Elections and politics in Iraqi Kurdistan: Iraqi Kurdistan legislative election 25 July 2009
July 2019 at the request of Israel and the USA, Argentina declared Iran-linked Hezbollah a terrorist organization: 26 February 2016 Argentine prosecutor Ricardo Sáenz stated Nisman's death 'was a homicide indeed', claiming the case should be directed to the federal justice, as in July 2019, at the request of Israel and the USA, Argentina officially declares Iran-linked Hezbollah a terrorist organization, freezing assets and expelling all members of the organization from the country, which is held responsible for the 1994 terror attack against 'Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina' in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds, Argentina's deadliest terrorist attack to date as the country is home to a Jewish community of 230,000 people, the largest in Latin America
Environmental issues in Iraq: Environmental concerns in Iraq include dust storms, sandstorms, floods -
Environmental issues in Iraq include inadequate supplies of potable water, development of Tigris-Euphrates Rivers system contingent upon agreements with upstream riparian Turkey, air and water pollution, soil degradation (desalination) and erosion, desertification, government water control projects have drained most of the inhabited marsh areas east of An Kshatriya by drying up or diverting the feeder streams and rivers, a once sizable population of Shi'a Muslims, who have inhabited these areas for thousands of years, has been displaced, furthermore, the destruction of the natural habitat poses serious threats to the area's wildlife populations
116 May 2022 Iraq's eighth sandstorm since mid-April: a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-61469512">16 May 2022: Iraq has been engulfed by dust and sand once again, hospitalising hundreds with breathing difficulties and forcing flights to remain grounded, in Iraq's eighth sandstorm since mid-April aa the red haze reduced visibility to just a few hundred feet in In Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities
Israel -
Geography of Israel -
History of Israel -
Demographics of Israel
Economy of Israel:
Economy of Israel - main industries are high-technology products (including aviation, communications, telecommunications equipment, computer hardware and software, computer-aided design and manufacturing, medical electronics, fiber optics), pharmaceuticals, potash and phosphates, metals products, chemical products, plastics, diamond cutting, petroleum refining, textiles -
List of companies of Israel -
Companies of Israel by industry
Agriculture in Israel: Agriculture in Israel - crops grown in the country include wheat, sorghum, corn, vegetables include tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, fruit include citrus, avocados, kiwifruit, guavas, mangoes, grapes, melons, bananas, dates, apples, pears, cherries, furthermore, grape vineyards are found across the country -
Israeli wine industry -
March 2020 unemployment rate in Israel is skyrocketing amid pandemic: 22 March 2020: Israel’s jobless rate surges to 16.5% as virus puts 500,000 out of work, as employment Service says new applications slowing after ebbing of initial wave of layoffs in travel, service industries, but expects more unemployment as pandemic affects other industries -
25 March 2020: Unemployment continues to rise, reaching 19.6% with a total of 657,876 new registrants since the start of the month -
26 March 2020: Unemployment in Israel surges past 20%, as almost 700,000 jobless sign up in March, as more sectors ravaged by pandemic and figures show majority of people who lost their job are women, and as official says first NII payment expected before Passover
October 2020 number of Israel's unemployed near 1 million: 5 October 2020: With 6,637 Israelis having registered as unemployed since Sunday, the total number of unemployed Israel rises to 942,678, as some 600,458 of those registered as unemployed are on unpaid leave -
18 October 2020: There are currently 980,370 unemployed Israelis with 628,344 of them having been furloughed due to the covid-19 pandemic, as just over 5,000 more people lost their jobs in the past day with over a 250,000 joining the ranks of the unemployed since the beginning of September
2013 work permits: 17 September 2013: The Israeli government approved 5,000 additional work permits to Palestinians from the West Bank, raising the number of permanent work permits to 48,000, another 3,000 Palestinians have permission to work temporarily in Israel, 27,000 more Palestinians work in industrial zones in the West Bank and in settlements, and at least another 30,000 work in Israel illegally, and thus about 100,000 Palestinians rely on jobs in Israel for their livelihood
2018: 12 January 2018: The Israeli government is likely to approve 7,500 additional permits for Palestinians to work in Israel, as some 100,000-110,000 Palestinians currently work in Israel, including 30,000-40,000 laborers without permits, while 30,000 work in West Bank settlements, and as according to the World Bank, unemployment in the West Bank in 2016 stood at around 18%
Since 1904-1914 'Second Aliyah' history of the IDF: History of the Israel Defense Forces, as IDF traces its roots to Jewish paramilitary organizations in the New Yishuv, starting with the Second Aliyah (1904 to 1914). The first such organization was Bar-Giora, founded in September 1907. Bar-Giora was transformed into Hashomer in April 1909, which operated until the British Mandate of Palestine came into being in 1920. Hashomer was an elitist organization with narrow scope, and was mainly created to protect against criminal gangs seeking to steal property. The Zion Mule Corps and the Jewish Legion, both part of the British Army of World War I, would further bolster the Yishuv with military experience and manpower, forming the basis for later paramilitary forces. After the 1920 Palestine riots against Jews in April 1920, the Yishuv leadership realized the need for a nationwide underground defense organization, and the Haganah was founded in June of the same year. The Haganah became a full-scale defense force after the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine with an organized structure, consisting of three main units—the Field Corps, Guard Corps, and the Palmach. During World War II, the Yishuv participated in the British war effort, culminating in the formation of the Jewish Brigade. These would eventually form the backbone of the Israel Defense Forces, and provide it with its initial manpower and doctrine.
Since early Middle Ages old 'Yishuv' of Jewish residents in the Land of Israel, since Roman empire's decay: Seit dem frühen Mittelalter kamen Einwanderer aus aschkenasischen und sefardischen jüdischen Gemeinden nach Palästina, um bei dortigen Rabbinern das jüdische Gesetz zu studieren und um das Gebot, im Lande Israel zu leben, zu erfüllen, aber auch um hier ihre letzte Ruhestätte zu finden. In der Regel passten diese Einwanderer ihre Lebensweise der orientalischen Umgebung an. Der alte Jischuv (old 'Yishuv') umfasste in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts hauptsächlich die vier Heiligen Städte des Judentums Safed, Tiberias, Hebron und Jerusalem. Weitere Orte waren Jaffa, Haifa, Pek’in, Akkon, Nablus, Schefar’am und bis 1779 Gaza. Im alten Jischuv herrschte überwiegend große Armut. Viele Menschen lebten von Spenden von jüdischen Gemeinden der Diaspora. Ihrerseits fertigten Menschen aus dem Jischuv geschnitzte rituelle Gegenstände aus Olivenholz, die sie zum Verkauf in der Diaspora anboten.
Since 19th century new 'Yishuv' of Jewish residents amid growing anti-Semitism in Europe: Als neuer Jischuv wird das jüdische Gemeinwesen Palästinas bezeichnet, das nach 1860 durch die überwiegend zionistisch motivierte Einwanderung insbesondere aus Mittel- und Osteuropa entstand und seine eigenen (teils proto-staatlichen) Strukturen entwickelte. Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts kristallisierte sich heraus, dass diese Einwanderungswelle nicht die Fortsetzung der traditionell von kleinen Gruppen oder Individuen getragenen Einwanderung war, sondern den Beginn einer neuen Form jüdischen Zuzugs bildete. Differenziert wurde aber nicht nur nach dem Zeitpunkt der Einwanderung, sondern auch nach dem Lebensstil. Der alte Jischuv war überwiegend arabisch- und ladinosprachig, die neuen Einwanderer sprachen überwiegend Jiddisch und andere europäische Sprachen (Polnisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Deutsch u. a.); der alte Jischuv war sephardisch, der neue hingegen aschkenasisch geprägt. Angehörige des neuen Jischuv gründeten die ersten Stadtviertel Jerusalems außerhalb der Stadtmauer und in Form von Moschawot die ersten landwirtschaftlichen jüdischen Siedlungen in Palästina. Damit legten sie eine wichtige Grundlage für die spätere Gründung des Staates Israel. Da sich der neue Jischuv als politische Bewegung verstand, bildete er in Palästina Strukturen zur Organisation und Verwaltung des jüdischen Gemeinwesens auf Basis von Anerkennung oder Ablehnung aus freien Stücken der Mitglieder. Die Organisationen und Verwaltungen standen als privatrechtliche Einheiten neben den älteren öffentlich-rechtlichen Verwaltungsformen des Osmanischen Reiches und später der britischen Mandatsverwaltung. Bereits 1903 gründete sich die erste Knesset, und ab 1920 fanden turnusmäßig Wahlen zu einer Repräsentantenversammlung des Jischuv statt. 1908 folgte das Palästinaamt und 1909 die Selbstverteidigungsorganisation HaSchomer. Weiter wurden Schulen und Hochschulen, Arbeiterorganisationen, Gesundheits- und Kulturleistungen gegründet. 1928 erkannte die britische Mandatsregierung den Jischuv als öffentlich-rechtliche Personalkörperschaft an, und zwar im Rahmen der 1926 erlassenen palästinensischen Religious Communities Organisation Ordinance (Verordnung bezüglich religiöser Gemeinschaftsorganisationen). War eine Beteiligung an Organisationen und Wahl in die Vertretungsorgane des Jischuv vorher davon abhängig, ob man deren Satzungen anerkannte und im Gegenzug von den Organisationen aufgenommen wurde, bildete nunmehr der Jischuv eine Körperschaft aller Juden des Landes, von deren Selbstorganisation man zwar Abstand nehmen konnte, aus der einen die Organe selbst aber nicht ausschließen konnten. Dadurch fanden auch nichtzionistische Juden, sowie Anhänger verschiedener, sich bekämpfender Strömungen des Zionismus, die sich zuvor kaum zu einer gemeinsamen Organisation zusammenfinden konnten, ihre Vertretung in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Organen des Jischuvs als Personalkörperschaft
Prepare for defense, saying a small standing army with an early warning capability, regular air force and navy, an efficient reserve mobilization and transportation system
Move to counterattack, saying multi-arm coordination, transferring the battle to enemy territory quickly, quick attainment of war objectives
Code of conduct, as in 1992, the IDF drafted a Code of Conduct that combines international law, Israeli law, Jewish heritage and the IDF's own traditional ethical code—the IDF Spirit
Stated values of the IDF, defines three core values for all IDF soldiers to follow, as well as ten secondary values, including core values (defense of the State, its citizens and its residents, love of the Homeland and loyalty to the country, Human Dignity), other values, and military ethics of fighting terror
2014 amid present aggessions and nuclear threats Israel condemns UNESCO decision against exhibition tracing 3,500 years of Jewish history: 19 January 2014: Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu condemns UNESCO decision to postpone an exhibit tracing 3,500 years of ties between the Jewish people and Israel, following pressure from Arab countries -
28 February 2014: Israel urges IAEA to issue full report on Iran nuclear research -
13 March 2014: UN's Ban Ki-moon strongly deplores heavy rocket barrage on Israel from Gaza -
22 June: UN envoy Robert Serry denies claim he tried to funnel $20m to Hamas behind Israel's back -
17 July: 20 missiles found in UN-run school in Gaza, confirming Israel’s oft-repeated claim that Hamas and other Gazan terror groups use civilian infrastructure to hide weapons -
20 July 2014: 'United' Nations agency UNRWA handed 20 missiles found in Gaza school back to Hamas, not to International Criminal Court -
22 July 2014: For the second time in less than a week, rockets have been found in a school in Gaza operated by the UNRWA -
23 July 2014: UN's Ban Ki-moon is 'alarmed' to hear that rockets placed in UN-run school in Gaza now 'have gone missing', demanding a full review -
24 July 2014: In Geneva the UN human rights council voted to launch an international inquiry to investigate violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Gaza, with the USA opposing the move and 17 countries abstaining -
14 August: Having no faith in the planned UN investigation into the Gaza war, IDF conducting own inquiry into Gaza civilian deaths -
22 October 2014: UN's Ban Ki-Moon debriefing Security Council will push forward on an investigation into the destruction in Gaza also of UN-buildings, including incidents when Hamas weapons were found in UN schools
2017 amid PA's payments to terrorists Israel cuts UN payment again by $2 million over 'anti-Israel’ bias: 30 March 2017: Israel cuts UN payment again by $2 million over 'anti-Israel’ bias following votes critical of Israel at the Geneva-based Human Rights Council, and condemns the 'obsessional discrimination against Israel on the part of the United Nations and its agencies' -
14 April 2017: Israel's PM and president send condolences to family of British Hannah Bladon after a Palestinian East Jerusalem resident, said to be a mentally ill, killed the exchange student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on tram in capital -
27 May 2017: The mother of USA yeshiva student Ezra Schwartz, who was shot to death in November 2015 by a Palestinian terrorist in the West Bank, told a UN forum that the perpetrator 'and his family should not be compensated for murdering innocent people (in) just another way to glorify and encourage terrorism', as Israel's UN envoy said that the Palestinian Authority paid out nearly $130 million to terrorists in prisons in Israel and another $175 million to the families of terrorists killed during their attacks, who are recognized as martyrs -
30 May 2017: Denial of Israel’s right to exist is anti-Semitism, UN's Guterres says, rejecting efforts to deny Jewish history in the Holy Land -
13 October 2017: Netanyahu orders diplomats to start preparing for Israel's departure from UNESCO, saying that 'UNESCO has become a theater of the absurd',
after USA announced departure from UNESCO over anti-Israel bias
Since 2000 Israeli membership in the WEOG and UN council memberships: After years of discussions marked by opposition from key European nations reportedly led by Ireland, Spain and France, since 2000 Israeli membership in the Western European and Others Group WEOG, one of five unofficial Regional Groups in the UN that act as voting blocs and negotiation forums formed since 1961 to encourage voting to various UN bodies from regional groups -
As of May 2014 192 of the 193 UN member states are divided into five regional groups including the African Group, with 54 member states, the Asia-Pacific Group, with 53 member states, the Eastern European Group, with 23 member states, the Latin American and Caribbean Group, with 33 member states and the Western European and Others Group WEOG, with 28 member states, plus 1 member state USA as an observer state -
List of members of the UN Security Council and members of Regional Groups -
List of members of the UN Economic and Social Council
Since 13 August 2020 'Abraham Accords': Since 13 August 2020 'Abraham Accords', named after the patriarch of the Israelite people Abraham (originally Abram), associated with the 'Abrahamic religions' including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the 'Book of Genesis', the first book of the Hebrew Bible, its account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity and Israel's ancestors, and the origins of the Jewish people,
as hundreds of years later during the history of slavery, roman militarism and the fall of the Roman Empire the Hebrew Bible was claimed as the 'Christian Old Testament'
May 2018 twelve African countries joining celebrations of USA embassy move to Jerusalem: 15 May 2018: Twelve African countries (Angola, Cameroon, Congo Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Zambia) among 32 countries joining in Israel's celebrations of USA embassy move to Jerusalem
Since 13 August 2020 'Abraham Accords': Since 13 August 2020 'Abraham Accords', named after the patriarch of the Israelite people Abraham (originally Abram), associated with the 'Abrahamic religions' including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the 'Book of Genesis', the first book of the Hebrew Bible, its account of the creation of the world, the early history of humanity and Israel's ancestors, and the origins of the Jewish people,
as hundreds of years later during the history of slavery, roman militarism and the fall of the Roman Empire the Hebrew Bible was claimed as the 'Christian Old Testament'
1960 UN and CDU-ruled Germany following Argentine's complaint over captured Eichmann: In June 1960, after a complaint that the transfer of Adolf Eichmann to Israel from Argentina constituted a violation of the latter's sovereignty, UN Security Council declared in its resolution 138, approved by eight votes, that such acts could endanger international peace and security and requested that Israel make the appropriate reparation in accordance with the UN Charter, but Israel held the view that the matter was beyond the Council's competence and should instead be settled via direct bilateral negotiations,
as the capture of Eichmann caused alarm at the USA's CIA and West German Bundesnachrichtendienst, which had known for at least two years that Eichmann was hiding in Argentina, but did not act, fearing what Eichmann might say in his testimony about West German national security advisor CDU Hans Globke, who had coauthored several antisemitic Nazi laws, according to documents declassified in 2006, also revealing that both agencies had used some of Eichmann's former Nazi colleagues to spy on European countries
Armenians in Israel and Jerusalem's Armenian Quarter: Armenians in Israel, some of whom hold Israeli citizenship, as in 1986 an estimated 1,500 Armenians lived in the city of Jerusalem, as according to a 2006 survey, 790 Armenians lived in Jerusalem's Old City, and as in 2015 the 'Times of Israel' published an article with an estimate of up to 10,000 Armenians living across Israel -
Dating back to the 4th century AD, Jerusalem's Armenian Quarter, one of the four quarters of the walled Old City of Jerusalem, that occupies an area of 0.126 km² or 14% of the Old City's total, with a population of 2,424 citziens (6.55% of Old City's total) in 2007
31 March 2019 human rights attacking Bolsonaro welcomed by Netanyahu: 31 March 2019: As Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro speaks during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival in Israel, at Bolsonaro's behest Brazil military commemorates 1964 coup that led to dictatorship, underscoring Bolsonaro's support for a military regime that executed hundreds, tortured thousands, shuttered Congress and left most Brazilians (51%) with deprecating memories, as the country unlike South American neighbors Argentina and Chile, that also endured brutal, USA-backed military regimes during the Cold War, has never tried anyone for the murders, torture and other abuses carried out during its dictatorship -
28 March 2019: Bolsonaro backtracks on Jerusalem embassy move, says he may open 'business office' instead
7 May 2020 Netanyahu's son becomes star of German neo-Nazi linked AfD party: