’: 8 February 2021: Iranian Mullah regime declines French mediation offer on renewed nuclear deal dialogue, saying there’s ‘no need for a mediator’
9 February 2021 Iran may pursue nuclear weapons, its intelligence minister warns: 9 February 2021: Iranian Mullah regime’s intelligence minister has warned the West that his country could push for nuclear weapons if crippling international sanctions on regime remain in place, state TV reported
16/17 March 2021 Mullah regime enriching uranium with new advanced machine type: 16/17 March 2021: Iran enriching uranium at its underground Natanz plant with a second type of advanced centrifuge IR-4, UN nuclear watchdog said, in a further breach of Tehran regime’s deal with major powers
19 March 2021 Iran will cold test its redesigned Arak nuclear reactor: 19 March 2021: Iran will cold test its redesigned Arak nuclear reactor as prelude to fully commissioning it later in the year, Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said on Friday
3 April 2021 Iran's Mullah regime rejects any 'step-by-step' easing of restrictions: 3 April 2021: Iran's Mullah regime wants the USA to lift all sanctions and rejects any 'step-by-step' easing of restrictions, the foreign ministry said ahead of planned talks in Vienna next week on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between regime and global powers, as the comments came after France urged Mullahs to show a constructive stance in the indirect talks with the USA
10 April 2021 regime had begun second stage of producing heavy water needed to produce nuclear weapons: 10 April 2021: Iranian Mullah regime's Rohani said that regime had begun feeding uranium hexafluoride gas feedstock into about 30 uranium-enriching centrifuges installed at its underground nuclear plant at Natanz, the second stage of producing heavy water needed to produce nuclear weapons at Arak Nuclear Plant, as country with a suppressed population of more than 83 million inhabitants and its aggressive regime is not attacked, but certainly not for fun either
11 April 2021 'accident’ at Iran’s Natanz nuclear plant as new uranium enrichment starts: 11 April 2021: Iranian regime’s spokesman said an 'accident' struck the electrical distribution grid of the Natanz nuclear facility, a day after Rohani announced it was starting up new uranium enrichment centrifuges in a 'ceremony' broadcasted by state television
26 April 2021 Iranian regime sentences Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to further one-year jail term: 26 April 2021: Iranian regime sentences Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to further one-year jail term, as British-Iranian aid worker has also been banned from leaving country for a year, her lawyer has said
23 May 2021 Iran says it will end UN watchdog’s access to nuclear sites, explosion in Isfahan: 23 May 2021: Iran says it will end UN watchdog’s access to nuclear sites, as deal allowing the IAEA to inspect images of nuclear facilities won’t be renewed - 23 May 2021: Blast at Iranian complex housing drone factory, as Iran has provided no information about cause of explosion in Isfahan that injured at least nine workers
25 May 2021 Iranian regime’s leadership accused of fixing presidential election: 25 May 2021: Iran’s leadership has been accused of a transparent fix after most prominent reformists were barred from running in next month’s presidential elections, leaving one of the most politically constrained fields in the 41-year history of the Mullah regime
31 May 2021 IAEA report says Iran fails to explain uranium traces found at several sites: 31 May 2021: Iran fails to explain uranium traces found at several sites, IAEA report says
8 June 2021 Iran's policy to revive the 2015 nuclear accord will remain unchanged because the issue is decided by its highest leadership: 8 June 2021: Iran's policy in talks with world powers to revive the 2015 nuclear accord will remain unchanged after a June 18 presidential election because the issue is decided by its highest leadership, a regime spokesman said on Tuesday
15 June 2021: Iran says it produced 6.5 kg of uranium enriched to 60%: 15 June 2021: Iran says it produced 6.5 kg of uranium enriched to 60%, detailing a move that rattled the country's nuclear talks with world powers, democracies by taking the fissile material a step towards nuclear weapons-grade of 90%
17 September 2021 Iran joined central Asian security body led by Russia and China: 17 September 2021: Iran joined a rapidly expanding central Asian security body led by Russia and China on Friday, calling on the countries in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to help it form a mechanism to avert sanctions imposed by the West
10 October 2021 Iran has amassed more than 120kg of 20% enriched uranium: 10 October 2021: Iran has amassed more than 120kg of 20% enriched uranium, well above the level agreed to in the 2015 deal with world powers, the head of the country’s atomic energy agency has told state TV
3 December 2021 talks with Iran on restoring 2015 nuclear deal suspended, EU says Iranian regime has walked back: 3 December 2021: Talks with Iran on restoring 2015 nuclear deal suspended, as Europe says new Iranian regime has walked back on previous progress and advanced its nuclear programme
9 February 2022 Iran unveils new missile that can reach targets in Israel: 9 February 2022: Iran unveils new missile that can reach targets in Israel, touting its high-accuracy 'Khaibar-buster' missile, named after a Jewish castle overrun by Muslim warriors in the early days of Islam
23 May 2022 Iranian Mullah regime vows to avenge killing as it buries Revolutionary Guard colonel Khodayari: 23 May 2022: Iranian Mullah regime vows to avenge killing as it buries Revolutionary Guard colonel Hassan Sayad Khodayari, the highest-profile killing of an Iranian official since the violent death of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in November 2020
4 June 2022 Iran's Khamenei accuses 'enemy' of stirring up protests: 4 June 2022: Iranian Mullah regime's Ayatollah Khamenei, has accused 'enemies' of Iran of stirring up unrest to try to overthrow the Islamic Republic saying those who opposed Tehran hoped to use protests to strike a blow at the country, as comments come after several weeks of demonstrations in cities over the rising cost of basic foods, and as a deadly building collapse in the south sparked further protests blaming authorities for the incident
9 July 2022 politician Tajzadeh and two film directors arrested in Iran: 9 July 2022: Prominent reformist politician Mostafa Tajzadeh has been arrested in Iran and accused of conspiring against the country's security. A staunch critic of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he is also accused of 'publishing false information designed to disturb public opinion' and spent 7 years in jail in 2009-2016, as two Iranian film directors have also been arrested for a separate protest
3 September 2022 Iran equipped 51 cities and towns with civil defense systems against attacks: 3 September 2022: Iran has equipped 51 of its cities and towns with civil defense systems to thwart any possible foreign attack, amid an escalation of tensions with Israel and the USA, as the defense equipments enable Iran’s armed forces to 'identify and monitor threats by using round-the-clock software according to the type of the threat and risk', according to deputy defense minister Farahi
7 September 2022 IAEA said it could not guarantee the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme: 7 September 2022: UN’s nuclear watchdog IAEA said it could not guarantee the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme, saying it was 'not in a position to provide assurance that Iran’s nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful'. There had been 'no progress' in resolving questions about the past presence of nuclear material at undeclared sites. Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to 60% - never within the limits for peaceful use - and in the form of uranium hexafluoride, the gas that centrifuges enrich, was estimated to be 55.6kg, an increase of 12.5kg from the previous quarterly report.
23 September 2022 pro-government rallies have taken place in several cities across Iran: 23 September 2022: Pro-government rallies have taken place in several cities across Iran in an attempt to counter a week of mounting unrest triggered by the death of a woman in police custody. Marchers called for anti-government protesters to be executed, while the army signalled that it was prepared to crush dissent by telling Iranians that it would confront 'the enemies' behind the unrest. Demonstrators condemned the anti-government protesters as 'Israel’s soldiers', also shouting 'offenders of the Qur’an must be executed', 'death to America', and 'death to Israel', common slogans the country’s clerical rulers use to try and stir up support for authorities, who claimed the demonstrations of support were spontaneous.
9 October 2022 Iranian schoolchildren were being arrested inside school premises: 9 October 2022: Iranian schoolchildren were being arrested inside school premises on Sunday by security forces arriving in vans without licence plates, according to social media reports emerging from the country as protests against the regime entered their fourth week. The authorities also shut all schools and higher education institutions in Iranian Kurdistan on Sunday, a sign that the state remains concerned about dissent after weeks of protests over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman. Footage showed protests in dozens of cities across Iran early on Sunday, with hundreds of high-school girls and university students participating in the face of teargas, clubs, and, in many cases, live ammunition by the security forces, rights groups said.
10 October 2022 gunshots and blasts heard at Mahsa Amini protests in Iran: 10 October 2022: Gunshots and explosions were heard in the Iranian Kurdish city of Sanandaj on Monday as the protests over the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini continued to unfold across the country and for first time spread to Iran’s crucial oil industry. Government officials are struggling to end the protests led by young Iranians, especially women, previously regarded as uninterested by politics.
11 October 2022 Iranian regime's forces intensify crackdown in Kurdistan: 11 October 2022: Rights groups have sounded the alarm over an intensifying crackdown by Iranian 'security' forces against protesters in the western province of Kurdistan, as Tehran summoned the British ambassador in response to UK sanctions against the morality police. Mullah regime's forces in the provincial capital Sanandaj have used firearms and fired teargas 'indiscriminately' including into people’s homes. A female protester in the city told the Guardian that a 'massacre' by the IRGC was taking place. 'They have shut down the city and are slaughtering people inside with guns and bombs just because they are chanting for freedom'.
15 October 2022: Iran police investigate video of officer’s alleged sexual assault of protester: 15 October 2022: Iran police investigate video of officer’s alleged sexual assault of protester, as footage appears to show member of riot police grabbing detained woman from behind - 15 October 2022: Iran and EU on collision course over sanctions tied with protests, as Tehran has signalled it will respond to any EU action on the protests, but has not divulged the nature of its countermeasures
2 November 2022 videos showing Iranian crackdown on protesters go viral as anger grows: 2 November 2022: Videos on social media showing Iranian security forces severely beating protesters have gone viral as anger grows at a widening crackdown with arrests of prominent figures from rappers to economists and lawyers aimed at ending seven weeks of unrest
12 December 2022 scores of executions feared in Iran as 23-year-old hanged in public killing: 12 December 2022: Fears are growing that Iran is preparing to execute scores more protesters after authorities hanged 23-year-old Majidreza Rahnavard from a crane, in a public killing carried out less than a month after he was arrested and following a secretive trial. The activist and protester Rahnavard was sentenced to death by a court in the city of Mashhad, a centre of the protests, for allegedly killing two members of the paramilitary Basij force and wounding four others. The Basij, affiliated with the country’s feared 'Revolutionary Guards', has been at the forefront of the state crackdown. The director of the Oslo-based group Iran Human Rights, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, warned that the public execution of a young man so soon after his arrest indicated 'a significant escalation of the level of violence against protesters'. 'Rahnavard was sentenced to death based on coerced confessions, after a grossly unfair process and a show trial,” said Amiry-Moghaddam, a leading activist in exile. 'This crime must be met with serious consequences for the Islamic republic', also sayiang there was 'a serious risk of mass execution of protesters' as thousands were in custody.
8 April 2023 Iran installs cameras to find women not wearing hijab, protesting against the Mullah regime: 8 March 2023: As thousands of protesters in Iran - in protests sparked last year by the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini arrested for allegedly violating the hijab rule - have been arrested and four have been executed since December, as hardliners have continued to insist that more be done to enforce the law, Iranian authorities have begun installing cameras in public places to identify unveiled women, saying tis would help prevent 'resistance against the hijab law'
6 May 2023 Iran has executed Swedish-Iranian Habib Farajollah Chaab for alleged terrorism: 6 May 2023: Iran has executed Swedish-Iranian Habib Farajollah Chaab who was allegedly behind an attack that killed dozens of people at a military parade in the southern province of Khuzistan in 2018, state media have reported
8 May 2023 Iran hangs two men for blasphemy as executions rise amid unrest: 8 May 2023: Iran hanged two men convicted of blasphemy, authorities said, carrying out rare death sentences for the crime as the number of executions surges across the Islamic Republic after months of unrest, and as Iran remains one of the world’s top executioners, having put to death at least 203 prisoners since the start of this year
19 May 2023 Iran has executed Saleh Mirhashemi, Majid Kazemi and Saeed Yaqoubi: 19 May 2023: Iran has executed Saleh Mirhashemi, Majid Kazemi and Saeed Yaqoubi it said were implicated in the deaths of three members of the security forces during anti-government protests, drawing condemnation from rights groups and the EU and risking further international isolation
3 September 2023 Iran jails two female journalists over ‘conspiracy and collusion’: 3 September 2023: Iran jails two female journalists over ‘conspiracy and collusion’, as Negin Bagheri and Elnaz Mohammadi receive three-year sentences but will spend about a month in prison
20 May 2024 ruthless prosecutor Ebrahim Raisi's obituary, linked to thousands of executions: 20 May 2024: The career of Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, who has been killed in a helicopter crash aged 63, was defined by violent events. With the theocratic Islamic regime in its infancy, tottering in the face of often violent internal opposition and military attack from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, which invaded Iran in September 1980, the young Raisi cut his political teeth in the fledgling system’s judiciary, administering revolutionary justice to political opponents. He apparently did so with precocious aplomb and a ruthlessness that some say bordered on cruelty.

Repression, social movements and protests in Iran: Protests in Iran - Provisions in violation of human rights in Iran - Extralegal violations of human rights in Iran
1988: 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners
1988-1998: Series of murders and disappearances from 1988 to 1998 by Iranian government operatives of Iranian dissident intellectuals
1998: Narges Mohammadi, first arrested in 1998 for her criticisms of the Iranian government and spending a year in prison
2009-2010: 2009/2010 Iranian election protests - 2009 Iran poll protests trial - Prisoner abuse
2011: 2011 Iranian protests, Protestations iraniennes de 2011 - 1. Juni 2011: Parlament - juristische Schritte gegen Verfassungsverstoß Ahmadinedschads - 12. Juni 2011: Demonstrationen und Festnahmen in Teheran am 12. Juni
2012: 8 March 2012: Mehdi Khazali, given 14 years for criticising government, begins 60th day without food - Mehdi Khazali - 4 October: Police fires tear gas to disperse demonstrators as they protest against the collapse of rial
26 April 2012: Human rights activist Narges Mohammadi whose contribution to the campaign against juvenile executions in Iran is internationally recognised has been arrested to serve her six-year prison term
25 October 2012: Set up by victims of political crimes committed in the wake of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution a tribunal held in the library of the Peace Palace in The Hague began hearings in a bid to highlight killings ignored by international justice
26 December 2012: Arrested and tortured by 'Fata', blogger Sattar Beheshti's death stirs political hornet's nest in Iran
2013: 28 January 2013: Authorities accuse 14 journalists of co-operating with foreign media, a charge tantamount to 'serving the enemy's purpose' - 22 August: Victory for Iran protesters as govt closes polluting factory - 5. November: Hungerstreik politischer Gefangener in Irans Gefängnissen gegen die schlechte medizinische Versorgung und dubiose Sterbefälle - 5 December: Iran's Revolutionary Guards have carried out a new wave of arrests of cyber activists and members of pro-opposition social networking websites
2014: 3 February 2014: Iran opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi remains under house arrest - 11 February 2014: Iran has executed an Arab-Iranian poet and rights activist for 'waging war on God' and 'acting against national security' - 20 May: Hundreds of Iranian women are posting pictures of their bare heads in call for change to Iranian restriction on women attire in public - 1 June 2014: Iranian court sentences 8 Facebook users to up to 20 years in prison for criticizing the regime on Facebook - 9 June 2014: More than 140 Iranian journalists call on authorities to release Saba Azarpeik, who was picked up last month from the offices of a magazine in Tehran and is currently being held incommunicado - 9 July: Iranian journalist Marzieh Rasouli sentenced to 50 lashes and two years in prison over charges of spreading anti-government propaganda - 29 October 2014: After public outrage about a string of acid attacks in Isfahan, Iranian journalists detained after reporting on acid attacks
2015: 6 May 2015: Iranian rights activist Narges Mohammadi, a close associate of Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi, arrested in Tehran at her home - 16 July: Warning from Iran's hardliners mars celebrations of July 2015 Vienna nuclear deal to end sanctions - 23 July 2015: More than 200 teachers were arrested by riot police during a protest outside the parliament in Tehran demanding the release of their colleagues such as Esmael Abdi, the head of the teachers union, from jail, activist group says - 12 August 2015: Iran refuses to free student activist Bahareh Hedayat after six years in jail despite the fact she should have been freed in June, while her husband is threatened for speaking out - 21 October 2015: Filmmaker Emad Tayefen, imprisoned several times and severely tortured, left Iran in August risking his life to complete 'Public Enemies', a documentary showcasing activists who don’t have the power to get heard - 29 October: Iran poets sentenced to 99 lashes for holding women’s hands amid widespread crackdown on free expression by judiciary and regime security services targeting activists, journalists and artists
2016: 18 January 2016: Iranian poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Mousavi, facing lashings and prison sentences, have fled Iran, a rare escape for local artists and activists ensnared in an ongoing crackdown on expression in the country, as USA and European governments lift sanctions on Iran - 1 February 2016: A group of activists believe their collective experience in Iranian jails can help others and steer citizens away from recurrent pitfalls, since the Islamic regime expanded its use of tools after the unrests of 2009 to silence dissidents, including torture and capital punishment - 29 February: Iran's citizens turn to social media to take aim at conservative hardliners, sharing celebratory jokes and mocking memes - 27 April 2016: Three Iranian journalists Afarin Chitsaz, Ehsan Mazandarani and Saman Safarzaee given lengthy prison sentences, after a court in Tehran found the journalists guilty of charges including spreading propaganda against the ruling system, conspiring against officials and insulting authorities, and as the regime’s hardline judiciary tightens its grip on press freedom - 19 May 2016: 16-year-sentence against critically ill Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi, for her work defending human and women’s rights, signals all-out repression
October/November 2016: 31 October 2016: Iranian regime cracks down mass protest against its restrictive policies, after thousands attending annual celebration of pre-Islamic ruler Cyrus demand more freedoms, saying 'freedom of thought impossible with the mullahs' - 17 November 2016: In rare dissent, Iran scholar slams regime’s anti-Israel rhetoric, as Sadegh Zibakalam takes on Khamenei in clip posted by independent, but state-sanctioned website
February-May 2017: 17 February 2017: Human rights campaigners have accused Iran of silencing Shahnaz Akmali, the mother of a protester who was killed in post-election unrest in 2009 - 8 May 2017: Angry coal miners besieged a car carrying Iranian president Rouhani after he visited the site of the mine explosion that reportedly killed at least 35 miners Wednesday in northern Golestan province, a rare protest targeting the nation’s top elected official as he campaigns for re-election
August 2017: 16 August 2017: Mehdi Karroubi, one of the opposition leaders of Iran’s Green Movement who has been under house arrest since 2010, goes on hunger strike in protest to the conditions of his arrest, demanding a public trial
September 2017: 13 September 2017: Labour activist Reza Shahabi and a group of about 50 others, including teachers and other labour movement prisoners in Iranian jails, now on hunger strike for almost a month in protest about the legality of their imprisonment and prison conditions
2017–2018 Iranian protests: 2017–2018 Iranian protests in Mashhad, in Tehran, in Neyshabour, Kashan, Kerman, Kermanshah, Kashmar, Rasht, Esfahan, Arak, Bandar Abbas, Ardabil, Qazvin,Hamedan, Sari, Babol ,Amol, Shahinshahr, Shahrekord, Shiraz, Khorramabad, Zanjan, Gorgan, Zahedan, Urmia, Dorud, Yazd and Shahroud
December 2017: 29 December 2017: Hundreds of people took to the streets of Mashhad, Iran's second largest city, to protest against high prices and the dire economic situation, shouting slogans against Rouhani and denouncing the regime’s intervention in neighboring countries - 30 December 2017: Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in several cities across Iran on Friday, as protests turned into the largest wave of demonstrations since nationwide pro-reform unrest in 2009, reflecting growing discontent over rising prices and alleged corruption, as well as concern about the regime’s costly involvement in regional conflicts such as those in Syria, Iraq and Yemen - 30 December 2017: Three Iranian protesters were shot dead by the regime's 'Revolutionary Guards' at a Saturday night demonstration in Doroud, in the Lorestan province in central Iran - 31 December 2017: 2 protesters confirmed killed and dozens arrested as demonstrations against cost of living, unemployment spread in Iran, where regime warns protesters will 'pay’, after there have been anti-Khamenei and anti-Suleimani chants and slogans opposing Iran’s regional policy, including 'Let go of Syria, think about us'
January 2018: 1 January 2018: At least 12 people have been killed in the ongoing protests in Iran, and armed protesters reportedly tried to take over police stations and military bases, according to state TV - 1 January 2018: More protesters killed in Iran as Rouhani's plea fails to dampen unrest - 2 January 2018: Nine more people reported dead in Iran and 450 arrested in the capital alone, as protests enter sixth day and Iranian regime blocks access to social networks - 3 January 2018: From headscarf politics to economic protests, Iranian women are leading from the front, as fearless females have been willing to confront the Islamic regime since it first came to power in 1979 - 3 janvier 2018: Même si Téhéran est peu touchée par les manifestations contre le pouvoir qui agitent depuis jeudi plusieurs villes d'Iran, les habitants de la capitale se plaignent de leur situation économique et réclament des actes au gouvernement - 9 January 2018: Human rights activists in Iran have raised concerns about mass arrests during the country’s largest protests in nearly a decade after at least three demonstrators believed to have been killed in custody in a notorious Tehran jail - 18 January 2018: An Iranian protester who died in custody was forced to take pills that made him sick, his family have claimed, as secrecy shrouds the similar deaths of other prisoners - 23 January 2018: Human rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh raised concern on Monday over the fate of a woman she said was arrested for posing without a headscarf in Tehran in an image that went viral around the world
February 2018: 2 février 2018: La police iranienne a arrêté une trentaine de femmes à Téhéran pour avoir enlevé leur voile en public pour protester contre son port obligatoire depuis la prise de pouvoir islamique de 1979 - 2 February 2018: Women across the country have been protesting by climbing onto telecom boxes, taking off their headscarves and waving them aloft on sticks, as new wave of protests is sparking personal freedoms debate
March 2018: 7 March 2018: Due to 'moderate' Rouhani, Iranian woman who removed headscarf jailed for two years, after previously women showing their hair in public in Iran were usually sentenced to far shorter terms of two months or less, and fined $25 - 14 March 2018: Outspoken professor of Tehran university Sadegh Zibakalam, who is a well-known figure in the country’s political commentariat, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for spreading anti-state propaganda
March 2018 Khuzestan protests: March 2018 Khuzestan protests are a series of ongoing protests by Iranian Arabs located in the Khuzestan province of Iran
May 2018: 19 May 2018: Two people have been killed and 48 injured in a violent protest in southwest Iran, after previously peaceful protests had been taking place for weeks in Kazeroon against a regional decision to divide some districts of the city and merge them into a new town
25 May 2018: Monitors at Iranian Mashhad’s airport were reportedly hacked in protest of the Iranian regime and the cost of its regional interventionism
June 2018: 13 juin 2018: L'avocate iranienne des droits de l'Homme Nasrin Sotoudeh, récompensée à l'étranger pour son engagement, a été arrêtée mercredi et transférée à Evin
June 2018 protests over failing economy: 26 June 2018: Thousands protest in Iran over failing economy, a day after protests forced two major shopping centres for mobile phones and electronics to close in Tehran and after demonstrators earlier closed its Grand Bazaar
July 2018 Khorramshahr protests: 1 July 2018: At least four protesters were reported killed in Iran as regime forces opened fire on demonstrators rallying against a water shortage in the city of Khorramshahr - 12 July 2018: Iranian police kill demonstrator during protest over water scarcity
August 2018: 4 August 2018: Largely unmentioned by Iranian authorities, protests against the regime have been raging for several days in several major cities, including Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad and Tehran, driven by concerns over the economy as well as wider anger at the political system, as many protesters stressed that they blame their government, not the USA, for effects of sanctions - 20 August 2018: Iranian regime detains outspoken lawyer Ghasem Sholeh-Saadi, a former lawmaker banned from running in 2017 presidential elections, planning a sit-in protest outside parliament and calling for free elections
August 2018: 25 August 2018: Jailed Iranian rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has defended journalists, rights activists, and juveniles, starts hunger strike
August 2018: 27 August 2018: Ex-mayor of Tehran Karbaschi sentenced to year in jail for panning Iran’s actions in Syria, telling rally in Isfahan in 2017 there must be better way to help Syrians than by 'killing and pounding' - 29 August 2018: Iranian activist Farhad Meysami jailed over hijab protests goes on hunger strike - 29 August 2018: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the British-Iranian woman who was taken back to a Tehran jail on Sunday after spending three days on temporary release, has been taken to a prison clinic after falling unconscious
November 2018: 1 November 2018: Truckers in Tehran, Zanjan, Isfahan, Asaluyeh, Nahavand, and Shahrud went on strike for the fourth time this year in protest to the arrest of hundreds of truckers in October
December 2018 Iranian strikes and protests: December 2018 Iranian strikes and protests
4 December 2018 Ahvaz protest: 4 December 2018: Ahvaz' workers protest for the 25th straight day, chanting 'Palestine and Syria are the root of our problems'
11 December 2018: 11 December 2018: Iran has sentenced two human rights lawyers to six years in prison, after they took part in a protest outside parliament in August calling for free elections, and a third lawyer Mohammad Najafi to 13 years for support of opposition
12/20 December 2018 death of Vahid Sayadi Nasiri: 20 December 2018: Human rights Watch urged the Iranian regime to investigate and find an explanation for the death of Vahid Sayadi Nasiri who had been jailed for insulting Ali Khamenei and denied medical attention before he died on hunger strike
21 December 2018 truck drivers strike: 21 December 2018: Truck drivers' nationwide strike in protest to inflation and rising expenses
27 December 2018 Isfahan teachers protest: 27 December 2018: Police use tear gas against teachers holding a protest in Isfahan for low salaries, pensions and demanding the release of teacher activists from prison
January 2019 protests: On 2 January 2019 farmers gathered in Isfahan to protest the lack of water in the Zayanderud, met by security forces who fired tear gas and live rounds into the air to disperse the crowds, on 22 January, retirees gathered in front of the parliament building in Tehran and chanted 'torture and forced confessions, have no effect anymore'
24 January 2019: 24 January 2019: Rights group has accused Iranian regime of arresting more than 7,000 people last year in a 'shameless campaign of repression'
February 2019: 3 February 2019: Tehran's court sentences eight citizens to six months and five other protesters to one year in prison, including five women, and arrested during the August 2017 demonstrations over economic hardships, according to Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency
March 2019 Iran protests: March 2019 Iran workers, teacher and retirees protests
8 March 2019 International Women's Day protest: 8 March 2019: Activists appear unveiled in Tehran on International Women's Day, calling on Iranians to support their defiance of mandatory veiling in the Islamist ruled nation
13 March 2019 Nasrin Sotoudeh jailed for 10 extra years: 13 March 2019: Iran rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who had taken on the cases of women arrested for appearing in public without headscarves, jailed for 10 extra years and also sentenced to 148 lashes, as UN's Javaid Rehman said the reported conviction was 'a crystal-clear illustration of an increasingly severe state response'
1 May 2019 protests: 1 May 2019: Workers, students, and teachers gathered in front of the parliament building in Tehran to protest poor economic conditions, and lack of individual rights, chanting 'high costs and inflation are hurting people's lives', as security forces clamped down on the protests arresting 40 demonstrators
May 2019 Tehran students attacked: 13 May 2019: Vigilantes attack Tehran University students protesting strict hijab
August 2019 Saba Kord Afshari sentenced to 15 years for taking off her hijab: 29 August 2019: Iranian civil rights activist Saba Kord Afshari has been sentenced to 24 years behind bars, including a 15-year term for taking off her hijab in public
16/17 November 2019 protests in over a dozen cities over decision to cut gasoline subsidies: 16 November 2019: Showing the widespread anger among the country’s 80 million people who have seen their savings evaporate amid scarce jobs and the national rial currency’s collapse, demonstrations took place in over a dozen cities in the hours following Rouhani’s decision at midnight Friday to cut gasoline subsidies, as some protesters expressed anger at government spending on 'Gaza, Lebanon’, and as at least one person said killed by regime's forces - 17 November 2019: Iran supreme leader backs petrol price rises as protests spread
18 November 2019: 18 November 2019: Protesters angered by Iran raising government-set gasoline prices by 50% blocked traffic in major cities and occasionally clashed with police after demonstrations punctuated by gunfire, in violence that reportedly killed at least one person, as videos circulate on social media showing protesters burning images of Iranian regime's Khamenei - 18 November 2019: At least 40 people have been killed in Iran since anti-protests erupted across the country on Friday, according to a report by opposition website Radio Farda which cites human rights organizations and videos on social media
19 November 2019 protests and regime's violence: 19 November 2019: As protests appeared to be ongoing on Tuesday in some areas of Iran, Keyhan newspaper reports that those who led violent demonstrations over a rise in government-set gasoline prices will be killed by hanging, after Iranian regime shut down the internet Saturday, stopping protesters from sharing information and their videos online - 19 November 2019: At least 106 Iranians killed as regime forces get ‘green light to crush’ protests, as Amnestý International rights group warns real death toll could be closer to 200 with video showing snipers firing into crowds, and UN urges Tehran to stop using live ammunition against demonstrators
24 November 2019 online Iran protest videos show regime's violence: 24 November 2019: After internet restored, online Iran protest videos show machine gun fire answering rock-throwing protesters, motorcycle-riding Revolutionary Guard volunteers chasing after demonstrators, plainclothes regime forces grabbing, beating and draging people off the street to an uncertain fate
1 December 2019 report of Iranian regime's brutal crackdown in Shiraz: 1 December 2019: Report of Iranian regime's brutal crackdown in Shiraz, after an internet blackout hid the regime’s response to unrest over raising fuel prices, interviews with activists and an analysis of social media posts reveal what happened
2 December 2019 massacre in city of Mahshahr: 2 December 2019: During protests, Iran Guards said to massacre up to 100 people, opening fire on demonstrators in city of Mahshahr and then gunned down those who fled to nearby marsh, as relatives told not to hold funerals or give interviews
23 December 2019 about 1,500 people were killed during November unrest, Reuters says: 23 December 2019: About 1,500 people were killed during less than two weeks of unrest that started in November, as the toll, provided to Reuters by three Iranian interior ministry officials also describing how Iranian supreme leader ordered to have protests crushed, included at least 17 teenagers and about 400 women as well as some members of the security forces and police
January 2020 Iranian protests: January 2020 Iranian protests against Mullah regime
11 January 2020 protest against regime after admission it shot down plane, calling for Khamenei to resign: 11 January 2020: Iranians protest against regime in Tehran after admission it shot down plane, as crowds call for 'supreme leader' to resign, saying 'down with dictator', as anger mounts over government’s conduct, and as police said to use force to quell demonstration
12 January 2020 more Iranian protests against regime's killing of 176 foreign and Iranian civilians: 12 January 2020: Iranian Mullah regime deploys riot police as it braces for further protests over plane shootdown, amid circulating calls for protests later in the day, and after a large black banner unveiled in Vali-e Asr Square in Tehran bore the names of those killed in the plane crash - 12 January 2012: Iranians step up anti-regime protests as protesters chant in the Iranian capital 'they are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right here', also gathering in other cities, as Iran's moderate Etemad daily wrote in a banner headline on Sunday 'apologize and resign', saying the people's demand is for those responsible for mishandling the plane crisis to quit
13 January 2020 Mullah regime continues to terrorize the Iranian people exercising 'their constitutional right to peaceful assembly': 13 January 2020: After killing 176 citizens of 6 countries including many Iranians, Mullah regime continues to terrorize the Iranian people documented in videos, using live fire and tear gas against protesters, as rights group says 'Iranians shouldn’t have to risk their lives to exercise their constitutional right to peaceful assembly' - 13 January 2020: Iranian police shoot at those protesting plane shootdown, video shows - 13 January 2020: Mullah regime struggles to contain anger over downed jet, British 'Guardian' reports live
14 January 2020 Iranians gathered for a fourth day in Tehran: 14 January 2020: Iranians gathered for a fourth day in Tehran on Tuesday to demonstrate against the regime's way handling its last week's brutal shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner, videos posted on social media show
30 June 2020 Iran journalist who inspired 2017 rallies sentenced to death: 30 June 2020: Iran journalist who inspired 2017 rallies sentenced to death, as Ruhollah Zam had been living and working in exile in Paris before being convinced into returning to Iran, where he was arrested in October 2019 - 30 June 2020: Iranian authorities move to block release of female rights activists, as new charges brought to circumvent covid-19 prison release scheme, say human rights groups
15 July 2020 Iran’s judiciary has upheld the death penalty for 3 protesters: 15 July 2020: Iran’s judiciary has upheld the death penalty for three men accused of involvement in last November’s massive anti-government protests, sparking an outcry from human rights groups and a swell of activism against capital punishment on social media
28 February 2021 Mullah regime shuts down internet in southeast province amid protests, harsh crackdown: 28 February 2021: Iran’s impoverished southeast has been experiencing wide disruptions of internet services, according to experts, as unrest gripped the remote province after fatal border shootings, and as several rights groups reported in a joint statement that authorities shut down the mobile data network in the restive province of Sistan and Baluchestan, calling the disruptions an apparent 'tool to conceal' the government’s harsh crackdown on protests convulsing the area
21 July 2021 civilians died during protests over water shortages: 2 1 July 2021: Civilians died during protests over water shortages in Iran’s southwestern Khuzestan province, authorities confirmed
19 November 2021 protesters in Isfahan demand the revival of Zayandeh Rud River: 19 November 2021: Thousands of protesters have gathered in Isfahan in central Iran to demand the revival of Zayandeh Rud River that has dried up, as footage broadcast by state television and dozens of videos circulating on social media on Friday showed a sea of farmers and other people standing on a huge barren strip of dirt where the major Zayandeh Rud River used to flow, near the iconic Khaju Bridge in Isfahan province
Since 16 September 2022 Mahsa Amini ongoing series of protests and civil unrest against the Tehran regime: Since 16 September 2022 ongoing series of protests and civil unrest against the Iranian Mullah regime, that began in Tehran on 16 September as a reaction to the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody, after she was arrested by the Guidance Patrol for wearing an 'improper' hijab—in violation of Iran's mandatory hijab law—while visiting Tehran from Saqqez. According to eyewitnesses, Amini was severely beaten by Guidance Patrol officers.
17 September 2022 Iranian police fire tear gas at rally after funeral of woman who died after Hijab arrest: 17 September 2022: Iranian police fired tear gas on Saturday to disperse a protest rally in the country's west following the funeral ceremony for a young woman who died while in police custody in Tehran earlier this week, the semi-official Fars news agency reported - 16 September 2022: Mullah regime orders an inquiry after Mahsa Amin died after being detained by Iranian morality police, sparking fury on social media
19 septembre 2022 après la mort de Mahsa Amini, la colère gagne les universités en Iran: 19 septembre 2022: La colère gronde dans les universités iraniennes. La mort de Mahsa Amini, une jeune femme de 22 ans arrêtée mardi 13 septembre à Téhéran par la police des mœurs, a provoqué une forte émotion dans le pays, et elle ne retombe pas. Interpellée parce que la police considérait qu’elle portait mal le voile, obligatoire pour les femmes dans tous les lieux publics, Mahsa Amini est décédée après avoir passé trois jours, plongée dans le coma.
21 septembre 2022 en Iran plusieurs morts dans les manifestations après le décès de Mahsa Amini: 21 septembre 2022: Les manifestations se sont étendues en Iran pour la cinquième nuit consécutive contre la mort de Mahsa Amini, une jeune femme de 22 ans arrêtée par la police des moeurs chargée de faire respecter un code vestimentaire strict pour les femmes, plusieurs morts ont déjà été recensés depuis le début des manifestations samedi 17 septembre
26 September 2022 Iranians protest for a 10th consecutive night against the death of Mahsa Amini: 26 September 2022: Iranians have taken to the streets for a 10th consecutive night to protest against the death of Mahsa Amini in defiance of a warning from the judiciary, as Norway-based group 'Iran Human Rights' said that the death toll was at least 57, but noted that ongoing internet blackouts were making it increasingly difficult to confirm fatalities in a context where the women-led protests have spread to scores of cities
28 September 2022 Iran sisters' version of 'Bella Ciao' adopted as resistance anthem by Mahsa Amini protesters: 28 September 2022: Iran sisters' version of 'Bella Ciao' adopted as resistance anthem by Mahsa Amini protesters
1 October 2022 protests enter 15th day in Iran amid lingering internet curbs, recorded across several cities: 1 October 2022: Protests enter 15th day in Iran amid lingering internet curbs, recorded across several cities, including Tehran, on Saturday, with Iranians abroad also organising demonstrations, following the the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16 after being in a coma that lasted three days. She had earlier suffered an apparent stroke after being detained by the country’s so-called morality police for wearing an 'improper hijab'.
5 October 2022 Iranian police deploy at universities as unrest over Mahsa Amini's death churns on: 5 October 2022: Iranian police deploy at universities as unrest over Mahsa Amini's death churns on
7 October 2022 Iran’s fierce protests are in their third week with no sign of slowing down: 7 October 2022: Nationwide protests in Iran, sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was detained by morality police, have entered their third week and they show no signs of slowing down
10 October 2022 gunshots and blasts heard at Mahsa Amini protests in Iran: 10 October 2022: Gunshots and explosions were heard in the Iranian Kurdish city of Sanandaj on Monday as the protests over the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini continued to unfold across the country and for first time spread to Iran’s crucial oil industry. Government officials are struggling to end the protests led by young Iranians, especially women, previously regarded as uninterested by politics.
11 October 2022 videos show 16-years-old Iranian teenager Nika Shakarami protesting hours before her death: 11 October 2022: Videos posted online show 16-years-old Iranian teenager Nika Shakarami protesting hours before her death, her mother has told BBC Persian. Nika is seen standing on a dumpster and burning her headscarf in Tehran on 20 September, as others chant slogans against the Islamic Republic. She later disappeared after telling a friend she was being chased by police. Her mother, Nasrin, also denied she was in a CCTV video put out by officials to support their claim that her death was not connected to the protests that day.
12 October 2022 around the world women are uniting in protest against the Iran's regime by cutting their hair: 12 October 2022: Around the world women are uniting in protest against the Iranian government by cutting their hair, as the protests started after the death of Mahsa Amini who was arrested by Iranian morality police, and as Abir Al-Sahlani, a Swedish Member of the European Parliament also cut hers during an EU Parliament speech.
12 October 2022 'You know that you might never come back' but protests in Iran continue: 12 October 2022: Protests in Iran are continuing despite a crackdown by security forces that one human rights group says has killed at least 201 people. The unrest erupted in response to the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman detained by the morality police for allegedly breaking the strict hijab rules. There are heavy restrictions on independent and foreign reporting in the country. But the BBC Today programme's Nick Robinson was able to interview Fawaz - not his real name - who has been protesting on the streets in Tehran. - 12 October 2022: Tales of bloody Iran protest crackdown at border crossing, as Soran raises two fingers to his left temple and motions firing a gun. 'If you talk, they will put a bullet in your head'.
15 October 2022 death toll climbs to 233 as protests in Iran enter ffth week: 15 October 2022: Death toll climbs to 233 as protests in Iran enter ffth week. According to USA-based human rights monitor HRANA, 32 of those among the dead were below the age of 18 as protests have spread to at least 19 cities becoming one of the greatest challenges to Iran’s theocracy.
19 October 2022 Iranian climber who competed without hijab met by jubilant crowds in Tehran: 19 October 2022: Iranian competitive climber Elnaz Rekabi has received a hero’s welcome on her return to Tehran after competing in South Korea without wearing a headscarf as required of female athletes from the Islamic Republic, with large crowds at Imam Khomeini international airport terminal outside Tehran despite the 4am arrival time of Rekabi’s flight. People clapped and chanted the 33-year-old’s name and handed her flowers inside the terminal.
21 October 2022 almost 12,500 people arrested in Iran protest crackdown, says rights group: 21 October 2022: Almost 12,500 people have been arrested and nearly 250 killed since the street protests began in Iran, according to a prominent human rights group, with thousands of anxious families struggling to make contact with loved ones who have gone missing and presumed to be in jail
21 October 2022 Iranian climber Elnaz Rekabi reportedly under house arrest: 21 October 2022: Iranian climber Elnaz Rekabi who received a hero’s welcome on her return to Tehran after competing in South Korea without wearing a headscarf has reportedly been placed under house arrest, as human rights groups and activists have repeatedly accused the Islamic republic of coercing people into making statements of contrition on TV or social media, also calling on the International Federation of Sport Climbing to do more to protect her
27 October 2022 mourning of Mahsa Amini shows 'it's about a nation's quest for regime change': 27 October 2022: The mourning of Mahsa Amini shows 'it's beyond women's rights, it's about a nation's quest for regime change'
28 October 2022 deaths as regime opened fire on protesters in Zahedan, people in Mahabad also fired on: 28 October 2022: Iranian regime's forces have opened fired on protesters in Zahedan a month after a massacre that killed scores of people in the restive south-eastern city. There were reports of as many as six killed in Zahedan on Friday, including a 12-year-old boy. In a desperate attempt calm local anger, at midnight on Thursday the provincial authorities had suddenly sacked the chief of Zahedan police and a second senior officer due to 'deficiencies' in their handling of protests in the city on 30 September. In a highly unusual admission of fault on the part of Iran’s security apparatus, the provincial authorities admitted that police had been responsible for the death of as many. Crowds were also fired on in Mahabad, another city with a long history of resistance against the regime, in renewed deadly violence at the end of the sixth week of unrest sparked by the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini on 16 September.
29 October 2022 Revolutionary Guards chief tells protesters today is last day on streets: 29 October 2022: Revolutionary Guards chief tells protesters today is last day on streets, as Hossein Salami’s tough language raises fears security forces may be about to intensify crackdown on unrest
31 October 2022 protests continue to be documented in cities across Iran this week: 31 October 2022: Protests that began last month in Iran after the death of a young woman in police custody continue to be documented in cities across the country this week, even as the first court hearings of protesters have been held and internet restrictions remain in effect. Videos posted on social media showed more protests at universities, especially in the capital Tehran and Sanandaj, the capital of the northwestern province Kurdistan, where 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was from. An unknown number of protesting students was suspended from universities this week, reports on social media and foreign-based outlets said. It prompted their fellow students to demonstrate on Monday in their support, according to images on social media.
4 November 2022 dozens arrested as regime forces attack university campuses, detained students could face death penalty: 4 November 2022: Iran’s security forces have launched a series of attacks on university students at campuses across the country with dozens of students being arrested, according to the Students’ Union of Iran. According to student organisations and human rights groups, the attacks on universities intensified this week as young people gathered to mark 40 days since Mahsa Amini died in the custody of Iran’s morality police.
3 December 2022 Mullah regime says more than 200 killed in country’s continuing unrest: 3 December 2022: A regime's body in Iran has given its first official assessment of continuing unrest across the country, saying more than 200 people have been killed since September, providing - in a statement published on Saturday - its first report of opposition's death toll that it said has come as a result of 'riots'
4 December 2022 Iran to disband morality police amid ongoing protests, says attorney general: 4 December 2022: Iran's morality police, which is tasked with enforcing the country's Islamic dress code, is being disbanded, the country's attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri reportedly says. Montazeri's comments, yet to be confirmed by other agencies, were made at an event on Sunday. Iran has seen months of protests over the death of Mahsa Amini in custody, who had been detained by the morality police for allegedly breaking strict rules on head coverings. Montazeri was at a religious conference when he was asked if the morality police was being disbanded, and ansered 'the morality police had nothing to do with the judiciary and have been shut down from where they were set up'. Even if the morality police is shut down this does not mean the decades-old law will be changed. Amini's death was the catalyst for the unrest but it also follows discontent over poverty, unemployment, inequality, injustice and corruption.
4 December 2022 Iranian protesters call for three-day strike as pressure on regime builds: 4 December 2022: Protesters in Iran have called for a three-day strike this week amid conflicting reports that its 'morality police' had been shut down, and as the USA said the leadership in Tehran had locked itself into a 'vicious cycle' that had cut it off from its own people and the international community
17 December 2022 oil workers reportedly protesting wages in Iran amid nationwide unrest: 17 December 2022: Oil workers reportedly protesting wages in Iran amid nationwide unrest, as the workers are said to be calling for wage increases, as well as improved welfare services and health conditions. Mass protests and oil worker strikes helped sweep Iran’s clergy to power four decades ago.
19 December 2022 protesters regroup in Iraq after perilous journey, dissent against repressive clerical rule continues: 19 December 2022: Protesters regroup in Iraq after perilous journey. as daily shows of dissent against repressive 43-year clerical rule continue, with exiled demonstrators asking for help from the west
7 January 2023 Iran condemned for executing two men over alleged crimes during protests: 7 January 2023: Iran condemned for executing two men over alleged crimes during protests, as campaigners call for greater global action after deaths of Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Seyyed Mohammad Hossein
9 January 2023 protesters gather at Iranian prison in attempt to stop ‘imminent executions’: 9 January 2023: Protesters have gathered outside a prison near the Iranian capital in an attempt to prevent the rumoured imminent execution of two young detainees found guilty of running over a police officer in a car during protests in November. Footage posted on social media showed the mother of one of the men, 22-year-old Mohammad Ghobadlou, pleading for her son outside Rajaei-Shahr prison in Karaj, a satellite city west of Tehran. She said it had been established that her son had not been at the scene when the police officer died. Human rights activists had raised the alarm after Ghobadlou and fellow prisoner Mohammad Boroughani were taken to solitary confinement, which is often a preliminary step before execution.
20 January 2023 fears grow of security crackdown in Zahedan as anti-regime protests persist: 20 January 2023: Protesters say they fear Iran’s security services may be planning an assault in the city of Zahedan – the site of a deadly attack on civilians last year – as reports emerge that there are thousands of armed police on the streets. Fifteen checkpoints have been put up in the past week across the city, the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, and several people have been detained by security forces.
17 February 2023 Iran protests flare in several cities amid continuing unrest: 17 February 2023: Iran protests flare in several cities amid continuing unrest, as online videos showed demonstrations in Iran’s capital, Tehran, as well as in the cities of Arak, Isfahan, Izeh in Khuzestan province and Karaj, including anti-government chants as execution of protesters commemorated
8 April 2023 Iran installs cameras to find women not wearing hijab, protesting against the Mullah regime: 8 March 2023: As thousands of protesters in Iran - in protests sparked last year by the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini arrested for allegedly violating the hijab rule - have been arrested and four have been executed since December, as hardliners have continued to insist that more be done to enforce the law, Iranian authorities have begun installing cameras in public places to identify unveiled women, saying tis would help prevent 'resistance against the hijab law'

Society, demographics, human rights and culture in Iran: Iranian society - Social class in Iran
Regions, provinces and counties of Iran: In 2014 Iran was administratively divided into five regions - Iran is subdivided into 31 provinces, each governed from a local center, usually the largest local city - Counties of Iran are administrative divisions of larger provinces
Rural Districts of Iran: Rural Districts of Iran
List of cities in Iran: List of cities in Iran
Ardabil province and city in northwestern Iran: Ardabil city in northwestern Iran, and the capital of Ardabil Province. As of the 2022 census, Ardabil's population was 588,000 citizen. The dominant majority in the city are ethnic Iranian Azerbaijanis and the primary language of the people is Azerbaijani. Ardabil is known for its trade in silk and carpets. Ardabil rugs are renowned and the ancient Ardabil carpets are considered among the best of classical Persian carpets. Ardabil is also home to a World Heritage Site, the Ardabil Shrine.
18 October 2022 Iranian schoolgirl ‘beaten to death for refusing to sing’ pro-regime anthem in Ardabil: 18 October 2022: Another schoolgirl has reportedly been killed by the Iranian security services after she was beaten in her classroom for refusing to sing a pro-regime song when her school was raided last week, sparking further protests across the country this weekend. According to the Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations, 16-year-old Asra Panahi died after security forces raided the Shahed girls high school in Ardabil on 13 October and demanded a group of girls sing an anthem that praises Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. When they refused, security forces beat the pupils, leading to a number of girls being taken to hospital and others arrested. On Friday, Panahi reportedly died in hospital of injuries sustained at the school.
Khuzestan Province: Khuzestan Province, one of the 31 provinces of Iran, in the southwest of the country, bordering Iraq and the Persian Gulf - History of Khuzestan Province
Economy of Khuzestan province: Economy of Khuzestan province, that is the major oil-producing region of Iran, and as such is one of the wealthiest provinces in Iran, ranking third among Iran's provinces in GDP - Oil reserves in Iran - Al-Fakkah oil field and Iraq-Iran dispute
Khuzestan the major oil-producing region of Iran: Khuzestan is the major oil-producing region of Iran
Ahvaz and Yadavaran oil fields: Ahvaz Field, discovered in 1953 and developed by Anglo-Persian Oil Company, one of the richest oil fields in the world with an estimated proven reserves are around 65.5 billion barrels - Yadavaran oil field, one of the NIOC recent discoveries located in Khuzestan, is currently at an early production of 16,000 bbl/d after 16 months development by the Chinese contractor
Agriculture of Khuzestan province: Agriculture of Khuzestan province - the abundance of water and fertility of soil has transformed the region into a rich and well-endowed land with a variety of agricultural products such as wheat, barley, oily seeds, rice, eucalyptus, medicinal herbs, with palm and citrus farms, olives, and sugar cane—from which Khuzestan takes its name
Politics of Khuzestan Province: Politics of Khuzestan Province - Arab separatism in Khuzestan, refers to a decades-long separatist movement in the western part of Iranian Khuzestan, which seeks to establish a separate independent state for its Arab residents, from what they define as 'Iranian occupation', often defined as an ethno-religious dispute between predominantly Arabs from the western part of Khuzestan and the Iranian Revolutionary Shi'a government
April-December 1979 Khuzestan uprising: April-December 1979 Khuzestan uprising, one of the nationwide uprisings in Iran, which erupted during the establishment of the Iranian regime, fed by Arab demands for autonomy but quelled by regime forces
Since 1999 Civil unrests in Khuzestan province: Since 1999 Civil unrests in Khuzestan province - Since 1999 'Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz', an Arab nationalist insurgent group that advocates for a separate Arab state in Khuzestan Province from Iran - Ahvaz National Resistance, an ethnic Arab opposition movement and umbrella group which seeks a separate state in oil-rich Khuzestan Province
April 2005 Ahvaz unrest: April 2005 Ahvaz unrest, violent riots, initiated by Iranian Arabs in the city of Ahvaz in southwestern Iranian province of Khuzestan
2005-2006 Ahvaz bombings: 2005-2006 Ahvaz bombings were a series of bomb explosions, that took place mostly in Ahvaz and were blamed on Ahvaz separatist organizations of Arabs
April 2011 Khuzestan protests: April 2011 Khuzestan protests erupted on 15 April 2011 in Khuzestan Province to mark an anniversary of the 2005 Ahvaz unrest and as a response to the regional Arab Spring, lasting for days and resulting in 12 to 15 protesters killed and many wounded and arrested
Ahvaz city, capital of Khuzestan province: Ahvaz city, the capital of Khuzestan province, with a population of about 1,300,000 inhabitants (its built-up area with the nearby town of Sheybani is home to 1,136,989 inhabitants), and home to Persians, Arabs, Lurs (Bakhtiaris), Dezfulis, Shushtaris, etc. and different languages such as Persian, Arabic, the Persian dialects of Luri (Bakhtiari), Dezfuli, Shushtari, etc.
Modern history and timeline of Ahvaz: Modern history and timeline of Ahvaz
2005 Ahvaz unrest: April 2005 Ahvaz unrest, violent riots, initiated by Iranian Arabs in the city of Ahvaz in southwestern Iranian province of Khuzestan
July 2015 Iran's Ahvaz among the world's hottest cities: 22 July 2015: Iranian city of Ahvaz among the world's hottest cities, combined with poor air quality and planning
September 2018 Iranian regime's military parade attack in Ahvaz: 22 September 2018 Iranian regime's military parade attack in Ahvaz, claimed by the Islamic State terrorist group and the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz and claimed responsibility for the attack
Abadan city in Khuzestan Province: Abadan city, the capital of Abadan County in Khuzestan Province, which is located in the southwest of Iran, with a urban population of 231,476 citizens in 2016. It lies on Abadan Island bounded in the west by the Arvand waterway and to the east by the Bahmanshir outlet of the Karun River (the Arvand Rood), 53km from the Persian Gulf, near the Iran–Iraq border. Abadan is 140km from the provincial capital city of Ahvaz
Economy of Abadan city and oil industry: Economy of Abadan city as major corporations include Major corporations Abadan Oil Refining Co, Abadan Petrochemical Company, Iranol Oil Company, Pasargad Oil, Pars Opal Co, U-PVC Novin, KPC Karun, Yekta Tahviyeh Arvand Co, Vina Naghsh Industrial Group
20th/21st century history of Abadan city: History of Abadan city, as in the 20th century during World War II, Abadan was the site of brief combat between Iranian forces and British and Indian troops during the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran. Later, Abadan was a major logistics centre for Lend-Lease aircraft being sent to the Soviet Union by the USA, as in 1951, Iran nationalised all oil properties and refining ground to a stop on the island. Rioting broke out in Abadan, after the government had decided to nationalise the oil facilities, and three British workers were killed. It was not until 1954 that a settlement was reached, which allowed a consortium of international oil companies to manage the production and refining on the island. In September 1980, Abadan was almost overrun during a surprise attack on Khuzestan by Iraq, marking the beginning of the Iran–Iraq War. For 12 months, Abadan was besieged, but never captured, by Iraqi forces, and in September 1981, the Iranians broke the siege of Abadan. Much of the city, including the oil refinery, which was the world's largest refinery with capacity of 628,000 barrels per day, was badly damaged or destroyed by the siege and by bombing. Prior to the war, the city's civilian population was about 300,000, but at the war's end nearly the entire populace had sought refuge elsewhere in Iran. After the war, the biggest concern was the rebuilding of Abadan's oil refinery. By 1997, the refinery reached the same rate of production as before the war. In the 21st century Abadan has been the site of major labour activity as workers at the oil refineries in the city have staged walkouts and strikes to protest non-payment of wages and the political situation in the country
23 May 2022 deadly building collapse in Abadan city amid heatwave and dust storms: 23 May 2022: At least ten people have been killed and dozens more are feared trapped after a 10-story building collapsed in Iran’s southwestern city of Abadan, as the head of the local branch of the Red Crescent said 32 people have been rescued from under the rubble so far and several taken to local hospitals, as large parts of the commercial Metropol building at the centre of the city were reduced to rubble, and TV were told up to 80 people may still be trapped, as rescue forces have been mobilised from across several provinces including Tehran, but the climate and weather are proving a real obstacle with dense, orange clouds of dust and pollutants permeating the air on a hot day reaching temperatures of about 45 degrees Celsius
Hormozgan province: Hormozgan province in the south of the country, in Iran's Region 2, facing Oman, UAE and the Hormuz Straits. Its area is 70,697 km2 and its provincial capital is Bandar Abbas. The province has fourteen islands in the Persian Gulf and 1,000 km of coastline. The province has 13 major cities including Bandar Abbas, Bandar Lengeh, Hajiabbad, Minab, Qeshm, Sardasht, Sirik, Jask, Bastak, Bandar Khamir, Parsian, Rudan, and Abumusa. The province has 13 counties, 69 municipalities, and 2,046 villages. In 2011 a little more than 1.5 million people resided in Hormozgan Province. The counties of Hormozgan Province are Parsian County, Bastak County, Bandar Lengeh County, Abumusa County, Qeshm County, Khamir County, Bandar Abbas County, Hajjiabad County, Rudan County, Minab County, Sirik County, Bashagard County and Jask County.
History of Hormozgan province: History of Hormozgan province, as Hormozgan is known to have been settled during the Achaemenid era when Nearchus passed through the region, but recorded history of the main port of Hormozgan (Bandar-e Hormoz) begins with Ardashir I of Persia of the Sassanid empire. The province is said to have been particularly prosperous between 241 BC and 211 BC, as 1497 Europeans landed in the region for the first time, headed by Vasco da Gama. In 1508 the Portuguese invaded the area with seven warships, under the pretext of protecting their interests from Egypt and Venice. The port of Hormuz at the time was considered strategically positioned for commercial interests in the Persian Gulf, later Britain took control over the entire Persian Gulf via the British East India Company. The British adopted policy encouraging local autonomy throughout the Persian Gulf to in order to prevent a formidable unified force. The strategic importance of the Persian Gulf further increased after World War I with the discovery of oil in the region.
Geography, climate and cities of Hormozgan province: Geography, climate and cities of Hormozgan province
Bandar Abbas city: Bandar Abbas city, an important port city and capital of Hormozgan Province on the southern coast of Iran on the Persian Gulf. The city occupies a strategic position on the narrow Strait of Hormuz - just across from Musandam Governorate in Oman - and is the location of the main base of the Iranian Navy. Bandar Abbas is also the capital and largest city of Bandar Abbas County. At the 2016 census, its population was 526,648 citizens
History of Bandar Abbas since ancient times: History of Bandar Abbas since ancient times, as the earliest record of Bandar Abbas is during the reign of Darius the Great between 522 and 486 BCE. Darius's commander, Silacus, embarked from Bandar Abbas to India and the Red Sea. During Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire, Bandar Abbas was known under the name of Hormirzad. In 1622 CE Shah Abbas defeated Portuguese troops with the help of English troops and Iranian commander Imam Quli Khan. In honor of this victory Gumbroon was renamed Bandar Abbas Port. In the current division of Bandar Abbas in Hormozgan province and one of the most important strategic and commercial center is in the vicinity of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.
Timeline of Bandar Abbas since 16th century: Timeline of Bandar Abbas since 16th century, when in 1514 the Portuguese came in power and named the settlement 'Comorão'
Bandar Lengeh harbour city: Bandar Lengeh city, a harbour city and capital of Bandar Lengeh County, in Hormozgan province on the coast of the Persian Gulf. The harbor is 280 km from Lar, 192 km from Bandar Abbas, and 420 km from Bushehr. The weather in Bandar Lengeh is hot and humid, typical of coastal cities in southern Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 25,303 inhabitants.
1/2 July 2022 Hormozgan earthquakes: 1/2 July 2022 Hormozgan earthquakes, a doublet earthquake that struck southern Iran around two hours apart, killing several people and injured dozens more. At least 270 homes were damaged and several power outages were reported. The village of Sayeh Khvosh was completely destroyed. The earthquakes were also felt in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Pakistan and Afghanistan. - 2 July 2022: At least five people have died and dozens of others injured after at least three earthquakes with a preliminary magnitude of more than six hit the province of Hormozgan in southern Iran, as two of the strongest shocks were registered at magnitude 6.3, but the one that inflicted all the casualties is thought to be an initial magnitude 6.1 quake
Sistan and Baluchestan Province: Sistan and Baluchestan Province, the second largest province of the 31 provinces of Iran, after Kerman province. It is in the southeast of the country, bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, and its capital is Zahedan city. The province has an area of 180,726 km2 and a population of 2.78 million inhabitants. The Baloch form a majority of the population and the Persian Sistani a minority. Smaller communities of Kurds in the eastern highlands and near Iranshahr, the expatriate Brahui on the border between Iran and Pakistan, and other resident and itinerant ethnic groups, such as the Romani, are also found within the province.
Zahedan city: Zahedan city and capital of Sistan and Baluchestan Province in Iran. At the 2016 census, its population was 587,730 citizens. The city was the site of a deadly crackdown in October 2022, with dozens citizens killed by pro-governmental forces. Over 90 people were killed. Two senior police officials were fired in the aftermath of the crackdown. On 28 October, there were protests in Zahedan and security forces fired on protestors, killing 1 and injuring 14. On 3 November 2022, the Shi'i cleric and Khamenei loyalist Sajjad Shahraki was assassinated in Zahedan. The next day, there were widespread protests in the city and Revolutionary Guards and other armed forces fired on protestors.
2 December 2022 women in Sistan-Baluchistan province and Zahedan city join Mahsa Amini protests: 2 December 2022: Black-clad women in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province have joined nationwide protests on Friday sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, in what a rights group called a rare move in the staunchly conservative region. Videos online showed dozens of women on the streets of the provincial capital, Zahedan, holding banners that declared 'Woman, life, freedom' – one of the main slogans of the protest movement that erupted in mid-September.
Zanjan Province: Zanjan Province, a Northwestern Iranian province hosting a more than a million people. It is a mountainous province with close to 22,000 km2 of land placed in Iran's third region. Most of the inhabitants live in the two major cities of Zanjan and Abhar. One third of the population live in rural areas. Agriculture is the principal occupation, and crops include rice, corn (maize), oilseeds, fruits, and potatoes. Poultry, cattle, and sheep are raised. Manufactures include bricks, cement, milled rice, and carpets. Chromium, lead, and copper are mined, as Zanjan is also the home of IASBS, one of the most productive research centers of the country. Many villagers today are traditional carpet weavers. The province economy is benefiting from its location that connects central Iran to the northwestern provinces. The railway and highway that connects Iran's capital city Tehran to Tabriz, and Turkey passes through Zanjan Province.
Zanjan city: Zanjan city in northwest Iran, serving as the capital of Zanjan Province. It lies 298km north-west of Tehran on the main highway to Tabriz and Turkey and approximately 125km from the Caspian Sea. The city is located about 20km south of the Qaflankuh Mountain Range. At the 2016 census, its population was 521,302 which is the 20th largest city in Iran. The population of Zanjan consists mostly of Iranian Azeris who are bilingual in Azerbaijani and Persian.
Geography, climate, agriculture, industries of Zanjan city: Geography, climate, agriculture, industries and main sights of Zanjan city, as according to UN's FAO rainfed agriculture makes up around 42% of Zanjan's land cover and grasslands account for another 37%. The remainder is bareland, irrigated agriculture, forest, orchard and riverbanks. Only 1.07% of the land is urban development.
Demographics, education, and sport of Zanjan city: Demographics, education, and sport of Zanjan city, as approximately half of the population of Zanjan Province lives in Zanjan city, home to several universities, and as Zanjan is also known for having one of the best indoor sport climbing walls in the Middle East, located in Enghelab sports complex
Since October 2022 Zanjan climber Rekabi's Hijab controversy: Since October 2022 Hijab controversy, after climber Elnaz Rekabi's return from IFSC climbing competition in Seoul, without Iran's mandatory headscarf. Tehran's Mullah regime threatened to take her family's property if she did not agree to make a 'forced confession', then on 3 December 2022 the home was demolished, according to the BBC
Isfahan Province: Isfahan Province located in the center of the country in Iran's Region 2. To its north, stand the Markazi Province and the provinces of Qom and Semnan. To its south, it is bordered by the provinces of Fars, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province. Aminabad is the most southern city of Isfahan province just 2 km north of the border. To the east, it is bordered by the province of Yazd. To the west, it is bordered by the province of Lurestan and to the southwest by the province of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiyari.
21 July 2021 civilians died during protests over water shortages: 2 1 July 2021: Civilians died during protests over water shortages in Iran’s southwestern Khuzestan province, authorities confirmed
19 November 2021 protesters in Isfahan demand the revival of Zayandeh Rud River: 19 November 2021: Thousands of protesters have gathered in Isfahan in central Iran to demand the revival of Zayandeh Rud River that has dried up, as footage broadcast by state television and dozens of videos circulating on social media on Friday showed a sea of farmers and other people standing on a huge barren strip of dirt where the major Zayandeh Rud River used to flow, near the iconic Khaju Bridge in Isfahan province
Isfahan city: Isfahan city in Greater Isfahan Region, located 406 kilometres south of Tehran and is the capital of Isfahan Province. Isfahan has a population of approximately 1.5 million citizens making it the third-largest city in Iran, after Mashhad and Tehran, and the second-largest metropolitan area, located at the intersection of the two principal north–south and east–west routes that traverse Iran
Timeline of Isfahan since 538 BC: Timeline of Isfahan since 538 BC, when Jews settled in Isfahan
29 January 2023 drones target Iranian weapons factory in Isfahan, as attack appears to fit a pattern of strikes against strategic sites: 29 January 2023: A series of powerful explosions have damaged an Iranian government weapons factory in the central city of Isfahan, according to witnesses and footage from the scene, in what officials said was a coordinated drone attack. The overnight strikes left flames billowing from a military industrial complex thought to be a production hub for drones and missiles that have been used across the Middle East and by Russian forces in Ukraine.
Tehran city and province: Tehran Province is located to the north of the central plateau of Iran - Tehran city, the capital of Iran and Tehran Province, with a population of around 8.8 million in the city and 15 million in its larger metropolitan area, Tehran is the most populous city in Iran and Western Asia - Demographics of Tehran, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in Asia
Economy, environment and education in Tehran: Economy of Tehran, the country's main economic centre hosting 45% of Iran's industries, as its present-day modern industries include the manufacturing of automobiles, electronics and electrical equipment, weaponry, textiles, sugar, cement, and chemical products, and as Iran's oil refining companies of Pars Oil, Speedy, and Behran are based in Tehran - Since 1948 National Iranian Oil Company, ranked as the world's second largest oil company after Saudi Arabia's state-owned Aramco - Transport in Tehran - Environmental issues in Tehran - List of colleges and universities in Tehran
Timeline of Tehran: Timeline of Tehran since 1533
June 1908 bombardment of Iranian parliament by Russian forces: June 1908 bombardment of the Majlis of Iran in Tehran, during the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, when the Persian Cossack forces, commanded by Russian colonel Vladimir Liakhov and the other Russian officers, bombarded and by that suppressed the Iranian parliament 'Majles' - 1905-1911 Persian Constitutional Revolution - Persian Constitution of 1906
November/December 1943 Tehran Conference: November/December 1943 Tehran Conference, World War II conference of the Soviet Union, the USA, and the United Kingdom after the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran
August 1953 Iranian coup d'état: August 1953 Iranian coup d'état, the overthrow of the democratically elected PM Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlav
March 1979 Iranian Islamic Republic referendum: March 1979 Iranian Islamic Republic referendum
2009/2010 Iranian presidential election protests: 2009-2010 Iranian presidential election protests
2011–12 Iranian protests: 2011–12 Iranian protests in solidarity with demonstrators in Egypt and Tunisia, including civil disobedience, civil resistance, demonstrations, riots, strike actions, online activism
December 2015: 21 décembre 2015: Pour le troisième jour consécutif les écoles à Téhéran fermées à cause de la pollution qui affecte la capitale et d'autres régions d'Iran
August 2018: 27 August 2018: Ex-mayor of Tehran Karbaschi sentenced to year in jail for panning Iran’s actions in Syria, telling rally in Isfahan in 2017 there must be better way to help Syrians than by 'killing and pounding'
June 2019: 9 June 2019: Iranian regime shutters 547 eateries in Tehran for breaking ‘Islamic principles’, also asking citizens in the capital to report people for ‘hosting mixed dance parties', posting ‘immoral content’ to Instagram
November 2019 officials close schools in Tehran amid pollution: 30 November 2019: Iran officials close schools in Tehran because of pollution, as Iranian capital has suffered dangerous levels of smog in recent weeks and is among the most polluted cities in the world
1 July 2020 gas leak at Sina At’har clinic in Tehran kills 15 women and 4 men: 1 July 2020: Gas leak at Sina At’har clinic in northern Tehran kills 15 women and four men, say fire officials
23 September 2020 large fire breaks out in factory outside Tehran: 23 September 2020: A large fire erupted in an Iranian dairy factory near Tehran, Iranian State TV reported, following a number of mysterious blasts and blazes throughout Iran
3 June 2021 huge fire at refinery near Tehran extinguished: 3 June 2021: A massive fire that broke out at an oil refinery near Iran’s capital and sent a huge plume of black smoke into the sky over Tehran was extinguished on Thursday, after more than 20 hours, a news agency reported
22 May 2022 Revolutionary Guard colonel killed by motorbike gunmen in Tehran: 22 May 2022: Unidentified gunmen on a motorbike have killed a senior member of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard outside his home in Tehran, as the corps gave only scant detail about the killing, which occurred in broad daylight in the heart of the Iranian capital, but blamed it on 'global arrogance', typically code for the USA and Israel
13-16 September 2022 arrest and death of Mahsa Amini, sparking protests in Iran and the world: 13 September 2022 Iranian woman Mahsa Amini suffered skull fractures and brain death after being arrested by the Guidance Patrol in Tehran. She died three days later, on 16 September 2022, in a hospital in Tehran, due to the severity of her injuries. Her death sparked widespread reactions and protests in various parts of Iran and the world.
8 October 2022 female students chant ‘get lost’ at Iranian president on campus i Tehran: 8 October 2022: Female students in Tehran have chanted 'get lost', according to activists, as the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, visited their university campus on Saturday and condemned protesters enraged by the death of a young woman in custody. As nationwide demonstrations that have rocked Iran entered a fourth week, Raisi addressed professors and students at Alzahra University in Tehran, reciting a poem that equated “rioters” to flies.
18 October 2022 Evin prison fatal blaze and gunshots in Evin prison: 18 October 2022: Gunshots and explosions were heard during the fatal blaze on Saturday night in Evin prison, the notorious complex which holds political prisoners and foreign detainees, according to AFP

Demographics, ethnic groups and languages in Iran: Demographics of Iran - Ethnic groups in Iran - Ethnicities in Iran - Iranian peoples - Ethnic minorities in Iran
Afro-Iranians: Afro-Iranians are concentrated in Hormozagan, Sistan and Baluchestan and Khuzestan
Iranian Arabs: Iranian Arabs are the Arab speaking peoples of Iran forming 2% of its population - Arabic language
Iranian Armenians: Iranian-Armenians are mostly concentrated in Tehran, Tabriz and Jolfa district, Isfahan, and an estimated 150,000-300,000 currently reside in Iran
Assyrians in Iran: Assyrians in Iran numbered approximately 200,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979, 1996 Iranian census counted only 32,000 Assyrians
Iranian Azerbaijanis: Azerbaijan region's population consists mainly of Azerbaijanis - Iranian Azerbaijan region in northwestern Iran
Iranian Balochis: The Balochi people of Iran live in southern and central parts Sistan and Baluchistan province - Baloch people living mainly in the Balochistan region of the Iranian plateau in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan - Balochi language
Iranian Georgians: Iranian Georgians living mainly in the Fereydan area
Iranian Jews: Iranian Jews (Persian Jews) have had a continuous presence in Iran since the Achaemenid Empire 550–330 BCE, according to the 2012 Iranian census, the Jewish population of Iran is 8,756 - History of the Jews in Iran
March 2019: 1 March 2019: The Jewish community in Iran, which numbered 80,000 prior to 1979, in 2019 numbers between 5,000 and 8,000, after the Iranian regime’s late dictator Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini took power in Iran 40 years ago followed by anti-Semitism, violence, imprisonment, and total chaos
Iranian Kurdistan: Iranian Kurds make up the majority of the population of Kordestan province and together with the Azaris, they are one of the two main ethnic groups in West Azarbaijan province - Kurdestan Province is one of the 31 provinces of Iran, not to be confused with the greater geographical area of Iranian Kurdistan - Kurds of Khorasan
1979-1983: 1979 Kurdish rebellion in Iran since mid-March 1979, some two months after the completion of the Iranian Revolution, and became the largest among the nationwide uprisings in Iran against the new regime
2011: 18. Juli 2011: Iranische Truppen erobern drei kurdische Lager im Irak - 21. Oktober 2011: Gemeinsames Vorgehen von Iran und Türkei gegen PKK
2015: 7 May 2015: Tensions are on edge in the ethnically Kurdish city of Mahabad where protesters earlier torched a hotel over the unexplained death one of its female employees Farinaz Khosravani - 11 May 2015: Two people reported killed in Mahabad demonstrations after Farinaz Khosravani fell to her death from fourth floor in the city’s Tara Hotel due to a suspected attack by an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps soldier
Lurs: Lurs people estimated at around five million living mainly in south-western Iran's Lorestan, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Khuzestan, Fars, Bushehr, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Hamadan, Ilam and Isfahan provinces and are the demographic majority of the provinces of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Lorestan and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari - Luri language
Persian people: Persian people, Iranian people who speak the modern Persian language and closely related Iranian dialects and languages - Iranian languages
Gilani people native to the northern Iran province of Gilan - Gilaki language
Mazanderani people's homeland is the North of Iran (Tabaristan) - Mazanderani language
Qashqai people: Qashqai people live in the Iranian provinces of Fars, Khuzestan, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Bushehr and southern Isfahan - Qashqai language
Romani in Iran: Romani in Iran - Persian Romani
Talysh people: Talysh people indigenous to a region shared between Azerbaijan and Iran which spans the South Caucasus and the southwestern shore of the Caspian Sea - Talysh language
Iranian Tats: Tats of Iran living near Alborz Mountains in Iran, especially in the south of Qazvin province - Tati language
Iranian Turkmen: Iranian Turkmen living mainly in Northern and Northeastern of Iran - Turkmen language
Culture of Iran: Culture of Iran - Cultural history of Iran - Religion and culture in ancient Iran
1979 Khomeini flew to Iran in chartered Air France plane and 'God's government': On 1 February 1979 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini flew to Iran in a chartered Air France plane after political exile in France, accompanied by supporters as well as 120 international journalists, greeted by crowds of Iranians and fast appointing 'God's government' on 11 February
28 November 2022 43 years after Khomeini's return Iranian artists call for an international boycott: 28 November 2022: 43 years after Khomeini's return to Tehran, Iranian artists have called for an international boycott of cultural institutions run by or affiliated with the Islamic Republic in protest against the regime’s worsening human rights abuses. The call by artists, writers, film-makers and academics living in Iran and among its diaspora comes amid growing anti-government art activism by Iranians inside and outside the country after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. More than 6,000 Iranian cultural figures have signed a statement in support of art students in the country who are facing arrest and intimidation for taking part in the protests, which began 10 weeks ago.
Languages of Iran: Languages of Iran
Iranian and Persian literature: Iranian literature - Persian literature - Book censorship in Iran
24 December 2020 Anne Frank (1929-1945) in Tehran among top foreign authors for Iran’s women: 24 December 2020: Diarist Anne Frank (1929-1945) in Tehran among top foreign authors for Iran’s women, as Israeli academic Yuval Noah Harari’s history of mankind, translated into Persian, can also be found on display tables of book shops in Iranian capital
Theatre in Iran: Theatre in Iran
September 2018 Shakespeare’s 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream' and detention: 10 September 2018: Iranian authorities have detained two artists over a theater production of Shakespeare’s 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream'
Music of Iran: Music of Iran
Since 1979 Mullah regime and abrupt decline of music: Nach dem Aufstand seit 1963 und internationalen Protesten gegen Schah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi zur Beendigung der britisch-USA gestützten Monarchie im Iran, dann der schließlichen Machtergreifung des bis heute fortbestehenden antisemitischen Mullah Regimes nach Ajatollah Chomeinis Rückkehr aus französischem Exil im Februar 1979, wurden im Iran viele Kunstorganisationen aufgelöst und die Orchester und Musikschulen geschlossen mit der Folge, daß viele Musiker emigrierten und nur ein 'Sinfonieorchester' mit zehn Musikern fortbestand, die es durch ihre Eigeninitiative mit 'revolutionären' Hymnen und Gelegenheitsauftritten am Leben erhielten
Architecture of Iran: Architecture of Iran
Unesco Heritage Sites in Iran: List of World Heritage Sites in Iran
Women in Iran: Women in Iran
Women's rights and women's rights movement in Iran: Women's rights in Iran - Women's rights movement in Iran
Voting rights, marriage law, divorce law: Voting rights, marriage law, divorce law
September 2008 Iranian parliament delays vote on bill that upset judiciary, women's activists: 3 September 2008: Iranian parliament delays vote on bill that upset judiciary, women's activists opposing polygamy
Women's education in Iran, economic and political rights: Women's education in Iran, economic and political rights, Hijab
September 2012 36 universities ban women from 77 different majors: 22 September 2012: Thirty-six universities across Iran have banned women from 77 different majors, including accounting, counselling, and engineering
2013 women cannot be presidential candidates: 16 May 2013: Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi says women cannot be presidential candidates, as 30 women seek to run in the June 14 election - 29 May: UN criticises Iran for excluding women candidates, saying the move violated international law - 18 septembre: Après trois ans passés en prison pour son action en faveur des droits de l'Homme, l'avocate iranienne Nasrin Sotoudeh libérée - 28 octobre 2013: L'actrice Pegah Ahangarani condamnée à 18 mois de prison en raison 'des déclarations politiques et des interviews accordées à des médias hostiles étrangers' selon le régime
May and October 2014: 20 May: Hundreds of Iranian women are posting pictures of their bare heads in call for change to Iranian restriction on women attire in public - 25 October 2014: Execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari
April-May 2016 many Iranians have come to hate the hijab: 28 April 2016: Many Iranians have come to hate the hijab - 17 May 2016: Iranian regime had carried out a crackdown on female models who had appeared on Instagram and other social media without wearing their legally mandated Islamic head coverings, also targeting photographers, fashion designers, and makeup artists
May 2016 Narges Mohammadi sentenced to many years for her work defending human and women’s rights in Iran: 19 May 2016: The prominent Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi has been sentenced to serve ten years of a 16-year prison sentence, for her work defending human and women’s rights in Iran
- 20 May 2016: Iranian painter and women’s rights campaigner Atena Farghadani held in Tehran’s Evin prison is on trial in Tehran on charges of spreading propaganda against the ruling establishment
June 2016 social anthropologist Hoodfar jailed in Evin prison after conducting academic research on women in Iran: 8 June 2016: Montreal's Concordia University professor of social anthropology Homa Hoodfar has been jailed in Iran’s notorious Evin prison after conducting academic research on women in Iran
October 2016 female writer to serve 6-year jail term for writing an unpublished fictional story: 6 October 2016: Iranian judges have ordered female writer and activist Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee to serve a six-year jail term for writing an unpublished fictional story, said to have been found in her home, about stoning to death in her country
January/February 2018 from headscarf politics to economic protests Iranian women are leading from the front: 3 January 2018: From headscarf politics to economic protests, Iranian women are leading from the front, as fearless females have been willing to confront the Islamic regime since it first came to power in 1979 - 29 January 2018: A second woman has been arrested in Iran for protesting against the country’s compulsory hijab rules after taking off her headscarf in Tehran and holding it aloft on a stick - 2 février 2018: La police iranienne a arrêté une trentaine de femmes à Téhéran pour avoir enlevé leur voile en public pour protester contre son port obligatoire depuis la prise de pouvoir islamique de 1979 - 2 February 2018: Women across the country have been protesting by climbing onto telecom boxes, taking off their headscarves and waving them aloft on sticks, as new wave of protests is sparking personal freedoms debate
February 2018 theatened Jewish grandmother activist for housing solutions: 25 February 2018: A Jewish grandmother, who was sentenced in absentia to death by public execution in 2013 by a Tehran court that convicted her of 'violating Islamic rules [of the] Islamic Revolution' for running an organization that found housing solutions for women with abusive husbands who could not obtain a divorce, won’t granted asylum by the Netherlands
April 2018 woman wrestled to the floor by Iranian 'morality police': 19 April 2018: Shocking video footage of a young woman being wrestled to the floor by Iranian 'morality police' because her hijab was loose has sparked outrage after it was posted online
July 2018 headscarf protest and repression: 9 July 2018: Iranian woman Shapark Shajarizadeh who removed her obligatory Islamic headscarf out of protest in December says she has been sentenced to 20 years in prison - 9 July 2018: Iranian women post video of themselves dancing in public after the hardline judiciary arrested teenage girl Maedeh Hojabri for posting on Instagram videos of herself dancing in her room
March 2019 women defender years in prison for her work: 6 March 2019: An activist group says human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who previously served three years in prison for her work in Iran and who defended women protesting against the Islamic Republic’s mandatory wearing of a headscarf, or hijab, has been convicted and faces years in prison
April 2019 woman who took off her headscarf sentenced to one year: 14 April 2019: Iranian woman Vida Movahed who took off her headscarf sentenced to year in prison
July 2019 headscarf protest: 15 July 2019: Iranian women take off their hijabs in evidence that more women are pushing back against the dress code, trying to redefine red lines as they test the response of the ruling Shiite Muslim clergy and their 'security' agencies
August 2019 Saba Kord Afshari sentenced to 15 years for taking off her hijab: 29 August 2019: Iranian civil rights activist Saba Kord Afshari has been sentenced to 24 years behind bars, including a 15-year term for taking off her hijab in public
September 2019 Kylie Moore-Gilbert in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison, Rouhani's guesthouse: 14 September 2019: Third foreign national revealed this week to be imprisoned in Iran, in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison for almost a year, has been named by the Australian government as Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a Melbourne academic who has published work on the 2011 Arab uprisings, on authoritarian governments and on the role of new media
November 2019 Bahareh Zare Bahari pursued by Iranian regime for criticising: 6 November 2019: Bahareh Zare Bahari pursued by Iranian regime fears for her health and is in limbo in Manila’s airport, saying Tehran wants her back to punish her for criticising regime
24 Februar 2021 abused Iranian woman dies of heart attack before execution, still gets hanged: 24 February 2021: Iranian Zahra Ismaili who died of a heart attack, forced to wait behind 16 men who were executed and watch, shortly before her execution, but was hanged anyway to placate her alleged victim’s mother, as Ismaili’s lawyer Omid Moradi, said her husband, who was a high ranking intel official, was abusive and that she killed him out of self-defense, 'The Times' reported
30 April 2021 female rights activists imprisoned in Iran face increased jail terms and transfers: 30 April 2021: Female human rights activists imprisoned in Iran face increased jail terms and transfers to prisons with 'dangerous and alarming' conditions, hundreds of miles away from their families, according to campaigners, also saying that in the past six months increasing numbers of Iranian women jailed for human rights and political activism had been moved from Evin prison in Tehran to prisons outside the capital city without warning
8 September 2022 two Iranian women condemned to death because of their links to the LGBTQ+ community on social media: 8 September 2022: Two women have been condemned to death in Iran because of their links to the LGBTQ+ community on social media, human rights groups have reported, as Zahra Seddiqi Hamedani and Elham Choubdar were found guilty of a number of charges by a court in Urmia, in the Iranian province of West Azerbaijan
8 October 2022 female students chant ‘get lost’ at Iranian president on campus i Tehran: 8 October 2022: Female students in Tehran have chanted 'get lost', according to activists, as the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, visited their university campus on Saturday and condemned protesters enraged by the death of a young woman in custody. As nationwide demonstrations that have rocked Iran entered a fourth week, Raisi addressed professors and students at Alzahra University in Tehran, reciting a poem that equated “rioters” to flies.
23 August 2024 fears grow for women’s rights activists jailed in Iran after 87 executions in one month: 23 August 2024: Fears grow for women’s rights activists jailed in Iran after at least 87 people were reportedly executed in July, with another 29 executed on one day this month. The mass executions included Reza Rasaei, a young man sentenced to death for his participation in the Woman, Life, Freedom protests. Human rights organisations fear further executions in the lead-up the second anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death in custody and the unprecedented nationwide protests that followed. Amini, who was 22, had been arrested for allegedly violating Iran’s strict dress code before she died in September 2022. About 70 women are now reported to be held as political prisoners in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, including two who have been given death sentences: the Iranian Kurdish journalist Pakhshan Azizi and the industrial engineer and women’s rights activist Sharifeh Mohammadi. A further two activists – Varisheh Moradi and Nasim Gholami Simiyari – have been given the same charges but are still to discover if they will be sentenced to death.
18 October 2024 mother of 16-year-old Nika Shakarami killed by Iran’s security forces arrested: 18 October 2024: The mother of 16-year-old Nika Shakarami, who became one of the faces of the unprecedented nationwide protests against the regime and was killed by the Mullah regime, has reportedly been arrested. She had rejected official claims that Nika’s death was caused by falling from a building and insisted she was beaten to death by regime forces.
Violence against women and domestic violence in Iran: Violence against women and domestic violence in Iran - Violence against women in Asia
2014 acid attacks on women in Isfahan: October 2014 series of acid attacks on women in Iran's city of Isfahan, raised fears and prompted rumours that the victims were targeted for not being properly veiled, as at least one woman is dead and many more have severe burns to their faces and hands, and as none of the perpetrators were ever found as of July 2018
Children and children's rights in Iran: Children and children's rights in Iran
28 May 2020 outcry in Iran over so-called 'honour killing' of 14-year-old girl: 28 May 2020: Outcry in Iran over so-called 'honour killing' of 14-year-old girl, after Iranian police let teenager who ran away be taken back home by father despite her fears he would be violent
August 2020 Iranian beheaded his 14-year-old daughter and court’s ruling 'caused fear and panic' for mother: 28 August 2020: An Iranian man who beheaded his 14-year-old daughter has been sentenced to only nine years in jail, in a case that has sparked outrage at the way Iranian law appears to enshrine supposed male rights over women’s lives, as Rana Dashti, the mother of 14-year-old Romina Ashrafi, expressed fury at the lenient sentence in an interview with the Iranian Labor news agency and said the court’s ruling had 'caused fear and panic for me and my family'
18 October 2022 Iranian schoolgirl ‘beaten to death for refusing to sing’ pro-regime anthem in Ardabil: 18 October 2022: Another schoolgirl has reportedly been killed by the Iranian security services after she was beaten in her classroom for refusing to sing a pro-regime song when her school was raided last week, sparking further protests across the country this weekend. According to the Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations, 16-year-old Asra Panahi died after security forces raided the Shahed girls high school in Ardabil on 13 October and demanded a group of girls sing an anthem that praises Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. When they refused, security forces beat the pupils, leading to a number of girls being taken to hospital and others arrested. On Friday, Panahi reportedly died in hospital of injuries sustained at the school.
Military use of children in Iran: Military use of children in Iran
2016: 9 December 2016: At Iran amusement park, kids as young as 8 can fire plastic bullets at Netanyahu effigy
Child labor in Iran: Child labor in Iran
Early marriage in Iran: Early marriage in Iran
Children and gender discrimination in Iran: Children and gender discrimination in Iran
2017: 9 August 2017: Iranian children arrested for teaching Zumba and 'western' dance, charged with dancing and failing to wear proper hijab
Education in Iran: Education in Iran
Schools in Iran: Schools in Iran
2014 Iranian teacher builds robot to teach prayer: 25 February 2014: Iranian teacher builds robot to teach prayer
Science and technology in Iran: Science and technology in Iran
Health in Iran: Health in Iran
Health disasters and medical outbreaks in Iran: Health disasters in Iran - Medical outbreaks in Iran
Water supply, sanitation and water crisis in Iran: Water supply and sanitation in Iran - Water crisis in Iran
Medical schools in Iran: Medical schools in Iran
Iranian boycotts of Israel in sports: Boycotts of Israel in sports by country
2013-2015: 28 August 2013: More than 40 percent of Iranians watch TV channels beamed into Iran and accessible only by illegal but widespread satellite dishes, media reports say - 28 October: Iran bans reformist newspaper 'Bahar' for publishing an article seen by critics as questioning the beliefs of Shia Islam - 11 November 2013: Iran arrests Ali Asghar Gharavi, the author of Bahar daily's article on Shiite Islam - 9 June 2014: More than 140 Iranian journalists call on authorities to release Saba Azarpeik, who was picked up last month from the offices of a magazine in Tehran and is currently being held incommunicado - 9 July: Iranian journalist Marzieh Rasouli sentenced to 50 lashes and two years in prison over charges of spreading anti-government propaganda - 29 October 2014: After public outrage about a string of acid attacks in Isfahan, Iranian journalists detained after reporting on acid attacks - 1 February 2015: Iranians could get the truth about Holocaust as documentary airs over satellite TV after the first Iranian film crew visited Auschwitz in January 2015 - 31 March 2015: A Canada-based Iranian writer and television producer was put into Tehran's notorious Evin prison soon after his return to his home country - 18 November 2015: Iranian journalist Reyhaneh Tabatabaei sentenced to jail after being found guilty of spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic - 22 November: An Iranian court has sentenced Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian to a prison term
2016: 22 February 2016: Forty state-run media outlets in Iran have pooled together to raise $600,000 to add to the fatwa on writer Salman Rushdie, 27 years after Iran’s first supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, called for Rushdie’s assassination - 27 April 2016: Three Iranian journalists Afarin Chitsaz, Ehsan Mazandarani and Saman Safarzaee given lengthy prison sentences, after a court in Tehran found the journalists guilty of charges including spreading propaganda against the ruling system, conspiring against officials and insulting authorities, and as the regime’s hardline judiciary tightens its grip on press freedom - 29 mai 2016: Mettant en œuvre une décision prise lors d'une réunion du Haut conseil du cyberespace dirigé par le président Hassan Rohani, l'Iran exige des réseaux sociaux étrangers de lui transférer d'ici un an leurs serveurs contenant les informations des utilisateurs iraniens - 24 juillet 2016: Les autorités iraniennes ont détruit 100'000 antennes paraboliques et autre matériel de réception de la télévision par satellite
Broadcasting in Iran: Radio in Iran - Television in Iran
Internet and internet censorship in Iran: Internet in Iran
Internet censorship in Iran: Internet censorship in Iran - Iranian Cyber Police
Iranian news websites: Iranian news websites
Blogging in Iran - timeline since 2001: Blogging in Iran - timeline since 2001
Since 2004 Iran Human Rights Documentation Center: Since 2004 Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
2017/2018 HRW Iran report: Human Rights Watch 2017/2018 Iran report
Secularism in Iran: Secularism in Iran
Persecution of Christians in Iran: Persecution of Christians in Iran
Stoning in Iran: Stoning in Iran
2016: 26 February 2016: Iran executed all adult men in one village for drug offences, official reveals, as rights group says it had recorded 'a staggering execution rate' in the Islamic republic in 2015 - 10 March 2016: Executions in Iran surged to nearly 1,000 in 2015, UN special rapporteur for human rights in Iran Ahmed Shaheed, says in a report to the organization’s Human Rights Council, the highest level in more than a quarter-century - 15 May 2016: In the past three days, Iran's clerical regime has put four more prisoners to death as the regime’s judiciary roles ahead full force with capital punishment for even petty charges - 6 August 2016: Mass executions continue under 'moderate' Rouhani, as regime carried out execution of 33 Sunni Kurds behind closed doors, not even allowing many families a chance to say goodbye - 7 August 2016: Iranian nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri, whose disappearance in Saudi Arabia in 2009 and subsequent return was shrouded in mystery, has been executed in Iran after returning to Iran from USA, receiving a hero’s welcome in Tehran and being portrayed as someone who had fled the enemy's captivity
12 September 2020 Iranian champion wrestler Navid Afkari executed despite global outcry: 12 September 2020: Iranian champion wrestler Navid Afkari executed despite global outcry
Crime in Iran: Crime in Iran
Corruption and fraud in Iran: Corruption in Iran
Smuggling in Iran: Smuggling in Iran
Iranian regime's use of 'targeted killing' and assassinations conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran: Iranian regime's use of 'targeted killing' - List of Iranian assassinations, conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism: Iran and state-sponsored terrorism
Man-made disasters in Iran: Man-made disasters in Iran
Foreign relations of Iran: Foreign relations of Iran
Treaties of Iran: Treaties of Iran
International views on the nuclear program of Iran: International views on the nuclear program of Iran
Iran International organization participation: Iran International organization participation
1980-1991 UN Security Council resolutions concerning the Iran–Iraq War: UN Security Council resolutions concerning the Iran–Iraq War
UN and EU sanctions against Iran - meetings, negotiations and conferences: Sanctions against Iran
2012/2013: 14 April 2012: The five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany will meet the Iranian delegation again in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on May 23 - 22. August 2012: Sucht Ban Ki Moon mit seiner Iran-Reise Ende August das besorgte 'Fachgespräch' über Krebsgeschwüre und Chemotherapie? - 26 February 2013: Iran, world powers begin nuclear talks in Kazakhstan - 27 February: Iran nuclear talks end without progress - 5 April: World powers resume talks with Iran in the Kazakh city of Almaty, aiming to resolve dispute over Iranian nuclear programme - 6 April: World powers and Iran failed again to ease their decade-old dispute over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme - 2 October: Iran now has a window of opportunity to prove its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, UN's Ban Ki-moon reportedly told PM Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting in New York - 24 October: No progress for now on Iran rights situation, UN envoy Ahmed Shaheed wrote in a report
14 July 2015 Comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program: 14 July 2015 Comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program
2016: 16 January 2016: IAEA satisfied with Iranian regime’s moves to comply with some UN nuclear watchdog's demands, but hopes that it would bring movement in other realms remain unfulfilled, nevertheless USA and European officials in Vienna immediately announced that deal was officially implemented, and that nuclear sanctions on the regime had been removed - 11 March 2016: As Iranian regime insists missiles emblazoned with 'Israel must be wiped out' are 'for legitimate defense', UN's Ban Ki-moon urges Iranian 'moderation' after missile tests, calling on the Iranian regime and its 'moderates' 'not to increase tensions through hasty actions' so soon after nuclear deal 'and so soon after the positive news of the lifting of sanctions against Iran' - 30 March: By launching nuclear-capable missiles Iran has defied a UN Security Council resolution that endorsed last year's historic nuclear deal, the USA and its European allies say in a joint letter - 19 July 2016: Iranian regime defends international deal's secret document easing nuke program restrictions, as FM Zarif says paper obtained by AP that shows Iran will be able to get within 6 months of a bomb in a decade is a 'matter of pride’
Bilateral relations of Iran: Bilateral relations of Iran
Iran/Afghanistan relations: Iran/Afghanistan relations
Afghan and Taliban opium smuggling into Iran: Afghan and Taliban opium smuggling into Iran
Iran/Albania relations: Iran/Albania relations
Iran/Arab relations: Iran/Arab relations
Iran/Argentina relations: Iran/Argentina relations
Iran/Australia relations: Iran/Australia relations
Iran/Canada relations: Iran/Canada relations
Iran/P.R. of China relations: Iran/P.R. of China relations
Since the 1980s Chinese-Iranian nuclear and nuclear weapons cooperation: Since the 1980s Chinese-Iranian nuclear and nuclear weapons cooperation
Since 1970s Chinese-Iranian oil and gas trade: Since 1970s Chinese-Iranian oil and gas trade
PRC-Iran economic, military and nuclear relations: PRC-Iran economic, military and nuclear relations
Since 1970s Chinese-Iranian oil and gas trade: Since 1970s Chinese-Iranian oil and gas trade
Since the 1980s Chinese-Iranian nuclear and nuclear weapons cooperation: Since the 1980s Chinese-Iranian nuclear and nuclear weapons cooperation
Iran/Cyprus relations: Iran/Cyprus relations
Iran/Denmark relations: Iran/Denmark relations
Iran/Egypt relations: Iran/Egypt relations
Iran/European Union relations: Iran/European Union relations
21 December 2024 Iranian Mullah regime is hiring minors to attack Israeli, Jewish targets in Europe: 21 December 2024: Iranian Mullah regime is hiring minors to attack Israeli, Jewish targets in Europe, as Iranian-linked operatives have been recruiting minors for attacks on Israeli and Jewish institutions across Europe. A troubling pattern of incidents in Sweden, Belgium, and Norway has exposed a covert campaign by Tehran to expand its proxy war against Israel into European territories. In Stockholm, a 15-year-old boy boarded a taxi in May with a loaded gun and asked to be taken to the Israeli embassy. However, the teenager, unaware of the embassy’s exact location, had to call an associate for directions. Swedish police, who had been monitoring the boy, stopped the cab before it reached the destination
Iran/France relations: Iran/France relations
2012/2013: 19 février 2012: Téhéran stoppe ses ventes de pétrole à la France et au Royaume-Uni - 8 novembre 2012: La France demande des explications à Téhéran sur la mort d'un blogueur emprisonné - 14 novembre 2012: La justice iranienne a annoncé l'arrestation de 'plusieurs personnes' à la suite de la mort en détention du blogueur Sattar Beheshti - 15 June 2013: As jubilant supporters took to the streets of Teheran to celebrate a victory of the Iranian people and the dawning of a new era, France and Britain acknowledged Hassan Rohani’s election as Iran’s next president, looking ahead to establishing a relationship with him - 15 octobre 2013: La France doute des bonnes intentions à l’égard des négociations sur le nucléaire iranien - 9 November 2013: France’s FM Fabius accused by Iranian regime of defending Israel after he said that Israel’s 'concerns' needed to be taken into consideration in nuclear talks
December 2019 French pair held in Iran lose bid for bail: 11 December 2019: French pair held in Iran on spying charges lose bid for bail
4 February 2021 Iranian official Assadi convicted of masterminding a thwarted bomb attack against opposition group in France in 2018: 4 February 2021: Iranian official Assadollah Assadi was convicted of masterminding a thwarted bomb attack against an exiled Iranian opposition group in France in 2018 and sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Belgian court that rejected his claim of diplomatic immunity, as three other defendants also received jail sentences, after Vienna-based diplomat Assadi, earlier detained in Belgium but refused to testify during his trial last year invoking his diplomatic status, did not attend the hearing at the Antwerp courthouse - 4 February 2021: Iranian 'diplomat' Assadi who masterminded a failed bomb attack at a rally outside Paris attended by five British MPs has been sentenced to 20 years in jail by a Belgian court for attempted murder and involvement in terrorism
Iran/Germany relations: Iran/Germany relations
Iran/Greece relations: Iran/Greece relations
27/28 May 2022 Iranian regime boarded and captured two Greek ships worth carrying $1.8 million of oil: On 27 May 2022 Iranian Mullah regime's 'NEDSA' boarded and captured two Greek ships worth carrying $1.8 million of oil after USA seized Russian oil tanker transporting Iranian oil near Greece - 28 May 2022: Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard seized two Greek oil tankers Friday in helicopter-launched raids in the Persian Gulf. The action appeared to be retaliation for Athens’ assistance in USA's seizure of crude oil from an Iranian-flagged tanker this week in the Mediterranean Sea over violating Washington’s crushing sanctions on the Islamic Republic. The Mullah regime's raid also marks the first major incident at sea in months as tensions remain high between Tehran regime and the West over its tattered nuclear deal with world powers.
Iran/India relations: Iran/India relations
July 2012 India bans USA-sanctioned Iranian ships from its waters: 27 July 2012: India bans USA-sanctioned Iranian ships from its waters
11 April 2021 Iranian terror is an immediate threat to Israeli interests in India: 11 April 2021: Iranian terror is an immediate threat to Israeli interests in India, according to 'Haaretz'
2014-present Iranian intervention in Iraq: Iranian intervention in Iraq (2014–present)
2014: 5 janvier: L'Iran a annoncé être prêt à fournir des équipements militaires et des conseils à l'Irak pour l'aider dans sa lutte contre Al-Qaïda - 13 June: Iran's regime sends top general to Baghdad as Obama contemplates air strikes against Sunni insurgents - 14 June: Iran's regime has sent 2,000 advance troops to Iraq to fight against Isis insurgency - 25 June: Gunmen kill three Iranian security guards in an ambush near the Iraqi border - 26 June: Iran reportedly sends drones, arms to Iraq - 3 July: Iran has supplied Iraq with Russian-built Sukhoi SU-25 attack jets - 6 July: Iranian pilot killed fighting against Sunni Muslim militants in Samarra north of Baghdad - 3 December: Iran has flown missions against ISIS, USA confirms - 6 December: Iran says it carried out air strikes against 'Islamic 'State' in Iraq
Iran/Israel relations: Iran/Israel relations
2013: 21 March 2013: Iran's clerical leader Khamenei said the Islamic Republic would destroy the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if it came under Israeli attack - 2 August 2013: In Quds Day remarks broadcast on state TV and in one of his last public speeches Iran's outgoing President Ahmadinejad warns Israel will be 'uprooted' - 2 August: After Israeli criticism, Iran's media changed their version of Rohani remarks, that Israel had inflicted a 'wound' on the Muslim world and that the Israeli wound 'must be cleansed', now taking out the reference to 'cleansing' - 29 August: Iran's army chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi threatens that any military action against Syria will have consequences beyond the region and leave Israel in flames - 19 September: Rohani says Iran wants peace, but slams Israel as 'occupier that does injustice to the people of the region' - 25 September: During the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly Obama and Rowhani offer hope for peace - 25 September: Israel says Iran president offered 'zero' in UN speech - 2 October: PM Netanyahu at UN makes strongest-ever Israeli public threat to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities - 2 October: Iran now has a window of opportunity to prove its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, UN's Ban Ki-moon reportedly told PM Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting in New York - 9 November: France’s FM Fabius accused by Iran of defending Israel after he said that Israel’s 'concerns' needed to be taken into consideration in nuclear talks
2014: 18 February: Iranian animated film depicts how the Islamic regime might respond against Israel to an American or Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities - 5 March: Israel seizes ship in the Red Sea with medium-range missiles heading from Iran to Gaza as USA military was prepared to get involved in the seizure - 9 March: Israeli troops in Eilat unload 40 short-range rockets from Gaza-bound ship - 11 March: Iran's finger on trigger to destroy Israel, warns senior Revolutionary Guards commander Salami - 15 March: Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqa praises Palestinians for firing on Israel and says they have yet to display their actual missile capabilities - 5 May: Senior military aide of Khamenei boasts West's failure in Syria is Iran's victory, saying that Iran's frontline has now reached Israeli border - 25 July 2014: Keep arming Palestinians until Israel is destroyed, Iran's Khamenei says - 28 July: PFLP chief says Syria, Iran, Hezbollah armed Hamas - 30 July: Iranian official says, regime will arm West Bank with missiles because Tel Aviv and Haifa will be much easier to hit from Judea and Samaria - 5 October: Iran's Khamenei vows on Friday 'Zionist regime and its supporters will go extinct' - 12 October: Iran warns USA that toppling Assad would put Israel at risk
2015: 19 January: Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including commanders and Revolutionary Guards general, as well as six members of Hezbollah - 21 February 2015: As upcoming Tehran competition to offer first place prize of $12,000 for best drawing on Shoah denial, Israel asks UN to condemn Iran Holocaust cartoon contest - 26 February: Iranian military chief threatens to 'wipe Tel Aviv off the map' - 28 March: On the Syrian Golan, unlike in Yemen, an Iranian offensive fails, as joint operation by Hezbollah, Revolutionary Guards, and Syrian forces, designed to clear opposition near Israel’s border, grinds to halt - 3 April 2015: Tehran crowds welcome returning FM after Lausanne e3+3 and Iran agreement, chant 'condolences' to Israel - 5 April 2015: Iran transfers millions to Hamas for the rebuilding of tunnels and restocking of missile arsenals destroyed by Israel during 2014 Operation Protective Edge - 21 July 2015: Iran brusquely dismissed German Vice Chancellor’s appeal that it recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist, saying its stance is not going to change following the signing of Vienna nuclear accord with world powers - 30 August 2015: Iran has not softened its position on Israel and will not recognize Israel, top Khamenei adviser says - 1 September 2015: Iran walks out on speech, as Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstain calls on Israel’s Arab neighbors at a global conference to visit Israel and discuss environmental cooperation 'people to people', urging leaders not to wait for peace agreements but rather to build up confidence from the ground up - 9 September 2015: Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei says that Israel will not exist in 25 years, in remarks to the Iranian people in Tehran, after the nuclear deal reached with the West - 14 September: As Iranian regime continues to deny Israel's right to exist and to support anti-Israeli militant groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran's Hassan Rohani wishes Jews a Happy New Year on Twitter
2017: 21 February 2017: Addressing a regime’s sixth international conference, Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei backs 'holy intifada' to destroy 'cancer' Israel - 6 August 2017: Israel will allow entry to Iranian journalist Neda Amin, fleeing persecution in her home country, and who could face the death penalty in Iran after writing op-eds for an Israeli news site, according to Interior Minister Arye Dery - 23 August 2017: Iranian Islamic Republic’s regional expansion in Syria raises concern in Israel of its efforts 'to entrench itself militarily on Israel’s border’ - 22 September 2017: Iran reveals new missile that can reach Israel - 26/27 September 2017: Iran’s chief of staff general Bagheri says Kurdish referendum an Israeli 'plot’, as Turkish nationalists protest against a 'second Israel' and Iranians and cleric Ali Reza Pahanhian call for the destruction of Israel, and as Iranian regime is building new destroyer to be ready by next year, developing nuclear-fueled ships and submarines - 24 October 2017: Iran’s judiciary said a court sentenced an alleged agent for Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency to death
28 November 2020 Iranian regime just a border fence away from Israel: 28 November 2020: Creeping in through Syria, Iranian regime is just a border fence away from Israel
7 January 2021 air strikes in Syria reportedly left several fighters from Iran-backed groups dead: 7 January 2021: Strikes conducted overnight by Israel in Syria left several fighters from Iran-backed groups dead, war monitor SOHR claimed Thursday
21 May 2021 Iran's regime says 'in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories': 21 May 2021: Iranian Mullah regime's - which does not recognise Israel but supports the Islamist militants of Hamas, who rule the Gaza Strip, and after Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before Friday's truce - leader urges Muslim states to back Palestinians militarily, financially, saying 'All influential elements of (Israel's) regime and the criminal (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu must be prosecuted by international and independent courts', as regime's Foreign Ministry earlier said Palestinians had won a 'historic victory' over Israel, as Iran's Revolutionary Guards said 'The intifada (Palestinian uprising) has gone from using stones to powerful, precise missiles ... and in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories', after leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have praised Iran’s financial and military support, after regime's Khamenei last year hailed Tehran's supply of arms, saying Iranian regime had transformed the military balance of power between Israel and the Palestinians, and as regime now on Friday displayed an Iranian-made combat drone that it said had a range of 2,000 km, naming it 'Gaza' in honour of the Palestinians' struggle against Israel, state media reported
Iran/Italy relations: Iran/Italy relations
Iran/Jordan relations: Iran/Jordan relations
History of Jordanian-Iranian relations since 1949: 27 December 2016: Evolution of the Jordanian-Iranian relations since 1949
Iran/Kenya relations: Iran/Kenya relations
Iran/North Korea relations: Iran/North Korea relations
Arms production and weapons sales between North Korea and Iran: Weapons sales between North Korea and Iran
Iran/South Korea relations: Iran/South Korea relations
Iran–South Korea economic relations: Iran–South Korea economic relations
15 November 2020 Iran pounds rebels in second day of Northwestern border clashes: 15 November 2020: Iran pounds rebels in second day of Northwestern border clashes, state media reports
Iran/Kuwait relations: Iran/Kuwait relations
Iran/Lebanon relations: Iran/Lebanon relations
Since 1980s Iranian funding of Hezbollah and Russian and Iranian weapons for Hezbollah: Iranian military funding of Hezbollah - Russian and Iranian weapons for Lebanese Hezbollah
2017 Iran established factories in Lebanon under control of Hezbollah terror group: 13/14 March 2017: Iran has established factories in Lebanon under the full control of the Hezbollah terror group, that can produce different types of missiles and firearms, a top Iranian general told a Kuwaiti newspaper - 6 May 2017: Lebanese Forces' Samir Geagea blames Iran for several regional conflicts, saying that Iran’s actions breach the legitimacy of countries in the region, also stressing that Hezbollah has made a strategic mistake by getting involved on the side of Assad - 9 July 2017: Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group reportedly constructing at least two underground facilities in Lebanon for manufacturing missiles and other weaponry - 27 September 2017: Iran is working tirelessly to outfit the Hezbollah terrorist group with more accurate missiles for a future war with Israel, according to IDF
Iran/Marshall Islands relations: 28 April 2015: Iran seizes Marshall Islands cargo ship in Gulf waters, USA says
Iran/Netherlands relations: Iran/Netherlands relations
Iran/Norway relations: Iran/Norway relations
Iran/OIC Organisation of Islamic Cooperation relations: Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Iran/Palestinian territories relations: Iran/Palestine relations
2014/2015: 5 March 2014: Israel seizes ship in the Red Sea with medium-range missiles heading from Iran to Gaza as USA military was prepared to get involved in the seizure - 15 March 2014: Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqa praises Palestinians for firing on Israel and says they have yet to display their actual missile capabilities - 25 July 2014: Keep arming Palestinians until Israel is destroyed, Iran's Khamenei says - 28 July: PFLP chief says Syria, Iran, Hezbollah armed Hamas - 6 August: Saying Hamas should let civilians hide in its tunnels Iran's Mohsen Rezai criticizes Gaza’s rulers over casualties, but stresses support for ‘resistance’ against Israel - 5 April 2015: Iran transfers millions to Hamas for the rebuilding of tunnels and restocking of missile arsenals destroyed by Israel during 2014 Operation Protective Edge - 13 November 2015: Iran reportedly builds a Hezbollah-style terror group in the Gaza Strip, as 'Al-Sabirin' has begun recruiting an intended initial force of 400 fighters, and is directly funded by the regime in Tehran
11 June 2020 Hamas outraged after discovering Iran spied on its deputy leader: 11 June 2020: Hamas outraged after discovering Iran spied on its deputy leader
4 November 2022: Iran reportedly approached Russia for help developing its nuclear program: 4 November 2022: Iran reportedly approached Russia for help developing its nuclear program, according to USA intelligence officials
6 April 2023 Iran/Saudi-Arabia relations and the democracy in the 21st century: 6 April 2023: People dismembering Saudi-Arabia and protesters murdering Iranian Mullah regime came to an agreement to restore diplomatic relations, as USA tried to downplay any suggestion that the Beijing-brokered agreement represented a blow to USA’s influence in the Middle East. But it has also been sidelined since the Arab spring in the Middleeast in early 2011, when the brutal Assad regime - already supported by Iran's Mullah regime - was protected in all sessions of the UN security council by a Russian-Chinese alliance, in the summer 2013 during Assad's mass murder with chemical weapons, during and since Russian regime's destruction of Syrian cities like Aleppo in 2015/2016, in subsequent regional 'negotiations', such as Russian-mediated talks between Saudi Arabia and Syria. USA's William Burns was in Saudi Arabia this week, where he reportedly expressed his frustration that Riyadh was reopening dialogue with countries - Iran and Syria – subject to USA sanctions.
Iran/Serbia relations: Iran/Serbia relations
Iran/Somalia relations: Iran/Somalia relations
Iran/Sweden relations: Iran/Sweden relations
Iran/Switzerland relations: Iran/Switzerland relations
2015: 1 April 2015: National Coalition's Bassam al-Malek says that Assad's regime depends on Iran's military and economic support and that it is on the brink of economic collapse - 21 April 2015: Syria, Iran discuss boosting cooperation - 9 May 2015: Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander Jafari says, that Iran's intervention in Yemen and Syria comes within the framework of the expansion of the Shiite Crescent in the region - 19 May 2015: Iran extends new credit line to Syria's Assad regime - 21 May: New evidence of Iran’s increasing influence in Syria - 2 June 2015: Murderous Rouhani vows Iran will support Assad 'until the end of the road' - 8 July 2015: Assad signs $1 billion credit line from Iran - 8 August 2015: Iran reportedly continues to send mercenaries to Syria to support Assad regime - 28 August: A top commander in the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards was killed fighting in Syria’s war, along with 17 Iranian-recruited Afghan militants killed in the month of August, according to Iranian officials - 7 September 2015:: Iran’s Zarif blames Syria bloodshed on those calling for Assad’s ouster - 8 September 2015: Iran has established subsidiary military battalions in central Syria, specifically in the province of Hama, in an attempt to strengthen its military influence in western Syria - 10 September: Iran has deployed hundreds of elite fighters in Syria, unprecedentedly deepening its involvement on behalf of Assad in his war against Syrians, Israeli security officials say - 17 September 2015: Under relentless assault led by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Hezbollah militias, the medical staff working in the town of Zabadani sent an urgent appeal for help to humanitarian and medical organizations to protect what remained of civilians and medical personnel trapped inside the town - 6 October 2015: Iranian General Qassem Soleimani's July visit to Moscow reportedly the first step in planning for a Russian military intervention that has reshaped the Syrian war and forged a new Iranian-Russian alliance in support of Assad - 8 October 2015: After Iran lobbied in the summer for Russian campaign in Syria, Russian cruise missiles fired from ships in Caspian Sea and aimed at Syria land in Iran and may have caused injuries - 16 October 2015: Assad's army launches Aleppo offensive with Iranian support, the first time Iranian fighters take part on such a scale in war in Syria - 16 October 2015: Russian-Iranian aggression on Syria has killed 878 civilians, including 86 children and 65 women, since 30 September, the largest number of victims recorded in Aleppo, where 301 civilians were killed, mostly as a result of the Russian aerial bombardment, in addition 142 people were killed in Homs, 137 Damascus and its suburbs, 100 in Dara’a, and 94 in Hama - 28 October 2015: Some 2,000 Iranian troops in Syria, USA military head Joseph Dunford says, adding that with Russian and Iranian regime boosting Assad, the ‘balance of forces’ is in his favor - 5 November 2015: Iran is recruiting Afghan refugees to fight in the foreign military contingent supporting Assad's regime in Syria, promising a monthly salary and residence permits - 20 November: A senior Israeli military officer cited Israeli intelligence findings that "55-plus" Iranian military personnel, including elite troops and senior officers, had been killed in clashes with Syrian rebels, in addition to a Hezbollah death toll he put at between 1,000 and 2,000
March-August 2016: 9 March 2016: Wide dissatisfaction exists among Alawites and military leaders regarding Iranian regime's hegemony over political and military decisions in Syria, Assad regime sources claim - 17 March: Iran signaled Wednesday that it was training commandos and snipers to send to Syria, days after Russia announced it was pulling some fighter jets out of the country - 21 March 2016: Media in Iran broadcast Assad’s words on Iran being considered the chief supporter for his war against the Syrian people since 2011, including support of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC, special IRGC unit Quds Force and militias employed by the Iranian administration - 29 March 2016: Iran's plan to seize Damascus continues with support from Assad regime, as research shows a wave of purchases by Iranian traders involving a large amount of Syrian real estate in a number of cities including Damascus and Homs - 21 April 2016: Iran, in complicity with the Assad regime, is trying to bring about demographic change in Syria through the systematic displacement of residents in areas in and around Damascus, Syrian Coalition's Adnan Rahmoun says - 25 April: Syrian activists accuse Iran of deliberately starting fire in UNESCO-listed site of the Asruniyeh market of the Old City of Damascus in an attempt to force out locals from around the Umayyad Mosque - 8 May: Thirteen Iranian soldiers were killed in a battle with Islamist militants over a village near the Syrian city of Aleppo, Iranian regime says on Saturday - 16 May 2016: 1,200 Iranian 'revolutionary guards' killed in Syria in past four years, according to IRGC commander Tabrizi - 20 June 2916: A coalition of rebel and FSA groups has captured four militants affiliated with the Iranian-backed foreign militias fighting alongside regime forces in southern rural of Aleppo - 30 June 2016: Iranian regime covertly recruits Afghan soldiers to fight in Syria and to support the Assad regime - 30 June 2016: Russian, Iranian backed militias in Homs provine increasingly devoting themselves to the interests of Iranian and Russian regime often at the expense of the Assad regime in the central province of Syria - 13 July 2016: Iranian regime reportedly sent up to 1,000 Iranian military personnel to the Syrian capital to help lay siege to rebel-held Aleppo - 11 August 2016: The number of Iranian soldiers killed in Aleppo has raised to eight after the death of two senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers, Qolam Hussein Mousavii and Ali Nazari, was revealed
September 2016: 13 September 2016: Iranian commander Ataiyeh of the key Afghan Fatimid Brigade killed by opposition forces in Syria's coastal Lattakia region, as the Fatimid Brigade number more than 25,000, most of them recruited from Iran and distributed throughout most Syrian cities, as some areas and districts in the Damascus countryside are completely under the brigade’s administration, and as a number of its fighters’ families have been brought from Iran and settled in the Damascus countryside within a systematic settlement project which aims at demographic change in the Syrian capital - 29 September 2016: Shia Islamic fighters from Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Afghanistan have converged on Aleppo's outskirts to prepare for a clash that they see as a pre-ordained holy war that will determine the future of the region
October/November 2016: 10 October 2016: Under the guise of helping liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Islamic State terrorists, Iranian murderous forces in Syria advancing regime’s plan to establish a corridor between Iran and the Mediterranean - 22 November 2016: Syrian Coalition’s Mohammed Jojah says that the Assad regime’s stepping up of bombardment on the besieged neighborhood of Alwaer in Homs and other besieged areas across Syria is mainly aimed at forcing residents of these areas out of their homes to bring about a demographic change in line with Iran’s project and plans in the region - 23 November 2016: Providing military and political backing to Assad's regime more than 1,000 fighters sent from Iran have been killed in Assad's war against the Syrian people so far, according to figures of an Iranian official - 26 November 2016: Iranian army chief says naval platforms in war-torn regional countries Syria and Yemen no less important than nuclear power
Iran/Ukraine relations: Iran/Ukraine relations
14 September 2022 families take fight for truth of flight 752 to ICC, saying our lives are destroyed’: 14 September 2022: Families take fight for truth of flight 752 to ICC, saying our lives are destroyed’, after Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 was shot down over Tehran by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles in January 2020, killing all 176 people on board, but this was just the beginning of an ongoing ordeal for the victims’ families. In the 32 months since, they have faced obstruction and hostility from the Iranian authorities, which initially sought to deny their forces were responsible. When bodies were finally returned, they were often mixed with the remains of other victims, the personal effects of the dead were looted, and in some instances their funerals were commandeered by the Tehran regime for propaganda purposes. Grieving relatives have been assaulted, harassed and threatened.
Iran/United Arab Emirates relations: Iran/United Arab Emirates relations
1971 Iranian seizure of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs islands: 1971 Iranian seizure of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs islands
February 2020 UAE reportedly held talks with Iran behind USA's back: 14 February 2020: UAE reportedly held talks with Iran behind USA's back
Iran/United Kingdom relations: Iran/United Kingdom relations
July-September 2016: 2 July 2016: Renowned Iranian artist Parviz Tanavoli wanting to fly to London to speak at the British Museum has his passport confiscated without explanation and is barred from leaving the country - 11 July 2016: Iran indicts three dual nationals including British-Iranian Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been held in solitary confinement, reports say - 9 September 2016: British-Iranian mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe detained in Iran for more than 150 days has been sentenced to five years in prison on charges that 'remain secret', despite an online petition launched by her husband Richard Ratcliffe urging both the British Prime Minister and Iran's Supreme Leader to take appropriate action to secure the safe return of his wife and his baby daughter Gabriella, that has been signed by over 800,000 supporters in over 155 countries
2017: 24 April 2017: Iran’s supreme court has upheld the conviction of British-Iranian Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe sentenced to five years in jail on non-specific charges, dashing her hopes of overturning the verdict through legal avenues - 2 July 2017: British-Iranian Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe serving a five-year jail sentence in Tehran on unspecified charges relating to national security is losing her hair and experiencing 'low and despairing' moods as her incarceration lasts far beyond her family’s expectation and as husband calls for UK government’s aid - 14 October 2017: Iran to blame for cyber-attack on MPs' emails, according to British intelligence - 25 October 2017: After Iranian authorities have imposed an asset freeze on at least 152 BBC Persian journalists and former contributors, preventing them from conducting financial transactions or selling properties in their homeland because of their affiliation with the broadcaster, BBC appeals to UN over Iran’s crackdown
14 January 2020 'Vienna convention' and Iran's criminal foreign ministry signaling it could expel Britain’s ambassador: 14 January 2020: Iran's criminal foreign ministry signaled it could expel Britain’s ambassador in case of further 'interference' in its affairs after a row over a vigil he attended for those killed, including UK's citizens, in last week’s downing of a Ukrainian plane by the murderous Mullah regime - 14 January 2020: Israel's FM Katz expressed 'support and solidarity' after Iran arrested UK ambassador, saying 'ambassador Macaire’s detention was undoubtedly a flagrant violation of the Vienna convention and as such was not just an assault on the UK but an attack upon the rules based international system as a whole', adding 'this behavior by the Iranian regime deserves the unreserved condemnation by all responsible members of the international community'
2 November 2019 student regrets 1979 USA embassy attack: 2 November 2019: Iran student leader says he regrets 1979 USA embassy attack
Since 1980 USA support for Iraq during the Iraq/Iran war: United States of America support for Iraq during the Iraq/Iran war 1980-1988
2013 Iranian military supporting Assad: 1 February 2013: Washington accuses Tehran of sending personnel to help President al-Assad's forces in their fight against opposition - 16 June 2013: As positive reactions emerge from governments in France, the UK and the US following Hassan Rohani's victory in Iran's election, the Syrian National Coalition calls on Iran’s president-elect to reconsider the country’s position on Assad's war against democracy and his people - 6 September 2013: USA intercepts an order from an Iranian official instructing militants in Iraq to attack USA interests in Iraq - 18 septembre 2013: La justice américaine saisit un gratte-ciel à New York détenu par l'Iran et qui blanchit de l’argent avant de le renvoyer - 25 September 2013: During the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly Obama and Rowhani offer hope for peace - 27 septembre: Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry et son homologue iranien Mohammad Javad Zarif se sont rencontrés jeudi en tête-à-tête à l'ONU pour discuter du dossier nucléaire iranien - 5 November 2013: Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi urges EU, USA to ban Iran from using USA and European satellites to broadcast Islamic Republic's propaganda