Middle Eastern and North African countries (Algeria - Yemen)
In January 2011 called: 'Eine sich verändernde Welt - Demokratie in Tunesien', eine Chance auch für ein sich veränderndes Europa
(Artikel vom 21. Januar 2011)
Als eine Folge der Weltwirtschaftskrise ab 2007 erleben wir im Winter 2010/2011 in der - seit 1956 von imperialer Protektoratsmacht, nämlich Frankreich (vgl. aktuelle Äußerungen der französischen Außenministerin M. Alliot-Marie) unabhängigen - Präsidialrepublik Tunesien eine Revolution gegen das Regime des Jahrzehnte regierenden Präsidenten Ben Ali und seine Quasi-Staatspartei "Rassemblement constitutionnel démocratique" RCD. Stark gestiegene Lebenshaltungskosten, mangelnde Zukunftsperspektiven insbesondere der Jugend (auch deren gut ausgebildeter Teile) bei hoher Arbeitslosigkeit, das korrupte, autokratische Regime und dessen Unfähigkeit, auf Krisenerscheinungen und Proteste anders als mit Repressalien und Gewalt gegen Demonstranten (nach UN-Angaben mehr als 100 Tote auf der Seite der Opposition) zu reagieren, sind die Ursachen der Revolution (vgl. den Wikipedia-Artikel Revolution in Tunesien 2010-2011 mit einer Chronologie der Ereignisse) und der Flucht Ben Alis nach Saudi-Arabien am 14. Januar 2011. Die Forderungen der Oppositionsbewegung: Entmachtung der Partei RCD, Demokratisierung von Staat und Gesellschaft (daher eine neue Verfassung), Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung, Versammlungs- und Organisationsfreiheit, Neuwahlen.
Aufgrund des nicht nachlassenden Drucks beginnt die amtierende Übergangsregierung ab Mitte Januar unter Präsident Mebazaa (und Ministerpräsident Ghannouchi) sich von der Partei RCD zu lösen, verspricht einen "vollständigen Bruch mit der Vergangenheit" und kommt mit einer Staatstrauer für die Opfer des Aufstands, einer Amnestie für politische Gefangene, mit Strafverfolgung für den geflohenen Machthaber, Schutz des tunesischen Eigentums (Auslandskonten Ben Alis etc.), der Ankündigung von Kommissionen für demokratische Reformen, Korruptionsaufklärung etc. den Forderungen der Revolutionsbewegung noch weiter entgegen.
Die Partei RCD, der zunächst noch ein Großteil der Minister der Übergangsregierung angehört hatten, wird am 17. Januar 2011 nach sage und schreibe 22 Jahren Vollmitgliedschaft aus der "Sozialistischen Internationale" (des 1914 zerbrochenen und 1951 wiederbelebten Zusammenschlusses sozialdemokratischer und sozialistischer Parteien und Organisationen mit 168 Organisationen weltweit) ausgeschlossen.
In den Tagen darauf folgen Rücktritte aus der Übergangsregierung aus Protest gegen die alte Regierungspartei RCD, vor allem seitens der Gewerkschafter (Mitglieder der UGTT und der Partei FDLT). Oppositionspolitiker wie Moncef Marzouki kehren ebenfalls in diesen Tagen aus dem Exil zurück.
Bemerkenswert ist, daß die Europäische Union Tunesien Hilfe für die sofortige Organisation von Wahlen angeboten hat. Es wird sich darum handeln, nicht nur mit Worten sondern mit Tatkraft die tunesische Revolution in ihrer demokratischen und sozialen Zielsetzung, für die sie im übrigen keinen Souffleur braucht, zu unterstützen. Daß die tunesische Revolution bereits nach Ägypten, Algerien (vgl. Wikipedia: Unruhen in Algerien 2011), Jemen, Jordanien, Kuwait, Mauretanien, Saudi-Arabien, Syrien - d.h. in die gesamte arabische und islamische Welt - ausstrahlt, unterstreicht die Bedeutung einer solchen praktischen Hilfe.
Mit den Ereignissen in den islamisch geprägten Ländern der letzten Wochen läuft eine Entwicklung parallel, die Europa (seine wirtschaftlich stärkeren Länder wie die Bundesrepublik, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien) und die sog. "Sozialistische Internationale" ebenfalls und mehr oder weniger direkt betrifft: Zur gleichen Zeit, seit dem 17. Januar 2011, steht die sozialdemokratische "Awoda" (Israelische Arbeitspartei) unmittelbar vor der Spaltung. Der Parteichef der Awoda Ehud Barak - und Verteidigungsminister der Regierung Netanjahu/Liebermann (vgl. den Artikel "Der Gazakrieg 2008/2009 ist eine Krise Europas und Deutschlands" - hat seinen Parteiaustritt und die Gründung einer neuen Partei "Azmaut" (Unabhängigkeit) bekanntgegeben. Unabhängig werden will Barak vor allem von der Partei "Awoda" (der er sein Mandat und seinen Ministerposten verdankt), in der die Kritik über den brachliegenden Friedensprozeß mit den Palästinensern immer lauter wird.
Die Europawahlen 2009 (Wahl vom 4. bis 7. Juni 2009 in den 27 EU-Staaten zum europäischen
Parlament) und folgende nationale Wahlen mit der Niederlage erstarrter, deformierter sozialdemokratischer Parteien wie der britischen Labour Party (und mit Erfolgen rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen) in Großbritannien, in den Niederlanden, in Schweden, in Ungarn (Parlamentswahlen vom 11. April 2010) hatten ernüchternde Ergebnisse.
Wie steht es mit der erforderlichen Erneuerung der betroffenen Organisationen? Wir werden es weiter beobachten können und beeinflussen. (Vgl. die Parlamentswahlen in der EU seit Juni 2009 mit teilweise großen Besonderheiten wie z.B. in Belgien 2010 - aufgrund des Nationalitäten- und Sprachenkonflikts sind die gesamten Parteien entsprechend gruppiert -, Bulgarien 2009, Griechenland 2009, in der Lettischen Republik 2010, in Portugal 2009, in der Slowakischen Republik 2010 und in der Tschechischen Republik 2010.)
Aktualisierungen seit 26. Januar 2011:
Algeria - Geography of Algeria - History of Algeria - French conquest of Algeria 1830-1847 - French Algeria 1830-1962 - Algerian War of Independence 1954-1962 - Demographics of Algeria
Sonatrach Algerian government-owned company: Sonatrach, an Algerian government-owned company formed to explore the hydrocarbon resources of the country, with concessions in Libya, Mauritania, Peru, Yemen and Venezuela, and diversified activities covering all aspects of production including exploration, extraction, transport, and refining, also petrochemistry and the desalination of seawater
March 2019: 1 mars 2019: Plusieurs milliers d'Algériens défilaient en début d'après-midi en différents points du centre d'Alger, contre la perspective d'un 5e mandat du président Bouteflika, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP -
2 March 2019: Tens of thousands of people in cities across Algeria called on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to leave office on Friday in the biggest anti-government demonstrations there since the Arab Spring eight years ago,
as police fired teargas -
3 mars 2019: Canon à eau utilisé contre des étudiants à Alger -
5 mars 2019: Un millier d'étudiants venus des différentes universités d'Alger défilent à nouveau en plein centre de la capitale algérienne contre la candidature du président Bouteflika à un 5e mandat, selon AFP -
8 March 2019: Large demonstrations against the Algerian president are expected on Friday as Bouteflika issues warning to protesters against his fifth term bid -
8 mars 2019: Milliers de manifestants dans le centre d'Alger -
8 March 2019: Protesters marched in the street of the Algerian capital, calling for a regime change, as massive protests in the North African nation enters its third week -
9 mars 2019: Les quotidiens algériens consacraient de nombreuses pages aux centaines de milliers de manifestants qui ont défilé vendredi dans le pays contre Bouteflika -
10 March 2019: Algerians continue protests to force the veteran president Abdelaziz Bouteflika to abandon his bid to win a fifth five-year term in power at elections next month -
10/11 March 2019: Protest greets Bouteflika's return from Switzerland's Geneva -
12 mars 2019: 'Les étudiants résistent à la prolongation du 4e mandat', scandent les manifestants brandissant de nombreux drapeaux, selon AFP -
15 March 2019: Thousands of protesters gathered in central Algiers to keep pressing Bouteflika to step down, as ruling FLN party showed more signs of turning its back on the long-serving president -
16 March 2019: As hundreds of thousands of people staged protests in central Algiers on Friday in the biggest protests against Bouteflika’s 20-year rule, a total of 75 protesters were arrested and 11 policemen were slightly injured, police say -
19 mars 2019: Des milliers d'étudiants rejoints par des professionnels de la Santé manifestent à Alger mardi, jour anniversaire de la fin de la guerre d'indépendance, pour réclamer à nouveau le départ du président Bouteflika -
22 mars 2019: Les Algériens restent fortement mobilisés, manifestations dans de nombreuses villes
17 May 2019: 17 mai 2019: Des foules nombreuses ont marché à Alger, Oran et Constantine, à Béjaia, Tizi Ouzou et Bouira, dans la région de Kabylie, à Tiaret, Relizane, Mostaganem et Mascara, à Mila et Jijel contre le gouvernement, demandant avant tout scrutin le départ de toutes les figures associées à M. Bouteflika, dans une ambiance tendue, mais les policiers ont finalement quitté les lieux
23 avril 2019: Issad Rebrab, PDG du premier groupe privé d'Algérie, Cevital, et considéré comme la première fortune du pays, a été incarcéré dans la nuit, à l'issue de sa présentation au parquet dans le cadre d'une enquête anticorruption, selon APS -
23 avril 2019: Arrestations des quatre frères, qui ont la nationalité suisse, de la puissante famille Kouninef en Algérie, propriétaire de l'important groupe KouGC spécialisé notamment dans le génie civil, l'hydraulique et le BTP
Climate change, heatwaves and droughts in Algeria:
Bahrain - Geography of Bahrain - History of Bahrain - Demographics of Bahrain
Agriculture in Bahrain: Agriculture in Bahrain, before the development of the oil industry, date palm cultivation dominated Bahrain's agriculture, since 1980s a significant number of palm groves had been replaced by new kinds of agricultural activities, including vegetable gardens, nurseries for trees and flowers, poultry production, and dairy farms, of approximately 2,400 farmers 70% do not own the land they cultivate, approximately 800 owners and absentee landlords control about 60% of all cultivable land, the ruling Al Khalifa own the greatest number of plots, including the largest and most productive ones
November 2011: 4. November: Panzerfahrzeuge und Tränengas gegen Trauerzug für einen nach Oppositionsangaben durch Polizeigewalt getöteten Mann -
23 November: Commission says in a report accepted by government that Bahrain forces used 'excessive force' and tortured detainees in 2011 -
24 November: Police fire tear gas and rubber bullets as around 2000 Bahrainis protest against monarchy in the wake of the report into government human-rights abuses
Bahrain/Argentina relations:
Djibouti -
Geography of Djibouti -
History of Djibouti -
Demographics of Djibouti
Port of Djibouti and Doraleh, part of the Port of Djibouti: Port of Djibouti, located at the crossroads of one of the busiest shipping routes in the world, linking Europe, the Far East, the Horn of Africa and the Persian Gulf, serving as a key refueling and transshipment center, and the principal maritime outlet for imports to and exports from neighboring Ethiopia -
Port of Doraleh is an extension of the Port of Djibouti, located 5 km west of Djibouti City. The multipurpose port has terminals for handling oil, bulk cargo, and containers. It was partially owned and operated by DP World and China Merchants Holdings, until its container facility was seized by the government of Djibouti in February 2018 -
Since 2009 Doraleh Container Terminal
Social movements and protests in Djibouti:
Egypt -
History of Egypt -
Geography of Egypt -
Ancient Egyptian agriculture -
Recent history of Egypt -
Demographics of Egypt
20th/21st centuries treatment of ancient mummies linked to commercial tourism industry: Treatment of ancient mummies in modern times, as first - following the spread of Islam, its 'Golden Age' and based on a mistranslation from the Arabic term for bitumen, it was thought that mummies possessed healing properties - it became common practice to grind Egyptian mummies into a powder to be sold and used as medicine. Then - when actual mummies became unavailable - the sun-desiccated corpses of criminals, slaves and suicidal people were substituted by mendacious merchants. The trade in mummies - i.e. deceased humans who wanted to be protected against unwanted observation, visits, sacrileges - seems to have been frowned upon by Turkish authorities who ruled Egypt. Several Egyptians were imprisoned for boiling mummies to make oil in 1424. However, mummies were in high demand in Europe and it was possible to buy them for the right amount of money. During the 19th century, following the discovery of the first tombs and artifacts in Egypt, egyptology was a huge fad in Europe, especially in Victorian England. European aristocrats would occasionally entertain themselves by purchasing mummies, having them unwrapped, and holding observation sessions. The pioneer of this kind of entertainment in Britain was Thomas Pettigrew known as 'Mummy' Pettigrew due to his 'work'. Such unrolling sessions destroyed hundreds of mummies, because the exposure to the air caused them to disintegrate. While mummies were used in medicine, some researchers have brought into question these other uses such as making paper and paint, fueling locomotives and fertilizing land.
Egypt's state budget and crisis:
1798 French military leader Napoleon arrives: 1798 French military leader Napoleon arrives, later self declared emperor imitating Caesar and Augustus -
March 1801 Battle of Alexandria, fought Napoleon's army and the British empire's expeditionary corps near the ruins of Nicopolis, as the fighting now was parts of the French campaign in Egypt and Syria against the Ottoman Empire, which began in 1798 -
May-June Siege of Cairo (also known as the Cairo Campaign), as the evening of the 28th August (!) the British and the Ottoman empires took possession of Giza and Cairo where the British and Turkish colours were conjointly hoisted -
August-September 1801 Siege of Alexandria, as by 2 September 10,000 French surrendered under terms which allowed them to keep their personal weapons and baggage, and to return to France on British ships, but all French ships and cannons at Alexandria were surrendered to the British and to the Turks under Capitan Pacha (!) -
1805 Muhammad Ali's seizure of power, who became Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha, known as Muhammad Ali of Egypt and the Sudan until March 1848
November (!) 1918 - July 1919 Egyptian Revolution: November (!) 1918 - July 1919 Egyptian Revolution, a countrywide revolution against the British occupation of Egypt and Sudan, carried out by Egyptians from different walks of life in the wake of the British-ordered exile of the revolutionary Egyptian Nationalist leader Saad Zaghlul, and other members of the Wafd Party in 1919, as the revolution led to the UK's later recognition of Egyptian independence in 1922 as the Kingdom of Egypt, and the implementation of a new constitution in 1923, as the British Empire, however, refused to recognise full Egyptian sovereignty over Sudan, or to withdraw its forces from the Suez Canal Zone, factors that would continue to sour Anglo-Egyptian relations in the decades leading up to the Egyptian revolution of 1952
Since January-February 2011 Egyptian revolution and oppression: January-February 2011 Egyptian revolution, that started on 25 January 2011 and spread across Egypt, as the date was set by various youth groups to coincide with the annual Egyptian 'Police holiday' as a statement against increasing police brutality during the last few years of Mubarak's presidency, as now joining the 'Arab Spring' the revolution consisted of demonstrations, marches, occupations of plazas, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and strikes, as millions of protesters from a range of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, and as violent clashes resulted in at least 846 people killed and over 6,000 injured
4th/3rd century BC Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria: Mid-4th century until mid-3rd century BC Euclid of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician and a founder of geometry. His 'Elements' is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics from the time of its publication until the early 20th century. Euclid deduced the theorems of what is now called Euclidean geometry from a small set of axioms. -
Euklids überlieferte Werke umfassen sämtliche Bereiche der antiken griechischen Mathematik, die theoretischen Disziplinen Arithmetik und Geometrie, Musiktheorie (z.B. 'Die Teilung des Kanon'), methodische Anleitung zur Findung von planimetrischen Problemlösungen von bestimmten gesicherten Ausgangspunkten aus (Porismen) sowie weitere physikalischen bzw. angewandungsbezogene Werke -
Euklids musiktheoretischer Schrift 'Die Teilung des Kanon' greift die Musiktheorie des Archytas auf und stellte sie auf eine solidere akustische Basis, nämlich auf Frequenzen von Schwingungen und verallgemeinerte dabei den Archytas' Ansicht über Quadratwurzeln. Der Grund für diese Verallgemeinerung ist seine Antithese gegen die Harmonik des Aristoxenos, die auf rationalen Vielfachen des Tons aufbaut. Denn in der pythagoreischen Harmonik hat der Ton (Ganzton) die Proportion 9:8, was Euklid zu seiner Antithese 'Der Ton ist weder in zwei noch in mehrere gleiche Teile teilbar' veranlasste. Sie setzt allerdings kommensurable Frequenzen voraus, die in der pythagoreischen Harmonik bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts - der beginnenden Zeit des 'Wohltemperierten Klaviers' - angenommen wurden. Die Antithese 'Die Oktave ist kleiner als 6 Ganztöne' stützte er auf die Berechnung des pythagoreischen Kommas. Ferner enthält Euklids Teilung des Kanons – wie ihr Titel signalisiert – die älteste überlieferte Darstellung eines Tonsystems am Kanon, einer geteilten Saite, und zwar eine pythagoreische Umdeutung des vollständigen diatonischen Tonsystems des Aristoxenos. Euklids Tonsystem wurde durch Boethius tradiert und wurde in der Tonbuchstaben-Notation Odos zur Grundlage des modernen Tonsystems -
Buchstabentonschrift, die älteste bekannte Art der Notenschrift seit der antiken Griechischen Musik, Artikel im Musik-Lexikon von Hugo Riemann
Ancient Egyptian art and architecture: Ancient Egyptian architecture -
Referring to production in ancient Egypt between the 31st century BC and the 4th century AD, ancient Egyptian art includes paintings, sculptures, drawings on papyrus, faience, jewelry, ivories, architecture, and other art media, as it is very conservative meaning the art style changed very little over time, as much of the surviving art comes from tombs and monuments, giving more insight into the ancient Egyptian afterlife beliefs
June 2015 jailed journalists: 25 June 2015: Committee to Protect Journalists prison census found at least 18 Egyptian journalists were being held in jail for reasons related to their reporting, most since 1990
Economy and slavery in ancient Egypt:
July 2013: July 2013 Egyptian protests -
Tamarod collected more than 22 million signatures against Morsi as of 29 June 2013 -
1 July: At least seven people were killed and more than 600 wounded on Sunday in clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi -
1 July: Protesters overrun Muslim Brotherhood headquarters and four ministers quit Morsi's government -
1 July: Egypt's army gives Morsi 48 hours to meet the demands of the people or it would intervene with a roadmap -
3 July: Defiant president Morsi says he won't step down -
3 July: The death toll in violence involving Islamist supporters of President Morsi near Cairo University rose to 16 on Wednesday and 200 people were wounded -
4 July: 14 people dead in Egypt as Morsi opponents and supporters clash -
4 July: Egypt's military has ousted Morsi, calling for early presidential election, suspending the Islamist-backed constitution and names an interim government presided by the chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court -
5 July: In Sinai, Islamist militants fired rockets and directed heavy machine gun fire at a police base and attacked military -
5 July: Islamist supporters of Morsi will rally to express their outrage at his overthrow and to reject an interim government backed by their liberal opponents -
6 July: Deadly clashes and fighting across Egypt after Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader Badie told followers to continue protesting until return of ousted president Morsi -
6/7 July: The choice of Mohamed ElBaradei as interim PM following talks of the Tamarod campaign with interim president Mansour is thrown into doubt by Islamist objections -
7 July: Mohamed ElBaradei called for the Muslim Brotherhood to be included in Egypt's political future, in a media interview conducted before his candidacy as interim PM hit opposition -
8 July: A group of Egyptian activists on trial for inciting violence during protests against former President Morsi were acquitted by a court in Cairo -
8 juillet: Les salafistes d'Al-Nour se retirent des négociations pour mener la transition politique en Égypte -
8 juillet: Au moins 34 partisans de Morsi ont été tués par l’armée égyptienne devant le siège de la Garde républicaine au Caire, selon un responsable du ministère de la Santé -
8 July: Islamists call for uprising after at least 51 people were killed including an army officer -
9 juillet: Le président intérimaire Adly Mansour a fixé par décret un calendrier pour la tenue d'élections législatives avant la fin de 2013 -
9 July: Egypt's interim president named liberal economist Hazem al-Beblawi, a former finance minister, as the country's new prime minister -
10 juillet: El-Beblaoui va tendre la main aux Frères musulmans -
10 juillet: Les Frères musulmans rejettent le plan de transition politique, le FSN et le mouvement Tamarrod exigent que des amendements soient apportés à la 'déclaration constitutionnelle' -
11 juillet: Hazem Beblawi espère former un gouvernement d'ici la semaine prochaine -
11 July: Egypt's public prosecutor's office ordered the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie on charges of inciting violence outside the Republican Guard headquarters where 51 people were killed - also other top leaders charged, investigation -
13 July: On Tahrir, thousands gathered to attend a celebration of Ramadan, as thousands of Morsi supporters marched along streets in Cairo and US seeks Morsi's release -
13 July: Egypt PM edges closer to forming cabinet -
13/14 July: Egypt announces criminal investigation against Morsi including complaints of spying, inciting violence and ruining the economy -
14 July: ElBaradei sworn in as Egypt's interim vice president for foreign relations -
16 July: Clashes return to streets of Cairo -
16 July: Egypt's interim president swears in new Cabinet by PM Hazem el-Beblawi, an economist -
18/19 July: Adly Mansour in first public address vows to protect the country against those who seek chaos and violence,
hours before pro-Morsi rallies -
20 July: Three people killed and at least six others injured during clashes in the Nile Delta town of Mansoura as thousands rally in support of Morsi in Cairo and elsewhere and opponents also hold demonstrations -
21 July: New Egyptian PM Hazem el-Beblawi seeks dialogue to drive back the nation's divisions -
23 July: Rallies of supporters and opponents of Morsi turn violent and deadly, as interim president renews calls for reconciliation -
24 July: Unknown gunmen who shot at supporters of Morsi have killed at least one person, witnesses and health officials confirm -
24 July: A bomb exploded at a police station in Mansoura, the capital of Dakhalia province north of Cairo early on Wednesday, killing one person and wounding 17 others -
24 July: Egypt's army chief called for public rallies this week to give him a mandate to fight terrorism and violence -
26 July: Ousted President Morsi is under investigation for an array of charges including that he conspired with Hamas to flee jail during the 2011 uprising, killing some prisoners and officers, kidnapping soldiers and torching buildings -
27 July: Egypt suffers night of deadly violence as hundreds of thousands come out for rallies in a divided country -
27 July: Over 100 supporters of Morsi claimed dead as soldiers are accused of shoot-to-kill policy to clear protest urging his release -
28 July: Egypt's interior minister pledged to deal decisively with any attempts to destabilize the country, a thinly veiled warning to supporters of Morsi occupying two squares in Cairo in a month-long stand-off with the security forces -
29 July: At least 12 people have been killed in a fight in central Cairo caused by a dispute between street vendors over spaces -
30 July: Morsi in good health, has access to news and follows developments, says EU's Ashton -
31 July: Egypt's cabinet orders police to end pro-Morsi sit-ins in Cairo - 3 top Muslim Brotherhood leaders referred to court on charges of inciting violence
August 2013: 1 août: Les plaintes de voisinage pourraient justifier l'expulsion des pro-Morsi et les sit-ins -
2 August: Egypt's government tells pro-Morsi protesters to quit camps -
2 August: Morsi supporters defy warnings, plan fresh rallies -
2 August: Egypt's government tells pro-Morsi protesters to quit camps -
3 August: Rallies continue and clashes with police erupt in Egypt's capital even as foreign pressure to solve crisis mounts and rights groups demand an investigation into allegations that Morsi's supporters tortured opponents -
3 Augaust: Allies of deposed Egyptian President Morsi told mediators on Saturday they respected the popular will expressed in mass protests that led to his downfall -
4 August: Muslim Brotherhood leaders' trial on charges related to the killing of protesters to open on August 25 -
4/5 August: Efforts to resolve Egypt political crisis intensify as al-Sisi meets Islamist leaders and William Burns and Western and Arab envoys visit jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader El-Shater -
6 August: The EU's Bernardino Leon and US William Burns extend their stay in Cairo to hold a series of talks in the ongoing crisis -
8 August: On the eve of Eid interim President Mansour says that the government will press on with its own plan to hold new elections in nine months -
12 August: Islamist al-Nour Party to help shape new Egyptian constitution -
14 August: Egyptian troops swoop on pro-Morsi camps, many feared killed -
14 August: Egypt declares month-long state of emergency as scores confirmed dead -
15 August: Pessimism as Egypt counts its dead and Muslim Brotherhood vows revenge -
16 August: UN Security Council calls for 'maximum restraint' in Egypt and end to violence spreading across the country, also calling for national reconciliation -
17 August 2013: Egypt Islamists vow fresh marches and plan new actions as security forces surround the al-Fath mosque in Cairo full of incited Morsi-supporters on Saturday,
after new destructive street battles that left more than 80 dead on Friday -
17 August: Egyptian police exchanged gunfire Saturday with armed Islamist Morsi-supporters, surrounded in the al-Fath mosque -
18 August: After a gunbattle with followers of the Muslim Brotherhood - witnesses saw gunmen shoot from a window of the al-Fath mosque - on Saturday, security forces cleared the mosque, while Egypt's government considers banning the Islamist group and as Islamists announce fresh demonstrations for several days -
19 août: Au moins 36 prisonniers islamistes meurent lors d'un transfert en prison près du Caire dans des circonstances encore confuses -
19 August: Morsi accused of complicity in the deaths and torture of protesters outside his presidential palace in late 2012, judicial sources say -
20 August: Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohamed Badie accused by authorities of inciting the violence causing the death of protesters -
21 August: Interim PM al-Beblawi says his country could live without aid from the USA as Washington and the EU review ties with Cairo after arrest of Islamist chief -
22 August: Egypt to put ex-leader Hosni Mubarak under house arrest -
23 August: On Friday some thousands in Egypt join fresh protests against Mohamed Morsi's ouster -
24 August: Mubarak and Brotherhood chiefs due in court -
27 August: Fugitive Muslim Brotherhood leader denies terror charges despite Morsi supporters attacked police stations, government buildings and churches -
29 August: Senior Muslim Brotherhood official Beltagi arrested -
30 August: On Friday once again thousands of supporters of Morsi marched through Cairo and cities across Egypt amid heavy security,
but numbers less than hoped for
Foreign relations of Egypt:
Foreign relations of Egypt -
International reactions to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 -
International reactions to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 -
NZZ 20. Mai 2011: USA-Finanzhilfe für Ägypten, Tunesien (Rede Obamas) -
NZZ 27. Mai 2011: G8 - Milliardenhilfe für arabische Länder -
NZZ 5. Juni 2011: Aussicht auf IWF-Kredit von 3Mrd. $ für Ägypten -
25 June 2011: Egypt drops plan for International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan - deficit in 2011-12 budget revised to 8,6%
29 September 2013: Egypt wants a Middle East region 'free from weapons of mass destruction, as well as from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons', says foreign minister Nabil Fahmy at UN
Iran -
Geography of Iran -
History of Iran -
1953 Iran coup d'etat - role of USA and UK -
Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution 1979 -
History of the Islamic Republic of Iran (since 1979) -
Demographics of Iran
Economy of Iran:
Economy of Iran - main industries are petroleum, petrochemicals, fertilizers, caustic soda, car manufacture, parts, pharmaceuticals, home appliances, electronics, telecom, energy, power, textiles, construction, cement and other construction materials, food processing (particularly sugar refining and vegetable oil production), ferrous and non-ferrous metal fabrication, armaments -
List of companies of Iran -
Companies of Iran by industry
Military industry in Iran: Iran's military industry exported weapons to 57 countries as of 2006 and is composed of the following main components: Iran Electronics Industries,
Defense Industries Organization - tanks, rockets, bombs, guns, armored vehicles, etc.,
Iranian Space Agency - guided missiles systems etc.,
Iran Aviation Industries Organization - aircraft, UAV, helicopters, etc.,
Naval industry - ships, hovercrafts, submarines, etc.
April 2020 Iranian regime launched military satellite:
22 April 2020: Iran's Revolutionary Guard says it successfully launched military satellite, raising concerns among experts on whether the technology used could help regime develop intercontinental ballistic missiles
Agriculture in Iran: Agriculture in Iran - crops including cereals (wheat, barley, rice, and maize), fruits, vegetables, cotton, sugar beets, sugarcane and pistachios, nuts, olives, spices e.g. saffron, raisin, tea, tobacco, Berberis and medicinal herbs
Iranian arms sales:
2006: Iran's military industry exported weapons to 57 countries as of 2006 and is composed of the following main components: Iran Electronics Industries,
Defense Industries Organization - tanks, rockets, bombs, guns, armored vehicles, etc.,
Iranian Space Agency - guided missiles systems etc.,
Iran Aviation Industries Organization - aircraft, UAV, helicopters, etc.,
Naval industry - ships, hovercrafts, submarines, etc.
2018: 7 March 2018: Senior Iranian military official Hajizadeh said the regime has tripled its missile production, amid efforts by the international community to curb it -
2 June 2018: Iran reportedly still working to acquire WMD technology, trying to acquire software, sophisticated vacuum and control engineering technologies, measurement devices, advanced electrical equipment and conducting of missile tests -
11 August 2018: For the first time in 2018, Iran reportedly carried out a Fateh-110 short-range ballistic missile test at the Strait of Hormuz during a naval exercise,
watched by the USA -
19 August 2018: Iranian regime says that the Islamic state was set to unveil a new fighter jet and, despite new USA sanctions, will continue developing its missile program -
1 December 2018: USA's Mike Pompeo said Iran tested multiple warhead missile which can hit Middle East and Europe, violating UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which was adopted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal, also warning that Iran’s missile testing and missile proliferation is growing
February 2019: 2 February 2019: Iranian regime unveils new cruise missile 'Hoveyzeh' on 40th anniversary of political overthrow, allegedly a high-precision weapon capable of carrying a large payload for up to 1,350 kilometers, after 'Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' said Thursday his country has developed a 'strategic capacity' to destroy Israel -
4 February 2019: Iranian regime has equipped its most advanced, longest-range missiles Khoramshahr 2, which can hit Israel and USA bases in the Gulf, with new precision guided warheads, state media reported -
8 February 2019: Iranian regime unveils new ballistic surface-to-surface missile with a range of 1,000 kilometers and called Dezful, in secret 'underground city’ facility -
16 February 2019: Iran confirms second failed satellite launch -
24 February 2019: In first, Iran says cruise missile launched from new Fateh submarine during 3-day exercise in Persian Gulf, also including destroyers, surveillance planes and helicopters, as range of projectile is unknown by possibly targeted countries
Quraysh a mercantile Arab tribe and military, cruel traditions and following dynasties: Quraysh a mercantile Arab tribe that historically inhabited and controlled the city of Mecca and its Ka'ba, as all medieval Muslim sources agree that Qusayy unified Fihr's descendants, and established the Quraysh as the dominant power in Mecca -
Since 305 Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy, born in in Mecca, an ancestor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Islamic tradition -
Banu Hashim, the clan of the Quraysh tribe, to which the Islamic prophet Muhammad belonged, as his great-grandfather was Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, after whom the clan is named, and birth legend, as Islamic hagiographers give an exotic narration concerning the birth of Hashim, considered it to be a very bloody and cruel one, as narration states that Hashim and 'Abd Shams were conjoined twins born with Hashim's leg attached to his twin brother's head, and they had struggled in their mother's womb seeking to be firstborn -
Dynasties of following Royal and Imperial dynasties claiming descent from Hashim in Arabia, Africa, Indo-Persia, East Asia
12 December 2022 scores of executions feared in Iran as 23-year-old hanged in public killing: 12 December 2022: Fears are growing that Iran is preparing to execute scores more protesters after authorities hanged 23-year-old Majidreza Rahnavard from a crane, in a public killing carried out less than a month after he was arrested and following a secretive trial. The activist and protester Rahnavard was sentenced to death by a court in the city of Mashhad, a centre of the protests, for allegedly killing two members of the paramilitary Basij force and wounding four others. The Basij, affiliated with the country’s feared 'Revolutionary Guards', has been at the forefront of the state crackdown. The director of the Oslo-based group Iran Human Rights, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, warned that the public execution of a young man so soon after his arrest indicated 'a significant escalation of the level of violence against protesters'. 'Rahnavard was sentenced to death based on coerced confessions, after a grossly unfair process and a show trial,” said Amiry-Moghaddam, a leading activist in exile. 'This crime must be met with serious consequences for the Islamic republic', also sayiang there was 'a serious risk of mass execution of protesters' as thousands were in custody.
2015: 6 May 2015: Iranian rights activist Narges Mohammadi, a close associate of Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi, arrested in Tehran at her home -
16 July: Warning from Iran's hardliners mars celebrations of July 2015 Vienna nuclear deal to end sanctions -
23 July 2015: More than 200 teachers were arrested by riot police during a protest outside the parliament in Tehran demanding the release of their colleagues such as Esmael Abdi, the head of the teachers union, from jail, activist group says -
12 August 2015: Iran refuses to free student activist Bahareh Hedayat after six years in jail despite the fact she should have been freed in June, while her husband is threatened for speaking out -
21 October 2015: Filmmaker Emad Tayefen, imprisoned several times and severely tortured, left Iran in August risking his life to complete 'Public Enemies', a documentary showcasing activists who don’t have the power to get heard -
29 October: Iran poets sentenced to 99 lashes for holding women’s hands amid widespread crackdown on free expression by judiciary and regime security services targeting activists, journalists and artists
2016: 18 January 2016: Iranian poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Mousavi, facing lashings and prison sentences, have fled Iran, a rare escape for local artists and activists ensnared in an ongoing crackdown on expression in the country, as USA and European governments lift sanctions on Iran -
1 February 2016: A group of activists believe their collective experience in Iranian jails can help others and steer citizens away from recurrent pitfalls, since the Islamic regime expanded its use of tools after the unrests of 2009 to silence dissidents, including torture and capital punishment -
29 February: Iran's citizens turn to social media to take aim at conservative hardliners, sharing celebratory jokes and mocking memes -
27 April 2016: Three Iranian journalists Afarin Chitsaz, Ehsan Mazandarani and Saman Safarzaee given lengthy prison sentences, after a court in Tehran found the journalists guilty of charges including spreading propaganda against the ruling system, conspiring against officials and insulting authorities, and as the regime’s hardline judiciary tightens its grip on press freedom -
19 May 2016: 16-year-sentence against critically ill Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi, for her work defending human and women’s rights, signals all-out repression
2017–2018 Iranian protests: 2017–2018 Iranian protests in Mashhad, in Tehran, in Neyshabour, Kashan, Kerman, Kermanshah, Kashmar, Rasht, Esfahan, Arak, Bandar Abbas, Ardabil, Qazvin,Hamedan, Sari, Babol ,Amol, Shahinshahr, Shahrekord, Shiraz, Khorramabad, Zanjan, Gorgan, Zahedan, Urmia, Dorud, Yazd and Shahroud
December 2017: 29 December 2017: Hundreds of people took to the streets of Mashhad, Iran's second largest city, to protest against high prices and the dire economic situation, shouting slogans against Rouhani and denouncing the regime’s intervention in neighboring countries -
30 December 2017: Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in several cities across Iran on Friday, as protests turned into the largest wave of demonstrations since nationwide pro-reform unrest in 2009,
reflecting growing discontent over rising prices and alleged corruption, as well as concern about the regime’s costly involvement in regional conflicts such as those in Syria, Iraq and Yemen -
30 December 2017: Three Iranian protesters were shot dead by the regime's 'Revolutionary Guards' at a Saturday night demonstration in Doroud, in the Lorestan province in central Iran -
31 December 2017: 2 protesters confirmed killed and dozens arrested as demonstrations against cost of living, unemployment spread in Iran,
where regime warns protesters will 'pay’,
after there have been anti-Khamenei and anti-Suleimani chants and slogans opposing Iran’s regional policy, including 'Let go of Syria, think about us'
August 2018: 4 August 2018: Largely unmentioned by Iranian authorities, protests against the regime have been raging for several days in several major cities, including Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad and Tehran, driven by concerns over the economy as well as wider anger at the political system, as many protesters stressed that they blame their government, not the USA, for effects of sanctions -
20 August 2018: Iranian regime detains outspoken lawyer Ghasem Sholeh-Saadi, a former lawmaker banned from running in 2017 presidential elections, planning a sit-in protest outside parliament and calling for free elections
1 October 2022 protests enter 15th day in Iran amid lingering internet curbs, recorded across several cities: 1 October 2022: Protests enter 15th day in Iran amid lingering internet curbs, recorded across several cities, including Tehran, on Saturday, with Iranians abroad also organising demonstrations, following the the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16 after being in a coma that lasted three days. She had earlier suffered an apparent stroke after being detained by the country’s so-called morality police for wearing an 'improper hijab'.
4 December 2022 Iran to disband morality police amid ongoing protests, says attorney general: 4 December 2022: Iran's morality police, which is tasked with enforcing the country's Islamic dress code, is being disbanded, the country's attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri reportedly says. Montazeri's comments, yet to be confirmed by other agencies, were made at an event on Sunday.
Iran has seen months of protests over the death of Mahsa Amini in custody, who had been detained by the morality police for allegedly breaking strict rules on head coverings. Montazeri was at a religious conference when he was asked if the morality police was being disbanded, and ansered 'the morality police had nothing to do with the judiciary and have been shut down from where they were set up'. Even if the morality police is shut down this does not mean the decades-old law will be changed. Amini's death was the catalyst for the unrest but it also follows discontent over poverty, unemployment, inequality, injustice and corruption.
Ahvaz city, capital of Khuzestan province: Ahvaz city, the capital of Khuzestan province, with a population of about 1,300,000 inhabitants (its built-up area with the nearby town of Sheybani is home to 1,136,989 inhabitants), and home to Persians, Arabs, Lurs (Bakhtiaris), Dezfulis, Shushtaris, etc. and different languages such as Persian, Arabic, the Persian dialects of Luri (Bakhtiari), Dezfuli, Shushtari, etc.
20th/21st century history of Abadan city: History of Abadan city, as in the 20th century during World War II, Abadan was the site of brief combat between Iranian forces and British and Indian troops during the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran. Later, Abadan was a major logistics centre for Lend-Lease aircraft being sent to the Soviet Union by the USA, as in 1951, Iran nationalised all oil properties and refining ground to a stop on the island. Rioting broke out in Abadan, after the government had decided to nationalise the oil facilities, and three British workers were killed. It was not until 1954 that a settlement was reached, which allowed a consortium of international oil companies to manage the production and refining on the island. In September 1980, Abadan was almost overrun during a surprise attack on Khuzestan by Iraq, marking the beginning of the Iran–Iraq War. For 12 months, Abadan was besieged, but never captured, by Iraqi forces, and in September 1981, the Iranians broke the siege of Abadan. Much of the city, including the oil refinery, which was the world's largest refinery with capacity of 628,000 barrels per day, was badly damaged or destroyed by the siege and by bombing. Prior to the war, the city's civilian population was about 300,000, but at the war's end nearly the entire populace had sought refuge elsewhere in Iran. After the war, the biggest concern was the rebuilding of Abadan's oil refinery. By 1997, the refinery reached the same rate of production as before the war. In the 21st century Abadan has been the site of major labour activity as workers at the oil refineries in the city have staged walkouts and strikes to protest non-payment of wages and the political situation in the country
Hormozgan province: Hormozgan province in the south of the country, in Iran's Region 2, facing Oman, UAE and the Hormuz Straits. Its area is 70,697 km2 and its provincial capital is Bandar Abbas. The province has fourteen islands in the Persian Gulf and 1,000 km of coastline. The province has 13 major cities including Bandar Abbas, Bandar Lengeh, Hajiabbad, Minab, Qeshm, Sardasht, Sirik, Jask, Bastak, Bandar Khamir, Parsian, Rudan, and Abumusa. The province has 13 counties, 69 municipalities, and 2,046 villages. In 2011 a little more than 1.5 million people resided in Hormozgan Province. The counties of Hormozgan Province are Parsian County, Bastak County, Bandar Lengeh County, Abumusa County, Qeshm County, Khamir County, Bandar Abbas County, Hajjiabad County, Rudan County, Minab County, Sirik County, Bashagard County and Jask County.
Zanjan Province: Zanjan Province, a Northwestern Iranian province hosting a more than a million people. It is a mountainous province with close to 22,000 km2 of land placed in Iran's third region. Most of the inhabitants live in the two major cities of Zanjan and Abhar. One third of the population live in rural areas. Agriculture is the principal occupation, and crops include rice, corn (maize), oilseeds, fruits, and potatoes. Poultry, cattle, and sheep are raised. Manufactures include bricks, cement, milled rice, and carpets. Chromium, lead, and copper are mined, as Zanjan is also the home of IASBS, one of the most productive research centers of the country. Many villagers today are traditional carpet weavers. The province economy is benefiting from its location that connects central Iran to the northwestern provinces. The railway and highway that connects Iran's capital city Tehran to Tabriz, and Turkey passes through Zanjan Province.
Geography, climate, agriculture, industries of Zanjan city: Geography, climate, agriculture, industries and main sights of Zanjan city, as according to UN's FAO rainfed agriculture makes up around 42% of Zanjan's land cover and grasslands account for another 37%. The remainder is bareland, irrigated agriculture, forest, orchard and riverbanks. Only 1.07% of the land is urban development.
Economy, environment and education in Tehran: Economy of Tehran, the country's main economic centre hosting 45% of Iran's industries, as its present-day modern industries include the manufacturing of automobiles, electronics and electrical equipment, weaponry, textiles, sugar, cement, and chemical products, and as Iran's oil refining companies of Pars Oil, Speedy, and Behran are based in Tehran -
Since 1948 National Iranian Oil Company, ranked as the world's second largest oil company after Saudi Arabia's state-owned Aramco -
Transport in Tehran -
Environmental issues in Tehran -
List of colleges and universities in Tehran
Schools in Iran: Schools in Iran
March 2019 UN report: 11 March 2019: Worrying patterns of intimidation, arrest, prosecution, and ill-treatment of human rights defenders, lawyers, and labour rights activists in Iran signal an increasingly severe State response to protests and strikes in the country, according to UN expert and Special Rapporteur Javaid Rehman, saying that rising inflation, difficult working conditions, late or unpaid wages, falling living standards, and increased challenges in accessing adequate work, food, health care, and water was making life harder for many Iranians
Since antiquity history of the Jews in Iran: History of the Jews in Iran, dating back to late biblical times, as the biblical books of Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, contain references to the life and experiences of Jews in Persia, and as according to the book of Ezra, the Persian kings are credited with permitting and enabling the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple, taking place in the late 6th century BC, by which time there was a well-established and influential Jewish community in Persia -
Persian Jews or Iranian Jews, are Jews historically associated with the Persian Empire, whose successor state is Iran -
Judaism in Persia and Iran -
Since 1934 Tehran Jewish Committee
2016: 26 February 2016: Iran executed all adult men in one village for drug offences, official reveals, as rights group says it had recorded 'a staggering execution rate' in the Islamic republic in 2015 -
10 March 2016: Executions in Iran surged to nearly 1,000 in 2015, UN special rapporteur for human rights in Iran Ahmed Shaheed, says in a report to the organization’s Human Rights Council, the highest level in more than a quarter-century -
15 May 2016: In the past three days, Iran's clerical regime has put four more prisoners to death as the regime’s judiciary roles ahead full force with capital punishment for even petty charges -
6 August 2016: Mass executions continue under 'moderate' Rouhani, as regime carried out execution of 33 Sunni Kurds behind closed doors, not even allowing many families a chance to say goodbye -
7 August 2016: Iranian nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri, whose disappearance in Saudi Arabia in 2009 and subsequent return was shrouded in mystery, has been executed in Iran after returning to Iran from USA, receiving a hero’s welcome in Tehran and being portrayed as someone who had fled the enemy's captivity
21 December 2024 Iranian Mullah regime is hiring minors to attack Israeli, Jewish targets in Europe: 21 December 2024: Iranian Mullah regime is hiring minors to attack Israeli, Jewish targets in Europe, as Iranian-linked operatives have been recruiting minors for attacks on Israeli and Jewish institutions across Europe.
A troubling pattern of incidents in Sweden, Belgium, and Norway has exposed a covert campaign by Tehran to expand its proxy war against Israel into European territories. In Stockholm, a 15-year-old boy boarded a taxi in May with a loaded gun and asked to be taken to the Israeli embassy. However, the teenager, unaware of the embassy’s exact location, had to call an associate for directions. Swedish police, who had been monitoring the boy, stopped the cab before it reached the destination
2017: 4 July 2017: Violent acts by neo-Nazi groups in Germany rose 14% to 1,600 in 2016, annual BfV intelligence and government report says, seeing 'a clear radicalization in both substance and rhetoric regarding asylum matters',
also saying that Germany is a big target of spying and cyberattacks by foreign governments such as Iran, Russia, China and Turkey, warning of 'ticking time bombs' that could sabotage critical infrastructure, and assuming 'that Russian state agencies are trying to influence parties, politicians and public opinion, with a particular eye to the 2017 parliamentary election'
2015: 19 January: Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including commanders and Revolutionary Guards general, as well as six members of Hezbollah -
21 February 2015: As upcoming Tehran competition to offer first place prize of $12,000 for best drawing on Shoah denial, Israel asks UN to condemn Iran Holocaust cartoon contest -
26 February: Iranian military chief threatens to 'wipe Tel Aviv off the map' -
28 March: On the Syrian Golan, unlike in Yemen, an Iranian offensive fails, as joint operation by Hezbollah, Revolutionary Guards, and Syrian forces, designed to clear opposition near Israel’s border, grinds to halt -
3 April 2015: Tehran crowds welcome returning FM after Lausanne e3+3 and Iran agreement, chant 'condolences' to Israel -
5 April 2015: Iran transfers millions to Hamas for the rebuilding of tunnels and restocking of missile arsenals destroyed by Israel during 2014 Operation Protective Edge -
21 July 2015: Iran brusquely dismissed German Vice Chancellor’s appeal that it recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist, saying its stance is not going to change following the signing of Vienna nuclear accord with world powers -
30 August 2015: Iran has not softened its position on Israel and will not recognize Israel, top Khamenei adviser says -
1 September 2015: Iran walks out on speech, as Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstain calls on Israel’s Arab neighbors at a global conference to visit Israel and discuss environmental cooperation 'people to people', urging leaders not to wait for peace agreements but rather to build up confidence from the ground up -
9 September 2015: Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei says that Israel will not exist in 25 years, in remarks to the Iranian people in Tehran, after the nuclear deal reached with the West -
14 September: As Iranian regime continues to deny Israel's right to exist and to support anti-Israeli militant groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran's Hassan Rohani wishes Jews a Happy New Year on Twitter
21 May 2021 Iran's regime says 'in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories': 21 May 2021: Iranian Mullah regime's - which does not recognise Israel but supports the Islamist militants of Hamas, who rule the Gaza Strip, and after Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before Friday's truce - leader urges Muslim states to back Palestinians militarily, financially, saying 'All influential elements of (Israel's) regime and the criminal (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu must be prosecuted by international and independent courts', as regime's Foreign Ministry earlier said Palestinians had won a 'historic victory' over Israel, as Iran's Revolutionary Guards said 'The intifada (Palestinian uprising) has gone from using stones to powerful, precise missiles ... and in the future the Zionists (Israel) can expect to endure deadly blows from within the occupied territories', after leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have praised Iran’s financial and military support, after regime's Khamenei last year hailed Tehran's supply of arms, saying Iranian regime had transformed the military balance of power between Israel and the Palestinians, and as regime now on Friday displayed an Iranian-made combat drone that it said had a range of 2,000 km, naming it 'Gaza' in honour of the Palestinians' struggle against Israel, state media reported
Since 1918 Kurdish–Iranian conflict: Iranian Kurdistan or Eastern Kurdistan, a part of Kurdistan in northwestern Iran, bordering Iraqi and Turkish Kurdistan, as Iranian Kurdistan includes the West Azerbaijan Province, Kurdistan Province, Kermanshah Province, Ilam Province and parts of Lorestan Province, and as Iranian Kurdistan is one of four parts of Kurdistan, which also includes parts of southeastern Turkey (Northern Kurdistan), northern Syria (Western Kurdistan), and northern Iraq (Southern Kurdistan) -
Since 1918 Kurdish separatism in Iran (Kurdish–Iranian conflict), an ongoing, long-running, separatist dispute between the Kurdish opposition in Western Iran and the governments of Iran,lasting since the emergence of Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1918 -
2004-2015 Iran–PJAK conflict
Iran/Marshall Islands relations: 28 April 2015: Iran seizes Marshall Islands cargo ship in Gulf waters, USA says
2015: 1 April 2015: National Coalition's Bassam al-Malek says that Assad's regime depends on Iran's military and economic support and that it is on the brink of economic collapse -
21 April 2015: Syria, Iran discuss boosting cooperation -
9 May 2015: Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander Jafari says, that Iran's intervention in Yemen and Syria comes within the framework of the expansion of the Shiite Crescent in the region -
19 May 2015: Iran extends new credit line to Syria's Assad regime -
21 May: New evidence of Iran’s increasing influence in Syria -
2 June 2015: Murderous Rouhani vows Iran will support Assad 'until the end of the road' -
8 July 2015: Assad signs $1 billion credit line from Iran -
8 August 2015: Iran reportedly continues to send mercenaries to Syria to support Assad regime -
28 August: A top commander in the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards was killed fighting in Syria’s war, along with 17 Iranian-recruited Afghan militants killed in the month of August, according to Iranian officials -
7 September 2015:: Iran’s Zarif blames Syria bloodshed on those calling for Assad’s ouster -
8 September 2015: Iran has established subsidiary military battalions in central Syria, specifically in the province of Hama, in an attempt to strengthen its military influence in western Syria -
10 September: Iran has deployed hundreds of elite fighters in Syria, unprecedentedly deepening its involvement on behalf of Assad in his war against Syrians, Israeli security officials say -
17 September 2015: Under relentless assault led by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Hezbollah militias, the medical staff working in the town of Zabadani sent an urgent appeal for help to humanitarian and medical organizations to protect what remained of civilians and medical personnel trapped inside the town -
6 October 2015: Iranian General Qassem Soleimani's July visit to Moscow reportedly the first step in planning for a Russian military intervention that has reshaped the Syrian war and forged a new Iranian-Russian alliance in support of Assad -
8 October 2015: After Iran lobbied in the summer for Russian campaign in Syria,
Russian cruise missiles fired from ships in Caspian Sea and aimed at Syria land in Iran and may have caused injuries -
16 October 2015: Assad's army launches Aleppo offensive with Iranian support, the first time Iranian fighters take part on such a scale in war in Syria -
16 October 2015: Russian-Iranian aggression on Syria has killed 878 civilians, including 86 children and 65 women, since 30 September, the largest number of victims recorded in Aleppo, where 301 civilians were killed, mostly as a result of the Russian aerial bombardment, in addition 142 people were killed in Homs, 137 Damascus and its suburbs, 100 in Dara’a, and 94 in Hama -
28 October 2015: Some 2,000 Iranian troops in Syria, USA military head Joseph Dunford says, adding that with Russian and Iranian regime boosting Assad, the ‘balance of forces’ is in his favor -
5 November 2015: Iran is recruiting Afghan refugees to fight in the foreign military contingent supporting Assad's regime in Syria, promising a monthly salary and residence permits -
20 November: A senior Israeli military officer cited Israeli intelligence findings that "55-plus" Iranian military personnel, including elite troops and senior officers, had been killed in clashes with Syrian rebels, in addition to a Hezbollah death toll he put at between 1,000 and 2,000
March-August 2016: 9 March 2016: Wide dissatisfaction exists among Alawites and military leaders regarding Iranian regime's hegemony over political and military decisions in Syria, Assad regime sources claim -
17 March: Iran signaled Wednesday that it was training commandos and snipers to send to Syria, days after Russia announced it was pulling some fighter jets out of the country -
21 March 2016: Media in Iran broadcast Assad’s words on Iran being considered the chief supporter for his war against the Syrian people since 2011, including support of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC, special IRGC unit Quds Force and militias employed by the Iranian administration -
29 March 2016: Iran's plan to seize Damascus continues with support from Assad regime, as research shows a wave of purchases by Iranian traders involving a large amount of Syrian real estate in a number of cities including Damascus and Homs -
21 April 2016: Iran, in complicity with the Assad regime, is trying to bring about demographic change in Syria through the systematic displacement of residents in areas in and around Damascus, Syrian Coalition's Adnan Rahmoun says -
25 April: Syrian activists accuse Iran of deliberately starting fire in UNESCO-listed site of the Asruniyeh market of the Old City of Damascus in an attempt to force out locals from around the Umayyad Mosque -
8 May: Thirteen Iranian soldiers were killed in a battle with Islamist militants over a village near the Syrian city of Aleppo, Iranian regime says on Saturday -
16 May 2016: 1,200 Iranian 'revolutionary guards' killed in Syria in past four years, according to IRGC commander Tabrizi -
20 June 2916: A coalition of rebel and FSA groups has captured four militants affiliated with the Iranian-backed foreign militias fighting alongside regime forces in southern rural of Aleppo -
30 June 2016: Iranian regime covertly recruits Afghan soldiers to fight in Syria and to support the Assad regime -
30 June 2016: Russian, Iranian backed militias in Homs provine increasingly devoting themselves to the interests of Iranian and Russian regime often at the expense of the Assad regime in the central province of Syria -
13 July 2016: Iranian regime reportedly sent up to 1,000 Iranian military personnel to the Syrian capital to help lay siege to rebel-held Aleppo -
11 August 2016: The number of Iranian soldiers killed in Aleppo has raised to eight after the death of two senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers, Qolam Hussein Mousavii and Ali Nazari, was revealed
January 2018: 25 January 2018: Israel’s UN envoy said there are currently 3,000 soldiers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria, controlling 82,000 fighters in Syria, including 9,000 members of the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, 10,000 Shiite militiamen from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and another 60,000 Syrians
14 September 2022 families take fight for truth of flight 752 to ICC, saying our lives are destroyed’: 14 September 2022: Families take fight for truth of flight 752 to ICC, saying our lives are destroyed’, after Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 was shot down over Tehran by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles in January 2020, killing all 176 people on board, but this was just the beginning of an ongoing ordeal for the victims’ families. In the 32 months since, they have faced obstruction and hostility from the Iranian authorities, which initially sought to deny their forces were responsible. When bodies were finally returned, they were often mixed with the remains of other victims, the personal effects of the dead were looted, and in some instances their funerals were commandeered by the Tehran regime for propaganda purposes. Grieving relatives have been assaulted, harassed and threatened.